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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barn och Ungdomar med intellektuella funktionsnedsnedsättningars upplevelse av delaktighet

Bergh, Ingrid January 2015 (has links)
Vikten av barns och ungdomars delaktighet är centralt i samhällsinsatser och forskning, samtidigt som avsaknad av mätmetoder av upplevelsen lyfts fram.Syftet med denna c-uppsats har varit att genomföra en undersökning av intellektuellt funktionsnedsatta barns och ungdomars upplevelser av social delaktighet utifrån deras perspektiv, dvs. barnets perspektiv samt att undersöka om mätverktyget Pict-O-Stat är en adekvat metod att använda för att mäta upplevelsen av delaktighet. Delaktighetsbegreppets komplexitet belyses och det är med perspektivet ”Den sociala delaktigheten i vardagslivet” som frågeställningen undersöks. Metoderna har varit en kvantitativ enkätundersökning där Pict-O-Stat används som mätverktyg och Pict-O-Stathandledarnas upplevelse av hur funktionellt mätverktyget är, genomförs med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt genom en studie med öppna frågor. Verksamheterna som undersökningen genomfördes i är korttidsvistelse, korttidstillsyn och bostad med särskild service för barn eller ungdomar enligt LSS. Barnen och ungdomarna tillhör LSS-personkrets 1, vilken omfattar personer med utvecklingsstörning, autism eller autismliknade tillstånd (inklusive Aspergers syndrom) och de var mellan 5-21 år. Materialet var begränsat, då få medgivande från föräldrar inkom. Sammanfattningsvis visade undersökningen att graden av upplevd delaktighet varierar samt att komplexiteten i begreppet gör det oklart vad delaktighet är. Resultatet belyser mätverktyget Pict-O-Stats möjligheter och begränsningar samt understryker behovet av framtida forskning inom området. / Despite the importance of participation for children and young with intellectual disability in central social interventions and research, methods of quantifying and monitoring are underdeveloped. The purpose of this essay has been to conduct a study of intellectually disabled children´s and young people's experiences of social participation from their perspective, i.e. the child's perspective and to investigate whether the measuring tool Pict-O-Stat is a functional method to use to measure the experience of participation. The complexity of the concept of participation is analyzed in the perspective of “social participation in everyday life". The method utilized has been a quantitative survey where Pict-O-Stat is used as a measuring tool and Pict-O-Stat supervisors' perception of the functionality of the measurement tool is studied through a hermeneutic approach and a questionnaire with open questions. The activities that the survey was implemented in are short-term stay, short-term supervision and accommodation with special services for children or young people entitled to support by LSS, the Act on Support and Service to certain Impaired Persons. The children and young people participating belong to the LSS category 1, which includes persons with mental retardation, autism or pervasive developmental disorders (incl. Asperger’s syndrome) and they were between 5-21 years. The material was limited, because the consents from parents were less than expected. In summary, the survey showed that the degree of perceived participation varies and that the complexity of the concept made the meaning of participation unclear. The result emphasizes the possibilities and limitations of the method of Pict-O-Stat and underlines the need of future research within this field.

Self-determination as perceived by users in support services pursuant to LSS : An analysis on a municipal level

Rombo, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
Each year in Sweden, users in support services are invited to participate in a user survey investigating their perceived quality of care. Results of this survey on a municipal level have never been analysed. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to use survey results from 2019 to investigate differences between support services pursuant to the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS): daily activity, service home and group home. Furthermore, Self Determination Theory was used to consider the potential associations between the results of the user survey and the three basic psychological needs for self-determined behavior within the theory: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In addition, user-staff communication was analysed. For examining differences, Welch’s ANOVAs were performed. Comparisons between the support services were made for seven questions from the user survey. Results showed significant differences between the support services for all questions included. Post hoc-analyses revealed that daily activity differed significantly from service home and group home for all questions and had the higher mean for all but one question. Significant differences between service home and group home were found for two questions. These findings indicate that there is still work left to be done for increasing the self-determination of users in different support services on a municipal level. Potential reasons for these differences were discussed. Furthermore, it was concluded that Self-determination theory provided a useful framework for analyses of user experiences of self-determination as associated to the user survey questions.

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