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Practice guidelines for culturally sensitive drug prevention interventionsGoliath, Veonna January 2014 (has links)
South Africa has experienced a notable increase in adolescent drug use during the country’s transition from apartheid to democracy (Central Drug Authority [CDA], 2006). These findings are verified by epidemiological studies and two national youth risk behaviour surveys, highlighting the need for effective drug prevention interventions. Whilst drug use spans across age, gender and social strata, the rapid increase in both legal and illicit drug use among adolescents in the Northern Areas communities of Port Elizabeth has been particularly pronounced. The South African Community Epidemiology Network on Drug Use (SACENDU) statistics, which reflects on racial demographics in accordance with the Population Registration Act of 1950 (South Africa, 1950), reports that, in the year 2011, the ‘Coloured’ population constituted 62 percent of those individuals seeking treatment for drug abuse, compared to 15 percent ‘African’ treatment seekers in Port Elizabeth (Dada, Plüddemann, Parry, Bhana, Vawda & Fourie, 2012:44). Furthermore, methamphetamine use by persons under the age of 20 years in Port Elizabeth increased fivefold in a three-year period, i.e. from 7 percent in 2008 to 39 percent in 2011 (Dada et al., 2012), with the ‘Coloured’ population group accounting for the majority of methamphetamine users. These statistics reinforce a long-standing racial stereotype that associates ‘Coloured’ racial identity with an enhanced susceptibility to drug use. The National Drug Master Plan (South Africa, 2012a), and the Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse Act (Act no 70 of 2008) propose that drug prevention programmes should address the values, perceptions, expectations and beliefs that the community associates with drug abuse (South Africa, 2008b). This view emphasises the importance of drug preventions interventions that are culturally sensitive and contextually relevant. The current study was guided by two conceptual frameworks, i.e. the Social Constructionist Framework and the Ecological Risk/Protective Resilience Framework, and focused on the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth, a historically marginalised community inhabited by a predominantly ‘Coloured’ indigenous/ethnic group. The goal of the study was to enhance understanding of the socio-cultural meaning attributed to cultural identity, drug use, non-use and drug prevention in the Northern Areas of Port Elizabeth, with the view to developing guidelines for drug prevention interventions that are culturally sensitive and contextually relevant. The following objectives were formulated in order to achieve the goal of the study: • To explore adolescent narratives regarding the constructs ‘Coloured’, drug use, non-use and drug prevention programmes of three distinct groups of adolescents (drug users, non-users, and TADA peer mentors) from the Northern Areas. • To explore and describe the social service practitioners’ (social workers and social auxiliary workers’) constructions of drug use, non-use and drug abuse prevention in relation to adolescents from the Northern Areas, and how such constructions inform the drug prevention services rendered to adolescents from these communities. • To review the data collected from the adolescent narratives and the social service practitioners’ reflections on their drug prevention programmes against existing theory and models for drug prevention. • To synthesise the above information with a view to developing guidelines for culturally sensitive drug prevention programmes relevant and responsive to the specific social constructions of adolescents from the Northern Areas. A qualitative research approach, located in a narrative tradition of inquiry research design, was employed to achieve the goal of the study (Riessman, 2008). The study was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved an empirical study with the four sample groups (i.e. adolescent drug users, adolescent non-drug users, Teenagers against Drug Abuse [TADA] peer mentors and social service professionals (i.e. social workers and social auxiliary workers)). Phase two involved the co-construction of the practice guidelines for culturally sensitive and contextually relevant drug prevention interventions. Phase one started with the informal exploration of community stakeholders’ views on the identified research problem and the process of gaining access to the research population. Several gatekeepers (i.e. teachers, social workers, the Families Against Drugs [FAD] Support Group representatives, a minister of religion and a community stakeholder) were engaged to assist in recruiting participants from the four sample groups. A non-probability purposive sampling method was employed to purposively recruit 29 adolescent non-drug users and ten adolescent peer mentors (via the TADA Programme at one school). The same sampling method, followed by a snowball sampling technique, was employed to recruit the two remaining sample groups of ten adolescent drug users (in the recovery process) and nine social workers and social auxiliary workers respectively. The sample sizes were determined by the principle of data saturation.The data generation method used in respect of the non-users took the form of semi-structured written narratives, administered in a group context during school time, followed by a second round of data generation. The life-grid (Wilson, Cunningham-Burley, Bancroft, Backett-Milburn & Masters, 2007:144), a qualitative visual tool for mapping important life events, was employed to guide the co-construction of the biographical narratives generated during the individual semi-structured interviews with the sample of adolescent drug users. Focus group interviews were used to enhance an understanding of the peer mentors and social service practitioners’ views on the construct ‘Coloured’ and their existing drug prevention programmes. Each of the individual and focus group interviews was audio-recorded, transcribed and complemented by the field notes. Informal data gathering occurred through participant observation of two drug prevention programmes, attendance of a FAD Support Group meeting, and interviews with community volunteers and the South African Police Services (SAPS) Youth Development Forum. Both the content and the context of the narratives were analysed to arrive at the research themes, sub-themes and categories. The content of the narratives was analysed by employing categorical content analysis, whilst the form of the narratives (i.e. how the stories were told) was analysed by using the socio-cultural approach to narrative analysis (Grbich, 2007:130). The journey metaphor emerged from the adolescent drug users’ narratives, depicting a prototypical storyline of a drug use journey, starting with experimentation and culminating in abuse and dependence for some and an early exit from the journey for others. The conclusions that can be drawn from these findings illuminate key protective factors and processes at a multisystemic level that can be strengthened to enhance the adolescents’ resistance to drug use and/or delay the onset of use. Embedded in the participants’ narration of the drug use journey were nuances relating to internalised stereotypes of ‘White’ supremacy and ‘Coloured’ inferiority as an explanatory framework for venturing onto and prolonging the journey.The two themes that emerged during the process of content and narrative analysis of the qualitative data (from both adolescent drug users and non-users) were as follows: Constructing drug use as a ‘Coloured’ phenomenon and reconstructing ‘Coloured’ identity; Risk and protective factors located at individual, family, peer, school, community and societal domains. The four themes that emerged during the data analysis of the peer mentors and social service practitioners’ narratives were as follows: Construction of ‘Coloured’ identity; socio-cultural meaning construction about the reasons for drug use amongst adolescents from the Northern Areas; description of drug prevention services rendered in the Northern Areas; and reflection on barriers to rendering drug prevention interventions.
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The effectiveness of lean principles at a specific financial institution in Port ElizabethKerridge, Melissa Kim January 2013 (has links)
The world has become more competitive, complex and unpredictable, and this process is continuing. Evolution is taking place resulting in organisations being pushed by strategies and pulled by increasingly assertive customers who demand more accountability and responsiveness (Kartte, 2010). In order to remain competitive in this changing world, many organisations, even financial institutions have adopted Lean principles in order to eliminate waste, reduce cost and streamline everyday processes (Spear, 2012). There have however been a number of challenges that have prevented financial institutions from implementing Lean principles successfully. The primary objective of this study is to improve the effectiveness of Lean principles within a specific financial institution. More specifically, this study will identify the effectiveness of successfully implementing Lean principles at a financial institution by investigating the influence of employee knowledge, understanding and skills, communication, motivation and ownership from management, organisational culture and the impact of trade unions in organisations as mentioned in the problem statement above. Convenience sampling was used to select a sample of sixty eight (68) employees within the specific financial institution. The sample was stratified to include senior managers, managers, team leaders and lower level employees. Questionnaires were distributed personally to the focus groups from the above categories.
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Evaluating the impact of public participation on the formulation and implementation of the Integrated Development Plan: the case of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality (2004-2008)Mqulwana, Nimrod Mbuyiseli January 2010 (has links)
Local Government has a critical role to play in rebuilding local communities and environments as the basis for a democratic, integrated prosperous and truly non-racial society and this is enshrined in Chapter 7 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996. The key focus area of this research study is the evaluation of the impact of Public Participation on the formulation and implementation of the Integrated Development Plan in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality for the period 2004 – 2008. This research study has two aims that are related to public participation in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and they are: - To evaluate the impact of public participation in the Integrated Development Plan in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and whether public participation is seen as a vehicle to enhance policy formulation and implementation or not especially with respect to community ownership of the Integrated Development Plan. To provide strategies/mechanisms to remedy the situation. The research study is people focused and the methodogical approach that is used in this investigation is qualitative and quantitative. The target groups for this research is the Community residing in the jurisdiction area of the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality, Metro Councillors and Municipal Officials.
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Privatisation of portsNewman, Auriel Edna 02 1900 (has links)
As the global economy and market demands evolve to be more transparent, time-sensitive and competitive, privatisation in organisations has become a phenomenon renowned for the advantages it delivers of increased productivity and profitability. Port privatisation is no exception.
Aimed at achieving improved operational efficiencies and the reduction of port costs, port privatisation has evolved and yielded varying results. Depending on prevailing social, economic and political circumstances, these effects differ amongst countries.
This dissertation analyses this phenomenon, focusing on whether a port and its related services are public or private goods; why governments choose to produce and provide port services; what various international port privatisation models can positive lessons be drawn from; and what the impacts of port privatisation are.
South Africa has recently avoided the arguments around port privatisation, due to pressing socio-political issues, and the analysis of economic gains and losses associated with privatisation may offer insights into why such government decisions would have been made. / Economics / M. Com. (Economics)
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Secret life of wounded spaces : traumascapes in the contemporary Australia /Tumarkin, Maria M. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Melbourne, Dept. , 20. / Typescript (photocopy). Includes bibliographical references.
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An analysis of government’s facilitation in attracting original equipment manufacturer foreign direct investments in Port ElizabethShogole, Nomkhitha Samantha January 2017 (has links)
The South African automotive industry has experienced significant growth since its first inception in 1995. South Africa’s trade relations with other countries has facilitated the growth of this sector. Government introduced programmes that encouraged growth in the sector, namely the Motor Industry Development Programme (MIDP) and the Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP). South Africa as the catalyst for development in Africa needs to continuously strive to integrate with other developed countries to and promote Foreign Direct Investments into the continent. The development of the industry requires organic growth to ensure that it remains sustainable. The research problem addressed in this study is to establish the role government plays in ensuring a sustained growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the automotive sector. The establishment of this statement is imperative to the growth of automotive investments by multinationals in South Africa. Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) are positioned in three of the country’s eleven provinces. The Eastern Cape region has been known to be the automotive-hub of South Africa with a GDP that is driven by the secondary automotive sector consisting of multinational OEM giants such as Volkswagen South Africa (VWSA), General Motors South Africa (GMSA), Ford Motor Company, FAW and Daimler. South African OEMs are required to lobby at the principal companies before a new model can be built in the country. Lobbying involves offering competitive logistics costs to build models in South Africa. Stakeholders led by government are required to actively participate in these negotiations to sustain the industry in the country. One of the ways this can be achieved is through formulation, integration and alignment of strategies between all stakeholders. Stakeholders involve private sector and public sector working together. South Africa has achieved an open-country perception to foreign investors through the APDP. The problem statement was accurately explained and expressed clearly and sub-problems were identified from areas in the main problem that required further analysis. Literature has revealed that South African ports are considered to be the most expensive in the world and that there is a lack of port and rail integrated infrastructure. Providing a complete supply chain for logistics will result in increased FDI for South Africa. The governmental entities’ support will allow the OEMs an opportunity to increase investment in South Africa thus creating employment and adding value to the GDP of South Africa. The South African component manufacturer’s sector has grown intensively creating sustainable jobs for South Africans. The industry is structured in such a way that there is a multiplier-effect reaction to macro-economic conditions. A comprehensive literature review was executed to understand the nature and extent of the global automotive industry, the South African automotive industry, the regions that host OEMs, the Motor Industry Development Programme and the Automotive Production and Development Programme. A primary research instrument was constructed, in the form of a questionnaire, to test themes which were highlighted in the literature review which can influence the sector’s competitive advantage. A questionnaire was distributed with the assistance of industry representatives in the Transport and Logistics sector. There was consensus on many issues regarding the current structure of the South African automotive industry. Specifically, the importance of rail, efficiencies, prices and value-added services needed in the industry to attract FDIs as well as the readiness of the Port of Port Elizabeth with regards to being positioned as an automotive-hub for Sub-Saharan Africa.
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School libraries in former model c high schools – the case of the Framesby high school media centreOlivier, Charleine January 2017 (has links)
The study explored the changing role of libraries/media centres at ex-Model C (now Section 21) high schools in the Nelson Mandela Metropole (NMM), focussing on a case study of the Framesby High School (FHS) media centre in Port Elizabeth. Model C schools originated in the 1990s, just before the transition to democratic rule in 1994, when White, or House of Assembly schools were given a choice of three school governing models, namely, fully-private Model A schools, Model B state schools and semi-private Model C schools. Model C schools would receive state subsidies of about 50%, with the balance raised through school fees. A major research purpose was to present a comprehensive description of the current ex- Model C school library context and how these influenced the service orientation and intended core functions of school librarians, such as teaching information literacy, providing academic support and promoting general literacy and reading. The FHS media centre service was further described with an aim of providing functional library/media centre management guidelines, applicable to high school libraries/media centres in similar ex-Model C school situations, or any libraries that could find such guidelines useful. This qualitative FHS media centre case study was based on the FHS media centre manager’s personal observation as participative action researcher and further supported by literature, an interview and questionnaire feedback from FHS educators and respondents from selected NMM ex-Model C high school libraries. By comparing historical and existing national and provincial school library issues, conclusions were reached regarding macro- and micro-school library contexts, for example, the effect of having no national policy, the support roles of school management and governing bodies, the influence of digital media and the position of school librarians. School librarian concerns, including their roles, qualifications, service conditions and professional status, especially within Section 21 schools, were considered with the high school library and librarian’s contribution towards curriculum outcomes and life-long learning. With specific reference to ex-Model C schools, the absence of a library policy also resulted in diverse levels of school management and school governing body recognition of the school library/media centre. This impacted on the school librarian’s role in curriculum support and information literacy teaching as well as the availability of funds, infrastructure and resources. It is recommended that government should address the supply of library facilities, services and posts for school librarians and assistants. Lack of governmental action is maintaining the growing divide between ex-Model C schools and disadvantaged schools, while the lack of school library services also has a negative influence on literacy and pass rates, especially in poorer regions, like the Eastern Cape. In the light of the vast difference between the results of ex-Model C schools and other schools in the Eastern Cape, these schools and their library services could provide a benchmark towards improving educational contexts in the province.
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The impact of a shopping centre on adjacent property prices: a Nelson Mandela Bay case studyKgari, Emolemo Nkomeng January 2017 (has links)
A great deal of research has been carried out on residential property values and numerous factors have been identified as having an effect on residential property values. The physical characteristics of properties of properties are the primary factors that determine the market value of residential property. However, factors concerning location are also thought to influence the value of residential properties. These locational factors include, among others, accessibility to highways, airports, schools, parks and public transportation centres. This study examines the effect of another locational factor, namely proximity to a newly built shopping centre. Shopping centres have been increasing in numbers throughout South Africa over the past few decades. These shopping centres are usually situated in close proximity to residential properties. As such, shopping centres that are in close proximity to residential properties can influence property prices. This study makes use of the hedonic price model to assess the price impact of the newly constructed Baywest Mall on the residential properties in the western suburbs of Nelson Mandela, namely Sherwood, Rowallan Park and Kunune Park. On 21 March 2012, the construction of the Baywest Mall was officially announced. This announcement created an area of interest as to whether its construction and completion would have an impact on the prices of residential properties situated in close proximity to the mall. The study period for this study was from 2004 – 2015. This time period is thought to be sufficient to assess the effect of the Baywest Shopping Mall on the residential property prices before and after the announcement of the construction of the mall. As the study period ranged from 2004 – 2015 it was necessary to adjust the sales prices over the years to constant 2015 prices. As such, the ABSA house price index was used in order to eliminate any inflationary effects on the property values over the study period. The results of the study revealed that the newly built Baywest Mall has a statistically significant positive effect on properties in close proximity to the shopping mall. This result enhances the scientific understanding of the effect of commercial land uses, such as, shopping centres, on the value of adjacent residential properties.
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Adherence and non-adherence to antiretroviral treatment in HIV people in Port ElizabethMasokoane, Kgomotso Quentinne January 2009 (has links)
The introduction of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) in 1996 transformed the treatment of HIV and AIDS, improving the quality and greatly prolonging the lives of many infected people. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that is believed to cause AIDS. AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is the collection of illnesses or symptoms that ultimately results in death. Antiretroviral (ARVs) drugs or Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is the treatment that has been applied to combat the HI virus in a bid to slow down the progression of AIDS and ultimately prolong the life of the infected individual. The study aimed to explore and describe the factors contributing to adherence and non-adherence to ARVs in individuals on treatment. A sample of 81 individuals who have been on ARV and HAART treatment for six months or more was used. The methodology used was exploratory-descriptive and the data obtained was quantitative in nature. A biographical questionnaire and questionnaire with questions aimed at ascertaining the possible factors that contribute to individuals either adhering to or defaulting on their treatment, such as side effects and cost of treatment, was administered. The data obtained was analysed by means of descriptive statistics and frequency counts. The results of the study showed that the sample had a fairly high level of adherence. The factors that could undermine adherence were identified as lack of support, as familial and health provider support acts as a motivator to adhere; substance abuse as it can lead to forgetting to take treatment; unemployment and poverty, as these can lead to an inability to return for follow up clinic visits or failure to have food to take with the pills; and the type of treatment regimen whereby the more complex the treatment is the more likely it is that adherence will be difficult to maintain. Suggestions were made as to future research involving antiretroviral therapy (ART). Finally the limitations as well as the value of the research were outlined.
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An analysis of factors influencing the choice of particular schools in preference to township schols, in the Port Elizabeth areaMapasa, Tobeka Eugié January 2005 (has links)
There has been a radical exodus of learners from the townships schools to former Model C, Coloured and Indian schools and this has had an impact on township schools. In some schools in the Port Elizabeth townships, learner enrolment has dropped tremendously. This tendency has also been a concern of the Eastern Cape Department of Education. The focus of this research was to determine the reasons that prompted the learners to prefer schools that were far from their homes while there were schools situated nearer to their homes. To accomplish this, a review of literature on why learners in other parts of the world moved from school to school and or why their parents send them to particular schools was done. The literature assisted in identifying key issues pertaining to school choice. These issues were translated into questions used in questionnaires to learners and parents to determine the reasons for preference of schools outside the townships. The data gathered via the questionnaires led to interviews with the staff from the schools in the areas where the case study participants live. Apart from gathering data for interpretation the interviews were also used to triangulate data collected via the two questionnaires. The five most important factors that were common to the parents and the learners, identified and endorsed by the educators as influencing school choice, were firstly the fact that high status parents prefer high status schools; secondly that safety, discipline and the smooth running of the school are of high importance. Thirdly it was indicated that extra-mural activities in the school curriculum play an important role. The opportunity the school provides for parental involvement was rated as the fourth most important factor. The educator’s attitudes towards work were rated as the fifth most important factor. The research report finally emphasized the need to undertake a variety of projects for further research. Suggestions were also made by way of recommendations of possible factors that had to be taken into consideration when determining strategies to attract learners to township schools.
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