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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Implications of the Planning of Beijing’s Imperial City for Sustainable Community Development

Li, Hao January 2013 (has links)
China is experiencing the unprecedentedly rapid urbanization hence how to build a sustainable city with Chinese featuresbecomes a common challenge for city planners and researchers in the field of sustainability. Beijing has been the imperialcapital of China for more than eight hundred years and is deeply embedded within ancient Chinese urban planning theoriesand thoughts; for this reason it is chosen as the subject of this study. The history of Beijing as an imperial city from theYuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty (1267-1912) is reviewed under the framework PEBOSCA, an assessment framework ofsustainable community development which derives from UN HABITAT Agenda. The state of the seven resources ofsustainability is outlined to demonstrate the sustainability of Beijing’s imperial city planning history. Following this,sustainability was assessed at micro- and macro-levels: first the quadrangle as the basic unit of the city is documented andassessed with the Green Building Assessment Standard of China and the LEED for Homes Ranking system in a qualitativeapproach; then the city as a whole was analyzed to assess the interrelationships between the ancient Chinese urban theory –the Fengshui Theory – and urban ecology to understand its implications for the sustainable city planning.The study shows that although sustainable development is becoming a global issue, the key to the challenges faced is local.Integrated with modern technologies, the quadrangle design and the Fengshui Theory will inspire future sustainablecommunity planning and sustainable development.

Augustenborg: A Sustainable Community Assessment : Considering the Sense of Community

Xu, Yiran January 2011 (has links)
During the last decades, sustainable development has generated a growing attention in the world.Eco-city projects, as a step towards practical application of sustainable development theories, havesprung up in various defined spaces. Besides the technical achievements in environmentalsustainability, it is also necessary to develop social sustainability in human habitats. The initialmotivation of this study was to present Augustenborg as an example for other projects to borrowexperience. Based on the PEBOSCA framework, the theoretical system of sense of community,and the interdisciplinary theories of sustainable community development, the study assessed anexisting sustainable community - Augustenborg considering the sense of community by utilizingliterature review and field study. Furthermore, residents’ needs and participation management, twotopics were discussed in an interdisciplinary way to help to optimize sustainable process incommunities.

The Chinese Future Eco-city : A SpecializedAnalysis of Caofeidian International Eco-city

Zhang, Yue January 2010 (has links)
Over the next decades, China will face various thorny issues caused by the fasturbanization progress. Therefore, Caofeidian eco-city, being the most prominenteco-city project in China, is currently in the course of planning and construction,thereby providing a sound model for future urban development. The master plan of 30square kilometers area and current situation is fully analyzed by the PEBOSCAinterdisciplinary framework based on the UN Habitat agenda. To better realize theeco-city in a Chinese context, a series of interdisciplinary problems and potentialchallenges of Caofeidian eco-city are identified and corresponding interdisciplinarysolutions are presented in this paper. Deferring to the different city developmentstages, a tentative schedule and back casting goals are set to assess the Ecocityperformance in the next 50 years.

Potentialen för spillvärmeuppvärmda växthus i Sverige : ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv / The potential for Waste Energy Heated Greenhouses in Sweden : from a Sustainable perspective

Christiansson, Samuel January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie är en delstudie i ett större växthusprojekt som drivs av KTH Centrum för Hälsa och Byggande i Haninge utanför Stockholm. Projektet inbegriper ett integrerat spillvärme- och växthussystem med besöks- och forskningsändamål, placerat i anslutning till en reningsanläggning och ett naturbruksgymnasium. Studiens primära syften är att undersöka spillvärmepotentialen och potentialen för uppvärmning av växthus med spillvärme i Sverige. De sekundära syftena är att undersöka vilka hållbarhetsaspekter som kan identifieras som viktiga för spillvärme-växthus-system och att göra en idé- och informationssammanställning för dem som vill bygga spillvärme-växthus-system, med bland annat tips om hur produktpriser kan beräknas, vilka nyckeltal som kan användas för energikalkyler och vilka användningsområden som finns med ett växthus. Rapporten får ett visst fokus på livsmedels- och tomatodling, eftersom både tidigare studier och den fallstudie som ingår i rapporten handlade om detta. Studiens avsikt är dock att förespråka för en bredare syn på växthusanvändning. Studien visar att det finns stora spillvärmepotentialer bland särskilt högtempererade spillvärmekällor på västkusten och medeltempererade spillvärmekällor i Stockholmsområdet, eftersom dessa områden har både god spillvärmepotential och stor befolkning. Växthus kan byggas nära spillvärmekällan och kräver inte lika höga ingångstemperaturer som exempelvis fjärrvärmenäten, vilket gör spillvärme-växthus-system mer flexibla än spillvärme-fjärrvärme-system. Studien visar på viktiga fysiska, ekonomiska och organisatoriska förutsättningar för att bygga spillvärme-växthus-system, att det finns biologiska, sociala och kulturella potentialer med växthusen och vidare att det finns flera intressanta hållbarhetsaspekter med spillvärme-växthus-system, särskilt om de byggs rätt från början. Så gjordes i Habo, där studiens fallstudie gjordes. I Habo drivs ekologisk växthusodling med hjälp av spillvärme från en närliggande och elproducerande biogasanläggning, där de organiska resurserna består av gödsel och godisrester från en lokal godisindustri. Hela spillvärme-växthus-systemet är småskaligt och i stort sett kretsloppsanpassat. Modellen rekommenderas starkt både för projektet i Haninge och var helst man funderar på att bygga spillvärme-växthus-system, eftersom det överallt finns och alltid kommer att finnas tillgång på organiskt avfall. Energistudier visar att det finns stor potential i det organiska avfallet, särskilt från jordbruk


Liang, Ying January 2011 (has links)
Although China has a huge cyclist population, the cycling condition in large cities is undesirable. The problem is mainly caused by the mixed-flow of cyclists and motorist on the road. Separation of cyclists and motorist is the key to solve the problem. Based on the research of the successful examples in Europe and a PEBOSCA inventory analysis of the cycling traffic in Nanjing, a set of suggestion is proposed on how to plan the bicycle network. A bicycle network separated from motor traffic and the planning on a cycling district division is introduced. The proposal also involves the suggestion on combination between cycling and public transport, and the experience route of historical culture and the natural beauty of the landscape.

A Study on the Future Sustainability of Sejong, South Korea's Multifunctional Administrative City, Focusing on Implementation of Transit Oriented Development

Kang, Jeongmuk January 2012 (has links)
Since the appearance of steam engines in the late 18th century, cities have been growing with the development of transportation and the consequent increase of its urban population and economic activities. Presently, cities accommodate more than half of the world population and are expected to be responsible for 73% of the world’s energy use in 2030. Cities come to the fore as a problem, being also the roots of solution for current environment and energy-related problems. The Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) and Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems applied in Latin American cities have shown the possibility of establishing efficient urban transport networks and sustainable urban structures at low cost. Meanwhile, Asian cities are anticipated to accommodate 54% of the world urban population by 2050. Sejong city, South Korea is the newest planned city in the region aiming to see its completion in 2030. The aim of this paper is to assess the future urban sustainability of Sejong city by analyzing first the Master Plan of the construction of the city in accordance with PEBOSCA (Physical, Economical, Biological, Organizational, Social, Cultural, and Aesthetical) resources, and second its implementation in general with a focus on the expected role of Transit-Oriented Development in particular looking at BRT. Putrajaya’s case is referred for anticipated shortcomings which Sejong should be prepared for. Secondary data and interpretations from books and articles regarding contemporary urban problems are comprehensively reviewed to systemically analyze the influences of implementation of TOD upon urban sustainability. This study revealed that planned actions derived from TOD will play an important role in resolving urban problems in Sejong city by relieving urban traffic congestion, CO2 emission and fossil fuel consumption. And systemic influences on improvement of business activities, government tax income, social activities and equity, and olfactory quality of the city are expected. Therefore, TOD is deemed to be a better option for existing cities and is necessary for newly developing planned cities in Asia and Africa.

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