Spelling suggestions: "subject:"perna"" "subject:"berna""
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Effects of zone and wave exposure on population structure and recruitment of the mussel (Perna perna) in South AfricaLindsay, Justin Robert January 1999 (has links)
Certain aspects of the population dynamics of the brown mussel, Perna perna, were examined at 18 sites along the south coast of South African. Specifically the effects of wave exposure and tidal height were examined in relation to mussel size, biomass and density. A single set of samples was removed from each of the 18 sites, over three spring tide cycles. Sites were classified as exposed or sheltered prior to sampling. Principal component analysis (PCA) (based on mussel length data) and length frequency histograms revealed that there was a general decrease in the modal size of the adult mussel cohort with an increase in tidal height. The effects of exposure on mussel size decreased higher on the shore. On the exposed low shore the maximum size of mussels had a mean length of 102.3mm and was significantly larger (ANOVA, p<0.0001) than that for mussels on sheltered shores (86.7mm). The difference between mean maximum lengths of mussels on the mid shore was not so great, exposed sites had a average mean maximum length of 79.9, while on the sheltered shores it was 68.4mm. On the high shore the difference between the average mean maximum lengths at exposed and sheltered sites was only 3.9mm. The fact that the effects of exposure were greatest on the low shore was also borne out in the PCA. In this analysis low shore exposed and sheltered zones separated into two groups with little overlap, mid shore exposed and sheltered zones were positioned next to each other, and exposed and sheltered high shore zones were clumped together. Densities of adult mussels (>l5mm) were calculated as real densities from randomly placed quads i.e. not from areas of 100% cover. Density decreased up the shore; low, mid and high shore zones were significantly different from each other (ANOVA , p<0.0001; followed by multiple range tests). There was no significant difference between the densities of mussels at exposed and sheltered sites within each zone (ANOVA, p=0.7155). Recruit (<l5mm) densities increased with an increase in adult mussel densities, and this relationship was significant at all zones and for both degrees of exposure (regression analysis, p<0.05 in all cases). The regression between recruits and adults was strongest on the mid and high shore exposed sites. There was a general trend towards stronger regressions and greater predictability with an increase in shore height. The presence of free space within the mussel beds and significant regressions between recruit and adult densities indicates that mussel populations are recruit limited. Mean biomass decreased with an increase in shore height and was probably related to the decrease in size and density of mussels at higher shore levels. Exposure did not affect the average biomass within each zone. A fine scale study of the effects of wave exposure, tidal height and substratum type on recruit densities was undertaken at two sites, viz. Diaz Cross and High Rocks. Two shores, one exposed and one sheltered were identified at each of the sites. All shores were classified prior to sampling. Sampling was completed over a 30 day period during peak recruitment, and samples were removed on as many days as sea and tide conditions permitted i.e. daily when possible. The total density of early plantigrades was greater at Diaz Cross than it was at the High Rocks, and this may be related to the local hydrodynamic patterns adjacent to the two sites. Exposure affected the densities of early and late plantigrades on algae on the low shore sites, where greater numbers of recruits were recorded on exposed low shore zones. Densities of plantigrades on the mussel bed and on algae on the mid and high shore were not affected by exposure. Low and mid shore zones usually had greater densities (at 100% cover of substratum) of plantigrades than the high shore zones, this was probably related to lower settlement rates on the high shore as a result of reduced submergence time. Generally greater plantigrade densities were recorded on algal substrata than on the mussel bed. In only one of the 20 comparisons completed was the density of plantigrades greater on mussels than it was on algae. However when the area of the substratum within a zone was taken into account the number of plantigrades in the mussel bed at a zone was often greater than the number on algae within the same zone. In close to half of these comparisons the total numbers of plantigrades were greater on the mussels than on the algae. This was due to the greater area of mussel bed available to recruits. There was no evidence supporting the suggestion of secondary settlement of plantigrades from algae to the mussel bed. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of wave exposure, tidal height and substratum on certain aspects of the ecology of Perna perna. The importance of these factors is demonstrated at both the adult and early recruit stages of this mussel.
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Mitilicultura do litoral norte de São Paulo : uma alternativa à atividade pesqueira tradicional / Miticultura northern coast of São Paulo: an alternative to the tradicional fishing activityMarcelo de Rebouças de Assis 01 August 2011 (has links)
A maricultura, ou mais especificamente a mitilicultura, tema deste trabalho, é uma das áreas da aquicultura que mais tem crescido nos últimos tempos. Muito embora possa ser praticada como atividade empresarial, vem se constituindo mais e mais como alternativa viável de geração de renda para pescadores artesanais profissionais e produtores individuais autônomos, devido ao baixo custo de implantação e manutenção, graças à extensa faixa litorânea e a condições climáticas ideais para o desenvolvimento desse tipo de atividade. Esta pesquisa objetivou proporcionar uma visão do estado atual da mitilicultura, notadamente na cidade de Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e investigar ações que possam promover o processo de forma financeiramente viável, de modo a tornar-se esta uma atividade geradora de trabalho e renda para as comunidades locais e colaborar com a diminuição da extração dos estoques pesqueiros. Especificamente, a pesquisa objetiva identificar as áreas produtivas, de acordo com a legislação vigente no Estado de São Paulo, caracterizar a mitilicultura implantada no município de Ubatuba e o perfil dos produtores, analisar economicamente o cultivo de mexilhões no município de Ubatuba. Foi realizado um estudo de caso sobre criação do mexilhão Perna perna, no qual se colheram dados por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, sendo utilizada a abordagem qualitativa. A análise qualitativa dos dados utilizou a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo. A presente pesquisa mostra que a mitilicultura, como atividade geradora de trabalho e renda para as comunidades locais, pode ser estimulada no município de Ubatuba. Isto colaboraria para a diminuição da extração dos estoques pesqueiros, e o consequente impacto sobre o meio ambiente, aliado à geração de emprego e renda para as populações menos privilegiadas. / The mariculture, or more specifically the mitiliculture, theme of this investigastion, is one of the fastest growing areas of aquaculture in recent times, and although it can be practiced as a business activity, it is becoming more and more as a viable alternative for generating income for fishermen and professional autonomous individual producers due to the low cost of deployment and maintenance, thanks to the extensive coastline and ideal climate conditions for the development of this type of activity. This study aims to provide an overview of the current state of the mitiliculture, especially in the city of Ubatuba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to investigate actions that may promote the process in an financially available in order to become an activity that creates jobs and income for local communities and collaborate with the decrease in extraction of fish stocks. Specifically, the study attempts to identify productive areas, according to the law in the state of Sao Paulo, to describe mitiliculture deployed in Ubatuba and profiles of producers, and an economic analysis cultivation of mussels in Ubatuba. A case study was conducted on creation of the mussel Perna perna, in which data was collected through semi-structured interviews, and used the qualitative approach. The qualitative data analysis used the technique of content analysis. This research showed that the mitiliculture, as an activity which generates work and income for local communities, can be stimulated in Ubatuba. This would work to reduce the extraction of fish stocks, and the consequent impact on the environment, coupled with the generation of employment and income for the under-served.
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Parasitism and invasive species : an ecological study of mussel populationsCalvo Ugarteburu, Miren Gurutze January 1997 (has links)
The Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, was introduced accidentally to South Africa and has since become invasive. One possible explanation for the success of this species is that it has been released from the effects of parasites which affect the indigenous species of mussels. The aim of this work was to examine the parasitic load of different mussel populations along the southern African coast and to assess the effects of parasites on their hosts. A survey was done to quantify the levels of parasitism in indigenous populations of Perna perna from Southern Africa and of Mytilus galloprovincialis from South Africa (where it is exotic) and Spain (where it is indigenous). This survey was carried out at three different geographic scales: small scale (metres), studying the incidence of parasites within a mussel bed; medium scale (kilometres to tens of kilometres), comparing prevalences of infection among different localities; and large scale (hundreds to thousands of kilometres), examining infection rates along the Southern African coast, as well as the coast of the Basque Country (North Spain). During this survey metazoan parasites other than trematodes were rare. Four species of trematodes were commonly found infecting the indigenous mussel Perna perna. These were metacercariae of the genus Proctoeces, bucephalid sporocysts, encysted metacercariae on the labial palps and gelatinous cysts with metacercariae inside. A detailed description of Proctoeces is given; the other parasites are described elsewhere. No parasites were found in M. galloprovincialis either in South Africa or in Spain. This thesis concentrates on the study of prevalences of Proctoeces and bucephalid sporocysts and their effects on Perna perna. Infection rates with Proctoeces are highly dependent on the sex of the host, with more females than males being infected, and are also size dependent, though only for females. Identification of the sex of mussels infected with bucephalid sporocysts is often not possible since the sporocysts spread over the gonad and replace it. Prevalence of infection with this parasite also increases with the size of the host. To study the influence of Proctoeces and bucephalid sporocysts on the ecological fitness of Perna perna, their effects on survival and competitive ability were tested. The results showed significant negative effects. Both parasites significantly depressed condition but only after spawning, when the mussels were already stressed. In order to check for effects on host survival, the effects of both parasites on mortality rates, gaping behaviour and water loss of mussels exposed to air were also examined. Neither parasite affected mortality rate or gaping behaviour of Perna perna. Proctoeces did not affect the amount of water lost by mussels, but the bucephalid sporocysts did. Mussels infected with sporocysts lost significantly more water than non-infected individuals. This increase in water loss was not related to the gaping behaviour, but a test of the strength of the adductor muscles showed that less force was needed to open mussels with bucephalid sporocysts than non-infected mussels. This was not the case for mussels infected by Proctoeces. Weaker mussels will fail to seal the valves properly, resulting in an increase of water loss on exposure to air by evaporation. Another factor that will have an obvious effect on a population is the reproductive output of the animals. Histological sections of the gonad of infected and non-infected females were cut to study the effects of both parasites on reproduction. Statistical tests comparing the numbers and sizes of oocytes in females infected with Proctoeces and non-infected females showed no significant differences. However, bucephalid sporocysts have a dramatic effect on reproduction by castrating the host, leaving no trace of sex products. One of the major factors shaping the composition of a mussel bed is competition for space and food, with smaller mussels being at a competitive disadvantage. Thus, in order to examine effects of both parasites on the competitive ability of Perna perna, summer and winter growth rates were compared for infected and non-infected mussels. Proctoeces reduced growth both in summer and in winter whilst bucephalid sporocysts had no significant effect. Both growth and reproduction are important components of the energy budget of an animal, and each is affected by either Proctoeces or the bucephalid sporocysts. In an attempt to test if Perna perna compensates energetically for these negative effects, filtration rates and oxygen consumption of mussels with and without parasites were measured. Neither parasite had a significant effect on filtration rates or oxygen consumption of the host. All these results indicate that both Proctoeces and the bucephalid sporocysts have a detrimental effect on their host, and that the mussels do not compensate for these negative effects. There is neither an increase in filtration, nor a decrease in respiration to balance the energy lost to the parasite. The two parasites studied affect the host in different but complementary ways. The effects of both parasites are concentrated on those size classes of mussel which channel most energy into the portion of the energy budget affected by the parasite. Proctoeces affects growth only in the smaller individuals, which under normal conditions would put most energy into growth; and the bucephalid sporocysts castrate the bigger mussels, which would expend most energy on reproduction. By reducing growth rates of small mussels or castrating large mussels, these parasites effectively remove them from the breeding population and reduce their competitive abilities. These negative effects, together with the high prevalence of both parasites in Perna perna along the South African coast and their absence in Mytilus galloprovincialis, suggest that parasites may be an important reason for the success of Mytilus.
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Synchronisation of breeding in populations of the brown mussel Perna perna on the South Coast of South AfricaNdzipa, Victoria 28 May 2013 (has links)
The general biology and seasonality of breeding of intertidal populations of the brown mussel Perna perna in South Africa are reasonably well known, but we have little information on variability either within or among populations. Synchronous spawning offers adaptive advantages to externally breeding animals. Firstly, it enhances fertilization rates and therefore the species' reproductive fitness. Secondly, spawning can also be timed to coincide with environmental conditions conducive to larval settlement and development. In addition, synchronisation of spawning will influence the synchrony of settlement. Synchronisation of larval settlement, in turn, has implications for popUlation biology, as highly pulsed settlement is likely to lead to density-dependant mortality of recruits and uncoupling of adult/recruit densities, while poorly synchronised settlement will not. Generally, sea temperature and food availability are considered the key factors underlying the initiation and the duration of the breeding cycle of mussels. However, there are proximate local cues that trigger the proliferation, maturation and release of gametes. In this study, the hypothesis tested is that factors that control food availability affect gonad development and so influence synchrony among populations. Much of the published work on spawning is based on observations of the presence of larvae in the plankton, or on settlement. A more reliable method correlates the sequence of gonad development throughout the year with changes in length-weight relationships, using histology. This study is also designed to investigate temporal differences in the timing of the breeding cycle between sheltered and exposed sites along the south coast of South Africa by histological analysis of the reproductive tissue (the gonad) and by dry weight/shell length regreSSIOns. To do this, these two techniques were applied to six mussel populations at three III ocalities that were separated on scales of about 10-20km. Within each locality, two study sites were .dentified. One was exposed to strong wave action and one was sheltered. A few hundred meters ;eparated these sites. The first technique used length-weight regressions as an indication of mussel ~ondition. Abrupt decreases in the dry body weight of a hypothetical standard animal were taken to indicate periods of spawning. Regressions were assessed for samples of 40 mussels taken from each site at intervals of 4 weeks over 13 months. The results were analysed using a 3-way ANCOV A, with dry weight as the dependent variable, shell length as a covariate, and site, exposure and month, as independent variables. The second approach used the more reliable and detailed method of assessing the annual reproductive cycle using histological sections of the gonad. Histological sections of gonads from thirty female mussels, sampled monthly from each site, were examined in the laboratory. Each gonad was categorized into one of six arbitrary developmental stages based on ovary morphology. Synchrony in spawning was examined by comparison of gonad developmental stages of individuals within and among populations. The data were analysed by 3-way nested ANOV A with mean gonad index for each population as the dependent variable, month as an independent variable and exposure nested in site. The results obtained from both techniques showed strong synchronisation among different popUlations, regardless of the scales at which they were separated. The data also indicated good synchrony within populations and, again among populations, regardless of the degree of exposure. The results also indicated that the gonad condition varied significantly at each site, exposure level and month. However, there were significant interactions among these three factors. This means that on a broader seasonal scale the six mussel populations were reasonably synchronised, but on finer monthly scales, there were temporal differences in duration of gametogenic events. The implication is that ovary development is cued by environmental factor(s) that operate on scales of at least 7-20 km rather than more localised events that may affect food availablity either through aggregation of food (local hydrography at different localities) or food delivery to the shore (degree of wave action at different sites.) / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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Preparo e caracterização de um material de referência de mexilhão Perna perna (Linnaeus,1758) / Preparation and characterization of a Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) mussel reference materialMoreira, Edson Gonçalves 28 May 2010 (has links)
A utilização de materiais de referência certificados em análise química é requisito importante em sistemas de garantia da qualidade, pois permite que métodos analíticos sejam validados e que seja obtida a rastreabilidade metrológica de resultados. Isso permite que se obtenham resultados válidos e comparáveis entre si, tanto no espaço quanto no tempo. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas todas as etapas para o preparo de um material de referência de mexilhão nacional, desde a coleta até as etapas de processamento tais como liofilização, moagem, envase e esterilização. Foram utilizados princípios internacionalmente aceitos para a avaliação da homogeneidade e da estabilidade do material, utilizando-se as técnicas analíticas de análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental e espectrometria de absorção atômica. Por meio da organização de programa colaborativo, com a participação de laboratórios nacionais e estrangeiros, foi realizada a caracterização química do material de referência de mexilhão, com determinação de elementos que ocorrem na faixa de porcentagem em massa a mg kg-1, no total de 47 elementos, além de alguns radionuclídeos naturalmente presentes no material. Com a aplicação de técnicas estatísticas adequadas, considerou-se que há possibilidade de certificação de 11 desses elementos: As, Ca, Cl, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Th e Zn. Esse estudo pode ser considerado passo importante no desenvolvimento metrológico nacional, pois demonstra que a produção e caracterização de materiais de referência biológicos, de mexilhão em particular, é viável no Brasil, como ferramenta de garantia da qualidade para estudos ambientais e nutricionais realizados no país. / The use of certified reference materials in chemical analysis is an important requirement in quality assurance systems, as it allows the validation of analytical methods and the realization of the metrological traceability of results. Then, it is possible to obtain valid and comparable results not only in space, but also in time. In this study, all the steps for the preparation of a national mussel reference material were attained, from the collection of the bulk material to processing steps such as freeze-drying, grinding, bottling and sterilization. Internationally accepted principles were applied for the homogeneity and stability assessment of the material, using instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrometry as analytical techniques. By means of a collaborative program with participation of Brazilian and foreign laboratories, the chemical characterization of the material was performed. Element content in the mass percentage to mg kg-1 range was determined for 47 elements and some radionuclides, naturally present in the material. With the application of suitable statistical treatment to the data, it was considered that the content of 11 of those elements may be certified: As, Ca, Cl, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Th and Zn. This study may be considered an important step in the national metrological development, as it shows that the production and characterization of biological reference materials, mussel in particular, is feasible in Brazil, as a tool for quality assurance of environmental and nutritional studies performed in the country.
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Determinação da produção de resíduos sólidos provenientes do cultivo de mexilhões na região da Ilha da Cocanha - Caraguatatuba, SP / Determination of solid waste production from mussels culture in Cocanha Island - Caraguatatuba, SPSilvestri, Fausto 19 November 2009 (has links)
Frente ao crescimento acelerado da maricultura estão surgindo dificuldades entre as instituições governamentais para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. Com isso, aumenta cada vez mais a necessidade de se estudar a influência dos cultivos sobre os ambientes nos quais eles estão inseridos. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar experimentalmente a produção de resíduos sólidos gerados pelos mexilhões cultivados na Praia da Cocanha, área com o maior adensamento de cultivos de mexilhões no litoral de São Paulo. Para isso, mensalmente entre fevereiro de 2008 e janeiro de 2009, foram desenvolvidos e executados experimentos com mexilhões de cultivo visando a quantificação dos resíduos sólidos gerados. Os resultados indicaram que a quantidade de resíduos variou significativamente conforme o tamanho dos organismos e ao longo do tempo. As variáveis oceanográficas variaram ao longo do ano sem um padrão definido e não explicaram a produção de resíduos sólidos. A produção anual estimada para a área foi de 233,8 à 718,9 (415,1 ±174,7) toneladas de resíduos sólidos conforme o adensamento dos cultivos. Em função disso, são necessários estudos específicos sobre as características hidrodinâmicas do local para que se possa avaliar a magnitude e a localização dos impactos causados pela atividade no local. / Due to the fast aquaculture\'s growth in Brazil, governmental institutions are facing difficulties to promote a sustainable development of the activity. With this, there is an increasing necessity of researches to determine the influence of mussel cultures on the environment. In this context, this study aims to experimentally determine solid waste production from mussels\' culture in Cocanha Beach, the largest mussel culture site in São Paulo State\'s coast. For this, monthly experiments with cultivated mussels where carried out from February/2008 to January/2009 to quantify the amount of solid waste produced. The results showed that the amount of solid waste produced had a significant variation with the size of the organisms and also through the year. The oceanographic parameters also varied throughout the study period but could not explain the variation in solid waste production. Annual total production was estimated in 233,8 to 718,9 (415,1 ±174,7) tons of solid waste, which varied in relation to the density of the culture. Due to these findings, further specific researches concerning local hydrodynamic characteristics are requested in order to determine the exact location and range of the area that suffers the impact derived from local aquaculture activities.
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Determinação da produção de resíduos sólidos provenientes do cultivo de mexilhões na região da Ilha da Cocanha - Caraguatatuba, SP / Determination of solid waste production from mussels culture in Cocanha Island - Caraguatatuba, SPFausto Silvestri 19 November 2009 (has links)
Frente ao crescimento acelerado da maricultura estão surgindo dificuldades entre as instituições governamentais para promover o desenvolvimento sustentável do setor. Com isso, aumenta cada vez mais a necessidade de se estudar a influência dos cultivos sobre os ambientes nos quais eles estão inseridos. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar experimentalmente a produção de resíduos sólidos gerados pelos mexilhões cultivados na Praia da Cocanha, área com o maior adensamento de cultivos de mexilhões no litoral de São Paulo. Para isso, mensalmente entre fevereiro de 2008 e janeiro de 2009, foram desenvolvidos e executados experimentos com mexilhões de cultivo visando a quantificação dos resíduos sólidos gerados. Os resultados indicaram que a quantidade de resíduos variou significativamente conforme o tamanho dos organismos e ao longo do tempo. As variáveis oceanográficas variaram ao longo do ano sem um padrão definido e não explicaram a produção de resíduos sólidos. A produção anual estimada para a área foi de 233,8 à 718,9 (415,1 ±174,7) toneladas de resíduos sólidos conforme o adensamento dos cultivos. Em função disso, são necessários estudos específicos sobre as características hidrodinâmicas do local para que se possa avaliar a magnitude e a localização dos impactos causados pela atividade no local. / Due to the fast aquaculture\'s growth in Brazil, governmental institutions are facing difficulties to promote a sustainable development of the activity. With this, there is an increasing necessity of researches to determine the influence of mussel cultures on the environment. In this context, this study aims to experimentally determine solid waste production from mussels\' culture in Cocanha Beach, the largest mussel culture site in São Paulo State\'s coast. For this, monthly experiments with cultivated mussels where carried out from February/2008 to January/2009 to quantify the amount of solid waste produced. The results showed that the amount of solid waste produced had a significant variation with the size of the organisms and also through the year. The oceanographic parameters also varied throughout the study period but could not explain the variation in solid waste production. Annual total production was estimated in 233,8 to 718,9 (415,1 ±174,7) tons of solid waste, which varied in relation to the density of the culture. Due to these findings, further specific researches concerning local hydrodynamic characteristics are requested in order to determine the exact location and range of the area that suffers the impact derived from local aquaculture activities.
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"Biomonitoração de Hg, Cd, Pb e outros elementos em áreas costeiras do Estado de São Paulo por meio do mexilhão transplantado - Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758)" / BIOMONITORING OF Hg, Cd, Pb AND OTHER ELEMENTS IN COASTAL REGIONS OF SÃO PAULO STATE USING TRANSPLANTED MUSSELS Perna perna (LINNAEUS, 1758).Marilia Gabriela Miranda Catharino Semmler 02 August 2007 (has links)
nêutrons instrumental, AANI e os elementos Cd, Hg e Pb por espectrometria de absorção atômica, AAS, sendo o Hg por CVAAS e o Cd e o Pb por ET AAS. O controle de qualidade analítica foi realizado por meio da análise de materiais de referência marinhos (Oyster Tissue 1566b NIST e Mussel Tissue 2976 - NIST), tendo-se obtido erros relativos entre 0,3 e 8,3 % para a AANI e entre 0,8 e 3,9 % para o método de AAS. Foi realizado o cálculo das incertezas para os métodos analíticos empregados. Foi verificado que após os transplantes dos organismos houve acumulação de todos os elementos estudados, em relação ao ponto de controle da Praia da Cocanha, em quase todos os pontos de estudo, indicando assim a boa aplicabilidade dos mexilhões Perna perna como biomonitores. No trabalho são discutidas também algumas variações sazonais encontradas. / of marine reference materials (Oyster Tissue 1566b NIST and Mussel Tissue 2976 - NIST) and relative errors obtained were between 0.3 and 8.3 % for AANI and between 0.8 and 3.9 % for AAS. It was concluded that, after the transplant of the organisms to the study sites, accumulation of all the elements analyzed occurred, in almost all the study sites, indicating the possibility of using the Perna perna mussel as biomonitor. Some seasonal variations encountered are also discussed.
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Preparo e caracterização de um material de referência de mexilhão Perna perna (Linnaeus,1758) / Preparation and characterization of a Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758) mussel reference materialEdson Gonçalves Moreira 28 May 2010 (has links)
A utilização de materiais de referência certificados em análise química é requisito importante em sistemas de garantia da qualidade, pois permite que métodos analíticos sejam validados e que seja obtida a rastreabilidade metrológica de resultados. Isso permite que se obtenham resultados válidos e comparáveis entre si, tanto no espaço quanto no tempo. Neste trabalho, foram realizadas todas as etapas para o preparo de um material de referência de mexilhão nacional, desde a coleta até as etapas de processamento tais como liofilização, moagem, envase e esterilização. Foram utilizados princípios internacionalmente aceitos para a avaliação da homogeneidade e da estabilidade do material, utilizando-se as técnicas analíticas de análise por ativação neutrônica instrumental e espectrometria de absorção atômica. Por meio da organização de programa colaborativo, com a participação de laboratórios nacionais e estrangeiros, foi realizada a caracterização química do material de referência de mexilhão, com determinação de elementos que ocorrem na faixa de porcentagem em massa a mg kg-1, no total de 47 elementos, além de alguns radionuclídeos naturalmente presentes no material. Com a aplicação de técnicas estatísticas adequadas, considerou-se que há possibilidade de certificação de 11 desses elementos: As, Ca, Cl, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Th e Zn. Esse estudo pode ser considerado passo importante no desenvolvimento metrológico nacional, pois demonstra que a produção e caracterização de materiais de referência biológicos, de mexilhão em particular, é viável no Brasil, como ferramenta de garantia da qualidade para estudos ambientais e nutricionais realizados no país. / The use of certified reference materials in chemical analysis is an important requirement in quality assurance systems, as it allows the validation of analytical methods and the realization of the metrological traceability of results. Then, it is possible to obtain valid and comparable results not only in space, but also in time. In this study, all the steps for the preparation of a national mussel reference material were attained, from the collection of the bulk material to processing steps such as freeze-drying, grinding, bottling and sterilization. Internationally accepted principles were applied for the homogeneity and stability assessment of the material, using instrumental neutron activation analysis and atomic absorption spectrometry as analytical techniques. By means of a collaborative program with participation of Brazilian and foreign laboratories, the chemical characterization of the material was performed. Element content in the mass percentage to mg kg-1 range was determined for 47 elements and some radionuclides, naturally present in the material. With the application of suitable statistical treatment to the data, it was considered that the content of 11 of those elements may be certified: As, Ca, Cl, Co, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Se, Th and Zn. This study may be considered an important step in the national metrological development, as it shows that the production and characterization of biological reference materials, mussel in particular, is feasible in Brazil, as a tool for quality assurance of environmental and nutritional studies performed in the country.
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"Biomonitoração de Hg, Cd, Pb e outros elementos em áreas costeiras do Estado de São Paulo por meio do mexilhão transplantado - Perna perna (Linnaeus, 1758)" / BIOMONITORING OF Hg, Cd, Pb AND OTHER ELEMENTS IN COASTAL REGIONS OF SÃO PAULO STATE USING TRANSPLANTED MUSSELS Perna perna (LINNAEUS, 1758).Semmler, Marilia Gabriela Miranda Catharino 02 August 2007 (has links)
nêutrons instrumental, AANI e os elementos Cd, Hg e Pb por espectrometria de absorção atômica, AAS, sendo o Hg por CVAAS e o Cd e o Pb por ET AAS. O controle de qualidade analítica foi realizado por meio da análise de materiais de referência marinhos (Oyster Tissue 1566b NIST e Mussel Tissue 2976 - NIST), tendo-se obtido erros relativos entre 0,3 e 8,3 % para a AANI e entre 0,8 e 3,9 % para o método de AAS. Foi realizado o cálculo das incertezas para os métodos analíticos empregados. Foi verificado que após os transplantes dos organismos houve acumulação de todos os elementos estudados, em relação ao ponto de controle da Praia da Cocanha, em quase todos os pontos de estudo, indicando assim a boa aplicabilidade dos mexilhões Perna perna como biomonitores. No trabalho são discutidas também algumas variações sazonais encontradas. / of marine reference materials (Oyster Tissue 1566b NIST and Mussel Tissue 2976 - NIST) and relative errors obtained were between 0.3 and 8.3 % for AANI and between 0.8 and 3.9 % for AAS. It was concluded that, after the transplant of the organisms to the study sites, accumulation of all the elements analyzed occurred, in almost all the study sites, indicating the possibility of using the Perna perna mussel as biomonitor. Some seasonal variations encountered are also discussed.
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