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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wnt5a Signaling Independently of the Planar Cell Polarity Pathway Resulting in Convergent Extension and Neural Tube Closure During Vertebrate Development

Barrott, Jared James 14 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Vertebrate development is regulated by cellular communication by mechanisms of cell fate and cell behavior. These crucial mechanisms are regulated by cellular signaling and in the case of cell fate, cellular signaling results in transcription of developmentally important genes. Communication between cells can also result in regulation of cell behavior by acting on cytoskeletal elements rather than nuclear factors. One of the cellular signals that regulate both cell fate and cell behavior is the family of Wnt signaling molecules. Wnt5a is one of 19 Wnt molecules and has been previously demonstrated to play critical roles in many important processes in embryonic development as well tumor suppression. Despite many studies that lend credence to a pathway that regulates cell behavior for Wnt5a rather than cell fate, the identity of the pathway(s) Wnt5a impinges upon remains unclear. Despite the possibility of Wnt5a signaling through multiple pathways, here, focus is given to the non-canonical Wnt signaling pathway, a pathway that regulates cell behavior, also known as the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (PCP) pathway. The involvement of Wnt5a in the Wnt/PCP pathway was demonstrated with a genetic approach: crossing Wnt5a heterozygous mice with mice heterozygous for a component of the Wnt/PCP pathway to uncover genetic interactions in vivo. Hence, Wnt5a X Looptail (Lp) (Wnt/PCP) heterozygous crosses have been performed. Double heterozygotes for this intercross did not exhibit a decrease in viable progeny as compared to the decreased numbers of Lp heterozygotes. These observations demonstrated a lack of genetic interaction between Wnt5a and the PCP pathway. Wnt5a mutants possess phenotypes associated with deficits in the Wnt/PCP pathway, namely convergent extension (CE) defects and neural tube closure defects. However, upon further investigation of the increased penetrance of craniorachischisis in Wnt5a-/-;Lp+/-, Wnt5a mutants do not display the characteristic broadening of the neural floor plate commonly associated with Lp-/-. This supports that Wnt5a and PCP signaling are parallel pathways that have converged to regulate different aspects of CE and neural tube closure. Despite the complexity of Wnt5a and its potential involvement in multiple pathways, dissection of this will explain the broad range of phenotypes observed.

Neonatal Phencyclidine (PCP) induced deficits in rats: A behavioural investigation of relevance to schizophrenia.

Rajagopal, Lakshmi January 2011 (has links)
Background: The main aim of the studies in this thesis is to provide insights into the neonatal phencyclidine (PCP) induced deficits in male and female rats as a neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia. Methods: Both male and female rats were treated with neonatal PCP on postnatal days (PNDs) 7,9 and 11 or vehicle, followed by weaning on PND 21-22. The rats were then tested in behavioural paradigms such as novel object recognition, spatial memory and social interaction in their adolescent and adult stages and were also tested with acute treatment of typical and atypical antipsychotic agents. Results: Neonatal PCP treatment (10 & 20 mg/kg in males and 10 mg/kg in females; once a day for 3 days on PND 7,9 and 11) caused novel object recognition and spatial memory impairment in male and female rats both in the adolescent (PND35-56) and in the adult stages (PND>56) (chapter 2) and robust deficits in social interaction behaviours in the adolescent stage. The SI deficits were observed in adulthood in female but not in male rats thereby establishing a sex-specific social behavioural deficit (chapter 3). The object memory and social interaction deficits induced by neonatal PCP treatment were reversed following acute risperidone but not haloperidol. Finally, the temporal profile of this treatment regime was investigated and the male and female animals were tested on PND 190 and PND 365. The animals did not have any challenge dose of PCP during their testing stage. The result showed that there was significant deficit in object and spatial recognition memory in both male and female animals at both time points, thereby establishing enduring deficits. Conclusion: Given the heterogeneity of the schizophrenic disorder and its complex aetiology, it is understandably difficult to find animal models that completely mimic most or all of the symptoms associated with the disorder. However, data from the studies in this thesis support the use of neonatal PCP as a valid animal model of cognitive and negative symptoms, and explores the effect of antipsychotics in understanding the model. Also, in light of the efficacy of neonatal PCP to produce robust object, spatial memory and social interaction deficits in rats, it appears that this model may be a useful tool to investigate the potential of novel therapeutic candidates that may help improve therapy and understand the illness.

The Effect of oestrogen in a series of models related to schizophrenia and Alzheimer¿s disease. A preclinical investigation into the effect of oestrogen on memory, executive function on and anxiety in response to pharmacological insult and in a model of natural forgetting.

Cook, Samantha January 2012 (has links)
Alzheimer¿s disease is associated with aging and is characterised by a progressive cognitive decline. Its onset in women coincides with the abrupt depletion of ovarian steroids prompting the investigation of utilising oestrogen replacement therapy as restoration or a preventative measure. Gonadal steroids have also recently been implicated in other disease states, particularly schizophrenia. In addition to the cognitive decline, sufferers of Alzheimer¿s disease and schizophrenia display anxiety related behaviour which gonadal steroids have also been shown to ameliorate. In this thesis several paradigms were used to investigate the effects of oestradiol benzoate (EB) on cognition and anxiety, utilising the NMDA receptor antagonist PCP, the muscarinic receptor antagonist scopolamine and the dopamine releasing agent amphetamine to induce a cognitive deficit in rats by different pharmacological mechanisms. The thesis also investigated the effects of EB on a delay dependent cognitive deficit model of forgetfulness in natural aging. Results showed that subchronic PCP dosing failed to induce a significant deficit in the novel object recognition task. Locomotor activity tests demonstrated that the PCP treated rats were sensitised to the treatment suggesting that the PCP dosing regimen was successful. There was no significant effect of oestrogen in the reversal learning model or in the plus maze task designed to explore EB¿s effects on anxiety. However, in the latter task there was a trend towards an anxiogenic effect of EB. Results from the delay dependent model of forgetfulness in natural aging demonstrated that EB could enhance recognition memory, but not spatial memory. The results are discussed in the context of the role of gonadal steroids especially oestrogen in combating the cognitive decline seen in schizophrenia, neurodegenerative disease and natural aging.

The effect of atypical and classical anti-psychotics on sub- chronic PCP induced cognitive deficits in a reversal-learning paradigm

Neill, Joanna C., Abdul-Monim, Z., Reynolds, G.P. January 2006 (has links)

Polynomiální algoritmus pro binární PCP / A polynomial algorithm for the binary PCP

Kuřinová, Petra January 2013 (has links)
The Post correspondence problem, introduced in 1946 by Emil Post, is an important example of undecidable problem. Therefore PCP figures in pro- ofs of some results in theory of formal languages, matrix theory and other. The decidability of the Post correspondence problem proved Ehrenfeucht, Karhumäki and Rozenberg in the 1980s and Halava, Harju and Hirvensalo in 2002 ended the proof. Eight years later was verified that the solution can be found even in polynomial time. The main goal of this diploma thesis is to describe this algorithm in detail and to implement it in a web application. The thesis also introduces basics of com- binatorics on words and some facts about PCP and produces some interesting examples of instances of PCP. Keywords: Post correspondence problem, generalized Post correspondence problem, binary PCP, polynomial algorithms on words, successors of morphisms 1

Contribuição à exploração tecnológica dos estudos microbianos realizados no programa BIOTA FAPESP: avaliação do potencial da degradação anaeróbia de pentaclorofenol (PCP) em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) / Contribution to technological research of the microbial studies done at program BIOTA FAPESP: evaluation of anaerobic Pentachlorophenol (PCP) biodegradation in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor

Saia, Flávia Talarico 01 July 2005 (has links)
O estudo que ora se apresenta integrou o conjunto de pesquisas do sub-projeto - Diversidade de Bactérias Associadas à Degradação de Compostos Recalcitrantes, do projeto temático BIOTA FAPESP - Ecologia Molecular e Taxonomia Polifásica de Bactérias de Interesse Ambiental e Agro-Industrial. Apresenta caráter inovador, na medida em que procurou avaliar o potencial de aplicação biotecnológica de microrganismos anaeróbios de uma área severamente contaminada no Brasil, o estuário de Santos-São Vicente, em degradar o pentaclorofenol (PCP). A pergunta fundamental a ser respondida pelos resultados experimentais realizados foi: são os microrganismos autóctones do estuário capazes de servirem de inóculo para degradar o pentaclorofenol em biorreatores sob condições metanogênicas? Dois grupos de amostras foram avaliados, o primeiro, uma parcela composta por vários sedimentos coletados no estuário e, o segundo, sedimentos coletados na região do Largo de Canéus e na frente da Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista (COSIPA). O estabelecimento da determinação cromatográfica do PCP e congêneres menos clorados para o monitoramento experimental mostrou que na análise da presença dos clorofenóis nos sedimentos, o método de extração por ultrassom com posterior metilação dos analitos foi adequado para concentração mínima de 200 'mü'g clorofenóis/Kg sedimento para 2,3; 2,6 diclorofenóis; 2,4,6 e 2,3,6 triclorofenóis. Contudo, não foi adequado para a determinação do PCP e 2,3,4 triclorofenol. Para o meio de cultivo, o método de extração do PCP por agitação em vórtex e acetilação dos analitos mostrou-se adequado para todos os clorofenóis e com limite de quantificação de 0,1 mg/L. A avaliação do potencial metanogênico foi realizada com as amostras compostas do estuário enriquecidas sob condições halofílicas. O valor estável de metano no biogás de 50% foi obtido nos primeiros 20 dias de incubação. O sedimento nessas condições foi utilizado como inóculo para fins de isolamento de culturas metanogênicas, redutoras do íon sulfato e degradadoras de PCP. Não foram obtidas culturas desalogenadoras; porém foram isoladas arquéias metanogênicas, cultivadas em metanol, acetato e formiato de sódio, bem como bactérias cultivadas em lactato de sódio na presença e ausência de sulfato de sódio. Ensaios fisiológicos aliados aos métodos moleculares FISH e DGGE permitiram identificar arquéias metanogênicas do gênero Methanosarcina sp. e microrganismos do domínio Bacteria. Os sedimentos individualmente estudados foram coletados com maior controle de anaerobiose empregando-se amostrador do tipo corer. O enriquecimento destes sedimentos, inicialmente sob concentração de 2,5 mg PCP/g STV e com adições periódicas de 50% da concentração inicial do clorofenol e 1,25 a 2,5 g/L de glicose por 13 meses a 30 graus Celsius, resultou na obtenção de culturas degradadoras do PCP sob anaerobiose estrita. Nos reatores controles sem PCP, já primeiros 20 dias de incubação 70% de metano foi determinado no biogás. Nos reatores com PCP, a produção do metano (20%) iniciou após 100 dias. A adsorção foi o principal mecanismo de remoção de 50% do PCP nas primeiras 12 horas de incubação dos enriquecimentos. Posteriormente, a redução do PCP no meio de 77% para a amostra de Canéus e 70% para a da COSIPA foi relacionada a mecanismos de biodegradação anaeróbia, como a desalogenação redutiva. Exames microscópicos mostraram a seleção de microrganismos na presença de PCP, com predomínio de bacilos formadores de esporos semelhantes ao gênero Clostridium sp., filamentos diversos e filamentos semelhantes as arquéias metanogênicas acetoclásticas relacionadas ao gênero Methanosaeta sp. O enriquecimento foi realizado sob condições halofílicas, segunda a salinidade de cada amostra estudada no estuário. Não houve perda do clorofenol por volatilização. Os resultados obtidos no enriquecimento anterior viabilizaram o estudo seguro do potencial anaeróbio dos microrganismos oriundos do sedimento da COSIPA em metabolizar o PCP em reator contínuo do tipo RAHLF. Assim, sedimento enriquecido sob condições metanogênicas e halofílicas foi inoculado no RAHLF, controlando-se rigorosamente a anaerobiose. O reator preenchido com cubos de espuma de poliuretana foi operado por 126 dias e tempo de detenção hidráulica de 18 horas, com meio de cultura salino contendo glicose (1 g/L) como principal fonte de carbono e PCP-Na nas concentrações de 5, 13, 15 e 21 mg/L. O desempenho do RAHLF foi estável com boa eficiência durante toda a operação. A redução dos níveis de matéria orgânica medida em DQO variou de 70 a 100% e a de PCP foi de 99%, com detecção de intermediários menos clorados e sob teores de metano no biogás de 20%. Da massa de 1111,73 mg de PCP aplicada no reator, 286,9 mg ficou retida no sistema pelo processo de adsorção nas biopartículas e 824,83 mg foi biodegradada. As análises morfológicas dos tipos celulares, em conjunto com as técnicas moleculares DGGE e FISH, revelaram a presença de grupos microbianos do domínio Archaea pertencente à família Methanosarcinacea e grupos do domínio Bacteria. A participação de grupos de domínio Bacteria, cuja estrutura dos tipos microbianos na comunidade variou ao longo do RAHLF e das concentrações de PCP, e dos organismos metanogênicos da família Methanosarcinacea, possibilitou responder a questão inicialmente formulada, uma vez que se pode afirmar que os microrganismos autóctones foram capazes de degradar o PCP sob condições metanogênicas e halofílicas, com eficiência adequada. A prática para a seleção dos microrganismos retirados do ambiente estuarino, de interesse para biotecnologia anaeróbia aplicada ao saneamento ambiental, que empregou o reator do tipo RAHLF, parece promissora para avanços da engenharia na remediação biológica de uma área cuja relevância é indiscutível para o estado de São Paulo / This study has an innovative character, once aimed to evaluate the biotechnological application of anaerobic microorganisms degrading pentachlorophenol (PCP) at a severely polluted area in Brazil, estuary of Santos-São Vicente, São Paulo state. This study integrated a group of researches of the sub-project - Diversity of Bacteria Associated to the Degradation of Recalcitrant Compounds, supported by major project BIOTA FAPESP which theme is Molecular Ecology and Polyphasic Taxonomy of Bacteria of Environmental and Agriculture-Industrial Interest. The fundamental question to be answered by the accomplished experimental results was: are the autochthonus microorganisms of the estuary capable of serving as inoculum to degrade the PCP in bioreactors under methanogenic conditions? In order to evaluate this hypothesis, two groups of samples were collected: sediments taken from several sites of the estuary and sediments taken from two sites, one severely contaminated with organochlorine compounds, in front of the São Paulo Metallurgical Company (COSIPA) and other, less contaminated, in the area of Canéus. The establishment of protocol for the PCP and less chlorinated compounds chromatographic determination showed that the extraction method by ultrosonication followed by metilation of the chlorinated compounds was appropriated to evaluate concentrations of 200 ug chlorophenol/Kg of sediment, 2,3; 2,6 dichlorophenols; 2,4,6 and 2,3,6 trichlorophenols. However, it was not appropriated for evaluation of PCP and 2,3,4 trichlorophenol. For the culture medium, the extraction method by vortex agitation followed by acetilation was appropriated for all of the chlorophenols compounds. The quantification limit was 0,1 mg/L. The evaluation of the methanogenic potential and PCP biodegradation was accomplished with the samples of the estuary enriched under halophylic conditions. In the experiments without PCP was possible to obtain cultures of Methanosarcina sp, identified by FISH technique and cells of domain Bacteria, identified by DGGE. In the experiment with PCP dehalogenated cultures were not obtained. To evaluate PCP anaerobic biodegradation by sediments of COSIPA and Caneus sites, sediments collected under anaerobic conditions by a corer device were enriched in a halophylic brine medium with glucose and PCP at concentration of 2.5 mg PCP/g VTS. Periodic additions of 50% of the initial concentration of PCP and 1.25 to 2.5 g/L of glucose were done. With this strategy was possible to obtain PCP dehalogenated cultures. The adsorption was the main mechanism of 50% of PCP removal in the first 12 hours of incubation. The PCP reduction of 77% for Caneus reactor and 70% for COSIPA reactor was related to anaerobic biodegradation. Microscopic exams showed selection of microorganisms, with predominance of cells related to Clostridium sp., and filaments related to methanogenic acetoclastic archaea Methanosaeta sp. chlorophenols volatilization was not observed. The biotechnological application of HAIB reactor in PCP biodegradation was evaluated using sediment of COSIPA site previously enriched with glucose. The reactor was operated by 126 days and hydraulic detention time of 18 hours, with saline brine medium containing glucose (1 g/L) and NaPCP in concentrations of 5, 13, 15 and 21 mg/L. PCP amendments did not affect the overall performance and functional stability of the process. COD and PCP reduction was close to 80% and 100%, respectively with detection of trichlorophenols and dichlorophenols. Percentage of methane in the biogas closed to 30%. Adsorption analyses demonstrated that 287 mg of PCP was removed by adsorption in the biofilm and 825 mg was removed by biodegradation. Biofilm DGGE-profiling showed the presence of specific bands of Bacteria and Archaea domains when PCP was amended. The appearance of new bands of Bacteria showed that this organisms had a direct influence at PCP dehalogentation. Archaea organisms of Methanosarcinaceae family had an indirect influence in this metabolism. This thesis demonstrated that HAIB reactors, using autochthonous microorganisms under halophylic and methanogenic conditions, are a potential alternative for organochlorines bioremediation

The character of the core-mantle boundary : a systematic study using PcP

Gassner, Alexandra Carina January 2012 (has links)
Assuming that liquid iron alloy from the outer core interacts with the solid silicate-rich lower mantle the influence on the core-mantle reflected phase PcP is studied. If the core-mantle boundary is not a sharp discontinuity, this becomes apparent in the waveform and amplitude of PcP. Iron-silicate mixing would lead to regions of partial melting with higher density which in turn reduces the velocity of seismic waves. On the basis of the calculation and interpretation of short-period synthetic seismograms, using the reflectivity and Gauss Beam method, a model space is evaluated for these ultra-low velocity zones (ULVZs). The aim of this thesis is to analyse the behaviour of PcP between 10° and 40° source distance for such models using different velocity and density configurations. Furthermore, the resolution limits of seismic data are discussed. The influence of the assumed layer thickness, dominant source frequency and ULVZ topography are analysed. The Gräfenberg and NORSAR arrays are then used to investigate PcP from deep earthquakes and nuclear explosions. The seismic resolution of an ULVZ is limited both for velocity and density contrasts and layer thicknesses. Even a very thin global core-mantle transition zone (CMTZ), rather than a discrete boundary and also with strong impedance contrasts, seems possible: If no precursor is observable but the PcP_model /PcP_smooth amplitude reduction amounts to more than 10%, a very thin ULVZ of 5 km with a first-order discontinuity may exist. Otherwise, if amplitude reductions of less than 10% are obtained, this could indicate either a moderate, thin ULVZ or a gradient mantle-side CMTZ. Synthetic computations reveal notable amplitude variations as function of the distance and the impedance contrasts. Thereby a primary density effect in the very steep-angle range and a pronounced velocity dependency in the wide-angle region can be predicted. In view of the modelled findings, there is evidence for a 10 to 13.5 km thick ULVZ 600 km south-eastern of Moscow with a NW-SE extension of about 450 km. Here a single specific assumption about the velocity and density anomaly is not possible. This is in agreement with the synthetic results in which several models create similar amplitude-waveform characteristics. For example, a ULVZ model with contrasts of -5% VP / -15% VS and +5% density explain the measured PcP amplitudes. Moreover, below SW Finland and NNW of the Caspian Sea a CMB topography can be assumed. The amplitude measurements indicate a wavelength of 200 km and a height of 1 km topography, previously also shown in the study by Kampfmann and Müller (1989). Better constraints might be provided by a joined analysis of seismological data, mineralogical experiments and geodynamic modelling. / Unter der Annahme, dass flüssiges Eisen aus dem äußeren Erdkern mit dem festen, silikat-reichen Unteren Mantel reagiert, wird eine Einflussnahme auf die Kern-Mantel Reflexionsphase PcP erwartet. Ist die Kern-Mantel Grenze aufgeweicht, und nicht wie bislang angenommen ein diskreter Übergang, so zeichnet sich dies in der Wellenform und Amplitude von PcP ab. Die Interaktion mit Eisen führt zu teilweise aufgeschmolzenen Bereichen höherer Dichte, welche die seismischen Wellengeschwindigkeiten herabsetzen. Basierend auf den Berechnungen von kurzperiodischen synthetischen Seismogrammen, mittels der Reflektivitäts- und Gauss Beam Methode, soll ein möglicher Modellraum dieser Niedriggeschwindigkeitszonen ermittelt werden. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es das Verhalten von PcP im Distanzbereich von 10° bis 40° unter dem Einfluss dieser Modelle mit diversen Geschwindigkeits- und Dichtekontrasten zu untersuchen. Ferner wird das Auflösungsvermögen hinsichtlich seismischer Daten diskutiert. Entscheidende Parameter wie Anomaliedicke, Quellfrequenz und Topographie werden hierbei analysiert. Tiefe Erdbeben und Kernexplosionen, die sich im entsprechenden Entfernungsbereich zum Gräfenberg und NORSAR Array befinden, werden anschließend im Hinblick auf PcP ausgewertet. Das seismische Auflösungsvermögen von Niedriggeschwindigkeitszonen ist stark begrenzt sowohl in Bezug auf Geschwindigkeits- und Dichtekontraste als auch hinsichtlich der Mächtigkeit. Es besteht sogar die Möglichkeit einer dünnen, globalen Kern-Mantel Übergangszone, selbst mit großen Impedanzkontrasten, ohne dass dies mit seismologischen Methoden detektiert werden könnte: Wird kein precursor zu PcP beobachtet aber das PcPmodel /PcPsmooth Amplitudenverhältnis zeigt gleichzeitig eine Reduktion von mehr als 10%, dann könnte eine sehr dünne Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone von ca. 5 km Mächtigkeit und einer Diskontinuität erster Ordnung vorliegen. Andererseits, ist PcP um weniger als 10% reduziert, könnte dies entweder auf eine dünne, moderate Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone oder einen graduellen Kern-Mantel Übergang hindeuten. Die synthetischen Berechnungen ergeben starke Amplitudenvariationen als Funktion der Distanz, welche auf den Impedanzkontrast zurückzuführen sind. Dabei ergibt sich ein primärer Dichteeffekt im extremen Steilwinkelbereich und ein maßgeblicher Geschwindigkeitseinfluss im Weitwinkelbereich. Im Hinblick auf die modellierten Resultate lässt sich eine 10 - 13.5 km mächtige Niedriggeschwindigkeitszone 600 km südöstlich von Moskau mit einer NW-SE Ausdehnung von mindestens 450 km folgern, wobei eine exakte Aussage über Geschwindigkeiten und Dichte nicht möglich ist. Dies ist im Konsens mit den synthetischen Berechnungen, wonach viele unterschiedliche Modelle ähnliche Amplituden- und Wellenformcharakteristiken erzeugen. Zum Beispiel erklärt ein Modell mit Kontrasten von -5% VP / -15% VS and +5% Dichte die gemessenen PcP Amplituden. Darüber hinaus können unterhalb des südwestlichen Finnlands und nord-nordwestlich des Kaspischen Meeres Undulationen an der Kern-Mantel Grenze selbst vermutet werden. Unter Berücksichtigung früherer Studien, z. B. von Kampfmann and Müller (1989), deuten die Messergebnisse auf eine laterale Topographie von 200 km und eine Höhe von 1 km hin. Eine Eingrenzung der potentiellen Anomaliemodelle kann nur durch eine gemeinsame Auswertung mit mineralogischen Experimenten und geodynamischen Modellierungen erfolgen.

Análise das circunstâncias econômicas da prática criminosa no Estado do Paraná: estudo de caso nas penitenciárias estadual, central e feminina de Piraquara / An analysis of the economic circumstances of criminal practice in the State of Paraná: the case study in the Central, Feminine, and State Penitentiary, Piraquara.

Borilli, Salete Polonia 05 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Salete Polonia Borilli.pdf: 961192 bytes, checksum: 1481efd9b520753fbb339f4168f11673 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-05 / The objective of this work consists of an analysis of the economic crime of Paraná State through a case study developed in the Central (PCP), Feminine (PFP) and State (PEP) Penitentiaries in the city of Piraquara, based on a primary data collected from questionnaires/interviews which were applied to previously judged and condemned defendants for economic crimes. In this research, the hypothesis that the criminals migration to illegal activities was in the hope of earning more than the risks of the activity was not rejected. The option for the practice of crime of economic nature is a rational and individual one, with or without the influence of others, in face of the perception of costs and benefits such as those made by individuals in relation to others decisions of economic nature. The offenders make individual decisions when the results of criminal action fulfill their interest well or better than the collective action. The relation crime-unemployment did not prove to be so strong in this research, since the majority of the respondents were working when the practice of crime happened. The association of criminality with low level of education was confirmed; the majority of respondents have got only Educação Fundamental (first to four grades), what suggests that high levels of education and better jobs (well payment) can restrict or to retrain the criminality. We observed that more audacious criminal practices besides high levels of organization and planning are essential requisites to these tasks. The principal crime realized were: robbery deal in drugs, fraud, armed-robbery, abduction and extortion that the majority were realized by white young men from the State of Paraná, member of a religious community and having a family. The choice of the type of crime to be realized and the victims, was determined in function of material interest and possible earnings. The main personal motivation to act illegally vis-à-vis to legal was: the induction of friends, the greediness, to maintain the vice, the inconsequence and the wish of adventure, the difficult of money and the idea of easy earnings. The main factors of failure were: the informer, the police's action and their own failure; though, the failure do not refer to the punishment, but to the economic gains not reached. The research revealed that for most of respondents the illegal activity results in some degree of success and for a significant number the economic return was the expected, what justify the great number of relapsing. Finally, for the majority of them the Justice System was considered as insufficient to impede the criminal activity. / O objetivo deste trabalho consiste na análise do crime econômico no Paraná por meio de um estudo de caso nas Penitenciárias Central de Piraquara (PCP), Estadual de Piraquara (PEP) e Feminina de Piraquara (PFP), a partir de dados primários obtidos via aplicação de questionários/entrevistas a réus já julgados e condenados por crimes econômicos. Como corolário deste estudo, não se rejeitou a hipótese de que os criminosos migraram para as atividades ilegais na esperança de os ganhos esperados superassem os riscos da atividade. A opção pela prática do crime de natureza econômica é uma decisão individual tomada racionalmente, com ou sem influências de terceiros, em face da percepção de custos e benefícios, assim como os indivíduos fazem em relação a outras decisões de natureza econômica. Os criminosos agem individualmente quando os resultados da ação criminosa servem aos seus interesses tão bem, ou melhor, que a ação coletiva. A relação crime-desemprego não se constatou tão fortemente neste estudo, pois a maioria dos entrevistados estava trabalhando na época da prática do crime. A associação da criminalidade com o baixo nível de escolaridade foi confirmada, porquanto a maioria dos entrevistados possuía até o 1o grau, o que sugere que maiores níveis educacionais e melhores empregos (com maiores remunerações) podem vir a coibir e/ou tolher a criminalidade. Observou-se que práticas criminosas mais audaciosas e com maior nível de organização e planejamento fazem da educação um requisito essencial para execução de suas tarefas. Os principais crimes econômicos cometidos foram: roubo, latrocínio, tráfico de drogas, furto, estelionato, seqüestro e extorsão, concentrados na sua maioria nos homens brancos, paranaenses, jovens, tendo religião e família. A escolha do tipo de crime a ser praticado, bem como suas vítimas, foi determinado em função do interesse material e da possível renda auferida. Os fatores motivacionais que levaram o indivíduo a atuar no setor ilegal vis-à-vis o setor legal foram: a indução de "amigos", a cobiça/ambição/ganância, manter o sustento do vício, a inconseqüência e desejo de aventura, a dificuldade financeira e a idéia do ganho fácil. Os principais fatores que levaram ao insucesso foram: o dedo-duro (alcagüete), a ação da polícia e a falha própria - descuido, contudo o insucesso citado não se refere à punibilidade, e sim ao retorno econômico não alcançado. A pesquisa revelou que para a maioria dos entrevistados a atividade ilegal resultou em algum grau de sucesso e para um número significativo o retorno econômico foi o esperado, o que justifica o alto índice de reincidentes. Finalmente, o Sistema de Justiça foi considerado, pela maioria, como ineficiente para coibir a atividade criminosa.

Contribuição à exploração tecnológica dos estudos microbianos realizados no programa BIOTA FAPESP: avaliação do potencial da degradação anaeróbia de pentaclorofenol (PCP) em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) / Contribution to technological research of the microbial studies done at program BIOTA FAPESP: evaluation of anaerobic Pentachlorophenol (PCP) biodegradation in a horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor

Flávia Talarico Saia 01 July 2005 (has links)
O estudo que ora se apresenta integrou o conjunto de pesquisas do sub-projeto - Diversidade de Bactérias Associadas à Degradação de Compostos Recalcitrantes, do projeto temático BIOTA FAPESP - Ecologia Molecular e Taxonomia Polifásica de Bactérias de Interesse Ambiental e Agro-Industrial. Apresenta caráter inovador, na medida em que procurou avaliar o potencial de aplicação biotecnológica de microrganismos anaeróbios de uma área severamente contaminada no Brasil, o estuário de Santos-São Vicente, em degradar o pentaclorofenol (PCP). A pergunta fundamental a ser respondida pelos resultados experimentais realizados foi: são os microrganismos autóctones do estuário capazes de servirem de inóculo para degradar o pentaclorofenol em biorreatores sob condições metanogênicas? Dois grupos de amostras foram avaliados, o primeiro, uma parcela composta por vários sedimentos coletados no estuário e, o segundo, sedimentos coletados na região do Largo de Canéus e na frente da Companhia Siderúrgica Paulista (COSIPA). O estabelecimento da determinação cromatográfica do PCP e congêneres menos clorados para o monitoramento experimental mostrou que na análise da presença dos clorofenóis nos sedimentos, o método de extração por ultrassom com posterior metilação dos analitos foi adequado para concentração mínima de 200 'mü'g clorofenóis/Kg sedimento para 2,3; 2,6 diclorofenóis; 2,4,6 e 2,3,6 triclorofenóis. Contudo, não foi adequado para a determinação do PCP e 2,3,4 triclorofenol. Para o meio de cultivo, o método de extração do PCP por agitação em vórtex e acetilação dos analitos mostrou-se adequado para todos os clorofenóis e com limite de quantificação de 0,1 mg/L. A avaliação do potencial metanogênico foi realizada com as amostras compostas do estuário enriquecidas sob condições halofílicas. O valor estável de metano no biogás de 50% foi obtido nos primeiros 20 dias de incubação. O sedimento nessas condições foi utilizado como inóculo para fins de isolamento de culturas metanogênicas, redutoras do íon sulfato e degradadoras de PCP. Não foram obtidas culturas desalogenadoras; porém foram isoladas arquéias metanogênicas, cultivadas em metanol, acetato e formiato de sódio, bem como bactérias cultivadas em lactato de sódio na presença e ausência de sulfato de sódio. Ensaios fisiológicos aliados aos métodos moleculares FISH e DGGE permitiram identificar arquéias metanogênicas do gênero Methanosarcina sp. e microrganismos do domínio Bacteria. Os sedimentos individualmente estudados foram coletados com maior controle de anaerobiose empregando-se amostrador do tipo corer. O enriquecimento destes sedimentos, inicialmente sob concentração de 2,5 mg PCP/g STV e com adições periódicas de 50% da concentração inicial do clorofenol e 1,25 a 2,5 g/L de glicose por 13 meses a 30 graus Celsius, resultou na obtenção de culturas degradadoras do PCP sob anaerobiose estrita. Nos reatores controles sem PCP, já primeiros 20 dias de incubação 70% de metano foi determinado no biogás. Nos reatores com PCP, a produção do metano (20%) iniciou após 100 dias. A adsorção foi o principal mecanismo de remoção de 50% do PCP nas primeiras 12 horas de incubação dos enriquecimentos. Posteriormente, a redução do PCP no meio de 77% para a amostra de Canéus e 70% para a da COSIPA foi relacionada a mecanismos de biodegradação anaeróbia, como a desalogenação redutiva. Exames microscópicos mostraram a seleção de microrganismos na presença de PCP, com predomínio de bacilos formadores de esporos semelhantes ao gênero Clostridium sp., filamentos diversos e filamentos semelhantes as arquéias metanogênicas acetoclásticas relacionadas ao gênero Methanosaeta sp. O enriquecimento foi realizado sob condições halofílicas, segunda a salinidade de cada amostra estudada no estuário. Não houve perda do clorofenol por volatilização. Os resultados obtidos no enriquecimento anterior viabilizaram o estudo seguro do potencial anaeróbio dos microrganismos oriundos do sedimento da COSIPA em metabolizar o PCP em reator contínuo do tipo RAHLF. Assim, sedimento enriquecido sob condições metanogênicas e halofílicas foi inoculado no RAHLF, controlando-se rigorosamente a anaerobiose. O reator preenchido com cubos de espuma de poliuretana foi operado por 126 dias e tempo de detenção hidráulica de 18 horas, com meio de cultura salino contendo glicose (1 g/L) como principal fonte de carbono e PCP-Na nas concentrações de 5, 13, 15 e 21 mg/L. O desempenho do RAHLF foi estável com boa eficiência durante toda a operação. A redução dos níveis de matéria orgânica medida em DQO variou de 70 a 100% e a de PCP foi de 99%, com detecção de intermediários menos clorados e sob teores de metano no biogás de 20%. Da massa de 1111,73 mg de PCP aplicada no reator, 286,9 mg ficou retida no sistema pelo processo de adsorção nas biopartículas e 824,83 mg foi biodegradada. As análises morfológicas dos tipos celulares, em conjunto com as técnicas moleculares DGGE e FISH, revelaram a presença de grupos microbianos do domínio Archaea pertencente à família Methanosarcinacea e grupos do domínio Bacteria. A participação de grupos de domínio Bacteria, cuja estrutura dos tipos microbianos na comunidade variou ao longo do RAHLF e das concentrações de PCP, e dos organismos metanogênicos da família Methanosarcinacea, possibilitou responder a questão inicialmente formulada, uma vez que se pode afirmar que os microrganismos autóctones foram capazes de degradar o PCP sob condições metanogênicas e halofílicas, com eficiência adequada. A prática para a seleção dos microrganismos retirados do ambiente estuarino, de interesse para biotecnologia anaeróbia aplicada ao saneamento ambiental, que empregou o reator do tipo RAHLF, parece promissora para avanços da engenharia na remediação biológica de uma área cuja relevância é indiscutível para o estado de São Paulo / This study has an innovative character, once aimed to evaluate the biotechnological application of anaerobic microorganisms degrading pentachlorophenol (PCP) at a severely polluted area in Brazil, estuary of Santos-São Vicente, São Paulo state. This study integrated a group of researches of the sub-project - Diversity of Bacteria Associated to the Degradation of Recalcitrant Compounds, supported by major project BIOTA FAPESP which theme is Molecular Ecology and Polyphasic Taxonomy of Bacteria of Environmental and Agriculture-Industrial Interest. The fundamental question to be answered by the accomplished experimental results was: are the autochthonus microorganisms of the estuary capable of serving as inoculum to degrade the PCP in bioreactors under methanogenic conditions? In order to evaluate this hypothesis, two groups of samples were collected: sediments taken from several sites of the estuary and sediments taken from two sites, one severely contaminated with organochlorine compounds, in front of the São Paulo Metallurgical Company (COSIPA) and other, less contaminated, in the area of Canéus. The establishment of protocol for the PCP and less chlorinated compounds chromatographic determination showed that the extraction method by ultrosonication followed by metilation of the chlorinated compounds was appropriated to evaluate concentrations of 200 ug chlorophenol/Kg of sediment, 2,3; 2,6 dichlorophenols; 2,4,6 and 2,3,6 trichlorophenols. However, it was not appropriated for evaluation of PCP and 2,3,4 trichlorophenol. For the culture medium, the extraction method by vortex agitation followed by acetilation was appropriated for all of the chlorophenols compounds. The quantification limit was 0,1 mg/L. The evaluation of the methanogenic potential and PCP biodegradation was accomplished with the samples of the estuary enriched under halophylic conditions. In the experiments without PCP was possible to obtain cultures of Methanosarcina sp, identified by FISH technique and cells of domain Bacteria, identified by DGGE. In the experiment with PCP dehalogenated cultures were not obtained. To evaluate PCP anaerobic biodegradation by sediments of COSIPA and Caneus sites, sediments collected under anaerobic conditions by a corer device were enriched in a halophylic brine medium with glucose and PCP at concentration of 2.5 mg PCP/g VTS. Periodic additions of 50% of the initial concentration of PCP and 1.25 to 2.5 g/L of glucose were done. With this strategy was possible to obtain PCP dehalogenated cultures. The adsorption was the main mechanism of 50% of PCP removal in the first 12 hours of incubation. The PCP reduction of 77% for Caneus reactor and 70% for COSIPA reactor was related to anaerobic biodegradation. Microscopic exams showed selection of microorganisms, with predominance of cells related to Clostridium sp., and filaments related to methanogenic acetoclastic archaea Methanosaeta sp. chlorophenols volatilization was not observed. The biotechnological application of HAIB reactor in PCP biodegradation was evaluated using sediment of COSIPA site previously enriched with glucose. The reactor was operated by 126 days and hydraulic detention time of 18 hours, with saline brine medium containing glucose (1 g/L) and NaPCP in concentrations of 5, 13, 15 and 21 mg/L. PCP amendments did not affect the overall performance and functional stability of the process. COD and PCP reduction was close to 80% and 100%, respectively with detection of trichlorophenols and dichlorophenols. Percentage of methane in the biogas closed to 30%. Adsorption analyses demonstrated that 287 mg of PCP was removed by adsorption in the biofilm and 825 mg was removed by biodegradation. Biofilm DGGE-profiling showed the presence of specific bands of Bacteria and Archaea domains when PCP was amended. The appearance of new bands of Bacteria showed that this organisms had a direct influence at PCP dehalogentation. Archaea organisms of Methanosarcinaceae family had an indirect influence in this metabolism. This thesis demonstrated that HAIB reactors, using autochthonous microorganisms under halophylic and methanogenic conditions, are a potential alternative for organochlorines bioremediation

Neonatal phencyclidine (PCP) induced deficits in rats : a behavioural investigation of relevance to schizophrenia

Rajagopal, Lakshmi January 2011 (has links)
Background: The main aim of the studies in this thesis is to provide insights into the neonatal phencyclidine (PCP) induced deficits in male and female rats as a neurodevelopmental animal model of schizophrenia. Methods: Both male and female rats were treated with neonatal PCP on postnatal days (PNDs) 7,9 and 11 or vehicle, followed by weaning on PND 21-22. The rats were then tested in behavioural paradigms such as novel object recognition, spatial memory and social interaction in their adolescent and adult stages and were also tested with acute treatment of typical and atypical antipsychotic agents. Results: Neonatal PCP treatment (10 & 20 mg/kg in males and 10 mg/kg in females; once a day for 3 days on PND 7,9 and 11) caused novel object recognition and spatial memory impairment in male and female rats both in the adolescent (PND35-56) and in the adult stages (PND>56) (chapter 2) and robust deficits in social interaction behaviours in the adolescent stage. The SI deficits were observed in adulthood in female but not in male rats thereby establishing a sex-specific social behavioural deficit (chapter 3). The object memory and social interaction deficits induced by neonatal PCP treatment were reversed following acute risperidone but not haloperidol. Finally, the temporal profile of this treatment regime was investigated and the male and female animals were tested on PND 190 and PND 365. The animals did not have any challenge dose of PCP during their testing stage. The result showed that there was significant deficit in object and spatial recognition memory in both male and female animals at both time points, thereby establishing enduring deficits. Conclusion: Given the heterogeneity of the schizophrenic disorder and its complex aetiology, it is understandably difficult to find animal models that completely mimic most or all of the symptoms associated with the disorder. However, data from the studies in this thesis support the use of neonatal PCP as a valid animal model of cognitive and negative symptoms, and explores the effect of antipsychotics in understanding the model. Also, in light of the efficacy of neonatal PCP to produce robust object, spatial memory and social interaction deficits in rats, it appears that this model may be a useful tool to investigate the potential of novel therapeutic candidates that may help improve therapy and understand the illness.

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