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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Nikumaroro bones identification controversy: First-hand examination versus evaluation by proxy — Amelia Earhart found or still missing?

Cross, Pamela J., Wright, R. 15 April 2015 (has links)
Yes / American celebrity aviator Amelia Earhart was lost over the Pacific Ocean during her press-making 1937 round-the-world flight. The iconic woman pilot remains a media interest nearly 80 years after her disappearance, with perennial claims of finds pinpointing her location. Though no sign of the celebrity pilot or her plane have been definitively identified, possible skeletal remains have been attributed to Earhart. The partial skeleton was recovered and investigated by British officials in 1940. Their investigation concluded that the remains were those of a stocky, middle-aged male. A private historic group re-evaluated the British analysis in 1998 as part of research to establish Gardner (Nikumaroro) Island as the crash site. The 1998 report discredited the British conclusions and used cranial analysis software (FORDISC) results to suggest that the skeleton was potentially a Northern European woman, and consistent with Amelia Earhart. A critical review of both investigations and contextual evidence shows that the original British osteological analyses were made by experienced, reliable professionals, while the cranial analysis is unreliable given the available data. Without access to the missing original bones, it is impossible to be definitive, but on balance, the most robust scientific analysis and conclusions are those of the original British finding indicating that the Nikumaroro bones belonged to a robust, middle-aged man, not Amelia Earhart.

The Measurement of the Association between Aircrew Members' Flying Proficiencies and Graduate Study

Bisher, Jon A. (Jon Alan) 12 1900 (has links)
This ex post facto inquiry investigated the existence of an association between advanced formal education and the largely psychomotor task of flying military aircraft. The analysis of data indicated that such an association does exist. Data were analyzed by computer comparison of two separate data bases. The first data base included selected U.S. Air Force officers' educational histories. The second set of data included aircrew standardization/evaluation qualification grade scores. Individual subjects were identified, and for each subject a record was formed that included the subject's standardization flight proficiency grade and advanced educational background. Group subsets of selected variables were then recorded in 2 X 2 contingency tables and statistical calculations using chi square tests of independence were applied.

The validation of the selection battery for pilots of the South African Air Force

De Kock, Francois Servaas 04 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent procurement of modern fourth-generation fighter aircraft by the South African Air Force (SAAF), severe budget constraints, as well as demographic transformation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) impacted heavily on the selection and training of SAAF pilots. Against this backdrop, this predictive criterion-related validation study attempted to find an optimal battery to predict various aspects of pilot training performance, using all SAAF qualified pilots from 1997 to 2002 as the sample (N=107). Multiple regression analyses were performed to construct a model which can be used to predict the success of trainee pilots in three phases of pilot training, namely officers' formative training, ground school training and practical flight training. Stepwise regression analyses with training grade achieved as criterion were performed on the data for each of the phases of training. Multiple correlations of 0,34 (p<0,001), 0,21 (p>0,05) and 0,22 (p<0,05) were obtained for flight, ground school and formative training results respectively. Various recommendations regarding the present composition of the battery are made / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onlangse aanskaffing van moderne vierde-generasie vegvliegtuie deur die Suid Afrikaanse Lugmag (SALM), sowel as omvattende begrotingsbeperkinge en die demografiese transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag (SANW) het In swaar impak op die keuring en opleiding van SALM vlieëniers gehad. Teen hierdie agtergrond het hierdie voorspellende kriteriumgerigte valideringsstudie gepoog om In battery saam te stel wat die verskeie aspekte van prestasie tydens vlieëniersopleiding optimaal kon voorspel. AI die SALM vlieëniers wat gekwalifiseer het van 1997 tot 2002 is in die steekproef ingesluit (N=107). Meervoudige regressieontledings is uitgevoer om In model te bou wat die sukses van kandidaatvlieëniers kon voorspel tydens die drie fases van opleiding, naamlik offisiersvorming, grondskool en praktiese vliegopleiding. Stapsgewyse regressie-ontleding is gedoen vir elke fase van opleiding, met opleidingspunt behaal as kriterium in elke fase. Meervoudige korrelasies van 0,34 (p<0,001), 0,21 (p>0,05) en 0,22 (p<0,05) is verkry vir vlieg-, grondskool-, en vormingsopleidingspunt onderskeidelik. Verskeie aanbevelings in verband met die samestelling van die battery word gemaak.

Multiple stories: Developing literacy in an ESL/ESP aviation program.

Butterfield, Carol Long. January 1994 (has links)
A basic goal of an English for Specific Purposes (ESP) program is to enable the language learner to function within an academic discipline, science and technology occupation, or a vocational occupation by using English. This teacher researcher case study explores the English literacy development of three adult Japanese student pilots within a holistic English for Specific Purposes (ESP) program. The setting of this five month naturalistic case study was on a small airport in the Southwestern United States. Experiential literacy events were provided to encourage student pilots to develop English literacy while learning aviation concepts. A preliminary case study with one student was conducted to evaluate and modify data collection methods, and ESP curriculum and organization. Data collection included participant observation and field notes, dialogue journals between students and the teacher researcher, oral and written interviews, checklists, and audio-taping methods. Three themes emerged through the constant comparative method of data analysis: (1) self perception, (2) developing relationships, and (3) developing literacy strategies. These three themes reflect the process of how and through what particular issues students developed English literacy. Findings from the analysis of data suggest that English literacy develops differently, and has distinct meanings for each person. In contrast to traditional ESP and ESL programs that emphasizes the transmission of language, a holistic ESP program provides opportunities for adult student pilots to develop English literacy through a process of inventing and appropriating English for his/her own purposes and needs. Findings also indicate that learning the form and function of language is not enough. Other language processes and social interactions enhance learning and support language development. Current research within the English for Specific Purposes field focuses on the description of the language as product of a particular academic/scientific/occupational situation that a student needs to learn to be successful. This dissertation seeks to refocus the direction in ESP research and contribute to the understandings of the process of literacy development in a holistic ESP program.

Inteligibilidade de fala de usuários de implante coclear na situação de pilotos de helicóptero / Speech recognition of cochlear implant users at the situation of helicopter pilots

Caldeira, Juliana Maria Araujo 25 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar do usuário de implante coclear (IC) apresentar limiares tonais audiométricos compatíveis com os critérios exigidos para pilotos à obtenção do certificado médico aeronáutico (CMA), a inteligibilidade da fala via rádio no ambiente de ruído da aeronave pode não ser suficiente para uma boa comunicação. As regras de aptidão para o CMA de pilotos de 1ª classe constam no manual da Organização Internacional da Aviação Civil (ICAO): devem escutar em cada um dos ouvidos separadamente, até 35 dB NA nas frequências de 500, 1 000 e 2 000 Hz, e até 50 dB NA em 3 000 Hz. Pilotos também podem ser aprovados em teste de inteligibilidade no ruído com exigência mínima de acerto de 80% das palavras foneticamente equilibradas. Objetivos: (1) avaliar se implantados, que atingem limiares tonais exigidos pela ICAO, tem inteligibilidade da fala suficiente para comunicação via rádio, na situação de ruído da cabine do helicóptero; (2) avaliar se recursos de atenuação de ruído otimizam a inteligibilidade da fala de usuários de IC; (3) avaliar se a comunicação pelo rádio prejudica a inteligibilidade de usuários de IC. Métodos: Foi avaliada a performance em testes de inteligibilidade de 12 usuários de IC com surdez pós-lingual, que preencheram os critérios audiométricos da ICAO, e de 3 pilotos normo-ouvintes (controles). Realizamos testes com sentenças, números e dissílabos em diferentes situações: no silêncio da cabine audiométrica, no helicóptero desligado (testes via rádio), no helicóptero ligado sem e com ativação do sistema antirruído do fone e no helicóptero ligado através da conexão direta do processador de fala do IC ao sistema de rádio da aeronave. Resultados: Observamos diferenças significativas para todos os testes realizados quando comparamos as respostas no silêncio e na situação de ruído com o helicóptero ligado. Ao reduzirmos a exposição de ruído, ativando o sistema antirruído do fone, observamos melhora significativa apenas para as frases. Já quando reduzimos ao máximo a exposição ao ruído pela conexão direta via cabo entre o implante e o sistema de rádio da aeronave, houve melhora significativa nos resultados para números e dissílabos. Houve piora significativa nos testes com dissílabos na situação do helicóptero desligado (rádio) em relação à cabine audiométrica. Conclusões: Os usuários de IC não alcançaram níveis de inteligibilidade de fala compatíveis com os requisitos auditivos para pilotos da aviação civil nos testes realizados no helicóptero. Os recursos de atenuação de ruído propostos auxiliaram na inteligibilidade de fala dos usuários de IC. A comunicação pelo rádio interferiu de forma significativa na inteligibilidade dos usuários de IC / Introduction: Although the cochlear implant (CI) user meets audiometric thresholds for the criteria required for pilots, the speech recognition through the radio in the aircraft noise condition may not be sufficient for good communication. Rules for 1st class pilots are given in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) manual: they must hear in each ear separately, up to 35 dB NA at 500, 1 000 and 2 000 Hz, and up to 50 dB NA at 3 000 Hz. Pilots can also be fit if they understand at least 80% of the phonetically balanced words against a background noise. Objectives: (1) to assess if CI users, who reach thresholds required by the ICAO also achieve speech recognition levels good for radio communication in the noise situation of the helicopter cockpit; (2) to evaluate if noise attenuation features optimize the speech recognition of CI users; (3) evaluate whether radio communication affects the speech recognition of CI users. Methods: We evaluated the performance of 12 CI users with post-lingual deafness, who met ICAO audiometric criteria, and three normal hearing (control) pilots in intelligibility tests. We performed tests with sentences, numbers and disyllables in different situations: in the quiet (sound proof booth), in the helicopter with the engine off (radio tests), in the helicopter with the engine running, without and with activation of the anti-noise system of the headphones and in the helicopter (engine turned on) through the direct connection of the speech processor of the CI to the aircraft\'s radio system. Results: We observed significant differences for all tests performed when we compared scores in quiet and in the noisy environment of the helicopter with engine turned on. When the noise exposure was reduced by activating the headphones anti-noise system, we observed significant improvement only for the sentences. We found a significant improvement in the results for numbers and disyllables when we reduced the exposure to noise by the direct cable connection between the CI and the aircraft radio system. We also observed a significant worsening in the disyllabic speech perception in the helicopter even with the engine off (quiet).Conclusions: In the helicopter environment, CI subjects did not achieve levels of speech recognition requirements for civil aviation pilots. The proposed noise attenuation features offered improvement for speech recognition of CI users. Radio communication significantly interfered with speech recognition in CI users

Inteligibilidade de fala de usuários de implante coclear na situação de pilotos de helicóptero / Speech recognition of cochlear implant users at the situation of helicopter pilots

Juliana Maria Araujo Caldeira 25 September 2017 (has links)
Introdução: Apesar do usuário de implante coclear (IC) apresentar limiares tonais audiométricos compatíveis com os critérios exigidos para pilotos à obtenção do certificado médico aeronáutico (CMA), a inteligibilidade da fala via rádio no ambiente de ruído da aeronave pode não ser suficiente para uma boa comunicação. As regras de aptidão para o CMA de pilotos de 1ª classe constam no manual da Organização Internacional da Aviação Civil (ICAO): devem escutar em cada um dos ouvidos separadamente, até 35 dB NA nas frequências de 500, 1 000 e 2 000 Hz, e até 50 dB NA em 3 000 Hz. Pilotos também podem ser aprovados em teste de inteligibilidade no ruído com exigência mínima de acerto de 80% das palavras foneticamente equilibradas. Objetivos: (1) avaliar se implantados, que atingem limiares tonais exigidos pela ICAO, tem inteligibilidade da fala suficiente para comunicação via rádio, na situação de ruído da cabine do helicóptero; (2) avaliar se recursos de atenuação de ruído otimizam a inteligibilidade da fala de usuários de IC; (3) avaliar se a comunicação pelo rádio prejudica a inteligibilidade de usuários de IC. Métodos: Foi avaliada a performance em testes de inteligibilidade de 12 usuários de IC com surdez pós-lingual, que preencheram os critérios audiométricos da ICAO, e de 3 pilotos normo-ouvintes (controles). Realizamos testes com sentenças, números e dissílabos em diferentes situações: no silêncio da cabine audiométrica, no helicóptero desligado (testes via rádio), no helicóptero ligado sem e com ativação do sistema antirruído do fone e no helicóptero ligado através da conexão direta do processador de fala do IC ao sistema de rádio da aeronave. Resultados: Observamos diferenças significativas para todos os testes realizados quando comparamos as respostas no silêncio e na situação de ruído com o helicóptero ligado. Ao reduzirmos a exposição de ruído, ativando o sistema antirruído do fone, observamos melhora significativa apenas para as frases. Já quando reduzimos ao máximo a exposição ao ruído pela conexão direta via cabo entre o implante e o sistema de rádio da aeronave, houve melhora significativa nos resultados para números e dissílabos. Houve piora significativa nos testes com dissílabos na situação do helicóptero desligado (rádio) em relação à cabine audiométrica. Conclusões: Os usuários de IC não alcançaram níveis de inteligibilidade de fala compatíveis com os requisitos auditivos para pilotos da aviação civil nos testes realizados no helicóptero. Os recursos de atenuação de ruído propostos auxiliaram na inteligibilidade de fala dos usuários de IC. A comunicação pelo rádio interferiu de forma significativa na inteligibilidade dos usuários de IC / Introduction: Although the cochlear implant (CI) user meets audiometric thresholds for the criteria required for pilots, the speech recognition through the radio in the aircraft noise condition may not be sufficient for good communication. Rules for 1st class pilots are given in the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) manual: they must hear in each ear separately, up to 35 dB NA at 500, 1 000 and 2 000 Hz, and up to 50 dB NA at 3 000 Hz. Pilots can also be fit if they understand at least 80% of the phonetically balanced words against a background noise. Objectives: (1) to assess if CI users, who reach thresholds required by the ICAO also achieve speech recognition levels good for radio communication in the noise situation of the helicopter cockpit; (2) to evaluate if noise attenuation features optimize the speech recognition of CI users; (3) evaluate whether radio communication affects the speech recognition of CI users. Methods: We evaluated the performance of 12 CI users with post-lingual deafness, who met ICAO audiometric criteria, and three normal hearing (control) pilots in intelligibility tests. We performed tests with sentences, numbers and disyllables in different situations: in the quiet (sound proof booth), in the helicopter with the engine off (radio tests), in the helicopter with the engine running, without and with activation of the anti-noise system of the headphones and in the helicopter (engine turned on) through the direct connection of the speech processor of the CI to the aircraft\'s radio system. Results: We observed significant differences for all tests performed when we compared scores in quiet and in the noisy environment of the helicopter with engine turned on. When the noise exposure was reduced by activating the headphones anti-noise system, we observed significant improvement only for the sentences. We found a significant improvement in the results for numbers and disyllables when we reduced the exposure to noise by the direct cable connection between the CI and the aircraft radio system. We also observed a significant worsening in the disyllabic speech perception in the helicopter even with the engine off (quiet).Conclusions: In the helicopter environment, CI subjects did not achieve levels of speech recognition requirements for civil aviation pilots. The proposed noise attenuation features offered improvement for speech recognition of CI users. Radio communication significantly interfered with speech recognition in CI users

Fadiga no trabalho de pilotos: uma psicologia sistêmica da aviação civil

Celestino, Victor Rafael Rezende 29 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-07-06T13:28:02Z No. of bitstreams: 1 VictorRafaelRezendeCelestinoTese2017.pdf: 3658797 bytes, checksum: 8acc66f10fe49e0337ff75e72cd99660 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-07-06T13:29:02Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 VictorRafaelRezendeCelestinoTese2017.pdf: 3658797 bytes, checksum: 8acc66f10fe49e0337ff75e72cd99660 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-06T13:29:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 VictorRafaelRezendeCelestinoTese2017.pdf: 3658797 bytes, checksum: 8acc66f10fe49e0337ff75e72cd99660 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-11-29 / The overall objective of the research was to investigate validity evidences of fatigue measure at work of civil aviation pilots by means of the feeling of fatigue scale, adherent to the systemic approach of psychology. Feeling of fatigue is an emotion associated with a psychophysiological state of fatigue. In addition to this, the specific objectives were: to propose and evaluate a methodological adaptation for data and methods triangulation in an integrative review; to contrast and reorganize the knowledge about the subjective measurement of fatigue at work; and to introduce a proposal for systemic aviation psychology, in order to contribute to the mitigation of human fatigue risk. This thesis was developed in the model format of a collection of articles. From the perspective that the systemic psychology research occurs in interdisciplinary context, and it contrasts globally, this work proposes an innovative methodology of triangulation to synthesize and discuss the available knowledge on the subject. This methodology is applied in an integrative review to synthesize qualitative and quantitative convergent data, among workers subject to work in shifts in order to reorganize the knowledge about the measure of fatigue with the feeling of fatigue scale. The results include a systemic meta-model of the phenomenon of fatigue and showed the psychometric validity of the scale. Then, the work describes the prevalence of fatigue at work among Brazilian civil aviation pilots, and demonstrates the validity of the feeling of fatigue scale in this context, from the perspective of systemic psychology. In order to do this, a crosssectional type study was conducted, in a sample of 1,066 Brazilian airline pilots. The results showed the psychometric validity of the scale, suggesting a prevalence of fatigue at work of Brazilian airline pilots of 59.4% (female) and 64.1% (male), with an average of fatigue at work above a cut-off that would define workers as fatigued. Finally, the systemic perspective suggests that one cannot reduce the causes of fatigue, being necessary to consider the context and the systemic mediation of symptoms associated. The study confirms that, in civil aviation, the feeling of fatigue is a valid measure of the nature and the level of fatigue at work, which can be assessed (screening) by means of the scale. / O objetivo geral da pesquisa foi investigar as evidências de validade da medida da fadiga no trabalho dos pilotos da aviação civil, por meio da escala de sentimento de fadiga, aderente à abordagem sistêmica da psicologia. O sentimento de fadiga é uma emoção associada a um estado psicofisiológico de fadiga. Além desse, os objetivos específicos foram: propor e avaliar uma adaptação metodológica para triangulação de dados e métodos em uma revisão integrativa; contrastar e reorganizar o conhecimento sobre a mensuração subjetiva da fadiga no trabalho; e introduzir uma proposta de psicologia sistêmica da aviação, a fim de contribuir para a mitigação do risco de fadiga humana. Esta tese foi desenvolvida no formato do modelo de coletânea de artigos. A partir da perspectiva de que a pesquisa em psicologia sistêmica ocorre em contexto interdisciplinar e se contrasta globalmente, propõe-se uma metodologia inovadora de triangulação para sintetizar e discutir o conhecimento disponível sobre o tema. Essa metodologia é aplicada em uma revisão integrativa para sintetizar dados qualitativos e quantitativos convergentes, entre trabalhadores sujeitos ao trabalho em turnos, de forma a reorganizar o conhecimento sobre a medida da fadiga com a escala de sentimento de fadiga. Os resultados permitiram construir um meta-modelo sistêmico explicativo do fenômeno da fadiga e evidenciaram a validade psicométrica da escala. Em seguida, o trabalho descreve a prevalência de fadiga no trabalho entre pilotos da aviação civil brasileira e demonstra a validade da escala de sentimento de fadiga naquele contexto, a partir da perspectiva da psicologia sistêmica. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo do tipo observacional transversal, em uma amostra de 1.066 pilotos de empresas aéreas brasileiras. Os resultados evidenciaram a validade psicométrica da escala, sugerindo uma prevalência da fadiga no trabalho dos pilotos de empresas aéreas brasileiras de 59,4% (feminino) e 64,1% (masculino), com uma média da fadiga no trabalho acima de um ponto de corte que definiria os trabalhadores como fatigados. Finalmente, a perspectiva sistêmica sugere que não se pode reduzir as causas da fadiga, sendo necessário considerar a mediação do contexto e o interrelacionamento sistêmico dos sintomas associados. O estudo confirma que, na aviação civil, a escala de sentimento de fadiga é uma medida válida da natureza e do nível da fadiga no trabalho, que pode ser avaliada (screening) por meio da escala.

Fatores organizacionais e de sono associados aos sintomas musculoesqueléticos em pilotos de aviação comercial

Enohi, Ricardo Toshio 26 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2016-11-07T18:24:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Toshio Enohi.pdf: 3070369 bytes, checksum: 619dad466b7a420504d8c9f359324626 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-07T18:24:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Toshio Enohi.pdf: 3070369 bytes, checksum: 619dad466b7a420504d8c9f359324626 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Introduction: Working in different and night shifts directly affects the health of workers. This situation can be experienced by pilots in civil aviation due to its highly complex and exhausting activity. Purpose: This study aims to investigate the work and sleep factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms in Brazilian pilots of civil aviation, as well as identify the main body parts affected. Methods: A descriptive epidemiological study was held with a large sample of 1234 pilots from ABRAPAC, who voluntarily replied to a survey from November 2013 to March 2014. The survey had information about age, gender, marital status, work, health and sleep. The dependent variables were the musculoskeletal symptoms and for this, a modified Brazilian version of the Standardized Nordic Questionnaire was used. Also in the Robust Poisson regression, the variables for chronic (in the last 12 months), acute (in the last 7 days) and work-related musculoskeletal symptoms were dichotomized into ¿without symptom¿ and ¿with symptom¿. It was considered ¿with symptom¿ the pilot who reported pain in at least one of the four body parts with the highest prevalence in the study: upper back, lower back, neck and shoulder. The data were analyzed by Stata 12.0 program. Results: The prevalence of chronic musculoskeletal symptoms was 65,9% and work-related 46,9% to the last 12 months. The prevalence of acute musculoskeletal symptoms was 28,0% and work-related 23,3% to the last 7 days. It was verified that pilots who worked 11-21 years , with 66-hour flight journey or more per month , with irregular-work hours involving the night-shifts , with low sleep quality and insomnia were risk factors for chronic musculoskeletal symptoms. These variables were also considered risk factors for work-related symptoms . To acute musculoskeletal symptoms, it was observed that working seven consecutive days or more per month, with low sleep quality and insomnia were risk factors. These variables were also considered risk factors for work-related symptoms . Conclusion: It was concluded that work organizational structure associated with a low sleep quality and insomnia were predisponent factors to musculoskeletal symptoms among Brazilian pilots of civil aviation. The upper and lower back, neck and shoulder were considered the body parts with the highest prevalence. / Introdução: O trabalho em turnos e noturno afeta diretamente a saúde do trabalhador, situação essa vivenciada pelos pilotos da aviação civil. Além disso, é uma atividade desgastante, dada a sua alta complexidade, podendo trazer prejuízos à saúde. Objetivo: Analisar a prevalência e os fatores organizacionais e de sono associados aos sintomas musculoesqueléticos entre pilotos da aviação comercial, bem como as regiões corporais de maior prevalência dos sintomas. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com os pilotos associados da Associação Brasileira de Pilotos da Aviação Civil - ABRAPAC. Dos 2530 pilotos associados, um total de 1234 pilotos participou voluntariamente da pesquisa respondendo o questionário online, no período de novembro de 2013 a março de 2014. O questionário continha perguntas sobre condições sociodemográficas, trabalho, saúde, estilo de vida e sono. Os desfechos do estudo foram os sintomas musculoesqueléticos avaliados por meio do Questionário Nórdico de Kuorinka, adaptado e validado para a cultura brasileira. Para a análise de regressão de Poisson, com variância robusta, dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos crônicos (nos últimos 12 meses e nos últimos 12 meses relacionados ao trabalho) e agudos (nos últimos sete dias e nos últimos sete dias relacionados ao trabalho) foram dicotomizados em ¿sem sintoma¿ e ¿com sintoma¿. Foi classificado com sintoma o piloto que relatou dor em pelo menos uma das quatro regiões corporais de maior prevalência na amostra estudada, sendo essas, superior das costas, inferior das costas, pescoço e ombros. Em todos os testes foi considerado significante o valor de p<0,05. Os dados foram analisados por meio do programa STATA 12.0. Resultados: A prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos crônicos, considerando as nove regiões corporais avaliadas, foi de 65,9% e dos sintomas relacionados ao trabalho foi de 46,9%. Quanto aos sintomas musculoesqueléticos agudos e os sintomas relacionados ao trabalho, a prevalência foi de 28,0% e de 23,3%, respectivamente. As queixas mais prevalentes foram nas regiões do tronco (parte inferior das costas, superior das costas, pescoço) e ombros. Verificou-se que trabalhar entre 11 e 21 anos como piloto, com a jornada mensal média acima de 66 horas, em turno irregular, ter sono insuficiente e sintomas de insônia foram fatores associados para os SME crônicos. Esses mesmos fatores também foram associados para os SME crônicos relacionados ao trabalho. Para os SME agudos, observou-se que trabalhar sete dias consecutivos ou mais, ter má qualidade de sono e sintomas de insônia foram fatores associados. Esses mesmos fatores também foram associados para os SME agudos relacionados ao trabalho. Conclusão: Conclui-se que a prevalência dos sintomas musculoesqueléticos entre os pilotos da aviação comercial pesquisados é elevada e que problemas na organização do trabalho e de sono são fatores associados a esses sintomas. Sendo as regiões corporais de maior prevalência as do tronco (parte inferior e superior das costas, pescoço), seguidas do ombro.

Airline Pilots in Recovery From Alcoholism: A Quantitative Study of Cognitive Change

Hamilton, Heather Christina 01 January 2016 (has links)
In order to perform their duties, airline pilots must have no clinical diagnosis of mental illness or any substance use disorder. However, provisions have been in place since the 1970s that provide for a return to work for airline pilots with alcohol problems. To date, over 5,000 airline pilots have undergone rehabilitation for Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) and successfully returned to work. An important gap in the literature remains with regard to what extent improvements in cognitive performance may be experienced by airline pilots who complete treatment and to what extent age influences the amount of change. This study examined the archival data of 95 male Caucasian pilots who were assessed for cognitive performance shortly after entry to 30-day inpatient treatment and approximately 5 months later during the return to work evaluation. A nonexperimental within subjects design compared pre- and post-treatment scores on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV (WAIS-IV) full scale and 4 index scores as well as differences for age groups (25 to 44, 45 to 54, and 55 to 64). Repeated measures ANOVA revealed that there were significant gains on all WAIS-IV measures pre-post treatment for AUD. MANOVA results indicated no differences between age groups. These findings support current Federal Aviation Administration program practices with regard to returning airline pilots to work following rehabilitation and a sufficient period of abstinence. The potential of this study to promote the agenda of social change may be substantive for raising awareness of the cognitive deficits associated with AUD and how these may impact the safety of flight operations.

Aviation selection testing : the effect of minimum scores on minorities /

Dean, Brian J. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Naval Postgraduate School, 1996. / "March, 1996." Includes abstract. DTIC report no.: ADA307314. Includes bibliographical references (p. 43-46). Full text available online from DTIC.

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