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Unbound pavement materials and analytical designMundy, Michael January 2002 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelling winning performance in invasive team gamesPotter, Gareth Wyn January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantitative methods for performance measurement systemsSuwignjo, Patdono January 1999 (has links)
The business environment has changed dramatically since the 1980s. Many researchers have shown that the traditional financially-based performance measurement systems have failed to cope with the current dynamic business environment. Even although new performance measurement systems have been proposed, such as Activity-Based Costing, the Balanced Scorecard, the SMART system, the Performance Measurement Questionnaires and the Cambridge model, the problem of quantifying the interaction of the factors affecting business performance still remains. The objectives of this thesis are: 1. To develop a performance measurement system model that can be used to quantify the effects of factors on performance and consolidate them into a single performance indicator. 2. To develop a model for reducing the number of performance reports. 3. To carry out experiments for testing the validity, applicability and stability of the models developed. To achieve these objectives this thesis reviews research methodology literature, studies the traditional and new performance measurement systems, identifies the current problems of performance measurement systems, reviews existing methods for identifying, structuring and prioritising performance measures, reviews the multicriteria methods, studies the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and its controversy, develops quantitative methods for performance measurement systems and carries out experiments to test the validity, stability and applicability of the methods developed. To quantify the effect of factors on performance and consolidate them into a single performance indicator a quantitative method for performance measurement system (QMPMS) was developed. The method uses cognitive maps for identifying factors affecting performance and their relationship, structured diagrams for structuring the factors hierarchically and analytic hierarchy process for quantifying the effects of factors on performance. The method was then extended to reduce the number of performance reports. The QMPMS and its extension were implemented in three case studies to test their theoretical and application validity. The first case study applied the models to 'J&B Scotland Ltd.' to identify whether the models can produce the intended outputs. The second case study applied the QMPMS to 'Seagate Distribution (UK) Ltd.' to test the validity (accuracy) and stability of the QMPMS. Finally, the third case implemented the QMPMS to quantify and consolidate Inland Revenue, Cumbernauld's performance measures. It was found from the experiments that the QMPMS is quite accurate (the mean percentage of deviation is less than 4 percent), stable for a reasonable period of time and it can be applied comfortably to real cases. The QMPMS is now being used by the Inland Revenue - Cumbernauld for producing a single performance indicator of their business processes and overall office.
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A systems approach to asset management in the hydro-electric sectorBaker-Langman, E. J. January 2003 (has links)
The premise for this thesis is that successful management of physical assets must consider not only the infrastructure, but also the wider system within which it is located. Only through 'systems thinking' can the performance of a complex asset be managed to meet the demand being placed on it by its stakeholders, which may include customers; shareholders: staff; regulators and suppliers. In order to balance the competing demands of the various stakeholders, an organisation must be able to link the work that is carried out in maintaining. improving and replacing assets, to the service demands. This can only be done through understanding the processes occurring within and between the assets being managed. Current best practice in Asset Management revolves around principles of risk management, lifecycle planning and prioritisation. This requires a good understanding of interactions within the system. which could be gained from a process-based view of performance. A review of existing process models reveals a need for a generic methodology for building process models that could support improved Asset Management for organisations whose main asset base includes complex infrastructure elements. This should ultimately result in improved condition monitoring, management and performance of existing assets, and point out any need for further investment in new assets or data collection. An enhanced Asset Management methodology is developed through the course of this research and is demonstrated on a simplified case study based on part of the business of Scottish and Southern Energy pIc. The study reveals the importance of process modelling in allowing an organisation to overcome the dangers of silo-organisation, as represented in the traditional organigram. The enhanced methodology encourages greater communication along cross-functional lines rather than through a department-by-department approach and could therefore support the implementation of quality systems such as ISO 9001.
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Process assessment at LFV - measuring and mapping of the order process / Processutvärdering hos LFV - Kartläggning och framtagning av nyckeltal för orderprocessenOlingdal, Jakob, Peltomaa, Joni January 2016 (has links)
För verksamheter som arbetar processorienterat är det viktigt att kunna mäta och följa upp verksamhetens processer för att få svar på var man står i nuläget och hur framtida mål kan uppnås. Vid mätning av processer måste man dessutom veta vad som ska mätas, varför man gör det och göra det på rätt sätt. Ett sätt att mäta verksamhetens prestation är med Key Performance Indicators (KPI), mätetal som tagits fram för att möta verksamhetens målsättningar. LFV är ett statligt verk som ansvarar för flygtrafiktjänster i Sverige, och det är på avdelningen för Teknikuppdrag som denna studie utspelar sig. LFV har krav på sig från EU att reducera sina kostnader för flygtrafiktjänster med 2,4 % årligen fram till 2019, vilket öppnar upp för effektiviseringsåtgärder som kan bidra till besparingarna. Studien går ut på att kartlägga och ta fram relevanta KPIer för orderprocessen för produkten flygmätning, för att möjliggöra uppföljning av processen. För att finna lämpliga KPIer har en omfattande litteraturstudie genomförts, därtill har intervjuer med representanter från LFV utförts. Studien resulterade i en ny, korrigerad, processkarta för produkten flygmätning, samt i tre stycken KPIer som kan användas för att följa upp processen. Dessa tre KPIer är Ledtid, Leveransprecision och Andel felfria transaktioner. Utöver detta har även processens design uppmätts enligt mätetal speciellt utformade för detta.
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The establishment of performance criteria for the evaluation of procurement of senior staff and private housing projects in the State of QatarAl-Derham, Hassan Rashid January 1999 (has links)
A study by the Supreme Planning Council called the attention of problems during the procurement of Senior Staff Housing projects leading to less effective project outcomes. The SPC report put the blame on the current regulations of the scheme. This research evaluated SSH projects in comparison with Private Housing (PH) projects, which were not affected by SSH regulations. A model was developed as part of this research study. The model sets out to embrace the relationships between the variables in the building process. The model takes six main groups of independent variables, namely those that affect the client, the land acquisition, the design phase, the construction phase, disputes and SSH regulations. The effectiveness of the housing projects was measured against quantitative and qualitative performance indicators. The performance variables tested were unit cost; percentage of cost overrun; speed of construction; percentage of time overrun; client's satisfaction with cost and time; client's overall satisfaction; client's rating on quality; aesthetic quality and technical quality. As this study is the first of its kind, exploratory interviews with industry participants were conducted to gain a better understanding of construction practice in Qatar as well as to firm up the design of the client's questionnaire, aesthetic and technical quality evaluation techniques. The main field study resulted in 61 SSH projects and 34 PH projects. The research revealed that PH projects are more effective than SSH projects. It was found that SSH regulations are not the main reason for a less effective outcome. The main reasons were the unclear objectives and bad decisions made by the SSH clients. The research also revealed poor quality workmanship, old construction techniques and the use of inadequate construction materials. Also, a lack of, proper contract forms and means of dispute resolution. There are no institutions for consultants or contractors and a lack of training and development. Together, these factors contribute to the client's poor image of the industry. The research provides recommendations for reorganising the industry to improve its output. These include establishing Construction Industry Council, forming institutions for consultants and contractors, and establishing Housing Council.
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Development and Implementation of Environmental Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in Swedish Manufacturing IndustryShah, Bilal Ahmed January 2013 (has links)
Traditional manufacturing industry have developed a linear production path that involves resource extraction, energy usage, emissions released to air and water, and waste produced at volumes and rates that places increasing burden on the natural environment. These traditional manufacturing organizations have mostly viewed environmental activities separately from their core business operations. Today, organizations are shifting their manufacturing approach. There is a significant potential to reduce the energy use, emissions released, resource consumption and wastes produced through sustainable initiatives. Using environmental key performance indicators (KPIs) is one emerging sustainability initiative. Environmental KPIs depict the vast quantity of environmental data of a firm in a comprehensive and concise manner, applying mostly to set absolute material and energy data in relation to other variables in order to increase the informational value of quantitative data. In this thesis work, literature review and empirical study was carried out to find out the significant factors and the major challenges during the development and implementation of environmental key performance indicators (KPIs). A case study in four Swedish manufacturing companies was carried out to collect primary data which was later compared with literature review. The thesis work also highlights the management system used to implement environmental KPIs.
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Prestationsmätningens Komplexitet : Hur KPI:er uppfattas av medarbetareAlenrud, Erik, Stenberg, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Measuring The Environmental Impact Of Ict HardwareKrumay, Barbara, Brandtweiner, Roman January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Society needs information and communication technology (ICT) hardware to produce, process and store highly valuable information. This hardware, of course, affects the environment throughout its whole life cycle, starting with manufacturing, where the necessary scarce and precious resources (e.g. rare earth metals) are often mined under miserable environmental conditions. This leads to pollution of soil, water and air in the present as well as for the future. During the use phase of ICT hardware, energy consumption impacts the environment. At the end of life of ICT hardware, recycling, disposing as e-waste in landfills or disassembling are additional impacts that affect the environment. More and more producers and users, especially companies, want to measure these impacts, which is a complex task. However, approaches to measure the impacts are at hand, either as single indicators, measuring one specific impact, or as composed indicators, combining different single indicators into one "summarizing" indicator. However, collection of data, measurement, assessment and interpretation are challenging. Unfortunately, guidelines for those who want to measure the impact of ICT hardware are rare. With our research, we aim to shed light on the various approaches to measure impacts of ICT hardware as well as their application in practice. Based on a literature review, we identified different indicators and them to the attention of experts from companies to assess these approaches in terms of practicability, significance and value for practice. The results show that research investigates and proposes a variety of different more or less complex indicators. However, business prefers single indicators, which are easy to measure and understand.
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A Study of Performance Indicators in Wealth Management ¡V Different Views between Financial Consultants and BanksYang, Li-wen 04 July 2006 (has links)
Rapid growth of wealth management industry in Taiwan caused serious business dispute and oversell problem in recent years, and this study shows that wealth management banks only emphasis on how many products they sell and ignore how to help customers to make their financial plans is the key factor according to the analysis of laws and present situation. Besides, this study attributed this kind of phenomenon to over commission-orientation salary structure of financial consultants.
After this situation, this study selected balanced scorecard to view the performance indicators of financial consultants work for banks which main business is on wealth management in order to get rid of financial factor only stand. The summary conclusions of this study are as below:
1. Wealth management industry gives priory to commission-
orientation salary structure.
2. Banks and financial consultants have different stands in
today¡¦s wealth management industry: banks emphasis on
financial factor such as fee income and financial
consultants pay their attention to customer factor.
3. Financial consultants who more care about their
professional abilities have not only more skills to help
customers to make financial plan, but have higher
motivation to keep customer¡¦s equities.
4. Whether banks close to the customers or not won¡¦t
directly affect how financial consultants emphasis on
customer factor.
5. Counterproposal: fee income achievement rate, policy
6. Advised performance indicators: AUM, extended AUM,
customer asset return rate, moderate CIP
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