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Absorption of acid dyes by poly(ethylene terephlalate) fibres containing basic sitesKamat, Sanjiv January 1981 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of a pre-knitting friction test method and study of friction and bending of yarns with high stiffness.Peterson, Joel, Vegborn, Ellinor January 2009 (has links)
Knitting is a class of techniques for production of textile fabrics by inter-looping yarns withthe use of hooked needles. The new loops are created when the yarns drawn through thepreviously formed loops. An apparatus for two needles with adjustable geometry resemblingthe knitting process in weft knitting machines has been constructed and mounted in anordinary tensile testing machine in order to study stress build-up, fibre damage, needle wearetc. The merits of the knittability test-rig set-up are the possibilities to test the performance ofthe yarns with the geometry of the machine and to simulate and identify some of the problemsthat can occur between needles and yarn in the knitting process. Well-defined mechanicalconditions with the static pre-load weight and the possibilities to identify the location of theevents of damage on the fibres during the testing of the specimens and to do furtherexamination before knitting are some obvious merits. The knittability of some extreme yarns,PET-monofilaments, carbon fibre roving and aramid yarn has been studied with respect tofriction and bending stiffness. Friction and bending characteristics exhibit viscoellasticfeatures. The needles have diameters of the same order of magnitude as the diameters ofmonofilaments for example for use in knitted spacer fabrics and the results of this workillustrate strong influence of the fibre diameter on the knittability. / <p>Program: Magisterutbildning i textilteknologi</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: D</p>
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Structural modifications of polyester fibres induced by thermal and chemical treatments to obtain high-performance fibres / Strukturella modifieringar av polyesterfibrer inducerade av termiska och kemiska behandlingar för att erhålla högpresterande fibrerSharma, Kartikeya January 2021 (has links)
Del A: Polyetylentereftalat fibrer I detta arbete presenteras olika metoder för att framställa monofilament av polyetylentereftalat (PET) (diameter: 30-50 µm) med en radiell gradient. Nyutvecklad Raman-spektroskopiteknik har använts för att kartlägga dessa inducerade radiella gradienter i t.ex. kristallinitet. På liknande sätt har FTIR-ATR teknik modifierats och anpassats för att studera ytegenskaperna hos dessa filament. Industriella filamentprover och egna smältspunna PET-filament har framgångsrikt modifierats med användning av olika termiska och kemiska behandlingar för att erhålla fibrer med förbättrade mekaniska egenskaper och minskad fibrillering. De strukturella förändringar som uppträdde i filamenten på mikroskopisk nivå karakteriserades med bl a infraröd analys, termisk analys, Raman-mikroskopi och röntgenteknik (SAXS och WAXD). Tester av fibrilleringsegenskaper utfördes av industriella partners med egenutvecklad teknik följt av testning av masterbatch-fibrer på en vävningssimulator. Resultaten i laboratorieskala avslöjade fibrernas strukturella anisotropi och radiella gradienter, vilka visade en minskad fibrillering med en viss inverkan på de mekaniska egenskaperna. Del B: Poly(3-hydroxybutyrat) fibrer Detta arbete presenterar studier av poly(3-hydroxybutyrat) (P3HB) fibrer med reversibla strukturförändringar. Tidigare studier har visat att kristallisationen hos P3HB fibrer i huvudsakligen sker i ortorombisk α-kristallform. Stress-anlöpning resulterar dock i en förändring i beteendet hos P3HB-materialet. Strukturen hos P3HB fibrer består av amorfa och kristallina regioner samt en mesofas. Mesofasen antas vara belägen mellan α-kristallerna och uppträder som starkt orienterade bindningskedjor, s k “tie-chains”. Denna studie syftar till att observera effekten av stress-anlöpning på mesofasen och dess beroende av anlöpningsförhållandena. Förändringarna i mesofasen observeras med en anpassad och polariserad Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) samt med Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). Resultaten från ATR-FTIR visar att mesofasen är närvarande i spunna och högt stress-anlöpta fibrer, medan den är frånvarande i fibrer som är lågt stress-anlöpta. Mesofasen kan emellertid återupptas i lågt stress-anlöpta fibrer genom dragning. In situ ATR-FTIR användes för att studera förändringarna i materialbeteendet under en dragningsprocess för att observera periodiciteten i förekomsten av mesofasen. Det visade sig att förekomsten av mesofasen är en starkt reversibel process som observeras som en funktion av topparnas intensitet i ATR-FTIR. / Part A: Poly(ethylene terephthalate) fibres In this work, various methods to produce Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) monofilaments (diameter: 30-50µm) with a radial gradient are presented along with a newly developed Raman spectroscopy technique to map these induced radial gradients in e.g. crystallinity. On similar lines, FTIR-ATR technique has been modified and adapted to study the surface properties of these fine filaments. Industrial filament samples and in-house melt-spun PET filaments have been successfully modified using various thermal and chemical treatments to obtain fibres with improved mechanical properties and reduced fibrillation. The structural changes occurring in the filaments on the microscopic level were characterized using infrared analysis, thermal analysis, Raman microscopy and X-ray techniques (SAXS and WAXD) among others. The fibrillation properties were tested by the industrial partners using a technique developed in-house followed by testing of masterbatch fibres on a weaving simulator. Lab-scale results revealed the structural anisotropy and radial gradient maps of the fibres which also demonstrated reduced fibrillation with some impact on mechanical properties also being observed. Part B: Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) fibres This work presents studies on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P3HB) fibres with reversible structural changes. Previously reported literature shows that crystallization of P3HB fibres takes place majorly in the orthorhombic α-crystal form. However, the stress-annealing results in a change of the material behaviour of P3HB. P3HB fibres compose of amorphous regions, crystalline regions and mesophase in their structure. The mesophase is supposed to be located in between the α-crystals of the material as highly oriented tie-chains. This study targets to observe the effect of stress-annealing of the mesophase present in the P3HB fibres and its dependence on the annealing conditions. The changes in the mesophase content are observed with the help of a highly adapted polarized Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The presented results from polarized ATR-FTIR show that the mesophase is present in as-spun and high stress annealed fibres while it is absent in fibres annealed with low stress. However, the mesophase can be re-obtained in low stress annealed fibres through tensile drawing. In-situ ATR-FTIR was utilized to study the changes in the material behaviour during a tensile drawing process to observe the cyclicity in the occurrence of the mesophase. It was found that the existence of mesophase is a highly reversible process observed as a function of the peak intensities of the polarized ATR-FTIR spectroscopy.
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Studium vlivu organických vláken na požární odolnost betonu / Study of the influence organic fibres on the fire resistance of concreteKlobása, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on current issues of concrete behaviour under high temperatures. In the theoretical part, a search of knowledge about changes in concrete, which take place when exposed to thermal loads, which simulates the effect of fire, is performed, and summarized. It is also important to summarize the changes in the individual components that are used to produce concrete. This work describes the effect of high temperatures on mechanical and physical properties as well. There is an information about the most used fibres and their function in concrete. Emphasis is placed on describing the possibility of using recycled PET or cellulose fibres due to the positive environmental impact. In the experimental part, recipes with different types and amounts of fibres are proposed. The subject of the research was to determine how individual types and amounts of fibres affect the physical mechanical properties of concrete and their suitability for use at high temperatures. Microscopic scanning and study of changes in the structure of concrete was also performed.
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