Spelling suggestions: "subject:"line plantations"" "subject:"eine plantations""
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An Adaptive Computer Vision Technique for Estimating the Biomass and Density of Loblolly Pine Plantations using Digital Orthophotography and LiDAR ImageryBortolot, Zachary Jared 06 May 2004 (has links)
Forests have been proposed as a means of reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels due to their ability to store carbon as biomass. To quantify the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by forests, biomass and density estimates are often needed. This study develops, implements, and tests an individual tree-based algorithm for obtaining forest density and biomass using orthophotographs and small footprint LiDAR imagery. It was designed to work with a range of forests and image types without modification, which is accomplished by using generic properties of trees found in many types of images. Multiple parameters are employed to determine how these generic properties are used. To set these parameters, training data is used in conjunction with an optimization algorithm (a modified Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm or a genetic algorithm). The training data consist of small images in which density and biomass are known. A first test of this technique was performed using 25 circular plots (radius = 15 m) placed in young pine plantations in central Virginia, together with false color othophotograph (spatial resolution = 0.5 m) or small footprint LiDAR (interpolated to 0.5 m) imagery. The highest density prediction accuracies (r2 up to 0.88, RMSE as low as 83 trees / ha) were found for runs where photointerpreted densities were used for training and testing. For tests run using density measurements made on the ground, accuracies were consistency higher for orthophotograph-based results than for LiDAR-based results, and were higher for trees with DBH ≥10cm than for trees with DBH ≥7 cm. Biomass estimates obtained by the algorithm using LiDAR imagery had a lower RMSE (as low as 15.6 t / ha) than most comparable studies. The correlations between the actual and predicted values (r2 up to 0.64) were lower than comparable studies, but were generally highly significant (p ≤ 0.05 or 0.01). In all runs there was no obvious relationship between accuracy and the amount of training data used, but the algorithm was sensitive to which training and testing data were selected. Methods were evaluated for combining predictions made using different parameter sets obtained after training using identical data. It was found that averaging the predictions produced improved results. After training using density estimates from the human photointerpreter, 89% of the trees located by the algorithm corresponded to trees found by the human photointerpreter. A comparison of the two optimization techniques found them to be comparable in speed and effectiveness. / Ph. D.
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Modeling Mortality of Loblolly Pine PlantationsThapa, Ram 19 March 2014 (has links)
Accurate prediction of mortality is an important component of forest growth and yield prediction systems, yet mortality remains one of the least understood components of the system. Whole-stand and individual-tree mortality models were developed for loblolly pine plantations throughout its geographic range in the United States. The model for predicting stand mortality were developed using stand characteristics and biophysical variables. The models were constructed using two modeling approaches. In the first approach, mortality functions for directly predicting tree number reduction were developed using algebraic difference equation method. In the second approach, a two-step modeling strategy was used where a model predicting the probability of tree death occurring over a period was developed in the first step and a function that estimates the reduction in tree number was developed in the second step. Individual-tree mortality models were developed using multilevel logistic regression and survival analysis techniques. Multilevel data structure inherent in permanent sample plots data i.e. measurement occasions nested within trees (e.g., repeated measurements) and trees nested within plots, is often ignored in modeling tree mortality in forestry applications. Multilevel mixed-effects logistic regression takes into account the full hierarchical structure of the data. Multilevel mixed-effects models gave better predictions than the fixed effects model; however, the model fits and predictions were further improved by taking into account the full hierarchical structure of the data. Semiparametric proportional hazards regression was also used to develop model for individual-tree mortality. Shared frailty model, mixed model extension of Cox proportional hazards model, was used to account for unobserved heterogeneity not explained by the observed covariates in the Cox model. / Ph. D.
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The ecological requirements of the New Zealand falcon (Falco novaseelandiae) in plantation forestry : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandSeaton, Richard Unknown Date (has links)
Commercial pine plantations made up of exotic tree species are increasingly recognised as habitats that can contribute significantly to the conservation of indigenous biodiversity in New Zealand. Encouraging this biodiversity by employing sympathetic forestry management techniques not only offers benefits for indigenous flora and fauna but can also be economically advantageous for the forestry industry. The New Zealand falcon (Falco novaeseelandiae) or Karearea, is a threatened species, endemic to the islands of New Zealand, that has recently been discovered breeding in pine plantations. This research determines the ecological requirements of New Zealand falcons in this habitat, enabling recommendations for sympathetic forestry management to be made. Plantation forests that create a mosaic of pine stand ages across a plantation, offer suitable habitat for breeding New Zealand falcons by providing abundant nest sites, promoting high abundances of avian prey and creating favourable conditions for hunting. The diet of falcons within pine forests consisted primarily of birds, of which the majority were exotic passerines. Prey abundances were highest along pine stand edges. Both sexes preferentially hunted along pine stand edges between stands less than four years old and stands more than 20 years old. Pairs also preferentially nested along these borders, particularly within and along the edges of pine stands less than two years old. Within pine stands, nest sites were always located on the ground. Introduced predators and some forestry operations negatively affected breeding success. Nevertheless, productivity was higher than recorded for other habitats and female falcons were recorded successfully breeding in their first year for the first time. High prey densities and availabilities are suggested as the primary explanation for this. The extent of juvenile dispersal strongly suggests that pine plantations supplement populations in surrounding areas where falcons are in decline. This research demonstrates that changes to the existing forestry operational practices can influence the success of the breeding population. This research establishes that if commercial pine plantations are suitably managed, they can support extremely high falcon densities. Plantation forests therefore have a significant role to play in the future conservation of this species.
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Šakninės pinties paplitimas Nemenčinės miškų urėdijos Meros ir Magūnų girininkijų pušynuose / Distribution of Heterobasidion annosum in Scots pine plantations of Mera and Magūnai forest districtsNavalinskas, Darius 06 June 2005 (has links)
The distribution of Heterobasidion annosum in Scots pine stands in Nemenčinė Forest Enterprise, Mera and Magūnai forest districts were examined in this Master thesis.
The object of the study: Scots pine stands that were established on formerly used agricultural land, former tank range areas and the stands growing in the cut areas of mature stands. Also, the Scots pine stands where after partly clear sanitation cuttings the birch groups were planted, in purpose to avoid the disturbances of Heterobasidion annosum.
The aim of the study: to summaries the information about the distribution of Heterobasidion annosum in Lithuanian forests; to study the distribution of Heterobasidion annosum in Scots pine plantations established in agricultural lands and the cut areas of mature stands. The evaluation of the effectiveness of earlier used partly clear sanitation cuttings against Heterobasidion annosum in disturbed stands was also done.
Methods: the distribution of Heterobasidion annosum in the forests of Nemenčinė Forest Enterprise, Mera forest district was evaluated visually. Each studied plot was evaluated according 4 grades. 6 assessment plots in Magūnai forest district were evaluated for the effectiveness of partly clear sanitation cuttings. The stand characteristics of the remained healthy pine and birch trees were measured using standard silvicultural mensuration methods, taking the measurements of each tree at breast height, in 2 cm precision.
The results: The distribution of... [to full text]
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Tręšimo poveikis paprastosios pušies būklei buvusiame Dumsių poligone / Influence of fertilization on the condition of Scots pine plantations in former military range area in DumsiaiLeonaitis, Edmundas 14 January 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: nustatyti ir palyginti tręšimo mineralinėmis trąšomis, pjuvenų kompostu ir miško kuro pelenais įtaką buvusiame Dumsių kariniame poligone kai kurioms smėlžemių fizikinėms ir cheminės savybėms bei įvertinti ten augančių pušies želdinių būklės ir augimo pagerinimo galimybes. Darbo objektas: smėlžemiuose augantys pušies želdiniai buvusiame Dumsių kariniame poligone; 2001 m. įrengti tręšimo mineralinėmis trąšomis bandymai ir 2005 m. įrengti bandymai, kuriuose kaip trąšos naudoti miško kuro pelenai ir pjuvenų kompostas. Darbo metodai: vizualiai 1 m² dydžio aikštelėse nustatytas dirvožemio žolinės dangos padengimas (%) (kiekviename variante sistemiškai išdėstyta po 5 aikšteles); išmatuotas (n=50) pušų prieaugis į aukštį ir vizualiai nustatytas spyglių pageltimas (dechromacija, %); nustatytas viršutinio mineralinio dirvožemio sluoksnio (0-5 cm; 5-10 cm ir 10-20 cm gyliai, jungtiniai ėminiai iš 20-ies vietų) pHCaCl2 rodiklis ir C, N ir S koncentracijos. Darbo rezultatai: išanalizuoti 2001-2005 metų duomenys; ištirtas tręšimo mineralinėmis trąšomis, pjuvenų kompostu ir miško kuro pelenais poveikis smėlžemių viršutinių horizontų pH rodikliui, C ir N koncentracijoms bei gyvąjai dirvožemio dangai, išanalizuotas ir palygintas pušies želdinių būklės ir augimo pagerėjimas, patręšus skirtingomis trąšomis. / The aim of the study: to determine and compare the influence of the application of the different doses of mineral fertilizers, sawdust compost and wood ash applied in complex with nitrogen on some physical and chemical properties of Arenosols in former military range area in Dumsiai; to evaluate the improvement possibilities of the condition and growth of Scots pine plantations in the area.
The object of the study: Scots pine plantations growing on Arenosols in former military range area in Dumsiai; the fertilization trials where the mineral fertilizers were applied in 2001, and the fertilization trials where the sawdust compost and wood ash in complex with N fertilizers were applied in 2005 were further investigated.
Methods: the ground vegetation cover (%) was visually assessed in 1 m² plots (5 plots were systematically laid in each treatment); height increment of Scots pine trees (n=50) was measured and discoloration of the needles (%) was visually assessed; mineral topsoil samples from 0-5 cm; 5-10 cm and 10-20 cm depths were collected (each combined sample was taken from 20 places), and chemically analysed for pHCaCl2, C and N concentrations.
The results: the data of earlier investigations from the years 2001-2005 were analysed; the influence of the mineral fertilizers, sawdust compost and wood ash treatments on mineral topsoil pH, also the changes of N and C concentrations was analysed; the effects of the ground vegetation cover was assessed; the condition and growth... [to full text]
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Impacts of climate, topography, and weathering profile on vadose zone hydrology and coastal pine plantation management : a multi-scale investigation, Southeast Queensland, AustraliaWang, Qing January 2008 (has links)
Exotic pine plantations are a major landuse within the coastal lowlands of southeast Queensland, extending from close to the shoreline to the hinterland ranges. These plantations are within a sub-tropical climatic zone, and in most years, the summers are appreciably wetter than the winters. This terrain, in general, has been highly weathered and the soils are poor in nutrients. Environmental factors such as the climate, topography and weathering profile (including soil) are found to be important controls on vadose zone hydrology, which, in turn, has a great impact on tree growth and consequently on the design of management practices. This research project takes a holistic approach to investigate the influence of these environmental factors at different scales, and is designed to fulfil the following objectives:
(1) To build a spatial model of forest productivity for the entire Tuan Toolara State Forest (TTSF), southeast Queensland, by analysing the spatial patterns of many environmental variables that may have controls on soil water distribution.
(2) To determine how some of these environmental factors are responsible for the development of water-logging and soil salinisation by examining in detail an area of low site index that is severely affected by these two processes.
(3) To develop a model to assess the risks of water-logging spatially and temporally.
A multiple regression model was constructed to predict the forest productivity (measured by the value of site index, the average dominant tree height at 25 years of age). The independent variables were derived from a digital elevation model (elevation, slope, curvature, hillshade, flow accumulation and distance to streams), γ-ray spectrometry (potassium, thorium and uranium), and interpolated rainfall. The model explained up to 60% of the variance in the site indices and produced predictive maps of site index for two species: P. elliottii Engelm. and Queensland hybrid, a P. elliottii × P. caribaea Morelet hybrid. The model also identified the lowest site index area at the northern Tuan State Forest (NTSF), likely due to a greater risk of water-logging and salinisation.
The NTSF area is of low relief and, therefore, the focus has been on the vertical controls of deep weathering profile. The methodology included setting up a network of groundwater bores screened at different depths within the weathering profile, characterising the profile (mineralogy, EC, and pH) and the groundwaters within it (water levels, physico-chemical parameters, major and minor ions). It is found that water-logging is caused by perched groundwater formed on top of the ferricrete or mottled saprolite after prolonged rainfall. Localised salinisation is related to the discharge of brackish groundwater occurring within the mottled saprolite. The deep aquifer within the coarse saprolite is fresh and not responsible for salinisation, a situation that differs from many other settings in Australia.
The ability of using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) computer model to simulate soil water balance and to assess the risks of water-logging was tested in a selected catchment in the TTSF. The model successfully simulated stream flow at 2 weirs for a period of 6 years; the achieved R2 were 0.752 and 0.858, respectively. Long-term simulation for a 30-year period showed that there are pronounced seasonal patterns in rainfall and evapotranspiration as well as in soil water. For mature plantation with slopes of 3-15%, the mean annual duration of water-logging ranged from 161 days in the humus podzols, to 110 days in the gleyed podzolic, and to 90 days in the yellow podzolics.
The outcomes of this research suggest that forest management can be strongly supported by understanding the impacts of these environmental factors (e.g. climate, topography and weathering profile) on vadose zone hydrological processes; the selection of optimum approach will depend on the research objective or purpose. The models and analytical tools that were developed or tested here have the potential to be successfully applied elsewhere if the input data are available.
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Mamíferos de médio e grande porte e ecologia alimentar de carnívoros em remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófia Mista e palntios de Pinus spp. na região centro-sul do Estado do Paraná, BrasilDias, Michele [UNESP] 05 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
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dias_m_me_sjrp.pdf: 1980338 bytes, checksum: a9247d7b7f7e20756adda63034f556fc (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A Floresta Ombrófila Mista é considerada uma das formações vegetacionais mais ameaçadas do sul do Brasil. O presente estudo apresenta uma lista das espécies de mamíferos em um mosaico formado por remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e plantios de Pinus spp., avaliando a riqueza, a freqüência de ocorrência e a abundância relativa da mastofauna nestes ambientes e também em áreas abertas e nas bordas entre eles. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três propriedades nos municípios de Bituruna, General Carneiro e Palmas – PR, no período de agosto de 2003 a fevereiro de 2006, num total de 31 saídas de campo mensais. Os dados foram coletados em cinco transectos de 5 km de extensão cada, e em outros locais visitados esporadicamente, por meio de registros visuais/auditivos, análises de pêlos, fezes, pegadas e carcaças. Foram identificadas 39 espécies de mamíferos e quase metade delas está citada na Lista Vermelha do estado do Paraná, embora seis delas esteja na categoria de Dados Insuficientes (DD). Através do teste de qui-quadrado de aderência, diferenças significativas foram encontradas tanto para a riqueza, quanto para frequência de ocorrência. Em relação à riqueza, apenas FA e PP ficaram próximos aos valores esperados, com base na hipótese que a riqueza esperada seria o número máximo de espécies amostradas em todos os ambientes. Já para o número de registros, com base na hipótese que o número de registros é proporcional ao esforço amostral, os plantios de pinus tiveram um número inferior ao que era esperado, enquanto que na floresta nativa, os valores observados e esperados foram muito próximos. Os resultados sugerem que os plantios, embora utilizados como parte da área de vida da maioria das espécies registradas, não deve abrigar... / The Araucaria Forest is considered one of the most threatened forests in southern Brazil. This study presents a list of mammalian species found in a mosaic composed of native forest remnants and Pinus spp. plantations. We evaluated the richness, the frequency of occurrence and the relative abundance of mammal species in these habitats and also in open areas and the edges between them. Data collection was performed on three properties in the municipalities of Bituruna, General Carneiro, and Palmas - PR, between August 2003 and February 2006, totalling 31 field trips. Data were collected on a monthly basis in five transects of 5 km long each, as well as in other places visited occasionally, using visual and auditive records, fur, feces, footprints and carcasses. We identified 39 species of mammals, half of them were mentioned in the Red Data List of Parana State, though six species are in category Data Insufficient (DD). Through the chisquare test, significant differences were found both for richness how much for frequency of occurrence. Regarding richness, only FA and PP arriving near expected values, based on the hypothesis that richness would be the maximum number of species sampled in all environments. As for the number of records, based on the hypothesis that the number of records is proportional to the sampling effort, the pinus plantation had a lower number than what was expected, while the forest, the observed and expected values were very close. Already in the open areas and edges more records were obtained from mammals than expected, actually occurred because of the facility to collect fecal samples at these sites when compared to interior forest habitats. The group on the more general use of these environments was that of felids, probably related to the large area of life... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Mamíferos de médio e grande porte e ecologia alimentar de carnívoros em remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófia Mista e palntios de Pinus spp. na região centro-sul do Estado do Paraná, Brasil /Dias, Michele. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Sandra Bos Mikich / Banca: Denise de Cerqueira Rossa-Feres / Banca: Gledson Vigiano Bianconi / Resumo: A Floresta Ombrófila Mista é considerada uma das formações vegetacionais mais ameaçadas do sul do Brasil. O presente estudo apresenta uma lista das espécies de mamíferos em um mosaico formado por remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista e plantios de Pinus spp., avaliando a riqueza, a freqüência de ocorrência e a abundância relativa da mastofauna nestes ambientes e também em áreas abertas e nas bordas entre eles. A coleta de dados foi realizada em três propriedades nos municípios de Bituruna, General Carneiro e Palmas - PR, no período de agosto de 2003 a fevereiro de 2006, num total de 31 saídas de campo mensais. Os dados foram coletados em cinco transectos de 5 km de extensão cada, e em outros locais visitados esporadicamente, por meio de registros visuais/auditivos, análises de pêlos, fezes, pegadas e carcaças. Foram identificadas 39 espécies de mamíferos e quase metade delas está citada na Lista Vermelha do estado do Paraná, embora seis delas esteja na categoria de Dados Insuficientes (DD). Através do teste de qui-quadrado de aderência, diferenças significativas foram encontradas tanto para a riqueza, quanto para frequência de ocorrência. Em relação à riqueza, apenas FA e PP ficaram próximos aos valores esperados, com base na hipótese que a riqueza esperada seria o número máximo de espécies amostradas em todos os ambientes. Já para o número de registros, com base na hipótese que o número de registros é proporcional ao esforço amostral, os plantios de pinus tiveram um número inferior ao que era esperado, enquanto que na floresta nativa, os valores observados e esperados foram muito próximos. Os resultados sugerem que os plantios, embora utilizados como parte da área de vida da maioria das espécies registradas, não deve abrigar... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The Araucaria Forest is considered one of the most threatened forests in southern Brazil. This study presents a list of mammalian species found in a mosaic composed of native forest remnants and Pinus spp. plantations. We evaluated the richness, the frequency of occurrence and the relative abundance of mammal species in these habitats and also in open areas and the edges between them. Data collection was performed on three properties in the municipalities of Bituruna, General Carneiro, and Palmas - PR, between August 2003 and February 2006, totalling 31 field trips. Data were collected on a monthly basis in five transects of 5 km long each, as well as in other places visited occasionally, using visual and auditive records, fur, feces, footprints and carcasses. We identified 39 species of mammals, half of them were mentioned in the Red Data List of Parana State, though six species are in category Data Insufficient (DD). Through the chisquare test, significant differences were found both for richness how much for frequency of occurrence. Regarding richness, only FA and PP arriving near expected values, based on the hypothesis that richness would be the maximum number of species sampled in all environments. As for the number of records, based on the hypothesis that the number of records is proportional to the sampling effort, the pinus plantation had a lower number than what was expected, while the forest, the observed and expected values were very close. Already in the open areas and edges more records were obtained from mammals than expected, actually occurred because of the facility to collect fecal samples at these sites when compared to interior forest habitats. The group on the more general use of these environments was that of felids, probably related to the large area of life... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Effects of Imazapyr and prescribed fire on vegetation and bird communities in mid-rotation CRP pine plantations of MississippiSingleton, Lindsey Rae Carpenter 03 May 2008 (has links)
Appropriate management of mid-rotation pine plantations can improve habitat for early successional and pine-grassland adapted avian species. I tested effects of Imazapyr selective herbicide and prescribed fire on plant and avian communities in thinned, mid-rotation pine stands contracted under the Conservation Reserve Program. Within 12 replicate sites, 2 8.1-ha plots were assigned either herbicide and prescribed fire treatment or control. I described components of vegetation structure and composition in 2006. I tested effects of herbicide and prescribed fire treatment on avian relative abundance, species richness, total avian conservation value, and density of select species during 2003 - 2006. Hardwood midstory decreased and abundances of grasses and forbs increased following treatment. A shift occurred in the bird community from closed-canopy forest species to early successional and pine-grassland species. Treatment stands benefited many avian species exhibiting negative population trends.
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Cavity Presence in Snags Created Using Two Techniques in the Huron-Manistee National ForestNadler, Madison January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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