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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desarrollo de nuevos métodos estadísticos y/o bioinformáticos para la detección de variaciones en el número de copias (CNVs) y su relación con enfermedades humanas

Vilardell Nogales, Mireia 01 July 2008 (has links)
El descubrimiento de las duplicaciones segmentarias (DS) o Low Copy Repeats (LCRs) ha permitido definir nuevos mecanismos evolutivos mediados, en gran parte, por duplicación génica. Las DS son responsables de reordenamientos que pueden ser submicróscopicos dando lugar a pequeñas pérdidas o ganancias de material genómico. La elucidación sobre su implicación y relación en enfermedades humanas ha generado la necesidad de crear nuevos instrumentos de medida que permitan rastrear el genoma humano a una mayor resolución que la conseguida mediante cariotipo normal. Una de estas nuevas técnicas se denomina matrices aCGH. En esta tesis doctoral se han desarrollado métodos que permiten la optimización de la técnica durante el proceso de fabricación e hibridación y que, a su vez, pueden ser aplicados sobre los métodos actuales de detección de CNVs incrementando su sensibilidad y especificidad. Además se ha realizado una comparación entre plataformas aCGH así como un análisis transcriptómico global de muestras alteradas, tomando como modelo de estudio el síndrome de Williams-Beuren que está caracterizado por una deleción parcial en la banda 7q11.23. A parte de ganancias y pérdidas de fragmentos de material génico, las DSs pueden generar copias de genes que pueden acumular cambios respecto el original (PSVs). Algunos de estas PSVs ya se han identificado como patogénicas por ello es de gran utilidad su estudio.

Dynamic Behaviour of Coke Drums PSVs During Blocked Outlet Condition

Vakilalroayaei, Hessam 06 November 2014 (has links)
The maximum yield taken in an oil refinery can not exceed 70% without including Delayed Coker Unit (DCU) as part of unit operations in the refinery. This implies naturally a big attraction on investing of such a unit for refiners. However, during the past decades, there were few refiners included Coker unit in the refinery, due to the fact of its large capital investment with a high marginal profitability. On the other hand the technologies developed to operate a coker unit, involve a series of process steps that require highly trained and well experienced operators with a state of art of design to overcome all the challenges with this unit operation. Safety, as a prime factor of design and operation requires much attention in the design of this unit. Among different safety consideration in the design and operation of Coker Unit, this project thesis focuses on the dynamic behaviour of Coke Drums PSV (Process Safety Valve) relief and its interaction with Blowdown section of the unit that leads also to the PSV relief of Blowdown section with change of temperature versus time during the first 15 minutes that is considered as the time required for operators intervention. The main findings in this thesis are about the complications in the design aspects of delayed coker unit as well as the importance and role of safety of operation of this unit. It also gave me an insight of cascade relief during the upset condition in an online coke drum and the importance of a reliable piping system to handle the hydraulics as well high temperature conditions.

An evolutionary Pentagon Support Vector finder method

Mousavi, S.M.H., Vincent, Charles, Gherman, T. 02 March 2020 (has links)
Yes / In dealing with big data, we need effective algorithms; effectiveness that depends, among others, on the ability to remove outliers from the data set, especially when dealing with classification problems. To this aim, support vector finder algorithms have been created to save just the most important data in the data pool. Nevertheless, existing classification algorithms, such as Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), suffer from the drawback of setting the initial cluster centers imprecisely. In this paper, we avoid existing shortcomings and aim to find and remove unnecessary data in order to speed up the final classification task without losing vital samples and without harming final accuracy; in this sense, we present a unique approach for finding support vectors, named evolutionary Pentagon Support Vector (PSV) finder method. The originality of the current research lies in using geometrical computations and evolutionary algorithms to make a more effective system, which has the advantage of higher accuracy on some data sets. The proposed method is subsequently tested with seven benchmark data sets and the results are compared to those obtained from performing classification on the original data (classification before and after PSV) under the same conditions. The testing returned promising results.

Vliv složení a mikrostruktury vulkanických hornin na jejich technologické vlastnosti / Influence of composition and fabric of volcanic rocks on their technological properties

Krutilová, Kateřina January 2015 (has links)
Because of a very variable geological composition of the Czech Republic, there is a various scale of all genetic types of rocks that are used for the production of crushed stone. The most often used group of rocks are effusive magmatic rocks, which represent about 34 % of crushed stone marketed (Starý et al. 2010). These rocks are used for all kinds of construction purposes including roads. The experimental material of crushed stone used in this thesis was sampled from 40 active quarries in the Czech Republic. The studied volcanic rocks originated from Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic complexes of Barrandien, Carboniferous and Permian of Krkonose Piedmont Basin, Carboniferous and Permian of Intrasudetic basin, area of ordovician Železné Hory, from the main volcanic center of Bohemian Massif in the north-west Bohemia (České středohoří Mts. and Doupov Mts.), Neovolcanic area of Czech Cretaceous basin and area of Neovolcanic East and West Sudeten. Petrographic study was carried out in a form of standard petrographic analysis of thin sections and chemical analysis, which helped inclusion of rocks to a classified systems. The whole suite of volcanic rocks was separated to five petrographic-technologic subgroups defined as: (1) rhyolites / porphyres, (2) phonolites, (3) basalts s.l., (4) spilites and (5)...

Séismes : rupture et onde

Virieux, Jean 20 June 1986 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire s'intéresse à la quantification des processus physiques liés aux séismes de la rupture initiale à la propagation des ondes jusqu'à la zone cible où des stations d'enregistrement permettent de mieux contraindre le mouvement du sol. L'estimation quantitative a été réalisée grâce à une technique numérique de simulation que sont les différences finies. Un schéma en grille alternée permet de réduire fortement les instabilités associées aux ondes, d'optimiser le temps de calcul et la mémoire nécessaire aux problèmes dynamiques. Les processus physiques à la source sismique sont complexes car s'expriment comme un phénomène de frottement dans un milieu hétérogène. Cette thèse aborde des configurations bidimensionnelles et tridimensionnelles et montre qu'il existe une loi d'échelle numérique venant de la singularité des champs en pointe de faille. Dans le cas purement cassant, il n'existe pas d'échelle caractéristique conduisant à affirmer que la solution numérique ne converge pas vers la solution théorique avec les discrétisations associées à la méthode utilisées: la solution numérique ne peut exprimer avec assez de résolution la singularité. L'introduction d'une zone de faiblesse en pointe de faille permet d'introduire une échelle et de rendre le problème plus facile à résoudre. Il est ensuite abordé le problème de la propagation en milieux hétérogènes dans des configurations unidimensionnelles, bidimensionnelles sachant que le cas 3D peut l'être aussi mais réclame des moyens informatiques notables. On notera que le schéma hétérogène proposé sur une grille en quinconce permet de décrire les ondes d'une manière précise quand leur énergie devient notable. Cela est vrai à une interface liquide/solide par exemple où l'onde S est confinée dans le milieu solide sans provoquer d'instabilités dans le milieu liquide. La reconstruction du milieu est une étape importante en association avec la localisation des séismes. Des techniques d'optimisation nouvelles permettent d'envisager la reconstruction des propriétés du milieu via la forme d'onde et non plus uniquement via les temps d'arrivée. L'effort numérique est important et seulement le cas acoustique dans des configurations simples est introduit et permet de comprendre la non-linéarité du problème d'imagerie. Nous voyons ainsi dans cette thèse qu'il est possible de contraindre la physique à la source sismique et durant la propagation des ondes sismiques grâce à une modélisation précise des équations différentielles partielles et des conditions aux limites qui caractérisent cette physique. En l'associant aux observations des signaux sismiques aux stations, il sera possible dans le future de mieux expliquer les phénomènes sismiques observés.

Automatický anténní analyzátor / Automatic antenna analyser

Dufek, Ivo January 2010 (has links)
This project is dealing with methods of measuring impedances of the antenna systems in the frequency range from the low frequencies to the very high frequencies. There is a discussion about different methods of measuring impedance and each technique is critically evaluated. In terms of this project is compared few types of the professional antenna analyzers. According to this comparison there was made the concept of my own antenna analyzer. There is a detailed description of the design of this device’s important parts including software equipment. Designed instrument has been built and tested.

Monitor PSV a vysokofrekvenčního výkonu / SWR and HF power monitor

Gajdušek, Miroslav January 2010 (has links)
This work deals with analysis methods continuous measuring systems for measurement standing wave ratio and high frequency power. Reflectometr, provision measuring standing wawe ratio, works in range frequence VHF (145 MHz, 443 MHz), for this width working frequence is used construction reflectometer with directive lead. Measurer HF power works into range 1kW. Further is in work go through problems communications bus for transmission data from unit monitor SWR a HF power into score modulus. With regard to high frequency interference is choice serial communication RS-485 , which is immune against disturbance. Further is designed evaluation unit MASTER, unit SLAVE and modules for measurement power and SWR. In finish is build up the firmware for units.

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