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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Časná mobilizace kriticky nemocných / Early mobilization in critically ill patient

Veberová, Marta January 2020 (has links)
Introduction: The most of critical ill patients is immobilised for short or longer period of time. This depends on the character of their illness, medication or another organ support. As it has been proved during critical illness and forced immobilisation there is an significant reducing in muscle strength, exactly in 3 to 11 percent with every another day of immobilisation (46.) It is necessary to say that early mobilisation is not standardised approach in Czech medical environment. Aim of tthe work: The main target of this diploma is to figure out whether early mobilisation in critical ill patients means any significant difference in their functional status in comparison to those given standardised physiotherapy. Another target of this research is to set up safe and structured protocol for leading early mobilisation and to determine whether exercising with cyclo ergometer is linked to higher risk of side effects and to state the most probable reasons for delayed or not performed rehabilitation. Research methods: This diploma thesis is based on randomised research. Participants in the control group are undergoing standardised rehabilitation, intervention group is undergoing extended rehabilitation with cycle ergometer. The cyclo ergometer exercise will take place at least six times a week with...

Retrospektive Analyse des kurzfristigen Outcomes von Patienten mit Gastroschisis und Omphalocele am Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Leipzig

Trost, Stefanie 18 January 2012 (has links)
Hintergrund: Weltweit berichteten zahlreiche Studien von einer steigenden Inzidenz von Patienten mit angeborenen Bauchwanddefekten. Besonders die Zahl der Gastroschisis-Kinder hat deutlich zugenommen. Auch die Neonatologen der Universitätsklinik Leipzig beschrieben ein gehäuftes Auftreten von Patienten mit Gastroschisis und Omphalocele. Aufgabe der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, die Inzidenz dieser beiden Fehlbildungen am Universitätsklinikum Leipzig zu ermitteln und zu untersuchen, wie sich die Fallzahlen während des Untersuchungszeitraumes (1998-2008) entwickelt hatten. Zudem sollten Parameter identifiziert werden, die die Prognose der betroffenen Kinder bis zur Entlassung beeinflussten. Ein weiteres Anliegen dieser Studie war es, mithilfe einer ausführlichen Literaturrecherche, einen Überblick über die aktuelle Behandlung und Prognose der beiden Fehlbildungen zu geben. Methoden: Im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Untersuchung erfolgte die Erhebung und Auswertung der Daten von 27 Kindern mit Gastroschisis sowie 19 Kindern mit Omphalocele, die zwischen 1998 und 2008 in der Universitätsklinik Leipzig behandelt wurden. Mithilfe des Mann-U-Whitney-Tests sowie des exakten Tests nach Fisher wurden zahlreiche Merkmale hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf das Outcome überprüft. Als Parameter, die das Outcome widerspiegelten, galten der Beginn des enteralen Kostaufbaus mit Tee-Glucose-Lösung und Milch, die Dauer der parenteralen Nährstoffzufuhr und des Krankenhausaufenthaltes, sowie Nachoperationen, Komplikationen und die Letalität während des stationären Aufenthaltes. Ergebnisse: An der Universitätsklinik Leipzig betrug die Inzidenz von Gastroschisis 14 pro 10 000 Lebendgeburten und von Omphalocele 9 pro 10 000 Lebendgeburten. Die Inzidenz blieb während des elfjährigen Beobachtungszeitraumes konstant. Der Vergleich früh- und reifgeborener Gastroschisis-Patienten zeigte, dass eine Frühgeburt weder mit einem früheren Beginn der oralen Ernährung mit Tee-Glucose-Lösung (11 d vs. 14 d; p nicht signifikant) und Milch (17 d vs. 17 d; p nicht signifikant), noch mit einer Verkürzung der parenteralen Ernährung (36 d vs. 37 d; p nicht signifikant) und stationären Behandlung (48 d vs. 50 d; p nicht signifikant) einherging. Häufig verkomplizierten Infektionen (12/27) und sekundäre Darmverschlüsse (9/27) mit der Notwendigkeit einer zusätzlichen Operation den postoperativen Verlauf der Gastroschisis-Patienten. Letztgenannte Komplikation führte zu einer erheblich protrahierten parenteralen Ernährung (79 d vs. 31 d; p < 0,05) und stationären Behandlung (101 d vs. 38 d; p < 0,05), während Infektionen kaum Auswirkungen auf das Outcome hatten. Es zeigte sich, dass vorrangig Kinder mit kleinem Defekt (<= 4 cm) sowie mit prolabiertem Magen einen Ileus entwickelten. Neben Darmverschlüssen führten intestinale Begleitfehlbildungen tendenziell zu einer Verlängerung der Hospitalisierungszeit (73 d vs. 48,5 d; p nicht signifikant). Gelang die orale Zufuhr von Milch innerhalb der ersten 14 Lebenstage, so verringerte sich die Dauer der parenteralen Ernährung (30 d vs. 37 d; p < 0,05) und der stationären Behandlung (41 d vs. 67 d; p nicht signifikant). Bei Patienten mit Omphalocele bestimmten vor allem die Größe der Omphalocele, der Inhalt des Bruchsackes sowie der Zeitpunkt des oralen Ernährungsbeginns die Prognose. Ein großer (> 4 cm) Bauchwanddefekt ging mit einer erhöhten Infektionsrate (4/7 vs. 1/11; p < 0,05), prolongierten parenteralen Nahrungszufuhr (26 d vs. 17 d; p < 0,05) sowie stationären Behandlung (46 d vs. 24 d; p nicht signifikant) einher. Extraintestinale Begleitanomalien zeigten sich jedoch häufiger bei Patienten mit kleinem Defekt (5/11 vs. 1/7; p nicht signifikant). Befand sich die Leber außerhalb der Abdominalhöhle, waren zusätzliche Fehlbildungen seltener (3/11 vs. 5/7; p < 0,05). Eine prolabierte Leber verzögerte tendenziell die parenterale Ernährung (24 d vs. 18 d; p nicht signifikant) und die Krankenhausverweildauer (46 d vs. 21 d; p nicht signifikant). Ein frühzeitiger Beginn des enteralen Kostaufbaus mit Milch innerhalb der ersten zehn Lebenstage führte hingegen zu einer Verkürzung der parenteralen Ernährung (17 d vs. 27 d; p < 0,05) und stationären Behandlung (22,5 d vs. 49 d; p nicht signifikant). Schlussfolgerung: Die Inzidenz von Gastroschisis und Omphalocele blieb während des Beobachtungszeitraumes konstant. Die Prognose der Gastroschisis-Patienten wurde durch eine Frühgeburt nicht verbessert, so dass eine Termingeburt angestrebt werden sollte. Die Daten der vorliegenden Arbeit legen nahe, dass ein frühzeitiger Nahrungsaufbau mit der oralen Zufuhr von Tee ab dem achten Lebenstag sowie Milch ab dem zehnten Lebenstag günstig für das Outcome hinsichtlich der Dauer der parenteralen Ernährung und des stationären Aufenthaltes ist. Darmverschlüsse stellten schwerwiegende Komplikationen dar und verschlechterten das Outcome maßgeblich. Eine große Omphalocele sowie eine ausgetretene Leber erhöhten die Morbidität. Ebenso wie bei Gastroschisis-Kindern scheint ein frühzeitiger Beginn der enteralen Ernährung das Outcome der Omphalocele-Patienten hinsichtlich der Dauer der parenteralen Ernährung und Krankenhausbehandlung zu verbessern. Deshalb empfehlen wir ab dem fünften sowie siebten Lebenstag die enterale Ernährung mit Tee sowie Milch zu beginnen. Ein großes Manko der vorliegenden Studie ist die kleine Fallzahl dieser retrospektiven, monozentrischen Erhebung. Zur besseren Erfassung der Patienten mit angeborenen Bauchwanddefekten und um aussagekräftige epidemiologische und prognostische Ergebnisse zu erhalten, bedarf es eines Fehlbildungsregisters in Sachsen, so wie es bereits in anderen Bundesländern angewandt wird.:INHALTSVERZEICHNIS BIBLIOGRAPHISCHE BESCHREIBUNG II INHALTSVERZEICHNIS III ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS V TABELLENVERZEICHNIS VI ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS VIII 1. EINLEITUNG 1 1.1. Gastroschisis 1 1.1.1. Historie 1 1.1.2. Pathogenese und Ätiologie 2 1.2. Omphalocele 4 1.2.1. Historie 4 1.2.2. Pathogenese und Ätiologie 5 1.3. Fragestellungen und Ziele dieser Studie 6 2. MATERIAL UND METHODEN 8 2.1. Patientengut 8 2.2. Datenerhebung 8 2.3. Versorgung der Patienten in der Universitätsklinik Leipzig 9 2.4. Statistische Auswertung 10 3. ERGEBNISSE 11 3.1. Ergebnisse der Literaturrecherche 11 3.1.1.Gastroschisis 11 Pränatale Diagnostik 11 Assoziierte Fehlbildungen 13 Geburtszeitpunkt und -modus 14 Operatives und stationäres Management 16 Komplikationen und Mortalität 17 Langfristige Ergebnisse 19 3.1.2. Omphalocele 20 Pränatale Diagnostik 20 Assoziierte Fehlbildungen 21 Geburtsmodus 21 Operatives und stationäres Management 22 Komplikationen und Mortalität 24 Langfristige Ergebnisse 25 3.2. Ergebnisse der Daten der Universitätsklinik Leipzig 27 3.2.1. Gastroschisis 27 Allgemeine Daten des untersuchten Kollektivs 27 Daten zur Untersuchung des Verlaufs und des Outcomes 29 Outcomeanalyse 37 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 53 3.2.2. Omphalocele 54 Allgemeine Daten des untersuchten Kollektivs 54 Daten zur Untersuchung des Verlaufs und des Outcomes 56 Outcomeanalyse 65 Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse 77 4. DISKUSSION 78 4.1. Gastroschisis 78 4.2. Omphalocele 87 4.3. Stärken und Schwächen der Untersuchung 91 4.4. Empfehlungen zur Behandlung Neugeborener mit angeborenen Bauchwanddefekten 92 4.4.1. Gastroschisis 92 4.4.2. Omphalocele 94 5. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 95 6. LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 98 7. EIGENSTÄNDIGKEITSERKLÄRUNG 125 8. LEBENSLAUF

Understanding the effect of colorectal cancer on the ability to perform usual activities

Fan, Sum Kee Vanessa January 2021 (has links)
Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors may experience functional deficits due to cancer-associated impairments. However, we do not understand their type and extent of functional deficits and how we could measure the associated cause of functional deficits, such as fatigue. As the survival of CRC survivors improves, the burden of living with functional deficits can be high. Purpose: My research program aims to understand (1) the functional changes and deficits that CRC survivors experience and (2) how to best measure fatigue in this population. Methods: To address the first aim, we used the data from the International Study of the Risk Factors for Gastrointestinal Bleeding and Cardiovascular Events after Gastrointestinal Bleeding to examine individuals’ functional abilities within 1 year of gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis (CRC being the most prevalent type). For the second aim, we conducted a systematic review on fatigue measures in adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) because the causes, severity, and impact of IBD and CRC- related fatigue might be similar. We identified fatigue measures in the IBD population, appraised their psychometric properties, and recommended the most psychometrically robust and feasible measures for clinical and research use, indicating the optimal measures for CRC survivors. Results: After gastrointestinal cancer diagnosis, the majority (~70%) performed fewer functional tasks, mostly in the instrumental activities of daily living; and about 44% had more difficulty walking. Our review identified 16 measures, reviewed the content and psychometric properties, and recommended the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Instrument-Fatigue and the IBD- Fatigue scale for research and clinical use in IBD and CRC populations. Conclusion: We provided a novel understanding of the functional deficits that CRC survivors experience and recommended the optimal measures for assessing CRC-related fatigue. As CRC survivors commonly experience fatigue, fatigue should be measured to understand its role in the functional abilities of CRC survivors. / Thesis / Master of Science Rehabilitation Science (MSc) / More people are living with colorectal cancer (CRC), but may have problems performing their daily activities (i.e. functional problems) due to cancer-associated impairments. However, we do not understand the extent of these impairments and functional problems. We used a sample of people with newly-diagnosed gastrointestinal cancer (CRC being the most common type) to understand their type and extent of functional problems. People were found to participate less in functional activities and particularly have more difficulty walking after a cancer diagnosis. Fatigue is common among those with CRC and may primarily cause functional problems. However, it is not commonly measured, and it is unclear how to best measure fatigue among them. Therefore, we reviewed key qualities of 16 fatigue measures in a similar population (inflammatory bowel disease, IBD) and recommended the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy Instrument-Fatigue and the IBD-Fatigue scale (English) as the most promising measures for those with CRC.

Parent Functioning and Child Psychotherapy Outcomes: Predicting Outcomes in Usual Care

Packard, Anna Elise 14 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A prominent need in the youth psychotherapy literature includes the examination of mechanisms of change within the context of "real world" clinical settings, where the practice of psychotherapy differs significantly from that in controlled clinical trials. In examining mechanisms of change in youth psychotherapy, variables related to parent functioning may be among the most important factors to consider in predicting and promoting good child outcomes. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate three important aspects of parent functioning—psychological symptom distress, interpersonal relations, and social role performance—as potential predictors of successful treatment outcomes in a traditional community outpatient treatment setting for children and adolescents. Further, this study examined whether parents indirectly benefited from their children receiving services, expanding our view on the scope and benefits inherent in youth psychotherapy. Parent Symptom Distress, Interpersonal Relations, and Social Role performance were measured using the domains of the Outcome Questionnaire 45 (OQ-45; Lambert et al., 2004), and youth treatment outcomes were measured using the parent and self-report versions of the Youth-Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ; Burlingame, Wells, Lambert, & Cox, 2004; Y-OQ-SR; Wells, Burlingame & Rose, 2003). Using Hierarchical Linear Modeling with this sample of 339 youth, aged 4-17 and their parents, this study examined the relationship between these parent domains and youth progress in therapy. Results revealed that parent Symptom Distress and Social Role performance improved significantly over the course of youth treatment. Further, Social Role performance at intake significantly predicted the rate of change in parent-reported youth outcome; and Interpersonal Relations at intake significantly predicted rate of change in youth-reported outcome. Finally, changes in parent Social Role performance were associated with changes in youth symptoms over the course of treatment. Examining the associations between these variables is an important step toward identifying potential mechanisms of change in youth mental health treatment. The results of this study provide valuable information on the importance of attending to parent functioning in the assessment and treatment of youth mental health issues.

Unexpected Dramatic Change in Psychotherapy: Comparing Three Methods

Horner, Joseph Richard 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Unexpected dramatic changes in psychotherapy have been observed historically and tied to high recovery rates. Many different methodologies that identify these changes are assumed to be capturing similar or identical phenomena. This study compared three methods – Sudden Gains (SG), Percentage Increase – 50% (PI-50%), and Rapid Response (RR) - in a large database looking for similarities and differences. Results suggest that there are significant differences between SG, RR, and PI-50 as methods for operationally defining unexpected dramatic treatment response, and caution should be used when referring to SG, PI-50, and RR as the same phenomenon or interchangeable terms for unexpected dramatic treatment response. In particular, overlap in clients who experienced both a SG and RR was low. Experiencing any of the three phenomenon was associated with higher recovery rates, while differences abound in both which clients experience each of the phenomena and demographic characteristics of those clients. PI-50 identified inconsequential amounts of clients suggesting under its current methodological construction it would have limited useability. These results tying SG, RR, and PI-50 to significant rates of recovery and positive treatment change suggest possible future use as a predictive feedback tool for clients and clinicians alike to be better able to examine the effectiveness of treatment components during treatment.

Patient–Therapist Expectancy Convergence and Outcome in Naturalistic Psychotherapy

Gaines, Averi N. 18 March 2022 (has links)
Aim: Research on close relationships demonstrates that dyadic convergence, or two people becoming more concordant in their experiences and/or beliefs over time, is commonplace and adaptive. As psychotherapy involves a close relationship, patient–therapist convergence processes may influence treatment-specific outcomes. Although prior research supports that patients and therapists tend to converge on their alliance perspectives over time, which associates with subsequent patient improvement, no research has similarly examined belief convergence during therapy. Accordingly, this study focused on patient–therapist convergence in their outcome expectation (OE), a belief variable associated with patient improvement when measured from individual participant perspectives. I predicted both that significant OE convergence would occur and relate to better posttreatment outcome. Method: Data derived from a trial of naturalistic psychotherapy. Patients and therapists repeatedly rated their respective OE through treatment, and patients rated their symptom/functional outcomes at posttreatment. For dyads (N = 154) with the requisite OE data, I tested my questions using multilevel structural equation modeling. Results: There was no discernable OE convergence pattern over treatment (g100 = 0.02, SE = 0.04, p = .275) and OE convergence was unrelated to outcome at the between-dyad (b02k = 1.86, SD = 10.08, p = .406) and between-therapist (g002 = -0.06, SD = 3.54, p = .473) levels. However, higher early patient OE was significantly associated with better outcome at the between-dyad level (b05k = -0.04, SD = 0.01, p < .001). Discussion: Results suggest that OE may be more of a facilitative patient versus relational process factor.


Rife, Gary Logan January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Patient Compliance of Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Measurement-Based Care After an Abrupt Shift to Telehealth During COVID-19

Raines, Adam J. 02 1900 (has links)
Measurement Based Care (MBC) is considered to be an evidence-based practice. Despite its well-documented efficacy, it is underutilized in the clinical community for various reasons, including clinician and patient buy-in. A key component to the successful implementation of MBC is the routine administration of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). There is a lack of research describing the utilization of MBC in a telehealth setting. As technological innovations continue, a greater number of clinics are offering telemental health services. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a majority of underprepared clinics to begin implementing telehealth. The present study sought to evaluate patient compliance with PROMs in MBC after an abrupt shift to telehealth due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants were collected from a clinical population at a community based psychological training clinic. The participants were separated into groups: modality 1 (in-person services, n = 17), modality 2 (telehealth services, n = 17), and modality 3 (hybrid of modalities 1 and 2, n = 10), to assess the effect of modality on mean PROM compliance. The participants were separated into groups adult (≥18 years of age, n = 23) and child (<18 years of age, n = 17), to assess the effect of maturity on mean PROM compliance. Results showed that mean PROM compliance was significantly higher in the in-person modality than the telehealth modality. Results also showed that PROM compliance was significantly higher in adults than in children. There was not a significant interaction effect of modality and maturity on PROM compliance. Additionally, results showed that PROM compliance decreased significantly after the switch from in-person services to telehealth services in the hybrid modality. These findings show that clinics may face significant barriers to the implementation of MBC after a sudden shift to telehealth caused by an unforeseen stressful event. / M.S. / Measurement-Based Care (MBC) is an effective practice for the treatment of patients in psychological practices. It is a collaborative process that involves the clinician and patient tracking treatment progress and outcomes through the use of consistently administered measures known as Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs). Although MBC has been shown to be effective, there is little literature regarding its use in a telehealth setting. As a greater number of clinics begin offering telehealth services, questions regarding patient adherence to interventions have arisen. Furthermore, the global COVID-19 pandemic forced a majority of underprepared clinics to offer telehealth services. The current study sought to better understand potential barriers to the implementation of MBC in a telehealth setting. Participants were collected from patients receiving therapy at a community based psychological training clinic. The participants were separated into the groups: in-person services (n = 17), telehealth services (n = 17), and hybrid of in-person and telehealth (n = 10), to assess the effect of modality on mean PROM compliance. The participants were separated into groups adult (≥18 years of age, n = 23) and child (<18 years of age, n = 17), to assess the effect of maturity on mean PROM compliance. Results showed that patients in the in-person therapy group were more likely to complete their measures than patients in the telehealth therapy group, regardless of their maturity. Additionally, adult patients were more likely to complete their measures than child patients, regardless of the modality. Results also showed that patients who experienced both in-person and telehealth services were more likely to complete their measures before the switch to telehealth. These findings show that clinics may face significant barriers to the implementation of MBC after a sudden shift to telehealth caused by an unforeseen stressful event.

The Pièce de Résistance of Leadership Networks : A study of network member attitudes

Ottosson, Fabian, Albertsson Engman, Linus January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to clarify and document the member perspective of leadership networks in terms of how members’ attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks can be explained. This purpose was fulfilled by asking and answering the questions of how member attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks can be explained. The study was conducted via a pre-research study of one network organization as well as interviews with two other network organizations. In total, the study investigated three network organizations, including 19 respondents, 13 for the survey and six for the interviews. It was concluded in both the pre-research as well as the main research, that expectations from the members’ perspective had a tendency toward organizational outcomes in the pre-consumption phase, and that the expectations on the network were mainly focused on individual outcomes in the post-consumption phase. The study also demonstrates that there are factors outside of the study’s analytical framework, such as the network position, the ego network structure and the whole network structure, that affect the network outcomes, and thus potentially the explanation for the members’ attitudes toward, and underlying reasons for participating in, leadership networks.

Ready to learn? : a qualitative investigation into what key stage 2 children say contributes to their subjective well-being and facilitates their learning in school, and the development of an instrument to capture change in this domain

Aldrich, Sarah Jane January 2012 (has links)
An overview of the research In November 2009, considerable interest was generated by a study day of the National Association of Principal Educational Psychologists (NAPEP) on evaluation of outcomes of the work of Educational Psychology Services (EPSs). Following this, my service requested that I investigate this area during my training placement, as a topic for my doctoral research. A review of the literature and professional networking sites (for example, EPNET) revealed that although many services at the time were considering or actively seeking valid and reliable ‘tools’ to evaluate services, using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, in practice, few were undertaking evaluation systematically, and those that were did not feel confident that they were doing it well. While a number of services were regularly collecting data on how much service (quantity) they were delivering, to whom and in what ways, and on the subjective experience for a range of service users, few were focussing on outcomes, and even fewer were measuring these in any systematic way (Norgate, 2010). My service was one of those that already collected data on delivery in terms of quantity and subjective quality, and they had just introduced Target Monitoring and Evaluation (TME) (Dunsmuir, Brown, Iyadurai and Monsen, 2009), as a goals-based approach to informing service delivery, and a way of recording consultation and engagement with children, families and schools. While this was a positive step towards more systematic evaluation, it was noted that a missing dimension was what the children themselves felt about the outcome of engagement with an EP, and whether they felt that things had been improved in domains that were significant to them. While there was considerable interest in hearing children’s voices driven by international agreements, legislation, policy initiatives and research, a review of the literature suggested that engaging with children in meaningful ways, and eliciting valid views, was a challenging endeavour. This was particularly true for certain groups of children and young people; those with additional needs, particularly those with profound and multiple difficulties or severe language difficulties, and also for the youngest children in the pre-school and primary years. The two research studies presented here aimed to begin to redress that balance. I chose to focus on the collective voice of local children aged 7 – 11 years in Key Stage 2 (KS2), in mainstream primary schools, and of all abilities, including children with additional needs at all three stages of the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. My reason for this was to ascertain the views of ‘typical’ children in mainstream education, so that they might be better understood by adults (presented in Paper 1), and in order to produce a general measure (presented in Paper 2), which could later be modified and refined, as appropriate, for other groups, for example, younger age groups, or children with more significant difficulties. Paper 1 briefly reviews the literature on hearing children’s voices, some of the difficulties encountered in this enterprise, and approaches that have been proposed to overcome these, including attempts to actively involve them in decision making and research about issues that affect their lives. The findings of a selection of studies, which have explored what children and young people have identified as being important factors in their school lives, are presented. The qualitative research study that follows is informed by this review of the selected literature. The approach is informed by ‘positive psychology’, with an explicit focus on ‘what works’, while not denying or ignoring what children say does not work for them. Forty primary school children in Key stage 2 were interviewed using a range of approaches. The children were recruited from local schools with differing demographics in the South West of the United Kingdom. The research approach was pragmatic, and adopted a critical realist perspective and mixed methodology. A thematic analysis was carried out to explore children’s understandings of what helped them to learn at school (Paper 1), and these understandings were subsequently used within a realist approach to develop a tool co-designed with the children (Paper 2). The approach was also inductive, being driven by the data rather than theory. The aim was to put the children at the centre of the research, not just as participants, but as collaborators and co-constructors of the interpretations made of their ‘talk’, and of the subsequent design of a ‘tool’ to facilitate helpful conversations about what they might like to change, and to subsequently measure any impact of interventions. The interview data were analysed using a thematic approach, and the findings were discussed, modified and validated through focus groups with the original interviewees. A thematic network or ‘map of the child’s-eye view’ is presented. A descriptive reading of three emerging topics; academic competence, social competence and social recognition, is offered and discussed, and exemplified by original quotes from the children. (Due to the word limit, additional descriptive analysis is presented in the appendices). Finally, at a deeper level of analysis, two overarching themes, ‘competence’ and ‘connectedness’ are suggested as having emerged from the data. The results of the thematic analysis are linked to previous research, and it is proposed that, while this is only one possible reading of the data presented, there are significant resonances with data collected for children and young people across cultures and age ranges. Therefore findings may tentatively be generalised beyond the local culture. The implications of the findings for EP practice are discussed. In Paper 2, the previous study is used to inform the design of a measure to assess children’s satisfaction with their school life, in terms of issues that are important to them. Current literature on evaluating outcomes in EP services is briefly reviewed. This is followed by discussion of a selection of the measures currently available which target aspects of children’s life in schools, and the advantages and drawbacks of using these in evaluation. Finally, I discuss why it might be advantageous to view school life from the perspective of children’s subjective well-being or ‘happiness’, and review evidence from experimental research, within a positive psychology framework, and particularly the ‘Broaden-and-Build’ Theory of Positive Emotions (Frederickson, 2005). Subsequently, the thematic network, created in Paper 1, was used with four focus groups of the original interviewees, to design items for an instrument to assess subjective satisfaction with school life; what makes them ‘happy’ and ‘ready-to-learn’ in school. The children were included in every step of the design, including; choosing and wording the items (guided by frequency data and the range of topics and themes identified in Study 1), choice of the rating system, instructions for completion and layout, and naming of the instrument (the ‘Ready-to-Learn’ Scale). Following piloting and minor modification, the ‘Ready-to-Learn’ Scale was administered to an opportunity sample of 344 children from the four participating schools over the summer term of 2011. Principal components analysis on the data generated a six factor solution, interpreted as six sub-scales: school competence (α = .81), social competence (α = .80), academic competence (α = .78), distress and discomfort in school (α = .68), environmental support for learning (α = .70), and acceptance and recognition by adults (α = .80), with an overall scale reliability, α = .92, and a 95% confidence interval of 17 (16.72). The scale now requires further validity checks and standardisation, but is offered as a useful instrument for initial engagement with children in this age group.

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