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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reporting vybrané firmy / Reporting of the Selected Firm

Pavlicová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on reporting, which provides a comprehensive system for transmitting information to users, who require this information. And in such a way that allows them to review quickly and easy required information. The reports of the selected company are described and then evaluated on the basis of theoretical requirements for reporting. Subsequently, the advices and recommendations are defined on how to adjust the selected reports to meet users requirements.

Analýza možností vstupu na nový trh / Analysis of Options to Enter a new Market

Lacina, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with analysis of macroenvironment of Kenya´s market. The main goal of the thesis is to find out, if the macroenvironment enables entrance for company producing condoms to Kenya´s market. Besides that the barriers which restrict the entrance to market are mentioned. The thesis mentions an influence of the barriers. The thesis uses PESTEL analysis for the indetification of the key factors which determine characteristic of the market. Using the PESTEL analysis enables to determine barriers of the entrance to Kenya´s market. On the output of PESTEL analysis is used DEMATEL method which was used for quantification of the PESTEL analysis output. Using DEMATEL method enabled to determinate influence of the particular factors of PESTEL. Because of using DEMATEL method thesis determinates political, economical and social factors as the strogest factors and it is necessary to devote them main attention. They may mean the most important barrier for entrance. Simultaneously DEMATEL determines political, social and legal factors as the factors with the biggest influence. Outcomes of this thesis provide information about macroenvironment of Kenya´s market for any company producing condoms.

Plan de Negocios propuesto para la creación de la microempresa de Tejidos a mano y Crochet: “Mona´s Hand-Knitted”

Barzola Dongo, Carmen Rosa, Jong Caffo, Irma Vanessa 03 December 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo se basa en la propuesta de un plan de negocios para la creación de una microempresa de tejido de vestidos y chalecos hechos a mano y/o a crochet. La idea parte de la necesidad de formalizar un negocio que actualmente está encaminado, pero de manera informal y debido a la buena acogida y aumento de demanda que está teniendo por la calidad de sus productos, requiere dar el siguiente paso en cuanto a crecimiento ya como empresa. Hemos realizado un análisis sobre el entorno, las características de nuestros clientes actuales y potenciales, así como la proyección económica y financiera. La propuesta de crear una microempresa parte del total anual de ventas proyectadas, así como la intención de acceder a algunos beneficios tributarios y gubernamentales que actualmente impulsan el desarrollo y formalización de las empresas a nivel país. Para poder tener una visión global del proyecto y determinar la ventaja competitiva de esta microempresa nos hemos apoyado en desarrollar diversos modelos y herramientas de análisis tipo PESTEL, FODA, CANVAS, entre otros. Nuestro plan estratégico tiene un enfoque de diferenciación del producto para lo cual nos estamos apoyando del plan de marketing propuesto. Los precios de venta se han determinado en base a una sólida estructura de costos que hemos armado, así como el análisis de nuestro mercado actual. Esto nos ha dado como resultado una proyección positiva de rentabilidad tanto económica como financiera, lo cual nos confirmaría la viabilidad del proyecto. / The present work is based on the proposal of a business plan for the creation of a microbusiness of hand-made dresses and vests. The idea is based on the need to formalize this business that is currently underway, but informally and due to the good reception and increased demand that it is having for the quality of its products, it requires taking the next step in terms of growth as a company. We have carried out an analysis of the environment, the characteristics of our current and potential clients, as well as the economic and financial projection. The proposal to create a microbusiness response to the annual projected sales total, as well as the intention of accessing some tax benefits and governments that currently drive the development and formalization of companies in our country. In order to have a global vision of the project and determine the competitive advantage of this microbusiness, we have relied on developing various models and analysis tools such as PESTEL, SWOT ANALYSIS, CANVAS, among others. Our strategic plan has an advantage differentiation approach for what we are supporting from the proposed marketing plan. Sales prices have been determined based on a cost structure that we have assembled, as well as the analysis of our current market. This has resulted in a positive projection of economic and financial profitability, which confirms the viability of the project. / Tesis

Dagvattenhantering i urban miljö : Komplettering av befintliga avvattningssystem i Hemlingby

Assefa, Edom, Ngabonziza, Bertrand January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att ta fram lösningsförslag som kan komplettera Hemlingbys befintliga avvattningssystem som består av VA-ledningar och dammar. Lösningsförslagen som presenteras i rapporten har tagits fram med hänsyn till nulägesanalysering samt bedömning av nollalternativ. Studien omfattar en kartläggning av dagvattenhantering inom distriktet, via en sådan undersökning har författarna lokaliserat två problem områden som bör ses över. Dessa är Hemlingbybäcken och Kryddstigen. Recipienten tillstånd d.v.s. Hemlingbybäcken påverkas av mänskliga aktiviteter. Föroreningar som drabbar bäcken utgörs av tungmetaller såsom koppar, bly och zink. Brist på dagvattenmagasiner har medfört att bäcken innehar kapacitetsproblem med dagvatteninflöde från närliggande fastigheter och industriområden. Kryddstigen är ett område där det bedrivs företag inom teknik och handel, dessa aktiviteter bidrar med föroreningar som försämrar grundvattnets och recipientens tillstånd. Norra delen av Hemlingby utgörs till största del av hårdgjorda ytor, vilket reducerar möjligheten för en naturlig infiltration och avvattning av nederbördsvatten, detta har i sin tur orsakat att översvämningsrisken ökat i distriktet. Gävle kommun har via tidigare utredningar identifierat problemet och försökt förebygga dessa genom att implementera fördröjningsdammar, våtmarksdammar och rondelldammar. Uppföljningsarbete har gjorts som konstaterar att dammarna har ett större avrinningsområde än tidigare beräknat, vilket påverkar verkningsgraden negativt. Kapacitetsproblem har därför uppkommit t.ex. våtmarksdammarna är dimensionerade att omhänderta ett 10-årsregn från ett avrinningsområde på 19 hektar. För tillfället klarar våtmarksdammarna endast av att hantera 2-årsregn för ett avrinningsområde på 2400m3. Studien presenterar öppen dagvattenhantering som lösningsalternativ för dessa områden, detta görs med hänsyn till befintliga VA-ledningar och dammar. Öppna dagvattenlösningar tillämpas oftast i urbana miljöer för att fördröja, lokalt omhänderta samt för att få en samlad fördröjning av dagvatten. Detta sker med hjälp av växtligheter som gör det möjligt att uppnå en naturlig infiltration. Allmänheten kan dra nyttja av att implementera öppna dagvattenlösningar. Det kan förvandla en tråkig stadsmiljö till en livlig sådan genom att omhänderta dagvatten ovanpå ytan. Det blir fördelaktigt för allmänheten eftersom öppna dagvattenlösningarna bidrar med en estetisk tilltalande miljö samt ökad biologiskmångfald. Alternativen redogörs på följande sätt: Gröna tak – LOD för privat mark, Permeabla markytor – Fördröjning nära källan & LOD, Svackdiken med makadammagsin – Trög avledning & Samlad fördröjning, Biofilteranläggning i form av Regnbäddar – samlad fördröjning. Lösningsförslagen har sedan bedömts ihop med nollalternativet utifrån inre och yttre aspekter som berör omhändertagande av dagvatten. Yttre aspekter omfattar lagstiftning och dagvattenpolicy, inre aspekter tar hänsyn till faktorer som ekonomiska, tekniska, sociala och miljömässiga förhållanden. Bedömningsmetoden som presenteras i studien syftar till att utvärdera och ta fram underlag som är relevanta vid beslutsfattning och framtagning av tekniska lösningar. Värderingsmetoden är inspirerad av PESTEL-analys modellen. I denna undersökning har denna metod anpassats för att bedöma dagvattenlösningar. Övergripande beskrivning av vad en PESTEL-analys är ges i rapporten samt tolkning och tillämpning av bedömningsmetoden. Bedömningsresultateten för enskilt alternativ presenteras och diskuteras med hänsyn till nollalternativet samt tillämpningsområde i rapporten. / The aim of this study is to propose appropriate solutions that can complete Hemlingbys existing stormwater treatment systems. The solutions presented in this study has been developed with regards to the current situation, which includes water drainage systems and ponds. The study includes a survey of the current stormwater management within the district, as a result, the authors have localized two problem areas that should be investigated, i.e. are Hemlingbybäcken and Kryddstigen. The stormwater recipient i.e. Hemlingbybäcken is affected by human activities. Contaminates that affect the stream consist mainly of copper, lead and zinc. Due to the lack of stormwater storage capacity problems associated with stormwater flooding occurred from nearby buildings and industrial areas. Kryddstigen is an area in the district where business in technology and trade are located, these activities contribute to pollution that degrades groundwater and recipient conditions. The northern part of Hemlingby consist mostly of hard surfaces, which reduces the possibility of a natural infiltration of rain water, this in turn has caused an increased risk of flooding in the area. Gävle municipality have through earlier investigations identified some of the problems and tried to prevent them by implementing ponds that can delay incoming stormwater. Follow-up works proves that the ponds serve a larger catchment area than previously estimated, which adverse the ponds efficiency. Capacity problems have therefore arisen, for instance wetland ponds are sized to handle 10-yearsrain from a catchment area of 19 hectares. However, the existing wetland ponds can only handle a 2-yearsrain from a catchment area of 2400m3. This study presents open stormwater management as alternative solution, this has been proposed based on existing sewerage systems and ponds. Open stormwater solutions are applied mostly in urban environment to delay and locally dispose stormwater. This is done by vegetation which makes it possible to achieve a natural infiltration. The public can also take use of open stormwater solutions by turning an unattractive city to a beautiful one. It can also be beneficial to the community because open stormwater solutions contribute with an aesthetically pleasing environment and increasing biodiversity. The alternatives are described as follows: Green roofs, permeable ground surfaces, ditch with macadam basin and, rain gardens. These solutions are then assessed together with the existing solutions based on internal and external aspects concerning stormwater management. External aspects include legislation and stormwater policy, internal aspects take into account factors such as economy, technology, social and environment conditions. Assessment methodology that are presented in this study aims to evaluate and prepare documentation that is relevant for decision- making and the development of technical solutions based on the current situation. The evaluation method used in this study is inspired by PESTEL- analysis model. This method has been adapted to assess stormwater solutions. An overall description of what a PESTEL- analysis is given in this study as well as the interpretation and application of the assessment method. The result for single alternatives is presented and discussed with respect to existing solutions in the area of this study.

Analýza sortimentu kosmetické firmy / Product analysis of Cedro sole ltd. company

Čekan, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses products of Cedro sole ltd., which is a company operating on nail care market in Czech Republic. Theoretical part defines basic terms and brings basis important for practical part. Practical part deals with company presentation, customers and the market company's operating on. This is followed by company's surroundings that describe the current situation on the nail care market. Marketing mix analysis shows ways of price setting, organisation of distribution and the ways of communication. All this is followed by product analysis of the sales numbers, revenues and margin during the studied years. Last part is focused on recommendations to improve sales numbers and market position.

Zpracování podnikatelského záměru / Elaboration of Business Plan

Ondrák, Jan January 2009 (has links)
This thesis is focused to create a project of photovoltaic power plant with energy output 1 MWp. Project should be realized in a land register of Lipnice nad Sázavou. Next target is identificatio of conditions for enterprising in energetics and renewable energy. Details are described in the branch of photovoltaics business. Part of thesis is focused to evaluation of feasibility, financial and administration obstacles include description of particular documents necessary for realization of the project. Other part of the thesis is focused to PESTEL analysis of corporate environment. There are described all aspects important for business activities in the field of photovoltaics. Thesis includes an economic analysis too. There are mentioned calculations of supposed economic progres during the 20 year. In this years redemption price is fixed in law. Unfortunatelly a changes are expect in next year. So these changes are took into account in calculations too.

Návrh na úpravu prvků marketingového mixu / Proposal for change of marketing mix elements

Pajkrtová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis is about a newly established company whose owner invented a new product for slackline. In the theoretical part will be explained various terms such as marketing, marketing mix and its sub-elements. Further, the methodology of marketing research will be described. The practical part of this thesis will describe the company and will analyze the external environment and the analysis of competition, analysis of marketing mix elements and marketing research on potential customers to which the company targets. Based on previous analyzes and research will be the proposals for improvement of the marketing mix of the company formed.

Strategic Business Plan Based on Total Quality Management for Property-Marketing Small Enterprises in UK

Abdi, M. Reza, Elliot, L., Edalat, F.D. January 2016 (has links)
No / The chapter investigates the property marketing enterprises in northern England, UK, through examination of the Macro/Micro environments and using standard evaluation of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat (SWOT)factors and the Political, Economic, Social and Technological, Environmental (ecological) and Legal (PESTEL) factors, and five forces analyses in order to explore the enterprise's standing within the market place. The PESTEL analysis provides a ‘Big Picture' of the environments in which the small enterprises operate along with identifying key strategic opportunities and threats. Insights gained here will allow entrepreneurs to take advantage of the opportunities and minimise the threats. The research methodology is examined through a real case study in a small enterprise company called Property-Marketing Company based in the UK. The findings show that the small firm seem to be in a strong sustainable position within the regional property marketing segment, and have the potential to expand. The findings also reveal that the entrepreneur's goals are reasonably well established whereas they currently suffer from the lack of a strategic plan to achieve their goals. The project aims to provide a strategic business plan for the company under study with an effective process flow in order to maximise available time, and a strategic plan of how to grow the business.

Analýza investičního prostředí a PZI Velké Británie a Francie a jejich komparace / Investment climate and FDI in the United Kingdom and France, and their comparison

Hujová, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The main objective of the diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current investment climate in the United Kingdom and France, and to draw their comparison. It includes an analysis of significant political, economic, social, technological and legal factors, as well as assessment of available investment incentives. The thesis also contains an evaluation of FDI inflows to both countries. The thesis is consequently aimed at determining mutual competitive advantages of the United Kingdom and France.

Podnikatelský plán / Business plan

Vejrážka, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This thesis objectively assess the economic viability of the newly established startup that aims to become the leading expert on the domestic market in the field of consulting cryptocurrency issues. The aim of this work is to build a business plan, which also includes marketing research, together with the financial plan. An introductory part contains of theoretical framework of the cryptocurrency issues with an analysis of the economic impact on the Czech market. The theoretical part of the thesis is enriched with the necessary methodological basics for writing the business plan. In the practical part of this thesis is to find a business plan aimed at assessing the business model of the startup conducting the methods for the analysis of demand and by analyzing of market potential.

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