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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of the effectiveness of Andolex-C ® mouth rinse on oral palliation in HIV-infected patients

Malele, Yolanda 04 November 2008 (has links)
Title: An assessment of the effectiveness of Andolex-C ® mouth rinse on oral palliation in HIV-infected patients. Background: The majority of HIV-infected patients present with oral lesions associated with the disease. HIV-infected patients experience profound disorders like oral infections and ulcerations, discomfort and greater levels of social impact than non-HIV patients as a result of oral lesions. Studies have indicated that mouth pain is a significant symptom reported by HIV-infected patients. In order to relieve pain and discomfort and improve quality of life, management of HIV-infected patients should include relief of mouth pain, discomfort as well as the social and psychological distress caused by the oral lesions. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of oral lesions associated with HIV among a cohort of HIV-infected patients. To assess the effectiveness of Andolex-C® mouth rinse on oral palliation in HIV-infected patients. Methods: The intervention of Andolex C® mouth rinse plus a proven preventive oral hygiene regimen was compared to an established oral hygiene intervention. Two hundred and ninety nine patients were randomly assigned into Groups 1 and 2. Patients in Group 1 were given toothbrushes and toothpaste and oral hygiene instruction ‘routine oral hygiene package’. Those in Group 2 received Andolex-C® mouth rinse in addition to the ‘routine oral hygiene package’ given to the first group. A baseline assessment of mouth pain and/or discomfort was done via a clinical examination and an assessment of quality of life was done using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) questionnaire. The intervention was carried out over a four week period after which a follow-up assessment was done using the same tools. Comparison of baseline versus post-treatment scores was performed to determine impact of intervention in both groups. Results: The prevalence of combined candidal lesions was 71.6% of which Pseudomembranous candidiasis was 43.2%. Erythematous candidiasis and angular cheilitis were the next commonly seen, each with an equal prevalence of 14.2 %. Group 2 (Andolex-C® mouth rinse) showed a statistically significant improvement in quality of life on all subscales related to functioning, pain, psychological and social aspects when using the OHIP index. The patients demonstrated substantial reduction of [64%] of mouth pain and/or discomfort and a 73% reduction of oral lesions compared to Group 1 where there was a much smaller [22%] reduction of mouth pain and/or discomfort and a 40% reduction of the oral lesions. Conclusion: Andolex-C® mouth rinse improved the quality of life of HIV-infected patients who presented with mouth pain and/or discomfort and demonstrated that in combination with proper oral care and good hygiene habits, this regimen could be recommended for oral palliation in HIV positive patients.

Interface cerveau-machine hybride pour pallier le handicap causé par la myopathie de Duchenne / Hybrid brain-machine interface to palliate handicap caused by Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Duprès, Alban 01 December 2016 (has links)
La palliation du handicap moteur est la principale application actuelle des interfaces cerveau-machine (ICM). Cette thèse décrit une interface cerveau-machine hybride, conçue spécifiquement pour des patients souffrant de myopathie de Duchenne. Notre ICM hybride exploite les signaux issus de capteurs électroencéphalographiques (EEG), électromyographiques (EMG), et de joysticks. Leur traitement nous permet de détecter un mouvement ou une intention de mouvement à différents niveaux de la commande motrice. Les signaux joysticks sont utilisés tant que le patient est capable de les activer, puis à mesure que la motricité se dégrade avec l’évolution de la maladie, l’ICM hybride prend en compte les signaux EMG et enfin les signaux EEG. Nous avons développé une méthode originale de traitement des signaux EEG, qui permet à un expert humain de sélectionner les valeurs caractéristiques qui lui semblent les plus discriminantes. Les performances de cette méthode ont été évaluées sur une base de données qui sert de référence dans la communauté ICM, ainsi que sur des données que nous avons enregistrées sur des sujets sains. Notre ICM hybride permet le contrôle de trajectoire d’un mobile à partir de trois actions, correspondant à un mouvement ou une intention de mouvement de la main droite, de la main gauche, et des deux mains simultanément. Un degré de liberté supplémentaire peut être envisagé en intégrant la détection d’une intention de mouvement des pieds. / Brain-machine interfaces (BMI) have been considered since many years as the most promising approach to the palliation of severe motor handicap. This thesis describes a hybrid brain-machine interface, designed specifically for patients suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Our hybrid BMI uses signals recorded by electroencephalography (EEG), electromyography (EMG), and joystick sensors. Signal processing enables the hybrid BMI to detect a movement or movement intent at different levels of the motor command chain. Joysticks are used as long as the patient is able to activate them, then when motricity deteriorates with the disease evolution, the hybrid BMI takes EMG signals into account and finally EEG signals. We have developed an original method for processing EEG signals, allowing the system to select features that a human expert considers as the most discriminant. Performance has been assessed on a data set used as a reference in the BMI community, as well as on data that we have recorded from healthy subjects in our laboratory. Our hybrid BMI controls the trajectory of a moving object – either real or virtual – through three actions, corresponding to a movement or an intent of movement of the right hand, the left hand, or both hands simultaneously. An additional degree of freedom can be considered by integrating the detection of attempted feet movements.

Recruitment, single ventricular palliation, and complex biventricular repair for patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

Wu, Vivian 18 June 2019 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome is a congenital birth defect that is defined by underdevelopment of the left heart during pregnancy. This is especially dangerous as the left heart holds the systemic flow of blood- the oxygenated blood. Not enough oxygen throughout the whole body causes cyanosis, which symptoms include bluish discoloration of the skin or mucous membrane due to low oxygen saturation. Single Ventricle Palliation followed by Biventricular Conversion is the most common surgical procedural pathway to correct this defect. The goal is to convert from a single ventricle circulation during single ventricle palliation to biventricular circulation via biventricular conversion, which is the normal heart anatomy. Single Ventricle Pallation consists of three stages: Stage 1 Norwood Procedure, Bidirectional Glenn, and Fontan. Biventricular Conversion can be performed after any of the three stages. In addition, further compromise of the left ventricle includes other factors such as a thickening of fibroblast-like cells on the endocardial layer called endocardial fibroelastosis. Therefore, additional surgical procedures, also known as recruitment procedures, combat these problems. It is critical to find a correlation between a specific procedure and post surgery success in left ventricle growth and function for these patients. OBJECTIVES: Patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome at Boston Children’s Hospital have undergone single ventricle palliation with some patients proceeding to biventricular conversion. This study aimed to study the palliation stages individually and recruitment procedures (specifically endocardial fibroelastosis resection) on the effect of left ventricle growth. METHODS: Patients with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome were studied retrospectively (before 2014) and prospectively (after 2014 until December 1, 2018). Single Ventricle Palliation and Biventricular Conversion were analyzed via descriptional analysis with evidence of left ventricular growth measured by left ventricular end diastolic volume and respective z-scores. Z-scores were used to standardize end diastolic volume values across variability in age, weight, and height. RESULTS: A total of 55 patients underwent single ventricle palliation and 39 ended with biventricular circulation via biventricular conversion. Overall, there was a 9.29 ml increase in end diastolic volume between Bidirectional Glenn and Fontan and a 0.795 increase in end diastolic volume z-score between Fontan and Biventricular Conversion. Next, those who did not have recruitment procedures experienced a 135.6%, 48.8%, and 0% growth at Stage 1, Bidirectional Glenn, and Fontan, respectively, before directly proceeding to biventricular conversion. Those with recruitment experienced a 44.5%, 90.4%, and 83.0% growth at Stage 1, Bidirectional Glenn, and Fontan, respectively, before directly proceeding to biventricular conversion. Finally, there was a 50.2% and 62.3% in left ventricular growth at Bidirectional Glenn and Fontan, respectively, after endocardial fibroelastosis resection compared to only a 6.9% growth at Stage 1. CONCLUSION: Bidirectional Glenn was the most effective palliation stage for left ventricular growth. Recruitment in patients at this stage was associated with growth that exceeds those who did not have recruitment. This stage also best demonstrates the ability and success of growing a small ventricle to be adequate for biventricular conversion. Left ventricular growth at Fontan circulation holds promising results that are a point of interest for more studies. Endocardial Fibroelastosis resection is more effective on left ventricular growth at Bidirectional Glenn and Fontan compared to Stage 1.

Contribuição da drenagem ecoguiada à paliação endoscópica da obstrução biliar maligna / Contribution of echoguided drainage in the endoscopic palliation of malignant biliary obstruction

Takada, Jonas 27 September 2012 (has links)
Introdução: a maioria dos pacientes com neoplasia maligna da via biliar são diagnosticados em fase avançada. A drenagem biliar ecoguiada é uma alternativa às técnicas de drenagem percutânea trans-hepática e cirúrgicas na ocasião de falha do acesso convencional por colangiografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE). Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia e segurança da drenagem biliar ecoguiada em pacientes com obstrução biliar maligna e falha da CPRE. Analisar as complicações e qualidade de vida. Métodos: no período de abril de 2010 a setembro de 2011, 32 pacientes portadores de neoplasia maligna avançada da via biliar foram tratados no Serviço de Endoscopia Gastrointestinal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos os pacientes apresentavam quadro clínico de icterícia obstrutiva e falha na drenagem da via biliar pela CPRE. O tratamento preconizado foi a drenagem da via biliar pela técnica ecoguiada, sob controle radiológico. Dos 32 pacientes, três foram excluídos devido à falha do procedimento ecoguiado. Vinte e nove (90,62%) pacientes foram submetidos a drenagem biliar ecoguiada, avaliações clínica, laboratorial e de qualidade de vida. Na avaliação clínica foram observados a evolução dos sinais e sintomas, e complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Na avaliação laboratorial, foram analisados os níveis de bilirrubina total, gama-glutamil-transferase, fosfatase alcalina e número de leucócitos. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo questionário SF-36. Resultados: dos 32 pacientes,3 (9,4%) foram excluídos devido a falha técnica. O sucesso técnico foi de 90.6% (29/32) e o clínico de 100% (29/29). Em relação aos dados gerais endossonográficos, verificou-se metástase à distância em 6 (18,75%) e invasão do eixo mesentero-portal em 26 (81,25%) pacientes. O diâmetro da via biliar extra-hepática apresentou mediana de 23,45 mm (20 - 30 mm) e da intra-hepática foi de 17,54 mm (10 - 24 mm). A invasão duodenal ocorreu em 10 (31,25%) pacientes e prótese metálica foi posicionada em 7 (21,85%) casos. A coledocoduodenostomia ecoguiada foi o procedimento mais frequente (58,62%). Complicações ocorreram em 6 (18,75%) casos. Verificou-se uma queda significativa dos níveis de bilirubina (p <0,001) e os pacientes obtiveram melhora significativa da qualidade de vida após o procedimento (p<0,05). A sobrevida média foi de 90 dias. Conclusão: a drenagem biliar ecoguiada foi um procedimento eficaz e seguro, com taxa de complicações aceitável, proporcionando melhora significativa na qualidade de vida dos pacientes / Introduction: most of patients with malignant neoplasia of the biliary tract are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Echoguided biliary drainage is an alternative to percutaneous transhepatic and surgical drainage techniques at the time of failure of conventional access by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP). Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of echoguided biliary drainage in patients with malignant biliary obstruction and failure of ERCP. To evaluate the complications and quality of life. Methods: from April 2010 to September 2011, 32 patients with advanced malignant biliary tract disease were treated at the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Service, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. All patients had a clinical picture of obstructive jaundice and failure in the drainage of the biliary tract by ERCP. Treatment was based on echoguided biliary drainage technique under radiological control. Of the 32 patients, three were excluded due to failure of the echoguided procedure. Twenty-nine (90.62%) patients underwent echoguided biliary drainage, clinical, laboratory and quality of life evaluation. In the clinical evaluation were assessed the evolution of signs and symptoms, and procedure-related complications. In laboratory tests, we assessed the levels of total bilirubin, gamma glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase and number of leukocytes. The quality of life was assessed by SF-36 questionary. Results: of 32 patients, three (9.4%) were excluded due to technical failure. Technical success was 90.6% (29/32) and clinical 100% (29/29). In relation to the general endosonographic data, there was distant metastasis in 6 (18.75%) and invasion of the mesenteric-portal axis in 26 (81.25%) patients. The diameter of extrahepatic biliary tree was 23.45 mm (20 - 30mm) and intrahepatic was 17.54mm(10 - 24mm). The duodenal invasion occurred in 10 (31.25%) and metallic prosthesis was positioned in 7 (21.85) cases. Echoguided choledochoduodenostomy was the most common procedure (58.62%). Complications occurred in 6 (18.75%) cases. There was a significant decrease in bilirubin levels (p <0.001) and patients had significant improvement in quality of life after the procedure (p < 0.05). The median survival was 90 days. Conclusion: echoguided biliary drainage was effective and safe procedure with acceptable complication rates, providing significant improvement in quality of life of patients

Contribuição da drenagem ecoguiada à paliação endoscópica da obstrução biliar maligna / Contribution of echoguided drainage in the endoscopic palliation of malignant biliary obstruction

Jonas Takada 27 September 2012 (has links)
Introdução: a maioria dos pacientes com neoplasia maligna da via biliar são diagnosticados em fase avançada. A drenagem biliar ecoguiada é uma alternativa às técnicas de drenagem percutânea trans-hepática e cirúrgicas na ocasião de falha do acesso convencional por colangiografia retrógrada endoscópica (CPRE). Objetivo: avaliar a eficácia e segurança da drenagem biliar ecoguiada em pacientes com obstrução biliar maligna e falha da CPRE. Analisar as complicações e qualidade de vida. Métodos: no período de abril de 2010 a setembro de 2011, 32 pacientes portadores de neoplasia maligna avançada da via biliar foram tratados no Serviço de Endoscopia Gastrointestinal do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos os pacientes apresentavam quadro clínico de icterícia obstrutiva e falha na drenagem da via biliar pela CPRE. O tratamento preconizado foi a drenagem da via biliar pela técnica ecoguiada, sob controle radiológico. Dos 32 pacientes, três foram excluídos devido à falha do procedimento ecoguiado. Vinte e nove (90,62%) pacientes foram submetidos a drenagem biliar ecoguiada, avaliações clínica, laboratorial e de qualidade de vida. Na avaliação clínica foram observados a evolução dos sinais e sintomas, e complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Na avaliação laboratorial, foram analisados os níveis de bilirrubina total, gama-glutamil-transferase, fosfatase alcalina e número de leucócitos. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo questionário SF-36. Resultados: dos 32 pacientes,3 (9,4%) foram excluídos devido a falha técnica. O sucesso técnico foi de 90.6% (29/32) e o clínico de 100% (29/29). Em relação aos dados gerais endossonográficos, verificou-se metástase à distância em 6 (18,75%) e invasão do eixo mesentero-portal em 26 (81,25%) pacientes. O diâmetro da via biliar extra-hepática apresentou mediana de 23,45 mm (20 - 30 mm) e da intra-hepática foi de 17,54 mm (10 - 24 mm). A invasão duodenal ocorreu em 10 (31,25%) pacientes e prótese metálica foi posicionada em 7 (21,85%) casos. A coledocoduodenostomia ecoguiada foi o procedimento mais frequente (58,62%). Complicações ocorreram em 6 (18,75%) casos. Verificou-se uma queda significativa dos níveis de bilirubina (p <0,001) e os pacientes obtiveram melhora significativa da qualidade de vida após o procedimento (p<0,05). A sobrevida média foi de 90 dias. Conclusão: a drenagem biliar ecoguiada foi um procedimento eficaz e seguro, com taxa de complicações aceitável, proporcionando melhora significativa na qualidade de vida dos pacientes / Introduction: most of patients with malignant neoplasia of the biliary tract are diagnosed at an advanced stage. Echoguided biliary drainage is an alternative to percutaneous transhepatic and surgical drainage techniques at the time of failure of conventional access by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography (ERCP). Objective: to evaluate the efficacy and safety of echoguided biliary drainage in patients with malignant biliary obstruction and failure of ERCP. To evaluate the complications and quality of life. Methods: from April 2010 to September 2011, 32 patients with advanced malignant biliary tract disease were treated at the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Service, Clinics Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Sao Paulo. All patients had a clinical picture of obstructive jaundice and failure in the drainage of the biliary tract by ERCP. Treatment was based on echoguided biliary drainage technique under radiological control. Of the 32 patients, three were excluded due to failure of the echoguided procedure. Twenty-nine (90.62%) patients underwent echoguided biliary drainage, clinical, laboratory and quality of life evaluation. In the clinical evaluation were assessed the evolution of signs and symptoms, and procedure-related complications. In laboratory tests, we assessed the levels of total bilirubin, gamma glutamyl transferase, alkaline phosphatase and number of leukocytes. The quality of life was assessed by SF-36 questionary. Results: of 32 patients, three (9.4%) were excluded due to technical failure. Technical success was 90.6% (29/32) and clinical 100% (29/29). In relation to the general endosonographic data, there was distant metastasis in 6 (18.75%) and invasion of the mesenteric-portal axis in 26 (81.25%) patients. The diameter of extrahepatic biliary tree was 23.45 mm (20 - 30mm) and intrahepatic was 17.54mm(10 - 24mm). The duodenal invasion occurred in 10 (31.25%) and metallic prosthesis was positioned in 7 (21.85) cases. Echoguided choledochoduodenostomy was the most common procedure (58.62%). Complications occurred in 6 (18.75%) cases. There was a significant decrease in bilirubin levels (p <0.001) and patients had significant improvement in quality of life after the procedure (p < 0.05). The median survival was 90 days. Conclusion: echoguided biliary drainage was effective and safe procedure with acceptable complication rates, providing significant improvement in quality of life of patients

Metastatische epidurale Spinalkanalkompression / Ergebnisse der Strahlentherapie und prognostische Faktoren

Lövey, György 12 July 2000 (has links)
Material und Methode: In einer retrospektiven Analyse wurden die Daten von 53 konsekutiven Patienten, 31 Männer und 22 Frauen, mit klinisch oder röntgenologisch präsenten metastatischen epiduralen Spinalkanalkompression ausgewertet. Das mediane Alter war 60 Jahre. Als Primärtumor waren Bronchialkarzinome (13 Patienten), Mammakarzinome (10) und Prostatakarzinome (10) am häufigsten zu finden. Ergebnisse: Die Therapieergebnisse hinsichtlich der Schmerzlinderung waren mit der Literatur vergleichbar (Ansprechrate= 66%). Als wichtigster prognostischer Faktor hinsichtlich der Gehfähigkeit hat sich der prätherapeutische Status erwiesen. Patienten, die Anfang der Therapie gehfähig waren, blieben in 94% der Fälle auch gehfähig, während nur ein Patient seine Gehfähigkeit bis Ende der Therapie wiedergewann (p< 0,001). Im Chi-Quadrat Test war auch der diagnosestellende Arzt prognostisch relevant: Patienten, deren Diagnose durch einen onkologisch tätigen Arzt gestellt wurde, hatten eine höhere Chance gehfähig zu bleiben (p=0,04). Das Gesamtüberleben (8 Monate median, Range 1-27 Monate ) entsprach den Literaturangaben. Nicht ambulante Patienten und Patienten mit Bronchialkarzinom hatten eine signifikant schlechtere Prognose (p / Materials and Methods: therapy charts of 53 consecutive patients, 31 male and 22 female, with metastatic epidural spinal cord compression treated with radiation therapy only have been analyzed. Median age was 60 ys. The most frequent primary tumours were bronchogenic carcinoma (13 patients), breast cancer (10 patients) and prostate cancer (10 patients),respectively.Results: MRI was the most sensitive diagnostic tool in detecting spinal cord compression. Plain X-ray films were not useful.Pain symptoms improved in 66% of the patients. The most important prognostic factor was the pretreatment mobility status. 94% of the ambulatory patients kept their walking ability but only one plegic patient could walk again after radiation therapy. (p=0.001) Patients whose back pain was presented to an oncologist were more likely to keep walking ability by the end of the therapy. (p=0.04) Patients with bronchogenic cancer and plegic patients had a significant worse survival. Conclusion: Patients with a known malignant tumor and progressive or axial back pain should undergo MRI scan to rule out spinal cord compression. For patients without severe neuorologic deficit and MRI proven epidural compression radiation therapy is able to preserve walking ability and reduce pain. General practitioners and patients should be informed about the symptoms and the therapeutic and diagnostic possibilities of spinal cord dompression.

Development of a Guideline for Hospice Staff, Patients, and Families on Appropriate Opioid Use

Alexander-Goreá, Trenika 01 January 2017 (has links)
There is an identified problem with patients receiving suboptimal pain management at a hospice agency in the northwestern United States. At this agency, undertreatment of pain is prevalent. Evidence indicates that this may be a result of a lack of guidelines, education, and knowledge of appropriate prescribing. Known barriers to the correct prescription and administration of potent opioids in the hospice setting include prevailing beliefs, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, all of which can impact care negatively. Contextually, hospice principles mandate patient comfort and caregiver involvement in continuous quality improvement, which includes adequate and informed pain management. Moreover, hospice metrics demand requisite knowledge, skills, and attitudes for optimal care, including pain management at the end of life. The Academic Center for Evidence-Based Practice (ACE) star model was used to guide the development of an evidence-based, guideline-supported educational program that will improve pain management at the hospice agency when implemented. The purpose of this project was to use transdisciplinary expertise and team collaboration to develop the program and then to conduct a formative and summative evaluation utilizing experts to prepare the guidelines and process for implementation. Ten experts reviewed the guideline, the educational materials, the process, and the evaluation plan and conducted reviews using the AGREE II tool. The panel of experts agreed within the 6 AGREE domains. Future implementation of this guideline, translation process, and evaluation tool will impact social change through the empowerment of the clinical staff, patients, and caregivers to provide the best pain control and comfort at end of life, a vulnerable time for all patients.

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