Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parental esponsibility"" "subject:"parental besponsibility""
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Rodičovská zodpovědnost a její výkon / Parental responsibility and its exerciseNováčková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Parental responsibility and its exercise The aim of my final thesis is to analyze parental responsibility and its exercise in the Czech rule of law by the Czech's principle. These thesis contain chapters about historical trends of family law, children rights and development of mutual law and duties of parents and children from the past to present. Some space is also devoted for government interference into parental responsibility. The reason why I chose the theme of parental responsibility for my final thesis is its current status which can be involved for everyone. Final thesis is divided into seven chapters. First chapter contains two parts. The first part is describing family law and explaining its position in a general law and its subject and principle. Second part is about family concept, protection, historical evolution and current situation. The second chapter is connected with legal children's status. It contains five parts. The first part is focused on children's rights, second part is describing a historical origin of the right. The third part is devoted to detail description of children's rights which are included in the Convention of Children's rights. The forth part is dealing with children's duties and fifth part is enlarged children as a juristic person. The third chapter is named...
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Rodičovská zodpovědnost / Parental responsibilitySteinerová, Jolana January 2013 (has links)
Parental responsibility Resumé - Zusammenfassung In der Arbeit habe ich mich mit Felsenklippen beschafft, die aus der spezifischen Verhältnisse zwischen Eltern und Kinder stammen, die Spezifität dieses Verhältnis ist durch die tatsächliche Ungleichheit den Subjekten gegeben, mit der Notwendigkeit die Schutz der schwächeren Seite - des Kindes zu sichern, ihren persönlichen Rechten sowie materialen Versicherung. Weiter die begrenzte Fähigkeit zu rechtlichem Tun des Kindes löst aus nicht nur den Brauch für es handeln, aber auch die Notwendigkeit es lenken, erziehen und die Aufsicht von ihm ausüben, denn das Kind hat begrenzte delinquente Fähigkeit, und die eventuelle Verantwortlichkeit für die Schaden, die einerseits dem Kind anderseits den dritte Personen verschuldet sind, tragen in der Regel die Eltern. Zu dem Vollzug diesen spezifischen Rechten und Pflichten den Eltern ist nötig ihnen die Kompetenz zu überlassen, die wir in anderen rechtlichen Verhältnisse auch nicht finden. Einer der Zielen meiner Arbeit war zu forschen, wie diese tatsächliche Ungleichheit zwischen den Subjekten die rechtliche Aufbereitung kompensiert, denn der Schutz der schwächeren Seite ist eine der Grundsatz, an denen das Privatrecht und vor allem Bürgerrecht basiert. Der Zweck meiner Arbeit war weiter zu lösen, wie die rechtliche...
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Parental responsibility for youth crime: a comparative study of legislation in four countriesParada, Malgorzata Maria (Gosia) 06 April 2010 (has links)
This is a comparative study of how four countries –Canada, United States of America, England and Wales, and Australia –have developed youth crime related parental responsibility laws. In particular, I explore how governments have responded to calls for making parents more responsible for the criminal behavior of their children by relying on methods of governing that seek to incorporate the concept of “responsibilization” into legislation and practice. In doing so, I show how governments in a number of countries have ostensibly moved toward less state intervention in the prevention of youth criminality and have come to rely more on parents by enacting laws that acknowledge parental accountability for the criminality of children. In addition, this study uses the concept of policy transfer to examine how those responsible for developing youth criminal justice policy look to policies or laws in other jurisdictions for ways to prevent youth criminality. Despite the fact that there are similarities in legislation across the four countries examined in this study, only minimally do governments in these countries make reference to policies found in other countries. The thesis also looks at specific national and state–level government debates surrounding parental responsibility laws, and the perceptions governments elected officials have of youth criminality and parental responsibility.
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Parental responsibility for youth crime: a comparative study of legislation in four countriesParada, Malgorzata Maria (Gosia) 06 April 2010 (has links)
This is a comparative study of how four countries –Canada, United States of America, England and Wales, and Australia –have developed youth crime related parental responsibility laws. In particular, I explore how governments have responded to calls for making parents more responsible for the criminal behavior of their children by relying on methods of governing that seek to incorporate the concept of “responsibilization” into legislation and practice. In doing so, I show how governments in a number of countries have ostensibly moved toward less state intervention in the prevention of youth criminality and have come to rely more on parents by enacting laws that acknowledge parental accountability for the criminality of children. In addition, this study uses the concept of policy transfer to examine how those responsible for developing youth criminal justice policy look to policies or laws in other jurisdictions for ways to prevent youth criminality. Despite the fact that there are similarities in legislation across the four countries examined in this study, only minimally do governments in these countries make reference to policies found in other countries. The thesis also looks at specific national and state–level government debates surrounding parental responsibility laws, and the perceptions governments elected officials have of youth criminality and parental responsibility.
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Základní prvky vztahu rodiče a dítěte (srovnávací studie) / Basic elements of relationship between parent nad child (comparative study)Sladká, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Resumé Basic Elements of Relationship between Parent and Child (a Comparative Study) The topic of my master thesis is 'Basic Elements of the Relationship between Parent and a Child, a Comparative Study'. The main purpose of my thesis is to compare rights and duties of parents and children in their mutual relationship, both at the present time and in the past, as well as in various foreign countries. I tried to provide a comprehensive overview of this issue, because a lot of parents, more so children, do not know what their own rights and duties are. The main right, and also a duty, of parents is to raise their children, however, it is just the top of all their duties and rights as parents. Nowadays rights of children are stronger than in the past, thanks to international evolution. This international evolution causes national family law to be improved, which reinforces the rights of a child. We should however remember that rights of parents represent duties for children and vice versa, rights of children are duties for parents. The thesis is composed of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion; the chapters are further divided into subchapters. The introduction describes the structure and main goals of my thesis. Chapter One deals with the history of rights and duties of parents and children. The...
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Práva a povinnosti rodičů a dětí (s důrazem na vybrané problémy vzniku vztahu rodičů a dětí) / Rights and obligations of parents and children with emphasis on selected issues of development of relationship between parents and childrenMálková, Tereza January 2013 (has links)
The family is a term, which is known in each period of history of mankind. It played, playes and will play an important role in life of every individual. It helps to create an identity of individual, a scale of values and principles, which are so necessary for happy life. The topic of my thesis is Rights and Obligations of Parents and Children with Emphasis on Selected Issues of Development of Relationship between Parents and Children. I have chosen this topic because I think that this part of family law is very interesting, especially the questions regarding to the determination of parenthood in the time of the medical breakthroughs. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse Czech legislation with regard to international law. The thesis is composed of six chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the relationships between parents and children and the determination of parenthood. Chapter one is introductory. It is subdivided into four parts. Part one deals with history of legislation of relationships between parents and children. Part two describes general features of this relationships. And third and fourth parts sort rights and obligations into groups and analyze the issue of a parental responsibility, which are the basic rights and obligations of parents and children. These rights and...
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Choosing the Right Embryo : and not accepting the principle of procreative beneficenceMuullaart, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Är det möjligt att välja rätt embryo vid In-vitro fertilisering (IVF)? I sådana fall, vad innebär det att något är det rätta embryot? I denna uppsats diskuteras IVF och de moraliska dilemman som kan uppstå vid val av embryo. Vid IVF är det möjligt att ställa en preimplantorisk genetisk diagnostik (PGD) vilken kan ge information om genetiska sjukdomar och andra anlag, såväl som kön och kromosomfel. Enligt Julian Savulescu, som förespråkar the Principle of Procreative Beneficence, är vi moraliskt skyldiga att välja ett friskt embryo, vilket också anses vara det rätta embryot. I kontrast till detta ställs Christine Overall som menar att Savulescus princip innebär problem för hur vi bör se på barnafödande. Jag diskuterar vidare hur vi utifrån ett socialt och ett samhällsperspektiv kan se det som moraliskt tveksamt att förbjuda att personer med vissa anlag föds, samt försöker visa på Savulescus ignorans för hur IVF fungerar och att detta bidrar till att hans argument fallerar.
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The concept of prenatal screening as an enforceable parental dutyKanaris, Constantinos January 2016 (has links)
The question of whether parents-to-be have a moral obligation to maximize the welfare of their future children before they are born has fuelled considerable debate and a multitude of contrasting opinions from within the philosophical, legal and medical academic literature over the last three decades. It is unsurprising that this burst of activity in the field has coincided with continuous and significant advances in the field of reproductive, perinatal and neonatal medicine. These advances perpetually re-set the bar as to what screening processes and therapies can be offered before birth to ensure that infants are born in the healthiest possible state. By extension, I argue, that our obligations towards the unborn should also change. Within this thesis I explore philosophical and legal theories relating to responsibilities held to the unborn child by those wishing to be parents but also the State. In doing so, I approach the available literature from a more clinical viewpoint. I argue that in future, when screening processes and in utero therapies are likely to be safer and more effective, the duty of future parents to bring to life the healthiest child possible will become more compelling. In my articles I employ a personhood view of the foetus and argue that eventual children can be harmed in the pre-personal stage. I carefully analyze what it means to be harmed and apply a comparative account of harm through the thesis in trying to answer the five main questions that permeate through the articles. I question whether parents-to-be have a moral obligation to engage with antenatal screening services, I do not limit the screening processes to genetics alone but include foetal anomaly and microbiological information acquired antenatally in the process. I also explore what the obligations of parents-to-be are, once a screening process reveals a certain problem or risk. I elaborate on what circumstances they may be obliged to act upon, in a way that treats or minimizes the risks posed to the foetus. I argue that even in the absence of a cure, antenatally acquired information can be vital for the welfare of the child and this should compel parents to engage with the services on offer. I also purport that if there is a cure the parents are obliged to uptake it, provided it is safe and with good clinical outcomes. Finally I question whether the State has a moral duty to increase uptake of such antenatal health programs and if so to what extent should it attempt to do so. By analyzing the moral limits of law I argue that impositions on individual liberties in the interest of the unborn may only be reasonable if our reproductive choices stand to significantly harm others. I argue that recent amendments in English and Welsh Law that prohibit the application of advanced reproductive technologies to select for disabled foetuses signify an important change in the way the State values the welfare of future children. I explore international legal cases that suggest that the foetus is increasingly afforded more legal protections and investigate possible ways in which we could objectively quantify harm caused antenatally in a manner that would help us decide if and when the State should intervene with reproductive choices of parents-to-be. Finally, I elaborate on the how State led medical paternalism can be stratified and what each stratum involves in terms of intervention. I put forth that the State ought to explore avenues of soft and moderate paternalism first but should stop short of hard paternalism for a number of reasons.
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Barnets bästa i våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till ärenden där barn upplever våld i nära relation / The principle of the best interest of the child in cases with domestic violence : A qualitative study on how social workers in social services relate to cases where children experience domestic violence.Hasselgren Hallberg, Lisa, Nygård, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att med utgångspunkt i ett fall där socialtjänsten fått kännedom om att en tidigare våldsutövare skaffat ny familj, undersöka och problematisera socialsekreterares förutsättningar, bedömningar och förhållningssätt i ärenden där barn riskerar att uppleva våld i nära relation. Genom detta ville vi få inblick i hur principen om barnets bästa tillämpas gentemot familjens rätt till privatliv. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare på några olika socialtjänstenheter för barn och unga. I intervjuerna användes en fallbeskrivning. Studien har en ansats som utgår från grundad teori och analysen gjordes med hjälp av den ständigt jämförande metoden. I resultaten framkom att arbetsbelastningen är ett problem, men att socialsekreterarna i stort menade sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om våld i nära relation och tillräckligt handlingsutrymme, med några undantag. Brister rörande rutiner gällande våld i nära relationer framkom. Resultatet av studien visar även vissa skillnader mellan socialsekreterare samt en motsägelsefullhet i fråga om anmälningsbenägenhet och syn på våld. Vidare belyses och diskuteras också hur våldsutövaren ofta kommer undan ansvar och konsekvenser, medan den våldsutsatta ofta får hela ansvaret att skydda barnet/barnen från att uppleva mer våld.
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Acquisition of parental responsibilities and rightsLouw, A.S. (Anna Sophia) 10 September 2009 (has links)
The thesis explores the impact of the new Children’s Act 38 of 2005 on the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights within a newly proposed framework designed for the purpose of reflecting the various ways in which parental responsibilities and rights can be acquired. The research has shown that the Children’s Act has fundamentally transformed the way in which parental responsibilities and rights are acquired. The transformation has created a scheme for the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights that is for the most part constitutionally compliant and progressive insofar as it gives recognition to the different family forms found in South Africa. To this end the Children’s Act has considerably expanded the ways in which parental responsibilities and rights can be acquired. Whereas previously exclusively the preserve of heterosexual married parents in a nuclear family, parental responsibilities and rights can now automatically be acquired by a committed biological father and a married lesbian couple conceiving by artificial means. Apart from authorising courts to assign parental responsibilities and rights, the Children’s Act allows any holder of parental responsibilities and rights to confer responsibilities and rights on another by prior approved agreement. The Act also includes specific provisions to regulate the acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights by commissioning parents in the case of a surrogate motherhood agreement. The structure developed for the research topic reflects the transformation of the law in this regard by making the application of the best interests-standard, rather than the marital status of the child’s parents, the distinguishing feature of the subdivision between automatic and assigned acquisition. In this way the structure is an embodiment of the paramountcy of the best interests principle in section 28(2) of the Constitution. Insofar as the law still requires a distinction to be made between biological mothers and fathers, on the one hand, and naturally and artificially conceived children, on the other, the structure also highlights the remaining shortcomings of the law in this regard. The structure is, furthermore, necessarily complicated by the need to distinguish between the acquisition of care, on the one hand, and guardianship, on the other. As far as fathers are still not treated the same as mothers in the automatic allocation of parental responsibilities and rights, the Act is deemed not to have been progressive enough. Conferring full parental responsibilities and rights on both parents based on their biological link to the child would not only be in line with worldwide trends, but would also meet the constitutional demands of substantive sex and gender equality. It will further place the focus on the best interests of the child, which emphasises the importance of both parents for the child. While the research shows that tensions between the biological and social constructs of parenthood may possibly hamper the legal recognition of de facto care-givers or other persons with whom the child has developed a psychological bond, the greatest weakness of the Act would seem to lie in the failure to implement an integrated family court structure. Please cite as follows: Louw, AS 2009, Acquisition of parental responsibilities and rights, PhD thesis, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewedyymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-09102009-170707/ > Copyright / Thesis (LLD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Private Law / unrestricted
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