Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2physical education anda training"" "subject:"2physical education ando training""
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Comparação entre a carga de uma repetição máxima determinada de forma isolada e em um conjunto de exercícios realizados em diferentes ordens, mas em uma mesma sessão /Carli, João Paulo Costa de. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Vilmar Baldissera / Banca: Alessandro Moura Zagatto / Banca: Francisco Navarro / Resumo: A carga obtida pelo teste de 1RM é constantemente utilizada em porcentagens para prescrição de treinamento resistido. Em geral, quando este teste é utilizado, recomendava-se realizar até quatro exercícios por dia, com o intuito de um quinto exercício não ser influenciado pelos anteriores, o que demandaria muitos dias de avaliações para a obtenção da carga de 1RM em diferentes exercícios prescritos para um programa de treinamento, pois acreditava-se que a fadiga gerada por um teste poderia afetar os seguintes. Procurando investigar esta questão, o objetivo principal do presente estudo foi investigar se ocorrem diferenças entre as cargas de 1RM determinadas em oito exercícios executados de forma isolada e em três sequências distintas quanto à ordem de realização e organização dos exercícios. Os objetivos específicos foram: 1) Comparar as cargas de 1RM determinadas em oito exercícios realizados isoladamente com as cargas obtidas em sequências distintas; 2) Analisar os valores de lactacidemia obtidos nas sessões de testes isolados, comparando-os com os valores obtidos nas sequências; 3) Analisar o comportamento da percepção subjetiva de esforço (PSE) durante as sessões de testes e 4) Comparar as cargas de 1RM absolutas e relativas à massa livre de gordura (MLG) entre mulheres e homens. Trinta voluntários participaram do estudo e foram divididos em dois grupos, sendo que o grupo 1 foi composto por 15 mulheres com idade (média ± desvio padrão) de 22,6 ± 2,1 anos, massa corporal de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The load obtained in the 1RM test is constantly used in percentages for resistance training prescription. Generally when this test is used it is recommended to use up to four exercises in a session with the purpose of not letting a fifth exercise be influenced by the priors, which demands several days for evaluation for the determination of 1RM in the exercises of a training program because it was believed that the fatigue caused by a test could affect the next ones. To investigate such matter, the main purpose of the present study to investigate if there are differences between 1RM loads determined in eight isolate exercises and in three distinct sequences of execution. The specific purposes were: 1) To compare the loads of 1RM determined in eight exercises performed in isolation with the loads obtained in different sequences; 2) to analyze the values of blood lactate obtained in the isolated test sessions, comparing them with the values obtained in the sequences; 3) to analyze the behavior of ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) during the test sessions; 4) to compare 1RM loads as absolute values and relative to fat-free mass (FFM) between men and women. Thirty volunteers participated in the study and were divided in two groups. Group 1 consisted of 15 women with age (average ± standard deviation) 22.6 ± 2.1 years, body mass 63.40 ± 10.20kg, height 1.61 ± 0,08m, and body fat percentage of 27.11 ± 4.76% and group 2 consisted of 15 men with age 22.9 ± 3.0 years, body mass 79.9... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Contribuições para o processo formativo na educação física no Brasil : licenciatura ou bacharelado /Campanelli, Fabio. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Teresa Miceli Kerbauy / Banca: José Luis Bizelli / Banca: Fabio Tadeu Reina / Banca: Paulo Cesar Cedran / Banca: Jose Eduardo Costa de Oliveira / Resumo: A Educação Física está presente em nossas vidas desde a pré-história, onde o homem, por necessidade de sobrevivência, tinha de ser um exímio corredor, caçador, para poder sobreviver e subsistir. No Brasil, a Educação Física está presente desde a época de seu descobrimento, no ano de 1500, em relatos feitos à corte portuguesa por seu escrivão-mor Pero Vaz de Caminha, que relatou as atividades indígenas como sendo as primeiras manifestações de atividades físicas. A presente tese tem por objetivo geral reconstituir o processo histórico da formação do profissional da Educação Física no Brasil desde a época de seu descobrimento, em 1500, até os dias atuais, com ênfase nas contradições advindas de sua regulamentação decorrente da Lei n.9.696, de 1º de setembro de 1998. A metodologia utilizada, foi um levantamento bibliográfico, sobre a evolução histórica da Educação Física, e de suas leis, decretos e portarias que a regulamentaram desde os primórdios do Brasil colônia até os dias atuais.O objetivo específico é analisar como as alterações do processo de formação, que anteriormente à sua regulamentação estava restrito à atuação exclusivamente em âmbito escolar, influenciaram na redução de egressos na área de licenciatura no Brasil.A pergunta de pesquisa que orienta nossa argumentação é: O processo de formação decorrente das regulamentações que separaram o curso de Educação Física em Licenciatura e Bacharelado, seria o responsável pelo declínio na busca de novos licenciados? Após a re... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Physical education has been present in our lives since prehistory, where man, for the sake of survival, had to be an expert runner, hunter, in order to survive and subsist. In Brazil, Physical Education has been present since the time of its discovery, in the year 1500, in reports made to the Portuguese court by its chief registrar Pero Vaz de Caminha, who reported indigenous activities as being the first manifestations of physical activities. The present thesis aims to reconstruct the historical process of Physical Education professional formation in Brazil from the time of its discovery, in 1500, to the present day, with emphasis on the contradictions arising from its regulation resulting from Law no. 9,696, September 1, 1998. The methodology used was a bibliographical survey on the historical evolution of Physical Education, and its laws, decrees and ordinances that regulated it from the beginning of colonial Brazil to the present day. The specific objective is analyze how changes in the training process, which prior to its regulation was restricted to acting exclusively at the school level, influenced the reduction of undergraduate graduates in Brazil. The research question that guides our argument is: The resulting training process of the regulations that separated the Physical Education course in Bachelor and B would you be responsible for the decline in the search for new graduates? After the regulation of the profession that occurred late, only in 1998 with the promul... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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O sistema profissional da educação física : o processo de profissionalização, a busca por autonomia e as implicações para a vida profissional /Fonseca, Rubiane Giovane. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Samuel de Souza Neto / Banca: Rita de Cassia Garcia Verenguer / Banca: Elisabete dos Santos Freire / Banca: Tony Honorato / Banca: João Batista Andreotti Gomes Tojal / Resumo: O objetivo central do estudo é conhecer a organização da Educação Física no mundo do trabalho, seu processo de profissionalização e busca por autonomia perante as instituições sociais, de forma a descobrir como estas dimensões implicam na vida profissional. O estudo foi desenhado, principalmente, a partir de autores que discutem a ideologia da profissão de tradição na Sociologia das Profissões. A questão que conduz este estudo é como tem se constituído o processo de profissionalização da Educação Física, bem como quais as formas de interações da profissão com o Estado, o mercado, a sociedade e com o próprio sistema ocupacional? Partimos da hipótese de que existem mecanismos que sustentam a Educação Física no sistema profissional e social, impactando diretamente na identidade da Educação Física e em seu ideal de profissão. É um estudo qualitativo, de tipo exploratório e descritivo. A análise ocupacional da Educação Física foi organizada em duas dimensões: a macroestrutural e a microestrutural. Ambas são compostas por três segmentos onde os profissionais orientam suas carreiras: acadêmica, dos gerenciadores e dos práticos. Dessa forma, mapeamos (a) o segmento acadêmico, pela estrutura para a formação e produção de conhecimentos na Educação Física; (b) o segmento dos gerenciadores, pelas estratégias das organizações para a autorregulação profissional e realizamos (c) o mapeamento do mercado de trabalho na Educação Física, tanto nos campos escolares quanto não escolares para anal... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The main objective of the study is to know the organization of physical education in the working world, the process of professionalization and the search for autonomy from social institutions in order to find out how these dimensions imply in professional life. The study was drawn, mainly, from authors who discuss the ideology of the profession of tradition in the Sociology of Professions. The question that leads to this study is how the professionalization process of Physical Education has been constituted, as well as what forms of interactions of the profession with the State, the market, the society and the own occupational system? We start from the hypothesis that there are mechanisms that support Physical Education in the professional and social system, directly impacting the identity of Physical Education and its ideal of profession. It is a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive study. The occupational analysis of Physical Education was organized in two dimensions: the macrostructural and the microstructural. Both are composed of three segments where professionals guide their careers: academic, managerial and practical. Thus, we map (a) the academic segment, by the structure for the formation and production of knowledge in Physical Education; (b) the managers 'segment, through the organizations' strategies for professional self-regulation, and (c) the mapping of the labor market in Physical Education, both in the school and non-scholar fields, to analyze the segment ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor
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Representações sociais de alunos sobre a transição do 5º para o 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental e a Educação Física /Siqueira, Naiara Martins da Silva. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Lílian Aparecida Ferreira / Banca: Fernando Donizete Alves / Banca: Dagmar Aparecida Cynthia França Hunger / Resumo: A transição do Ensino Fundamental I para o Ensino Fundamental II é marcada por mudanças estruturais, curriculares e na vida escolar dos alunos. Tais alterações inferem não somente na transição de um ciclo de ensino para outro, mas no ambiente escolar, nas estruturas físicas, nas orientações pedagógicas, nos cenários sociais, nas demandas emocionais, etc. Neste sentido, os objetivos desta pesquisa foram analisar as representações sociais dos alunos sobre a transição do 5º para o 6º ano e a Educação Física. Considerando que a transição do 5º para o 6° ano revela um momento peculiar do Ensino Fundamental, a compreensão deste cenário pode nos ajudar a efetivar uma prática pedagógica atenta a estas questões, contribuindo assim para minimizar tais enfrentamentos e consolidar um processo de ensino mais adequado aos alunos. A presente pesquisa é de caráter qualitativo, mantendo um contato direto com a situação e o contexto nos quais os fenômenos ocorrem. Os participantes do estudo foram 67 alunos de 5º e 6º anos do Ensino Fundamental de três escolas públicas estaduais da cidade de Bauru. Para a coleta de dados foi feita entrevista com os alunos envolvidos nesses ciclos. As representações sociais são saberes socialmente elaborados por determinado grupo e que permitem compreender um contexto social, histórico e material. Através das representações sociais, a análise dos dados aponta que no 5º ano os alunos já manifestam sobre a transição para o 6º ano como um momento difícil. Ao entrar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The transition from Elementary School I to Elementary School II is marked by structural, curricular and school changes in students. These changes infer not only the transition from one teaching cycle to another, but also in the school environment, in physical structures, in pedagogical orientations, in social settings, in emotional demands, etc. In this sense, the objectives of this research were to analyze the social representations of the students about the transition from the 5th to the 6th year and Physical Education. Considering that the transition from the 5th to the 6th year reveals a peculiar moment of Elementary Education, understanding this scenario can help us to implement a pedagogical practice attentive to these questions, thus helping to minimize such confrontations and consolidate a more appropriate teaching process to the students. The present research is of qualitative character, maintaining a direct contact with the situation and the context in which the phenomena occur. The study participants were 67 5th and 6th grade elementary students from three state public schools in the city of Bauru. For the data collection, an interview was made with the students involved in these cycles. Social representations are socially elaborated knowledge by a certain group and that allow to understand a social, historical and material context. Through the social representations, data analysis shows that in the 5th year students already express about the transition to the 6th ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Teachers' interpersonal styles, students' psychological needs and adaptive/maladaptive outcomes in physical educationLiu, Jing Dong 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of physical fitness training on academic performanceButler, Annette M. 01 January 1982 (has links)
In elderly psychiatric individuals, physical fitness training has been related to improved cognitive performance on several scales (Powell, 1974; Stamford, Hambacher, & Fallica, 1974). The results with normal adults and children, however, are not clear (Folkins & Sime, 1981). The purpose of the present study was to test the effects of cardiovascular fitness traini~g on cognitive functioning, relevant to academic performance, in college students. The following measures were used: Shipley- Institute of Living Scale, Rotter's Internal-External Control of Reinforcement Scale, a Student Learning Styles / Questionnaire, self~report data indicating hours spent studying, quality of studies, and mental alertness during daily activities, and a bicycle ergometer test to determine physical fitness levels. It was predicted that a relationship exists between physical fitness training and these variables that presumably affect academic performance. A physical fitness training effect was not found for the experimental group, which indicates that the experimental manipulation of the independent variable was not complete. Thus, no research hypothese could be supported. Suggestions for future research are discussed.
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The Effects of Ability Grouping in Physical Education Upon Attitude and AchievementBrown, Joe Albert, 1934- 08 1900 (has links)
The problem under consideration was a study of the effects of two grouping procedures upon attitude and achievement of male college freshmen and sophomores of low and high motor ability.
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The effective use of student leaders in the high school physical education programUnknown Date (has links)
"The purpose of this study is to produce a clear, concise plan for the effective use of student leaders in the high school physical education program. Sub-problems: This study includes the following four problems: 1. To point out the opportunities that may be used to develop student leaders in the high school physical education program. 2. To determine a means of selecting student leaders in the high school physical education program. 3. To indicate methods for the training of student leaders in the high school physical education program. 4. To determine a plan for the evaluation of student leaders in the high school physical education program"--Introduction. / Typescript. / "August, 1950." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science under Plan II." / Advisor: Kenneth D. Miller, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 26-27).
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Alterations in Strength Characteristics for Isometric and Dynamic Mid-Thigh Pulls in Collegiate Throwers Across 11 Weeks of TrainingHornsby, W. G., Haff, G. G., Sands, W. A., Ramsey, M. W., Beckham, G. K., Stone, M. E., Stone, M. H. 01 December 2013 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study was: 1) to investigate the alterations and relationships among training variables, performance variables, and physiological variables and 2) investigate the effects of strength training on potentiation complexes. Methods: The study enrolled nine D-1 collegiate throwers and four control subjects. The throwers participated in an 11-week resistance training and throws program. Resistance training volume load and throwing volume were recorded for 11 weeks. Measurements of maximal strength (isometric mid-thigh pulls) and dynamic mid-thigh pulls (DMTP) across a spectrum of loads: Males-60kg, 140kg, 180kg, 220kg, 140kg, 30% isometric peak force (IPF), Females - 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 120kg, 80kg, 30% IPF), were measured at weeks 1, 7, and 11. The control group was tested for isometric maximum strength at T1 (week 1) and T3 (week 11) Results: The throwers increased at each time point in isometric peak force (IPF), allometrically scaled IPF (IPFa), and isometric impulse. The throwers strength (IPF and IPFa) was significantly greater than the controls and the throwers experienced statistically significant changes in maximum strength from T1 to T3 when compared to the controls. The throwers demonstrated statistically significant changes in total load variables (variable for load 1+ load 2 + load 3 etc.) for DMTPs. Conclusion. As a whole these data suggest a potential for increased performance capabilities specific to throwing. Some data trends indicate that potentiation can occur as a result of performing a heavy pull before a lighter one. However, increasing maximum strength as a result of focusing on strength training did not enhance this potentiation effect.
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Alterations in Strength Characteristics for Isometric and Dynamic Mid-Thigh Pulls in Collegiate Throwers Across 11 Weeks of TrainingHornsby, W. G., Haff, G. G., Sands, W. A., Ramsey, M. W., Beckham, G. K., Stone, M. E., Stone, M. H. 01 December 2013 (has links)
Aim: The purpose of this study was: 1) to investigate the alterations and relationships among training variables, performance variables, and physiological variables and 2) investigate the effects of strength training on potentiation complexes. Methods: The study enrolled nine D-1 collegiate throwers and four control subjects. The throwers participated in an 11-week resistance training and throws program. Resistance training volume load and throwing volume were recorded for 11 weeks. Measurements of maximal strength (isometric mid-thigh pulls) and dynamic mid-thigh pulls (DMTP) across a spectrum of loads: Males-60kg, 140kg, 180kg, 220kg, 140kg, 30% isometric peak force (IPF), Females - 60kg, 80kg, 100kg, 120kg, 80kg, 30% IPF), were measured at weeks 1, 7, and 11. The control group was tested for isometric maximum strength at T1 (week 1) and T3 (week 11) Results: The throwers increased at each time point in isometric peak force (IPF), allometrically scaled IPF (IPFa), and isometric impulse. The throwers strength (IPF and IPFa) was significantly greater than the controls and the throwers experienced statistically significant changes in maximum strength from T1 to T3 when compared to the controls. The throwers demonstrated statistically significant changes in total load variables (variable for load 1+ load 2 + load 3 etc.) for DMTPs. Conclusion. As a whole these data suggest a potential for increased performance capabilities specific to throwing. Some data trends indicate that potentiation can occur as a result of performing a heavy pull before a lighter one. However, increasing maximum strength as a result of focusing on strength training did not enhance this potentiation effect.
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