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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring How Transformational Experiences of Faculty Participating in Global Learning Workshops Inform Practice

Hernandez, Eduardo 04 November 2015 (has links)
This case study addresses gaps in the global learning, transformational learning, and professional development literature. Research is lacking on the questions of if and how university faculty members view global learning curricula as transformational learning as a result of professional development and how this transformational learning applies to their teaching of global learning curricula. This study’s purpose is to explore whether university faculty members who have attended global learning professional development workshops perceive global learning as transformational learning and if they do, how they see global learning as transformational, and how this transformational learning informs their teaching. Research questions were answered by using a survey and interview guide developed by the researcher. All faculty members at FIU who have attended a global learning professional development workshop were invited to take the survey to identify faculty members who have had a transformational learning experience related to global learning. Thematic analysis of the survey and interview questions helped describe how faculty members perceived global learning as transformational learning and how faculty members applied this transformational learning to their teaching of global learning curricula. The study found that many university faculty members who have attended a global learning professional development workshop report a resulting transformational learning experience. These university faculty members perceive global learning as individual and collective opportunities and challenges. They apply this transformation to their teaching of global learning curricula through conceptual and individual instructional changes that facilitate and inform systematic awareness and systematic change. This study is significant because how a global learning curricula is viewed by a faculty member affects how it manifests in the curricula, how it is taught, and what students glean from it. How FIU explores this topic could be adopted by other institutions. This study also builds on the work of Dr. Jack Mezirow in transformational learning.

Constructing the space for professional action : a case study of professionalism in education

Massey, Alan G. January 2010 (has links)
This research seeks to understand the perceptions of professionalism in education. In particular it focuses on the constructions of the space for professional action. A case study focuses on people, including teachers and non-teachers, who work in a special school for young people with SEBD. The perceptions of professionalism in education held by those in this case have been carefully listened to and analysed. Using an interpretive approach I have analysed data from interviews of members of the case. This reveals that a common language is used to describe professionalism but this is not commonly defined. There is an assumption that all share a common definition. In addition, other factors affect professional action. The experiences and life trajectories of the respondents are seen to colour and shape professional action. The construction of the space for professional action is problematic. There is a wide range of definition. The findings reveal that professionalism is complex and common language hides a wide spectrum of definition and meaning. Professionalism, as a concept, is often confused and misused. Foregrounding these confusions have contributed to the understanding of professionalism. There is tension between the constructions of professionalism. The person trying to enact professionalism in education has to interpret, sometimes incongruent, discourses and locate themselves within persuasive discourses. Awareness of these differences and tensions can help understand and allow them to make their own choices. The development of typologies as an analysis tool has been effective in understanding the space for professional action in this case. It is suggested that this might be used as a basis for professional discussion for others who are engaging in development in their own context. Professionalism in education is important as this impacts on the performance of each person and this performance effects the young people. It is argued that people trying to enact it should engage in professional discussion and agreement making to establish what is good and worthwhile in professionalism.

A Teacher’s Adoption of Maker-Centered Learning: A Phenomenological Case Study

Schad, Michael L 01 January 2019 (has links)
The maker movement is a social movement which espouses the importance of artifact creation through physical and digital tools. As the maker movement moves into educational spaces, researchers and educators are exploring ways to integrate it alongside current classroom practices. A prevalent framework for maker integration is the maker-centered learning framework, which was used as part of the conceptual framework. Currently, more research is needed which justifies and analyzes maker-centered learning in an educational environment. This study aimed to use phenomenological methods to capture the lived experience of chemistry teacher as she integrated the maker-centered learning framework into her chemistry classroom.

Designing Professional Development for Elementary School Teachers

Quattlebaum, Simon F. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Within a Northeast urban school, there is little empirical evidence to indicate the effectiveness of the district professional development (PD) program. Elementary teachers at the study site reported that they encountered problems accessing professional development programs applicable to their needs. The purpose of this case study was to examine teacher perceptions of district PD programs and to discover teacher perceptions of PD best practices. Knowles' adult learning theory provided a frame of reference for this study. The research questions assessed teachers' perceptions of the format, content, and process of professional development programs and examined how teachers applied new knowledge, concepts, and skills offered in professional development training. A case study design was used to gather focus group data from a critical case sample of 6 elementary teachers who were participating in PD training or who had participated in PD within the past 3 years. Emergent themes were identified from the data. Findings were developed and validated with member checking. The findings indicated that these 6 teachers desired more involvement in planning relevant PD, greater time allocated to collaborative activities, and more grade-level customized programming. Implications for positive social change include improved district professional development opportunities that align with best teaching practices for effective student instruction and increased student achievement.

Examining New Teachers' Perceptions of Preparedness

Cugini, Allison 01 January 2018 (has links)
Attrition rate is high for beginning teachers in an urban school district in the Northeast United States. Without a proper support system in place, new teachers struggled transitioning from their preparation programs into the classroom. This study focused on recent graduates from a teacher preparation program at a large local university. The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of preparedness of recent graduates from the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC) accredited preparation program. The TEAC standards provided the conceptual framework which informed the interview guides. The research questions focused on the perceived readiness of new teachers, the skills or aptitudes identified as strengths or weaknesses due to perceived gaps in preparation, and how teachers adapted what they learned in the graduate program. Using a case study design, the insights of eight recent graduates, with fewer than two years of experience, and 2 supervising professors from the university who had supervised student teachers were captured. Purposeful sampling was used to select the participants. Emergent themes were identified through an open coding process, and the findings were developed and checked for trustworthiness through member checking and triangulation. The findings revealed five perceived new teacher weaknesses: parent involvement, math instruction, classroom technology, time management, and teacher stress management. The culminating project for this research used these results to inform the content of a professional development workshop for new teachers. This study has implications for positive social change by providing a structure for improving the preparedness of new teachers.

A Behavior Management Seminar for Special or General Education Graduate Students

Schindelheim, Franklin D. 01 January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study was to identify the classroom management needs of graduate education students in one college, and develop a seminar that emerged from the research. Researchers have shown that professional development provided for graduate education students typically deals with curriculum and instructional methodologies rather than classroom management. However, graduate education students have expressed the need to learn more effective classroom management skills. The research questions asked what classroom management skills participants said they needed to teach in both collaborative, and special education classrooms. A grounded theory approach and the constructivist paradigm were used in the study. Interviews and focus groups employing a purposive sample of 12 graduate education students were used to determine core phenomena where participants were able to help shape and construct a seminar in classroom management. The results of the codified data concluded that participants lacked skills and wanted to be trained in the meaning of effective teacher engagement with students, collaboration with other professionals, effective use of class rules and procedures, helping students understand consequences for misbehavior, and managing classroom disruptions. The research generated a 3-hour seminar for special education or general education graduate students. The results gathered during the development of the seminar suggest that the content and presentation will help graduate education students foster social change by developing skills to effectively manage their classes. Additionally, the study can contribute to social change by affording participants classroom management skills necessary to create safe and nurturing school environments that have the potential to positively impact student achievement.

The Perceptions of High School Graduates of Career and Technology Education Courses

Middleton, Darryl Terrence 01 January 2011 (has links)
Career and technology education (CATE) courses were offered to high school students as an alternative form of education. The research problem at the study site, which is a high school located in southeastern United States was the lack of research-based findings on high school graduates' perceptions of CATE courses. The purpose of this study was to understand the participants' perceptions of the impact of CATE courses on career goals. The research question that guided this study was: What are the perceptions of high school graduates of a CATE program? The conceptual framework was based upon multiple intelligences, differentiated instruction, and the social cognitive theory of self-efficacy. Purposive sampling was used to identify 10 high school graduates who took CATE courses and were interviewed to share their perceptions of those courses. Responses were audio taped and transcribed for content analysis and coding to identify common themes on this topic. The findings indicated that CATE courses provided students with practical applications by which CATE instructors strived to meet the needs of students, indicating that CATE students have been prepared for career opportunities. The findings also indicated that CATE students graduated from high school because students developed technical and academic skills through the program. Implications for positive social change include potentially increased rate of high school graduation of CATE students and the impact of CATE courses on graduate's career goals. The results of this study can be used by CATE teachers and school administrators to support continued advocacy for teacher professional development within the field of CATE courses.

Intrinsic motivation of students with disabilities in the general education setting: What teachers should know and be able to do

Faircloth, Beverly Stinson 01 January 2008 (has links)
The Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) requires that students with disabilities (SWD) be educated in the least restrictive environment, while the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) requires that these students meet minimum criteria on statewide testing by 2014. This sequential explanatory mixed methods action research study, situated in Bandura's self-efficacy and Atkinson's drive theories, examined the effects of teacher training and subsequent implementation of strategies on the intrinsic motivation of SWD. Intrinsic motivation was measured using the Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (CAIMI) before and after the training. A repeated measures t-test analyzed the mean difference in the students' responses to determine whether teacher training and subsequent implementation of motivational strategies had a significant effect on the intrinsic motivation of SWD in the general education classroom. Mean scores on the pre and post administrations of the CAIMI were not statistically different, t(13) = 1.426, p = .177. A focus group interview with the students' teachers provided data, which helped ascertain how teachers perceived the relationship between teacher training in motivational intervention strategies and teacher practice and levels of intrinsic motivation for SWD in inclusive classrooms. Typological analysis revealed teachers perceived a relationship between the training, their practice, and intrinsic motivation of SWD. Finally, qualitative responses were compared to responses on individual CAIMI items to explain inconsistencies between expected outcomes, actual results, and theory. Implications for positive social change are evidenced by the data that demonstrate a better understanding of motivation for SWD for educators and administrators seeking ways to merge requirements for NCLB with IDEA.

The Impact of Professional Development Training in Autism and Experience on Teachers' Self-Efficacy

Biasotti, Nancy 01 January 2011 (has links)
Regular education teachers' self-efficacy may be negatively impacted due to a lack of professional development and experience teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Research links teacher self-efficacy with increased student academic achievement. The purpose of this study was to examine to what degree training on ASD during and following teacher certification and experience had on overall teacher self-efficacy. This one-shot case study was based upon Bandura's theoretical construct of self-efficacy and secondarily on Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk Hoy, and Hoy's theory of self-efficacy. The Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scales (TSES) was used to collect data from regular education teachers with experience teaching students with ASD in 1st through 3rd grades in a Southern California school district. After the data were assessed for accuracy, missing data, and outliers, the analysis was conducted on 36 cases. MANOVAs were conducted to assess differences on overall self-efficacy. Separate ANOVAs were used since the overall self-efficacy and the subscores were highly correlated. Though the sample in this study was small (n = 36) for data analysis, the effect size showed that training experience and grade levels had a moderate to large effect on teacher self-efficacy (.16, .13, .13 respectively). Therefore teacher self-efficacy has a positive impact on student achievement. Implications for positive social change are self-efficacious teachers increase the academic achievement of students with ASD. In this way, such students can become self-sustaining, dynamic members of the work force and community.

Exploring Barriers to Implementing a School-Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program.

Gay, Ronald L. 01 January 2016 (has links)
This study examined factors related to the implementation of a School Wide Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support (SWPBIS) program at a large middle school in the United States. Parent Teacher Student Association volunteers at the school reported that teacher fidelity to implementation of SWPBIS activities was inconsistent, threatening the SWPBIS program's effectiveness. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers that hindered teachers' fidelity in implementing SWPBIS. Teacher resistance to change, change leadership framework, and the model for effective professional development were used in this case study to explore the perceptions of 16 participants. The research questions focused on teachers', SWPBIS coaches', and administrators' perceptions and experiences with barriers to implementing SWPBIS in the third year of implementation (2013-2014). Emergent themes derived from coding participant interviews revealed 7 major barriers to teacher implementation fidelity including confusion about priorities, peer and student influences, philosophical differences, and weaknesses in leadership and professional development. The interview data were triangulated with data from archived documents to ensure the credibility of the study. A project recommendation for 6 professional development modules was made to address study findings. Positive social change implications include the efficacy of using the project study as an example for other schools to improve teacher effectiveness by responding to teacher weaknesses and facilitating improved student outcomes.

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