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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of an employee assistance programme (EAP) model for secondary school educators in KwaZulu-Natal : an exploratory study

Nagesar, Narendranath 18 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment requirement for Doctor of Technology Degree: Human Resource Management, Durban University of Technology, 2013. / The intended contribution of this empirical study was the development of an exploratory employee assistance programme (EAP) model for secondary school educators in KwaZulu-Natal. The academic EAP model formulated was hybrid as it relied on the synthesis of traditional and contemporary paradigms that encapsulated System, Gestalt and Leadership theories. The main problem revolved around the lack of an effective on-site EAP model for secondary school educators in KwaZulu-Natal. Hence the need for this study. The objective of this study was to conduct an audit of EAP policy and action plans at secondary school level in KwaZulu-Natal and develop an exploratory EAP model. The research design adopted a quantitative methodological approach using a self-administered questionnaire that was mailed to a representative sample of 512 secondary schools in KwaZulu-Natal. A significant response rate of 59.7% was obtained as 311 respondents returned the questionnaires. The data was analyzed using the computerized Statistical Program for Social Sciences (SPSS version 17.0 for Windows). Some significant findings emerged from this study. The respondents reported that 69.2% of schools did not have an EAP policy, while 66.9% of schools did not have action plans to implement EAP. A further 71.8% of respondents required training on EAP frameworks. The respondents also indicated that 79.1% of educators would use an EAP due to work-related stress and only 9% of schools had a budget to pay external EAP service providers. The Pearson Chi-Square test showed a significant correlation for 25 out of the 27 hypotheses that tested the variables of the exploratory EAP model. One of the recommendations suggest that, for fair and consistent treatment of the troubled and underperforming educator, on- site EAP policy and action plans be developed and implemented. Another recommendation highlighted that, in the absence of specialized EAP professionals, school management teams use the exploratory EAP model as a strategic intervention to assist troubled and underperforming secondary school educators in KwaZulu-Natal. The study concluded with suggestions for future research in this field.

Exploring factors influencing the attitude of staff towards performance management : the case of core network field operation section in Telkom-Eastern Cape

Mabona, Wonga Duke Mfundisi 10 1900 (has links)
This study explored factors that influence attitudes towards performance management among staff in the Core Network Field Operation (CNFO) of Telkom Eastern Cape. Performance management concerns achieving organisational goals efficiently and effectively. An observation by a manger that the staff were not performing optimally and were displaying a negative attitude towards performance management, necessitated an objective investigation into the reasons for such attitudes and also to be derivative of a corrective solution. This qualitative study was done in the form of a descriptive open ended survey involving geographically dispersed employees. Factual evidence gathered from the result of the study supports the literature that people have different views of performance management. A direct consequence of the different views could be in the inconsistent application of performance management. Solutions and possible corrective actions to improve employee participation and perception as sought by this study are contained in detail in the report / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

The implementation of a time and attendance system at Stellenbosch Municipality : a change management perspective

Cupido, Ulrich Oscar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Human beings are constantly confronted with change because their current situation is continually being questioned. In order to change the way humans behave, it is necessary to change the mindset of those who will be influenced by new ideas. Stellenbosch Municipality faces a dilemma because the current management of its employee attendance is having a negative impact on its daily operations – service delivery is becoming an increasingly serious concern because the inability to manage employees’ daily attendance results in inefficient and ineffective rendering of services to citizens. This research addresses the question of whether the change from a manual attendance register to a biometric time and attendance system would more effectively ensure the availability of Municipal employees to improve basic service delivery. Moreover, the dilemma Stellenbosch Municipality faces concerns the monitoring of employees on a daily basis, including the availability of an attendance register for audit purposes. A questionnaire was used to examine the situation and obtain responses from employees who make use of both the manual attendance register and the biometric time and attendance device. It was established that the use of the manual attendance register caused certain problems, although it has served a monitoring purpose for more than 30 years. At the time of answering the questionnaire, some respondents requested the implementation of an electronic system with real-time capability to remove any doubt concerning the confirmation of employee attendance. The feedback from the questionnaire confirms: - the unreliability of a human-dependent employee attendance register; - that delivery of basic services can only be done on condition of the availability of employees who report for duty; and - that the use of the manual attendance system creates unrecoverable losses. The inability of employees to maintain their manual attendance registers led to the recommendation that: - a mechanised system needs to be implemented to reduce administration procedures and to secure compliance and an unqualified audit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mense word voortdurend met verandering gekonfronteer omdat hul huidige situasie gedurig bevraagteken word. Ten einde die manier waarop mense optree te verander, is dit nodig om die geestesingesteldheid van diegene wat deur nuwe idees beïnvloed sal word te verander. Die Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch staan voor ’n dilemma omdat die huidige bestuur van sy werknemerbywoning ’n negatiewe uitwerking op sy daaglikse werksaamhede het – dienslewering word ’n al ernstiger saak weens die onvermoë om werknemers se daaglikse bywoningsresultate by onbekwame en ondoeltreffende lewering van dienste aan dorpsbewoners te bestuur. Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die vraagstuk of die omskakeling van ’n bywoningsregister per hand na ’n biometriese tyd- en bywoningstelsel die beskikbaarheid van munisipale werknemers meer effektief sal verseker om basiese dienslewering te verbeter. Hierbenewens het die dilemma van die Munisipaliteit Stellenbosch te doen met die daaglikse monitering van werknemers, waaronder die beskikbaarheid van ’n bywoningsregister vir ouditeringsdoeleindes. ’n Vraelys is gebruik om die situasie te ondersoek en reaksies te verkry van werknemers wat van die bywoningsregister per hand sowel as die biometriese tyd- en bywoningsinstrument gebruik maak. Daar is vasgestel dat die bywoningsregister per hand sekere probleme veroorsaak het, hoewel dit langer as 30 jaar ’n moniteringsdoel gedien het. Met die beantwoording van die vraelys het party respondente die implementering van ’n elektroniese stelsel met intydse vermoë versoek om enige twyfel omtrent die bevestiging van werknemerbywoning te verwyder. Die terugvoering van die vraelys bevestig: - die onbetroubaarheid van ’n menslik afhanklike werknemerbywoningsregister; - dat lewering van basiese dienste slegs kan plaasvind op voorwaarde van die beskikbaarheid van werknemers wat vir diens aanmeld; en - dat die gebruik van die bywoningstelsel per hand onverhaalbare verliese skep. Die onvermoë van werknemers om hul bywoningsregisters per hand by te hou het gelei tot die aanbeveling dat: - ’n gemeganiseerde stelsel geïmplementeer moet word om administratiewe prosedures te verminder; en om ’n ongekwalifiseerde ouditering te verseker.

Job evaluation in the provincial government of the Western Cape

Johnson, Reginald George Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The democratisation of South Africa on 27 April 1994 marked the beginning of a new era for South Africans in all spheres of society. The new democratic Government of the Republic of South Africa faced numerous challenges, including the transformation of the South African Public Service into a non-discriminatory organisation for both citizens and employees. The pre-1994 South African Public Service functioned as a centralised driven system that negatively discriminated against non-white employees in terms of financial rewards resulting in salary differences between white and non-white employees. The promulgation of the new legislative framework of deconcentration had resulted in the centralised driven South African Public Service system becoming obsolete as it was incompatible with the democratic Government’s vision. The transformation of the South African Public Service was supported through legislation and various directives simultaneously focusing on service delivery improvement as well as implementing new internal systems to address discriminatory practices. The implementation of the EQUATE job evaluation programme within the new legislative framework of deconcentration marked the beginning of a new era of grading post in the Public Service. It had brought an end to the unfair salary differentiation in the Public Service. To render public services effectively and efficiently is a legislative requirement. Political and administrative leaders are responsible for ensuring that both external and internal services are rendered optimally through improvement interventions. In the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC), the Department of the Premier renders a job evaluation service to all provincial departments to ensure internal consistency in terms of grading of posts. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the current process of evaluating posts in the PGWC and subsequently to formulate recommendations to improve the process. The study concludes with a set of recommendations which include amongst others the following: • The devolvement of the job evaluation function to the provincial departments enabling them to conduct their own departmental job evaluations. • The creation of a Job Evaluation Unit in every provincial department. • That the proposed Process Model of evaluating posts in the provincial departments be considered. • It is the responsibility of the Directorate Organisation Development Interventions in the Department of the Premier to co-ordinate the job evaluation process in the Provincial Government of the Western Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die demokratisering van Suid-Afrika op 27 April 1994 was die begin van ‘n nuwe era vir Suid-Afrikaners op alle vlakke van die samelewing. Die demokratiese Regering van die Republiek van Suid-Afrika het verskeie probleme in die gesig gestaar wat onder andere die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens ingesluit het. Die Staatsdiens moes verander word na ‘n diens wat nie diskrimineer teen nie-blanke burgers of werknemers nie. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens voor 1994 het gefunksioneer as ‘n gesentraliseerde sisteem en het negatief gediskrimineer teen nie-blanke werknemers in terme van besoldigingspakkette wat aanleiding gegee het tot verskille in besoldigingsvlakke. Die promulgering van die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie het meegebring dat die gesentraliseerde benadering in onbruik verval het, omdat dit teenstrydig was met die visie van ‘n demokratiese Regering. Die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Staatsdiens is ondersteun deur verskeie wetgewing en mandate wat gefokus het op sowel die verbetering van dienslewering aan burgers as die implementering van nuwe interne sisteme om diskriminerende praktyke aan te spreek. Die implementering van die EQUATE posevalueringsprogram binne die nuwe regulatoriese raamwerk van dekonsentrasie was die begin van ‘n nuwe era van posgradering in die Staatsdiens. Dit het ‘n einde gebring aan die onregverdige besoldigingsvlakke in die Staatsdiens. Die lewering van doelmatige en doeltreffende openbare dienste is ‘n wetlike vereiste. Politieke en administratiewe hoofde is daarvoor verantwoordelik om toe te sien dat alle dienste, intern en ekstern, optimaal gelewer word deur gebruik te maak van verskeie verbeteringsintervensies. Die Departement van die Premier in die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap (PRWK) is verantwoordelik vir die lewering van die posevalueringsdiens aan alle provinsiale departemente ten einde konsekwentheid in terme van posgradering te verseker. Die oogmerk van die studie is om die huidige posevalueringsproses in die PRWK te evalueer om sodoende aanbevelings te doen om die proses te verbeter. Die studie is saamgevat met aanbevelings wat onder andere die volgende insluit: • Die afwenteling van die posevalueringsfunksie na elke provinsiale departement; sodat elke departement self verantwoordelik is vir departementele posevaluering. • Die skepping van ‘n Posevaluering Eenheid binne elke provinsiale departement. • Die voorgestelde Proses Model vir die evaluering van poste binne provinsiale departemente oorweeg word. • Die verantwoordelikheid van die Direktoraat Organisasie Ontwikkeling Intervensies in die Departement van die Premier vir die koördinering van die posevalueringsproses binne die Provinsiale Regering van die Wes-Kaap.

Approaches, expectations and perceptions of different generations regarding culture and leadership in the engineering department at Sishen mine

Roux, Daniel Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: People's life experiences and backgrounds shape who they are - whether they are young or old, male or female, and across all races, ethnicities and religions. Today's workplace environment represents the largest diversity of generations of any time in history, and with this diversity comes new challenges. These challenges are directly due to the different generations and associated gaps based on different approaches, expectations and perceptions regarding culture and leadership in the workplace. There are generally four different generations employed in today's workplace: Traditionalists (Builders), Baby Boomers (Yuppies), Generation X (Yiffies), and Generation Y (Millennials). According to generation theory, Traditionalists were born between 1930 and 1949, Baby Boomers between 1950 and 1969, Generation X between 1970 and 1989, and Generation Yafter 1990. Although there are very few Traditionalists in contemporary workplaces, there are still some left to consider. More important than understanding the Traditionalists, though, is the need for a better understanding of the fast-growing group of Generation Y employees who are entering the workforce. At Sishen Iron Ore Mine (Sishen) there are also four generations employed, each with different approaches, expectations, perceptions, attitudes, loyalties, frames of reference, views of authority, job strengths, work ethics, relationships, work/life balances and other beliefs. The question that arises is whether the management team of the Engineering Department at Sishen can be more effective and productive through an improved and in-depth understanding of each generation's approaches, expectations and perceptions regarding culture and leadership. The purpose of this research study is to analyse the specific correlation of the different workforce generations in the Engineering Department with the general theoretical knowledge available about each generation by focusing more specifically on approaches, expectations and perceptions. The study also includes some recent research information regarding Generation Y and the related opportunities, challenges and effective ways of managing this generation. By focusing on the research results within the multigenerational workforce and the generation gaps, the possible solutions for managing conflict can improve through a better understanding of each generation. Each generation's typical characteristics are discussed in detail by means of a thorough literature study, with the overall aim of enhancing both team and organisational success. The employees and permanent contractors at the Engineering Department number approximately 1 945. The randomly selected participants in the generations survey were from the pool of permanent employees, excluding the contractors. The information was collected by means of a short questionnaire representing the typical characteristics of each generation. A sample of 250 participants from eight different sections within the department was asked to complete the questionnaire, but unfortunately a response rate of only 34% (85 questionnaires) was recorded. The research showed that the typical characteristics of the Traditionalists and Baby Boomers could be used to represent almost the entire Engineering Department. It also revealed specific influences in the working and social environment, leadership styles, and the mine's culture that affect the different generations regarding their approaches, expectations and perceptions. The report concludes with an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the study, as well as a few key findings and a summary, conclusion, and recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle mense word gevorm deur lewensondervindings en agtergrond wat bepaal wie hulle is - ongeag of hulle oud of jonk, manlik of vroulik is, asook oor alle rasse, etniese groepe en geloofsoortuigings heen. Hedendaagse werksomgewings word gekenmerk deur die grootste generasiediversiteit van alle tye, wat nuwe uitdagings meebring. Die uitdagings is die direkte gevolg van die verskillende generasies en gepaardgaande gapings gebaseer op verskillende benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies aangaande kultuur en leierskap in die werksplek. Daar is tans oor die algemeen vier verskillende generasies in diens in werksplekke, naamlik Tradisionaliste, Baby Boomers, Generasie X en Generasie Y. Volgens generasieteorie is Tradisionaliste persone gebore tussen 1930 en 1949, terwyl Baby Boomers tussen 1950 en 1969, Generasie X tussen 1970 en 1989 en Generasie Y na 1990 gebore is. Hoewel daar min Tradisionaliste in die werksplek oor is, is daar nog enkeles wat in ag geneem moet word. Van groter belang is egter die behoefte om die vinnig groeiende Generasie Y wat nou tot die werksmag toetree, beter te verstaan. By Sishen Ysterertsmyn (Sishen) is daar ook vier verskillende generasies in diens, elk met verskillende benaderings, verwagtinge, persepsies, houdings, lojaliteite, verwysingsraamwerke, menings oor gesag, werksverwante sterkpunte, werk-etiek, verhoudings, lewensbalanse asook ander oortuigings. Die vraag wat ontstaan, is of die bestuurspan van die Ingenieurswese Departement by Sishenmyn meer effektief en produktief kan wees deur hul kennis en begrip van elke generasie se benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies ten opsigte van kultuur en leierskap te verbeter. Die doel van die studie is om te ontleed of daar 'n spesifieke ooreenstemming is tussen die verskillende generasies by die Ingenieurswese Departement en die algemene teoretiese inligting beskikbaar oor elke generasie deur meer spesifiek op benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies te fokus. Die studie sluit ook onlangse navorsingsinligting aangaande Generasie Y in, met die gepaardgaande geleenthede, uitdagings en effektiewe maniere om die generasie te bestuur. Deur te fokus op die navorsingsresultate binne die multigenerasie-werksmag en die ooreenstemmende gapings, kan daar moontlik oplossings ontstaan om te help met konflikbestuur wat op 'n beter begrip van die generasies gegrond is. Elke generasie se tipiese eienskappe word in diepte bespreek deur middel van 'n deeglike literatuurstudie, met die oorhoofse doel om span- sowel as organisasiesukses te verhoog. Die totale aantal werknemers, insluitend permanente kontrakteurs, van die Ingenieurswese Departement is ongeveer 1 945. Die deelnemers aan die generasieopname is lukraak gekies, maar die kontrakteurs is uitgesluit. Die inligting is ingesamel met behulp van 'n kort vraelys wat die tipiese eienskappe van elke generasie verteenwoordig. Uit 'n steekproef van 250 deelnemers uit agt verskillende seksies binne die departement wat gevra is om die vraelys te voltooi, is 'n betreklik swak responskoers van 34% (85 vraelyste) behaal. Die navorsing het bevind dat die tipiese eienskappe van die Tradisionaliste en Baby Boomers tans gebruik kan word om feitlik die hele department te verteenwoordig. Dit toon verder ook dat daar spesifieke invloede in die werks- en sosiale omgewing, leierskapstyle en die myn se kultuur is wat die verskillende generasies se denkpatrone rondom benaderings, verwagtinge en persepsies vorm. Die navorsingsverslag word afgesluit met 'n bepaling van die sterk- en swakpunte van die studie, 'n paar kernbevindings en 'n opsomming, gevolgtrekking en aanbevelings.

Konflik in die werksplek : gevallestudie met verwysing na vyf tafeldruifuitvoerplase in die Benede-Bergrivier

Odendaal, Jacobus Nicolaas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Conflict is an integral part of relationships in the workplace. This study supports the pluralistic view that states that people with different values, views and aims come to the workplace and therefore conflict can be expected. This assumption puts challenges to any business to manage conflict constructively and to keep it within controllable levels. The study was done amongst team leaders on five table grape export farms in the vicinity of Piketberg. It showed that increased conflict is a clear indication of deficiencies on management level regarding skills and the execution of management tasks. Team leaders with inadequate or no management or technical training find it extremely difficult to cope with conflict assertively. The change in the composition of the workforce over a period of a couple of years to comprise of a majority Xhosa speaking workers has brought unmanageable challenges, even to senior team leaders. Their limited ability to communicate and to give clear instructions to people of an unknown language and culture is stretch to the edge and often leads to serious conflict. It poses a number of challenges to companies to keep a positive atmosphere for conflict resolution and to equip base line management to deal successful with conflict. The following themes will need urgent attention: • The acknowledgement and management of diversity in the workplace; • The development of a positive organisational culture and values; • Skills training and the development of self image; • The setting up of communication channels and participation of workers in management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Konflik is ʼn inherente deel van verhoudinge in die werksplek. Die pluralistiese siening word onderskryf dat mense met verskillende waardes, sieninge en doelwitte die werksplek betree en daarom is konflik te verwagte. Hierdie aanname stel uitdagings aan die onderneming om konflik kontruktief te bestuur en dit op beheerbare vlakke te hou. Die studie op vyf tafeldruifuitvoerplase in die Piketberg omgewing onder spanleiers het aangetoon dat verhoogde konflik ʼn duidelike aanwysing is van tekorte op bestuurvlak t.o.v. vaardighede en uitvoering van bestuurstake. Spanleiers met gebrekkige of geen bestuurs- en tegniese opleiding vind dit uiters moeilik om konflik op ʼn assertiewe manier te hanteer. Die verandering in die samestelling van die werksmag oor ʼn periode van enkele jare om nou uit ʼn meerderheid Xhosa-sprekendes te bestaan, bring onhanteerbare uitdagings, selfs aan senior spanleiers. Hulle beperkte vermoë om te kommunikeer en duidelike instruksies te gee binne die vreemde taal en kultuur, word tot die uiterste beproef en lei dikwels tot ernstige konflik. Dit laat die ondernemings met verskeie uitdagings om beide ʼn gesonde atmosfeer vir konflikhantering daar te stel sowel as om die vaardighede aan grondvlakbestuur te gee om dit suksesvol te hanteer. Die volgende temas sal ernstige aandag moet kry: • Erkenning en bestuur van diversiteit in die werksplek; • Ontwikkeling van ʼn positiewe organisasie-kultuur en –waardes; • Vaardigheidsopleiding en selfbeeldontwikkeling; • Skep van kommunikasie-kanale en werkersinspraak by bestuur.

Retaining community service nurses in the Western Cape public health sector

Kruse, Beverley-Ann 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Healthcare systems of the world’s poorer nations have been heavily impacted by economic globalisation. This has resulted in a steady deterioration of working conditions, resulted in less job security and has led to an increase in the spread of communicable diseases in developing countries such as South Africa. It is factors such as these, against the backdrop of a global recession, that have contributed to the escalation in global healthcare costs which has itself augmented the strain on already strained hospital resources in developing economies (Issues paper: Economic Globalisation, 2009). The current workplace faces complicated challenges which extend beyond the effects of the global recession. One of these challenges is the task of managing the diversity of the modern day workforce. This includes differences in gender, race, religion, culture, language, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation as well as generational differences. As a result, organisations that choose to exploit these differences are able to leverage a competitive advantage from them. This ability is however determined by the flexibility of organisations’ policies and practices. Furthermore, adapting an organisation’s human resource policies and practices pertaining to attracting, retaining, developing, promoting and managing a generational diverse workforce is only possible once these cohorts have been clearly identified, analysed and understood (Manion, 2009). Nurses are the pillar of healthcare systems throughout the world. In South Africa, however, the high staff turnover of nurses compared to the relatively small number of new recruits is of great concern due to its impact on the South African government’s capacity to provide a healthcare model of sustainable service delivery (Mokoka, 2007). The reality of the decline in the number of newly qualified nurses was clearly evident in the results of this study. Twenty-eight percent of the current community service nurses had previously considered leaving the profession, eight percent reported that they were considering leaving the profession within the next year and 20 percent intended leaving the public health sector after completing community service. The purpose of this qualitative study was to determine factors that preclude better remuneration that would influence community service nurses’ decision to remain employed in the public health sector. According to the Western Cape Nursing directorate, 270 nurses were registered to complete community service in the Western Cape in 2010. The 25 registered nurses who were scheduled to complete community service at Groote Schuur Hospital at the end of 2010 constituted the study sample. A self-administered questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection from this fixed, convenient sample. Confidentiality of the participants was assured throughout the study and findings were reported as combined facts and figures using histograms. The majority of the participants were between the age of 20 and 25 years (48%). Furthermore, 88 percent of the participants were below the age of 35 years, largely representative of Generation X and the Millennials, Generation Y. The results of this study suggested an extremely complex interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic motivators, in influencing the decision of whether or not to remain employed in the public health sector. It was further evident that most of the factors that were rated to be of high importance were strongly self-centred, largely geared at personal reward and recognition. This finding is in clear agreement with literature published by Manion (2009) who supports the thinking that generations representative of Generation X and Y have a strong need for personal achievement and reward. Eighty percent of participants indicated a dire need for hospital management to recognise and manage generational diversity in the current workforce as this presented a daily challenge in the workplace. It was perceived that fundamental differences in needs, work ethic and values exist between Generations X and Y, compared to those of nurse and hospital managers who were representative of Baby Boomers. Consequently, there appeared to be a mismatch in the expectations and opportunities presented in the current workplace among the three generations. These findings merit further discussion on whether the permanent multi-disciplinary team at hospitals understand the influential role that they have on the complex task of retaining community service nurses in the public health service. Furthermore, 92 percent of community service nurses highlighted the need for mandatory orientation and induction programmes in each ward prior to commencing duty. This in itself was identified as a huge cause for anxiety and discord. In conclusion, even though this study was designed to establish factors that preclude better remuneration which could influence the decision of community service nurses to remain employed in the public health sector, it found that more than half the participants of this study recommended that receiving a more competitive salary was still an important issue for government to prioritise. However, it did not appear to be the overshadowing theme of dissatisfaction amongst community service nurses.

Defining a retention strategy for pharmacists in the public sector in Kwa-Zulu Natal

Naicker, H. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / There is a global scarcity of health care workers (Boseley, 2011: 1). There has been global competition for the scarce resource, with developing countries competing for their own health care workers (Padarath et al., 2004: 5). The health outcomes of a country have been directly correlated with the quantity and quality of its health human resources (Dolea et al., 2005: 3). Pharmacists, who were ranked as the third scarcest professional group in the world, are the most accessible of all health workers (Chan & Wuliji, 2006: 7). The shortage of pharmacists has resulted in inaccessibility to drug treatment, prevention and care, resulting in an insurmountable number of preventable deaths and disease. The number of pharmacists in KwaZulu-Natal province is currently 383, with a 76% vacancy rate (Avery, 2011). The aim of the present study was to define a retention strategy for public sector pharmacists in KwaZulu-Natal province. This self-administered questionnaire survey was participated in by 103 pharmacists. Pharmaceutical services were found predominantly to have been rendered by young (with 32% falling in the age group 22–29 years of age and 36% falling in the age group 30–39 years), Indian (74%), female (82%) pharmacists. Many (68%) of the pharmacists concerned were new entrants (having been in employ for a period of 0–5 years) in the public sector, with just over half (36%) being new entrants into the pharmacy profession, meaning that two-thirds of the public sector pharmaceutical workforce lacked the experience and expertise to make the desired service delivery changes in said environment. The top three motivations for job changes were found to be financial (27%), working conditions (26%) and career advancement opportunities (22%). A third of the respondents were found to be satisfied with the Occupation-specific Dispensation. The remainder of the pharmacists were equally divided about whether they regarded the payout to be inadequate or fair. Nonetheless, 20 per cent had definite intentions to leave, with 40 per cent having no intention to leave, and 40 per cent being uncertain about doing so. Such a finding correlated well with the fact that 24% of the respondents indicated that they felt that they were earning inadequate salaries. The finding did not correlate with the overwhelming response (83%) that money was not the most important consideration in making the choice. The pharmacists were divided regarding career-advancing opportunities in the public sector. Such a finding was echoed in a comparable division of who had access to information on career-advancing opportunities. Two-thirds of the respondents neither shared their goals regarding career progression with their supervisors, nor applied for any such posts. The top three factors that pharmacists liked about their jobs were financial, resources and congenial working conditions. Resources, working conditions and lack of career progression factors were disliked; resources, career progression and financial factors could result in turnover. In summary, money, career progression and resources matter. The pharmacists in the province were found to be satisfied with their earnings. They wanted to be rewarded on merit and were prepared to move to receive this and support in career progression. The National Department of Health (KwaZulu-Natal) must drive recruitment efforts to address the skills shortage, improve working conditions and ensure that salaries keep pace with inflation to create long-term wins for the public health sector.

Uitdagings aan onderwysleiers in gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland

Van Heerden, Marianne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Unique demands are made on management of combined schools in the Southern Cape because it must accommodate seven to eighteen year old learners, each with their specific needs. This includes the adolescent who has to adapt to several changes in his/her own body as well as in the environment. Elementary and middle schools in Japan and the USA have restructured to be more effective by accommodating the specific needs of the learners, as well as the demands which the society in the twenty-first century will make on learners. The success of these schools encouraged high schools to adopt a more personal nature in the relationship between adults and learners and to prepare learners for jobs which would be very different from those of a few years ago. There are quite a few aspects in favour of combined schools, for example, fewer learners, a long relationship with the school and a close relationship between school and community. These aspects should be used to their fullest to ensure that these schools remain the "good" schools they were in the past. Criteria for being effective schools are changing drastically and combined schools cannot just rely on their previous success for growth. A generation of learners with a unique nature and of whom unique demands will be made in the future are entering these schools. Schools will have to provide more than mere subject knowledge. Learners must receive education in character, ethics, self-discipline and stress management. Schools will have to be managed from a new paradigm to accomplish these aspects. Change can only happen when people change and that would create a new culture. When schools are managed from a principle-centered paradigm, people are empowered to experience private and public victories. It is then possible to align the managerial and organizational levels with the values embedded in the school mission. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar word besondere eise aan die bestuur van gekombineerde skole in die Suid-Kaapse platteland gestel aangesien leerders van sewejarige tot agtienjarige ouderdom, elk met sy besondere behoeftes, geakkommodeer moet word. Dit sluit ook die adolessente in wat by verskeie veranderings in hulle eie lewens en die omgewing moet aanpas. In Japan en die VSA het veral die laerskole begin herstruktureer om skole meer effektief te maak deur die behoeftes van leerders aan te spreek, veralook ten opsigte van die eise wat die samelewing van die een-en-twintigste eeu aan leerders sal stel. Hulle sukses het ook hoërskole aangespoor om aanpassings te maak, veral ten opsigte van die skepping van In meer persoonlike aard van die verhoudings tussen leerders en volwassenes, en die voorbereiding van leerders vir In arbeidsmark wat drasties verskil van enkele jare gelede. Gekombineerde skole het baie faktore wat kan veroorsaak dat hulle effektiewe skole kan wees, byvoorbeeld min leerders, In lang verbintenis van die met die skool en In sterk band tussen skool en gemeenskap. Daar moet egter doelbewus beplan word om hierdie aspekte te benut sodat verseker kan word dat hulle ook in die toekoms die "goeie" skole kan bly wat hulle in die verlede was. Kriteria vir effektiewe skole is besig om drasties te verander en gekombineerde skole kan nie net op ou suksesse voortbou nie. In Geslag leerders met In unieke aard en aan wie unieke vereistes in die toekoms gestel gaan word, betree nou die skole. Skole moet meer as net vakkennis oordra. Karakteropvoeding, etiek, selfdissipline en streshantering is aspekte wat binne die skoolkurikulum aangespreek moet word. Om bogenoemde suksesvol te laat wees, moet daar vanuit In nuwe paradigma bestuur word. Verandering kan net plaasvind indien mense verander en daar sodoende 'n nuwe kultuur in skole gevestig word. Wanneer daar vanuit 'n beginselgesentreerde paradigma bestuur word, word mense bemagtig om eers privaat oorwinnings en dan publieke oorwinnings te behaal. Dis dan moontlik om die bestuurs- en organisatoriese vlakke in lyn met die waardes van die missie van die skool te bring.

Job satisfaction and organisational commitment: a comparative study between academic and support staff at a higher education institution in the Western Cape

Mcwatts, Susheela January 2005 (has links)
Research suggest that increasing employee commitment and satisfaction impacts on employee productivity and job performance, and has implications for job related behaviours such as absenteeism, turnover and tardiness. Moreover, literature also suggests that downsizing and cost-cutting negatively impacts on the satisfaction and commitment of employees and impacts on the effectiveness of organisations. The contention is that in order to reconcile the need to achieve high quality and organisational effectiveness in an environment of declining per capita resources and change, it will be necessary to secure a high level of commitment and satisfaction from all those employed in the higher education sector. This study sought to investigate the factors that produce commitment and satisfaction in academic and support staff respectively and to understand any important similarities and differences that may exist.

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