Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pacific alliance"" "subject:"acific alliance""
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Pacific Alliance as Counterpart to MERCOSUR / Pacific Alliance as Counterpart to Mercosur – Underestimated Markets of Latin America for Czech BusinessSkřička, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
This thesis focuses on two integration blocks in Latin America -- the Pacific Alliance and MERCOSUR. The analysis should confirm the hypothesis that the integrated countries converge faster than non-integrated. With use of beta-convergence and sigma-convergence approaches, this hypothesis was rejected for the two Latin American integration groups. It is also supposed that market-led policies should diverge from the protectionist countries in terms of per capita income. However, this hypothesis was not neither confirmed, nor rejected for the observed region and time period. The income growth analysis showed that the Pacific Alliance countries are less dependent on their initial incomes than MERCOSUR members. However, the macroeconomic data exhibit multicollinearity, autocorrelation and unit root generated process. The explanatory coefficients likely lose their statistical significance, when this is controlled for. Therefore, the lower growth dependence in the Pacific Alliance integration on initial income cannot be fully confirmed.
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A inserção de Brasil e México na integraçãoo latino-americana: a UNASUL e a Aliança do Pacífico / Brazil\'s and Mexico\'s insertion in latin american integration: UNASUR and Pacific AllianceNaddi, Beatriz Walid de Magalhães 13 April 2018 (has links)
A integração latino-americana recente tem passado por uma propagação de diferentes propostas de integração. Nesse sentido, destacam-se as diferentes estratégias de inserção regional adotadas pelas principais economias da região: Brasil entre os governos Lula (2003-2010) e Dilma (2011-2014) e México nos governos Fox (2000-2006), Calderón (2006-2012) e Peña Nieto (2012-). Esta dissetação busca analisar, portanto, a inserção do Brasil e do México na integração latino-americana, tomando como centro fundamental de análise as iniciativas da União de Nações Sul-Americanas (UNASUL) e Aliança do Pacífico, respectivamente. Para isso, é utilizado o arcabouço teórico da Teoria Marxista da Dependência, a qual entende tanto o Brasil quanto o México como países inseridos de maneira dependente no sistema capitalista mundial. Partindo disso, a dissertação realiza uma descrição em perspectiva histórica da inserção latino-americana, desde as primeiras tentativas no século XIX. Em seguida, são analisadas as inserções de Brasil e México na integração latino-americana, e para fechar, um capítulo comparativo, com as semelhanças e diferenças encontradas em suas estratégias. / Recent Latin American integration has experienced a spreading of different integration proposals. In this sense, the different regional insertion strategies adopted by the main economies of the region stands out: Brazil between the governments Lula (2003-2010) and Dilma (2011-2014) and Mexico during Fox (2000-2006), Calderón (2006-2012) and Peña Nieto (2012-) governments. This master thesis seeks to analyze, therefore, the insertion of Brazil and Mexico in Latin American integration, taking as a fundamental center of analysis the initiatives of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Pacific Alliance, respectively. For this, the theoretical framework of the Marxist Theory of Dependency is used, which understands both Brazil and Mexico as countries inserted in a dependent way in the world capitalist system. Based on that, this master thesis makes a historical perspective on the Latin American insertion, from the first attempts in the nineteenth century. Next, the insertions of Brazil and Mexico in Latin American integration are analyzed. Finally, in a comparative chapter, the similarities and differences between their strategies are identified and analyzed.
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Aliança do Pacífico : uma visão do bloco através do modelo gravitacionalOrtiz, Pablo Chaves January 2015 (has links)
A partir da década de 1990, houve uma proliferação de Acordos Preferenciais de Comércio (APC) ao redor do mundo. Dentro deste cenário de mudança do comércio mundial, a América Latina foi um importante ator na criação de novos acordos. Entretanto, devido a histórica instabilidade política e econômica da região, nunca houve uma integração de fato, devido principalmente ao caráter protecionista dos países. Nesse sentido, a Aliança do Pacífico (Chile, Colômbia, Peru e México) vem com uma proposta de integração econômica diferente, com objetivo de unir suas economias ainda mais e estar aberta às negociações comerciais com terceiros países. O objetivo deste estudo é estimar o comércio bilateral potencial entre os países membros da Aliança do Pacífico (AP), através do modelo gravitacional de comércio por meio de dados em painel com efeitos fixos para o ano de 2013, com uma amostra de 98 países. Os resultados mostraram que o comércio estimado para o ano de 2013 ficou apenas 1% abaixo do comércio efetivo, o equivalente a US$ 240,6 milhões. A análise por par de países mostrou que o mais beneficiado com a criação da AP seria o México, expandindo consideravelmente suas importações e exportações. / From the 1990s, there was a proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements (APC) around the world. Within this world trade change of scenery, Latin America was a key player in the creation of new agreements. However, due to historical political and economic instability in the region, there has never been an integration, mainly due to the protectionist nature of countries. In this sense, the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico) comes with a proposal for a different economic integration, aiming to unite their economies further and be open to trade negotiations with third countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the bilateral trade potential between the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (PA), through the gravitational trade model in panel data with fixed effects for year 2013, with a sample of 98 countries. The results showed that the estimated trade for the year 2013 was only 1% below the actual trade, equivalent to US $ 240.6 million. Analysis by pair of countries showed that most benefited from the creation of the Pacific Alliance would be Mexico, considerably expanding its imports and exports.
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Aliança do Pacífico : uma visão do bloco através do modelo gravitacionalOrtiz, Pablo Chaves January 2015 (has links)
A partir da década de 1990, houve uma proliferação de Acordos Preferenciais de Comércio (APC) ao redor do mundo. Dentro deste cenário de mudança do comércio mundial, a América Latina foi um importante ator na criação de novos acordos. Entretanto, devido a histórica instabilidade política e econômica da região, nunca houve uma integração de fato, devido principalmente ao caráter protecionista dos países. Nesse sentido, a Aliança do Pacífico (Chile, Colômbia, Peru e México) vem com uma proposta de integração econômica diferente, com objetivo de unir suas economias ainda mais e estar aberta às negociações comerciais com terceiros países. O objetivo deste estudo é estimar o comércio bilateral potencial entre os países membros da Aliança do Pacífico (AP), através do modelo gravitacional de comércio por meio de dados em painel com efeitos fixos para o ano de 2013, com uma amostra de 98 países. Os resultados mostraram que o comércio estimado para o ano de 2013 ficou apenas 1% abaixo do comércio efetivo, o equivalente a US$ 240,6 milhões. A análise por par de países mostrou que o mais beneficiado com a criação da AP seria o México, expandindo consideravelmente suas importações e exportações. / From the 1990s, there was a proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements (APC) around the world. Within this world trade change of scenery, Latin America was a key player in the creation of new agreements. However, due to historical political and economic instability in the region, there has never been an integration, mainly due to the protectionist nature of countries. In this sense, the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico) comes with a proposal for a different economic integration, aiming to unite their economies further and be open to trade negotiations with third countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the bilateral trade potential between the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (PA), through the gravitational trade model in panel data with fixed effects for year 2013, with a sample of 98 countries. The results showed that the estimated trade for the year 2013 was only 1% below the actual trade, equivalent to US $ 240.6 million. Analysis by pair of countries showed that most benefited from the creation of the Pacific Alliance would be Mexico, considerably expanding its imports and exports.
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Aliança do Pacífico : uma visão do bloco através do modelo gravitacionalOrtiz, Pablo Chaves January 2015 (has links)
A partir da década de 1990, houve uma proliferação de Acordos Preferenciais de Comércio (APC) ao redor do mundo. Dentro deste cenário de mudança do comércio mundial, a América Latina foi um importante ator na criação de novos acordos. Entretanto, devido a histórica instabilidade política e econômica da região, nunca houve uma integração de fato, devido principalmente ao caráter protecionista dos países. Nesse sentido, a Aliança do Pacífico (Chile, Colômbia, Peru e México) vem com uma proposta de integração econômica diferente, com objetivo de unir suas economias ainda mais e estar aberta às negociações comerciais com terceiros países. O objetivo deste estudo é estimar o comércio bilateral potencial entre os países membros da Aliança do Pacífico (AP), através do modelo gravitacional de comércio por meio de dados em painel com efeitos fixos para o ano de 2013, com uma amostra de 98 países. Os resultados mostraram que o comércio estimado para o ano de 2013 ficou apenas 1% abaixo do comércio efetivo, o equivalente a US$ 240,6 milhões. A análise por par de países mostrou que o mais beneficiado com a criação da AP seria o México, expandindo consideravelmente suas importações e exportações. / From the 1990s, there was a proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements (APC) around the world. Within this world trade change of scenery, Latin America was a key player in the creation of new agreements. However, due to historical political and economic instability in the region, there has never been an integration, mainly due to the protectionist nature of countries. In this sense, the Pacific Alliance (Chile, Colombia, Peru and Mexico) comes with a proposal for a different economic integration, aiming to unite their economies further and be open to trade negotiations with third countries. The aim of this study is to estimate the bilateral trade potential between the member countries of the Pacific Alliance (PA), through the gravitational trade model in panel data with fixed effects for year 2013, with a sample of 98 countries. The results showed that the estimated trade for the year 2013 was only 1% below the actual trade, equivalent to US $ 240.6 million. Analysis by pair of countries showed that most benefited from the creation of the Pacific Alliance would be Mexico, considerably expanding its imports and exports.
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The Vision of Development within a Global and Regional Context. Regionalism in the Pacific Alliance and the Latin American Integration Association, 2005-2014Maldonado Bodart, Marcela, López Leyva, Santos 07 April 2017 (has links)
Historically there have been various discussions on how to achieve development from different scopes and spaces. The vision of development from a global space has undergone a significant evolution to the present day, in particular after World War II, in the context of international development cooperation. Within a regional space, economic cooperation mechanisms have shown to be dynamic and positive for development. This paper aims, firstly, to set forth a review of the evolution of the development vision from a global and regional perspective. Secondly, to analyze contributions in commerce from a regional development perspective through a comparative analysis of the Pacific Alliance and the Latin American Integration Association between 2005 and 2014, as economic cooperation mechanisms in Latin America and the Caribbean that seek development within the same region. / Históricamente han existido distintos debates para alcanzar el desarrollo, desde diferentes ámbitos y espacios. La visión del desarrollo desde el espacio global, ha tenido una importante evolución hasta nuestros días, principalmente después de la II Guerra Mundial, a través de la Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo (CID). Desde el espacio regional, los mecanismos de cooperación económica han reflejado ser dinámicos y positivos para el desarrollo. Por ello, el presente trabajo pretende en primera instancia, realizar una revisión de la evolución sobre la visión de desarrollo desde un contexto global y regional. En una segunda fase, busca analizar las aportaciones comerciales, desde una visión del desarrollo regional, por medio de un análisis comparativo de la Alianza del Pacífico (AP) con respecto a la región y a la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI) para el periodo 2005-2014, como mecanismos de cooperación económica en América Latina y el Caribe (ALyC) que buscan un desarrollo dentro de la misma región.
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Nové vyvážení v asijsko-pacifické oblasti: nové skutečnosti v tradičních aliancích USA v regionu / Asia-Pacific Rebalance: New Realities in Traditional U.S. Alliances in the RegionDoan, Phu Nguyen January 2017 (has links)
The thesis seeks to examine the development of the US-Japan, US-South Korea, and US- Australia alliances, during the implementation of the rebalance to Asia policy under the Obama administration. It discusses the application of three major international relations theories, realism, liberalism, and constructivism, in studying the causes and effects that resulted in different outcomes across the three dyads, from security, economic, and cultural perspectives. To establish a causal relationship, the thesis employs a qualitative case study method, controlled comparison, to test the theories and identify the factors that play a decisive role in determining the differences. It then concludes that between the three alliances, it was the rational choice of policymakers, focused on state survival and economic interests, that influenced state behaviour in cross-border relationships. The US alliances in Asia-Pacific have been operating mainly on pragmatic foundations and principles, to serve strategic purposes, and have little to do with normative, ideational factors. Keywords Asia-Pacific, alliance, economic interdependence, foreign policy, hegemony, national identity, rebalance, security threat
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Impacto del volumen exportado del cobre en el comercio intrarregional y extrarregional del bloque regional Alianza del Pacífico entre los años 2013 y 2018 / Impact of the exported volume of copper in the intraregional and extraregional trade of the Pacific Alliance regional block between 2013 and 2018Cánepa Guanilo, Rodolfo Alejandro, Revilla Memoli, Adriana 31 August 2020 (has links)
La Alianza del Pacífico es un bloque regional fundado en el 2011 y conformado por Chile, Colombia, México y Perú. Este bloque ha tenido un gran éxito a nivel internacional no solo por su cooperación, sino por saber sobrellevar sus diferencias políticas e ideológicas. Su meta es la creación de un área de integración profunda por medio de la libre circulación de bienes, servicios, capitales y personas, exonerando las barreras arancelarias, así como el impulso al crecimiento, desarrollo y competitividad. Estos mismos factores son los que han ayudado a mejorar sus métodos de comercio tanto intrarregional como extrarregional, siendo de la larga lista de productos beneficiados el Cobre, commodity mineral que ha crecido en exportaciones, y cuyos principales países productores se encuentran en este acuerdo. Para esta investigación se tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis de la influencia del volumen exportado del cobre en el comercio intrarregional y extrarregional del bloque regional Alianza del Pacífico. Es por ello que se ha realizado una investigación mixta, la cual se divide por un lado en el estudio cuantitativo, con datos del comercio intrarregional y extrarregional de este bloque y el volumen del cobre exportado, y por otro lado la investigación cualitativa la cual se encuentra conformada por entrevistas a expertos en el tema, recopilando sus opiniones y realizando una comparación entre ellas. Como resultado de los datos recopilados se concluye que las exportaciones en volumen de este commodity si generan una influencia en el comercio intrarregional, más no en el extrarregional. / The Pacific Alliance is a regional block founded in 2011 and formed by Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. This agreement has been highly successful at the international level not only for its cooperation, but for knowing how to cope with its political and ideological differences. Its goal is to create an area of deep integration through the free movement of goods, services, capital and people, exonerating tariff barriers, as well as promoting growth, development and competitiveness. These same factors are the ones that have helped to improve its trading methods both intraregional and extraregional, being from the long list of beneficiary products Copper, a mineral commodity that has grown in exports, and whose main producing countries are in this agreement. The objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the influence of the exported volume of copper on the intraregional and extraregional trade of the Pacific Alliance regional block. That is why a mixed investigation has been carried out, which is divided on one hand into the quantitative study, with data on the intraregional and extraregional trade of this block and the volume of copper exported, and on the other hand the qualitative research which includes interviews with experts on the subject, compiling their opinions and making a comparison among them. As a result of the data collected, it is concluded that the volume exported of this commodity do influence the intraregional trade, but not extraregional trade. / Tesis
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Los centros de desarrollo empresarial como herramienta para la internacionalización de las Mipyme dentro del marco de la alianza pacificoRamírez Orbe, Josselyn Paola, Gonzales Utia, Kenny, La Madrid Davelouis, Manuel Adriano 02 1900 (has links)
El presente trabajo consiste en una investigación documental sobre los Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial y su impacto de internacionalización en las MIPYME en el Perú bajo el marco de la Alianza del Pacifico, lo cual se realizó un análisis acerca de los modelos de CDE aplicados en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. De esta manera, la investigación documental incluye un marco teórico en el que se observa y definirán conceptos como el contexto de la Alianza del Pacifico, las herramientas de los Centros de Desarrollo Empresarial y el concepto de las estrategias de internacionalización. La metodología que se empleó para llevar a cabo la investigación fue la revisión y análisis bibliográfico de modelos de centros de desarrollo empresarial enfocado en la implementación e impacto en diferentes países de Latinoamérica. Así mismo, se realizó el análisis en dos entrevistas a expertos del tema en cuanto el potencial de las MIPYME y su desarrollo con la herramienta de los CDE. Los resultados del análisis dieron la importancia de desarrollar un modelo de CDE en el Perú con el objetivo de que las MYPES puedan ser sostenibles e internacionales. Además, dicho trabajo resalta el rol importante que tiene AP en cuanto el desarrollo de CDE y su integración entre los países de la alianza. / The present work consists of a documentary research about the Business Development Centers and their impact of internationalization in the small companies in Peru under the framework of the Pacific Alliance, which made an analysis about the models of SBDC applied in different Countries of Latin America. In this way, documentary research includes a theoretical framework in which concepts such as the context of the Pacific Alliance, the tools of the Business Development Centers and the concept of internationalization strategies are observed and defined. The methodology used to carry out the research was the review and bibliographic analysis of models of business development centers focused on the implementation and impact in different countries of Latin America. Likewise, the analysis was carried out in two interviews with experts on the subject regarding the potential of small companies and their development with the advice of SBDC. The results of the analysis gave the importance of developing a model of SBDC in Peru with the objective that small companies could be sustainable and international. In addition, this paper highlights AP's important role in the development of SBDC and their integration among alliance countries. / Tesis
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Las barreras no arancelarias que afectan a las exportaciones peruanas de palta Hass, partida arancelaria 0804.40.00.00, hacia Chile en el marco de La Alianza del Pacífico entre los años 2014- 2018 / Non-tariff barriers which affect Peruvian Hass avocado exports, tariff code 0804.40.00.00, to Chile in the framework of the Pacific Alliance between the years 2014-2018Ore Guillen, Brenda Elizabeth, Pumasunco Rivera, Lizbeth Susana 18 September 2020 (has links)
Perú se ha ido consolidando como un proveedor importante de palta Hass en el mundo, con un crecimiento sostenido y positivo en los últimos 5 años, esto gracias a la alta demanda de este producto en el mundo, la cual se ha logrado con mecanismos de promoción organizados por el gobierno y por los propios productores, además de que los productores peruanos han sabido adaptar su oferta, y así la palta peruana ha ido ganando un nombre en el mundo, ha tenido muy buena aceptación de los consumidores y ha logrado posicionarse como un producto de alta calidad.
En el marco de la Alianza del Pacífico, aun cuando Chile es productor de palta Hass, este se ha convertido en el principal importador de palta Hass de Perú, debido a que la oferta peruana no es competencia directa sino una oferta complementaria.
Chile tiene un consumo per cápita de 7 a 8 kilos por año y es el segundo consumidor más grande del mundo, lo afirma el director del Departamento de Producción Agrícola de la Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas de la Universidad de Chile, Thomas Fichet. El mercado chileno representa un mercado atractivo en términos de volumen; sin embargo, al ser productores y exportadores, conocen muy bien el producto y tienen requisitos muy exigentes con respecto a la calidad, además de que intentan salvaguardar su producción local, no sólo en términos de producto final sino también de plantas, por ejemplo salvar sus sembríos de alguna plaga, es por eso que se han elaborado “protocolos complicados” (calificados de esta manera por exportadores peruanos entrevistados) pero llevaderos para la exportación desde Perú; estos protocolos tienen muchas exigencias que muchas veces dificulta la exportación a este país. Exigencias de etiquetado y rotulado, muestreos y revisiones en línea de producción, ambientes separados en las cámaras de frío, son algunos de los exigentes requisitos que plantea el país sureño para permitir el ingreso de palta Hass peruana, todos estos detallados en el Protocolo de Exportación.
Es por eso por lo que el presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo analizar si las barreras no arancelarias afectan las exportaciones a Chile de palta Hass en los últimos 5 años en el marco de la Alianza del Pacífico. / Peru has consolidated as an important supplier of Hass avocado in the world, with a sustained and growth in the last 5 years, thanks to the high demand of this product in the world, which has been achieved through promotion mechanisms organized by the government and by the peruvian producers. Peruvian producers have been able to adapt their offer, and thus Peruvian avocado has been gaining a name in the world, it has had a very good acceptance by consumers and has posicionated as a high-quality product.
In the framework of the Pacific Alliance, even though Chile is Hass avocado producer, it has become in the main importer of Hass avocado from Peru, because the peruvian offer is not a direct competition, it works as a complementary offer.
Chile has a per capita consumption of 7 to 8 kilos per year, it is the second largest consumer in the world, this is stated by the director of the Department of Agricultural Production of the Faculty of Agronomic Sciences of the University of Chile, Thomas Fichet. The Chilean market it represents an attractive market in terms of volume; however, as they are producers and exporters, they know the product very well and have very demanding requirements regarding quality, in addition to this, the try to safeguard their local production, not only in terms of final product but also talking about plants, for example saving their crops of some plague, that is why there are "complicated protocols" (qualified in this way by Peruvian exporters interviewed). These protocols have many requirements that often make exporting to this country a very difficult challenge. Requirements of labeling, sampling and checking on the production line, separate environments in the cold rooms, are some of the demanding requirements that the Chile raises in order to allow the entry of peruvian avocado, all of these detailed in the Export Protocol.
That is why this research aims to analyze whether non-tariff barriers affect peruvian avocado Hass exports to Chile in the last 5 years within the framework of the Pacific Alliance. / Tesis
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