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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Infection à coxsackievirus B4, inflammation et persistance / Coxsackievirus B4 infection, inflammation and persistence

Alidjinou, Enagnon Kazali 15 November 2016 (has links)
Les coxsackievirus du groupe B (CVB) sont des petits virus à ARN appartenant à au genre Enterovirus et à la famille des Picornaviridae. Chez, l’homme, les CVB sont responsables de nombreuses infections aiguës bénignes ou sévères. Ils sont également incriminés dans le développement de maladies chroniques telles que le diabète de type 1 (DT1). En effet, plusieurs données épidémio-cliniques sont en faveur d’un lien entre les entérovirus et notamment les CVB et le DT1. Deux mécanismes majeurs ont été proposés pour expliquer cette pathogenèse entérovirale du DT1. Il s’agit de l’activation « en passant » d’un environnement inflammatoire et la persistance virale qui concourent à l’initiation du processus auto-immun. Les études présentées dans cette thèse visent à comprendre les caractéristiques et conséquences de l’infection à CVB qui pourraient expliquer l’implication de ces mécanismes. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent que CVB4 (utilisé comme modèle des CVB) est un virus inflammatoire. In vitro, il induit la production de grandes quantités d’IFNα par les cellules mononuclées du sang (CMN). Néanmoins cette induction d’IFNα n’est possible qu’en cas de facilitation de l’infection par des anticorps non neutralisants, qui se traduit par une entrée importante du virus dans les cellules. Dans nos travaux, l’IFNα a été détecté dans le plasma de sujets diabétiques, et fréquemment associé à la présence d’ARN entéroviral. De même, parmi les CMN, les monocytes ont été identifiés comme les principales cellules cibles du virus. En dehors de l’IFNα, nous avons montré que CVB4 peut induire la synthèse de plusieurs autres cytokines pro-inflammatoires notamment l’IL-6 et le TNFα. De façon intéressante, l’infection des cellules n’est pas indispensable car cette induction est possible par des particules non infectieuses. Cette production de cytokines pro-inflammatoires par les CMN peut également être amplifiée par la facilitation de l’infection en présence de particules infectieuses de CVB4. Nous avons montré que les macrophages, cellules effectrices importantes de l’immunité innée au niveau tissulaire, peuvent produire en présence de CVB4 de l’IFNα et d’autres cytokines pro-inflammatoires. Les macrophages dérivés de CMN en présence de M-CSF (mais pas de GM-CSF) sont infectables par CVB4 et le virus peut persister dans ces cellules. CVB4 peut également établir une infection chronique productive de type « état porteur » dans des cellules canalaires pancréatiques. Les cellules chroniquement infectées peuvent être guéries grâce à un traitement par de la fluoxétine. Cette molécule utilisée dans le traitement de troubles psychiatriques, présente in vitro une activité antivirale vis-à-vis de certains entérovirus, et permet d’éliminer complètement en quelques semaines le virus des cellules chroniquement infectées par CVB4. Des modifications cellulaires ont été observées au niveau des cellules chroniquement infectées notamment une diminution de l’expression de PDX-1, une résistance à la lyse au cours d’une réinfection par CVB4, ainsi qu’une diminution très importante de l’expression du récepteur CAR. Ces modifications cellulaires acquises au cours de l’infection chronique pouvaient persister après l’élimination du virus. Les cellules chroniquement infectées présentent également un profil de microARNs très différent de celui des cellules non infectées. Une évolution du virus a été également observée avec des changements phénotypiques et génotypiques. L’ensemble de nos observations montre que les caractéristiques de l’infection à CVB4 sont compatibles avec les mécanismes évoqués dans la pathogenèse entérovirale du DT1 et renforcent l’hypothèse de l’implication des CVB dans cette maladie. / Group B coxsackieviruses (CVB) are small RNA viruses belonging to Enterovirus genus and to the Picornaviridae family. In humans, CVB can cause numerous mild and severe acute infections. They are also thought to be involved in the development of chronic diseases such as type 1 diabetes (T1D). Several epidemiological and clinical data support a link between enteroviruses, especially CVB and T1D. Two main mechanisms have been described to explain this enteroviral pathogenesis of T1D including a “bystander activation” of an inflammatory environment and viral persistence. These mechanisms contribute to initiation of the autoimmune process. Our studies aimed to understand the features and outcomes of CVB infection that could explain their involvement in these mechanisms. The results suggest that CVB4 (used as CVB model) is an inflammatory virus. CVB4 induces in vitro the production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of high amounts of IFNα. However this induction is only possible when CVB4 infection is enhanced by non-neutralizing antibodies, resulting in increased viral entry in cells. We also reported detection of IFNα in plasma of T1D patients, commonly associated with enteroviral RNA. In addition, monocytes have been identified as major targets of enteroviruses among PBMCs. Besides IFNα, CVB4 can induce the synthesis of other proinflammatory cytokines, mainly IL-6 and TNFα. Interestingly, infection is not needed, since inactivated viral particles can induce these proinflammatory cytokines. In addition, the enhancing of CVB4 infection in PBMCs results in increased production of these cytokines. We have shown that macrophages that are known as major innate immunity effectors can produce IFNα and other proinflammatory cytokines upon infection with CVB4. Macrophages derived from PBMCs in presence of M-CSF (but not GM-CSF) can be infected by CVB4, and the virus can persist in these cells. CVB4 can also establish a productive, carrier-sate persistent infection in pancreatic ductal-like cells. The virus can be completely cleared from chronically-infected cells using fluoxetine. This molecule already used in the treatment of depression and other mental disorders, has displayed antiviral activity against many enteroviruses, and can completely clear CVB4 from chronically-infected cells within few weeks. Cellular changes have been observed during chronic infection including a reduced expression of PDX-1, a resistant profile to lysis upon superinfection with CVB4, and an important decrease of CAR expression. These changes can linger even after the clearance of CVB4. In addition the miRNA profile in chronically-infected ductal-like cells was clearly different from that of mock-infected cells. Some phenotypic and genotypic changes were also observed in the virus derived from chronic infection. Altogether, these findings show the features of CVB4 infection are compatible with mechanisms reported in the enteroviral pathogenesis of T1D, and support the hypothesis of involvement of CVB in this disease.

Bioaccumulation and Toxicokinetics of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds and Metals in Giant Floater Mussels (Pyganodon grandis) Exposed to a Simulated Diluted Bitumen Spill

Séguin, Jonathan Y. 12 March 2021 (has links)
Canadian bitumen is mainly transported in a diluted form via pipeline and train, all posing a risk as they can lead to the release of diluted bitumen (dilbit) in the environment. In the summer of 2018, a collaborative large-scale field experiment was conducted at the International Institute for Sustainable Development - Experimental Lakes Area (IISD-ELA), a world-renowned aquatic research facility. The research objectives of the Boreal lake Oil Release Experiment by Additions to Limnocorrals (BOREAL) project were to understand the fate, behaviour, and potential toxic effects of dilbit in a freshwater Boreal lake to inform evidence-based management strategies for the transport of dilbit. A range of controlled dilbit spills was performed in seven 10 m diameter limnocorrals (~100,000 L of water) resulting in environmentally realistic dilbit:water dilutions ranging from 1:69,200 to 1:504, representing the upper half of the distribution of oil spill sizes in North America in the last decade. Additionally, two limnocorrals not treated with dilbit were studied as controls. This thesis identifies the bioaccumulating compounds derived from naturally weathered dilbit in adult giant floater mussels (Pyganodon grandis), to determine the rates at which they were accumulated and excreted. More specifically, the bioaccumulation potential and toxicokinetic parameters of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs) and various metals were assessed in mussels exposed ex situ for 41 days (25 days of exposure and 16 days of depuration) to water from the limnocorrals. These compounds have shown to be toxic, carcinogenic, and mutagenic to aquatic organisms. Mussels exposed to dilbit-contaminated water experienced significantly greater TPACs concentrations (0.40 – 0.90 µg L-1, n=12) compared to mussels from the Control (0.017 µg L-1, n=4). Furthermore, dilbit-contaminated water had a higher proportion of alkylated PACs compared to their parent counterpart, demonstrating petrogenic PAC profiles. We detected significantly greater TPACs concentrations in mussels exposed to dilbit-contaminated water (25.92 – 27.79 µg g-1, ww Lipid, n=9, at day 25 of the uptake phase) compared to mussels from the Control (average of 2.62 ± 1.95 µg g-1, ww Lipid; ±SD, n=17). Alkylated PACs represented 96.4 ± 1.8%, ±SD, n=12 of TPACs in mussels from dilbit-contaminated treatments at day 25 of the uptake phase, indicating the importance of conducting a more inclusive assessment of petrochemical mixtures as most studies only focus on parent PACs. From first-order one-compartment models derived from nonlinear curve fitting of the accumulation phase or sequential modelling method, uptake (0.66 – 24.65 L g-1 day-1, n=87) and depuration (0.012 – 0.37 day-1, n=87) kinetic rate constants, as well as bioconcentration factors (log values from 3.85 – 6.12 L kg-1, n=87) for the 29 PACs that bioaccumulated in mussels suggested that alkylated PACs have greater bioaccumulation potential compared to their parent PAC counterpart. Results from this study also demonstrated that giant floater mussels could be used to biomonitor PAC contamination following oil spills as PACs accumulated in mussel tissue and were still present following the 16 day depuration phase. The results of this study are the largest, most comprehensive set of toxicokinetic and bioaccumulation information of PACs (44 analytes) in freshwater mussels obtained to date. Metal contamination following the controlled dilbit spill was minimal, but mussels exposed to water contaminated with naturally weathered dilbit experienced elevated concentrations of dissolved zinc (30.26 – 38.26 µg L-1, n=12) compared to the mussels in the uncontaminated water (6.75 ± 3.31 µg L-1, n=4), surpassing the Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. However, it is not clear if dilbit contamination caused elevated zinc concentrations in the water as other factors, such as limnocorral building materials and/or galvanized minnow traps used in the limnocorrals, could have contributed to zinc contamination. Nonetheless, giant floater mussels did not accumulate zinc in their tissues.

Framework to Secure Cloud-based Medical Image Storage and Management System Communications

Rostrom, Timothy James 12 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) have been traditionally constrained to the premises of the healthcare provider. This has limited the availability of these systems in many parts of the world and mandated major costs in infrastructure for those who employ them. Public cloud services could be a solution that eases the cost of ownership and provides greater flexibility for PACS implementations. This could make it possible to bring medical imaging services to places where it was previously unavailable and reduce the costs associated with these services for those who utilize them. Moving these systems to public cloud infrastructure requires that an authentication and encryption policy for communications is established within the PACS environment to mitigate the risks incurred by using the Internet for the communication of medical data. This thesis proposes a framework which can be used to create an authenticated and encrypted channel to secure the communications with a cloud-based PACS. This framework uses the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol and X.509 certificates to create a secured channel. An enterprise style PKI is used to provide a trust model to authorize endpoints to access the system. The validity of this framework was tested by creating a prototype cloud-based PACS with secured communications. Using this framework will provide a system based on trusted industry standards which will protect the confidentiality and integrity of medical data in transit when using a cloud-based PACS service.

Uma abordagem prática e eficiente de consultas por similaridade para suporte a diagnóstico por imagens. / A pratical and eficient approach of searches for similarity to support diagnose by images.

Rosa, Natália Abdala 26 September 2002 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar as características de um Sistema de Apoio ao Diagnóstico em Sistema Hospitalar Suportando Busca por Imagens Similares, a ser desenvolvido e implantado no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto. A recuperação de imagens baseada no conteúdo é uma área de pesquisa que tem evoluído bastante nos últimos anos. Assim, um sistema de busca e obtenção de imagens, utilizando tal técnica, deve ser extensível aos novos algoritmos de extração de características e métodos de indexação. A extração de características de imagens, tais como informações de cor, textura, forma e o relacionamento entre elas são utilizadas para descrever o conteúdo das imagens. Essas características são então utilizadas para indexar e possibilitar a comparação de imagens no processo de recuperação. O sistema proposto utilizará um método de indexação de dados recém-desenvolvido – a Slim-tree – para indexar as características extraídas das imagens. Através desse método o Sistema de Apoio ao Diagnóstico possibilitará a consulta por conteúdo em imagens médicas. / This works presents the main characteristics of a diagnosis support system based on image similarity search for medical applications. This system was developed to be used in the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirao Preto of the University of Sao Paulo. The content-based image retrieval (CBIR) researching area has evolved greatly in the last years. Thus, a CBIR system should be able to incorporate the new techniques developed, such as, new feature extraction algorithms and indexing methods among others. Traditionally, the main features extracted from images to get the image essence are color, texture, shape and the relationship among them. Therefore, such features describe the images under analysis, and are used to index and to compare images during the content-based retrieval process. The proposed system takes advantage of a new metric access method - the Slim-tree, which allows the indexing and the retrieval of the images through their extracted features.

\"Avaliação dos resultados analíticos de hidrocarbonetos como instrumento jurídico em caso de derrames de petróleo: mangue de Bertioga\" / Evaluation of analytical results of hydrocarbons as judicial instrument in petroleum spills: Bertioga mangrove

Coimbra, Mauricio Antonio Covre 26 February 2007 (has links)
A avaliação da presença de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo em mangue na região entre a Estrada Rio-Santos e o Canal Bertioga ? São Paulo ? Brasil foi realizada através da análise de amostras de sedimento coletadas em testemunhos em épocas distintas (2001 e 2005). O rompimento de um oleoduto em outubro de 1983 derramou 3.000.000 litros de petróleo (também analisado) nesse local. Esse óleo desceu pelo Rio Iriri até atingir o Canal de Bertioga, espalhando-se por cerca de 60 quilômetros. Uma batalha jurídica teve início em 1985 e se encontra atualmente em fase de execução da sentença. Neste trabalho foram descritas algumas questões jurídicas envolvendo o derramamento ocorrido e as análises químicas para serem utilizadas como nexo causal. Os hidrocarbonetos foram analisados através da extração com solvente orgânico em sistema Soxhlet e por cromatografia a gás com detecção de ionização de chama (GC-FID) para n-alcanos e alcanos isoprenóides e com espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) para biomarcadores de petróleo e compostos policíclicos aromáticos (CPAs). Os resultados dos hidrocarbonetos alifáticos somente permitiram avaliar a contribuição de origem petrogênica pela presença de mistura complexa não resolvida (UCM) em algumas amostras de sedimentos. Não foi possível avaliar a contribuição petrogênica nos sedimentos baseado nas concentrações de n-alcanos, de alifáticos totais e as relações pristano/fitano, pristano/n-C17 e fitano/n-C18. A relação entre os homólogos e isômeros dos biomarcadores de petróleo, entretanto, indicou a presença do petróleo derramado no mangue depois de duas décadas. As maiores concentrações dos biomarcadores de petróleo foram encontradas na região mais próxima do derramamento e nos topos dos testemunhos. As análises de CPAs nos sedimentos foram importantes para a identificação de compostos mutagênicos e carcinogênicos provenientes do petróleo derramado no mangue. / The evaluation of the presence of hydrocarbons of oil in mangrove in the region between the Rio-Santos Road and Bertioga Channel - São Paulo - Brazil was carried out through the analysis of sediment samples collected in cores in distinct times (2001 and 2005). The disruption of a pipeline in October of 1983 spilled 3,000,000 of liters of petroleum (also analyzed) in that area. That oil has gone down the Iriri River as far as the Bertioga Channel and has spread for about 60 kilometers. A judicial process has been started in 1985 and nowadays it is in the final phase when the sentence will be given by the law court. In this work some legal issues involving the occurred spilling and the chemical analyses have been described to be used as causal nexus. The hydrocarbons have been analyzed through an organic solvent extraction using Soxhlet apparatus and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) for n-alkanes and isoprenoids alkanes, and with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) for petroleum biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). The analysis of the aliphatic hydrocarbons allowed evaluating only the contribution of petrogenic origin through the presence of unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in some sediment samples. It has not been possible to evaluate the petrogenic contribution in the sediments based on the concentrations of n-alkanes, total aliphatic hydrocarbons and the ratios between pristane/n-C17 and phythane/n-C18. The ratio between petroleum biomarker homologous and isomers has indicated the presence of the oil spilled in the mangrove after two decades. The highest concentrations of the petroleum biomarkers have been found in the region next to the spilling and in the top-core samples. The analyses of CPAs in the sediments have been important to the identification of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds present in the petroleum spilled in the mangrove.

La sécularisation de la répudiation : ou l'avènement de la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire en droit français

Koumdadji, Abla 13 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
D'origine essentiellement religieuse, la répudiation est la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du mariage décidée par l'époux. En droit musulman, elle permet au mari de mettre un terme à la relation maritale sans avoir à se justifier. En France, cette institution est critiquée et même rejetée tant elle paraît étrangère à la civilisation européenne. Pourtant, à y regarder de plus près, la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du couple existe en droit français sous l'appellation de " divorce pour altération définitive du lien conjugal " pour le mariage, mais encore de "rupture unilatérale " s'agissant du pacte civil de solidarité et du concubinage. La différence tient au titulaire de l'exercice de ce droit, alors que la répudiation ne peut être mise en oeuvre que par l'homme, la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire du mariage, du PACS et du concubinage peut être décidée par l'homme ou la femme. Toutefois, fondamentalement, les effets sont les mêmes : l'un décide, l'autre subit. Que la rupture soit judiciaire ou non judiciaire, ce mode de dissolution laisse perplexe quant à l'attitude du juge et du législateur français face à la répudiation. Le premier refuse, depuis le 17 février 2004, de reconnaître des effets aux répudiations musulmanes en France sous couvert de la violation du principe d'égalité entre époux. Le second, cautionne la rupture unilatérale et discrétionnaire au sein du couple.

\"Avaliação dos resultados analíticos de hidrocarbonetos como instrumento jurídico em caso de derrames de petróleo: mangue de Bertioga\" / Evaluation of analytical results of hydrocarbons as judicial instrument in petroleum spills: Bertioga mangrove

Mauricio Antonio Covre Coimbra 26 February 2007 (has links)
A avaliação da presença de hidrocarbonetos de petróleo em mangue na região entre a Estrada Rio-Santos e o Canal Bertioga ? São Paulo ? Brasil foi realizada através da análise de amostras de sedimento coletadas em testemunhos em épocas distintas (2001 e 2005). O rompimento de um oleoduto em outubro de 1983 derramou 3.000.000 litros de petróleo (também analisado) nesse local. Esse óleo desceu pelo Rio Iriri até atingir o Canal de Bertioga, espalhando-se por cerca de 60 quilômetros. Uma batalha jurídica teve início em 1985 e se encontra atualmente em fase de execução da sentença. Neste trabalho foram descritas algumas questões jurídicas envolvendo o derramamento ocorrido e as análises químicas para serem utilizadas como nexo causal. Os hidrocarbonetos foram analisados através da extração com solvente orgânico em sistema Soxhlet e por cromatografia a gás com detecção de ionização de chama (GC-FID) para n-alcanos e alcanos isoprenóides e com espectrometria de massas (GC-MS) para biomarcadores de petróleo e compostos policíclicos aromáticos (CPAs). Os resultados dos hidrocarbonetos alifáticos somente permitiram avaliar a contribuição de origem petrogênica pela presença de mistura complexa não resolvida (UCM) em algumas amostras de sedimentos. Não foi possível avaliar a contribuição petrogênica nos sedimentos baseado nas concentrações de n-alcanos, de alifáticos totais e as relações pristano/fitano, pristano/n-C17 e fitano/n-C18. A relação entre os homólogos e isômeros dos biomarcadores de petróleo, entretanto, indicou a presença do petróleo derramado no mangue depois de duas décadas. As maiores concentrações dos biomarcadores de petróleo foram encontradas na região mais próxima do derramamento e nos topos dos testemunhos. As análises de CPAs nos sedimentos foram importantes para a identificação de compostos mutagênicos e carcinogênicos provenientes do petróleo derramado no mangue. / The evaluation of the presence of hydrocarbons of oil in mangrove in the region between the Rio-Santos Road and Bertioga Channel - São Paulo - Brazil was carried out through the analysis of sediment samples collected in cores in distinct times (2001 and 2005). The disruption of a pipeline in October of 1983 spilled 3,000,000 of liters of petroleum (also analyzed) in that area. That oil has gone down the Iriri River as far as the Bertioga Channel and has spread for about 60 kilometers. A judicial process has been started in 1985 and nowadays it is in the final phase when the sentence will be given by the law court. In this work some legal issues involving the occurred spilling and the chemical analyses have been described to be used as causal nexus. The hydrocarbons have been analyzed through an organic solvent extraction using Soxhlet apparatus and gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) for n-alkanes and isoprenoids alkanes, and with mass spectrometer (GC-MS) for petroleum biomarkers and polycyclic aromatic compounds (PACs). The analysis of the aliphatic hydrocarbons allowed evaluating only the contribution of petrogenic origin through the presence of unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in some sediment samples. It has not been possible to evaluate the petrogenic contribution in the sediments based on the concentrations of n-alkanes, total aliphatic hydrocarbons and the ratios between pristane/n-C17 and phythane/n-C18. The ratio between petroleum biomarker homologous and isomers has indicated the presence of the oil spilled in the mangrove after two decades. The highest concentrations of the petroleum biomarkers have been found in the region next to the spilling and in the top-core samples. The analyses of CPAs in the sediments have been important to the identification of mutagenic and carcinogenic compounds present in the petroleum spilled in the mangrove.

Uma abordagem prática e eficiente de consultas por similaridade para suporte a diagnóstico por imagens. / A pratical and eficient approach of searches for similarity to support diagnose by images.

Natália Abdala Rosa 26 September 2002 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar as características de um Sistema de Apoio ao Diagnóstico em Sistema Hospitalar Suportando Busca por Imagens Similares, a ser desenvolvido e implantado no Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto. A recuperação de imagens baseada no conteúdo é uma área de pesquisa que tem evoluído bastante nos últimos anos. Assim, um sistema de busca e obtenção de imagens, utilizando tal técnica, deve ser extensível aos novos algoritmos de extração de características e métodos de indexação. A extração de características de imagens, tais como informações de cor, textura, forma e o relacionamento entre elas são utilizadas para descrever o conteúdo das imagens. Essas características são então utilizadas para indexar e possibilitar a comparação de imagens no processo de recuperação. O sistema proposto utilizará um método de indexação de dados recém-desenvolvido – a Slim-tree – para indexar as características extraídas das imagens. Através desse método o Sistema de Apoio ao Diagnóstico possibilitará a consulta por conteúdo em imagens médicas. / This works presents the main characteristics of a diagnosis support system based on image similarity search for medical applications. This system was developed to be used in the Clinical Hospital of Ribeirao Preto of the University of Sao Paulo. The content-based image retrieval (CBIR) researching area has evolved greatly in the last years. Thus, a CBIR system should be able to incorporate the new techniques developed, such as, new feature extraction algorithms and indexing methods among others. Traditionally, the main features extracted from images to get the image essence are color, texture, shape and the relationship among them. Therefore, such features describe the images under analysis, and are used to index and to compare images during the content-based retrieval process. The proposed system takes advantage of a new metric access method - the Slim-tree, which allows the indexing and the retrieval of the images through their extracted features.

Neuroinformatika a sdílení dat z lékařských zobrazovacích systémů / Neuroinformatics and sharing data from medical imaging systems

Klimek, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The presented master's thesis deals with the issue of storing and sharing data from medical imaging systems. This thesis, inter alia, consists of organizational and informatics aspects of medical imaging systems data in multicentric studies containing MRI brain images. This thesis also includes technical design of a web-based application for image data sharing including a web interface suitable for manipulation with the image data stored in a database.

French Laïcité and the Popularity of the Pacs

Mattson, Ashley Gaylene Trupp 12 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Civil unions are currently a divisive issues in the United States. Religion has historically influenced these debates. The French version of civil union, the Pacte Civil de Solidarité (Pacs,) was created in 1999 after seven years of debate. Many have written about the Pacs in the last decade. However, few have explored the direct correlations with France's relationship with Catholicism, her dominant religion that is doctrinally opposed to any sexual relationships outside of marriage. Laïcité has influenced a steady decrease in religiosity among French Catholics. This thesis explores the impact of this religious decline on the creation and surprising popularity of the Pacs, especially among heterosexual couples seeking an alternative to traditional marriage. The author believes that French society's tendency to modify institutions to meet the needs of the times assures a permanent place in society for both marriage and the Catholic Church, though both will probably continue to change forms.

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