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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of micro-particles in the dust and melt at different stages of iron and steelmaking

Nabeel, Muhammad January 2016 (has links)
The dust particles generated due to mechanical wear of iron ore pellets and clusters formed in molten stainless steel alloyed with rare earth metals (REM) are considered in this study. Firstly, the influence of the characteristics of iron ore pellets, applied load on a pellet bed and partial reduction of the pellets on the size distribution of the generated dust was investigated. Secondly, REM clusters are investigated to evaluate the size distribution of the clusters. Also, an extreme value distribution (EVD) analysis has been applied for the observed REM clusters. The large sized pellets showed 10-20% higher wear rate than small sized pellets during wear in a planetary mill. Moreover, an increase of ~67% was observed in the friction and dust generation in the pellet bed as the applied load increased from 1 to 3 kg. Also, it was observed that a higher friction in the pellet bed can lead to an increased amount of airborne particles. The mechanical wear experiments of pellets reduced at 500 °C (P500) and 850 °C (P850) showed that P500 pellets exhibit ~16-35% higher wear rate than unreduced pellets. For the P850 pellets, the wear is inhibited by formation of a metallic layer at the outer surface of the pellets. The mechanism of dust generation has been explained using the obtained results. A reliable cluster size distribution of REM clusters was obtained by improving the observation method and it was used to explicate the formation and growth mechanism of REM clusters. The results show that the growth of clusters is governed by different types of collisions depending on the size of the clusters. For EVD analysis three different size parameters were considered. Moreover, using the maximum length of clusters results in a better correlation of EVD regression lines compared to other size parameters. Moreover, a comparison of predicted and observed maximum lengths of clusters showed that further work is required for the application of EVD analyses for REM clusters. / Studien fokuserar på två olika typer av mikropartiklar som är valda från olika delar av järn- och ståltillverkningsprocessen. Dessa partiklar är dels stoft som genereras på grund av mekanisk nötning av partiklar och dels klusters som bildas i flytande rostfria stål legerade med sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REM). Inledningsvis så undersöktes inverkan av tre faktorer på storleksfördelningen hos stoft som bildas vid hantering av järnoxidpellets. De undersökta faktorerna inkluderade karakteristiken hos järnoxidpellets, det applicerade trycket på pelletsbädden och den partiella reduktionen av järnoxidpellets. Därefter så utfördes tredimensionella undersökningar av REM kluster som extraherats med hjälp av elektrolytisk extraction för att bestämma storleksfördelningen hos klustren. Dessutom så utfördes en extremvärdesdistribution (EVD) studie för de studerade klustren. En planetkvarn användes för att undersöka inverkan of karakeristiken hos pellets på stoftbildningen. Resultaten visade att storleken på pellets kan påverka nötningshastigheten under dessa försöksförhållanden. Pellets som hade en större storlek (13.5&lt; Deq &lt;15.0 mm) uppvisade en 10 till 20% högre nötningshastighet i jämförelse med mindre pellets (9.5&lt; Deq &lt;12.5 mm). Baserat på analyserna av stoftet som genererades under nötningsexperimenten så konstaterades att nötningsmekanismerna för dessa pellets var abrasions- och kollisionsnötning. En pelletsbädd skapades för att möjliggöra studier av inverkan av ett applicerat tryck på stoftbildningen och friktionskrafterna i en pelletsbädd. Ett varierat tryck på mellan 1 till 3 kg applicerades på pelletsbädden. Resultaten visade att en ökning på ~67% av friktionskraften och stoftbildningen ägde rum när det applicerade trycket ökades från 1 till 3kg. Dessutom så visade resultaten att en högre friktionskraft i pelletsbädden kan resultera in en ökad mängd luftburna partiklar. Den mekaniska nötningen av pellets som reducerats vid 500 °C (P500) och 850 °C (P850) studerades också genom användande av en planetkvarn. Resultaten visade att P500 pellets uppvisade en ~ 16 till 35% högre nötningshastighet i jämförelse med oreducerade referenspellets.  Resultaten för P850 pellets visade att den mekaniska nötningen motverkades genom bildningen av ett metalliskt skikt på den yttre delen av pelletsen. Resultaten visade också att stoftet som bildats pga mekanisk nötning av reducerade pellets innehöll 3 till 6 gånger mer grova partiklar  (&gt;20µm) i jämförelse med stoft som bildats från oreducerade pellets. Slutligen så diskuterades hur dessa resultat kan relateras till industriella förhållanden med avseende på mekanismerna som är involverade i den mekaniska nötningen av pellets samt med avseende på relationen mellan hastigheten av de utgående gaserna och storlken och morfologin hos stoftpartiklarna. Klusters innehållande REM-oxider som extraherats från en 253MA rostfri stålsort undersöktes med användande av en tredimensionell teknik. En trovärdig storleksfördelning av klusters (CSD) erhölls genom att förbättra undersökningsmetoden och denna användes för att studera bildningen och tillväxten av REM oxider. Dessutom så användes cirkularitetsfaktorn hos klusters för att dela in klustren i två olika grupper, vilka bildas och tillväxer enligt olika mekanismer. Resultaten visade också att tillväxten av klusters gynnas av olika typer av kollisioner som beror av av storleken på klusters. För REM-klusters så drogs slutsatsen att turbulenta kollisioner är den huvudsakliga mekanismen som påverkar tillväxten. Avhandlingen behandlar även problemet om hur det är möjligt att hantera synfält där det inte förekommer kluster vid en extremvärdesdistribution (EVD) analys. Tre olika parametrar undersöktes i EVD analysen. Resultaten visar att om den maximala längden på kluster (LC) används i analysen så erhålls den bästa korrelationen gällande regressionslinjen för en EVD analys. Specifikt så var R2 värdet upp till 0.9876 i jämförelse med de andra storleksparametrarna som har värden i intervallet 0.9656 – 0.9774. Slutligen så visar resultaten från en jämförelse mellan beräknade och observerade maximala klusterlängder att EVD analyser för studier av REM kluster behöver undersökas ytterligare i framtiden. / <p>QC 20161128</p>

Produção e caracterização de celulose cristalina e amorfa e de partículas de quitosana para aplicação como estabilizantes de emulsões óleo-em-água / Production and characterization of crystalline and amorphous cellulose and chitosan particles for application as stabilizers of oil-in-water emulsions

Bertan, David Willian 24 July 2018 (has links)
Emulsões são sistemas formados quando dois componentes imiscíveis são misturados, na forma de gotículas dispersas numa fase contínua, estabilizados pela ação de emulsificantes, compostos anfifílicos, com afinidades por ambas as fases do sistema. No caso de emulsões de Pickering, o sistema é estabilizado por partículas coloidais sólidas, que adsorvem à interface das gotículas da emulsão. O objetivo desta dissertação foi produzir e caracterizar suspensões de celulose cristalina (CC), celulose amorfa (CA) e de partículas de quitosana (PQ) e avaliar seu potencial de aplicação como únicos compostos estabilizantes em emulsões óleo-em-água. As CC e CA foram produzidas por tratamentos térmico e ácido de celulose microcristalina, respectivamente, enquanto que as PQs foram produzidas por tratamento ácido de quitosana de média massa molecular. Em todos esses casos, os tratamentos foram seguidos de ultra-agitação: 0 (ST), 10000 (UT10), 15000 (UT15) ou 20000 rpm (UT20) por 3 minutos. As suspensões de CC, CA e PQ foram caracterizadas para determinação da distribuição do tamanho de partículas, do potencial zeta e da estabilidade física, e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e/ou de força atômica. As partículas em pó, produzidas por liofilização, foram submetidas a análises de difração de raios-X, espectroscopia de infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e de colorimetria instrumental. Em função dessas caracterizações, foi estudado o efeito do tipo de partícula estabilizadora (CC, CA ou PQ) sobre o tamanho de gotas, colorimetria instrumental e estabilidade física de emulsões com 20% (v/v) de óleo de soja, sem e com &beta;-caroteno. Observou-se que os tratamentos UT10, UT15 e UT20 provocaram importantes alterações na distribuição de tamanho de partículas, com redução do tamanho médio das partículas, sem efeito significativo da velocidade de agitação. Em relação à PQ, os tratamentos por ultra-agitação não influenciaram o tamanho de partículas, nem quando comparado com suspensões ST. A CC apresentou-se em fragmentos de fibras celulósicas e altamente instáveis em suspensão, com índices de instabilidade próximos a 0,78. A CA apresentou-se em partículas coloidais e agregados irregulares, com estabilidade física razoável em suspensão (0,26). As suspensões de PQ apresentaram grandes estruturas cristalinas de acetato de sódio, junto a partículas coloidais de quitosana, mas altamente estáveis em suspensão aquosa (0,04). De forma geral, o potencial &zeta; e a estabilidade física das suspensões de CC, CA e PQ não variaram com o tratamento (ST, UT10, UT15 e UT20). Na caracterização das partículas liofilizadas, constatou-se alto índice de cristalinidade da CC (81%), e baixa cristalinidade da CA (42%) e da PQ (40%). Os tratamentos não provocaram modificações consideráveis na estrutura química, analisada por FTIR, e nem na cor instrumental da CC, CA e PQ. Por fim, apenas a PQ foi capaz de produzir e estabilizar emulsões óleo-em-água, não havendo formação de fase creme durante o armazenamento. A adição de 0,005% de &beta;-caroteno à fase lipídica deixou as emulsões estabilizadas por PQ ligeiramente alaranjadas e aumentou sua estabilidade física, sem afetar o tamanho médio de suas gotas (29-32 &micro;m). Portanto, apenas a PQ demonstrou potencial para estabilizar emulsões óleo-em-água, com ou sem &beta;-caroteno. / Emulsions are systems formed when two immiscible components are mixed, presenting dispersed droplets in a continuous phase, stabilized by emulsifiers, amphiphilic compounds, with affinities for both phases of the system. In the case of Pickering emulsions, the system is stabilized by solid colloidal particles, which adsorb at the interface of the emulsion droplets. The objective of this dissertation was to produce and characterize suspensions of crystalline cellulose (CC), amorphous cellulose (CA) and chitosan particles (PQ) and to evaluate its potential as single stabilizing compounds in oil-in-water emulsions. CC and CA were produced by heat and acidic treatments of microcrystalline cellulose, respectively, whereas PQs were produced by acidic treatment of medium molecular weight chitosan, also followed by ultra-stirring treatment. In all cases, the treatments were followed by ultra-stirring: 0 (ST); 10,000 (UT10); 15,000 (UT15) or 20,000 rpm (UT20) for 3 minutes. The suspensions of CC, CA and PQ were characterized for determination of particle size distribution, zeta potential and physical stability, and by scanning electron microscopy and/or atomic force microscopy. The powder particles, produced by freeze-drying, were subjected to analysis by X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and instrumental colorimetry. As a function of these characterizations, the effect of the stabilizing particle type (CC, CA or PQ) on droplet size, instrumental colorimetry and physical stability of emulsions with 20% (v/v) soybean oil, without and with &beta;-carotene was studied. It was observed that the treatments UT10, UT15 and UT20 caused important changes in the particle size distribution, with reduction of the mean particle size, without significant effect of the agitation speed. Regarding chitosan particles, ultra-stirring treatments did not influence particle size, neither when compared to suspensions without pretreatment. CC was presented as highly unstable cellulosic fiber fragments in suspension, with instability indexes close to 0.78. CA was presented in colloidal particles and irregular aggregates, with reasonable physical stability in suspension (0.26). The suspensions of PQ showed large crystalline structures of sodium acetate, together with colloidal chitosan particles, but highly stable in aqueous suspension (0.04). In general, the potential &zeta; and the physical stability of CC, CA and PQ suspensions did not change with the treatment (ST, UT10, UT15 and UT20). In the characterization of the freezedried particles, a high crystallinity index of CC (81%) was observed, whereas CA (42%) and PQ (40%) showed low crystallinities. The treatments neither caused significant changes in the chemical structure, analyzed by FTIR, nor in the instrumental color of CC, CA and PQ. Finally, only PQ was able to produce and stabilize oil-in-water emulsions, with no cream phase formation during storage. Addition of 0.005% &beta;-carotene to the oil phase left the emulsions stabilized by PQ slightly orange and increased the physical stability of the emulsions, without affecting the droplet size of the emulsions (29-32 &micro;m). Therefore, only PQ demonstrated the potential to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions, with or without &beta;-carotene.

Des propriétés morphologiques des flocs biologiques aux conditions de fonctionnement de systèmes à boues activées / From the morphological properties of biological flocs to the operating conditions of activated sludge systems

Oliveira, Pedro 06 July 2018 (has links)
Parmi les différentes technologies pour produire un effluent conforme aux normes de rejet en vigueur, les Procédés par Boues Activées sont largement utilisés en tant que traitement biologique du fait de leur faible coût et de leur facilité d’implémentation. Ces procédés réalisent l’abattement des polluants en deux étapes : (1) la biodégradation par des microorganismes dans un bassin d’aération et (2) la séparation de la biomasse par décantation. Les paramètres opératoires peuvent agir sur l’efficacité du procédé, notamment en modifiant les propriétés des boues . L’objectif de ce travail est d’apporter un nouvel éclairage sur cette relation triangulaire en mettant en perspectives les propriétés de taille et de forme des flocs de boues et les performances du procédé de traitement. La première étape pour parvenir à cet objectif a consisté à développer une méthodologie de caractérisation des flocs de boues par analyse d’images à l’aide du microscope automatisé Morphologi G3 de Malvern Instruments. Le protocole de mesure proposé repose sur le choix de la cellule d’analyse, du facteur de dilution, du grossissement, du seuil de niveau de gris mis en œuvre pour la binarisation des images et du nombre total de particules analysées. Des boues provenant de plusieurs stations d’épuration ont été étudiées afin d’évaluer la robustesse de la méthodologie. Des différences en termes de propriétés de taille et forme - Diamètre équivalent (Deq), Circularité (C), Convexité (Cx), Solidité (S) et Rapport d’Aspect (RA) - entre les différentes boues sont clairement apparues. Le protocole de caractérisation de la morphologie étant établi et validé, deux campagnes expérimentales ont été mises en œuvre en utilisant un système à boues activées à l’échelle pilote alimenté par un effluent synthétique. Les descripteurs morphologiques ont été mesurés sur des échantillons d’environ 100 000 flocs permettant d’atteindre une statistique fiable aussi bien sur la taille que sur la forme des agrégats. La performance du procédé a été évaluée en suivant des indicateurs physicochimiques classiquement associés au traitement des eaux usées : Matières en Suspension (MES), Indice de Boue (IB), taux d’abattement de la Demande Chimique d’Oxygène (DCO) et de l’Azote (N). Cette stratégie a permis d’identifier des relations entre les performances d’épuration, la morphologie des agrégats et les paramètres opératoires. Pendant la première campagne, trois valeurs différentes de l’âge de boue ont été imposées : 15, 20 et 30 jours. Lors d’un changement d’âge de boue, la taille et la circularité des flocs biologiques augmentent temporairement avant de se stabiliser à nouveau à leurs valeurs initiales. Ainsi, en régime permanent, les distributions en taille et en circularité semblent indépendantes de l’âge de boue. Lors de la deuxième campagne, trois paramètres opératoires ont été modifiés : la charge organique, le taux de recirculation et le rapport DCO:N. Une charge organique élevée a provoqué une forte augmentation de la taille des flocs et une diminution de leur solidité. Ce résultat peut être expliqué par la croissance de bactéries filamenteuses qui impacte fortement la morphologie des flocs et la performance du procédé. L’augmentation du taux de recirculation et la diminution du rapport DCO:N ont, en outre, induit une légère réduction de la taille des flocs et une évolution peu significative des valeurs de circularité et convexité. L’analyse des distributions en 3 Dimensions couplant les données de taille et de forme s’est révélée un outil prometteur, permettant de proposer des mécanismes responsables de l’évolution des propriétés morphologiques des boues. Enfin, une autre approche a été développée sur la base de deux dimensions fractales reliant l’aire et le périmètre des flocs (Dpf) ou l’aire et la longueur maximale (D2). De brusques variations de Dpf et D2 ont été corrélées avec les phénomènes liés au développement de bactéries filamenteuses. / Among the different technologies dealing with the strict regulations concerning wastewater treatment, the Activated Sludge Process remains extensively applied as a biological treatment because of its low cost and its convenience of implementation. This straightforward technique achieves good levels of organic matter removal combining biodegradation in an aerated tank with solid-liquid separation through a subsequent clarifier. The impact of the operational parameters on process efficiency is presumably correlated to the sludge activity and hence to the flocs properties. In this context, the aim of this work is to bring new insights into this relationship in characterizing the size and the shape of sludge flocs and put the operating conditions and the process performance in perspective. To achieve this objective, a methodology was established first for the morphological characterization of sludge flocs by image analysis thanks to the automated microscope Morphologi G3 from Malvern Instruments Ltd. The steps involved in this methodology consisted in defining some analysis settings including the selection of the sample carrier, the dilution factor, the magnification, the threshold needed for the image binarization and the total number of analysed particles. Analyses were performed on various types of sludge allowing an evaluation of the methodology robustness. Differences clearly appeared in terms of size and shape properties – Circular Equivalent Diameter (CED), Circularity (C), Convexity (Cx), Solidity (S), and Aspect Ratio (AR) between the different types of sludge. The image analysis protocol having been established and validated, two experimental campaigns were run using a lab-scale activated sludge system fed with synthetic wastewater. The morphological descriptors were defined on the base of about 100,000 sludge flocs per sample allowing to reach reliable statistics for both size and shape properties. Process performance was assessed measuring physicochemical parameters commonly associated with wastewater treatment: Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Sludge Volume Index (SVI), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) and Nitrogen (N) removal. This strategy has mostly enabled to identify relationships between the treatment performance, the floc morphology and the operating conditions. During the first campaign, three values of solids retention time (SRT) were tested: 15, 20 and 30 days. Increasing the SRT, the size and the circularity of the flocs increased temporarily before recovering their initial values. Under steady state conditions, the size and circularity distributions seem thus to be independent of the SRT. In the second campaign, three operating conditions were modified in turn: the Organic Load Rate (OLR), the recycle rate and the COD:N ratio. A high OLR has promoted a strong increase of flocs size and the decrease of their solidity. This result can be explained by the development of filamentous bacteria that highly impacts the aggregates morphology and hence the process performance. An increase of the recycle rate or a decrease of the COD:N ratio induced a slight reduction of floc sizes and an insignificant evolution of circularity and convexity values. The analysis of the volume-based 3D-distributions crossing size and shape data appeared as a smart tool allowing to propose mechanisms responsible of the changes of the morphological properties of biological flocs. Finally, another approach was developed, based on the estimation of two 2D fractal dimensions linking the area and the perimeter of flocs (Dpf) or the area and the maximum length (D2). Sudden changes of Dpf and D2 were correlated to phenomena related to the presence of filamentous bacteria.

Produção e caracterização de celulose cristalina e amorfa e de partículas de quitosana para aplicação como estabilizantes de emulsões óleo-em-água / Production and characterization of crystalline and amorphous cellulose and chitosan particles for application as stabilizers of oil-in-water emulsions

David Willian Bertan 24 July 2018 (has links)
Emulsões são sistemas formados quando dois componentes imiscíveis são misturados, na forma de gotículas dispersas numa fase contínua, estabilizados pela ação de emulsificantes, compostos anfifílicos, com afinidades por ambas as fases do sistema. No caso de emulsões de Pickering, o sistema é estabilizado por partículas coloidais sólidas, que adsorvem à interface das gotículas da emulsão. O objetivo desta dissertação foi produzir e caracterizar suspensões de celulose cristalina (CC), celulose amorfa (CA) e de partículas de quitosana (PQ) e avaliar seu potencial de aplicação como únicos compostos estabilizantes em emulsões óleo-em-água. As CC e CA foram produzidas por tratamentos térmico e ácido de celulose microcristalina, respectivamente, enquanto que as PQs foram produzidas por tratamento ácido de quitosana de média massa molecular. Em todos esses casos, os tratamentos foram seguidos de ultra-agitação: 0 (ST), 10000 (UT10), 15000 (UT15) ou 20000 rpm (UT20) por 3 minutos. As suspensões de CC, CA e PQ foram caracterizadas para determinação da distribuição do tamanho de partículas, do potencial zeta e da estabilidade física, e por microscopia eletrônica de varredura e/ou de força atômica. As partículas em pó, produzidas por liofilização, foram submetidas a análises de difração de raios-X, espectroscopia de infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e de colorimetria instrumental. Em função dessas caracterizações, foi estudado o efeito do tipo de partícula estabilizadora (CC, CA ou PQ) sobre o tamanho de gotas, colorimetria instrumental e estabilidade física de emulsões com 20% (v/v) de óleo de soja, sem e com &beta;-caroteno. Observou-se que os tratamentos UT10, UT15 e UT20 provocaram importantes alterações na distribuição de tamanho de partículas, com redução do tamanho médio das partículas, sem efeito significativo da velocidade de agitação. Em relação à PQ, os tratamentos por ultra-agitação não influenciaram o tamanho de partículas, nem quando comparado com suspensões ST. A CC apresentou-se em fragmentos de fibras celulósicas e altamente instáveis em suspensão, com índices de instabilidade próximos a 0,78. A CA apresentou-se em partículas coloidais e agregados irregulares, com estabilidade física razoável em suspensão (0,26). As suspensões de PQ apresentaram grandes estruturas cristalinas de acetato de sódio, junto a partículas coloidais de quitosana, mas altamente estáveis em suspensão aquosa (0,04). De forma geral, o potencial &zeta; e a estabilidade física das suspensões de CC, CA e PQ não variaram com o tratamento (ST, UT10, UT15 e UT20). Na caracterização das partículas liofilizadas, constatou-se alto índice de cristalinidade da CC (81%), e baixa cristalinidade da CA (42%) e da PQ (40%). Os tratamentos não provocaram modificações consideráveis na estrutura química, analisada por FTIR, e nem na cor instrumental da CC, CA e PQ. Por fim, apenas a PQ foi capaz de produzir e estabilizar emulsões óleo-em-água, não havendo formação de fase creme durante o armazenamento. A adição de 0,005% de &beta;-caroteno à fase lipídica deixou as emulsões estabilizadas por PQ ligeiramente alaranjadas e aumentou sua estabilidade física, sem afetar o tamanho médio de suas gotas (29-32 &micro;m). Portanto, apenas a PQ demonstrou potencial para estabilizar emulsões óleo-em-água, com ou sem &beta;-caroteno. / Emulsions are systems formed when two immiscible components are mixed, presenting dispersed droplets in a continuous phase, stabilized by emulsifiers, amphiphilic compounds, with affinities for both phases of the system. In the case of Pickering emulsions, the system is stabilized by solid colloidal particles, which adsorb at the interface of the emulsion droplets. The objective of this dissertation was to produce and characterize suspensions of crystalline cellulose (CC), amorphous cellulose (CA) and chitosan particles (PQ) and to evaluate its potential as single stabilizing compounds in oil-in-water emulsions. CC and CA were produced by heat and acidic treatments of microcrystalline cellulose, respectively, whereas PQs were produced by acidic treatment of medium molecular weight chitosan, also followed by ultra-stirring treatment. In all cases, the treatments were followed by ultra-stirring: 0 (ST); 10,000 (UT10); 15,000 (UT15) or 20,000 rpm (UT20) for 3 minutes. The suspensions of CC, CA and PQ were characterized for determination of particle size distribution, zeta potential and physical stability, and by scanning electron microscopy and/or atomic force microscopy. The powder particles, produced by freeze-drying, were subjected to analysis by X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and instrumental colorimetry. As a function of these characterizations, the effect of the stabilizing particle type (CC, CA or PQ) on droplet size, instrumental colorimetry and physical stability of emulsions with 20% (v/v) soybean oil, without and with &beta;-carotene was studied. It was observed that the treatments UT10, UT15 and UT20 caused important changes in the particle size distribution, with reduction of the mean particle size, without significant effect of the agitation speed. Regarding chitosan particles, ultra-stirring treatments did not influence particle size, neither when compared to suspensions without pretreatment. CC was presented as highly unstable cellulosic fiber fragments in suspension, with instability indexes close to 0.78. CA was presented in colloidal particles and irregular aggregates, with reasonable physical stability in suspension (0.26). The suspensions of PQ showed large crystalline structures of sodium acetate, together with colloidal chitosan particles, but highly stable in aqueous suspension (0.04). In general, the potential &zeta; and the physical stability of CC, CA and PQ suspensions did not change with the treatment (ST, UT10, UT15 and UT20). In the characterization of the freezedried particles, a high crystallinity index of CC (81%) was observed, whereas CA (42%) and PQ (40%) showed low crystallinities. The treatments neither caused significant changes in the chemical structure, analyzed by FTIR, nor in the instrumental color of CC, CA and PQ. Finally, only PQ was able to produce and stabilize oil-in-water emulsions, with no cream phase formation during storage. Addition of 0.005% &beta;-carotene to the oil phase left the emulsions stabilized by PQ slightly orange and increased the physical stability of the emulsions, without affecting the droplet size of the emulsions (29-32 &micro;m). Therefore, only PQ demonstrated the potential to stabilize oil-in-water emulsions, with or without &beta;-carotene.

Modelagem matemática de copolimerização em emulsão de acrilato de butila e estireno para determinação dos valores médios de peso molecular e distribuição de tamanho de partículas. / Mathematical modeling of emulsion copolymerization of N-buty acrylate and styrene accounting for average molecular weights and particle size distribution.

Pereira, Rodrigo Vallejo 09 October 2015 (has links)
Um modelo matemático da reação de copolimerização em emulsão de acrilato de butila e estireno em reator batelada e semi-batelada isotérmico foi desenvolvido e apresentou bons resultados quando comparado a experimentos disponíveis em literatura científica. O modelo contemplou a solução do balanço populacional, tanto para a distribuição de tamanho de partículas quando para a distribuição média de radicais por partícula. Contemplou-se também a solução do balanço de momentos, para obtenção da massa molar média numérica e mássica. O problema descrito foi resolvido através da solução numérica de um conjunto de equações algébricodiferenciais e o balanço populacional foi resolvido pelo método dos pivots fixos. Foi possível validar com boa aderência a conversão dos monômeros, o diâmetro médio de partículas, número de partículas por litro de emulsão, número médio de radicais por partícula, a distribuição de tamanho de partículas e a massa molar média numérica e mássica ao longo do tempo para um conjunto de experimentos. / A mathematical model of emulsion copolymerization reaction of styrene and butyl acrylate for batch and semi-batch isothermal reactor was developed and presented good results when compared to experiments available in the scientific literature. The model included the solution of the population balance for both particle size distribution and average number of radicals per particle. The balances of moments of the molecular weight distribution are solved to obtain the weight- and numberaveraged molecular weight of the polymer. The problem described was solved by numerical solution of a set of algebraic-differential equations and the population balance was solved by the method of fixed pivots. The model prediction were validated with a set of experiments with respect to the changes of monomer conversion, average particle diameter, number of particles per liter of emulsion, average number of radicals per particle, particle size distribution, number- and weight-average molecular weight during process time.

Copolimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila com alto teor de sólidos: estudo experimental e modelagem matemática do processo em reator semicontínuo. / Emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate with gigh solids contents: experimental study and mathematical modeling of the process in a semi-batch reactor.

Marinangelo, Giovane 18 November 2010 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se a copolimerização em emulsão de estireno e acrilato de butila em processo semicontínuo onde o produto final é um látex com alto teor de sólidos. Foi dado enfoque à distribuição de tamanhos de partículas do látex e seus efeitos no produto. Foi realizada uma série de experimentos de copolimerização em emulsão em um reator de vidro, empregando receitas com teores de sólidos de até 64% em massa. Durante os experimentos, amostras eram retiradas periodicamente do reator visando analisar o teor de polímeros (conversão dos monômeros) por gravimetria, a concentração de monômero residual por cromatografia gasosa headspace, o diâmetro médio das partículas por espectroscopia de espalhamento dinâmico de luz e a distribuição de tamanhos de partículas por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão. A viscosidade do látex final era obtida em viscosímetro Brookfield. Aplicando estratégias para renucleação de novas partículas no decorrer do processo, foram obtidos látices com distribuição bimodal de tamanhos de partículas e com viscosidades reduzidas. Aplicou-se um modelo matemático para descrever o processo, incluindo a evolução no tempo da distribuição de tamanhos de partículas, calculada a partir de equações de balanço populacional para as partículas e para os radicais dentro das partículas. Para a solução das equações empregou-se discretização por método de classes e a técnica de pivô fixo. O modelo tem apenas dois parâmetros ajustáveis, referentes às eficiências de captura de radicais por micelas e por partículas. Estes parâmetros foram ajustados para os dados experimentais de um ensaio, e usados, sem reajuste, para outros ensaios em condições diferentes. Os resultados do modelo mostraram boa adequação aos resultados experimentais. / The aim of this work was the study of the high solid contents emulsion copolymerization of styrene and butyl acrylate in semi-batch process. In this context the particle size distribution and its effects on the product viscosity was studied. Copolymerization reactions were carried out in a glass reactor, and recipes with solid contents up to 64 wt.% were used. During each run, samples are periodically taken from the reactor, and analysis are performed to measure the polymer content (monomer conversion) by gravimetry, the concentrations of the residual monomers by head-space gas chromatography, the average particle size by dynamic light scattering, and the particle size distribution by transmission electronic microscopy. The viscosity of the final emulsion is also measured using a Brookfield viscosimeter. By applying operating strategies to nucleate new particles along the process, latexes with bimodal particle size distributions and low viscosities were obtained. A mathematical model was employed for simulating the polymerization process, including the evolution of the particle size distribution along the process, calculated from population balance equations for the particles and the radicals inside the particles. The numerical solution was obtained using the discretized population balance equations by the method of classes and the fixed pivot technique. The model has only two adjustable parameters, the efficiencies for radical capture by micelles and by particles. These two parameters were fitted to the experimental data of one run and used, without further readjustment, for other runs under different conditions. The model results presented satisfactory agreement with the experimental data.

Identification and Variation of some Functionality Related Characteristics of Pharmaceutically Relevant Solid Materials and their Effect on Product Performance

Fichtner, Frauke January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis was to identify some functionality related characteristics of pharmaceutically relevant solid materials and to study the effect of their variation on processing behaviour and product performance. For this purpose, particles with different characteristics were prepared under a variety of conditions by crystal agglomeration, wet granulation and spray drying. The effect of particle size distribution on the evolution of the tablet microstructure during and after compression was investigated. The compression behaviour of particles with different nominal strength and degrees of agglomeration was studied and the influence of the surfactant concentration of amorphous particles on the compression behaviour was examined. The response of the powders to compression was described with the help of various techniques characterising the microstructure and tensile strength of the tablets produced. </p><p>Furthermore, a method suitable for observing drug release from single matrix granules was developed and used to study the effect of granule porosity and compaction pressure on the drug release process. </p><p>The particle size distribution did not influence the evolution of the tablet porosity or the tensile strength during compression, but it could have an effect on the evolution of the tablet microstructure during short-term storage, depending on the instability mechanism. The compression behaviour of particles prepared by crystal agglomeration and wet granulation was dependent on their degree of agglomeration and their failure strength. For particles with similar solid state properties and compression behaviour, the surface energy appears to have an effect on the bonding strength of adsorption bonds acting at interparticulate junctions. Using the method developed to observe the drug release from single matrix granules, reproducible data was obtained enabling the drug release process to be characterised. Depending on the type of matrix and the compaction pressure, the drug release rate could be enhanced or retarded. </p>

Identification and Variation of some Functionality Related Characteristics of Pharmaceutically Relevant Solid Materials and their Effect on Product Performance

Fichtner, Frauke January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to identify some functionality related characteristics of pharmaceutically relevant solid materials and to study the effect of their variation on processing behaviour and product performance. For this purpose, particles with different characteristics were prepared under a variety of conditions by crystal agglomeration, wet granulation and spray drying. The effect of particle size distribution on the evolution of the tablet microstructure during and after compression was investigated. The compression behaviour of particles with different nominal strength and degrees of agglomeration was studied and the influence of the surfactant concentration of amorphous particles on the compression behaviour was examined. The response of the powders to compression was described with the help of various techniques characterising the microstructure and tensile strength of the tablets produced. Furthermore, a method suitable for observing drug release from single matrix granules was developed and used to study the effect of granule porosity and compaction pressure on the drug release process. The particle size distribution did not influence the evolution of the tablet porosity or the tensile strength during compression, but it could have an effect on the evolution of the tablet microstructure during short-term storage, depending on the instability mechanism. The compression behaviour of particles prepared by crystal agglomeration and wet granulation was dependent on their degree of agglomeration and their failure strength. For particles with similar solid state properties and compression behaviour, the surface energy appears to have an effect on the bonding strength of adsorption bonds acting at interparticulate junctions. Using the method developed to observe the drug release from single matrix granules, reproducible data was obtained enabling the drug release process to be characterised. Depending on the type of matrix and the compaction pressure, the drug release rate could be enhanced or retarded.

Analysis of dense colloidal dispersions with multiwavelength frequency domain photon migration measurements

Dali, Sarabjyot Singh 02 June 2009 (has links)
Frequency domain photon migration (FDPM) measurements are used to study the properties of dense colloidal dispersions with hard sphere and electrostatic interactions, which are otherwise difficult to analyze due to multiple scattering effects. Hard sphere interactions were studied using a theoretical model based upon a polydisperse mixture of particles using the hard sphere Percus Yevick theory. The particle size distribution and volume fraction were recovered by solving a non linear inverse problem using genetic algorithms. The mean sizes of the particles of 144 and 223 nm diameter were recovered within an error range of 0-15.53% of the mean diameters determined from dynamic light scattering measurements. The volume fraction was recovered within an error range of 0-24% of the experimentally determined volume fractions. At ionic strengths varying between 0.5 and 4 mM, multiple wavelength (660, 685, 785 and 828 nm) FDPM measurements of isotropic scattering coefficients were made of 144 and 223 nm diameter, monodisperse dispersions varying between 15% - 22% volume fraction, as well as of bidisperse mixtures of 144 and 223 nm diameter latex particles in 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 mixtures varying between volume fractions of 15% - 24%. Structure factor models with Yukawa potential were computed by Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and numerical solution of the coupled Ornstein Zernike equations. In monodisperse dispersions of particle diameter 144 nm the isotropic scattering coefficient versus ionic strength show an increase with increasing ionic strength consistent with model predictions, whereas there was a reversal of trends and fluctuations for the particle diameter of 223 nm. In bidisperse mixtures for the case of maximum number of smaller particles, the isotropic scattering coefficient increased with increasing ionic strength and the trends were in conformity with MC simulations of binary Yukawa potential models. As the number of larger diameter particles increased in the dispersions, the isotropic scattering coefficients depicted fluctuations, and no match was found between the models and measurements for a number ratio of 1:3. The research lays the foundation for the determination of particle size distribution, volume fractions and an estimate of effective charge for high density of particles.

Effects Of Separate And Intergrinding On Some Properties Of Portland Composite Cements

Soyluoglu, Serdar 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In the production of cement, to increase the cement/clinker ratio and decrease CO2 emission, the most important alternative is to produce mineral admixture incorporated cements (CEM II-III-IV-V) instead of portland cement (CEM I). These cements are usually produced by intergrinding the portland cement clinker and the mineral admixtures. However, the difference between grindabilities of the different components of such cements may cause significant effects on the particle size distribution and many other properties. For this reason, separate grinding of additives and clinker may be thought as an alternative. In this study, the effects of intergrinding and separate grinding on the particle size distribution and consequently on the strength of portland composite cements which contained natural pozzolan (trass), granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) and limestone besides portland cement clinker were studied.

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