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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na expressão de iNOS mediada pelo eixo NAIP5/NLRC4-Caspase-1. / Evaluation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the iNOS expression by NAIP5/NLRC4-Caspase-1 axis.

Lima, Carina Buzzo de 07 February 2014 (has links)
O reconhecimento da flagelina é compartilhado pelo receptor transmembrânico TLR5 e citosólico NAIP5/NLRC4. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos efetores individuais induzidos a partir do reconhecimento extra e intracelular da flagelina. Aqui, nós demonstramos que macrófagos estimulados com a flagelina citosólica (FLA-BSDot) induziu a expressão de iNOS, enzima responsável pela produção do óxido nítrico (NO). A expressão de iNOS foi dependente do eixo NAIP5/NLRC4/caspase-1 e independente de IL-1β, IL-18 e MyD88, descartando a via de ativação dos TLRs. Ainda, esta via não requer a ativação do fator de transcrição IRF-1, mas envolve a ativação do NF-kB, assim como a clivagem da enzima PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1). Por fim, avaliamos a relevância biológica desta via no controle das infecções por L. pneumophila e S. Typhimurium, dados que definem um mecanismo efetor adicional no controle de patógenos. / Recognition of flagellin is shared by transmembranic TLR5 and cytosolic NAIP5/NLRC4. However, little is known about the individual effector mechanisms induced by extra and intracellular flagellin. Here, we have demonstrated that cytosolic flagellin-stimulated macrophages (FLA-BSDot) induced iNOS expression, an enzyme responsible for the production of nitric oxide (NO). iNOS expression was dependent of the NAIP5/NLRC4/caspase-1 axis and independent of IL-1β, IL-18 and MyD88, discarding TLRs signaling pathway. Still, this pathway do not require the activation of IRF-1 transcriptional factor, but involves NF-kB activation as well as the cleavage of the enzyme, PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1). Finally, we have evaluated the biological relevance of this pathway in the control of the infections by L. pneumophila e S. Typhimurium, which define an additional effector mechanism to the control of pathogens.

Rôle de la protéine Cdk5 en réponse aux dommages de l’ADN : implications dans les points de contrôle S et G2/M / Role of the kinase Cdk5 in response to DNA damages : implications for S and G2M checkpoints

Chiker, Sara 20 January 2015 (has links)
La kinase dépendante des cyclines 5 (Cdk5) est un facteur de sensibilité aux inhibiteurs de PARP et aux rayonnements ionisants (RI), elle est nécessaire pour le point de contrôle du cycle cellulaire en phase S. Cependant, elle n’est pas directement impliquée dans la réparation des cassures de brin d’ADN, suggérant un rôle dans les étapes plus précoces de la signalisation des dommages. Nous rapportons ici que des cellules HeLa déplétées pour Cdk5 (Cdk5 KD) montrent une grande sensibilité aux RI surtout lorsqu'elles sont irradiées en phase S, au 5-Fluoro-Uracile, à la 6-Thioguanine et à une exposition chronique à l'hydroxyurée (HU). Les cellules Cdk5 KD montrent une altération de la dynamique de la phase S causée par une vitesse de réplication plus lente et une réduction des origines actives par mégabase d'ADN. En revanche, après un traitement au HU, ces cellules sortent plus rapidement du blocage en phase S. Ceci s’accompagne d’une déficience de la phosphorylation de RPA-32 sur les sérines 29 et 33 et de SMC1 sur la sérine 966 ainsi que d’une réduction du niveau de dommages de l'ADN évalués par le test des comètes alcalines, de l’intensité du signal gamma-H2AX, des foyers RPA, Rad51 et RPA sur les sérines 4 et 8 ainsi que du niveau d'échanges de chromatides sœurs. Des essais kinase in vitro couplés à la spectrométrie de masse ont montré que Cdk5 peut phosphoryler RPA-32 sur ses sérines 23, 29, et 33. De plus, des niveaux inférieurs d’expression de Cdk5 ont été associés à une meilleure survie sans métastases chez des patientes atteintes d’un cancer du sein et à une réduction de la survie des cellules de tumeurs du sein déplétées pour Cdk5 après un traitement aux RI et en présence d’un inhibiteur de PARP. Globalement, ces résultats montrent que Cdk5 est nécessaire pour la réplication basale et l'activation du point de contrôle en phase S en réponse à un stress réplicatif, ouvrant des perspectives cliniques intéressantes pour améliorer la destruction des cellules tumorales dans certaines populations de patientes atteintes de cancer du sein grâce à des agents qui génèrent un stress réplicatif. / Cyclin dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) is a determinant of sensitivity to PARP inhibitors and ionizing radiation (IR) and is required for the intra-S DNA damage checkpoint. It is not however directly implicated in strand break repair suggesting a role in the earlier steps of checkpoint activation. We report here that Cdk5-Depleted (Cdk5-KD) HeLa cells show higher sensitivity to IR when irradiated in S-Phase, and to chronic hydroxyurea (HU) exposure, 5-Fluorouracil and 6-Thioguanine. Cdk5-KD cells show altered basal S-Phase dynamics caused by a slower replication velocity and fewer active origins per megabase of DNA, however they show a faster recovery from an HU block. This was accompanied by impaired RPA-32 priming serine 29 and serine 33 phosphorylations and SMC1-Serine 966 phosphorylation as well as lower levels of DNA damage assessed by the alkaline Comet assay, gamma-H2AX signal intensity, RPA and Rad51 foci and RPA-32 serine 4 and serine 8 phosphorylation and levels of sister chromatid exchanges. In vitro kinase assays coupled with mass spectrometry showed that Cdk5 can phosphorylate RPA-32 on serines 23, 29, and 33. In addition lower Cdk5 levels were associated with longer metastasis free survival in breast cancer patients and lower cell survival in Cdk5 depleted breast tumor cells after treatment with IR and a PARP inhibitor. Taken together, these results show that Cdk5 is necessary for basal replication and replication stress checkpoint activation and opens up interesting clinical opportunities to enhance tumor cell killing in certain populations of breast cancer patients through agents that generate replication stress.

Avaliação dos mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na expressão de iNOS mediada pelo eixo NAIP5/NLRC4-Caspase-1. / Evaluation of the molecular mechanisms involved in the iNOS expression by NAIP5/NLRC4-Caspase-1 axis.

Carina Buzzo de Lima 07 February 2014 (has links)
O reconhecimento da flagelina é compartilhado pelo receptor transmembrânico TLR5 e citosólico NAIP5/NLRC4. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos efetores individuais induzidos a partir do reconhecimento extra e intracelular da flagelina. Aqui, nós demonstramos que macrófagos estimulados com a flagelina citosólica (FLA-BSDot) induziu a expressão de iNOS, enzima responsável pela produção do óxido nítrico (NO). A expressão de iNOS foi dependente do eixo NAIP5/NLRC4/caspase-1 e independente de IL-1β, IL-18 e MyD88, descartando a via de ativação dos TLRs. Ainda, esta via não requer a ativação do fator de transcrição IRF-1, mas envolve a ativação do NF-kB, assim como a clivagem da enzima PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1). Por fim, avaliamos a relevância biológica desta via no controle das infecções por L. pneumophila e S. Typhimurium, dados que definem um mecanismo efetor adicional no controle de patógenos. / Recognition of flagellin is shared by transmembranic TLR5 and cytosolic NAIP5/NLRC4. However, little is known about the individual effector mechanisms induced by extra and intracellular flagellin. Here, we have demonstrated that cytosolic flagellin-stimulated macrophages (FLA-BSDot) induced iNOS expression, an enzyme responsible for the production of nitric oxide (NO). iNOS expression was dependent of the NAIP5/NLRC4/caspase-1 axis and independent of IL-1β, IL-18 and MyD88, discarding TLRs signaling pathway. Still, this pathway do not require the activation of IRF-1 transcriptional factor, but involves NF-kB activation as well as the cleavage of the enzyme, PARP-1 (poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase-1). Finally, we have evaluated the biological relevance of this pathway in the control of the infections by L. pneumophila e S. Typhimurium, which define an additional effector mechanism to the control of pathogens.

Hypoxia-Inducible Factor -1 contributes to transcriptional regulation of Bcl2-adenovirus E1B 19KDa -interacting protein in hypoxic cortical neurons

Atoui, Samira 07 April 2016 (has links)
PARP-1 has been identified as a major player in apoptotic pathways. Its excessive activation causes mitochondrial dysfunction, permeability, and AIF mitochondrion-to-nucleus translocation. It has been suggested that PARP-1 interacts indirectly with Bnip3, a mitochondrial pro-apoptotic factor. However, the mechanistic linkage is still not well understood. Our lab has shown that cytosolic/nuclear NAD+ depletion is a hallmark for PARP-1 over activation and inhibition of sirtuin activity. Specifically in my project, we think that PARP-1 induced- NAD+ depletion and sirtuin inhibition causes hyperacetylation of the α subunit of the transcription factor HIF-1 allowing increased HIF-1 binding to Bnip3 upstream promoter, and increased Bnip3 expression. Indeed, our PARP-1 Knock out neurons, MNNG and PJ34 treatment, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and HIF-1α loss of function studies strongly confirmed the necessity of HIF-1 to increase Bnip3 expression in hypoxia. Overall, our research suggests a role for HIF-1 in increasing PARP-1 dependent Bnip3 expression in hypoxic models. / May 2016

Influência da inibição de POLI (ADP-Ribose) polimerase (PARP-1) na toxicidade induzida pelos quimioterápicos doxorrubicina e mitoxantrona em células cardíacas

Damiani, Roberto Marques January 2016 (has links)
Assim como o número de casos de câncer vem aumentando em nível global, a busca por abordagens terapêuticas visando uma maior eficácia com um menor poder de causar efeitos prejudiciais aos pacientes também vem crescendo. As antraciclinas e antracenodionas, as quais tem como exemplos, doxorrubicina (DOX) e mitoxantrona (MTX), respectivamente, são fármacos utilizados na quimioterapia em diversas neoplasias incluindo tumores sólidos e não sólidos tais como de mama, leucemias, linfomas, sarcomas etc. Embora sejam eficazes ao que se propõem, o tratamento com estas moléculas pode acarretar em efeitos secundários, tais como arritmias e insuficiência cardíaca. Estas drogas além de interagirem com o ferro e apresentarem capacidade de gerar espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), apresentam como principal mecanismo a inibição da enzima topoisomerase 2 (Top2). Os inibidores de PARP-1 emergiram como uma nova alternativa para tratar determinados tipos de neoplasias em que a letalidade sintética possa ser explorada. Além disto, já foi relatado que a toxicidade cardíaca induzida por DOX seja influenciada pela atividade de PARP-1. O objetivo desta tese foi, portanto, avaliar a influência da inibição de PARP-1 na toxicidade cardíaca de DOX e MTX em células cardíacas. Células foram incubadas durante 24h com DOX ou MTX na presença ou na ausência de inibidor de PARP-1. Ensaios de viabilidade, apoptose e genotoxicidade e foram realizados. Além disso, a fosforilação de proteínas envolvidas na resposta a danos no DNA (ATM, MRE-11 e H2AX) foram avaliadas por western blot e imunofluorescência. Os resultados demonstraram que a inibição de PARP-1, apesar de diminuir a concentração de ROS, diminui a viabilidade de células H9c2 tratadas com DOX ou MTX por aumentar a geração de quebras duplas no DNA induzida por estes fármacos. / As the number of people with cancer are globally increasing, the search for therapeutic approaches that increases efficiency decreasing harmful effects to patients is also growing, giving rise to cardio-oncology. Anthracyclines, e.g., doxorubicin (DOX), and anthracenediones, e.g., mitoxantrone (MTX), are drugs used in the chemotherapy of several cancer types, including solid and non-solid malignancies such as breast cancer, leukemia, lymphomas, and sarcomas. Although they are effective in tumor therapy, treatment with these two drugs may lead to side effects such as arrhythmia and heart failure. These drugs interact with iron to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), target topoisomerase 2 (Top2), and impair mitochondria. PARP-1 inhibitors have emerged as a new alternative for treating certain types of malignancies in which the synthetic lethality can be exploited. Furthermore, it has been reported that DOX-induced cardiac cardiotoxicity is influenced by PARP-1 activity. The main goal of this thesis was, therefore, to evaluate PARP-1 inhibition influence in cardiac toxicity of DOX and MTX in cardiac cells. Cells were incubated for 24h with MTX or DOX in presence or absence of PARP-1 inhibitor. Viability, oxidative stress and genotoxicity assays have been conducted. Furthermore, phosphorylation of proteins involved in response to DNA damage (ATM, H2AX and MRE-11) were evaluated by western blot and immunofluorescence. Results demonstrated that inhibition of PARP-1, although decreasing ROS generation, decreases H9c2 cells viability after DOX or MTX by increasing DNA double strand break generation induced by these drugs.

Effects of PARP-1 signaling and conjugated linoleic acid on brain cell bioenergetics and survival

Hunt, Waylon T. 01 October 2010 (has links)
Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Extracellular glutamate concentrations are tightly regulated to avoid over-stimulation of glutamate receptors, which leads to a cascade of deleterious processes collectively known as excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is common to several neurodegenerative disorders and CNS injuries, including stroke and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The projects described in this thesis were designed to uncover novel protective pathways in excitotoxic neurodegeneration. Excessive activation of the DNA repair enzyme, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), is a convergence point for neuron death signaling in excitotoxic pathways. In AD, the peptide amyloid-β1-42 (Aβ1-42) is aberrantly produced, leading to excitotoxic neuron death in vitro. To investigate links between Aβ1-42 and PARP, we treated cultured cortical neurons with Aβ1-42 and determined whether PARP-1 contributes to neuron death. Increased neuron death was observed after Aβ1-42 exposure. A non-selective PARP-1/2 inhibitor significantly reduced Aβ1-42-induced death while elimination of PARP-1 alone was not neuroprotective. This suggests that PARP-2 or combined effects of PARP-1 and PARP-2 are required for Aβ1-42-induced neuron death. A hallmark of PARP over-activation is depletion of intracellular NAD+ and ATP levels, yet nearly all studies examining adenine nucleotide levels use separate biochemical samples to measure nucleotides individually. We developed two HPLC methods for simultaneous separation of NAD+, ATP, ADP and AMP. We determined that PARP-1 activation in astrocytes leads to near complete NAD+ depletion, followed by partial loss of ATP pools and total adenine nucleotide pools. Finally, we hypothesized that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty acid, is capable of enhancing neuron survival after an excitotoxic insult. Cultured cortical neurons were exposed to glutamate in the presence and absence of CLA. CLA levels likely achievable in human plasma and brain tissue during dietary supplementation regimens, protected neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity when given during or up to five hours after glutamate exposure. Several markers of mitochondrial damage and intrinsic apoptosis were examined. CLA stabilized mitochondrial membrane potential and permeability, shedding light on the mechanism of CLA neuroprotection. Overall, our research suggests a role for PARP in Aβ1-42 toxicity and identifies a novel role for CLA in neuroprotection following excitotoxicity.

Effects of PARP-1 signaling and conjugated linoleic acid on brain cell bioenergetics and survival

Hunt, Waylon T. 01 October 2010 (has links)
Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. Extracellular glutamate concentrations are tightly regulated to avoid over-stimulation of glutamate receptors, which leads to a cascade of deleterious processes collectively known as excitotoxicity. Excitotoxicity is common to several neurodegenerative disorders and CNS injuries, including stroke and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The projects described in this thesis were designed to uncover novel protective pathways in excitotoxic neurodegeneration. Excessive activation of the DNA repair enzyme, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1), is a convergence point for neuron death signaling in excitotoxic pathways. In AD, the peptide amyloid-β1-42 (Aβ1-42) is aberrantly produced, leading to excitotoxic neuron death in vitro. To investigate links between Aβ1-42 and PARP, we treated cultured cortical neurons with Aβ1-42 and determined whether PARP-1 contributes to neuron death. Increased neuron death was observed after Aβ1-42 exposure. A non-selective PARP-1/2 inhibitor significantly reduced Aβ1-42-induced death while elimination of PARP-1 alone was not neuroprotective. This suggests that PARP-2 or combined effects of PARP-1 and PARP-2 are required for Aβ1-42-induced neuron death. A hallmark of PARP over-activation is depletion of intracellular NAD+ and ATP levels, yet nearly all studies examining adenine nucleotide levels use separate biochemical samples to measure nucleotides individually. We developed two HPLC methods for simultaneous separation of NAD+, ATP, ADP and AMP. We determined that PARP-1 activation in astrocytes leads to near complete NAD+ depletion, followed by partial loss of ATP pools and total adenine nucleotide pools. Finally, we hypothesized that conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a naturally occurring polyunsaturated fatty acid, is capable of enhancing neuron survival after an excitotoxic insult. Cultured cortical neurons were exposed to glutamate in the presence and absence of CLA. CLA levels likely achievable in human plasma and brain tissue during dietary supplementation regimens, protected neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity when given during or up to five hours after glutamate exposure. Several markers of mitochondrial damage and intrinsic apoptosis were examined. CLA stabilized mitochondrial membrane potential and permeability, shedding light on the mechanism of CLA neuroprotection. Overall, our research suggests a role for PARP in Aβ1-42 toxicity and identifies a novel role for CLA in neuroprotection following excitotoxicity.

Influência da inibição de POLI (ADP-Ribose) polimerase (PARP-1) na toxicidade induzida pelos quimioterápicos doxorrubicina e mitoxantrona em células cardíacas

Damiani, Roberto Marques January 2016 (has links)
Assim como o número de casos de câncer vem aumentando em nível global, a busca por abordagens terapêuticas visando uma maior eficácia com um menor poder de causar efeitos prejudiciais aos pacientes também vem crescendo. As antraciclinas e antracenodionas, as quais tem como exemplos, doxorrubicina (DOX) e mitoxantrona (MTX), respectivamente, são fármacos utilizados na quimioterapia em diversas neoplasias incluindo tumores sólidos e não sólidos tais como de mama, leucemias, linfomas, sarcomas etc. Embora sejam eficazes ao que se propõem, o tratamento com estas moléculas pode acarretar em efeitos secundários, tais como arritmias e insuficiência cardíaca. Estas drogas além de interagirem com o ferro e apresentarem capacidade de gerar espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), apresentam como principal mecanismo a inibição da enzima topoisomerase 2 (Top2). Os inibidores de PARP-1 emergiram como uma nova alternativa para tratar determinados tipos de neoplasias em que a letalidade sintética possa ser explorada. Além disto, já foi relatado que a toxicidade cardíaca induzida por DOX seja influenciada pela atividade de PARP-1. O objetivo desta tese foi, portanto, avaliar a influência da inibição de PARP-1 na toxicidade cardíaca de DOX e MTX em células cardíacas. Células foram incubadas durante 24h com DOX ou MTX na presença ou na ausência de inibidor de PARP-1. Ensaios de viabilidade, apoptose e genotoxicidade e foram realizados. Além disso, a fosforilação de proteínas envolvidas na resposta a danos no DNA (ATM, MRE-11 e H2AX) foram avaliadas por western blot e imunofluorescência. Os resultados demonstraram que a inibição de PARP-1, apesar de diminuir a concentração de ROS, diminui a viabilidade de células H9c2 tratadas com DOX ou MTX por aumentar a geração de quebras duplas no DNA induzida por estes fármacos. / As the number of people with cancer are globally increasing, the search for therapeutic approaches that increases efficiency decreasing harmful effects to patients is also growing, giving rise to cardio-oncology. Anthracyclines, e.g., doxorubicin (DOX), and anthracenediones, e.g., mitoxantrone (MTX), are drugs used in the chemotherapy of several cancer types, including solid and non-solid malignancies such as breast cancer, leukemia, lymphomas, and sarcomas. Although they are effective in tumor therapy, treatment with these two drugs may lead to side effects such as arrhythmia and heart failure. These drugs interact with iron to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), target topoisomerase 2 (Top2), and impair mitochondria. PARP-1 inhibitors have emerged as a new alternative for treating certain types of malignancies in which the synthetic lethality can be exploited. Furthermore, it has been reported that DOX-induced cardiac cardiotoxicity is influenced by PARP-1 activity. The main goal of this thesis was, therefore, to evaluate PARP-1 inhibition influence in cardiac toxicity of DOX and MTX in cardiac cells. Cells were incubated for 24h with MTX or DOX in presence or absence of PARP-1 inhibitor. Viability, oxidative stress and genotoxicity assays have been conducted. Furthermore, phosphorylation of proteins involved in response to DNA damage (ATM, H2AX and MRE-11) were evaluated by western blot and immunofluorescence. Results demonstrated that inhibition of PARP-1, although decreasing ROS generation, decreases H9c2 cells viability after DOX or MTX by increasing DNA double strand break generation induced by these drugs.

Influência da inibição de POLI (ADP-Ribose) polimerase (PARP-1) na toxicidade induzida pelos quimioterápicos doxorrubicina e mitoxantrona em células cardíacas

Damiani, Roberto Marques January 2016 (has links)
Assim como o número de casos de câncer vem aumentando em nível global, a busca por abordagens terapêuticas visando uma maior eficácia com um menor poder de causar efeitos prejudiciais aos pacientes também vem crescendo. As antraciclinas e antracenodionas, as quais tem como exemplos, doxorrubicina (DOX) e mitoxantrona (MTX), respectivamente, são fármacos utilizados na quimioterapia em diversas neoplasias incluindo tumores sólidos e não sólidos tais como de mama, leucemias, linfomas, sarcomas etc. Embora sejam eficazes ao que se propõem, o tratamento com estas moléculas pode acarretar em efeitos secundários, tais como arritmias e insuficiência cardíaca. Estas drogas além de interagirem com o ferro e apresentarem capacidade de gerar espécies reativas de oxigénio (ROS), apresentam como principal mecanismo a inibição da enzima topoisomerase 2 (Top2). Os inibidores de PARP-1 emergiram como uma nova alternativa para tratar determinados tipos de neoplasias em que a letalidade sintética possa ser explorada. Além disto, já foi relatado que a toxicidade cardíaca induzida por DOX seja influenciada pela atividade de PARP-1. O objetivo desta tese foi, portanto, avaliar a influência da inibição de PARP-1 na toxicidade cardíaca de DOX e MTX em células cardíacas. Células foram incubadas durante 24h com DOX ou MTX na presença ou na ausência de inibidor de PARP-1. Ensaios de viabilidade, apoptose e genotoxicidade e foram realizados. Além disso, a fosforilação de proteínas envolvidas na resposta a danos no DNA (ATM, MRE-11 e H2AX) foram avaliadas por western blot e imunofluorescência. Os resultados demonstraram que a inibição de PARP-1, apesar de diminuir a concentração de ROS, diminui a viabilidade de células H9c2 tratadas com DOX ou MTX por aumentar a geração de quebras duplas no DNA induzida por estes fármacos. / As the number of people with cancer are globally increasing, the search for therapeutic approaches that increases efficiency decreasing harmful effects to patients is also growing, giving rise to cardio-oncology. Anthracyclines, e.g., doxorubicin (DOX), and anthracenediones, e.g., mitoxantrone (MTX), are drugs used in the chemotherapy of several cancer types, including solid and non-solid malignancies such as breast cancer, leukemia, lymphomas, and sarcomas. Although they are effective in tumor therapy, treatment with these two drugs may lead to side effects such as arrhythmia and heart failure. These drugs interact with iron to generate reactive oxygen species (ROS), target topoisomerase 2 (Top2), and impair mitochondria. PARP-1 inhibitors have emerged as a new alternative for treating certain types of malignancies in which the synthetic lethality can be exploited. Furthermore, it has been reported that DOX-induced cardiac cardiotoxicity is influenced by PARP-1 activity. The main goal of this thesis was, therefore, to evaluate PARP-1 inhibition influence in cardiac toxicity of DOX and MTX in cardiac cells. Cells were incubated for 24h with MTX or DOX in presence or absence of PARP-1 inhibitor. Viability, oxidative stress and genotoxicity assays have been conducted. Furthermore, phosphorylation of proteins involved in response to DNA damage (ATM, H2AX and MRE-11) were evaluated by western blot and immunofluorescence. Results demonstrated that inhibition of PARP-1, although decreasing ROS generation, decreases H9c2 cells viability after DOX or MTX by increasing DNA double strand break generation induced by these drugs.

Facteurs modulant la radiosensibilité : rôle des protéines PARP-1, PARP-2 et Cdk5 et implication de la chromatine / Radiosensitivity Modulating Factors : role of PARP-1, PARP-2 and Cdk5 proteins and chromatin implication

Boudra, Mohammed-Tayyib 14 December 2011 (has links)
Les modifications post-traductionnelles des protéines de réparation de l’ADN et des facteurs chromatiniens par poly(ADP-ribose)ylation et par phosphorylation sont essentielles pour le maintien de l’intégrité de l’ADN et de la chromatine, en particulier dans la réponse cellulaire aux dommages de l’ADN induits par radiation ionisantes (RI). Parmi les protéines impliquées dans ces deux processus nous trouvons, respectivement, la poly(ADP-ribose) polymérase-1 (PARP-1) et PARP-2, et la kinase dépendante des cyclines Cdk5 : PARP-1 et PARP-2 sont impliqué dans le mécanisme de réparationdes cassures simples brin (CSBs) de l’ADN (Single Strand Break Repair : SSBR ) et la déplétion de Cdk5 a été liée à l’augmentation de la sensibilité des cellules aux inhibiteurs de PARPs. Nous avons montré, en utilisant des cellules HeLa stablement déplété pour Cdk5 ou PARP-2, que ces deux protéines sont impliquées dans les deux sous-voies du SSBR, le short- (SPR) et le long-patch repair (LPR). L’absence de Cdk5 ou PARP-2 entraîne des modifications du fonctionnement du SSBR, notamment en termes de recrutement des protéines de réparation PARP-1 et XRCC1, impliquées dans le SPR, et PCNA, protéine clé du LPR, au site du photo-dommage. PARP-2 et Cdk5 agissent aussi sur la balance du niveau des poly(ADP-ribose) car en absence de Cdk5 une hyper-activation de PARP-1 a été montrée, et en absence de PARP-2 une diminution de l’activité de la protéine poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) a été aussi observée. Cependant, malgré ces changements les deux lignées cellulaires dépourvues de Cdk5 (Cdk5KD) ou de PARP-2 (PARP-2KD) réparent de façon normale les CSBs radio-induites, mais, intéressement et contrairement aux cellules PARP-2KD, les cellules Cdk5KDsont sensibles à l’effet létal des RI. De plus nous avons montré que Cdk5, PARP-2 et PARG sont toutes les trois impliquées dans la régulation du recrutement et de dissociation du facteur chromatinien ALC1 suggérant leur implication dans la régulation de la dynamique de la chromatine en réponse aux photo-dommages de l’ADN. Ces résultats avec l’observation de la diminution du recrutement de PARP-1 dans les cellules Cdk5KD et PARP-2KD, montrent l’apparition d’un réseau complexe de phosphorylation et de poly(ADP-ribose)ylation en réponse aux RI qui implique Cdk5 , PARP-1,PARP-2 and PARG et qui est fort probablement initié par l’activité kinase de Cdk5. / The post-translational modifications of DNA repair proteins and histone remodeling factors by poly(ADP-ribose)ylation and phosphorylation are essential for the maintenance of DNA integrity and chromatin structure, and in particular in response to DNA damaging produced by ionizing radiation (IR). Amongst the proteins implicated in these two processes are the poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase -1 (PARP-1) and PARP-2, and the cyclin-dependent kinase Cdk5: PARP-1 and 2 are involved in DNA single strand break (SSB) repair (SSBR) and Cdk5 depletion has been linked with increased cell sensitivity to PARP inhibition. We have shown by using HeLa cells stably depleted for either CdK5 or PARP-2, that the recruitment profile of PARP-1 and XRCC-1, two proteins involved in the short-patch (SP) SSBR sub-pathway, to DNA damage sites is sub-maximal and that of PCNA, a protein involved in the long-patch (LP) repair pathway, is increased in the absence of Cdk5 and decreased in the absence of PARP-2 suggesting that both Cdk5 and PARP-2 are involved in both SSBR sub-pathways.PARP-2 and Cdk5 also impact on the poly(ADP-ribose) levels in cells as in the absence of Cdk5 a hyper-activation of PARP-1 was found and in the absence of PARP-2 a reduction in poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase (PARG) activity was seen. However, in spite of these changes no impact on the repair of SSBs induced by IR was seen in either the Cdk5 or PARP-2 depleted cells (Cdk5KD or PARP-2KD cells) but, interestingly, increased radiation sensitivity in terms of cell killing was noted in the Cdk5 depleted cells. We also found that Cdk5, PARP-2 and PARG were all implicated in the regulation ofthe recruitment and the dissociation of the chromatin-remodeling factor ALC1 from DNA damage sites suggesting a role for these three proteins in changes in chromatin structure after DNA photodamage.These results, taken together with the observation that PARP-1 recruitment is sub-optimal in both Cdk5KD and PARP-2KD cells, show that an intricate network of phosphorylation and poly(ADPribose) ylation occurs in response to IR that involves Cdk5 , PARP-1,PARP-2 and PARG and that is probably initiated by Cdk5’s kinase activity.

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