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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The psychological functioning and experiences following placement in orphanages : an exploratory study of orphanhood in Accra, Ghana

Salifu Yendork, Joana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Parental loss and orphanage placement can be stressful and can negatively influence the well-being of children. However, few studies have been conducted on the psychological well-being of Ghanaian orphans placed in orphanages. As a result, the impact of orphanage placement following parental loss in Ghana is not well understood. The present study aimed to explore the psychological functioning and experiences of orphaned children placed in orphanages in comparison to non-orphaned children in Accra, Ghana. A mixed-method design with elements of both quantitative and qualitative approaches was used. For quantitative data, questionnaires were used to source information pertaining to quality of life, stress (symptoms of depression and anxiety), problems experienced during the month, coping strategies, perceived social support, perceived self-efficacy and resilience. For qualitative data, follow-up interviews with selected orphaned participants were used to delve into participants’ experiences of placement in an orphanage. Purposive sampling was used to select participants who were aged between seven and 17 years. The sample comprised 100 orphaned children, placed in four orphanages, and 100 non-orphans sampled from two public schools in Accra. The quantitative data were analysed using the t-test, the chi-square test, Pearson product-moment correlation analyses, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and regression analyses. The qualitative data were analysed through content and thematic analyses. The results revealed that orphaned children showed more anxiety symptoms than non-orphans but both groups of children presented with high levels of depressive symptoms. The predominant problems for both groups of children were problems with school and relationship problems with peers and caregivers. However, for orphaned children, relationship problems with peers were commonly cited whereas for non-orphans, problems cited were relationship difficulties with caregivers. Despite the heightened emotional distress, orphaned children reported high levels of self-efficacy and resilience as well as stronger perceptions of available support from friends than non-orphans. Non-orphaned children perceived significantly stronger support from families than orphaned children. Regression analyses also revealed that for orphaned children, anxiety and support-seeking coping emerged as significant predictors of qualify of life whereas depression emerged as a significant predictor of quality of life for non-orphaned children. Self-efficacy emerged as a significant positive predictor of resilience for orphaned children whereas self-efficacy and perceived social support emerged as significant positive predictors of resilience for non-orphans. The results of the thematic analyses of the follow-up interviews with selected orphans also revealed that orphanage placement evoked both negative and positive experiences. While orphanages provided structure, nurturance, a safe home environment and avenues for positive peer relationships that engendered a sense of belonging, they were also associated with financial constraints and relationship problems with peers and caregivers. In addition, the Christian-religious orientation of the orphaned children appeared to foster orphans’ well-being. The present study provided evidence that both the orphaned and non-orphaned children were vulnerable to psychological distress. Therefore, interventions should be effected to both groups of children. Furthermore, the study showed that orphanages provided sanctuary and nurturance to orphans who lack parental care and could be considered as a viable form of orphan care in Ghana. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ouerverlies en weeshuisplasing veroorsaak stres en kan die welstand van kinders negatief beïnvloed. Min navorsingstudies is egter gedoen oor die psigologiese welstand van Ghanese weeskinders wat in weeshuise geplaas word. Die gevolg is dat die impak van weeshuisplasing ná ouerverlies nie goed in Ghana verstaan word nie. Die studie is daarop gemik om die psigologiese funksionering en ervarings van kinders wat ouerloos gelaat en in weeshuise in Accra, Ghana, geplaas word, te ondersoek en dit met dié van nieweesgelate kinders te vergelyk. ’n Gemengdemetode-ontwerp met elemente van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe benaderings is gebruik. Vraelyste is vir die kwantitatiewe data gebruik ten einde inligting te bekom oor lewenskwaliteit, stres (simptome van depressie en angs), daaglikse streswekkers of stressors, behartigingstrategieë, waargenome sosiale steun, waargenome selfbedrewendheid en veerkrag. Vir die kwalitatiewe data is opvolgonderhoude met geselekteerde weesgelate deelnemers gevoer ten einde die deelnemers se geleefde ervarings van plasing in ’n weeshuis indringend te bekyk. Doelgerigte steekproefneming is gebruik om deelnemers tussen die ouderdom van sewe en 17 jaar oud te selekteer. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 100 weesgelate kinders wat in vier weeshuise geplaas is, en 100 nieweesgelate kinders wat as steekproef uit twee openbare skole in Accra geneem is. Die kwantitatiewe data is ontleed met gebruikmaking van die t-toets, die chi-kwadraattoets, Pearson-produkmomentkorrelasieontledings, asook eenrigting-variansie- (VARO) en regressieontledings. Die kwalitatiewe data is aan die hand van inhouds- en tematiese ontledings geanaliseer. Volgens die resultate toon weesgelate kinders meer angssimptome as nieweesgelate kinders, terwyl beide groepe kinders met hoë vlakke van depressiewe simptome presenteer. Die oorheersende daaglikse stressors by beide groepe kinders is probleme by die skool, asook verhoudingsprobleme met die portuurgroep en sorggewers. Wat die weesgelate kinders betref, word verhoudingsprobleme met die portuurgroep egter as die mees algemene probleme aangevoer, terwyl nieweesgelate kinders verhoudingsprobleme met sorggewers aandui. Afgesien van die verhoogde emosionele nood, toon weesgelate kinders hoë vlakke van selfbedrewendheid en veerkrag, asook sterker persepsies van beskikbare bystand deur vriende, as wat die geval is by nieweesgelate kinders. Nieweesgelate kinders neem beduidend sterker bystand van families waar as wat die geval is by weesgelate kinders. Regressieontledings dui ook aan dat angs en bystandsoekende behartigingsgedrag by weesgelate kinders as beduidende voorspellers van lewensgehalte presenteer, terwyl depressie as ’n beduidende voorspeller van lewensgehalte by nieweesgelate kinders presenteer. Selfbedrewendheid presenteer as ’n beduidende positiewe voorspeller van veerkrag by weesgelate kinders, terwyl selfbedrewendheid en waargenome sosiale bystand as beduidende positiewe voorspellers vir veerkrag, by nieweesgelate kinders presenteer. Volgens die resultate van die tematiese ontledings van opvolgonderhoude met geselekteerde weeskinders, ontlok weeshuisplasing beide negatiewe en positiewe ervarings. Weeshuise skep struktuur, koestering, ’n veilige tuisomgewing en kanale vir positiewe portuurgroepverhoudings, en gevolglik ’n gevoel van samehorigheid, ofskoon hierdie instansies ook met finansiële beperkings en verhoudingsprobleme met portuurgroepe en versorgers verbind word. Verder blyk dit dat die Christengeloof-oriëntasie van die weesgelate kinders die welstand van die weeskinders bevorder. Die aangebode studie lewer bewys dat sowel die weesgelate as die nieweesgelate kinders kwesbaar is vir psigologiese nood. Gevolglik word intervensies vir beide groepe kinders aangedui. Die studie toon verder dat weeshuise ’n toevlugsoord en versorgingsplek bied vir weeskinders wat nie ouerlike sorg ontvang nie, en dat dit as ’n lewensvatbare vorm van weeskindsorg in Ghana beskou kan word.

The impact of industrial sponsorship on students, academia and industry

Soltani-Tafreshi, Fakhteh January 2010 (has links)
This thesis reports a research study to measure the impact of industrial sponsorship on student, academia, and industry. The thesis provides a review of the literature in the field of engineering education, university-industry collaboration and student sponsorship. It describes the design of the study and methods of data collection and data analysis. It then presents a discussion of the impact of sponsorship. The research project was conducted at Loughborough University from 2006-2009. It has captured existing practice across sponsored and non-sponsored programmes within the Engineering Faculty at Loughborough University together with a small number of national and international sponsorship schemes. Data were collected from the undergraduate engineering students, graduates, sponsoring/non sponsoring companies, and the academic staff of engineering departments using questionnaires, interviews and documentary analysis. This study highlights the values and issues of the relationship between employers and students during their undergraduate study from the perspective of students, employers and academic staff. It takes a mixed-method approach to assess the attitudes and perception of individuals from these parties and identify the barriers which limit further engagement in order to propose guidelines for further improvements. The results show that the majority of the stakeholders valued industrial sponsorship as a way of developing the quality of undergraduate degrees and generating enough of the high quality engineers that the industry needs. There was close agreement on these matters between the parties involved. Overall the findings of the research showed that the parties main expectations of sponsorship schemes were largely met by the reality of sponsorship. Greater awareness of the details of sponsorship schemes, including how they work and what is involved, would make employers more likely to offer sponsorship and encourage more students to apply for sponsorship. Conclusions are drawn on the benefits that sponsorship offers, the incentives for these stakeholders, the role of sponsorship in building a relationship between students and their future employers, its contribution to the attainment of learning outcomes, the degree of sponsorship attractiveness to the investigated companies, the obstructions which limit partnership and recommendations for further developments.

Produktplaceringens avtryck i en TV-serie

Orellana, Yessenia, van Trigt, Savannah January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att ge en utökad förståelse för hur användandet av produktplacering kan påverka tittarnas syn på en TV- serie. Metod: Ett avsnitt av den svenska TV- serien Solsidan användes på grund av dess omfattande kritik mot användandet av produktplaceringar. Empirin samlades in genom en kombination av enkäter och fokusgrupper där 21 respondenter deltog och där de fick se ett avsnitt ur serien. Teori: Teorier om minnesprocessen, varumärkeskännedom, informationshanteringsprocessen, olika dimensioner av produktplacering samt dess för- och nackdelar har använts för att sammanlänkas med studiens resultat. Slutsats: Produktplacering medförde ingen förändrad syn på TV- serien Solsidan av olika anledningar: A)    Samtliga respondenter hade en positiv inställning till produktplacering. B)    I snitt uppmärksammades endast 29 % av placeringarna. C)    De varumärken som uppmärksammades var mycket bra integrerade och påverkade inte tittarupplevelsen negativt. D)    Produktplaceringen gjorde handlingen mer realistisk och trovärdig då respondenterna kunde relatera till liknande händelser. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to provide an enhanced understanding about how the use of product placement can affect the opinion of a TV series.   Methodology: The Swedish TV- series Solsidan was used because of its criticism about product placement. The empirical data was collected by a combination of surveys and focus groups in which 21 respondents participated and watched one episode of the series.   Theories: Theories about the memory process, brand awareness, information processing, different dimensions of product placement and its pros and cons where used to conjoin to the results.   Conclusion: Product placement did not affect the opinion on the TV- series Solsidan for different reasons: A)     All respondents had a positive attitude towards product placement. B)    The recall of the placements was on average no higher than 29 %. C)    The brands that where noticed where well integrated and did not affect the viewing experience negatively. D)    Product placement made the scene more realistic and credible as the respondents could relate to similar situations.

A comparative study of the experience of disabled and non-disabled students on professional practice placements

Hill, Shirley January 2014 (has links)
The experience of disabled students in UK higher education has been the subject of research for many years, particularly following legislation in 2001 that introduced responsibilities on universities to make reasonable adjustments for disabled students. Most of this research has focused solely on the experience of disabled students, and typically only within one discipline, with limited comparison with their non-disabled peers; particularly in the context of students’ experience on practice placements where professional competencies are developed and assessed. This thesis therefore sought to address this gap in the research by investigating the experience of disabled and non-disabled students on practice placements across six professional disciplines, utilising a mixed methods research design. Students at a Scottish University who were studying medicine, nursing, dentistry, education, social work or community education were invited to participate in an anonymous online survey and a follow-up semi-structured interview. These particular disciplines were selected on the basis of enabling comparison with previous research and also to explore the dichotomy between the social and medical approaches to disability; and the potential impact of these approaches on the experience of disabled students. Over 350 students responded to the survey from all six disciplines and a total of 21 interviews were conducted with disabled and non-disabled students. The results were also compared with the student placement feedback obtained independently by the individual disciplines involved in the research. Many students provided positive feedback on their placement experience and clearly valued this as preparation for their future careers. The students’ relationship with their placement supervisor was also clearly an influence on the quality of their placement experience. However, statistical analyses revealed that disabled students’ overall rating for their placement experience was lower than that of non-disabled students, and that disabled students experienced more difficulties on placement. Subsequent thematic analysis of students’ qualitative responses revealed that, although disabled and non-disabled students reported similar issues, these were exacerbated for some disabled students by the nature of their impairment or the attitudes of others to disability. Indeed, there was evidence that a medical model approach to disability was more prevalent in the disciplines of medicine and nursing. It was also clear that some disabled students did not identify with the terms ‘disabled’ or ‘disability’. The results of this study highlighted in particular the need for a review of disability disclosure procedures in the placement context and for clarity in the role and responsibilities of placement staff. Recommendations for practice are identified that aim to enhance the placement experience of all students and to remove any barriers to access; ensuring disabled students are not disadvantaged in the placement context and their needs are appropriately met.

A Document Analysis of Two States' Child Protective Services Agency Permanency Policies

Liston-Garcia, Barbara Christine 01 January 2017 (has links)
U.S. Child Protective Services Agencies (CPSA) have had mixed success in achieving stable, permanent placements for foster care children. To address the adverse effects of unstable placements on foster care children's emotional well-being and physical development, the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 was enacted to better ensure permanency, safety, and well-being of children in foster care. Using Stone's policy paradox as the framework, the purpose of this qualitative document analysis was to explore whether policy constructs contributed to the success or failure of promoting permanency for foster care children. Data was used from 2 states, representing those most and least successful in terms of decreasing foster care populations during federal fiscal years 2011 to 2014. Data for this study consisted of publicly available documents, including statues, policies, and official publications. These data were analyzed using an inductive coding approach and then subjected to a content analysis procedure. Key findings indicated the states differed in 3 critical policy areas: incentives to achieve progress towards reunification; facts used to change behaviors among policy actors to achieve the goal of recruiting adoptive and foster care parents; power in terms of how authority was delegated to service providers. The findings of this research may enhance policymakers' and advocates' knowledge of policy issues critical to achieving permanency for children. It is recommended that future policy changes focus on the needs of the children and the alignment of statutes, policies, and publications so they promote adequate incentives, utilization of factual information, and consistent policy interpretation at the federal and local levels.

Exploring Social Support Networks of African American Emancipated Foster Care Women

Barrett, Donna Marie 01 January 2017 (has links)
Many youth exit the United States foster care system each year and face challenges related to housing, employment, health care, and education. After emancipation, foster youth can experience family instability, educational disruption, incarceration, unemployment, unstable housing, and emotional problems at a much higher rate than youth in the general population. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine the experiences of African American foster women and the social support they received in finding housing upon exiting foster care system. Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory provided a conceptual framework of social interrelation for the study. Data were collected from a purposeful sample of 4 African American former foster care women, a foster parent, a social worker, and a director of a support service's programs through face-to-face interviews. Data were analyzed using a 5-step approach for coding and analysis. Key findings were that the mobilization of collaborative social network support from foster parents, social workers, and government officials before foster youth enters their transitional phase were keys to successful outcomes. According to the foster care women and supporting adults' reports, more collaboration among agencies may assist youth with transitioning to independent living. Additionally, one-on-one mentorship program could address housing, education, employment, and health plans prior to emancipation. This study contributes to social change by providing information to those who provide services to foster care youth and may lead to enhanced programs and services encouraging youth to pursue their goals, and promote economic self-sufficiency.

Perceptions of Failed Foster Care

Mitchell, Nathaniel 01 January 2019 (has links)
Abstract The purpose of this action research study was to investigate social workers' perceptions of the problems that prevent successful family reunifications after foster care. The study explored social workers' perceptions of barriers that prevent family reunifications in central Mississippi. Using Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory as the framework, the research question explored the problem from multiple levels of practice including family, individual, institutional, and community. The focus group approach aligned with the project goal by allowing participants opportunities to share experiences and perspectives regarding family reunifications. The study used a purposive sample of 10 participants who were practicing licensed social workers or certified mental health professionals in central Mississippi. Focus group responses were transcribed and coded by defining categories, assigning labels, and classifying relevant information using the comparative method. The key results of the study included that family reunification was impeded by the lack of training of child welfare social workers and limited resources to address psychosocial issues. The recommendations of the study included improving practice by engaging in mental health screening for foster children and families, promoting current knowledge and interventions by addressing psychosocial issues, and participating in program evaluation by targeting and strengthening policies. The impact of this study for positive social change includes understanding critical issues of family reunification after foster care stemming from lack of resources, unstable placements, and mental health issues.

The announcement effect of private placements of hybrid securities in Australia

Tan, Juan Edward, Banking & Finance, Australian School of Business, UNSW January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates the share price response to the announcement of private placements of hybrid securities in Australia. Firstly, the size and direction of the share price response is examined. Secondly, the determinants of the share price response are examined. Where possible, comparisons are made to evidence from international markets. The sample of data tested consists of 43 announcements of convertible debt issues, 39 announcements of preference share issues and 19 announcements of option issues made between 1983 and 2000 by Australian firms. The analysis of the share price impact in response to the announcements is conducted using Maynes and Rumsey (1993) event study methodology that adjusts for thin trading. The determinants of the share price response are examined using model specifications that are derived from the theoretical literature. The analysis of the announcement effect of private placements of hybrid securities finds significant negative abnormal returns for convertible debt issues, insignificant negative abnormal returns for preference share issues and significant positive abnormal returns for option issues. In comparison to international studies, the convertible debt results are similar to public and rights issues, the insignificant preference share results are similar to other findings and the option results are similar to private placements of equity and rights issues of options. The results of the investigation of the determinants of the announcement effect of private placements of hybrid securities finds that convertible debt issues are best explained by information asymmetry - firm and issue characteristics, the information asymmetry - external monitors hypothesis, the information asymmetry - dynamic hypothesis and the agency cost hypothesis. The impact of preference share issues is best explained by information asymmetry - firm and issue characteristics, the information asymmetry - external monitors hypothesis, the agency cost hypothesis and the price pressure hypothesis. The announcement effect of option issues is best explained by information asymmetry - firm and issue characteristics, the information asymmetry -dynamic hypothesis and the optimal capital structure hypothesis.

The effect of narrative elements within video games : localized setting and character motivation on audience arousal

Dunn, Mary Elizabeth 29 October 2012 (has links)
The creative possibilities of video games have been energized by the continual advancement of technology in the twenty-first century. Extensive research has been conducted to better understand the effects of video game audio-visual components, gaming platforms, and computer-mediated communication. The research that has investigated the influence of narrative elements has focused primarily on their interaction with aggressive game play and increased aggression. After investigation into the literature pertaining to narrative, human motivation, and arousal, this thesis discusses study results indicating a subtle, yet significant, influence character motivation manipulation has increasing audience arousal, specifically in a narrative involving a near future war plotline. Additionally, the results indicating that the localization of a narrative’s setting does not increased audience arousal any more so than a narrative setting ambiguously defined. These concepts can be useful to advertising strategists interested in developing advergames or product placements within video games, and therefore the implications of this thesis’ results and future research suggestions will be presented. / text

A description of the insights and attitudes of undergraduate health sciences students in the Interprofessional Education Programme at the University of the Western Cape: experiences of community and health sciences students

Mashingaidze, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Interprofessional Education (IPE) for the undergraduate health sciences students has been seen as a vehicle that could prepare health professionals for improved collaboration in health care (Reeves, 2000). Early health curricula did not allow interaction among students of different disciplines. As a result students were equipped to only function in their own disciplines for their own professional purposes (Beatty, 1986). The Faculty of Community and Health Sciences (CHS), at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), introduced IPE in 1994 and established an Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning unit(ITLU) to coordinate the interdisciplinary structured modules for undergraduate community and health sciences students.This research is an additional qualitative inquiry which is part of a bigger IPE study. The main aim of the bigger study, coordinated by the Collaboration for Health Equity in Education and Research (CHEER), is to investigate the impact of Collaborative Interprofessional Education and Practice on the development of socially responsible graduates who are well equipped to practice in rural and disadvantaged areas. This researcher aimed to explore the insights and attitudes of the current third and fourth year undergraduate community and health sciences students who are involved in the IPE programme regarding their appreciation of the other students‟ profession and their attitude to future interprofessional collaboration. Students were asked about their experiences in the IPE programme focusing on their initial experience, interaction in interprofessional groups and insights, and attitudes to being involved in the programme.Based on their experiences, they were also asked to provide recommendations for the programme. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted using focus group discussions and semi-structured interviews. Six focus group discussions were held with 3rd and 4th year students from occupational therapy, psychology, social work, physiotherapy and nursing at UWC to explore in-depth students‟ insights and attitudes towards the IPE programme. Two additional interviews were conducted with students individually. Six semi-structured interviews were conducted to obtain background information from key informants (Unit coordinator, Course convenor, two field coordinators and two lecturers) involved in the IPE programme at the UWC. The data collected were then transcribed and analysed by thematic content analysis.The findings revealed that the UWC IPE programme is very useful and important and can be potentially beneficial in health professional training especially in fostering collaboration. The results show both positive and negative attitudes by students at their initial encounter with the programme and a shift to a positive attitude and greater insight as students became more involved in the programme. The positive attitude is linked to an appreciation of their own and other professions‟ roles; recognition of the importance of a collaborative role in the health care setting and the relevance of the programme (content, practical work) to their work. The negative attitudes emanate from uncertainties and structural challenges within the programme (timing, lecturing process, etc). There are also challenges linked to course organisation which are important to improving the programme and have a potential to influence the attitudes of students.

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