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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento de defasadores baseados em MEMS e linhas de transmissão de ondas lentas para aplicações em 60 GHz. / Development of phase shifters based on shielded CPW and MEMS for 60 GHz.

Franz Sebastian Bedoya Llano 28 November 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho, desenvolvido junto ao Grupo de Novos Materiais e Dispositivos (GNMD) pertencente ao Laboratório de Microeletrônica (LME) da Universidade de São Paulo, apresenta a modelagem de um defasador passivo miniaturizado com baixas perdas para aplicações em ondas milimétricas (mmW-milimeter waves). Este defasador é baseado em um conceito inovador utilizando sistemas micro-eletromecânicos (MEMS) distribuídos e linhas de transmissão coplanares de ondas lentas. Este conceito é proposto no projeto Jovem Pesquisador FAPESP (Processo no. 2011/18167-3), ao qual este projeto está vinculado. A defasagem neste tipo de dispositivo é conseguida pela liberação das fitas da camada de blindagem de uma linha de transmissão tipo S-CPW (Shielded-Coplanar Waveguide). As fitas liberadas podem ser movimentadas eletrostaticamente, o que praticamente não consome energia. Este projeto pretende projetar um defasador para fabricação com a tecnologia do Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Adicionalmente, este trabalho apresenta resultados experimentais de um processo de fabricação IN-HOUSE baseado na metodologia de integração por flip-chip. A tecnologia de integração implementada é baseada na soldagem de um chip sobre um substrato, no qual são construídos uma nova geração de pilares de cobre finos, cujo espaçamento entre pilares é menor que 100 ?m. Essa redução nas dimensões pode ser usada com a nova geração de dispositivos de comunicações na faixa das mmW. Em termos de fabricação, foram obtidos pilares de cobre altamente miniaturizados com uma altura significativa e uniforme que permite a integração com o chip. Além do mais, os resultados obtidos representam avanços significativos no processo de fabricação que será usado como tecnologia de integração híbrida em um interposer baseado em substrato de alumina nanoporosa (MnM-Metallic Nanowire Membrane). Esse interposer desempenha um papel indispensável no GNMD, já que atualmente estão sendo estudadas suas propriedades elétricas e já foram construídos dispositivos sobre o substrato com resultados promissores. / This work, performed at the New Materials and Devices Group (GNMD) of the Microelectronics Laboratory of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo, presents the modeling of a miniaturized passive phase shifter with low losses for applications in millimeter waves. It is based on an innovated concept, which uses distributed MEMS phase shifters and slow-wave coplanar wave guides. Such concept is proposed under the FAPESP Youth Researcher project (Process number 2011/18167-3). The phase shifter on this kind of device is achieved by releasing the shielding layer of the Shielded-Coplanar Waveguide. The released ribbons are electrostatically displaced, which does not consume energy. The aim of this project is to design a phase shifter for fabrication with the technology available at the Microelectronics Laboratory. Additionally, this work presents experimental results of a flip-chip fabrication process. This technology is based on next generation of fine pitch copper pillar bumping, with pillar pitch of less than 100 ?m that support next generation of communication devices at the millimeter wave frequency range. From the fabrication point-of-view, highly miniaturized copper pillars with appropriate thicknesses were obtained. Furthermore, the results obtained represent a significant advance in the fabrication process that will be used as a hybrid integration technology on an interposer based on a nanoporous alumina substrate (MnM-Metallic Nanowire Membrane).

Conception et validation de déphaseurs large bande intégrant des MEMS-RF dans un environnement hostile / Design and validation of wide band phase shifters based on MEMS-RF in harsh environments

Harck, Alexandre 07 November 2014 (has links)
Ces travaux de recherches s’inscrivent dans le cadre d’une amélioration du bilan de liaison des données de télémesures sur les lanceurs spatiaux. Pour cela, un dispositif d’antenne à pointage électronique a été choisi. Celui-ci utilise un réseau de quatre antennes patchs alimentés par un prototype composé d’un diviseur de puissance 1 vers 4 et de quatre déphaseurs. Les états de phases choisis pour chacun des déphaseurs sont 0°, 90° et 180°. Après une étude bibliographique, les meilleurs déphaseurs pouvant assurer cette fonction sont les déphaseurs à base de coupleur hybride. Grâce à l’utilisation de MEMS-RF dans ces circuits, il est n’est pas nécessaire de rajouter des amplificateurs de puissance, car ces composants sont faibles pertes RF et linéaires. Plusieurs topologies de déphaseurs à base de coupleur hybride utilisant ces commutateurs ont été étudiés. D’après cette étude, il a été possible de réduire la taille des circuits sans détériorer les performances RF, ce qui nous a permis d’en choisir deux d’entre eux. Un commande à distance est nécessaire pour ces dispositifs alors une boîte à relais a été choisie pour assurer ce rôle. Le premier prototype est composé d’un diviseur de puissance qui a été commandé et de quatre déphaseurs fabriqués. Le deuxième prototype est entièrement intégré sur puce, ce qui a permis de réduire la surface du dispositif ainsi que d’améliorer les pertes RF. Ces travaux ont donc pu montrer la faisabilité de fabriquer un prototype simple, faible pertes, et linéaire. / These research works is within the context of an improved link budget telemetry data on space launchers. For this device, an electronically steerable antenna was chosen. It uses an array of four patch antennas supplied by a prototype composed of a power splitter 1 to 4 and four phase shifters. For each selected phase shifters, the phase states are 0 °, 90 ° and 180 °.After a bibliographical study, the best phase shifters that can perform this function are the shifters based on hybrid coupler. Thanks to the use of RF-MEMS in these circuits, it is not necessary to add power amplifiers because these components are linear and present low RF losses. Several topologies of phase shifters based on hybrid coupler using RF-MEMS were studied. According to this study, it was possible to reduce the size of circuits without damaging the RF performance, which allowed us to choose two of them. A remote control is needed for these devices to relay box then was chosen for this role. The first prototype consists of a power divider which was commissioned and produced phase shifters. The second prototype is fully integrated on-chip, which has reduced the device surface and improves the RF losses.These studies were able to demonstrate the feasibility to produce a simple linear prototype with low RF losses.

Nouvelles antennes pourr radar millimétriques / New antenna for millimetre wave radar

Bin Zawawi, Muhammad Nazrol 24 April 2015 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de concevoir un réseau réflecteur à dépointage électronique à 20 GHz pour des applications de communication avec des drones (Unmanned Aerial System). Le principe de fonctionnement des réseaux réflecteurs est similaire à celui d’une antenne parabolique. La principale différence concerne la forme du réflecteur. En effet les panneaux des réseaux réflecteurs sont plans contrairement à la parabole. Le panneau réflecteur se compose de cellules élémentaires qui sont utilisées pour contrôler la phase réfléchie de l’onde d’incidente. Le contrôle de la phase au niveau de la cellule élémentaire nous permet de focaliser le diagramme de rayonnement dans la direction souhaitée. Dans cette thèse, la solution retenue est l’utilisation de diodes PIN. Cette dernière a fait l’objet de nombreuses études que ce soit au niveau laboratoire mais également industriel et possède des atouts intéressant en terme de performance et de coût. L'étude montre que d'avoir un niveau de correction élevée ne garantit pas la meilleure performance parce qu'il faut aussi considérer les pertes dans l'élément actif lui-même (dans notre cas, il s’agit des pertes dans les diodes PIN). Dans l’avenir, il serait nécessaire de modifier la position de la diode afin de rendre la fabrication plus aisée. Dans ce cas il faudra retravailler sur les lignes de polarisation et aussi les géométries du stub et des vias. Il sera peut-être nécessaire de déplacer la diode à l'extérieur du substrat en face l'arrière de la cellule par exemple. Quand les réseaux réflecteurs seront fabriqués, ils pourront être directement testés avec le contrôleur de diode fabriqué. / The objective of this project is to design and fabricate a reconfigurable reflectarray with beam scanning capability at 20 GHz for unmanned aerial system (UAS) communication link. Reflectarray is a type of antenna that shares similar functionality to parabolic reflector antenna. The main difference is the physical and geometry appearance of the antenna where reflectarray has flat reflecting panel instead of parabolic reflector. The reflecting panel consists of elementary cell, which is used to control the reflected phase of the incident wave. By controlling the reflected phase on each elementary cell, the radiation pattern of the antenna can be focused to any desired direction. PIN diode technology is chosen as the preferred solution in the context of this project because it is already proven working in the industry and research fields. In house reflectarray simulator has been developed from the simulation, having high correction order will not necessarily improve the performance because the loss inside in active element must also be considered. In the short-term period, the modification on the elementary cell diode polarization line will enable the reflectarray to be fabricated and measured because the current design cannot be fabricated by the manufacturer contrary to their first statement due to position of the diode in the middle of substrates. The modification requires the p-i-n diode to be moved at the backside of the elementary cell and some geometry adjustments are needed for the phase delay line and the via. Once the reflectarray is fabricated, it can be tested directly with the diode controller that is already validated and shown to be working well.

Разработка компактного дискретного фазовращателя ДМВ-диапазона : магистерская диссертация / Development of a compact discrete phase shifter for the UHF range

Овчинников, Е. Ю., Ovchinnikov, E. Y. January 2021 (has links)
Объектом исследования является дискретный фазовращатель ДМВ диапазона. Цель работы - разработка фазовращателя с требуемыми в техническом задании параметрами. В процессе работы был рассчитан и смоделирован фазовращатель в среде проектирования «АWR Design Environment», разработана электрическая принципиальная схема и перечень элементов, создан макет устройства и проведены его измерения. Моделирование ФВ проводилось с применением методов электромагнитного анализа и использованием в качестве основных активных элементов их S-параметров и Spice-моделей. В результате проведенной работы был создан макет фазовращателя с требуемыми параметрами. Результаты работы будут применены при создании фазированной антенной решетки метеорологического радиолокатора. / The object of the research is a discrete phase shifter of the UHF range. The purpose of the work is to develop a phase shifter with the parameters required in the technical specification. In the process of work, the phase shifter was calculated and modeled in the AWR Design Environment, an electrical schematic diagram and a list of elements were developed, a device model was created and its measurements were carried out. PV modeling was carried out using the methods of electromagnetic analysis and using their S-parameters and Spice-models as the main active elements. As a result of the work carried out, a prototype of a phase shifter with the required parameters was created. The results of the work will be used to create a phased array of a meteorological radar.

Design and modelling of beam steering antenna array for mobile and wireless applications using optimisation algorithms : simulation and measrement of switch and phase shifter for beam steering antenna array by applying reactive loading and time modulated switching techniques, optimised using genetic algorithms and particle swarm methods

Abusitta, Musa M. January 2012 (has links)
The objectives of this work were to investigate, design and implement beam steering antenna arrays for mobile and wireless applications using the genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) techniques as optimisation design tools. Several antenna designs were implemented and tested: initially, a printed dipole antenna integrated with a duplex RF switch used for mobile base station antenna beam steering was investigated. A coplanar waveguide (CPW) to coplanar strip (CPS) transition was adopted to feed the printed dipole. A novel RF switch circuit, used to control the RF signal fed to the dipole antenna and placed directly before it, was proposed. The measured performance of the RF switch was tested and the results confirmed its viability. Then two hybrid coupled PIN diode phase shifters, using Branchline and Rat-Race ring coupler structures, were designed and tested. The generation of four distinct phase shifts was implemented and studied. The variations of the scattering parameters were found to be realistic, with an acceptable ±2 phase shift tolerance. Next, antenna beam steering was achieved by implementing RF switches with ON or OFF mode functions to excite the radiating elements of the antenna array. The switching control process was implemented using a genetic algorithm (GA) method, subject to scalar and binary genes. Anti-phase feeding of radiating elements was also investigated. A ring antenna array with reflectors was modelled and analysed. An antenna of this type for mobile base stations was designed and simulation results are presented. Following this, a novel concept for simple beam steering using a uniform antenna array operated at 2.4 GHz was designed using GA. The antenna is fed by a single RF input source and the steering elements are reactively tuned by varactor diodes in series with small inductors. The beam-control procedure was derived through the use of a genetic algorithm based on adjusting the required reactance values to obtain the optimum solution as indicated by the cost function. The GA was also initially used as an optimisation tool to derive the antenna design from its specification. Finally, reactive loading and time modulated switching techniques are applied to steer the beam of a circular uniformly spaced antenna array having a source element at its centre. Genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimisation (PSO) processes calculate the optimal values of reactances loading the parasitic elements, for which the gain can be optimised in a desired direction. For time modulated switching, GA and PSO also determine the optimal on and off times of the parasitic elements for which the difference in currents induced optimises the gain and steering of the beam in a desired direction. These methods were demonstrated by investigating a vertically polarised antenna configuration. A prototype antenna was constructed and experimental results compared with the simulations. Results showed that near optimal solutions for gain optimisation, sidelobe level reduction and beam steering are achievable by utilising these methods. In addition, a simple switching process is employed to steer the beam of a horizontally polarised circular antenna array. A time modulated switching process is applied through Genetic Algorithm optimisation. Several model examples illustrate the radiation beams and the switching time process of each element in the array.

Defasador baseado em MEMS distribuídos para aplicações em ondas milimétricas. / Phase shifter based on MEMS for distributed applications millimeter wave.

Gavidia Bovadilla, Robert Aleksander 30 October 2013 (has links)
Atualmente existe uma demanda por sistemas de comunicação com altas taxas de transferência de dados, trabalhando em ondas milimétricas (mmW). Além disso, os sistemas devem ser cada vez menores, apresentando um baixo consumo de potência e baixo custo para poderem ser utilizados em aplicações sem fio direcionadas ao mercado do consumidor. Neste trabalho, é proposto um defasador passivo miniaturizado de baixas perdas para aplicações em mmW baseado em um conceito inovador utilizando sistemas micro-eletromecânicos (MEMS) distribuídos e linhas de transmissão coplanares de ondas lentas (S-CPW). Assim, a defasagem é conseguida pela liberação das fitadas da camada de blindagem da S-CPW utilizando um processo de corrosão com vapor de HF. As fitas liberadas podem ser movimentadas quando uma tensão DC é aplicada, o que muda a fase do sinal propagado. É apresentado também um modelo eletromecânico e RF do defasador, compostos de elementos concentrados, permitindo a simulação do comportamento dinâmico do dispositivos e a mudança da fase. O defasador foi fabricado utilizando um processo realizado integralmente no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Alguns testes elétricos de atuação, demonstram que o processo de fabricação é viável e permitiu a liberação e atuação do plano de blindagem. / There is a demand for millimeter-wave (mmW) high data-rate communication systems. Systems should have small area as well as low power consumption and low cost in order to address wireless consumer applications. In this work, a low-loss distributed microelectromechanical (MEMS) phase shifter for mmW applications based on an innovative concept using distributed MEMS and slow-wave coplanar transmission lines (S-CPW) is proposed. The phase shift is achieved by releasing the ribbons of the shielding layer of the S-CPW with a HF vapor etching process. In this way the ribbons can be allows actuated when a DC voltage is applied, which changes the phase of the propagating signal. An electromechanical model and a RF model were developed using lumped elements, allowing the simulation of the dynamic behavior of the distributed MEMS and the phase shift. The phase shifter was entirely fabricated at the Laboratory of Microelectronics of the Polytechnic School from the University of São Paulo. Some electrical tests showed that the fabrication process is viable and allowed the correct release of the shielding layer of the phase shifter.

Structure and optimisation of liquid crystal based phase shifter for millimetre-wave applications

Li, Jinfeng January 2019 (has links)
The delivery of tunable millimetre-wave components at 60GHz is of research and development interests with the advent of 5G era. Among applications such as high-data-rate wireless communications, high-precision automotive radars and hand-gesture sensing, variable phase shifters are vital components for antenna arrays to steer an electromagnetic beam without mechanical movement. However, present microwave technology has limited scope in meeting more and more stringent requirements in wavefront phase control and device performance for those cutting-edge applications in the millimetre-wavelength range. Although some existing microwave switchable techniques (such as RF MEMS and solid-state p-i-n diodes) can offer ultra-fast speed for phase modulation, their binary beam-steering nature is resolution-limited and thereby degrades the beam-scanning performance. In response to this, continuously-tunable phase shifting can be realised by using tunable dielectric materials such as ferroelectric BST and liquid crystals (LCs). BST thin films can offer relatively fast switching and modest tunability. However, the increased dielectric loss beyond 10GHz impedes their implementation for higher frequency applications. By comparison, liquid crystals (LCs) have drawn attention in recent years because of their continuous tunability as well as low losses especially at millimetre-wavebands. The principle of shifting the phase continuously is based on the shape anisotropy of LC molecules for variable polarizabilities and hence tunable dielectric constants, which allows wave speed to be controlled with ease by a low-frequency field of only up to 10V. However, LC-based tunable delay lines are not well established in the frequency regime of 60GHz-90GHz because of the limited status of LC microwave technology in which most of the LC based devices have been designed for below 40GHz. It is the aim of this PhD research to bridge the gap and address future societal needs based on our group's focus and experience in developing cutting-edge LC-based agile microwave components. In this work, a liquid crystal (LC) based 0-180˚continuously-variable phase shifter is developed with insertion loss less than -4.4dB and return loss below -15dB across a wide spectrum from 54GHz to 67GHz. The device is driven by a 0-10V AC bias and structured in a novel enclosed coplanar waveguide (ECPW) including an enclosed ground plate in the design, which significantly reduces the instability due to floating effects of the transmission line. This structure screens out interference and stray modes, allowing resonance-free quasi-TEM wave propagation up to 90GHz. The tunable ECPW is optimised by competing spatial volume distribution of the millimetre-wave signal occupying lossy tunable dielectrics versus low-loss but non-tunable dielectrics and minimising the total of dielectric volumetric loss and metal surface loss for a fixed phase-tuning range. A variety of influences affecting the actual device performance are studied, experimented and optimised. Fabricated prototypes exhibit wideband low-loss performance and 0-π continuous tuning with low power consumptions and high linearity compared with the state-of-the-arts. Potentially, the ECPW-fed phased antenna array will be incorporated with advanced beam-forming algorithms to develop compact beam-steering systems of improved performances and targeted for ultra-high-data-rate wireless communications, inter-satellite communications, current road safety improvement, futuristic autonomous driving, and other smart devices such as the hand-gesture recognition.

Defasador baseado em MEMS distribuídos para aplicações em ondas milimétricas. / Phase shifter based on MEMS for distributed applications millimeter wave.

Robert Aleksander Gavidia Bovadilla 30 October 2013 (has links)
Atualmente existe uma demanda por sistemas de comunicação com altas taxas de transferência de dados, trabalhando em ondas milimétricas (mmW). Além disso, os sistemas devem ser cada vez menores, apresentando um baixo consumo de potência e baixo custo para poderem ser utilizados em aplicações sem fio direcionadas ao mercado do consumidor. Neste trabalho, é proposto um defasador passivo miniaturizado de baixas perdas para aplicações em mmW baseado em um conceito inovador utilizando sistemas micro-eletromecânicos (MEMS) distribuídos e linhas de transmissão coplanares de ondas lentas (S-CPW). Assim, a defasagem é conseguida pela liberação das fitadas da camada de blindagem da S-CPW utilizando um processo de corrosão com vapor de HF. As fitas liberadas podem ser movimentadas quando uma tensão DC é aplicada, o que muda a fase do sinal propagado. É apresentado também um modelo eletromecânico e RF do defasador, compostos de elementos concentrados, permitindo a simulação do comportamento dinâmico do dispositivos e a mudança da fase. O defasador foi fabricado utilizando um processo realizado integralmente no Laboratório de Microeletrônica da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. Alguns testes elétricos de atuação, demonstram que o processo de fabricação é viável e permitiu a liberação e atuação do plano de blindagem. / There is a demand for millimeter-wave (mmW) high data-rate communication systems. Systems should have small area as well as low power consumption and low cost in order to address wireless consumer applications. In this work, a low-loss distributed microelectromechanical (MEMS) phase shifter for mmW applications based on an innovative concept using distributed MEMS and slow-wave coplanar transmission lines (S-CPW) is proposed. The phase shift is achieved by releasing the ribbons of the shielding layer of the S-CPW with a HF vapor etching process. In this way the ribbons can be allows actuated when a DC voltage is applied, which changes the phase of the propagating signal. An electromechanical model and a RF model were developed using lumped elements, allowing the simulation of the dynamic behavior of the distributed MEMS and the phase shift. The phase shifter was entirely fabricated at the Laboratory of Microelectronics of the Polytechnic School from the University of São Paulo. Some electrical tests showed that the fabrication process is viable and allowed the correct release of the shielding layer of the phase shifter.

Microwave Devices and Antennas Based on Negative-refractive-index Transmission-line Metamaterials

Antoniades, Marc A. 23 September 2009 (has links)
Several microwave devices and antennas that are based on negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL) metamaterials are presented in this thesis, which exhibit superior performance features compared to their conventional counterparts. These are a Wilkinson balun, a 1:4 series power divider, a four-element printed dipole array, a leaky-wave antenna, and an electrically small folded-monopole antenna. The Wilkinson balun employs +90° and −90° NRI-TL metamaterial lines at the output branches of a Wilkinson divider, to achieve a six-fold increase in the measured differential output phase bandwidth compared to that of an analogous balun employing transmission lines, while occupying only 55% of the area. The 1:4 series power divider comprises four non-radiating 0° NRI-TL metamaterial lines, each with a compact length of λ0/8, to provide equal power split to all four output ports. Compared to a conventional series power divider employing one-wavelength long transmission lines, the metamaterial divider provides a 154% increase in the measured through-power bandwidth, while occupying only 54% of the area. The metamaterial series power dividing concept is also applied to a four-element fully-printed dipole array that is designed to radiate at broadside, in order to demonstrate that the array exhibits reduced beam squinting characteristics. It is shown that the metamaterial-fed array has a measured scan-angle bandwidth that is 173% greater than an array that is fed using a conventional low-pass loaded line. The reduced-beam squinting property that NRI-TL metamaterial lines offer is subsequently exploited to create a leaky-wave antenna that radiates a near-fixed beam in the forward +45° direction, with an average measured beam squint of only 0.031°/MHz. This is achieved by operating the antenna in the upper right-handed band where the phase and group velocities are the closest to the speed of light. Finally, an electrically small antenna comprising four 0° NRI-TL metamaterial unit cells is presented which supports a predominantly even-mode current, thus enabling it to be modeled as a multi-arm folded monopole. This significantly increases its radiation resistance, which allows it to be matched to 50 Ω, while maintaining a high measured efficiency of 70%.

Microwave Devices and Antennas Based on Negative-refractive-index Transmission-line Metamaterials

Antoniades, Marc A. 23 September 2009 (has links)
Several microwave devices and antennas that are based on negative-refractive-index transmission-line (NRI-TL) metamaterials are presented in this thesis, which exhibit superior performance features compared to their conventional counterparts. These are a Wilkinson balun, a 1:4 series power divider, a four-element printed dipole array, a leaky-wave antenna, and an electrically small folded-monopole antenna. The Wilkinson balun employs +90° and −90° NRI-TL metamaterial lines at the output branches of a Wilkinson divider, to achieve a six-fold increase in the measured differential output phase bandwidth compared to that of an analogous balun employing transmission lines, while occupying only 55% of the area. The 1:4 series power divider comprises four non-radiating 0° NRI-TL metamaterial lines, each with a compact length of λ0/8, to provide equal power split to all four output ports. Compared to a conventional series power divider employing one-wavelength long transmission lines, the metamaterial divider provides a 154% increase in the measured through-power bandwidth, while occupying only 54% of the area. The metamaterial series power dividing concept is also applied to a four-element fully-printed dipole array that is designed to radiate at broadside, in order to demonstrate that the array exhibits reduced beam squinting characteristics. It is shown that the metamaterial-fed array has a measured scan-angle bandwidth that is 173% greater than an array that is fed using a conventional low-pass loaded line. The reduced-beam squinting property that NRI-TL metamaterial lines offer is subsequently exploited to create a leaky-wave antenna that radiates a near-fixed beam in the forward +45° direction, with an average measured beam squint of only 0.031°/MHz. This is achieved by operating the antenna in the upper right-handed band where the phase and group velocities are the closest to the speed of light. Finally, an electrically small antenna comprising four 0° NRI-TL metamaterial unit cells is presented which supports a predominantly even-mode current, thus enabling it to be modeled as a multi-arm folded monopole. This significantly increases its radiation resistance, which allows it to be matched to 50 Ω, while maintaining a high measured efficiency of 70%.

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