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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O editor e seus labirintos: reflexos da crise de paradigmas do jornal impresso

Abrahão Filho, Renato Essenfelder 28 January 2013 (has links)
Com o advento e a popularização da internet - e especialmente das ferramentas de elaboração e compartilhamento de conteúdos -, os jornais impressos viram a verba publicitária destinada a eles encolher na última década e passaram a experimentar uma crise em seu modelo de negócios. A crise comercial-financeira, por sua vez, trouxe à tona uma segunda crise que já se desenrolava havia mais tempo: a crise de paradigmas do jornalismo praticado nos meios impressos na sociedade contemporânea. Esta tese se concentra justamente nesta crise, investigando, com o apoio de autores da comunicação social, do jornalismo, da sociologia, da economia e da história, como os editores de jornal impresso enxergam o seu papel e o papel desses veículos na atualidade, em um cenário marcado pela instantaneidade da informação. A bibliografia sobre o tema foi confrontada com as opiniões de 11 editores seniores dos principais jornais paulistanos, entrevistados nesta pesquisa, que explicitam em seus relatos angústia em relação ao cenário atual de incertezas na atividade e consciência de que há uma transformação de paradigmas em curso na área. / With the popularization of the Internet - and especially the tools of cooperation and content sharing - newspapers experienced a strong decrease in their revenues over the last decade and are now passing through a crisis in their business model. The commercial and financial crisis, in turn, brought to light a second crisis that was in place for a longer time: a crisis of paradigms in contemporary print journalism. This thesis focuses precisely on this crisis, investigating, with the support of authors of media, journalism, sociology, economics and history, how the editors of newspapers see their role and the role of these vehicles today, in a scenario marked by the instantaneity of information. The literature on the subject was confronted with the views of 11 senior editors of major newspapers from São Paulo, interviewed in this research, which show in their reports anguish over the present scenario of uncertainty and awareness that there is a transformation of paradigms in progress.

Fraturas metodológicas nas arquiteturas digitais / Methodology break in the digital architectures

Natividade, Verônica Gomes 20 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo da presente dissertação é investigar as mudanças ocorridas na metodologia de projeto arquitetônico em função da incorporação do computador como ferramenta auxiliar na concepção de projetos. Parte do princípio de que existe relação íntima entre a ferramenta empregada, a metodologia adotada e a forma arquitetônica, tomando como recorte temporal a segunda metade do século XX. Mais especificamente, investiga as chamadas arquiteturas digitais, isto é, aquelas arquiteturas cuja elaboração e manipulação da forma tiveram como plataforma as ferramentas digitais ou softwares específicos para o desenho e modelagem. Neste caso, o computador não é empregado como ferramenta de representação, mas associado ao processo criativo, causando interferências diretas na forma dos edifícios. Norteada pela pergunta como as novas arquiteturas têm sido concebidas?, o foco primordial da dissertação são as técnicas básicas exclusivamente digitais. Para isso, o estudo analisa três momentos evolutivos da metodologia de projeto assistido pelo computador. O período de formulação, onde é estudada a evolução das ferramentas digitais de projeto e sua gradativa incorporação ao domínio arquitetônico, bem como as novas técnicas e conceitos surgidos nesse momento; o ponto de inflexão, com a construção da primeira das arquiteturas digitais, o Museu Guggenheim de Bilbao, a partir do qual houve a consolidação do movimento digital na disciplina; e, finalmente, o terceiro momento, onde é identificada a fratura metodológica, isto é, quando as tecnologias paramétricas e algorítmicas, identificadas como duas técnicas básicas essencialmente digitais, emergiram como fontes catalisadoras do processo de evolução das arquiteturas digitais para as arquiteturas geradas digitalmente. Com este trabalho, pretende-se fornecer contribuições iniciais para a atualização e evolução da prática de projeto na cena arquitetônica brasileira. / This research aims to investigate the changes in architectural design methodology due to the introduction of the computer as a tool to assist the design process. It assumes that tools, adopted methodology and architectural form are close related, taking as cut-off time the second half of the twentieth century. More specifically, it investigates the so-called \'digital architecture\', that is, the digitally-based design architectures. In this case, the computer is not used as a tool for visualization, but as a generative tool to manipulates and transform architectural form. Guided by the question \'how new architectures have been conceived?\', this research focused on exclusively digital techniques. The research examines three moments of the evolutionary digital design methodology. The formulation period, where embracing the evolution of digital design tools and their gradual incorporation into the architectural practice, as well as new techniques and concepts arising in this moment. The turning point, with theconstruction of the first digital architecture, the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, which can be defined as a consolidating moment of the digital real in architecture realm, and finally, the third moment, identified as a \'methodology break\', when the parametric and algorithmic technologies, recognized as essentially digital techniques that emerged as catalyst in the process of evolution \'from digital architectures for digitally generated architectures\'. This research aims to provide initial contributions for the upgrade and evolution of design practice in Brazilian architectural scenario.

Mudanças de paradigmas na contabilidade brasileira: análise a partir da aplicação da sociologia da tradução / Paradigms changes in Brazilian accounting: analysis employing the translation socilogy approach

Octavio Ribeiro de Mendonça Neto 25 July 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho contribui para o estudo da construção do pensamento contábil brasileiro aplicando a abordagem da sociologia da tradução para entender as mudanças de paradigmas que nortearam o pensamento contábil no Brasil no século XX e início do século XXI. Esta análise abrangeu dois processos de mudanças de paradigmas. O primeiro refere-se ao crescimento da influência da escola americana de contabilidade em detrimento da influência da escola italiana que se iniciou em meados do Século XX e se consolidou na década de 1970. O segundo, mais recente e ainda em curso, refere-se à substituição da abordagem normativa pela abordagem positiva na pesquisa contábil acadêmica, nesse início do Século XXI. A abordagem da sociologia da tradução foi inicialmente concebida para analisar processos de construção da ciência e da tecnologia e posteriormente foi estendida para outros campos do conhecimento, notadamente aqueles preocupados com a análise de processos de mudança organizacional. Sua utilização é particularmente indicada para a situação problema em estudo, já que tem sido largamente utilizada na análise de processos de mudança, embora ainda não tenha sido aplicada na análise da mudança de paradigmas em contabilidade. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de verificar se a abordagem da sociologia da tradução é eficaz para fornecer uma explicação empírica e teoricamente fundamentada para os processos de mudança de paradigmas na contabilidade brasileira. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que essa abordagem efetivamente descreve e fornece uma explicação para os processos de mudanças de paradigmas na contabilidade, da mesma forma que explica os processos relatados pela literatura sobre a construção de fatos científicos e mudanças organizacionais. / This study is a contribution for the research of the Brazilian accounting thought construction, employing the approach of the sociology of translation to understand the paradigm changes that have guided the accounting thought in Brazil on the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century. This analysis has covered two paradigm change processes. The first is related to the growth of the American accounting school influence in detraction of the Italian school, starting at the mid 20th century and consolidating during the 70?s. The second, more recent and still ongoing, is related to the substitution of the normative approach by the positive approach in the academic accounting research during the beginning of the 21th century. The sociology o translation approach was originally conceived to analyze science and technology construction processes, being later extended to other knowledge areas, mainly those concerned with the analysis of organizational change processes. Its use is particularly suited for the problem situation under study, as it has been amply used in the analysis of change processes, even if it has not yet been applied for the analysis of the changes in accounting paradigms. The objective of this study was that of ascertaining whether the sociology of translation approach is effective to supply an empirical explanation that is theoretically substantiated for the process of changes of paradigms in Brazilian accounting. The results attained have revealed that this approach does effectively describe and provide an explanation for the accounting paradigms change processes, as well as explaining the processes described in literature on the construction of scientific facts and organizational changes.

Educação ambiental na educação formal: do paradigma moderno ao paradigma da complexidade / Environmental education in formam education

Declev Reynier Dib-Ferreira 29 April 2010 (has links)
A educação ambiental vem sendo disseminada por grande parte das escolas do país, conforme atestam pesquisas oficiais, mas uma lenta transformação a acompanha no que diz respeito à mudança dos princípios do modelo de desenvolvimento industrial, que enfatiza o consumismo como estratégia de reprodução. Ao mesmo tempo em que as pesquisas sugerem uma ampliação da consciência ambiental da sociedade como um todo, percebe-se um acirramento dos problemas socioambientais e soluções sendo alcançadas em escala inferior ao patamar considerado desejado. Onde estaria, então, o problema? Qual a razão desta possível defasagem educação ambiental x resultados? Foi com o intuito de responder a estas perguntas que essa tese foi realizada. Parte-se de uma percepção de que a Educação Ambiental praticada na escola reflete e acentua o paradigma moderno hegemônico, que se baseia em uma concepção dualista homem / natureza, em que uma está a serviço do outro, sem promover o questionamento sobre os desdobramentos da adoção dos valores da sociedade de consumo no desequilíbrio da vida no planeta. Essa dicotomia entre cultura e natureza, sociedade e ciência, sujeito e objeto se reflete na busca de soluções parciais, incompletas, visando-se apenas a uma parte do problema socioambiental, que não é visto como um sistema complexo. A educação ambiental realizada nessas bases dificulta a reunião das condições necessárias à mudança das estruturas da atual sociedade brasileira e à busca das soluções dos seus problemas socioambientais. Nessa perspectiva, esse trabalho objetiva criar subsídios para um caminho para a educação ambiental que possa contribuir para uma visão complexa da realidade e dos problemas socioambientais, na busca de soluções mais abrangentes. Para isto procura entender: a) como a teoria da complexidade poderia colaborar para esta mudança; b) em quais modelos práticos e teóricos a Educação Ambiental se dá no Brasil, ou seja, quais as diversas tendências da educação ambiental brasileira; e c) como esses modelos se expressam nas práticas dos professores analisando-se artigos publicados em anais de seminários, congressos e/ou encontros sobre o tema.

Automatické osvojení vzorů s minimální supervizí / Automatické osvojení vzorů s minimální supervizí

Klíč, Radoslav January 2012 (has links)
The thesis presents a semi-supervised morphology learner developed by extending Paramor (Monson, 2009), an unsupervised system, to accept easy to obtain manually provided data in the form of inflections with marked morpheme boundary. In addition, a hierarchical clustering framework allowing combination of multiple sources of information was developed as a part of the thesis. The approach was tested on Czech, Slovene, German and Catalan and has shown increased F-measure in comparison with the Paramor baseline.

Magnetism in Carbon Nanostructures

Hagelberg, Frank 25 July 2017 (has links)
Magnetism in carbon nanostructures is a rapidly expanding field of current materials science. Its progress is driven by the wide range of applications for magnetic carbon nanosystems, including transmission elements in spintronics, building blocks of cutting-edge nanobiotechnology, and qubits in quantum computing. These systems also provide novel paradigms for basic phenomena of quantum physics, and are thus of great interest for fundamental research. This comprehensive survey emphasizes both the fundamental nature of the field, and its groundbreaking nanotechnological applications, providing a one-stop reference for both the principles and the practice of this emerging area. With equal relevance to physics, chemistry, engineering and materials science, senior undergraduate and graduate students in any of these subjects, as well as all those interested in novel nanomaterials, will gain an in-depth understanding of the field from this concise and self-contained volume. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1164/thumbnail.jpg

'n Model van die faktore wat die sukses van onderrigleer van tegnologie-gebaseerde onderwerpe beïnvloed / deur Estelle Taylor

Taylor, Estelle January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Computer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

The Political Economy Of Development In A Historical Context: International And Turkish Experiences

Baysoy, Emre 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The issue of development has generally been perceived as an economic and technical process with little or no relevance to political issues. In contrast to this general understanding, this study aims to underline that development is a complex and primarily a political process. In support of this argument, the study overviews historically the changing meanings as well as ideologies of development since the 19th century with a particular focus on the Turkish case. By doing so, it attempts to recall the idea of development primarily as a political process. In general terms, dominant paradigms of development have also been set by power and become leverage for political and economic dominance in history. In this sense, different development paradigms in history need also to be understood as political phenomena rather than simply philosophical products.

Multispecies Thinking from Alexander von Humboldt to Leslie Marmon Silko: Intercultural Communication Toward Cosmopolitics

Gemein, Mascha Nicola January 2013 (has links)
The concept of cosmopolitics identifies a multispecies political practice within the framework of multinaturalism. The dissertation, "Multispecies Thinking from Alexander von Humboldt to Leslie Marmon Silko: Intercultural Communication Toward Cosmopolitics," is concerned with understandings of multispecies relationships, with the human intercultural communication that could prepare for a cosmopolitical practice, and with the ways Native American fiction supports this endeavor. This research draws from Native American literary studies and ecocritical scholarship to illustrate the potential of transdisciplinary thinking about multispecies ethnography, cosmopolitics, and Indigenous paradigms as providing a promising communication zone against the grain of scientific imperialism. It thus traces the development of pluralist and multispecies-oriented thought and its points of connection to Indigenous paradigms from Alexander von Humboldt's Cosmos Studies of the early 19th century to 21st century Indigenous cosmopolitics. First, this study discusses the insights and obstructions to Western pluralist and multispecies thinking in relation to Native American paradigms from Humboldt via 19th century nature writers-Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, and John Muir-to contemporary interdisciplinary research. Opening to wide potential with Humboldt's holistic Cosmos Studies, intercultural communication was tempered by the colonial enterprise in the 19th century United States, including a nature-culture dualism and the notion of degenerated, vanishing Indigenous peoples. The resulting conceptual understandings, terms, and attitudes have been influential until today and are what contemporary Native American authors and activists are confronted with when engaged in their work. Detailed textual analysis of exemplary Native American literature outlines how contemporary authors criticize, counter-narrate, and/or integrate Western intellectual traditions. Furthermore, this study outlines 20th and 21st century scientific concepts that refine much earlier ideas, provide helpful terminology regarding Western approaches to Indigenous ontologies and multispecies thinking, and facilitate a new, insightful reading of contemporary Native American fiction as cosmopolitical texts. The analyses of works by Louise Erdrich, Linda Hogan, Louis Owens, and Leslie Marmon Silko demonstrate the value of these works to enhance multispecies thinking and respective political practices. Therefore, Native American literature plays a major role worldwide as an educational and critical tool for an intercultural communication toward cosmopolitics.

Word Syntax of Nominal Compounds: Internal and Aphasiological Evidence from Turkish

Tat, Deniz January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation is an analysis of two types of nominal compounds in Turkish, primary compounds and synthetic compounds within the framework of Distributed Morphology. A nominal primary compound is formed by two nouns, and its meaning is largely determined by world knowledge. A synthetic compound, on the other hand, is formed by a noun and a derverbal noun, such that the former is a true argument of the latter. The meaning of such compounds is always compositional. In many languages, the structural difference between these two types of compounds is not immediately observable. However, in Turkish, a primary compound would be obligatorily marked with the compound marker, -(s)I(n) while a synthetic compound would never be marked as such. In this dissertation, I claim that primary compounds in Turkish are underlyingly possessive phrases, a claim that has been previously made by several others. My analysis differs from those previous analyses in that it maintains that -(s)I(n) figures in a morphological component that follows syntax but precedes PF. Such a post-syntactic analysis has a number of advantages as it can account for a wide range of descriptive observations about the behavior of -(s)I(n). I claim that -(s)I(n) and an agreement marker never form a sequence at any stage in the grammar. I test this claim in an experiment conducted with Turkish-speaking individuals with aphasia, and show that only a vanishingly rare number of -(s)I(n)-agreement sequences are attested in aphasic speech. My analysis of synthetic compounds in Turkish is based on three types of nominalizers and the types of categories they can select. I show that only event-denoting nominals can form true synthetic compounds. I also show that nominals that are derived directly from roots can never form true synthetic compounds, which casts doubts on roots as projecting categories. I also consider a third group of seemingly synthetic compounds, which have an overt complex verbal stem, and yet, fail to derive true synthetic compounds. Following Marantz (2013), I claim that such pseudo-synthetic compounds, in fact, have semantically null verbalizing morphemes, and therefore, the root and the nominalizing head are semantically adjacent at LF.

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