Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5peptides synthesis"" "subject:"depeptides synthesis""
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Design, Synthesis And Conformational Analysis Of Peptides Containing Omega And D-Amino AcidsRaja, K Muruga Poopathi 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Estudos de síntese, relação estrutura-atividade e modo de ação de peptídeos antimicrobianos ricos em glicina / Study of glycine-rich antimicrobial peptides: synthesis, structure-activity relationship and mode of actionCesar Manuel Remuzgo Ruiz 06 February 2009 (has links)
Proteínas e peptídeos ricos em glicina são encontrados em animais e plantas. Alguns apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. Como pouco se sabe sobre suas síntese, estrutura, relação estrutura-atividade e mecanismo de ação, tais tópicos foram estudados para os antimicrobianos cheferina I (Chef I) e/ou fragmentos da acantoscurrina (acanto). No que se refere à Chef I (67,9% de Gly, 28,6% de His, seis repetições do motivo GGH e uma Tyr), sintetizamos, purificamos, caracterizamos e testamos Chef I, os seus análogos truncados na(s) porção(ções) N- ou/e C-terminal (is) e os análogos amidados Chef la, Chef I (3-28)a e Chef I (6-28)a. Os três últimos e Chef I foram igualmente ativos frente a cepas de C. albicans (MIC: 12,5 µM), mas não frente a cepas de C. tropicalis e S. cerevisiae. A amidação tornou o análogo Chef I (3-28)a mais ativo frente a tais cepas. Enquanto as atividades antifúngicas de Chef la e de seus análogos foram reduzidas pelo aumento da força iônica, elas foram aumentadas em presença de ZnCl2 5-10 µM. A 62,5 µM a Chef la foi letal para C. albicans MDM8. Ela foi pouco hemolítica em tampão fosfato contendo NaCl ou em tampão glicose fosfato isotônico (100 µM: 18%). Análises por microscopia confocal e citometria de fluxo revelaram que Chef la marcada com carboxifluoresceína (FAM-Chef la) foi rapidamente internalizada nas células de C. albicans MDM8, um processo que não foi afetado pela força iônica do meio e se mostrou dependente de ATP e temperatura. Quanto aos fragmentos da acanto (proteína com 132 aminoácidos, 73% de Gly e 3 repetições de uma seqüência de 26 aminoácidos), estudamos a síntese em fase sólida dos fragmentos N- e C-terminais, acanto (1-22) e acanto (101-132) , respectivamente, e da porção repetitiva, acanto (23-48). Apesar de uma predição teórica não ter indicado alto potencial de agregação para a acanto, as sínteses foram problemáticas: a ocorrência de aminoacilações incompletas repetitivas a 60° C usando diferentes estratégias, resinas, reagentes acopladores, solventes e sais caotrópicos sugeriram a ocorrência de agregação das cadeias peptídicas em crescimento sobre as resinas O uso da resina CLEAR amida permitiu a obtenção do acanto (113-132). Tentativa de síntese convergente em fase sólida não foi bem sucedida. Espectros Raman das peptidil-resinas obtidas confirmaram a presença de estruturas em folha β pregueada. Somente o uso combinado de resina CLEAR amida, 60°C, 20% DMSO/NMP, Fmoc-(Fmoc-Hmb)Gly-OH e LiCI permitiram a síntese total de acanto (101-132) . O uso da resina CLEAR ácida permitiu a síntese do fragmento acanto (23-48) e acanto (10-22) , esta última durante a tentativa de síntese do acanto (1-22) . Os rendimentos foram baixissimos e os espectros Raman das peptidil-resinas correspondentes também indicaram a formação de folhas β pregueadas. Estes resultados indicaram que Chef I (3-28)a mimetiza Chef I, que Chef la é um fungicida potente com alvo intracelular, que a internalização do seu análogo marcado na célula de levedura ocorra via endocitose, que a Chef la tem potencial para agir como uma droga de uso tópico e que os fragmentos de acanto são \"difficult sequences\" típicas. / Proteins and peptides with high content of glycine have been found in animais and plants. Some of them display antimicrobial activity. As little is known about their chemical synthesis, structure, structure-activity relationship and mode of action, we studied such topics using shepherin I (Shep I) and fragments of acanthoscurrin (acantho) as targets. Concerning to Shep I (67.9% of Gly, 28.6% of His, six direct repeats of the motif GGH and one Tyr), we synthesized, purified, characterized and tested Shep I, its analogues truncated at the N- and/or C-terminal portions and the amidated analogues Shep la, Shep I (3-28)a and Shep I (6-28)a. The last three analogues and Shep I were equally active against C. albicans (MIC: 12.5 µM) strains, but not against C. tropicalis and S. cerevisiae strains. Cterminal amidation made Shef I (3-28)a more active against those fungai strains. Anticandidal activities of Shep la and truncated analogues were inhibited in high ionic strength solutions, but enhanced at 10 µM ZnCI (2 to 8-fold). At 62.5 µM (5 MIC), Shep la killed C. albicans MDM8 in 30 mino It caused low hemolysis in phosphate buffered saline and isotonic glucose phosphate buffer (100 µM: 18%). Confocal microscopy and flow cytometry analyses revealed that Shep I modified with carboxyfluorescein (FAM-Shep la) was rapidly internalized into C. albicans MDM8 cells, process not affected by ionic strength and showed to be energy and temperature-dependent. As to the fragments of acantho (a protein with 132 amino acids, 73% of Gly, and three repeats of 26 amino acids), we studied solid-phase syntheses of the N- and C-terminal portions, acantho (1-22) and acantho (101-132), respectively, and of the repetitive portion, acantho (23-48). A theoretical prediction did not indicate high aggregation potential for acantho, but solid-phase syntheses were troublesome: repetitive incomplete aminoacylations took place even at 60°C using different strategies, resins, coupling reagents, solvents and chaotropic salts, suggesting aggregation of the growing peptide chains. Change to CLEAR amide resin allowed obtaining acantho (113-132) . Attempt using convergent solid phase synthesis was not successful. Raman spectra of the growingpeptidyl-resins revealed pleated β-sheet structures. Only the combination of CLEAR amide resin, 60°C, 20% DMSO/NMP, Fmoc-(Fmoc-Hmb)Gly-OH and LiCl allowed the total synthesis of acantho (101-132). The use of CLEAR acid resin also allowed obtaining the fragments acantho (23-48) and acantho (10-22), the last one during the attempt of the synthesis of acantho (1-22). The synthesis yields were extremely low and, again, the Raman spectra of the growing peptide-resins indicated the occurrence of pleated β-sheet structures. Altogether, the results indicated that Shep l (3-28)a mimics the fungicidal activity of Shep l, Shep la is a potent anticandidacidal peptide that has an intracellular target, FAM Shep la may be internalized into the fungai cells via endocytosis, Shep la has the potential to act as a drug for topical use and acantho fragments are typical difficult sequences.
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N- To C-Directed solid phase azapeptide synthesisDif-Yaiche, Lylia 05 1900 (has links)
L'utilisation de peptides en tant qu'agents thérapeutiques est une stratégie très répandue
dans le domaine médical, en partie grâce aux propriétés pharmacologiques conférées par leurs
structures tridimensionnelles. Des méthodes de fabrication de peptides rentables et
respectueuses de l'environnement sont souhaitées pour répondre aux demandes du marché
Les azapeptides sont des analogues peptidiques dans lesquels un ou plusieurs atomes de
carbone en α (α-C) d’un acide aminé sont substitués par un azote. Ils offrent des propriétés
physicochimiques différentes qui augmentent le potentiel thérapeutique de peptides.
La synthèse chimique peptidique traditionnelle se déroule du sens C-terminal vers Nterminal.
Cette approche nécessite une utilisation importante de groupes protecteurs et de
réactifs de condensation, ce qui crée des charges environnementales dues aux déchets
chimiques. En outre, les peptides naturels biologiquement actifs présentent souvent une
modification au niveau du C-terminal, ce qui rend ce type de modifications difficiles dans le sens
classique de synthèse. Leurs synthèses dans le sens inverse peut surmonter ces limitations.
Cependant, peu de travaux ont exploré la synthèse peptidique du côté N-terminal vers le côté Cterminal,
en raison des épimérisations observées durant l’élongation peptidique.
Dans ce mémoire nous démontrons le développement d’une nouvelle méthode pour la
synthèse d’azapeptides du côté N-terminal vers le côté C-terminal sur support solide. Nous avons
exploré deux voies de synthèses qui reposent sur l’incorporation d’un espaceur entre le support
solide et le peptide. L’approche utilisée pour l’élongation peptidique se fera via l’hydrazinolyse
du C-terminal protégé, suivie par une activation du couplage peptidique par un intermédiaire
acyle d’azoture. L’hydrazinolyse servira également à l’incorporation du motif hydrazine au sein
du squelette peptidique pour générer le motif azapeptide. En utilisant la méthionine comme
initiateur de la synthèse peptidique, ces travaux ont démontré qu’il est possible de récupérer
l’azapeptide synthétisé en utilisant la méthode de clivage de résine via le bromure de cyanogène. / The use of peptides as therapeutic agents is a widespread strategy in the medicinal field,
in part due to pharmacological properties conferred by their three-dimensional structures. Costeffective
and environmentally friendly peptide manufacturing methods are desired to address
therapeutic market demands.
Replacement of one or more of the alpha-carbon centers of the amino acid residues in a
peptide by a nitrogen yields an azapeptide analog. This substitution may enhance peptide activity
and selectivity. Azapeptides can also exhibit prolonged duration of action and increased
metabolic stability.
Traditional peptide synthesis uses C-terminal to N-terminal elongation. This approach
requires significant use of protecting groups and condensation reagents, creating environmental
burdens from chemical waste. In addition, biologically active natural peptides often feature a Cterminal
modification, making this type of modification difficult to achieve using the classical
sense of synthesis. To overcome these challenges, the concept of inverse chemical synthesis has
been considered as an alternative for peptide production. However, its adoption has faced
hurdles due in part to epimerization.
In this study, we explore azapeptide synthesis in the N- to C-direction. Linker strategies
were studied for azapeptide elongation in the inverse direction. Two pathways were explored
using a spacer strategy between the solid support and the peptide to be elongated. The approach
relies on peptide elongation by hydrazinolysis of C-terminal esters, activation and coupling via
acyl azides. Hydrazinolysis is also used to incorporate the aza-motif into the peptide backbone.
Using methionine as a precursor for azapeptide synthesis, this work demonstrated peptide
cleavage using cyanogen bromide.
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Estudos estruturais de histatina-5 e seu análogo, TOAC0-histatina-5: interação com metais e sistemas biomiméticos / Structural studies of Histatin-5 and its analogue, TOAC0-Histatin-5: interaction with metals and biomimetic systemsDyszy, Fábio Henrique 09 September 2008 (has links)
O mecanismo de ação da Histatina-5 (Hst-5), um peptídeo antimicrobiano da saliva humana com ação fungicida, não está esclarecido. Dicroísmo circular (CD), fluorescência e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) foram empregados para examinar as propriedades conformacionais de Hst-5 e seu análogo contendo o aminoácido paramagnético TOAC N-terminal (TOAC0-Hst-5) em solução aquosa, em função do pH, de TFE, e de íons metálicos, e em presença de membranas modelo de composição. Foi examinada a atividade dos dois peptídeos em membranas lipídicas planas, na permeabilização de membranas modelo e frente o fungo Candida albicans e eritrócitos humanos, com o objetivo de estabelecer correlações entre a atividade e a estrutura dos peptídeos. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a capacidade de TOAC de suprimir a fluorescência e que o pK dos resíduos de Tyr foram deslocados. Espectros de CD mostraram pequenas flutuações conformacionais, mas foram mantidas estruturas ao acaso. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram a coexistência de duas populações, protonada e desprotonada, em troca lenta. A partir de medidas de desdobramento hiperfino (aN), foram calculados pKs de TOAC; a relação de altura dos picos de campo central e alto também foi sensível à titulação do peptídeo. Em TFE os peptídeos adotaram conformação α-helicoidal (CD). Espectros de fluorescência de Hst-5 mostraram aumento da fluorescência, e os de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram supressão, indicando aproximação de TOAC dos resíduos de Tyr. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 também refletiram as mudanças conformacionais. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a interação de Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 com Cu2+, Mn2+ e Zn2+, permitindo o cálculo de constantes de ligação. Espectros de CD refletiram pequenas variações conformacionais, sem aquisição de estrutura secundária. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 na presença dos íons paramagnéticos Cu2+ e Mn2+ indicaram interações spin-spin, permitindo o cálculo das distâncias metal-nitróxido. Curvas de tempo de correlação rotacional em função da concentração dos íons permitiram calcular constantes de ligação da mesma ordem de grandeza daquelas obtidas por fluorescência. Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 ligaram-se em maior extensão a micelas negativas do que a zwitteriônicas num processo pH-dependente. Estudos de supressão de fluorescência por acrilamida confirmaram esses resultados, indicando a modulação por interações eletrostáticas. Espectros de CD mostraram que os peptídeos adotam conformação em dobra β tipo I. Estudos de RPE da interação de TOAC0-Hst-5 com vesículas de composição lipídica mimetizando membranas de E. coli e C. albicans (carga líquida negativa) e eritrócitos (carga líquida zero) confirmaram essa modulaçao. Na presença das membranas negativamente carregadas os espectros apresentaram extremos externos e internos, indicando que o eixo z do nitróxido orienta-se paralelamente à normal à bicamada. Estudos funcionais utilizando bicamadas lipídicas planas mostraram que TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, forma poros. Também, TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, permeabiliza vesículas carregadas negativamente. Ainda, a atividade fungicida de TOAC0-Hst-5 foi maior do que a de Hst-5 na ausência de íons, porém foi a mesma na presença de Mn2+ e Zn2+. Finalmente, TOAC0-Hst-5 mostrou maior atividade hemolítica que Hst-5. Esses resultados sugerem uma possível diferença nos mecanismos de ação de Hst-5 e seu análogo marcado, apesar da semelhança no comportamento conformacional dos peptídeos. / The mechanism of action of histatin-5 (Hst-5), an antifungal antimicrobial peptide from human saliva is not completely clarified. Circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were used to examine the conformational behavior of Hst-5 and its analogue containing the paramagnetic amino acid TOAC at the N-terminus (TOAC0-Hst-5). Conformational properties were investigated in aqueous solution, as a function of pH, TFE, and addition of metal ions, and in the presence of model membranes of variable lipid composition. The activity of both peptides was examined in planar lipid membranes and with regard to permeabilization of model membranes. Activity was also tested towards the fungus Candida albicans and human erythrocytes, with the scope of establishing structure-function correlations. Fluorescence studies showed that TOAC0-Hst-5 is able to quench the peptide fluorescence and that the pK of the Tyr residues was shifted to lower values. CD spectra indicated that small conformational fluctuations occurred with increasing pH, but the overall unordered structure of the peptides was kept. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 showed the coexistence of two populations, one protonated and one unprotonated, in slow exchange. The pK of TOAC was calculated from measurements of the isotropic hyperfine splitting (aN); the ratios of heights of the mid-field line and the high-field line were also sensitive to the peptide titration. In TFE, the peptides acquired -helical conformation (CD). Fluorescence spectra of Hst-5 showed an increase of fluorescence, while those of TOAC0-Hst-5 revealed quenching, indicating that, on the average, the TOAC residue becomes closer to the Tyr residues as a consequence of the peptide acquiring α-helical conformation. EPR spectra also reflected the conformational changes undergone by the peptide. Fluorescence studies indicated that Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue interacted with Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ ions, allowing the calculation of binding constants. CD spectra reflected the occurrence of small conformational fluctuations, without acquisition of stable secondary structure. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 in the presence of the paramagnetic ions Cu2+ and Mn2+ evinced the occurrence of spin-spin interactions, allowing the calculation of metal-nitroxide distances. Curves of rotational correlation times as a function of ion concentration yielded values for the binding constants of the same order of magnitude as those calculated from fluorescence measurements. Hst-5 and TOAC0-Hst-5 bound to a larger extent to negatively charged than to zwitterionic micelles, in a pH-dependent process. Studies of fluorescence quenching by water soluble acrylamide confirmed these results, pointing to the fact that binding is largely modulated by electrostatic interactions. CD spectra indicated that, upon binding to micelles, the peptides acquire a type I β-turn conformation. EPR studies of the interaction between TOAC0-Hst-5 and lipid vesicles whose composition mimicked those of E. coli and C. albicans (both with net negative surface charge) and erythrocytes (net zero surface charge) confirmed this modulation. In the presence of negatively charged membranes, the spectra presented outer and inner extrema, indicating that the nitroxide z axis is oriented parallel to the bilayer normal. Functional studies with planar lipid bilayers showed that TOAC0-Hst-5, but not the native peptide, forms pores. Also, TOAC0-Hst-5, but not Hst-5, permeabilizes negatively charged vesicles. Moreover, the fungicidal activity of TOAC0-Hst-5 was greater than that of Hst-5 in the absence of metal ions. However, in contrast with the native peptide, whose activity increased in the presence of Zn2+ and Mn2+, that of the analogue was the same in the absence and presence of the ions. Finally, TOAC0-Hst-5 had a more pronounced hemolytic activity than Hst-5. These results suggest a possible difference in the mechanisms of action of Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue, in spite of the similarity of their conformational behavior.
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Estudos estruturais de histatina-5 e seu análogo, TOAC0-histatina-5: interação com metais e sistemas biomiméticos / Structural studies of Histatin-5 and its analogue, TOAC0-Histatin-5: interaction with metals and biomimetic systemsFábio Henrique Dyszy 09 September 2008 (has links)
O mecanismo de ação da Histatina-5 (Hst-5), um peptídeo antimicrobiano da saliva humana com ação fungicida, não está esclarecido. Dicroísmo circular (CD), fluorescência e ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE) foram empregados para examinar as propriedades conformacionais de Hst-5 e seu análogo contendo o aminoácido paramagnético TOAC N-terminal (TOAC0-Hst-5) em solução aquosa, em função do pH, de TFE, e de íons metálicos, e em presença de membranas modelo de composição. Foi examinada a atividade dos dois peptídeos em membranas lipídicas planas, na permeabilização de membranas modelo e frente o fungo Candida albicans e eritrócitos humanos, com o objetivo de estabelecer correlações entre a atividade e a estrutura dos peptídeos. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a capacidade de TOAC de suprimir a fluorescência e que o pK dos resíduos de Tyr foram deslocados. Espectros de CD mostraram pequenas flutuações conformacionais, mas foram mantidas estruturas ao acaso. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram a coexistência de duas populações, protonada e desprotonada, em troca lenta. A partir de medidas de desdobramento hiperfino (aN), foram calculados pKs de TOAC; a relação de altura dos picos de campo central e alto também foi sensível à titulação do peptídeo. Em TFE os peptídeos adotaram conformação α-helicoidal (CD). Espectros de fluorescência de Hst-5 mostraram aumento da fluorescência, e os de TOAC0-Hst-5 mostraram supressão, indicando aproximação de TOAC dos resíduos de Tyr. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 também refletiram as mudanças conformacionais. Estudos de fluorescência mostraram a interação de Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 com Cu2+, Mn2+ e Zn2+, permitindo o cálculo de constantes de ligação. Espectros de CD refletiram pequenas variações conformacionais, sem aquisição de estrutura secundária. Espectros de RPE de TOAC0-Hst-5 na presença dos íons paramagnéticos Cu2+ e Mn2+ indicaram interações spin-spin, permitindo o cálculo das distâncias metal-nitróxido. Curvas de tempo de correlação rotacional em função da concentração dos íons permitiram calcular constantes de ligação da mesma ordem de grandeza daquelas obtidas por fluorescência. Hst-5 e TOAC0-Hst-5 ligaram-se em maior extensão a micelas negativas do que a zwitteriônicas num processo pH-dependente. Estudos de supressão de fluorescência por acrilamida confirmaram esses resultados, indicando a modulação por interações eletrostáticas. Espectros de CD mostraram que os peptídeos adotam conformação em dobra β tipo I. Estudos de RPE da interação de TOAC0-Hst-5 com vesículas de composição lipídica mimetizando membranas de E. coli e C. albicans (carga líquida negativa) e eritrócitos (carga líquida zero) confirmaram essa modulaçao. Na presença das membranas negativamente carregadas os espectros apresentaram extremos externos e internos, indicando que o eixo z do nitróxido orienta-se paralelamente à normal à bicamada. Estudos funcionais utilizando bicamadas lipídicas planas mostraram que TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, forma poros. Também, TOAC0-Hst-5, mas não Hst-5, permeabiliza vesículas carregadas negativamente. Ainda, a atividade fungicida de TOAC0-Hst-5 foi maior do que a de Hst-5 na ausência de íons, porém foi a mesma na presença de Mn2+ e Zn2+. Finalmente, TOAC0-Hst-5 mostrou maior atividade hemolítica que Hst-5. Esses resultados sugerem uma possível diferença nos mecanismos de ação de Hst-5 e seu análogo marcado, apesar da semelhança no comportamento conformacional dos peptídeos. / The mechanism of action of histatin-5 (Hst-5), an antifungal antimicrobial peptide from human saliva is not completely clarified. Circular dichroism (CD), fluorescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) were used to examine the conformational behavior of Hst-5 and its analogue containing the paramagnetic amino acid TOAC at the N-terminus (TOAC0-Hst-5). Conformational properties were investigated in aqueous solution, as a function of pH, TFE, and addition of metal ions, and in the presence of model membranes of variable lipid composition. The activity of both peptides was examined in planar lipid membranes and with regard to permeabilization of model membranes. Activity was also tested towards the fungus Candida albicans and human erythrocytes, with the scope of establishing structure-function correlations. Fluorescence studies showed that TOAC0-Hst-5 is able to quench the peptide fluorescence and that the pK of the Tyr residues was shifted to lower values. CD spectra indicated that small conformational fluctuations occurred with increasing pH, but the overall unordered structure of the peptides was kept. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 showed the coexistence of two populations, one protonated and one unprotonated, in slow exchange. The pK of TOAC was calculated from measurements of the isotropic hyperfine splitting (aN); the ratios of heights of the mid-field line and the high-field line were also sensitive to the peptide titration. In TFE, the peptides acquired -helical conformation (CD). Fluorescence spectra of Hst-5 showed an increase of fluorescence, while those of TOAC0-Hst-5 revealed quenching, indicating that, on the average, the TOAC residue becomes closer to the Tyr residues as a consequence of the peptide acquiring α-helical conformation. EPR spectra also reflected the conformational changes undergone by the peptide. Fluorescence studies indicated that Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue interacted with Cu2+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ ions, allowing the calculation of binding constants. CD spectra reflected the occurrence of small conformational fluctuations, without acquisition of stable secondary structure. EPR spectra of TOAC0-Hst-5 in the presence of the paramagnetic ions Cu2+ and Mn2+ evinced the occurrence of spin-spin interactions, allowing the calculation of metal-nitroxide distances. Curves of rotational correlation times as a function of ion concentration yielded values for the binding constants of the same order of magnitude as those calculated from fluorescence measurements. Hst-5 and TOAC0-Hst-5 bound to a larger extent to negatively charged than to zwitterionic micelles, in a pH-dependent process. Studies of fluorescence quenching by water soluble acrylamide confirmed these results, pointing to the fact that binding is largely modulated by electrostatic interactions. CD spectra indicated that, upon binding to micelles, the peptides acquire a type I β-turn conformation. EPR studies of the interaction between TOAC0-Hst-5 and lipid vesicles whose composition mimicked those of E. coli and C. albicans (both with net negative surface charge) and erythrocytes (net zero surface charge) confirmed this modulation. In the presence of negatively charged membranes, the spectra presented outer and inner extrema, indicating that the nitroxide z axis is oriented parallel to the bilayer normal. Functional studies with planar lipid bilayers showed that TOAC0-Hst-5, but not the native peptide, forms pores. Also, TOAC0-Hst-5, but not Hst-5, permeabilizes negatively charged vesicles. Moreover, the fungicidal activity of TOAC0-Hst-5 was greater than that of Hst-5 in the absence of metal ions. However, in contrast with the native peptide, whose activity increased in the presence of Zn2+ and Mn2+, that of the analogue was the same in the absence and presence of the ions. Finally, TOAC0-Hst-5 had a more pronounced hemolytic activity than Hst-5. These results suggest a possible difference in the mechanisms of action of Hst-5 and its spin labeled analogue, in spite of the similarity of their conformational behavior.
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Step-growth thiol-ene photopolymerization to form degradable, cytocompatible and multi-structural hydrogelsShih, Han 17 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Hydrogels prepared from photopolymerization have been used for a variety of tissue engineering and controlled release applications. Polymeric biomaterials with high cytocompatibility, versatile degradation behaviors, and diverse material properties are particularly useful in studying cell fate processes. In recent years, step-growth thiol-ene photochemistry has been utilized to form cytocompatible hydrogels for tissue engineering applications. This radical-mediated gelation scheme utilizes norbornene functionalized multi-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (PEGNB) as the macromer and di-thiol containing molecules as the crosslinkers to form chemically crosslinked hydrogels. While the gelation mechanism was well-described in the literature, the network properties and degradation behaviors of these hydrogels have not been fully characterized. In addition, existing thiol-ene photopolymerizations often used type I photoinitiators in conjunction with an ultraviolet (UV) light source to initiate gelation. The use of cleavage type initiators and UV light often raises biosafety concerns. The first objective of this thesis was to understand the gelation and degradation properties of thiol-ene hydrogels. In this regard, two types of step-growth hydrogels were compared, namely thiol-ene hydrogels and Michael-type addition hydrogels. Between these two step-growth gel systems, it was found that thiol-ene click reactions formed hydrogels with higher crosslinking efficiency. However, thiol-ene hydrogels still contained significant network non-ideality, demonstrated by a high dependency of hydrogel swelling on macromer contents. In addition, the presence of ester bonds within the PEGNB macromer rendered thiol-ene hydrogels hydrolytically degradable. Through validating model predictions with experimental results, it was found that the hydrolytic degradation of thiol-ene hydrogels was not only governed by ester bond hydrolysis, but also affected by the degree of network crosslinking. In an attempt to manipulate network crosslinking and degradation rate of thiol-ene hydrogels, different macromer contents and peptide crosslinkers with different amino acid sequences were used. A chymotrypsin-sensitive peptide was also used as part of the hydrogel crosslinkers to render thiol-ene hydrogels enzymatically degradable. The second objective of this thesis was to develop a visible light-mediated thiol-ene hydrogelation scheme using a type II photoinitiator, eosin-Y, as the only photoinitiator. This approach eliminates the incorporation of potentially cytotoxic co-initiator and co-monomer that are typically used with a type II initiator. In addition to investigating the gelation kinetics and properties of thiol-ene hydrogels formed by this new gelation scheme, it was found that the visible light-mediated thiol-ene hydrogels were highly cytocompatible for human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and pancreatic MIN6 beta-cells. It was also found that eosin-Y could be repeatedly excited for preparing step-growth hydrogels with multilayer structures. This new gelation chemistry may have great utilities in controlled release of multiple sensitive growth factors and encapsulation of multiple cell types for tissue regeneration.
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Effects of carbon nanotubes on barrier epithelial cells via effects on lipid bilayersLewis, Shanta January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one of the most common nanoparticles (NP) found in workplace air. Therefore, there is a strong chance that these NP will enter the human body. They have similar physical properties to asbestos, a known toxic material, yet there is limited evidence showing that CNTs may be hazardous to human barrier epithelia. In previous studies done in our laboratory, the effects of CNTs on the barrier function in the human airway epithelial cell line (Calu-3) were measured. Measurements were done using electrophysiology, a technique which measures both transepithelial electrical resistance (TEER), a measure of monolayer integrity, and short circuit current (SCC) which is a measure of vectorial ion transport across the cell monolayer. The research findings showed that select physiologically relevant concentrations of long single-wall (SW) and multi-wall (MW) CNTs significantly decreased the stimulated SCC of the Calu-3 cells compared to untreated cultures. Calu-3 cells showed decreases in TEER when incubated for 48 hours (h) with concentrations of MWCNT ranging from 4µg/cm2 to 0.4ng/cm2 and SWCNT ranging from 4µg/cm2 to 0.04ng/cm2. The impaired cellular function, despite sustained cell viability, led us to investigate the mechanism by which the CNTs were affecting the cell membrane. We investigated the interaction of short MWCNTs with model lipid membranes using an ion channel amplifier, Planar Bilayer Workstation. Membranes were synthesized using neutral diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine (DPhPC) and negatively charged diphytanoylphosphatidylserine (DPhPS) lipids. Gramicidin A (GA), an ion channel reporter protein, was used to measure changes in ion channel conductance due to CNT exposures. Synthetic membranes exposed to CNTs allowed bursts of currents to cross the membrane when they were added to the membrane buffer system. When added to the membrane in the presence of GA, they distorted channel formation and reduced membrane stability.
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Vitamin D Inhibits Expression of Protein Arginine Deiminase 2 and 4 in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomoyelitis Model Of Multiple SclerosisMcCain, Travis William January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disabling disease that afflicts an estimated two million people worldwide. The disease is characterized by degradation of the myelin sheath that insulates neurons of the central nervous system manifesting as a heterogeneous collection of symptoms. Two enzymes, protein arginine deaminases type 2 and 4 (PAD2 and PAD4) have been implicated to play an etiologic role in demyelination and neurodegeneration by catalyzing a post-translational modification of arginine peptide residues to citrulline. The pathogenesis of MS is poorly understood, though vitamin D deficiency is a well-associated risk factor for developing the disorder. Using the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of MS we demonstrate vitamin D treatment to attenuate over-expression of PAD 2 and 4 in the brain and spine during EAE. In addition, we identify two molecules produced by peripheral immune cells, IFNɣ and IL-6, as candidate signaling molecules that induce PAD expression in the brain. We demonstrate vitamin D treatment to inhibit IFNɣ mediated up regulation of PAD2 and PAD4 both directly within the brain and by modulating PAD-inducing cytokine production by infiltrating immune cells. These results provide neuroprotective rational for the supplementation of vitamin D in MS patients. More importantly, these results imply an epigenetic link between vitamin D deficiency and the pathogenesis of MS that merits further investigation.
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