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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hodnocení úrovně motorických dovedností dětí I. stupně vybraných pražských základních škol / Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools

Šollová, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of motor skills level in children of the primary education of selected Prague elementary schools Objectives: The main aim of the study was to evaluate current level of motor skills of primary education children of selected Prague elementary schools using standardized assessment battery MABC-2. A partial goal of the study was to compare the level achieved in the MABC-2 test with the data acquired through the questionnaire survey regarding physical activities of participating responders. (n = 134). Methods: A total number of 134 responders (60 girls and 74 boys) aged from 7 to 12 years from two selected Prague elementary schools participated in the research. The level of motor skills of all participants was examined using a standardized assessment battery MABC- 2. The testing was carried out in the form of field research during physical education lessons at selected schools. A questionnaire designed specifically for the purpose of this study, subsequently completed by legal representatives of the responders, was used for the orientation examination of the physical behaviour of the participants. The data from the questionnaire survey was subsequently compared with the level achieved in the MABC-2 test. MS Excel 2010 was used to interpret the results and to process the data...

Fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Physical inactivity among women aged 18-64 in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries : A systematic literature review

Ilesjö, Emma, Rosvall af Geijersstam, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Fysisk inaktivitet beskrivs idag som ett växande globalt folkhälsoproblem där en tredjedel av världens alla vuxna inte når upp till de internationella rekommendationerna för fysisk aktivitet. Fysisk inaktivitet fastställs även som en av de ledande riskfaktor för förtida död och förknippas ofta med sjukdomar som hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, diabetes och cancer. Kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år boende i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden beskrivs vara i särskild risk för fysisk inaktivitet, framförallt då bristande möjligheter till att utöva fysisk aktivitet är ledande för denna befolkningsgrupp. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva vilka riskfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk inaktivitet samt vilka skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till fysisk aktivitet bland kvinnor i åldrarna 18–64 år i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden i höginkomstländer. Metod: Den metod som tillämpades var en systematisk litteraturöversikt där 20 vetenskapliga artiklar stod till grund för resultatet. De databaser som användes i studien var PubMed och Medline och de vetenskapliga artiklarna var publicerade mellan år 2005–2020. Vidare granskades och bearbetats dessa artiklar utifrån en tematisk innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet redovisades med utgångspunkt från tre huvudteman; socioekonomiska faktorer, psykosociala faktorer samt fysisk miljö. I resultatet framkom det att faktorer som låg utbildningsnivå, låg nivå av self-efficacy, avsaknad av socialt stöd samt bristande ekonomiska förutsättningar och fysisk miljö var påverkande orsaker till fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden. Slutsats: Utifrån resultatet går det att dra slutsatsen att fysisk inaktivitet bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt utsatta områden är ett synnerligen viktigt ämne som berör många perspektiv, både på individnivå och på samhällsnivå. Den fysiska inaktiviteten bland kvinnor i socioekonomiskt missgynnade stadsdelar handlar i stora delar om brist på de skyddsfaktorer som kan bidra till en ökad fysisk aktivitet. / Introduction: Physical inactivity is described as a growing global public health problem where one third of all the world’s adults do not achieve the international recommendations for physical activity. Physical inactivity is also identified as one of the leading risk factors for premature death and is often associated with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. Women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods are described as being at particular risk of physical inactivity, especially as lack of opportunitiesis common among this group of population when it comes to physical activity. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to describe the risk factors that can contribute to physical inactivity and the protective factors that can contribute to physical activity among women aged 18-64 living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods in high-income countries. Methods: The method used was a systematic literature review based on 20 scientific articles.The databases that were used in the study were PubMed and Medline and the scientific articles were published between 2005–2020. Furthermore, these articles were reviewed and processed on the basis of a thematic content analysis. Results: The results were presented on the basis of three main themes; socioeconomic factors, psychosocial factors and physical environment. The results showed that factors such as low level of education, low level of self efficacy, lack of social support and lack of financial prerequisites and physical environment were influential causes of physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. Conclusion: Based on the results, it can be concluded that physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is a particularly important topic that affects many perspectives, both at the individual level and at the societal level. The physical inactivity among women in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods is largely due to a lack of the protective factors that can contribute to increased physical activity.

Provider Acceptance, Training, and Utilization of Place-Based Exercise Prescriptions

Smock, Carissa Ruby 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Régulation de la fonction vasculaire pendant le vieillissement : rôles de l’environnement post-natal et du gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53

Leblond, François 12 1900 (has links)
La dysfonction endothéliale vasculaire constitue un marqueur précoce des maladies cardiovasculaires car l’endothélium est l’une des premières cibles des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire. La présence d'un stress chronique engendré par les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire sollicite les mécanismes de défense endogènes, tels que les enzymes antioxydantes, qui servent au maintien de la fonction endothéliale. L’environnement vasculaire auquel l’endothélium est exposé a un effet direct sur son fonctionnement à long terme. Certaines habitudes de vie sont ainsi associées à une bonne santé cardiovasculaire. Par exemple, la diète méditerranéenne et/ou la pratique régulière de l’exercice physique aident à maintenir une fonction endothéliale adéquate et à réduire l’incidence des maladies cardiovasculaires. D'autre part, certains gènes clés, comme le gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53, régulent plusieurs voies métaboliques importantes pour préserver l’intégrité des cellules endothéliales. Nous posons l’hypothèse que l’environnement vasculaire post-natal influence la mise en place de mécanismes de défenses endogènes tels que les enzymes antioxydantes afin de faire face à des stress plus tard dans la vie. Notre objectif global était d’évaluer les impacts d’interventions post-natales bénéfiques et d’une diminution endogène du gène suppresseur de tumeurs p53, sur la fonction endothéliale vasculaire et sur sa capacité à faire face à un stress métabolique. Dans une première étude, nous avons soumis des souris saines C57Bl/6 dès leur sevrage et jusqu’à l’âge de 9 mois, à un programme d’exercice physique volontaire (course dans une roue) ou à un antioxydant (catéchine), comparé à un groupe de souris sédentaires et sans antioxydant. Puis les interventions ont été stoppées et une diète riche en gras a été introduite, ou non, pour une période de 3 mois; les souris ont été sacrifiées à l'âge de 9 ou 12 mois. Nous avons observé que l’exercice a protégé les cellules endothéliales des effets délétères induits par la diète riche en gras en préservant la fonction endothéliale par le maintien d’un profil rédox sain et en évitant la hausse de l’inflammation. La catéchine a maintenu la fonction endothéliale aortique, mais n’a pas prévenu le profil inflammatoire en présence de la diète riche en gras. Finalement, chez les souris sédentaires, la fonction endothéliale a été détériorée en présence de la diète riche en gras, sans indice d’inflammation vasculaire. Dans une seconde étude, des souris partiellement déficientes en p53 (p53+/-) et contrôles C57Bl/6 ont été exposées à la même diète riche en gras à partir de 3 mois et ce jusqu’à l’âge de 6 mois. Notre raisonnement était basé sur la démonstration que p53 est un régulateur de l’expression des enzymes antioxydantes in vitro. Chez les souris p53+/-, les cellules endothéliales ont été protégées du stress induit par l’hypercholestérolémie engendrée par la diète riche en gras. Cependant, chez les souris p53+/- cette protection pourrait être secondaire à un métabolisme accru des acides biliaires, qui en prévenant la hausse de cholestérol, protègerait indirectement l'endothélium. Nous avons donc pu démontrer l’importance de l’environnement vasculaire sur la fonction endothéliale. La diète riche en gras a stimulé certains mécanismes de défense vasculaires tels que la voie des EDHF et la superoxyde dismutase afin de maintenir la fonction endothéliale malgré les conditions pro-athérosclérotiques. Nous avons observé que l’exercice et la catéchine influencent différemment l’endothélium malgré leurs capacités antioxydantes. Ces études soulignent la sensibilité de l’endothélium aux changements dans l’environnement vasculaire. En accord avec le vieillissement de la population et la progression des maladies cardiovasculaires, la proportion de personnes ayant une dysfonction endothéliale augmente. Ainsi, une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes ou d’interventions qui permettent le maintien de la fonction endothéliale à long terme s’avère utile. / Endothelial dysfunction is an early marker of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Cardiovascular risk factors generate a chronic stress, challenging endogenous defense mechanisms that are critical to maintain endothelial function, such as antioxidant enzymes. The vascular environment impacts the integrity and long-term function of endothelial cells. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is beneficial for cardiovascular health: regular physical training and/or a Mediterranean diet are associated with the maintenance of endothelial function and a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, some key genes such as tumor suppressor gene p53, are known to regulate numerous cellular functions that are necessary to maintain endothelial cells integrity. We hypothesized that the post-natal vascular environment impacts the development of endogenous cellular defense mechanisms such as antioxidant enzymes, in order to protect against vascular stress that will occur later in life. Our major goal was to evaluate the impact of post-natal interventions and endogenous reduction of p53 expression on vascular endothelial function and its capacity to resist against a metabolic stress. In our first study, healthy C57Bl/6 mice were exposed from weaning to the age of 9 months to physical voluntary training (running wheel) or to the antioxidant catechin, and were compared to physically inactive mice that did not receive catechin. Then, exercise and catechin were stopped and mice were subjected to a regular or a high fat diet for 3 months; mice were sacrificed either at the age of 9 or 12 months. In trained mice, we observed that exercise prevented endothelial dysfunction and inflammation induced by the high fat diet. In catechin-treated mice, aortic endothelial function was maintained despite exposure to the high fat diet, but an inflammatory profile was observed. In physically inactive mice, the high fat diet induced endothelial dysfunction without inflammation. In our second study, mice partially deficient in p53 (p53+/-) were exposed to the same high fat diet from 3 to 6 months of age. Our rationale was based on the discovery that in vitro, p53 regulates antioxidant enzymes gene expression. In p53+/- mice, endothelial cells were protected from the stress of hypercholesterolemia induced by the high fat diet. However, this endothelial protection could be linked with an unexpected enhanced bile acid metabolism in p53+/- mice: low endogenous expression of p53 prevents the rise in plasma total cholesterol when fed a high fat diet, indirectly protecting the endothelium. In summary, we were able to demonstrate the importance of the vascular environment on endothelial function. The pro-atherosclerotic environment induced by the high fat diet stimulated vascular defense mechanisms, as observed by the activation of the compensatory EDHF pathway and superoxide dismutase activity, to maintain an adequate endothelial function. We observed that exercise and catechin had a different impact on the endothelium despite their antioxidant properties. These studies demonstrate the sensitivity of the endothelium to changes within the vascular environment. As the population is aging and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is increasing, endothelial dysfunction will be more frequent. Therefore, a better comprehension of mechanisms or interventions that can protect endothelial function can only be beneficial.

Pohybová aktivita pracujících osob se zaměřením na lékaře / The Physical activity of persons with a focus on physician

KRAUSOVÁ, Alena January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the topic: ?The Physical activity of persons with a focus on physician?. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I focus eg. on area history of kinesiology, motor skills and development, factors influencing physical activity or diseases caused by physical inactivity. The practical part of this work is to monitor physical activity among physicians from different sectors.To determine the level of physical activity was chosen IPAQ long for 100 doctors who participated in the monitoring. I selected 30 doctors, who for a week had individually set pedometer and write down your daily physical activity.

Změny funkčních charakteristik nohy cílenou neurofyziologickou intervencí u školních dětí / Functional changes of the foot by help of the concrete neurological intervention at shool childs.

Marenčáková, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
Title: Neurophysiologic intervention induced changes of the functional foot characteristics in school children. Objectives: The aim of the research was to identify the functional characteristics of the foot in school children selected on the basis of the activity of physical activity in the highest intensity (sporting children) and in the lowest intensity (non-sporting children) and to find out possibilities of influencing the functional characteristics of the foot by targeted neurophysiological intervention. The whole research study was divided into 3 related parts, which were examined separately. The first study aim was an identification of group specific functional characteristics of the foot in 2 groups of school children - actively sporting children and non-sporting children. The second study aim was the influence determination of long-term duration high performance sport activity on the functional characteristics of the school children foot in adolescent elite soccer players. And the aim of the third study was to verify the effect of the targeted neurophysiologic active intervention on the functional foot characteristics in actively sporting children with foot dysfunction of pronated foot and/or flatfoot type. Methods: The research study was divided into three study parts consisted of...

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