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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


PIANAROSA, PIERO 10 1900 (has links)
This work is concerned with the use of different "effective" nucleon-nucleon interactions in the calculation of binding energies and spectra of some of the oxygen isotopes. The variational procedure consists of using a complete set of Slater determinant wave functions, having the same total M value for the projection of the angular momentum, in order to minimize the ground states of various nucleonic configurations in.the 2s-ld nuclei. The parameters obtained are used'in the subsequent diagonalization of the Hamiltonian and its eigenvalues are interpreted as energy eigenvalues. The calculations performed in this work led to the conclusion that the density dependence of the effective force is extremely important and should not be neglected, at least in the calculation of binding energies. / Thesis / Master of Science (MS)

Ostracodes as indicators of the Paleoenvironment in the Pliocene Glenns Ferry Formation, Glenns Ferry Lake, Idaho

Dennison-Budak, Cordelia W. 19 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Triple oxygen (16O, 17O, 18O) and carbon (12C, 13C) isotope variations in bioapatite of small mammals – new insights concerning the reconstruction of palaeo‐CO2 concentrations and palaeotemperatures

Gehler, Alexander 18 January 2013 (has links)
Die Verhältnisse der stabilen Isotope des Sauerstoffs (16O, 17O, 18O) und des Kohlenstoffs (12C, 13C) im biogenen Apatit des Zahn- und Knochenmaterials von Säugetieren lassen Rückschlüsse auf die Isotopie der entsprechenden Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffquellen zu. Die Isotopenverhältnisse dieser Quellen (z.B. Trinkwasser, Luftsauerstoff, Nahrung) sind an bestimmte Umwelt- und Klimabedingungen wie Temperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, CO2-Konzentration, Bioproduktivität, Art der Vegetation, Grad der Vegetationsdichte etc. geknüpft. Bestimmt man die Sauerstoff- und Kohlensoffisotopenverhältnisse in diagenetisch unalteriertem fossilem Säugetiermaterial können Aussagen über solche Klima- und Umweltparameter weit in die Erdgeschichte zurück getroffen werden. Darüber hinaus ist es möglich Informationen über Lebensweise und Verhalten der untersuchten Taxa, wie z.B. Wanderverhalten, Geburtensaisonalität, Trinkverhalten, Nahrungspräferenzen, Ressourcenteilung und Habitatnutzung zu erlangen. Seit dem Beginn der Forschungen auf diesem Gebiet in der 70er und 80er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ist eine große Zahl von Studien erschienen, welche sich der Untersuchung der Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopie (18O/16O, 13C/12C) des Zahn- und Knochenmaterials rezenter und fossiler (vorwiegend großer) Säugetiere zu diesen Zwecken widmen. Noch keine zwei Jahrzehnte ist es her, dass erkannt wurde, das troposphärischer Sauerstoff eine anomale 3-O-Isotopenzusammensetzung (17O/16O, 18O/16O) besitzt, die signifikant von fast allen anderen terrestrischen Materialien abweicht. Diese wird in Folge von nicht massenabhängiger Fraktionierung durch photochemische Prozesse in der Stratosphäre hervorgerufen und durch Gasaustausch in die Troposphäre übertragen. Die Magnitude dieser Sauerstoffisotopenanomalie ist eine Funktion der atmosphärischen CO2-Konzentration, sowie der globalen Bioproduktivität. Kann die 3-O-Isotopie des Luftsauerstoffs zu vergangenen Zeitpunkten in der Erdgeschichte rekonstruiert werden, lässt dies somit auch Rückschlüsse auf die entsprechende CO2-Konzentration bzw. die globale Bioproduktivität zu. Geologische Archive die dies ermöglichen sind jedoch kaum vorhanden. Da für Säugetiere der eingeatmete Luftsauerstoff neben Trinkwasser und freiem Wasser in der Nahrung zu den wichtigsten Sauerstoffquellen zählt, ist biogener Apatit rezenter und fossiler Säugetiere eines der wenigen möglichen Materialien die das Potential haben, ein solches Archiv darzustellen. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Variation der 3-O-Isotopenzusammensetzung im Bioapatit rezenter Säugetiere, sowie deren Bedeutung als neuen Proxy zur paläo-CO2-Rekonstruktion und als Indikator für diagenetisch alteriertes Skelettmaterial. Desweiteren werden zwischenartliche, innerartliche und intraindividuelle Variationen der Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopie im Bioapatit rezenter Nagetiere untersucht um eine bessere Interpretationsgrundlage für entsprechende Analysedaten fossiler Vertreter dieser größten Ordnung der Säugetiere herzustellen. Kapitel 2 beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, ob die anomale Isotopensignatur troposphärischen Sauerstoffs als Indikator für diagenetische Alteration des Zahn- und Knochenmaterial von fossilen Säugern genutzt werden kann. Hierzu wurde die 3-O-Isotopie von Zahnschmelz, Dentin und in geringem Umfang auch Knochenmaterial von einzelnen Individuen känozoischer Nagetiere separat analysiert. Während alle Zahnschmelzproben eine deutliche Sauerstoffisotopenanomalie aufweisen, welche in einer Größenordnung liegt die für diagenetisch unalterierten Bioapatit kleiner Säugetiere zu erwarten wäre, zeigen alle Dentinproben eine deutlich niedrigere bis gar keine Anomalie, was auf Isotopenaustausch mit diagenetischen Fluiden hindeutet. In Kapitel 3 werden die Variationen der anomalen Isotopensignatur troposphärischen Sauerstoffs im Skelettmaterial von rezenten Säugetieren evaluiert. Dies geschieht anhand zweier voneinander unabhängiger Ansätze: 1. durch 3-O-Isotopenanalyse von rezentem Bioapatit und 2. durch ein detailliertes Massenbilanzmodell. Da der Anteil des veratmeten Luftsauerstoffs im Verhältnis zu den weiteren Sauerstoffquellen in erster Linie von der spezifischen metabolischen Rate abhängt, die weitgehend mit dem Körpergewicht skalierbar ist, wurden Arten aus einem möglichst großen Körpergewichtsbereich von wenigen g bis zu einigen tausend kg untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass das anomale Isotopensignal mit sinkender Körpermasse zunimmt. Auf Basis der daraus gewonnenen Erkenntnisse wurde versucht die Magnitude der anomalen Sauerstoffisotopensignatur in der Troposphäre zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten im Känozoikum durch 3-O-Isotopenanalyse von eozänem, oligozänem und miozänem Zahnschmelzmaterial von Nagetieren zu bestimmen um daraus Erkenntnisse über die entsprechenden CO2-Konzentrationen zu erhalten. Das theoretische Massenbilanzmodell stimmt gut mit den analytisch gewonnenen Daten überein, beide zeigen eine Vergrößerung der 3-O-Isotopenanomalie im Bioapatit mit sinkender Körpermasse. Die rekonstruierten CO2-Konzentrationen stimmen generell mit vorhandenen Daten diverser Proxies überein, jedoch erlaubt der assoziierte Fehler es nicht, CO2-Schwankungen im Bereich von wenigen 100 ppm aufzulösen. An der Grenze von Paläozän zu Eozän fand eine der einschneidendsten Umwelt- und Klimaveränderungen des Känozoikums statt, welche ihren Höhepunkt im sogenannten “Palaeocene Eocene Thermal Maximum” (PETM) hatte. Dieses war verbunden mit einer globalen negativen Kohlenstoffisotopenexkursion (CIE), deren Quelle bis heute kontrovers diskutiert wird. Kapitel 4 beschäftigt sich mit den Temperaturschwankungen und Veränderungen der CO2-Konzentration im Übergangsbereich dieser beiden Zeitalter. Dies geschieht anhand einer diesen Zeitabschnitt umspannenden Probenserie von Zahnschmelz der Säugetiergattung Ectocion aus dem Clarks Fork Basin (Wyoming, USA). Die rekonstruierten Temperaturschwankungen stimmen gut mit bereits vorhandenen Studien des 18O/16O Verhältnisses an biogenem Apatit aus diesem Zeitintervall überein. Die aus der 3-O-Isotopenzusammensetzung rekonstruierten CO2-Konzentration deuten darauf hin, dass auch während des Temperaturmaximums an der Paläozän-Eozän Grenze ein Wert von 1550 ppm nicht überschritten wurde, was auf die Dissoziierung von marinem Methanhydrat als Hauptquelle der CIE hinweist. Kapitel 5 untersucht die zwischenartlichen, innerartlichen und intraindividuellen Variationen der Karbonatsauerstoff-, Phosphatsauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopie sieben verschiedener Nagetierarten anhand von Proben aus Eulengewöllen eines einzelnen Fundortes. Die Ergebnisse werden mit ähnlichen Studien an Großsäugern verglichen, und es werden Schlüsse zum Umgang mit Probenmaterial kleiner Säugetiere bei der Verwendung zur Paläoklimarekonstruktion mittels stabiler Isotope gezogen. Die Variabilität der Sauerstoff- und Kohlenstoffisotopie der untersuchten Zähne und Knochen ist nicht höher als die vieler Großsäuger, was die Relevanz der im Fossilbericht viel häufigeren Nagetiere für derartige Studien unterstützt. Jedoch sollte strikt darauf geachtet werden, dass auf Rezentmaterial basierende Bioapatit-Temperatur-Kalibrationen exakt auf dem gleichen Skelettelement beruhen welches auch als Fossilmaterial untersucht wird, da durch die unterschiedliche Mineralisierungsintervalle verschiedener Zähne und Knochen deutliche Unterschiede in den entsprechenden Isotopenzusammensetzungen, insbesondere in der des Sauerstoffs beobachtet werden konnten.

The Formation and Alteration of the Renazzo-Like Carbonaceous Chondrites

Schrader, Devin Lee January 2012 (has links)
This study investigates the pre-accretionary formation conditions of individual minerals within chondrules and whole-rock parent asteroid processes from the Renazzo-like carbonaceous (CR) chondrites. It presents a comprehensive work on the whole-rock O-isotope composition, sulfide-bearing opaque minerals, and type-II chondrules within the CR chondrites. Whole-rock O-isotope composition and minerals present in type-II chondrules are found to be related to the degree of parent asteroid aqueous alteration. Primary minerals within chondrules, formed prior to accretion of the CR chondrite parent asteroid, are used to constrain both the environment and the conditions present during chondrule formation.Chondrule formation, as recorded by chondrules in the CR chondrites, took place under dust- and ice-rich conditions relative to solar values. Type-II (FeO-rich) chondrules contain FeO-poor fragments compositionally similar to type-I (FeO-poor) chondrules; the formation of type-II chondrules may have occurred after the formation of type-I chondrules. The dust and ice abundances present during type-II chondrule formation were higher than those of type-I chondrules, although both populations probably exchanged with the same ¹⁶O-poor gas reservoir. Both the oxygen fugacity (fo₂) and sulfur fugacity (fs₂) appear to have increased from type-I to type-II chondrule formation, and between individual type-II chondrules. The increase in fo₂ and fs₂ may be due to the dissipation of H2 in the early Solar System. Gas-solid oxidation/sulfidation of Fe,Ni metal is recorded in both type-I and type-II chondrules. This corrosion occurred either during chondrule cooling after formation, or during chondrule reheating events, and suggests that S was present in the gas phase. After chondrule formation the CR chondrite parent asteroid accreted ¹⁶O-poor ice and experienced variable degrees of aqueous alteration, possibly due to heterogeneity in accreted ice or ammonia abundances and/or differing depth within the asteroid. Individual regions of the asteroid experienced different degrees of brecciation, perhaps a result of impacts, which fragmented chondrules and mixed together material that experienced different degrees of aqueous alteration. This process resulted in the heterogeneous nature of the CR chondrites.These observations constrain the formation conditions of a minor body, the CR chondrite parent asteroid, a remnant from the earliest stages of planet formation.

A Multi-Proxy Study of Holocene Atmospheric Circulation Dynamics Recorded in Lake Sediments in Fennoscandia

St. Amour, Natalie Ann 07 January 2009 (has links)
Cellulose-inferred lake water oxygen-isotope records were obtained from five throughflow lakes situated along a north-south transect across Fennoscandia to help develop a better picture of Holocene changes in atmospheric circulation in the region. This research addresses prior evidence for the existence of non-temperature-dependent shifts in d18O of precipitation in the early Holocene attributed to changes in atmospheric circulation. The validity of this hypothesis is tested through the development of oxygen-isotope records from lake sediments and their interpretation in the context of independent reconstructions of temperature and precipitation from pollen and chironomid head-capsules collected from the same or nearby sites, and well-documented changes in vegetation composition. Records of carbon and nitrogen elemental content and isotopic composition and magnetic susceptibility are included in this multi-proxy investigation. Extensive modern isotope hydrology datasets spanning several years at four of the five sites also help to inform interpretations of the cellulose d18O records. Key results from this research are: 1) Elevated d18O in relation to prevailing temperature occurred during the early Holocene (c. 10,000-6000 cal. BP) for sites in northern Fennoscandia (Lake Tibetanus, Lake Spåime), in harmony with previous interpretations suggesting that strong zonal atmospheric circulation led to deepening of the precipitation and isotope shadows in the lee of the Scandes Mountains. 2) Evidence from a southern site (Arbovatten) reveals a previously unrecognized negative offset in the d18O-temperature relation during the early Holocene, apparently transferred directly from the North Atlantic without the orographic effects associated with a topographic barrier. 3) The modern d18O-temperature relation appears to have been established throughout Fennoscandia by c. 6000-4000 cal. BP, probably due to generally weaker circumpolar atmospheric circulation in response to lower summer insolation. 4) Comparison of two sites (Lake Spåime, Svartkälstjärn) in a west-east transect across central Fennoscandia reveals higher-frequency variability in atmospheric circulation at submillennial scales throughout the Holocene, which appears to be analogous to contemporary variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) at seasonal-to-decadal time-scales. Evidence of such NAO-like variability also exists at two northern sites (Lake Keitjoru, Oikojärvi) during the Holocene, likely reflecting variations in summer and winter atmospheric circulation. 5) Complex lake-specific changes in productivity occurred in response to Holocene climate change, as revealed by carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic data in lake sediments. A major shift in atmospheric circulation pattern occurring at c. 4000 cal. BP probably led to a reduction in soil-derived 13C-depleted nutrients in five lakes (Lake Keitjoru, Oikojärvi, Lake Spåime, Svartkälstjärn, Arbovatten) associated with changes in terrestrial vegetation. Changes in sediment nitrogen isotope composition also occurred in these lakes at c. 4000 cal. BP, possibly reflecting changing nutrient supply dynamics because of enhanced nitrogen losses during spring snowmelt.

A Multi-Proxy Study of Holocene Atmospheric Circulation Dynamics Recorded in Lake Sediments in Fennoscandia

St. Amour, Natalie Ann 07 January 2009 (has links)
Cellulose-inferred lake water oxygen-isotope records were obtained from five throughflow lakes situated along a north-south transect across Fennoscandia to help develop a better picture of Holocene changes in atmospheric circulation in the region. This research addresses prior evidence for the existence of non-temperature-dependent shifts in d18O of precipitation in the early Holocene attributed to changes in atmospheric circulation. The validity of this hypothesis is tested through the development of oxygen-isotope records from lake sediments and their interpretation in the context of independent reconstructions of temperature and precipitation from pollen and chironomid head-capsules collected from the same or nearby sites, and well-documented changes in vegetation composition. Records of carbon and nitrogen elemental content and isotopic composition and magnetic susceptibility are included in this multi-proxy investigation. Extensive modern isotope hydrology datasets spanning several years at four of the five sites also help to inform interpretations of the cellulose d18O records. Key results from this research are: 1) Elevated d18O in relation to prevailing temperature occurred during the early Holocene (c. 10,000-6000 cal. BP) for sites in northern Fennoscandia (Lake Tibetanus, Lake Spåime), in harmony with previous interpretations suggesting that strong zonal atmospheric circulation led to deepening of the precipitation and isotope shadows in the lee of the Scandes Mountains. 2) Evidence from a southern site (Arbovatten) reveals a previously unrecognized negative offset in the d18O-temperature relation during the early Holocene, apparently transferred directly from the North Atlantic without the orographic effects associated with a topographic barrier. 3) The modern d18O-temperature relation appears to have been established throughout Fennoscandia by c. 6000-4000 cal. BP, probably due to generally weaker circumpolar atmospheric circulation in response to lower summer insolation. 4) Comparison of two sites (Lake Spåime, Svartkälstjärn) in a west-east transect across central Fennoscandia reveals higher-frequency variability in atmospheric circulation at submillennial scales throughout the Holocene, which appears to be analogous to contemporary variability in the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) at seasonal-to-decadal time-scales. Evidence of such NAO-like variability also exists at two northern sites (Lake Keitjoru, Oikojärvi) during the Holocene, likely reflecting variations in summer and winter atmospheric circulation. 5) Complex lake-specific changes in productivity occurred in response to Holocene climate change, as revealed by carbon and nitrogen elemental and isotopic data in lake sediments. A major shift in atmospheric circulation pattern occurring at c. 4000 cal. BP probably led to a reduction in soil-derived 13C-depleted nutrients in five lakes (Lake Keitjoru, Oikojärvi, Lake Spåime, Svartkälstjärn, Arbovatten) associated with changes in terrestrial vegetation. Changes in sediment nitrogen isotope composition also occurred in these lakes at c. 4000 cal. BP, possibly reflecting changing nutrient supply dynamics because of enhanced nitrogen losses during spring snowmelt.

Oxygen Isotope Signatures of the Apatite-Iron Oxide Ore at Grängesberg

Weis, Franz January 2011 (has links)
The origin of apatite iron oxide ores, like the deposit at Grängesberg in the Bergslagen mining district, has been a subject of much discussion through the years. Some support a formation by hydrothermal fluids while others suggest that the ore is orthomagmatic, i.e. formed directly from a magma as suggested for the iron ore deposits of El Laco in Chile or the deposits in Kiruna, although also these two are still subjected to controversies. In 2009 sampling was done on drillcores through the Grängesberg ore. On these samples an oxygen isotope study on magnetite, quartz and whole rock samples from both the ore and its host rocks was conducted in order to obtain new knowledge about the ore forming processes. The data allowed modeling to simulate a possible origin by different magmas or hydrothermal fluids as well as a possible temperature of formation. In addition, the data set was compared to published oxygen isotope analyses of the possible magmatic iron ores of Kiruna and El Laco. The results of the Grängesberg analysis revealed that the ore in the area seems to have an origin from both magmatic and hydrothermal sources.

Spatial and Temporal Variation of 18O in the Sea Water from the Taiwan Strait

Chang, Chih-cheng 20 June 2001 (has links)
This study utilized, for the first time, the d18Osw as a tracer to investigate the seasonal variations of circulation in the Taiwan Strait (TS), which is the predominant sea passage with an average depth of 60 m connecting the East China Sea (ECS) and the South China Sea (SCS). The result shows that the circulation system in TS is mainly influenced by the inter-mixing among the China Coastal Water (CCW), the SCS water (SCSW), and the Kuroshio Water (KW). In spring, the KW dominates in TS, whereas the CCW is still observed in northwest TS. During the summer, SCSW replaces the KW and becomes the major water type in the TS, yet the KW is found to be restricted in the southwest part and the bottom of the TS. Due to the larger discharge from rivers (mainly the Yangtz River), the CCW has a more extensive distribution in the TS in summer than other seasons. In fall and winter, the CCW occupies the northern part of TS due to the stronger northeastern monsoon which limits the intrusion of the KW through the Luzon Strait to the northern TS. The two distinct water types inevitably form a front in the central TS. The hydrographic variations at Penghu Channel (PHC) were also explored in this study. The d18Osw indicates that the perennial intrusion of the KW into the PHC is varying throughout different seasons. This intrusion is found strongest in fall and winter. In summer, the upper layer of PHC is occupied chiefly by SCSW, while the KW remains at the bottom layer in PHC. By including an additional inflow of 0.5Sv from TS to ECS, this study further reconstructed a box model of the ECS, which was previously furnished by Lin(1999). The new estimates suggest that ~0.38*104 km3/year of the Kuroshio surface water (0-50m) and ~1.54*104 km3/year of the upwelled Kuroshio subsurface water (50-150m) are transported to the ECS, while ~3.83*104 km3/year of the ECS water are exported to the western Pacific Ocean.

Stable Isotope Studies of Paleoenvironment and Paleoclimate from Afar, Ethiopia

Bedaso, Zelalem K. 01 January 2011 (has links)
ABSTRACT The sedimentary deposits of the Hadar Formation at Dikika and the Mount Galili Formation at Galili preserve a wealth of paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic records spanning the last 5.29 Ma. Stable carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of herbivore tooth enamel were analyzed for more than 600 specimens of 15 different taxa from 10 stratigraphic intervals. The application of carbon and oxygen isotopes here aims principally at reconstructing shifts in the relative abundance of C4 grasses, and its implications for climate indicators including temperature, aridity, and seasonality. The full range of δ13Cenamel values throughout the Plio-Pleistocene signifies a wide range of foraging strategies by the fauna, which in turn reflects the mosaic of vegetation at Dikika and Galili. Estimates of ecosystem carbon isotope composition (δ13Cecosystem , which is given by average δ13Cenamel of each large vertebrate taxon weighted by the respective faunal abundance and the estimated daily biomass consumption) is used to asses shifts in the ecosystem-scale proportion of C3 and C4 vegetation. In the Plio-Pleistocene, the general paleoenvironmental conditions varied from wooded grassland to grasslands with the total amount of C4 grass cover on the landscape varying between 35% and 91%. Likewise, the paleohabitat reconstructions indicate the presence of grassland, wooded grassland, woodland habitats throughout the Pliocene and in Middle Pleistocene but the relative proportion of the habitats has changed substantially with time. Although this result agrees with the general trend towards more open grassland since the Late Miocene, a rebound of closed habitats and C3 resources from closed canopy woodlands or forests is evident in the middle Pliocene between 3.42 Ma and 3.24 Ma. These changes in the proportion of habitats could have affected the distribution and availability of preferred food resources and has an implication on the interaction of the animals on the paleolandscape and competition for resources. 18Oenamel values also show a wide range of variation within each stratigraphic member and through time. Temporal variation of δ13Cenamel values within a given taxon, as well as differences among sympatric taxa, document different aspects of the environment and climate, including changes in drinking water source, seasonality, and periods of strong evaporation. Estimated δ13Cmeteoric water based on the most 18O-depleted hippo tooth enamel, displays values of -1.94 / (VSMOW) and -5.24 / (VSMOW) in the Middle Pleistocene of Asbole and middle Pliocene of Galili, respectively. A major shift in the isotopic composition of water at ~ 3.0 Ma was accompanied by a 6.0 / increase from middle Pliocene to the present. While a +3.8 / shift from early to middle Pliocene was documented. The isotopic composition of meteoric water between 4.6 Ma and 4.38 Ma was most 18O-enriched compared to the rest of the Pliocene estimates. Likewise, an increase in the estimated δ13Cmeteoric water values was documented in the Awash Valley and elsewhere in East Africa, which indicate a regional climate change since the early Pliocene. An increase in the aridity, which is expressed as mean annual water deficit (i.e., the difference between potential evapotranspiration and mean annual precipitation) is also evident since the early Pliocene. These changes during the Pliocene in the region may in part be attributed to a regional decrease in the amount of precipitation and changes in the moisture source superimposed on global climate changes.

Tropical Atlantic and Caribbean climate variations during the past eight centuries

Kilbourne, Kelly Halimeda 01 June 2006 (has links)
The Caribbean Sea is a key region from which to generate paleoclimate records because instrumental temperature data indicate that surface temperatures in the Caribbean region are correlated with global surface temperature. Heat and salt fluxes in the Caribbean have been implicated in major reorganizations in Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation on glacial time scales [Schmidt et al., 2004] and it has been proposed that the Tropical Atlantic (including the Caribbean Sea) may play a role in smaller-scale changes in the Atlantic basin [Vellinga and Wu, 2004]. A theme of past Caribbean paleoclimate research has been to hypothesize about the interaction between mean climate state and seasonality, but little work has actually been done with sub-annually resolved climate proxies, and many questions still remain unanswered. This work focuses on reconstructing ocean conditions in the northern Caribbean from the geochemistry of corals growing offshore of southwestern Puerto Rico (17.9°N, 67.0°W). Annually resolved records of Sr/Ca and δ18O were generated for the years 2004 to 1751 from one continuous core. The same annual samples were analyzed for Î?14C between 2004 and 1950, and every 5 years between 1955-1751. Short (14-4 years) monthly-resolved records of δ18O and Sr/Ca were generated from this core and two other cores to investigate the role of seasonal variability during mean climate state variations. Substantial multidecadal variability in delta-18-O and Delta-14-C was found to correlate temporally with the intensity of the trade winds during recent times and over the last 250 years. Strong trade winds are associated with isotopic depletion in the coral geochemistry with respect to both 18-O and 14-C, and this is interpreted as an increase in the amount of equatorial or southern Caribbean Sea water in the northern Caribbean. Other findings include a 2 degree C cooling in the Caribbean during the Maunder solar minimum and no change in coral delta-18-O seasonality during significant mean state variations. Inter-colony geochemical variability in the coral species Montastraea faveolata was quantified, and the median difference between Sr/Ca and delta-18-O in corals growing on the same reef at the same time is 0.047 mmol/mol and 0.11 permil, respectively.

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