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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The engineering geology of a brecciated sub-unit in the Newer Volcanics of Melbourne and the implications for construction.

Schofield, Alistair James January 2014 (has links)
Geotechnical investigations undertaken by GHD Pty Ltd uncovered a previously undescribed rock type in the suburbs of Footscray and Alphington approximately 5 km west and 6.5 km east of Melbourne CBD respectively. The rock encountered appeared to be a breccia type rock with angular high strength fine gravel to boulder sized fragments of relatively unweathered grey to dark grey basalt surrounded by a matrix of orangish brown fine grained brittle material resembling hard clay. Pillow basalts were also encountered in the deposits in the form of 0.6 m or larger globular but highly fractured basalt bodies within the rock mass. The rock was eventually identified as a hyaloclastite, a rock type formed when basalt lava flows into water bodies and is quench fragmented. The debris forms piles of basalt and volcanic glass fragments. The volcanic glass fragments are thermodynamically unstable and are altered to palagonite within as little as 20 years from initial deposition. No prior reference to the occurrence of hyaloclastite in the Melbourne region could be found. As such, the location, extent and geotechnical properties of this rock type are unknown, posing a potential risk to infrastructure and construction projects. This study aimed to investigate the possible origins of the hyaloclastite; develop a theory of emplacement/origin; identify other locations where this rock type may exist; determine the geotechnical properties and engineering geological behaviour of the rock; and develop a classification system for the rocks encountered. A variety of methods were used to gather sufficient information to allow the occurrences and geological and geotechnical nature of hyaloclastites and pillow basalts in the Melbourne area to be better understood. Samples of the rock were obtained during the geotechnical investigations undertaken in Footscray and Alphington and outcrop mapping was completed on exposures identified during the course of this study. Historical borehole logs and as built drawings were obtained to assist in the understanding of the previous description terminology associated with the rock now identified as hyaloclastite. Standard and “non-standard” laboratory testing was undertaken as well as classification testing. The field of block-in-matrix rocks “bimrocks” was assessed as a possible method to assist in the understanding of the behaviour and geotechnical properties of the hyaloclastite rock with or without pillow basalts. The RMR, Q-System and GSI rock mass classification systems were used to help understand the rockmass characteristics. A weak rock classification system, a weathered rock characterisation system and a ground behaviour characterisation system were also used to provide information on the possible behaviour of the hyaloclastite type rocks. Development of both 2D and 3D geological models of the two sites indicate that the hyaloclastites encountered in Melbourne were deposited in “lava-deltas”. The hyaloclastites were deposited on advancing subaqueous delta fronts with an overlying layer of subaerial basalt above what has been termed the “passage zone” which represents the historical level of water into which the lava flowed. Strength testing undertaken on the various samples suggested that the hyaloclastite should be classified as a weak rock, with UCS values of ranging from approximately 1 MPa to 10 MPa, and a median UCS value of 1.37 MPa. Using the compiled UCS data and PLT data an estimate of the PLT Is50 to UCS conversion factor “k” was calculated as 10.4. The results of jar slake testing and weatherability index testing were variable: whilst the majority of samples showed no sign of slaking, one sample showed a strong reaction. The samples of disaggregated rock were classified as sandy gravel as per AS1726:1995. Whilst the fine to medium gravel was of subangular grains of basalt the sand was found to be made up of angular fragments of palagonite. Plasticity index and XRD testing of fines obtained from the disaggregation process indicated that the fines are comprised of illite and smectite clay minerals and behave as a high plasticity silt. Several categorisation methods utilised indicated that the hyaloclastite type rockmass strength parameters are controlled partly by the strength of the matrix and partly by the discontinuities and that the rock mass strength is dominated by the pillow basalt behaviour (typical hard rock type behaviours) only once the content of these structures in these rocks exceeds a volume content of 75% pillows to 25% hyaloclastite. Rock mass strength and deformation calculations indicate that the hyaloclastite rock mass is both very weak and also highly deformable (rock mass modulus <100 MPa) when compared with the highly weathered subaerial basalt (~500 MPa) and the fresh/slightly weathered basalt (~15000 MPa). A value of petrographic constant mi used in the Generalised Hoek Brown Criterion was also determined to be 7.01. This is considerably different to the values suggested for “breccia” in the literature of 19±8. A modulus ratio of 150 was also estimated using testing data from Melbourne and also Iceland. The extent of hyaloclastite in the Melbourne region remains unknown. Whilst the location of these deposits is associated with the base of palaeovalleys now infilled by volcanic products, hyaloclastite does not occur in the base of all the palaeovalleys and is expected to be controlled by sea level change and also disruption of drainage lines by damming caused by earlier subaerial flows. Geotechnical practitioners must be aware of the potential occurrence of hyaloclastite as both the hyaloclastite and hyaloclastites with pillow basalt rock masses were found to be significantly weaker and more deformable than the highly weathered subaerial basalt rock. Misidentification of the rock as highly weathered basalt during geotechnical investigation may result in significant under-design. In addition, rock mass behaviour categorisation indicates that block-falls of pillow basalt from excavation walls and roofs may be a risk. Increased excavation effort to remove the pillow basalt structures should also be factored in to projects. To aid identification and understanding of the potential hazards associated with hyaloclastite type rocks, a series of reference sheets has been developed. These reference sheets aim to increase practitioners’ knowledge of hyaloclastites, and the implications for excavation and construction. The reference sheets also provide geomechanical details. Three-dimensional simplified engineering geological block models have also been included to provide graphical information on the relationships and possible geohazards of the various rock types. Future research should aim to further define the extent and engineering properties of hyaloclastites in the Melbourne region and to further define the petrographic constant mi, a better estimate of modulus ratio based on instrumented UCS tests. It is also hoped that now this rock has been recognised in Melbourne that the geotechnical community will reassess previous projects and start to build knowledge on the whereabouts of hyaloclastite and pillow basalt type rocks in the Melbourne area.

Glaciovolcanic megapillows of Undirhliðar, Reykjanes Peninsula, southwestern Iceland

Heineman, Rachel 10 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Les "Pillow lavas" : comparaisons entre le paléovolcanisme sous-marin et les coulées des dorsales océaniques

Kunz, Pierre 01 November 1993 (has links) (PDF)
Six sites ont été choisis pour une étude comparative de pillow lavas provenant de différents contextes géologiques: (1) Dorsale Nord-Atlantique 36' N, (2) Ride Est-Pacifique 13' N, (3) Monts Ibléens en Sicile sud-orientale et (4) Laves pré-etnéennes (Aci Castello) en Sicile orientale, (5) Massif du Montgenèvre (France/Italie) et (6) Zone d'Arosa (Suisse) dans les Alpes. Sur les dorsales actuelles a été échantillonné du matériel volcanique frais ("âge 0"), les laves siciliennes, légèrement altérées, sont d'âge miocène-pléistocène, enfin les laves alpines font partie de complexes ophiolitiques Jurassique supérieur-Crétacé inférieur à moyen. Les études comparatives se sont portées prioritairement sur les aspects morphologiques de ces unités effusives sous-marines. L'architecture et les dynamismes éruptifs au sein de différents ensembles paléovolcaniques ont été reconstitués à la lumière des observations de coulées récentes sur les dorsales actuelles. Les principaux facteurs ayant présidé à la mise en place des pillows sont : le taux d'effusion, la fluidité de la lave, sa vitesse d'écoulement, les surfaces topographiques sous-jacentes (inclinaison, reliefs) et enfin la gravité. Il ressort que les pillow lavas des domaines océaniques actuels et ophiolitiques présentent de nombreuses similitudes morphologiques. Les activités volcaniques apparaissent dans ces deux cas essentiellement effusives avec des taux d'effusion élevés indiqués par une abondance de laves massives, de méga-pillows et de pillows peu vésiculaires. Les laves siciliennes se différencient elles par des morphologies plus arrondies et une abondance de brèches et matériaux volcaniclastiques. Les activités volcaniques apparaissent dans ce cas plus franchement explosives, la forte vésicularité des laves siciliennes attestent de leur mise en place sous de faibles profondeurs d'eau. Dans tous les sites , des unités bréchiques apparaissent étroitement associées aux pillow lavas, elles seraient liées aux facteurs suivants: baisse de l'apport de lave,autobréchification, friction interne, hydromagmatisme et phénomènes gravitaires. Ainsi sur la plupart des sites étudiés, des édifices volcaniques construits ont pu être mis en évidence. Ces édifices présentent un coeur en laves massives (faciès proximaux), passant verticalement et latéralement à des pillows allongés puis bréchifiés, et enfin à des accumulations de brèches de laves par baisse de l'apport de lave (faciès distaux). Ces édifices ont des tailles décamétriques à hectométriques sur les rides actuelles, les séquences volcaniques siciliennes présentent des tailles similaires, alors que dans les ophiolites alpines, les effets de la tectonique ne permettent que des observations fragmentaires. Les roches étudiées correspondent à des laves aphyriques à (micro-)porphyriques, avec comme phases minéralogiques précoces: olivine, plagioclase, spinelle chromifère et clinopyroxène (+ orthopyroxène). Ce sont des basaltes de type subalcalin tholéiitique à transitionnel: NàT-MORB (rides actuelles + ophiolites alpines) à intraplaque océanique: WPB (laves siciliennes). Les pillow lavas océaniques actuels et ophiolitiques montrent de grandes similitudes texturales, mais les transitions graduelles entre les bords et les centres s'effectuent sur des distances variables. Ainsi ces variations sont beaucoup plus rapides dans les laves actuelles que dans celles ophiolitiques, liées peut-être à des gradients thermiques originellement plus faibles dans les dernières. Les pillows siciliens, porphyriques, présentent des transitions encore plus rapides et sont dépourvus de textures variolitiques. Les textures variolitiques sont caractéristiques des laves aphyriques, elles paraissent dépendre intimement de la vitesse de cristallisation, du gradient originel thermique entre les bords et les centres des pillows, de la vésicularité, ainsi que de la présence de phases minéralogiques primaires (phénocristaux) inhibant leur développement. L'altération (océanique et hydrothermale) et le métamorphisme mettent encore mieux en évidence les textures variolitiques, en accentuant le contraste de composition avec la mésostase : varioles pluricentimétriques dans les pillows ophiolitiques.

Ljudkudde med stereoåtergivning

Axing, Erik January 2010 (has links)
Detta examensarbete är genomfört i samarbete med Thorbjörn Birging. Birging arbetar med RFID[1] och är även VD för CombiQ på Science Park i Jönköping. Under lång tid har han velat skapa en produkt som hjälper människor med sömnproblem, depression, ångest och stress. Författarens roll som ingenjörsstudent blev att utveckla hans ide till en färdig produkt. Birging upptäckte efter att ha läst en artikel om sömnproblem att det finns studier som visar att det är enklare att somna med ett svagt ljud i rummet för att andra personer i rummet inte skall störas. Birging fokuserade på att skapa en ny ljudkudde med denna teori som grund.  Målet med detta examensarbete blev att skapa en kudde med fokus på utmärkt stereoljud som hjälpredskap för människor med sömnproblem. Med ljudets användning blir insomningen betydligt lättare. Många människor söker hjälp för sina problem på sjukhus, men ofta får de bara recept på lugnande och antidepressiva mediciner. Ett annat problem med sömntabletter är risken för att utveckla ett beroende och en längre tids användning av medicinerna kan störa kroppens normala sömnfunktion, vilket läkaren Anders Isaksson som driver en privatklinik i Örebro kan intyga. Birging har haft kontakt med Anders under detta arbete och kan intyga detta.  Ett sätt att lindra sömnproblem är genom att patienten får lyssna till lugnande musik före insomnandet, vilket alltså är tanken med denna kudde. Författaren genomförde en undersökning för att ta reda på vad som är bra och dåligt med dagens ljudkuddar. En idégenerering och kravspecifikation påbörjades med hjälp av Birging. För att kunna veta vad kunderna önskar sig med denna nya produkt gjordes bland annat en designbrief, funktionsanalys och en QFD-matris. Designbriefen skapades både verbalt och visuellt för att se hur den nya produkten skall se ut på markanden. QFD-matrisen rangordnar kraven och konkurrenternas kuddar i förhållande till Birgings krav på den nya prototypen. QFD ger inte svar på vad kunden får för upplevelse med produkten vilket designbriefen kan åstadkomma. Konstruerandet av prototypen kan börja först när designbriefen och funktionsanalysen är klara. Materialvalet gjordes genom testfaser som ljudåtergivning och komfort. Skumplast materialen kommer ifrån Recticel AB i Gislaved och ett intresse för denna nya produkt finns i den framtida utvecklingen.  Denna nya produkt blev betydligt bättre än de ljudkuddar som finns på marknaden. Den nya produkten har egenskaper som tryckavlastning samt bättre ljudkvalitet vilket innebär att volymen inte behöver vara hög, vilket gör att omgivningen inte störs. Orsaken till att ljudet inte stör är att spridningen av ljudet mestadels riktas upp mot användaren. Kuddens mått är B50*H40*T5 cm innebär att man enkelt kan köpa vanliga örngott och att den inte ta onödig plats i sängen. [1] Radio Frequency IDentification / This exam is done with the cooperation of Thorbjörn Birging. Birging does work with RFID[1] and he is also CEO at CombiQ at Science Park in Jönköping. For a long time he wanted to make an innovation to help people with sleeping problems, depression, anxiety and stress. The author’s role as an engineer student where to make his idea come true from scratch to prototype. Birging discovered after reading an article about sleeping problems that there were studies which showed that it is easier to sleep with a faint sound in the room so other people in the room does not get disturbed. Birging then focused to create a new pillow with sound integrated that should stand out from today’s pillows.  The goal with this exam was to create a pillow with excellent stereo sound with amplifiers, which help peoples sleeping problems. Many people with these problems seek help at hospitals, but they only get prescriptions for tranquillizer and anti-depressive pills. Another issue with sleeping pills is the risk of getting addicted and long time use might disturb the normal sleeping function, which Anders Isaksson can confirm. Birging He runs a private clinic in Örebro and has helped Birging in a previous project. Birging has been in contact with Anders under this project and can confirm this statement.  One way of relive sleeping problems might be to let the patient listen to calming music before the sleep period begins, which is the idea for this project. The author did an investigation to find any positives or negatives in today’s pillows with sound ability. Idea generating and require specification started soon after this with help of Birging. To know what the customers want with this new product a designbrief, function analytic and a QFD-matrix. The designbrief where made both verbal and visual to know how the product should look like as a customer. With the QFD-matrix we can rank the preferences with the competitors pillows in relation to Birgings requirements on the new prototype. The QFD doesn’t give any answers how the customer experience the product that the designbrief can accomplish. A prototype construction can only begin when the designbrief and function analytic are finished. The material selection was made by different test-phases with sound and comfort. Recticel AB in Gislaved has provided the author with different types of foam for the pillow and for this new product there is an interest to follow the development in the future.   The new developed product did manage to become better than the competitor’s pillows in many ways. The new product is pressure relieving, gives better sound which means the volume does not have to be high, and disturbance in the surroundings is minimized. The reason is that the material does spread the sound waves straight upwards the users ears. The pillows measurement are B50*H40*T5, that means you can have much space in bed and easy find a standard pillowcase. The user will get a comfortably sleeping period the entire night with this new product. [1] Radio Frequency IDentification

Ljudkudde med stereoåtergivning

Axing, Erik January 2010 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är genomfört i samarbete med Thorbjörn Birging. Birging arbetar med RFID[1] och är även VD för CombiQ på Science Park i Jönköping. Under lång tid har han velat skapa en produkt som hjälper människor med sömnproblem, depression, ångest och stress. Författarens roll som ingenjörsstudent blev att utveckla hans ide till en färdig produkt. Birging upptäckte efter att ha läst en artikel om sömnproblem att det finns studier som visar att det är enklare att somna med ett svagt ljud i rummet för att andra personer i rummet inte skall störas. Birging fokuserade på att skapa en ny ljudkudde med denna teori som grund.</p><p> Målet med detta examensarbete blev att skapa en kudde med fokus på utmärkt stereoljud som hjälpredskap för människor med sömnproblem. Med ljudets användning blir insomningen betydligt lättare. Många människor söker hjälp för sina problem på sjukhus, men ofta får de bara recept på lugnande och antidepressiva mediciner. Ett annat problem med sömntabletter är risken för att utveckla ett beroende och en längre tids användning av medicinerna kan störa kroppens normala sömnfunktion, vilket läkaren Anders Isaksson som driver en privatklinik i Örebro kan intyga. Birging har haft kontakt med Anders under detta arbete och kan intyga detta.</p><p> Ett sätt att lindra sömnproblem är genom att patienten får lyssna till lugnande musik före insomnandet, vilket alltså är tanken med denna kudde. Författaren genomförde en undersökning för att ta reda på vad som är bra och dåligt med dagens ljudkuddar. En idégenerering och kravspecifikation påbörjades med hjälp av Birging. För att kunna veta vad kunderna önskar sig med denna nya produkt gjordes bland annat en designbrief, funktionsanalys och en QFD-matris. Designbriefen skapades både verbalt och visuellt för att se hur den nya produkten skall se ut på markanden. QFD-matrisen rangordnar kraven och konkurrenternas kuddar i förhållande till Birgings krav på den nya prototypen. QFD ger inte svar på vad kunden får för upplevelse med produkten vilket designbriefen kan åstadkomma. Konstruerandet av prototypen kan börja först när designbriefen och funktionsanalysen är klara. Materialvalet gjordes genom testfaser som ljudåtergivning och komfort. Skumplast materialen kommer ifrån Recticel AB i Gislaved och ett intresse för denna nya produkt finns i den framtida utvecklingen.</p><p> Denna nya produkt blev betydligt bättre än de ljudkuddar som finns på marknaden. Den nya produkten har egenskaper som tryckavlastning samt bättre ljudkvalitet vilket innebär att volymen inte behöver vara hög, vilket gör att omgivningen inte störs. Orsaken till att ljudet inte stör är att spridningen av ljudet mestadels riktas upp mot användaren. Kuddens mått är B50*H40*T5 cm innebär att man enkelt kan köpa vanliga örngott och att den inte ta onödig plats i sängen.</p><p>[1] Radio Frequency IDentification</p> / <p>This exam is done with the cooperation of Thorbjörn Birging. Birging does work with RFID[1] and he is also CEO at CombiQ at Science Park in Jönköping. For a long time he wanted to make an innovation to help people with sleeping problems, depression, anxiety and stress. The author’s role as an engineer student where to make his idea come true from scratch to prototype. Birging discovered after reading an article about sleeping problems that there were studies which showed that it is easier to sleep with a faint sound in the room so other people in the room does not get disturbed. Birging then focused to create a new pillow with sound integrated that should stand out from today’s pillows.</p><p> The goal with this exam was to create a pillow with excellent stereo sound with amplifiers, which help peoples sleeping problems. Many people with these problems seek help at hospitals, but they only get prescriptions for tranquillizer and anti-depressive pills. Another issue with sleeping pills is the risk of getting addicted and long time use might disturb the normal sleeping function, which Anders Isaksson can confirm. Birging He runs a private clinic in Örebro and has helped Birging in a previous project. Birging has been in contact with Anders under this project and can confirm this statement.</p><p> One way of relive sleeping problems might be to let the patient listen to calming music before the sleep period begins, which is the idea for this project. The author did an investigation to find any positives or negatives in today’s pillows with sound ability. Idea generating and require specification started soon after this with help of Birging. To know what the customers want with this new product a designbrief, function analytic and a QFD-matrix. The designbrief where made both verbal and visual to know how the product should look like as a customer. With the QFD-matrix we can rank the preferences with the competitors pillows in relation to Birgings requirements on the new prototype. The QFD doesn’t give any answers how the customer experience the product that the designbrief can accomplish. A prototype construction can only begin when the designbrief and function analytic are finished. The material selection was made by different test-phases with sound and comfort. Recticel AB in Gislaved has provided the author with different types of foam for the pillow and for this new product there is an interest to follow the development in the future. </p><p> The new developed product did manage to become better than the competitor’s pillows in many ways. The new product is pressure relieving, gives better sound which means the volume does not have to be high, and disturbance in the surroundings is minimized. The reason is that the material does spread the sound waves straight upwards the users ears. The pillows measurement are B50*H40*T5, that means you can have much space in bed and easy find a standard pillowcase. The user will get a comfortably sleeping period the entire night with this new product.</p><p>[1] Radio Frequency IDentification</p>

Du texte à l'œuvre : L'édition commentée du Livre-oreiller de Sei Shônagon par Kitamura Kigin (1674) / From text to literary work : The commentary edition by Kitamura Kigin of Sei Shônagon's ’Pillow Book’ (1674)

Lesigne-Audoly, Evelyne 04 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur une édition commentée du Livre-oreiller (Makura no sôshi枕草子 ; c. 1000), réalisée par Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟 en 1674 et intitulée Commentaire de l’aurore au printemps (Shunshoshô 春曙抄). Le Livre-oreiller est atypique et hétérogène. Atypique, il ne ressemble à aucune autre œuvre japonaise de la même époque. Hétérogène, il est difficile d’enfermer la diversité de ce qui le compose dans une définition unique, ou de caractériser ce qui pourrait assurer sa cohérence. La biographie de son auteur, désignée par le surnom de « Sei Shônagon » 清少納言, est incertaine. Enfin, les différents manuscrits présentent entre eux des différences profondes.L’objectif de ce travail est de reconstituer la trajectoire qu’a suivie Le Livre-oreiller pour passer du texte — objet écrit se manifestant comme multiple, instable, indéterminé, non interprété — à l’œuvre — entité unique, stable, signifiante et interprétable. Notre postulat est que le Commentaire de l’aurore au printemps constitue un moment décisif dans cette évolution. Le poète Kitamura Kigin, auteur de cette édition commentée, fut un influent commentateur de textes anciens, à une époque caractérisée par le développement du livre imprimé et la démocratisation de l’accès à la connaissance lettrée. Notre travail se situe à la croisée de l’étude littéraire, des études de la réception, et de l’histoire matérielle du livre. / This research is about The Spring Dawn Commentary, a commentary edition of The Pillow Book (Makura no sôshi 枕草子 ; c. 1000), written by Kitamura Kigin 北村季吟 in 1674.The Pillow Book is both atypical and heterogeneous. Atypical in that it is not readily comparable to other texts of the same era. Being heterogeneous, it evades attempts to characterize in one single definition all what it is composed of. The life of the author, known as “Sei Shônagon” 清少納言, remains obscure, and ancient manuscripts are extremely diverse in the text they present. The purpose of this study is to observe the course by which The Pillow Book has changed from “text” to “ literary work”. That is, how what was plural, inconstant and uncertain in its meaning became one, constant, meaningful and thus suitable for interpretation. The argument of this research is that The Spring Dawn Commentary played a major role in this process.17th century in Japan was characterized by a rapid development in book printing technology and the book trade, thus enabling the spread of knowledge. In this context, the poet Kitamura Kigin was one of the most respected commentators of ancient literature.

Strain and Grain Size Analysis of a Deformed Archean Pyroclastic Flow, Temagami, Ontario

Frost, David Harold 04 1900 (has links)
<p> The Archean pyroclastic conglomerate studied has six clast types which can be condensed to four clast families based on lithology. The quartz clasts have an average strain of X:Y:Z=1.21:1:0.55 while the pumice clasts have an average strain of X:Y:Z=1.27:1:0.47. The difference is strain between these clast families can be attributed to their different viscosities. The quartz clasts have an assumed viscosity ratio between the clasts and the matrix of unity and are taken to represent the strain in the rock as a whole. The sulphide and black clasts have strain ratios much higher than the quartz because of recrystallization of the sulphide and cleavage formation effecting the black clasts.</p> <p> The sedimentary structure of the deposit and its position between mafic pillow basalts indicate that the deposit is a result of the deposition of a subaqueous pyroclastic debris flow in a proximal environment.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)

Safe Sleeping Position

Håkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
<p>Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. </p><p>Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.</p>

Safe Sleeping Position

Håkansson, Pontus, Knutsson, David January 2007 (has links)
Project Safe Sleeping Position (SSP) contains all parts in a product development phase. The project comprises the whole cycle from idea to a complete product where all aspects are included. The scope is to develop an innovative solution for a common known problem and work with all parts within the man-machine-way. The result is an inflatable product which secures a child in the correct way for the seatbelt to work properly in the rearseat of a car. Ergonomics, technical extent, usability, design, construction, product solutions and market potential are some of all parts witch the project includes. The targetgroup for the project is children 4 to 12 years old, but there is a great potential for a further development to provide a solution for adults. Signed project managers are commissioned by Volvo Car Corporation (VCC), a large car manufacturer with the whole world as the market. This sets requirements to the product to be adaptable to all markets without cutting down on usability. Except the assigner, the project comprises several partners, both companies, independent organizations and students at Halmstad University.

A Gallery: Memory, Trauma, and Time

Altany, Kate Elizabeth 09 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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