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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

PIK3CA dependence and sensitivity to therapeutic targeting in urothelial carcinoma

Ross, R.L., McPherson, H.R., Kettlewell, L., Shnyder, Steven, Hurst, C.D., Alder, O., Knowles, M.A. 15 July 2016 (has links)
Yes / Background: Many urothelial carcinomas (UC) contain activating PIK3CA mutations. In telomerase-immortalized normal urothelial cells (TERT-NHUC), ectopic expression of mutant PIK3CA induces PI3K pathway activation, cell proliferation and cell migration. However, it is not clear whether advanced UC tumors are PIK3CA-dependent and whether PI3K pathway inhibition is a good therapeutic option in such cases. Methods: We used retrovirus-mediated delivery of shRNA to knock down mutant PIK3CA in UC cell lines and assessed effects on pathway activation, cell proliferation, migration and tumorigenicity. The effect of the class I PI3K inhibitor GDC-0941 was assessed in a panel of UC cell lines with a range of known molecular alterations in the PI3K pathway. Results: Specific knockdown of PIK3CA inhibited proliferation, migration, anchorage-independent growth and in vivo tumor growth of cells with PIK3CA mutations. Sensitivity to GDC-0941 was dependent on hotspot PIK3CA mutation status. Cells with rare PIK3CA mutations and co-occurring TSC1 or PTEN mutations were less sensitive. Furthermore, downstream PI3K pathway alterations in TSC1 or PTEN or co-occurring AKT1 and RAS gene mutations were associated with GDC-0941 resistance. Conclusions: Mutant PIK3CA is a potent oncogenic driver in many UC cell lines and may represent a valuable therapeutic target in advanced bladder cancer.

The functional roles of the intra-oocyte phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling in controlling follicular development in mice

Jagarlamudi, Krishna Rao January 2009 (has links)
The key functions of the mammalian ovary are the production of fertilizable oocytes and thesecretion of steroid hormones. At the time of birth the human ovary is composed of basic unitstermed primordial follicles. Primordial follicles are long-lived structures in the ovary and some ofthem last until the woman reaches menopause. However, the intra-oocyte signaling pathways thatactivate primordial follicles and early follicular development are largely unknown. In this thesis, the functional roles that the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling pathwayplays in follicular development were investigated. In vivo approaches using genetically modifiedmouse models were used to determine the functions of several members of the PI3K signalingpathway in oocytes and in follicles. The function of Foxo3a, a substrate of Akt, was investigatedby expressing Foxo3a constitutively in oocytes of primary follicles. We found that continuouslyactive Foxo3a in mouse oocytes caused retardation of oocyte growth, resulting in arrest offollicular development. The functions of p27kip1 (p27) were studied using p27-deficient (p27-/-)mice. It was found that p27 suppresses follicle endowment/formation and activation, and that itinduces follicle atresia. The functions of PI3K signaling in oocytes during follicular activationwere also investigated using conditional mutant mice, by disrupting the Pten in oocytes ofprimordial follicles. We found that, all primordial follicles were prematurely activated due toovergrowth of oocytes and these follicles were depleted in young adulthood, causing prematureovarian failure (POF). At the same time, disruption of the Pten from oocytes of primary follicleshad no effect on activation of primordial follicles, and the follicles developed and maturednormally. The results clearly show that the PI3K pathway in the mammalian oocyte plays a keyrole in follicular activation through control of initiation of oocyte growth and folliculardevelopment. / Ovary development

Régulation de l'expression du facteur de transcription Brn-2 dans les cellules de mélanomes / Regulation of brn-2 transcription factor expression in melanoma cells

Bonvin, Elise 19 December 2011 (has links)
La dérégulation de la transcription résultant de mutations des molécules clés des voies de signalisation est une caractéristique des cancers. Dans les mélanomes, les facteurs de transcription MITF et BRN-2 contrôlent la survie, la prolifération, la différenciation et la migration/invasion cellulaire, avec une forte expression de MITF caractérisant les cellules les plus différenciées. BRN-2 est surexprimé dans les cellules de mélanomes où il peut réprimer l’expression de MITF conduisant ainsi les cellules vers un phénotype moins différencié et plus invasif. Comment BRN-2 est régulé est une question majeure. Nous avons montré que l’expression de BRN-2 est modulée en réponse aux variations des concentrations en oxygène et glucose et que cet effet est en partie médié par la PI3K. L’inhibition de la voie PI3K réduit l’invasion des cellules de mélanome et diminue l’expression des protéines BRN-2 et PAX3. PAX3 régule l’expression de BRN-2 par liaison directe sur son promoteur. Ces résultats suggèrent, qu’en plus des voies β-caténine/LEF1 et BRAF/MAPK, la voie PI3K régule l’expression de BRN-2 et pourrait jouer un rôle majeur dans le changement du phénotype prolifératif à invasif / Deregulation of transcription arising from mutations in key signaling molecules is a hallmark of cancer. In melanoma, MITF and BRN-2 transcription factors control survival, proliferation, differentiation and migration/ invasiveness, with high levels of MITF being a characteristic of differentiated melanocytes. BRN-2 represses MITF expression, thereby driving cells to a less differentiated and more invasive phenotype. How BRN-2 is regulated is therefore a key issue. We showed that up-regulation of BRN-2 expression in response to glucose involves the PI3K pathway. Inhibition of PI3K reduces invasiveness and decreases the levels of BRN-2 and PAX3. We showed that PAX3 regulates BRN-2 expression by direct binding on its promoter. Altogether, our results highlight a crucial role for the PI3K pathway in regulating BRN-2 expression and imply that PI3K signaling may be a key determinant of melanoma subpopulation diversity and prime cells for a proliferative to invasive phenotype switch.

Multiple outcomes for PI3K/Akt/mTOR targeting in non-Hodgkin lymphoma

Müller, Anja 25 August 2015 (has links)
Wachstumsfaktor bedingte Aktivierung des PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg wirkt positiv auf Vermehrung und Überleben. Konstitutive Aktivierung des Signalweges in NHL ist jedoch an Tumorprogression und Therapieresistenz beteiligt. Am Zelllinienmodell wurden zwei mögliche Therapiestrategien der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibition erprobt, PI3K Inhibition mit BKM120 und horizontale Kombination von Zytostatika mit PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitoren Erstens, BKM120 hat Antitumoraktivität in NHL und induziert Zelltod. Auf molekularer Ebene führt BKM120 vermittelte Dephosphorylierung von CDK1 an Y15 zur Aktivierung des M-Phase Komplex CDK1/Zyklin B und Eintritt in die Mitose. Parallel erlaubt die Degradation von Zyklin A und Hochregulation von Zyklin B Progression bis zur Metaphase, hemmt jedoch die Transition in die Anaphase. Anhaltender Metaphasearrest bewirkt programmierten Zelltod über den intrinsischen Signalweg der Apoptose durch Hochregulation der BH3-onlys Puma und Hrk, Aktivierung von Bax/Bak und proteolytische Spaltung von Caspase 9. Verlust von Bax/Bak oder Caspase Inhibition schützt vor BKM120 vermitteltem Zelltod. Bax/Bak defiziente Zellen, welche zusätzlich p53 Mutationen aufweisen, werden polyploid. Die Polyploidie ist ATM-MEK1/2 abhängig und kann mit Caffeine oder U0126blockiert werden. Zur Vermeidung von Polyploidie bedingter Tumorprogression, sollte BKM120 nur in Verbindung mit MAPK/ATM Inhibitoren verwendet werden. Zweitens. Horizontale Kombination PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibitoren mit cytotoxischen Substanzen schützt vor Apoptose. Der Schutzeffekt tritt auschließlich bei niedrigen Konzentration auf und ist unabhängig von der Art des Inhibitors bzw. Ebene der Inhibition. Das Onkogen und NFkB Target Pim-2 ist möglicherweise am Schutzmechanismus beteiligt. Durch die PI3K/Akt/mTOR vermittelte Pim-2 Regulation ergibt sich eine neue Rückkopplungsschleife. Im Fazit erschwert die Komplexizität des PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweges die Etablierung von Therapien. / Growth factor mediated activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway positively regulates proliferation and survival. Constitutive activation in NHL, however, is correlated with tumor progression and therapeutic resistance. Therefore, two possible strategies were tested in a cell line model system, Inhibition of PI3K with BKM120 and PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibition in addition to cytostatic drug administration. First, it is demonstrated that the pan PI3K inhibitor BKM120 has antitumor activity in NHL and induces cell death. On molecular level, BKM120 mediated dephosphorylation of CDK1 on Y15 causes activation of the M-phase complex CDK1/Cyclin B and entry into mitosis. In parallel, degradation of Cyclin A and Upregulation of Cyclin B enables progression into metaphase but inhibits transition into anaphase. Prolonged metaphase arrest induces programmed cell death via the intrinsic apoptosis pathway by upregulation of the BH3-onlys Puma and Hrk, activation of Bax/Bak and proteolytic cleavage of caspase-9. Loss of Bax/Bak or caspase inhibition protects from BKM120 induced apoptosis. Bax/Bak deficient cells with additional p53 mutation become polyploid. This polyploidy is ATM-MEK1/2 dependent and can be blocked with Caffeine or U0126. To prevent polyploidy related tumor progression, BKM120 should administered only in combination with ATM or MEK inhibitors. Second, combination of PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors with cytotoxic agents protects from apoptosis. The protective effect is only detectable with low PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitor concentrations and independent of inhibitor type or cascade level. The oncogene and NFkB target is possibly involved in apoptosis protection and inhibition of NFkB neutralizes the protective effect. PI3K/Akt/mTOR mediated Pim-2 regulation reveals a new feedback loop within the pathway. In conclusion, the complexity of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway impedes therapeutic targeting.

Specificity of developmental- and growth factor-dependent phosphorylation of Akt isoforms in neurons

Schrötter, Sandra 12 September 2016 (has links)
Ein Signalweg während der neuronalen Entwicklung im adulten Gehirn ist der PI3K-PTEN-Akt Signalweg. Akt ist eine Kinase die drei verschiedene Isoformen besitzt, welche durch die Phosphorylierung von S473 und T308 aktiviert werden. KO Modelle der Isoformen haben gezeigt, dass nicht alle Funktionen von anderen Isoformen kompensiert werden können. Die genaue Rolle der einzelnen Isoformen in einem neuronalen Zusammenhang ist nur wenig untersucht. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, eine detaillierte Analyse der einzelnen Akt Isoformen nach der Aktivierung des PI3K-PTEN Signalweges. Dazu wurde im Labor eine neue Methode zur isoelektrischen Fokussierung etabliert., welche Proteine nach ihrer Ladung trennt und somit eine Analyse der Dynamik von Akt Phosphorylierungen in neuronalen Zellen erlaubt. Im Zuge dieser Arbeit konnten wir bisher unerkannte Merkmale der Akt Aktivierung und Phosphorylierung identifizieren. Wir konnten zeigen, dass die S473 und T308 Phosphorylierung in Neuroblastomazellen unabhängig voneinander auftreten kann und, dass verschiedene Akt1 Moleküle unterschiedlich auf die Inhibition von PI3K reagieren. Außerdem konnten wir Verschiebungen in der Aktivierung und in der Expression der unterschiedlichen Isoformen während der postnatalen Gehirnentwicklung der Ratte feststellen. Des Weiteren konnten wir zeigen, dass die Aktivierung von Akt von dem Signal und dem Alter der Neurone abhängig ist. Noch nicht vollständig differenzierte Neurone reagieren vor allem auf BDNF Stimulation, wohingegen adulte, differenzierte Neurone hauptsächlich auf EGF reagieren und dort explizit Akt2 über EGFR und PI3K-p110α Signale aktiviert wird. Im Gegensatz dazu führt der Verlust von PTEN zu einer Aktivierung von hauptsächlich Akt1. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit einen komplexen Zusammenhang der Phosphorylierung von Akt auf, welcher Signal- und Entwicklungsabhängig ist bei dem unterschiedliche Akt Populationen auf Wachstumsfaktoren und auf PTEN Verlust reagieren. / A major pathway involved in neuronal development is the PI3K-PTEN-Akt pathway. Akt comprises three isoforms, which are activated by phosphorylation of the residues S473 and T308. KO animals for the isoforms have shown differential as well as redundant functions of the three isoforms. However, their individual role in neuronal signaling pathways has not yet been studied in great detail. The aim of this study was to obtain further insight into differential Akt isoform signaling in response to changes in the activity of PI3K and PTEN pathway. A new isoelectric focusing method was established, which allowed us to separate Akt proteins according to their charge, therefore, providing a refined read-out to study dynamics of Akt phosphorylation in a neuronal background. In the course of this project we were able to identify previously undescribed features of Akt phosphorylation and activation. First, we could provide evidence for an uncoupling of the two activating phosphorylation events at S473 and T308 in neuroblastoma cells and differential sensitivities of Akt1 forms towards PI3K inhibition. Secondly, we found a transient shift in Akt isoform activation and abundance during postnatal rat brain development. Thirdly, we were able to show that the activation of different Akt isoforms is dependent of the upstream signal as well as the age of the neuron. Immature neurons were found to be highly responsive to BDNF treatment, whereas mature neurons were most responsive to EGF stimulation leading exclusively to activation of Akt2 in an EGFR- and PI3K/p110α-dependent manner. Stimulation of Akt phosphorylation by the loss of PTEN led to an activation of mainly Akt1 forms, which suggests inherent differences in the Akt pools that are accessible to growth factors dependent PI3Ks as compared to the pools that are controlled by PTEN. In summary, this thesis demonstrates the presence of complex phosphorylation events of Akt in a developmental- and signal-dependent manner in neurons.

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