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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Statistical Evaluation of the Factors causing Microbial Growth in Point-of-use Filters

Lin, Jie 21 June 2018 (has links)
Due to the lead spike and its related health concern in the DC area, Point-of-Use (POU) filters were installed at public schools to reduce lead concentrations in water. However, the installation of POU filter could possibly lead to the growth of bacteria inside the filters, which could lead to health concerns. Therefore, the potential effects of POU filters on microbial growth was investigated. To explore the cause of filter effects on microbial growth, a sampling campaign was carried out between July and December 2017 from 25 outlets within 5 elementary schools in the DC area. The applicability of flow cytometry results as a quantification method was validated and then used to quantify the biological growth. Our results revealed that the installation of POU filters may lead to nitrification and an increase in microbial growth. Along with the increase in microbial growth, the microorganism community "fingerprints" based on flow cytometry data showed that the installation of filter could also shift the community distribution of bacteria based on their morphology. This study serves as a preliminary study to investigate the mechanics of microbial colonization on POU filters. / Master of Science / Due to the lead spike and its related health concern in the DC area, Point-of-Use (POU) filters were installed at public schools to reduce lead concentrations in water. POU filters are usually installed at sinks and fountains and the Water Quality Association reported that 41% of American homes used POU filters by 2000. However, the installation of POU filter could possibly lead to the growth of bacteria inside the filters, which could lead to health concerns. Therefore, the potential effects of POU filters on microbial growth was investigated. To explore the cause of filter effects on microbial growth, a sampling campaign was carried out between July and December 2017 from 25 outlets within 5 elementary schools in the DC area. Flow cytometry is an optical technology that can measure and then analyze multiple physical characteristics of a single particle as it flows in a fluid stream. The applicability of flow cytometry results as a quantification method was validated and then used to quantify the biological growth. Our results revealed that the installation of POU filters may lead to nitrification and an increase in microbial growth. Along with the increase in microbial growth, the microorganism community “fingerprints” based on flow cytometry data showed that the installation of filter could also shift the community distribution of bacteria based on their morphology. This study serves as a preliminary study to investigate the mechanics of microbial colonization on POU filters.

La construction du concept du vivant en sciences et les jeux vidéo de simulation d'animaux virtuels : étude de conceptions des élèves de l'école primaire au Liban et en France / The construction of the concept of living thing in science and video games of simulation of virtual animals : a study of the conceptions of elementary school students in Lebanon and in France

El Jamal, Rayanne 09 November 2018 (has links)
Notre recherche consiste à comprendre quels sont les effets des jeux vidéo de simulation d’animaux virtuels sur les conceptions du vivant, en particulier sur la distinction entre ce qui est vivant et ce qui ne l’est pas. Pour ce faire, il s’agit d’identifier les différences conceptuelles entre les populations de joueurs et de non-joueurs aux jeux vidéo de simulation d’animaux virtuels. Tout d'abord, nous avons fait une enquête exploratoire identifiant les pratiques vidéo ludiques des enfants. Cette enquête a permis de sélectionner les deux jeux les plus utilisés par les enfants de cet âge : Talking TOM et POU. Notre étude porte plus particulièrement sur ces deux jeux. Un questionnaire a été diffusé au Liban et en France pour étudier la façon dont les joueurs et les non-joueurs à ces deux jeux conçoivent le vivant. Au total 916 enfants âgés de 9 à 12 ans ont rempli ce questionnaire. Au Liban, le questionnaire a été suivi de 21 entretiens avec des élèves. Les questionnaires ont été traités statistiquement afin de faire émerger les différences et les similitudes entre les populations de joueurs et de non-joueurs en France et au Liban. Les entretiens ont été analysés par une analyse thématique de contenu suivie par une analyse lexicale et ont permis une exploitation plus qualitative des résultats. Les résultats montrent que les entretiens et les questionnaires convergent fortement vers l’hypothèse d’une influence des jeux sur la construction de la notion de vie chez les joueurs des deux pays. En effet, au Liban et en France les utilisateurs de TOM et POU ont des conceptions significativement plus anthropomorphiques, animistes et anthropocentriques que ceux qui n’y jouent pas. / Our research is to understand the effects of video games simulating virtual animals on the concepts of life, especially the distinction between what is alive and what is not. To do this, it is a question of identifying the conceptual differences between the populations of players and non-players in virtual animal simulation video games. First, we did an exploratory survey identifying children's playful video practices. This survey allowed selecting the two most used games by children of this age: Talking TOM and POU. Our study focuses on these two games. A questionnaire has been distributed in Lebanon and France to study how players and non-players in TOM and / or POU design the living. A total of 916 children aged 9 to 12 completed this questionnaire. In Lebanon, 21 interviews with students followed the questionnaire. The questionnaires were statistically analyzed to reveal the differences and similarities between the populations of players and non-players in France and Lebanon. The interviews had been analyzed by a thematic analysis of content followed by a lexical analysis and allowed a qualitative exploitation of the results. The results show that interviews and questionnaires strongly converge on the hypothesis of an influence of games on the construction of the notion of life among players of both countries. Indeed, in Lebanon and France users of TOM and POU have significantly more anthropomorphic, animistic and anthropocentric conceptions than those who do not play it.

Poux humains : différenciation, distribution phylogéographique, host-switching et contrôle / Human lice : differenciation, phylogeographic distribution, host-switching and control

Drali, Rezak 15 December 2014 (has links)
Le pou de tête et le pou de corps sont deux écotypes indiscernables occupant chacun une niche écologique différente. Le pou de corps représente une menace réelle pour l'Homme en raison de son rôle de vecteur dans la transmission de trois maladies graves pour l'Homme à savoir: le typhus épidémique, la fièvre des tranchées et la fièvre récurrente. Dans cette thèse, nous avons obtenu des résultats concrets dans chacune des thématiques abordées. En effet, nous avons (i) mis en place un outil moléculaire qui permet de différencier pour la première fois entre le pou de tête et le pou de corps qui a montré efficacité sur le terrain, (ii) mis en évidence l'existence d'un nouveau clade mitochondrial (Clade D) renfermant des poux de tête et des poux de corps susceptible de vectoriser Bartonella quintana et Yersinia pestis, (iii) retracé les migrations humaines à travers l'analyse de poux anciens provenant de différentes périodes et localisations, (iv) démontré pour la première fois que Pediculus mjobergi est génétiquement proche du pou humain et confirmé l'hypothèse qu'à l'origine Pediculus mjobergi était un pou humain qui a été transféré aux singes du Nouveau Monde par les premiers Hommes à avoir atteint le continent américain il y a des milliers d'années et (v) mis en place un outil de détection et de contrôle de la résistance moléculaire des poux à la perméthrine. Cet outil fut particulièrement utile dans l'étude clinique que nous avons menée pour déterminer si l'utilisation de sous-vêtements imprégnés d'insecticide offrait une protection efficace à long terme contre les poux de corps infestant les personnes sans-abri. / Head louse (Pediculus humanus capitis) and body louse (Pediculus humanus humanus) are two indistinguishable ecotypes each occupying an ecological niche: hair for head louse and clothing for the body louse. Body louse represents a real threat to humans because of its role as vector for the transmission of three deleterious diseases namely epidemic typhus, trench fever and relapsing fever.In this thesis, we obtained concrete results that have led to scientific publications. Indeed, we (i) implemented a molecular tool to differentiate for the first time between head and body louse, (ii) we highlighted the existence of a fourth mitochondrial clade (Clade D) comprising head and body lice that can vectorize Bartonella quintana and Yersinia pestis, (iii) we traced human migration through the analysis of ancient lice from different periods and different area, (iv) we demonstrated for the first time that Pediculus mjobergi is genetically close to human louse and confirmed the hypothesis that initially Pediculus mjobergi was a human louse has been transferred to New World monkeys by the first humans who have reached the American continent thousands of years ago and (v) we have implemented a tool for detecting and monitoring the molecular resistance to permethrin of body lice that parasite sheltered homeless persons in Marseille. This tool was particularly useful in the clinical study we conducted to determine whether the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated underwear provides effective long-term protection against body lice in homeless persons.

Pétrogenèse de laves différenciées en contexte intraplaque océanique et hétérogénéité géochimique au niveau du point chaud des Marquises (Polynésie Française) : étude des îles de Ua Pou et de Nuku Hiva

LEGENDRE, Christelle 12 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude des magmas issus des points chauds est essentielle pour la compréhension de la structure et de la composition des panaches mantelliques et de leurs interactions avec la lithosphère océanique. Jusqu'au début des années 1990, les données sur les îles Marquises ne provenaient que de missions exploratoires. De ce fait, les modèles géochimiques de fonctionnement du point chaud marquisien publiés de 1986 à 1993 ne reposaient que sur un échantillonnage très partiel. Ils ont fortement sous-estimé les interactions entre les magmas issus du point chaud et la lithosphère océanique et négligé la complexité de l'origine des laves évoluées (trachytes et phonolites), parfois très abondantes. Depuis 1995, des études ponctuelles plus précises ont montré que l'évolution géochimique des laves au cours du temps variait considérablement d'une île à l'autre, reflétant l'hétérogénéité à petite échelle du panache ainsi que des interactions lithosphère – asthénosphère complexes. Le programme de cartographie des îles du groupe central des Marquises (Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka, Ua Pou) a été initié par le Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) en 2000. Il a permis l'étude de leurs structures, ainsi qu'un échantillonnage détaillé que nous avons exploité du point de vue pétrologique et géochimique. L'archipel des Marquises repose sur une croûte océanique formée à l'axe de la dorsale Pacifique-Farallon entre 53 et 49 Ma et fortement épaissie sous la partie centrale de l'archipel où le Moho atteint des profondeurs de 15 à 20 km. L'application d'un modèle thermique permet de tester l'hypothèse d'une mise en place rapide d'un épais sous-placage mafique contemporain du volcanisme de point chaud récent exprimé en surface (5,8-0,4 Ma). La subsidence thermique prédite par ce modèle diminue rapidement pendant les trois premiers millions d'années, depuis 250 à 50 m/Ma. Or, des terrasses d'abrasion marine, dont l'origine est attribuée au dernier haut niveau marin interglaciaire daté à 125 ka, bordent toutes les îles des Marquises à 2 m d'altitude. Aucune différence de subsidence n'est observée entre les îles les plus anciennes et celles les plus récentes. Ces observations ne sont pas en accord avec le modèle de subsidence thermique postérieure à un événement de sous-placage récent et sont, par contre, compatibles avec l'hypothèse d'un épaississement ancien dû à la mise en place d'un plateau océanique dans le futur substratum de l'archipel. L'île de Ua Pou est connue de longue date pour l'abondance exceptionnelle de ses phonolites. Sa première cartographie systématique permet une estimation du volume de sa partie émergée (27,5 km3) incluant 18 km3 de phonolites (65 %) mises en place en deux étapes distinctes, 2 km3 d'autres laves intermédiaires et évoluées (8 %) et 7,5 km3 de laves mafiques (27 %). L'île de Ua Pou présente une série alcaline allant des basanites jusqu'aux phonolites avec une distribution bimodale basanites-phonolites très nette, ainsi qu'une lacune de Daly se traduisant par l'absence de phonotéphrites. Les analyses d'éléments majeurs et en trace, ainsi que les isotopes du Sr, Nd, Pb couplés aux données chronologiques (K-Ar) permettent de discuter l'histoire pétrogénétique complexe de l'île. L'activité aérienne de Ua Pou débute vers 4 Ma par la mise en place de tholéiites à olivine dérivant d'une source mantellique de signature HIMU jeune. Elle reprend vers 2,9 Ma avec la fusion partielle d'une source hétérogène à signature dominante EM II + HIMU jeune qui produit des liquides basanitiques primaires. Ces liquides se mettent en place à la fois en profondeur et en surface et évoluent par cristallisation fractionnée pour former les téphrites. En même temps, la refusion en profondeur de ce matériel basanitique produit des magmas téphriphonolitiques en laissant un résidu riche en amphibole. Ces magmas évoluent alors par cristallisation fractionnée pour former des liquides phonolitiques, lesquels peuvent subir une contamination par l'eau de mer. Alors que la production de ces deux types de phonolites continue de façon relativement synchrone avec la mise en place des basanites, de nouveaux processus fonctionnant en système ouvert apparaissent entre environ 2,6 et 2,4 Ma. Ils permettent la formation de téphriphonolites et de phonolites ayant assimilé du matériel de type plagiogranitique à signature HIMU et la genèse de phonolites extrêmement différenciées ayant incorporé du matériel de la croûte océanique à signature DMM. Ainsi, l'île de Ua Pou peut être considérée comme un exemple typique de série intraocéanique dans laquelle la prédominance des laves évoluées reflète leur origine par fusion partielle de précurseurs mafiques suivie de la contamination crustale plutôt que par cristallisation fractionnée. L'île de Nuku Hiva est constituée de deux volcans emboîtés : le volcan-bouclier externe (volcan du Tekao) formé de tholéiites à olivines et le volcan interne de Taiohae présentant une série alcaline continue depuis les basaltes jusqu'aux trachytes. Il existe d'importantes différences géochimiques entre ces deux volcans, le premier présentant une signature à tendance DMM et le second une signature de type EM II prédominante. Cette dualité est attribuée à des variations des taux de fusion partielle d'un manteau-source hétérogène. Au sein du volcan interne, les laves intermédiaires (hawaiites et mugéarites) dérivent des basaltes par cristallisation fractionnée sous forte pression d'eau, dominée par le fractionnement de l'amphibole en proportions importantes (jusqu'à 25%). L'origine des laves évoluées (benmoréites et trachytes) de Nuku Hiva demeure problématique. Leur signature isotopique très différente de celle des basaltes et laves intermédiaires du volcan interne amène à envisager 1) la cristallisation fractionnée des magmas mafiques-intermédiaires couplée avec l'assimilation de matériel océanique à signature fortement EM II ou 2) leur origine par fusion partielle de précurseurs mafiques non échantillonnés sur la partie aérienne de l'île. Ainsi, l'île de Nuku Hiva montre que les signatures géochimiques des laves varient au cours du temps. Cette île peut être considérée comme un exemple typique de série intraocéanique dans laquelle l'évolution des laves est contrôlée par des processus de cristallisation fractionnée sous forte pression d'eau et l'origine des laves évoluées met en évidence des interactions lithosphère-asthénophère complexes. Le modèle de point chaud le plus adéquat pour rendre compte de la forte hétérogénéité géochimique des Marquises est celui d'un panache très hétérogène contenant des éléments de signature de croûte océanique subductée (HIMU) et de sédiments terrigènes (EM II) répartis de façon aléatoire. Au terme de sa remontée, le panache incorpore du manteau sublithosphérique appauvri (DMM). Cette signature DMM peut également refléter soit la fusion de la base de la lithosphère océanique au-dessus du panache, soit des interactions entre les magmas ascendants et les roches de cette lithosphère. Les variations des taux de fusion partielle et l'interaction entre les liquides basaltiques et la croûte océanique au sein de réservoirs intracrustaux permettent également de rendre compte de l'hétérogénéité des laves au sein d'une même île. Bien que ces effets ne soient pas documentés pour l'ensemble des îles de l'archipel, il est possible de supposer que l'essentiel de l'hétérogénéité géochimique des laves des Marquises résulte du mélange en proportions variables des trois pôles mantelliques EM II, HIMU et DMM. En faisant l'hypothèse que le panache contient uniquement les pôles EM II et HIMU et que le pôle DMM seul est contenu dans la partie crustale de la lithosphère océanique, il est possible de faire un modèle de mélange entre ces trois pôles et en deux étapes : 1) le mélange entre les pôles EM II et HIMU permet d'estimer les proportions de chacun de ces composants dans les liquides issus du panache, 2) le mélange entre ces liquides hybrides et la lithosphère océanique à signature DMM, ce qui conduit à une estimation quantifiée des interactions entre le panache et la lithosphère océanique. Ainsi, la contribution du pôle DMM est dominante pour les îles d'Eiao, Nuku Hiva, Ua Huka et Hiva Oa. Celle du pôle EM II est dominante pour les laves alcalines de Ua Pou alors que celle du pôle HIMU domine à Fatu Hiva et pour les tholéiites de Ua Pou. Pour ces deux dernières îles, la contribution du pôle DMM est la plus restreinte. Pour la majorité des îles, la contribution du pôle DMM est importante ce qui peut indiquer : 1) que le pôle DMM est également présent dans la composition du panache profond, et/ou : 2) que l'incorporation de matériel appauvri DMM modifie considérablement la composition des liquides directement issus du panache. Cette dernière hypothèse est compatible avec celle de l'existence d'un plateau océanique dans le substratum marquisien, dont les roches à signature DMM prédominante interagiraient avec les magmas issus du panache.

Assessment of the use of ceramic water filters with silver nitrate as point-of-use water treatment devices in Dertig, North West Province, South Africa

Ndebele, Nkosinobubelo 03 1900 (has links)
MESHWR / Department of Hydrology and Water Resources / Water borne diseases due to inadequate and unsafe drinking water is a global challenge that has led to a significant number of deaths and illnesses reported annually. These diseases are prevalent in less-developed countries, especially in rural areas where there is shortage of basic infrastructure and inadequate funds for piped water systems in individual households. Community members are forced to resort to collecting water from communal water points and later storing the water in containers for daily use. Recontamination of microbiologically safe drinking water during and after collection from the water source has been recognised as a problem; hence treating water at household level is one way to provide potable water for affected communities. The microbiological quality of household water may be improved by using point-of-use treatment technologies such as chemical disinfection, solar disinfection and ceramic water filters. Some of these technologies are expensive, less effective and difficult to implement in rural communities. This research thus focused on ceramic water filters and finding an appropriate method for silver application so as to produce filters that are effective in both the provision of clean drinking water and the release of silver levels that are safe for human consumption. An assessment of the efficiency of ceramic water filters made with silver nitrate as point-of -use water treatment device in Dertig Village, North West Province, South Africa was carried out. During production of filters made with silver nitrate, the filters undergo firing in an electric kiln and ionic silver is reduced to metallic nanopatches dispersed throughout the porous ceramic media. Both filters made with silver nitrate and conventional silver nanoparticles impregnated ceramic water filters were manufactured at the PureMadi Dertig Ceramic Filter Facility, South Africa. Resulting filters were evaluated and quantified for total coliform and E. coli removal as well as silver concentration in the effluent. Ceramic water filters made with silver nitrate had a high removal efficiency for total coliforms (94.7%) and E. coli (99.3%). A comparison of the performance of filters made with silver nitrate and silver nanoparticles in the provision of potable water was carried out and results showed that the different filters had similar levels of total coliform and E. coli removal, although the silver nitrate filters produced the highest average removal of 97.23% while silver nanoparticles filters produced the lowest average removal of 85.43%. Reasonable silver levels were obtained in effluent from all filters. Average effluent silver levels were 0.07±0.04mg/L, 0.6±1.10 mg/L and 0.8±1.0mg/L for 1 g, 2 g and silver nanoparticle filters, respectively (below the EPA and WHO standard of 100 mg/L). Because silver nitrate filters resulted in the lowest effluent silver concentrations, this could potentially increase the effective life span of the filter. A cost analysis of the process proved that it was cheaper to produce ceramic water filters using silver nitrate as the chemical can be purchased locally and also eliminates labour related costs. Thus, filters made using silver nitrate could potentially improve performance, reduce production costs, and increase safety of production for workers. The results obtained from this study will be applied to improve the ceramic filtration technology as point-of-use water treatment device in an effort to reduce health problems associated with microbial contamination of water stored at household level. / NRF

Optimization of Point-of-Use Water Treatment Device for Disaster Relief

Herzog, Margaret June 01 March 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Point-of-use (POU) drinking water treatment is a common method of providing drinking water in disaster relief situations when critical water infrastructure is damaged. In these cases, POU treatment devices can be used to treat local water until relief organizations set up more permanent water provision methods. One such POU technology is PŪR® Purifier of Water, a combined coagulation/flocculation and disinfection chemical treatment sachet produced by Procter & Gamble. PŪR® has been shown to treat contaminated water to meet water quality standards and guidelines set by the U.S. EPA for water purifiers and by the World Health Organization and The Sphere Project for emergency relief. However, the standard two-bucket method of use for PŪR® has two primary drawbacks: (1) the need for appurtenances that may not be readily available in disaster relief situations and (2) lack of a means to protect treated water from re-contamination post-treatment. An alternative to the two-bucket method is a waterbag system under development at the California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. The waterbag is a ten-liter plastic bladder with integrated filter that incorporates an all-in-one approach to drinking water treatment during emergencies. In previous studies, the first version of the waterbag consistently met World Health Organization and The Sphere Project emergency drinking water guidelines, but did not meet the pathogen reduction requirements of the U.S. EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers. A second (Mark II) version, with internal mixing baffles and a microfilter, was developed to overcome the inability of the first design to meet the U.S. EPA guidelines. The main purposes of the research presented herein were to (1) optimize the method of use and baffle configuration for the improved Mark II version of the waterbag, (2) determine ability of the waterbag to treat test waters with challenging initial water quality conditions, and (3) test the ability of the Mark II design and optimized method to meet the U.S. EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers. For the first and second objectives, the main metric of treatment performance was the extent of flocculation, which was characterized by the turbidity of waterbag supernatant after 30 minutes of settling. The waterbag procedure was varied in several ways. The variables tested were mixing duration, mixing motion type, and the effect of a mixing delay. Several waterbag baffle designs were tested to determine the physical configuration of the waterbag which resulted in best turbulence during mixing. In addition, experiments were performed to test the ability of the Mark II waterbag to treat waters with various initial qualities, such as high organic carbon content and elevated E. coli concentrations. The results of these experiments helped to prepare for a final test in meeting the pathogen removal requirements of the U.S. EPA Guide Standard and Protocol for Testing Microbiological Water Purifiers. The procedure determined to be optimal for the Mark II waterbag treatment included five minutes of mixing using rapid 180° twisting motions at a moderate frequency of seventy 180°-twists per minute. The optimal baffle design was a 12.7 cm-wide internal mixing baffle with two cut circular holes for the promotion of turbulence during mixing. The desired post-treatment chlorine residual was achieved for different durations depending on initial organic carbon concentration. Optimal PŪR® dose to provide pathogen removals required by the U.S. EPA in the presence of Challenge Water conditions was two sachets per 10 L of water to be treated. The optimization of these design and operational procedures led to the ability of the Mark II waterbag to meet the pathogen, turbidity, pH, and non-microbiological constituent removals required by the U.S. EPA, The Sphere Project, and World Health Organization for emergency relief.


Rui Li (15352135) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p> Heavy metals, especially arsenic, have become a hot research topic due to their high toxicity and low removal efficiency in drinking water. Biofouling is one of the main factors affecting the removal efficiency of point-of-use (POU) water filtration systems. However, limited information is available on the effect of biofouling on heavy metal removal by POU systems. The aim of this study was to investigate how biofouling affects the removal efficiency of heavy metals,  especially arsenic, by different POU systems. Daily water use patterns in the U. S. households were simulated under laboratory conditions for the operation of POU systems. Sodium acetate was added to tap water to simulate an assimilable organic carbon source that contributes to biofouling formation and the concentration of sodium acetate gradually increased from 100 μg/L to 400 μg/L.  Sodium meta-arsenate (100 μg/L) was added to tap water to test its removal efficiency by POU  systems. Biofouling development and metal removal efficiency were monitored and correlated.  The results showed that arsenic removal efficiency and biofouling were positively correlated in both the activated carbon (AC) and reverse osmosis (RO) POU systems. Other conditions, such as temperature and flow rate, were negatively correlated with metal removal efficiencies in both systems. Overall, biofouling has been shown to contribute to improved removal efficiency of arsenic by POU, and the promotion effect was more significant in AC systems than in RO systems.  The results may contribute to an improved understanding of the maintenance of POU systems for heavy  metal removal </p>

Understanding Practical Limitations of Lead Certified Point of Use (POU) Filters

Rouillier, Rusty Jordan 27 July 2020 (has links)
There has been a recent increase in the adoption of point-of-use (POU) household water filters as an alternative to untreated tap water or bottled water. POU filters certified for lead removal have recently been distributed by the hundreds of thousands in communities amid water lead crises, as a temporary solution to protect consumers from elevated water lead levels. This thesis rigorously examines the efficacy of POU lead certified filters in removing lead under a wide range of conditions, and evaluates premature clogging due to iron and associated impacts on the cost analysis of using filters instead of bottled water. In testing ten brands of POU devices against up to four different waters for lead removal, most devices consistently removed lead to below the 5 µg/L FDA bottled water standard. However, several failures were documented, including manufacturing flaws, premature clogging, and inconsistency between duplicate filters. When waters containing more difficult to treat lead particulates were synthesized, treated water often had lead concentrations greater than the 5 µg/L bottled water standard and sometimes were even over the 15 µg/L EPA action level. In some cases, less than 50% of the particulate lead was removed by the filter, thereby replicating some problems with these devices identified in the field. While POUs usually reduced water lead concentrations by at least 80%, a combination of manufacturing issues and difficult to treat waters can cause treated water to exceed expectations. Consumers often purchase POU devices to remove particles and lead in waters that also contain high iron, prompting studies to examine the role of iron on filter performance. When we exposed two brands of pour-through POUs to waters with both high lead and iron, lead removal performance was generally not compromised, as treated water typically had lead concentrations less than 5 µg/L. One case was observed in which lead passed through a set of filters at high levels in association with iron, confirming expectations that in some waters iron could cause formation of lead particulates that are difficult to remove. High levels of iron sometimes rapidly clogged the POU filters, preventing them from reaching their rated capacity and increasing operational costs and time to filter water. Specifically, 50% (3/6) of the filters tested clogged prematurely at an iron concentration of 0.37 mg/L, 66% (4/6) at 1 mg/L and 100% (6/6) at 20 mg/L. A cost analysis for POUs vs. bottled water demonstrated that in waters with higher iron, store-brand bottled water was often the more cost-effective option, especially when iron levels were significantly higher than the EPA Secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (0.3 mg/L). The lower costs of bottled water in these situations was even more apparent if consumer time was factored into the analysis. / Master of Science / There has been a recent increase in the use of household water filters as an alternative to tap water or bottled water. Filters that are certified for lead removal have recently been distributed by the hundreds of thousands in communities amid water lead crises, as a temporary solution to protect consumers from elevated water lead levels. This thesis rigorously examines the effectiveness of these filters under a wide range of conditions. When tested against up to four different waters for lead removal, most filters consistently reduced lead to below the concentrations allowed in bottled water. In cases where the filters did not perform as expected, several filter failure modes were identified, including manufacturing flaws, filter clogging, and inconsistency between duplicate filters. In addition to these failures, when a water that contained particulate lead that was difficult to filter, as little as 50% of the lead was removed. While household filters often significantly reduce water lead concentrations, a combination of manufacturing issues and difficult to treat waters can cause poor performance. In many cases, consumers purchase filters to remove particles or lead in waters that also contain iron, which caused us to investigate the effect of iron on filter performance. When two brands of pour-through filters were tested against waters with both lead and iron, lead removal performance was generally not compromised. One exceptional case was observed where both high levels of lead and iron passed through the filters, leading us to believe that iron in some waters could create conditions where lead is more difficult to remove. In many cases, the presence of iron caused filters to dramatically slow down or clog. Premature clogging due to iron prevented filters from reaching their rated capacity and, in doing so, significantly increased cost and filter times. A cost analysis for filters vs. bottled water demonstrated that in waters with higher iron, store-brand bottled water was often the more cost-effective option, especially in waters with higher levels of iron. The lower costs of bottled water in these situations was even more apparent if consumer time was factored into the analysis.

Understanding Mechanisms of Water Lead Contamination by Nitrate Spallation Corrosion and Lead Removal by Point-of-Use (POU) Filters

Villalona, Chantaly 25 June 2024 (has links)
Lead enters drinking water by a process of corrosion, dissolution or particle detachment from lead bearing plumbing materials. Preventing contamination of water from lead-tin solder corrosion and achieving effective removal of particulate lead by point-of-use (POU) filters are important public health goals. These topics are especially timely given forthcoming revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule and ongoing efforts to reduce lead levels at the tap. Recently a switch from non-corrosive groundwater to a surface water source at a utility in Illinois caused unusual drinking water contamination from the release of large lead solder chunks from plumbing to water. Point-of-use (POU) filters distributed to remove the lead at this utility and elsewhere were not always completely effective. Here, we elucidate the mechanism of lead solder release in two chapters, followed by two more chapters examining lead removal by POU filters. The lead solder contamination arose after the water utility switched sources from high sulfate and low nitrate groundwater to a surface water with lower sulfate and high nitrate during runoff events. Such problems were unexpected because the surface water with high nitrate was not considered corrosive according to current theory. A chapter entitled A Novel Mechanism of Lead-Tin Solder Spallation in the Presence of Nitrate describes how 1) nitrate is extremely corrosive to lead:tin solder galvanically connected to copper, 2) nitrate corrosion can sometimes cause detachment of solder chunks to water, and 3) nitrate corroded the metal by reduction to ammonia and other reaction products. Another Chapter reports a follow up study, that reproduced the essence of nitrate induced spallation corrosion as observed in homes, using copper pipe with beads of lead-tin solder attached. During a 4-month experiment, the non-corrosive groundwater with high sulfate caused no solder beads to detach and only about 1% of the total lead was released to water. But in the surface water with high nitrate believed to cause the lead problem, 100% of the solder beads detached after just two months, and 80% of the total lead in the solder was released to water after 4 months. In the same surface water that had lower nitrate, with or without zinc orthophosphate or polyphosphate inhibitors, only 8 to 17% of the solder beads detached. Electrochemical studies also found that equimolar concentrations of chloride did not cause the disintegration of tin solder or as much weight loss as nitrate. Moreover, sulfate concentrations as low as 0.75 mM could effectively inhibit tin corrosion caused by 10 mg/L NO3-N. Studies focused on efficacy of POU filters have indicated that soluble lead in water is reliably removed, but sometimes particulate lead can escape capture and contaminate the treated water. To better understand this issue and practical limitations of filter use, field studies were performed in occupied and unoccupied homes in Enterprise, LA and New Orleans under both normal and extreme conditions of water lead contamination. For severe lead contamination present after lead pipes were disturbed or when a very long lead service line was present, and filters were tested to 200% of their rated capacity, the treated water occasionally had more than 15 ppb lead even when a very high percentage of the lead was removed. In Enterprise and New Orleans water with more typical levels of influent lead, the treated water was always below 1 ppb lead. But in Enterprise water with high iron and manganese the filters clogged quickly, causing higher costs for filtered water and consumer dissatisfaction. The occasional problems in removing particulate lead observed in this and prior research gave impetus to a series of bench-scale experiments elucidating particulate lead removal mechanisms by conventional ion-exchange media in sodium (Na+), strong acid (H+), chloride (Cl-) or strong base (OH-) form. Suspensions of lead phosphate particles of varying sizes and age revealed marked differences in dissolution rates under acidic, circa neutral and basic pHs that are caused by treatment with H+, Na +, OH -, Cl- form resin. Fresh nanoparticle lead phosphate particles were very labile, and immediately dissolved at pH 4 to form soluble Pb+2 ions which were quickly removed by strong acid media. High pHs > 10 and phosphate removal by OH– form resin could also dissolve the particles, and then remove the anionic soluble lead formed at high pHs. Na+ and Cl- resin caused little or no dissolution at the circa neutral pHs associated with their use and had lower rates of lead removal from water as a result. Older lead phosphate particles acquired from a New York City harvested lead pipe loop rig or purposefully synthesized in the laboratory, did not dissolve as readily as fresh nanoparticles which profoundly affected their relative removal efficiency by the different media. Overall, dissolution of lead phosphate particles in the ion-exchange media can sometimes have a range of important effects that can enhance or hinder lead removal dependent on circumstance. This thesis enhances our understanding of water lead contamination mechanisms by spallation of lead-tin solder and factors affecting lead removal by some POU filters. These novel insights can be helpful in preventing and mitigating future water lead contamination events. / Master of Science / Lead enters drinking water by a process of corrosion, dissolution or particle detachment from lead bearing plumbing materials. Preventing contamination of water from lead-tin solder corrosion and achieving effective removal of particulate lead by point-of-use (POU) filters are important public health goals. These topics are especially timely given forthcoming revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule and ongoing efforts to reduce lead levels at the tap. Recent studies have revealed that high nitrate sometimes causes severe lead contamination of water in homes with lead soldered copper pipe. This thesis elucidates a novel mechanism of lead solder corrosion from nitrate attack in two chapters, followed by two more chapters examining problems associated with lead removal from water by point-of-use (POU) filters. In a recent water lead contamination event, nitrate somehow caused large chunks of metallic lead solder to fall off pipes into the drinking water, a novel process that we term "spallation" corrosion. This observation inspired experiments to recreate this problem in the laboratory which found 1) nitrate and its reduced reaction products create a very low pH at the lead or tin anode during the nitrate-accelerated corrosion 2) the corrosion eats at the bond between the lead-tin solder and the copper pipe, cracking the lead:tin solder, causing chunks of metal to completely detach into water, and 3) corrosion of metal via nitrate reduction to ammonia at the tin anode. Follow-up electrochemical studies reproduced the essence of field nitrate induced spallation corrosion as seen in homes using copper pipe with beads of lead-tin solder attached. These beads detached to water during a 4-month experiment in some water chemistries and not others. No solder beads detached, and only about 1% of the total lead in the solder was released to water, during exposure to a non-corrosive groundwater with high sulfate. But all the solder beads detached in just two months, and 80% of the total lead was released to the water in 4 months, in a surface water with high nitrate. Electrochemical studies found that sulfate concentrations as low as 0.75 mM effectively inhibited the extreme tin corrosion caused by 10 mg/L NO3-N. Testing of lead certified POU filtration performance under varying conditions offers insight into challenges facing consumers. Field filtration studies were conducted in occupied homes for typical water lead challenges, or in unoccupied homes for testing of potentially dangerous water lead hazards, in Enterprise and New Orleans, LA. Results illustrate the difficulty of always achieving effective lead removal in cases where 1) the lead service line is very long, or 2) there is high erratic particulate lead after a lead service line is disturbed. Although effective lead removal occurred in other situations, the presence of very high levels of iron caused premature filter clogging and associated consumer frustration. Problems observed in removing particulate lead informed a series of bench-scale studies evaluating the role of particle age and size on filtration effectiveness by cation and anion form exchange resins (H+, Na +, OH -, Cl-). Batch tests demonstrated that fresh lead phosphate particles less than 1 micron in size are quickly dissolved at pH less than 4 caused by H+ form ion-exchange resin and were dissolved moderately fast at pH higher than 10 caused by OH- form ion-exchange resin. But the particles hardly dissolved at all at the moderate pHs present when Na+ and Cl- form resins are used. Dissolved lead was readily removed by H+, OH - and Na+ form resins at the pH range they created during treatment, but not by Cl- form resins. Lead phosphate particles from New York City did not dissolve as quickly as fresh nanoparticles, which sometimes enhanced or hindered their relative removal efficiency in the range of media tested. Overall, dissolution of lead phosphate particles within the media had important effects on the overall lead removal and could even cause previously removed lead to be released in some cases. This thesis enhances our understanding of water lead contamination mechanisms by spallation of lead-tin solder and lead removal by some POU filters. These novel insights can be helpful in preventing and mitigating future water lead contamination events.

Ciblage de l'ADN par des molécules antitumorales et modulation de l'activité des partenaires protéiques

Peixoto, Paul Cappelaere-Lansiaux, Amélie January 2008 (has links)
Reproduction de : Thèse de doctorat : Biologie moléculaire et cellulaire : Lille 2 : 2008. / Résumé en français et en anglais. Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. ADN = Acide Désoxyribonucléique. Bibliogr. f. 184-202.

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