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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'atrocité du parricide au XVIIIe siècle : Le droit pénal dans les pratiques judiciaires du parlement de Paris / The Atrocity of Parricide in Eighteenth Century : The Criminal Law in Parlement de Paris’s judicial practices

Doyon, Julie 05 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’atrocité du crime de parricide dans la culture pénale de la modernité que reconfigurent les Lumières libérales du droit de punir après 1750. Entre la doctrine criminelle et les pratiques judiciaires du parlement de Paris – la plus haute cour d’appel du royaume au XVIIIe siècle –, se nouent des relations dialectiques fondamentales qui structurent ce travail. Dès la Renaissance, les traités criminels définissent le crime à partir de l’acception juridique étendue que lui confère la législation pénale romaine. Le parricidium s’étend à l’homicide d’un parent jusqu’au quatrième degré. La nature familiale du crime définit son atrocité juridique. Amplifiant l’horreur attachée aux transgressions de l’autorité paternelle, le parricide qualifie aussi toute atteinte à la personne sacrée du roi « père de son peuple ». Contaminé par la catégorie de la lèse-majesté, le crime atroce encourt la rigueur suppliciaire de châtiments extrêmes (démembrement du parricide royal, roue et poing coupé du parricide domestique). Des excès à l’empoisonnement, des cousins aux père et mère, du parricide familial au parricide du roi : dans les pratiques judiciaires du parlement de Paris (1694-1780), la diversité des faits et des parents relevant du parricide domine. La rigueur punitive s’efface pourtant devant l’atténuation du crime atroce. La majorité des accusés sont élargis au bénéfice du doute voire exonérés du dernier supplice en cas de folie. L’atténuation globale s’accompagne, dans le même temps, d’un processus d’aggravation pénale ultra restrictive, lequel s’intensifie après 1750. Dans l’arbitraire de leurs pouvoirs pénaux, les magistrats du Palais réservent la qualification pénale du parricide à l’assassinat d’un ascendant au premier degré. Le « véritable parricide » se voit reconfiguré dans la culture pénale d’Ancien Régime annonçant les codifications pénales révolutionnaires de 1791 et de 1810. / The main of this PH dissertation is to study the “parricide” as an atrocious crime in the penal culture during the liberalEnlightenment, and notably after 1750. Criminal doctrine and Parlement de Paris’s judicial practices help to build thetopics and research problem about legal punishment to this vicious offense. From Renaissance, legal treatises broadlydefine this crime in the legacy of Roman Law. Parricidium means killing a relative to the fourth degree by blood.Criminal atrocity is determined by family links. Moreover, parricide also means a crime committed against the sacredperson of king. Major criminal offence (“lèse-majesté”), the regicide is punished with extreme torments as thequartering of the body. Accordingly, the common parricide is punished by hand cutting off. Physical abuse, poisoning,cousins, father, mother and king’s parricide: in judicial practices of Parlement de Paris (1694-1780), many are thecases and parents involved in a criminal trial for “parricide”. However, penal moderation prevails quantitatively overextreme repression. In majority of cases, defendants are liberated and, if they are insane, declared non punishable. After1750, general temperance is combined with a more and increasing severity concentrated on a relative to the first degreeby blood (“ assassinat d’un ascendant au premier degré ”). The “ geniune parricide ”, so restored by this study to itsepistemological centrality of Enlightenment penal culture, gives way to the penal codification (1791, 1810), which endsthe Ancien Régime of crime and punishments.

Receitas de felicidade e espectros da infelicidade: o Código civil de 1916 e as lições de comportamento na Revista Feminina no início do século XX / Prescriptions of happiness and specters of misfortune: the civil code of 1916 and the lessons of behavior in the Revista Feminina at the beginning of century XX

Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares 25 June 2009 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A presente tese teve como objetivo central estudar a maneira como os discursos sobre casamento, família, pátrio poder, condição legal feminina foram caracterizados como comportamentos socialmente desejáveis pelos homens e mulheres pela Revista Feminina, publicada em São Paulo, e no código civil de 1916 através de uma análise comparativa das fontes. O estudo buscou pontuar as semelhanças e antagonismos entre dois discursos no intuito de encontrar vestígios dos discursos reguladores dos comportamentos sociais bem como as diferentes percepções sobre as liberdades atribuídas por uns e conferidas por outros às mulheres nas primeiras décadas do século XX: o aspecto legal do código civil, que regulava e regulamentava os efetivos direitos e deveres sociais do homem e da mulher, e o da imprensa, com suas construções de feminilidade e masculinidade específicas. / This thesis have as objective central study the way the speeches on "marriage", "family", "paternal authority", "legal condition female" were characterized as socially desirable behavior by men and women in Revista Feminina, published in Sao Paulo, and in the civil code of 1916 through a comparative analysis of sources. The study dot the similarities and antagonisms between two speeches in order to find traces of speeches regulators social behavior as well as the different perceptions about the freedoms conferred by some and conferred by other women in the first decades of the twentieth century: the legal aspect of the civil code, which regulated and control the effective social rights and duties of man and woman, and of the press, with its buildings of femininity and masculinity specific.

Receitas de felicidade e espectros da infelicidade: o Código civil de 1916 e as lições de comportamento na Revista Feminina no início do século XX / Prescriptions of happiness and specters of misfortune: the civil code of 1916 and the lessons of behavior in the Revista Feminina at the beginning of century XX

Ana Carolina Eiras Coelho Soares 25 June 2009 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / A presente tese teve como objetivo central estudar a maneira como os discursos sobre casamento, família, pátrio poder, condição legal feminina foram caracterizados como comportamentos socialmente desejáveis pelos homens e mulheres pela Revista Feminina, publicada em São Paulo, e no código civil de 1916 através de uma análise comparativa das fontes. O estudo buscou pontuar as semelhanças e antagonismos entre dois discursos no intuito de encontrar vestígios dos discursos reguladores dos comportamentos sociais bem como as diferentes percepções sobre as liberdades atribuídas por uns e conferidas por outros às mulheres nas primeiras décadas do século XX: o aspecto legal do código civil, que regulava e regulamentava os efetivos direitos e deveres sociais do homem e da mulher, e o da imprensa, com suas construções de feminilidade e masculinidade específicas. / This thesis have as objective central study the way the speeches on "marriage", "family", "paternal authority", "legal condition female" were characterized as socially desirable behavior by men and women in Revista Feminina, published in Sao Paulo, and in the civil code of 1916 through a comparative analysis of sources. The study dot the similarities and antagonisms between two speeches in order to find traces of speeches regulators social behavior as well as the different perceptions about the freedoms conferred by some and conferred by other women in the first decades of the twentieth century: the legal aspect of the civil code, which regulated and control the effective social rights and duties of man and woman, and of the press, with its buildings of femininity and masculinity specific.

Parents indignes et enfants en danger : profils et destins des enfants moralement abandonnés de la Seine (1881-1914) / Unworthy parents and children in danger : profiles and destinies of morally abandoned children of the Seine (1881-1914)

Boudaya, Olfa 11 April 2015 (has links)
En 1881, l’Assistance publique à Paris crée le service des enfants moralement abandonnés, en empruntant à la philanthropie le patronage des adolescents des milieux populaires, pour prendre en charge des mineurs des deux sexes qui échappent aux normes de socialisation (famille, école et apprentissage). Arrêtés pour vagabondage, mendicité, vol ou prostitution, ces mineurs sont destinés aux centres de correction. Par une cogestion assistance/justice, le patronage administratif introduit l’éducation préventive des mineurs de justice éducables et des enfants placés volontairement par leurs parents. Les profils de ces mineurs indiquent une précarité des familles et des carences éducatives ainsi que des abus parentaux et des déviances juvéniles. Pour assurer l’éloignement des enfants maltraités ou en danger moral de leur milieu, la loi de 1889 permet aux tribunaux de prononcer la déchéance contre les parents indignes et d’organiser la tutelle administrative. Ces pupilles de l’Assistance relèvent du placement familial, professionnel ou industriel. Alors que ce cadre normatif applique des dispositifs d’intégration sociale (famille, discipline, travail, épargne), des écoles professionnelles, de préservation ou de réforme assurent l’éducation spéciale des pupilles disciplinés, difficiles ou vicieux. En grandissant, les pupilles sont destinés à la domesticité et aux diverses activités locales bien que certains parviennent à réussir une carrière exceptionnelle. Face aux difficultés d’intégration et aux frustrations, adolescents et jeunes brisent le lien de tutelle avant la majorité. Les uns s’évadent tandis que les autres sont retirés par leurs parents ou radiés pour délinquance. / To take care of minors of both sexes beyond the common forms of socialization (family, school and vocational apprenticeship), public assistance in Paris created, in 1881, the service of children in moral danger following the philanthropy patronage of popular milieu adolescents. Arrested for vagrancy, begging, stealing, prostitution, these victims/offenders are led to correction centres. Conceived by justice/assistance cooperation, the administrative patronage introduced preventive education for children placed voluntarily by their parents and educable justice juveniles. The profiles of these minors indicate precariousness within families and educational deficiencies or parental abuse and juvenile deviance. In order to guarantee removal and re-education of abused or young in moral danger, the 1889 law allows the courts to deprive the unworthy parents from their parental authority and organize the administrative guardianship after divestiture. Becoming wards of the assistance, these children fall within the foster, professional or industrial placement. This normative framework argues for social integration devices (family, discipline, work, and thrifts) while vocational, preservation or reform schools provide special education respectively for disciplined, difficult or vicious wards. When they grow up, pupils are destined to domesticity as servants or local activities, although, some of them succeed to achieve a promising professional career. Facing integration difficulties and frustrations, the link of guardianship may be broken before the majority either by adolescents and young escape, by parent’s removal requests or by exclusion for delinquency.

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