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Étude in vitro et in vivo des interactions hôte/pathogènes dans un modèle de co-infection VRS/S pneumoniae / Host-pathogens interactions during RSV / S. pneumoniae infection immune response and p53 pathwayBandeira Brancante Machado, Daniela 12 December 2017 (has links)
Les infections aiguës des voies respiratoires inférieures constituent la troisième cause de décès dans la population mondiale, avec 3,2 millions de décès. Parmi cette mortalité, au tour de 1 million c’était des enfants de moins de 5 ans, représentant la première cause de mortalité dans ce groupe d’âge, selon l'OMS en 2015. Le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) est considéré comme un agent étiologique important dans le millieux pediatric et les estimations sont que ce virus cause 3 million d’hospitalization par an. Un aspect important du pronostic des infections virales est le rôle de co-infection bactérienne. La combinaison d’agents viraux et bactériens a été signalée entre le VRS et les bactéries Streptococcus pneumoniae. En raison de l’importance clinique de cette co-infection et le taux élevé de circulation du VRS, il est important de comprendre comment le système immunitaire est affecté à l'infection de ces deux agents pathogènes. Notre étude identifie la réponse immunitaire dans les macrophages, ainsi comme les interactions entre le VRS et le facteur de transcription p53. Les résultats montrent un profil particulier a cette co-infection mixte dans le macrophages et des modifications dans la réponse immune innée que nous a permis de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de pathogenèse du VRS dans les cellules épithélial pulmonaires en regardant la régulation de p53. Dans la dernière partie, nous avons évalué l'impact direct de l’infection mixte chez les primates non-humain et ce modèle nous a montré les difficultés et complexités des établir une pneumonie sévère. / Respiratory viruses play a leading role in the etiology of respiratory infections. Currently, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is generally considered to be the etiologic agent of respiratory disease in pediatric importance, as children can develop bronchiolitis and pneumonia when infected with the virus. The first RSV infection occurs in the first two years of life in about 95% of children, with the peak incidence occurring in the first few months of life. An important aspect of the prognosis of viral infections is the role of bacterial co-infection. The combination of viral and bacterial agents has been reported between RSV and Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. Because of the clinical importance of this co-infection and the high rate of RSV circulation, it is important to understand how the immune system is affected by the infection of both pathogens. Our study was designed to evaluate the immune response in macrophages, in addition to interactions between RSV and p53 transcription factor. The results show a particular profile of this mixed co-infection in macrophages and p53 regulation that implies several modifications in the innate immune response and that allowed us to better understand the mechanisms of pathogenesis of RSV in pulmonary epithelial cells. In the last part, we evaluated the direct impact of mixed co-infection in non-human primates and this model showed us the difficulties and complexities of establishing severe pneumonia.
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Identification and functional analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms that affect human cancerGrochola, Lukasz Filip January 2011 (has links)
Aims: The p53 regulatory network is crucial in directing the suppression of cancer formation and mediating the response to commonly used cancer therapies. Functional genetic variants in the genes comprising this network could help identify individuals at greater risk for cancer and patients with poorer responses to therapies, but few such variants have been identified as yet. Methods: We first develop and apply three different screens that utilize known characteristics of functional single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the p53 network to search for variants that associate with allelic differences in (i) recent natural selection, (ii) chemosensitivity profiles, and (iii) the gender- and age- dependent incidence of soft-tissue sarcoma. Secondly, we study and explore the functional mechanisms associated with the identified variants. Results: We identify SNPs in the PPP2R5E, CD44, YWHAQ and ESR1 genes that associate with allelic differences in the age of tumour diagnosis (up to 32.5 years, p=0.031), cancer risk (up to 8.1 odds ratio, p=0.004) and overall survival (up to 2.85 relative risk, p=0.011) in sarcomas, ovarian and pancreatic cancers, and exhibit allelic differences in the cellular responses to cytotoxic chemotherapeutic agents (up to 5.4-fold, p=5.6x10<sup>-47</sup>). Lastly, we identify candidate causal SNPs in those genes and describe the regulatory mechanisms by which they might affect human cancer. Conclusions: Together, our work suggests that the inherited genetics of the p53 pathway have a great potential to further define populations in their abilities to react to stress, suppress tumor formation and respond to therapies.
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TIG bladder tumors: at the crossroads of molecular pathwaysLópez Knowles, Elena Cristina 20 December 2006 (has links)
El cáncer de vejiga es una enfermedad heterogénea. Los tumores se distribuyen en dos vías con cierto nivel de solapamiento: la vía papilar superficial caracterizada por alteraciones de FGFR3 y pérdida del cromosoma 9 y la vía no papilar invasiva caracterizada por alteraciones en las vías de p53 y pRb. Los tumores T1G3 representan el 10% de los tumores de vejiga diagnosticados y representan un desafío clínico debido a su alto riesgo de progresión y la falta de marcadores moleculares que predigan el pronóstico de los pacientes. El objetivo de la tesis ha sido caracterizar los tumores T1G3 y asociar los marcadores evaluados con el pronóstico de los pacientes. La caracterización de los tumores T1G3 ha identificado que la vía de p53 está alterada en un 85% de los casos, que los tumors muestran altos niveles de inestabilidad genómica y que tan sólo el marcador de inestabilidad FGA predice el pronóstico de los pacientes con tumores T1G3. Un nuevo marcador del cancer de vejiga se ha identificado: PIK3CA. / Bladder cancer is a heterogeneous disease distributed into two distinct but slightly overlapping pathways: a papillary superficial pathway characterized by alterations in FGFR3 and loss of chromosome 9 and a non-papillary invasive pathway characterized by alterations in the p53 and pRb pathways. T1G3 tumors are a subgroup of bladder cancers which represent 10% of diagnosed tumors and are a clinical challenge due to their high risk of progression and the lack of molecular markers to predict the prognosis of the patients. The aim of this thesis was to characterize T1G3 tumors and associate these markers with the outcome of the patients. The characterization of T1G3 tumors have shown that the p53 pathway is inactive in 85% of patients, that they have high levels of genomic instability and that only FGA predicts outcome among patients with T1G3 tumors. A novel marker for bladder cancer has been identified: PIK3CA.
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In search of new prognostic molecular markers in ovarian cancerLaatio, L. (Liisa) 22 May 2012 (has links)
Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of death from gynaecological cancers in the Western world. Ovarian cancer comprises of tumours with distinct behaviour and individually different responses to chemotherapy, even within the same histology. Unfortunately, there are no molecular markers in clinical use to either distinguish between patients with better and worse prognosis or to predict individual chemosensitivity. The comprehension of the molecular effects of chemotherapeutic drugs is a prerequisite for finding predictive molecular factors for chemoresponse and prognosis. Some proteins in molecular pathways contributing to DNA damage response, angiogenesis and oxidative stress have been implicated in ovarian cancer prognosis.
In this study, the responses in p53 pathway and among angiogenesis-related factors to chemotherapeutic drugs were analysed in ovarian cancer cell lines. In OVCAR-3 cells with mutated p53, cisplatin but not docetaxel induced p14ARF, an important regulator of p53, at mRNA and protein level. Cisplatin also significantly increased the mRNA expression of angiogenesis-related factors TSP-1, BMP-4, ET-1 and PlGF-2 while an equivalent dose of docetaxel had only minor effects. In clinical ovarian carcinomas, the expression of BMP-4, TSP-1 and CD105 as well as the marker of oxidative stress derived DNA damage, 8-OHdG, and peroxiredoxin antioxidants were analysed by immunohistochemistry. High expression of BMP-4 and cytoplasmic peroxiredoxin IV were associated with better prognosis, while high 8-OHdG expression associated with shorter survival. Explant cultures of fresh ovarian tumour tissue were used for the evaluation of individual responses of p53 and Hdm2 after in vitro treatments of the explant cultures by carboplatin or docetaxel. Major differences between the individual tumours were found, especially in the responses of p53 to carboplatin.
The results of this study suggest, that BMP-4, 8-OHdG and peroxiredoxin IV may serve as prognostic markers in ovarian cancer. The differences shown in the molecular responses to platinum and taxane drugs may have value in tailoring individual chemotherapy. Also, fresh ovarian cancer tissue explant culture is worth further studies as a predictive method for analysing individual tumour responses for chemotherapeutic agents. / Tiivistelmä
Munasarjasyöpä on suurinta kuolleisuutta aiheuttava gynekologinen syöpä läntisessä maailmassa. Munasarjakasvaimet eroavat toisistaan niin käyttäytymiseltään kuin yksilölliseltä sytostaattihoitovasteeltaan, jopa sama histologisen tyypin sisällä. Kliinisessä käytössä ei valitettavasti ole sellaisia molekulaarisia merkkiaineita, jotka erottaisivat toisistaan paremman ja huonomman ennusteen kasvaimet tai ennustaisivat yksilöllistä solunsalpaajaherkkyyttä. Hoitovastetta ja potilaan prognoosia ennustavien merkkiaineiden löytämisen edellytys on kemoterapian molekyylitason vaikutusten ymmärtäminen. DNA vaurion tunnistamiseen, angiogeneesiin ja oksidatiiviseen stressiin liittyvien vaikutusreittien joillakin proteiineilla on ehdotettu olevan ennusteellista merkitystä munasarjasyövässä.
Tässä väitöskirjatyössä analysoitiin munasarjasyöpäsoluja käyttäen p53 vaikutusreitin ja eräiden angiogeneesiin liittyvien tekijöiden vasteita sytostaateille. Mutatoitunutta p53 proteiinia kantavissa OVCAR-3 soluissa sisplatiini, toisin kuin dosetakseli, indusoi p53 proteiinin tärkeää säätelijää, p14ARF:a sekä mRNA- että proteiinitasolla. Sisplatiini lisäsi merkittävästi myös usean angiogeneesiin liittyvän tekijän (TSP-1, BMP-4, ET-1 ja PlGF-2) mRNA:ta. Dosetakselin vaikutukset vastaavalla annoksella olivat vähäiset. Kliinisissä munasarjasyövissä BMP-4, TSP-1 ja CD105 sekä oksidatiivisen stressin aiheuttaman DNA-vaurion merkkiaineen, 8-OHdG:n sekä peroksiredoksiiniantioksidanttien ilmeneminen analysoitiin immunohistokemiallisesti. BMP-4:n ja sytoplasmisen peroksiredoksiini IV:n vahva ilmentyminen liittyivät parempaan ennusteeseen, kun taas 8-OHdG:n vahva ilmentyminen liittyi huonompaan elinajan ennusteeseen. Tuoreen munasarjasyöpäkudoksen eksplanttiviljelyn avulla selvitettiin p53 ja Hdm2 proteiinien vasteita syöpäkudoksen karboplatiini- tai dosetakseli-käsittelyille. Selkeitä yksilökohtaisia eroja havaittiin erityisesti karboplatiinin aiheuttamissa p53 vasteissa niin eri potilaiden kuin eri histologisten kasvaintyyppien välillä.
Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tulokset antavat viitteitä BMP-4:n, 8-OHdG:n ja peroksiredoksiinin mahdollisesta ennusteellisesta merkityksestä munasarjasyövässä. Erot platinayhdisteiden ja taksaanien välillä saattavat osoittautua merkittäviksi yksilöllisiä syövän hoitoja räätälöitäessä. Tuoreen munasarjasyöpäkudoksen eksplanttiviljelyn mahdollisuuksia yksilöllisten kasvainten hoitovasteiden ennustamisessa kannattaa selvittää jatkotutkimuksin.
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