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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pour une sociologie de la "maison durable" : entre production d'une offre techno-centrée et vécu des habitants : projets et acteurs dans les espaces périurbains en Alsace / Towards a sociology of the "sustainable house" : between technocentric production and residents’ experiences : projects and actors in peri-urban areas of Alsace

Mangold, Marie 03 December 2018 (has links)
En plein essor depuis quelques années, les références au « logement durable » et la constitution d’une offre s’inscrivant dans ses objectifs, invitent à analyser les interactions entre le domaine du logement et celui de l’environnement, dans leurs rapports au phénomène urbain et ses évolutions. Cette thèse de sociologie, ouverte à la pluridisciplinarité en sciences sociales (urbanisme et aménagement, ethnologie), retient empiriquement comme cas d’étude la construction de maisons individuelles dans le Grand Est, en Alsace, qui intègrent une réflexion sur la performance énergétique et l’usage de matériaux dits écologiques, en se centrant en particulier sur les espaces périurbains. L’ambition conjointe de cette recherche est double. D’une part, on se propose d’analyser les modalités de production d’une offre de « maison durable » techno-centrée et adaptée à la focale énergétique des politiques environnementales, à partir d’une enquête auprès de maîtres d’œuvre et constructeurs régionaux, en regard des évolutions des cadres juridiques et des marchés immobiliers nationaux. D’autre part, il s’agit de mettre en lumière, par une ethnographie de terrain et la caractérisation des trajectoires des ménages étudiés, le vécu des habitants, leurs appropriations de la « maison durable » et leurs modes de vie. De façon transversale, la thèse nourrit ainsi une réflexion sur l’injonction à la sobriété énergétique et à la responsabilisation individuelle en questionnant le modèle de « maison durable » et ses effets sur les inégalités socio-spatiales / In the early twenty-first century, “sustainable housing” has become a popular catchword, and its goals are increasingly being embraced in the housing sector. This new context calls for analysing the interactions between housing and environment, especially insofar as they relate to the urban phenomenon and its evolutions. This PhD in sociology adopts an interdisciplinary social science perspective (branching out into urbanism, planning and ethnology) in its empirical examination of the construction of individual houses in the Alsace region of France, that take into consideration energy performance and the use so-called “ecological” materials, especially in peri-urban areas.The PhD pursued two main goals. First, based on a study of regional architects and builders, and in light of the evolution of legal frameworks and national real estate markets, it analyses the modalities of production of techno-centric “sustainable houses” that reflect the demands of environmental policies in terms of energy efficiency. Second, based on ethnographical approach and on the characterization of the trajectories of households, it looks into the experiences of residents, their appropriation of the “sustainable houses” and lifestyles. The PhD ultimately offers crosscutting insights into the impact of calls for energy sobriety and individual responsibility by reconsidering the “sustainable house” model and its effects on social and spatial inequalities.

Contribution des technologies satellitaires Pléiades à l'étude des trames vertes urbaines : entre maintien des connectivités écologiques potentielles et densification des espaces urbains / Contribution of Pléiades-HR images to the assessment of urban green infrastructures : dealing with urban ecological network issues and urban densification

Crombette, Pauline 13 May 2016 (has links)
En milieu urbain, la concurrence entre les enjeux de préservation de la biodiversité et de la densification du territoire est particulièrement développée. Dans une optique d’aide à la décision, une meilleure connaissance des zones les plus conflictuelles est requise. Face au constat d’insuffisance et d’inadéquation des données et des méthodes nécessaires à la cartographie des Trames vertes urbaines, notre travail s’intègre en premier lieu dans une démarche technique. Celle-ci est centrée sur la mise en place d’une méthode de traitement d’images satellitaires Très Haute Résolution Spatiale Pléiades (THRS) pour l’extraction de la végétation arborée et herbacée à l’échelle fine d’une emprise urbaine. D’abord appliquée à des données fictives, cette méthode est ensuite déployée sur quatre territoires (Toulouse, Muret, Pierrefite-Nestalas et Strasbourg). Bien que fondée sur une approche pixel, la simplicité de la méthode, qui s’appuie sur des outils libres, et les résultats obtenus (indice Kappa supérieur à 85 %) garantissent sa reproductibilité sur de vastes territoires plus ou moins urbanisés. Cette donnée de végétation est ensuite exploitée pour modéliser les connectivités écologiques potentielles du paysage urbain et périurbain toulousain. L’approche mobilise la théorie des graphes et permet d’évaluer l’impact d’un aménagement urbain sur la biodiversité. Le cas du Boulevard Urbain Nord de Toulouse est étudié. La cartographie proposée des réservoirs de biodiversité, hiérarchisés à l’aide de métriques de connectivité, est avant tout indicative. Elle est finalement confrontée à des documents d’urbanisme (Plans Locaux d’Urbanisme) afin d’obtenir une meilleure visibilité des territoires à enjeux environnementaux et urbanistiques. En fonction des enjeux fixés par les acteurs du territoire et à travers le filtre applicatif, cette thèse propose un outil robuste d’analyse et d’aide à la décision pour la gestion et la planification du territoire. / In urban areas, competition between land development and ecological conservation is intense. To assist decision making, a better knowledge of those areas of interest is required. Regarding inadequacy data and methods needed for ecological network mapping in urban areas, the aim of our study is to develop a method for semi-automatic vegetation extraction with Very High Spatial Resolution Pleiades imagery (VHSR). Initially applied to training samples, the process is then be deployed to four French study areas (Toulouse, Muret, Pierrefite-Nestalas and Strasbourg). The reproducibility of this method over large urbanized areas is ensured by its simplicity and the results of a pixel-based classification (kappa coefficient higher than 85 %). This extraction workflow uses free or open-source software. This vegetation data is then used in order to model potential ecological connectivity in Toulouse’s urban and peri-urban areas. Impacts on biodiversity due to urban planning are assessed using graph theory. The “Boulevard Urbain Nord de Toulouse” project, a road infrastructure, is studied. Graph metrics have been calculated to assess the level of connectivity at habitat patches and landscape scales. We classified the importance of the patches which is cross-tabulated with planning documents (PLU, a local town planning) in order to locate conflict urban areas: between biodiversity preservation and urbanization. Depending on the issues set out by local actors and through the application filter, this thesis proposes a robust analytical tool and decision-making aid for landscape management and land planning.

Bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs) : a construção de uma cultura comum / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs)

Lemos, Charlene Kathlen de 10 September 2012 (has links)
As bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs), implantadas a partir de 2003 na cidade de São Paulo, foram inicialmente celebradas como uma conquista significativa: primeiro em termos de cobertura territorial de bibliotecas na cidade; segundo como uma possibilidade única no desenvolvimento de uma atuação de caráter híbrido de biblioteca pública e escolar. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a proposta de biblioteca do CEU e verifica, através dos sujeitos e por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada como essas bibliotecas estão se configurando ao longo dos anos, principalmente em regiões de crise urbana (enchentes, desapropriações, violência, incêndios etc.). A análise dos dados evidenciou que as bibliotecas podem ser caracterizadas como: educativa, porém desligada do currículo escolar; aberta a toda a comunidade; inserida no projeto educacional de cada CEU, e preocupada com a formação da consciência cidadã, com linhas de ação que permitem a construção de uma biblioteca mais que híbrida, plural, no sentido de agregar múltiplos saberes, ampliando, portanto, sua esfera de atuação. Verificamos em alguns sujeitos envolvidos com a biblioteca, especialmente os bibliotecários, a intenção em criar vínculos com a sua comunidade sem, contudo, ignorar problemas próprios da periferia. Ao contrário, esses foram determinantes para a elaboração de projetos de bibliotecas específicos, propiciando as aberturas necessárias para que as pessoas pudessem circular no mundo da informação e da cultura. / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs), implemented since 2003 in the city of São Paulo, were initially celebrated as a significant achievement: first of all in terms of territorial coverage of libraries in the city. Secondly, as having a unique hybrid character, being both a public library and a school library. This work introduces and discusses the library proposed by the CEUs and observes, through the subjects, by means of a semi-structured interview, how these libraries are shaping up/ over the years, mainly in the regions of urban crises (floods, expropriations, violence, fires etc.) The analysis of the data shows evidence that the libraries can be characterized as educational, albeit not connected to the school curriculum. They are open to all community, inserted in the educational project of each CEU and concerned with the formation of a conscient citizen. With courses of action that allow for the conception of a library that is not just hybrid but also plural, furnishing several diffrent types of knowledge and therefore expanding the scope of its action. We have observed, on the part of some of the subjects involved with the library and particularly the librarians; the intention of creating bonds with the community without, however, ignoring the problems of the periphery. They were key players in the elaboration of specific library projects, poviding the necessary opportunities for people to circulate in the world of information and culture.

Bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs) : a construção de uma cultura comum / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs)

Charlene Kathlen de Lemos 10 September 2012 (has links)
As bibliotecas dos Centros Educacionais Unificados (CEUs), implantadas a partir de 2003 na cidade de São Paulo, foram inicialmente celebradas como uma conquista significativa: primeiro em termos de cobertura territorial de bibliotecas na cidade; segundo como uma possibilidade única no desenvolvimento de uma atuação de caráter híbrido de biblioteca pública e escolar. Este trabalho apresenta e discute a proposta de biblioteca do CEU e verifica, através dos sujeitos e por meio da aplicação de entrevista semiestruturada como essas bibliotecas estão se configurando ao longo dos anos, principalmente em regiões de crise urbana (enchentes, desapropriações, violência, incêndios etc.). A análise dos dados evidenciou que as bibliotecas podem ser caracterizadas como: educativa, porém desligada do currículo escolar; aberta a toda a comunidade; inserida no projeto educacional de cada CEU, e preocupada com a formação da consciência cidadã, com linhas de ação que permitem a construção de uma biblioteca mais que híbrida, plural, no sentido de agregar múltiplos saberes, ampliando, portanto, sua esfera de atuação. Verificamos em alguns sujeitos envolvidos com a biblioteca, especialmente os bibliotecários, a intenção em criar vínculos com a sua comunidade sem, contudo, ignorar problemas próprios da periferia. Ao contrário, esses foram determinantes para a elaboração de projetos de bibliotecas específicos, propiciando as aberturas necessárias para que as pessoas pudessem circular no mundo da informação e da cultura. / The libraries of the Unified Educational Centres (Centros Educacionais Unificados - CEUs), implemented since 2003 in the city of São Paulo, were initially celebrated as a significant achievement: first of all in terms of territorial coverage of libraries in the city. Secondly, as having a unique hybrid character, being both a public library and a school library. This work introduces and discusses the library proposed by the CEUs and observes, through the subjects, by means of a semi-structured interview, how these libraries are shaping up/ over the years, mainly in the regions of urban crises (floods, expropriations, violence, fires etc.) The analysis of the data shows evidence that the libraries can be characterized as educational, albeit not connected to the school curriculum. They are open to all community, inserted in the educational project of each CEU and concerned with the formation of a conscient citizen. With courses of action that allow for the conception of a library that is not just hybrid but also plural, furnishing several diffrent types of knowledge and therefore expanding the scope of its action. We have observed, on the part of some of the subjects involved with the library and particularly the librarians; the intention of creating bonds with the community without, however, ignoring the problems of the periphery. They were key players in the elaboration of specific library projects, poviding the necessary opportunities for people to circulate in the world of information and culture.

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