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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding fruit and vegetable consumption : a qualitative investigation in the Mitchells Plain sub-district of Cape Town

Pereira, Catherine Jane 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Mnutr)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction Adequate fruit and vegetable consumption can provide many health and nutrition benefits, and can contribute to nutritional adequacy and quality of the diet. Despite existing strategies, most people in South Africa do not consume the recommended intake of five fruits and vegetables per day, and micronutrient intakes remain low. Aim The aim of this study was to describe underlying factors that influence individual and household fruit and vegetable consumption, in an area of the Mitchells Plain sub-district, by engaging with community members in a participatory manner in accordance with a human rights-based approach. Methodology This study was cross-sectional and descriptive. Data collection was conducted from November 2012 until January 2013, in an area of Mitchells Plain. Focus group discussions were conducted to gain a broad understanding of factors that influence fruit and vegetable consumption in the community and to identify individuals for individual interviews. In-depth interviews were conducted with strategically selected community members considered to be influential in food preparation, distribution or consumption, in order to gain in-depth understanding of specific factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption. Results Four focus group discussions were conducted with 40 participants in total, allocated to three different groups (18 to 29 year old females, 30 to 70 year old females, 18 to 60 year old males). Fifteen in-depth interviews were conducted with community leaders, individuals involved in food production (kitchen managers) or sale thereof (an informal vendor and a tuck shop owner), individuals involved in health education (a professional nurse) and basic education (a grade one educator), and others. Dominant themes discussed included fruit and vegetable consumption patterns (religious, cultural and traditional dishes, seasonal variation), fruit and vegetable preparation techniques and commonly prepared dishes, fruit and vegetable access (purchasing, vegetable gardens and direct provision) and changes in fruit and vegetable consumption patterns. Barriers to fruit and vegetable consumption included that although most participants considered them to be important, fruit and vegetables were not considered a priority food item (inadequate time and effort is allocated to food purchasing and preparation), negative side-effects of consumption, fruit and vegetables are perishable and benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption are not immediately apparent. Facilitators of fruit and vegetable consumption were personal preference, traditional dishes prepared that include fruit or vegetable ingredients, individuals who sell or grow fruit and vegetables having increased availability, use of convenience fruit and vegetable items, and modelling and discipline in children. Suggestions to improve consumption included education using practical advice such as fruit recipes to improve the appeal of fruit and vegetable dishes, and methods to decrease preparation time and cost. Conclusions Limited fruit and vegetable consumption is not simply determined by limited nutrition knowledge or poor decision-making by households, but rather by a much wider set of social, economic and spatial processes. Creative and innovative behaviour-changing strategies are required that target individuals but also take cognisance of wider structural barriers, and work to create an enabling environment that is supportive of healthy eating and an adequate consumption of fruit and vegetables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Voldoende inname van vrugte en groente hou baie gesondheids- en voedingsvoordele in, en kan bydra tot voedingstoereikenheid en kwaliteit van die dieet. Ongeag bestaande strategieë, neem die meeste mense in Suid-Afrika nie die aanbevole vyf vrugte en groente in nie, en mikronutriënt inname bly laag. Doelwit Die doel van hierdie studie was om die onderliggende faktore wat indiwiduele en huishoudelike vrugte- en groenteverbruik in 'n area van die Mitchells Plein subdistrik beïnvloed, te beskryf, deur met lede van die gemeenskap in 'n deelnemende manier betrokke te raak in ooreenstemming met 'n menseregte-gebaseerde benadering. Metodes Hierdie deursnee studie was beskrywend. Data-insameling het vanaf November 2012 tot Januarie 2013 in 'n gedeelte van Mitchells Plein plaasgevind. Fokusgroepbesprekings is gehou om 'n breër begrip van die faktore wat vrugte- en groenteverbruik in die gemeenskap beïnvloed, te bekom en om indiwidue te identifiseer vir indiwiduele onderhoude. In-diepte onderhoude is gevoer met strategies verkose gemeenskapslede wat beskou word as invloedryk in voedselvoorbereiding, verspreiding en verbruik, om 'n dieper begrip van spesifieke faktore wat met vrugte- en groenteverbruik verband hou, te bekom. Resultate Vier fokusgroep-besprekings is gehou met 'n totaal van 40 deelnemers, versprei oor drie verskillende groepe (18 - 29 jarige vroue, 30 - 70 jarige vroue, 18 - 60 jarige mans). Vyftien in-diepte onderhoude is gevoer met gemeenskapsleiers (polities en godsdienstig), indiwidue betrokke by voedselverwerking (kombuisbestuurders) of verkope (informele verkoper en snoepwinkeleienaar), indiwidue betrokke by gesondheidsopvoeding (professionele verpleegster) en basiese onderrig (graad een opvoeder) en andere. Oorheersende temas sluit in vrugte- en groenteverbruikspatrone (godsdienstige, kulturele en tradisionele disse, seisonale wisseling in gebruik), vrugte en groente voorbereidingstegnieke en alledaagse disse, toegang tot vrugte en groente (aankoop, groentetuine en direkte voorsiening) en verandering in vrugte- en groenteverbruikspatrone. Hindernisse tot vrugte- en groenteverbruik sluit in dat hoewel die meeste deelnemers vrugte- en groenteverbruik belangrik ag, word vrugte en groente nie as 'n prioriteitsvoedsel gesien nie. Voldoende tyd en aandag word nie aan voedsel-aankope en -voorbereiding afgestaan nie, daar is negatiewe newe-effekte aan verbruik, vrugte en groente is bederfbaar en die voordele van vrugte en groenteverbruik is nie duidelik waarneembaar nie.Persoonlike voorkeur is bevorderlik vir vrugte- en groenteverbruik, sommige tradisionele disse word met vrugte of groente bestanddele voorberei, asook die groter beskikbaarheid van indiwidue wat vrugte en groente verkoop of kweek, die gebruik van vrugte en groente gemaksitems, en die gedragsmodellering en dissiplinering van kinders. Voorstelle om verbruik te verbeter het ingesluit opvoeding met praktiese raad soos vrugte en groente resepte om die aantreklikheid van vrugte en groente disse te verhoog en metodes om voorbereidingstyd en onkoste te verminder. Gevolgtrekking Beperkte vrugte en groente verbruik word nie net bepaal deur beperkte voeding kennis of swak besluitneming deur huishoudings nie, maar deur 'n veel wyer reeks van maatskaplike, ekonomiese en ruimtelike prosesse. Skeppende en innoverende gedragsveranderende-strategieë wat gemik is op indiwidue is nodig, asook aandag aan wyer strukturele hindernisser. Sodoende kan ‘n bemagtigende omgewing geskep word om gesonde eetgewoontes en die verbruik van voldoende vrugte en groente te ondersteun.

Beanspruchungsminimierung keramischer Gleitlager mit Hilfe der FEM

Stentzel, Christian 05 July 2019 (has links)
Zur Realisierung des neuartigen und keramischen Gleitlagers unter den Einsatzbedingungen hoher und stoßartiger Belastungen wird auf die Finite-Elemente-Methode (FEM) zurückgegriffen, um ein keramikgerechtes Design abzuleiten. Unter Einbeziehung der umgebenden Strukturen, wie der Einbettung und dem Bolzen, werden mit Hilfe der FEM konstruktive und werkstoffliche Parameterstudien durchgeführt. Als Basis der Untersuchungen dienen typische Arm- und Koppelstangenverbindungen aus dem Bereich der mobilen Arbeitsmaschinen. Oberstes Ziel der Studien ist die Minimierung der Zugbeanspruchungen im keramischen Werkstoff unter Last nach dem Kriterium des „Spannungsminimums“. Daneben werden optimierte Einbettungsbauformen untersucht, die eine geringe Zugbeanspruchung garantieren und gleichzeitig einen geringen Massebedarf aufweisen. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der Parameterstudien ist eine analytische Berechnungsvorschrift abgeleitet sowie die statische und dynamische Tragfähigkeit des keramischen Gleitlagers experimentell nachgewiesen worden. Im Ergebnis der Forschungsarbeit steht die mechanische Einsatzfähigkeit des keramischen Gleitlagers auf Basis von Siliziumnitrid (Si3N4). Sowohl die statische als auch die dynamische Tragfähigkeit konnte bis zu einer Flächenpressung von mindestens 150 N/mm² und bei einer Lastfrequenz von 12,5 Hz nachgewiesen werden.

Blir det mer begripligt? : En diakron studie av språkliga förändringar i domar från Göta hovrätt 2001–2021. / Is the comprehensibility increasing? : A diachronic study of linguistic changes in judgments from Göta Court of Appeal 2001–2021.

Hansen, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur begripligheten i Göta hovrätts domar förändrats mellan 2001 och 2021. Studien syftar till att undersöka dels hur syntax och lexikon förändrats i domarna, dels hur följsamheten till klarspråksråd har förändrats under perioden. Materialet består av totalt 18 domar från Göta hovrätt: tre brottmålsdomar och tre tvistemålsdomar vardera från 2001, 2011 och 2021. En kombination av kvantitativ och kvalitativ metod har använts i studien: I den kvantitativa analysen undersöktes syntax och lexikon i samtliga 18 domar och i den kvalitativa textanalysen användes klarspråkstestet för domar som verktyg för att analysera sex av domarna djupare. Resultatet visar att det skett förändringar i domspråket under den tid som undersökts, men att det inte är entydigt huruvida domarna har blivit mer begripliga eller ej. Den kvantitativa analysen visar att domarna i många avseenden ligger längre ifrån klarspråksidealet år 2021 än 2001 och 2011. Resultatet av den kvalitativa analysen visar dock att följsamheten till klarspråksråden förbättrats under den undersökta perioden. Facktermer rensas bort eller förklaras i större utsträckning, det juridiska språket närmar sig det vardagliga och tonen blir mer läsarvänlig. Den sammantagna slutsatsen blir därför att domarna i vissa avseenden blivit mer begripliga och närmat sig idealet, men att ytterligare förbättringar krävs för att de ska bli tillgängliga även för icke juridiskt kunniga läsare. / The purpose of this study is to examine how the comprehensibility of the judgments from Göta Court of Appeal has changed between 2001 and 2021. The study aims to examine how the syntax and terminology has changed within the judgments as well as how the compliance with Plain Language Guidelines has changed during this period. The material consists of 18 judgments from Göta Court of Appeal: three criminal convictions and three civil actions each from the years of 2001, 2011 and 2021.A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods has been used: In the quantitative analysis, syntax and terminology were examined in all eighteen judgments and for the qualitative analysis, Klarspråkstestet (“the plain language test”) was used as a mean to further analyze six of the judgments. The results show that the language has changed during the selected period, but it remains ambiguous whether the language has become more comprehensible or not. The quantitative analysis shows that the judgments lie further away from the Plain Language Ideal in 2021 than they did in 2001 and 2011. However, the results of the qualitative analysis show that the compliance with Plain Language Guidelines has improved during this period. Technical terms are removed or explained to a greater extent, the legalese is approaching the everyday language and the tone is becoming more reader friendly. The conclusion is therefore that in some respects, the judgments have become more comprehensible, but that further improvements are required to make them accessible for readers who do not have a clear understanding of judicial language.

The electrodeposition and characterisation of compositionally modulated tin-cobalt alloy coatings as lead-free plain bearing material

Zhang, Yi January 2008 (has links)
Traditionally, lead-based bearing overlays dominate the commercial automotive market and it has been proven that an excellent combination of properties can be attained through their use. However, lead is a toxic metal and a cumulative poison in humans. According to the European Union End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) Directive proposed in 1997, vehicles that registered in'all the member states after 1st July 2003 should contain no lead, mercury, cadmium and hexavalent chromium. In this study, a new sulphate-gluconate electrolyte was used to produce multilayer SnCo coatings, aimed at a lead-free overlay for future market use. Tin-cobalt compositionally modulated alloy (CMA) coatings produced from sulphategluconate electrolytes have been previously examined as a potential replacement for lead-free bearing overlays [1]. However, some obstacles may exist which limit their potential use on an industrial scale. For example, long electroplating times are required to produce a thick coating which is very undesirable from an industrial viewpoint, and also the possible elemental interdiffusion occurring in the coating system under engine operating temperatures could rapidly deteriorate the coating properties. In addition, there is an increasing demand from automotive industry to further improve bearing overlay properties, for example for high performance and high compression ratio engines.

Assessing the values and impacts of invasive alien plants on the livelihoods of rural land-users on the Agulhas Plain, South Africa

De la Fontaine, Samantha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are known for their detrimental impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem goods and services. A substantial body of research has contributed to our understanding of their impacts on ecology. In comparison the socio-economic aspects of IAPs, are not well understood. Additionally, valuation practises have usually excluded the positive and the non-monetary impacts (benefits and uses) that IAPs hold for local livelihoods. Holistic valuation has been regarded as imperative for decision-making and managerial frameworks. A study was conducted in Elim on the southern Cape coast of the Agulhas Plain, South Africa, which aimed to explore the various impacts of IAPs on the livelihoods of rural land-users. Individual qualitative interviews were conducted face to face with landholders (referred to as farmers) (N = 12) and individuals from the economically marginalized community (referred to as marginalized community) (N = 12). The grounded theory approach to data analysis was used and results of the coding method used were displayed by means of superscripts. Results indicate that farmers were aware of broader uses of IAPs although they themselves did not utilise them as extensively as members of the marginalized communities. Invasive alien and problem plants that held value for both land-users were not perceived as being „invasive‟. Invasive alien plants were believed to have detrimental impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems goods and services which support people‟s livelihoods. Alien clearing programmes such as Working for Water (WfW) and LandCare have done much to alleviate the socio-economic burden of unemployment in this marginalized community. Aside from the social development aims set out by WfW (i.e. employment of low-income communities, poverty alleviation and skills training), knock-on social development benefits (e.g. feelings of pride, responsibility and awareness as well as conflict management skills) were also realised by individuals from the marginalized community that were previously employed by the programme. Farmers regarded alien clearing and management as a process that demands excessive time, energy and financial resources. On single occasions it was found that farmers employed methods other than the conventional clearing and management strategies (e.g. livestock that feed on IAPs and giving refuse IAP biomass from clearing and felling to neighbouring poor communities). No clear consensus was reached about regarding alien clearing and management but more support is desired from government. Working for Water relies on private landholders for alien clearing as it is required by law. This study emphasizes that stronger relationships between government and private landholders as well as more substantial incentives to clear IAPs on private land are prerequisites if required outcomes are to be achieved. Educating society at large about the detrimental impacts of IAPs is fundamental. Additionally, informing landholders on effective alien clearing methods and policies and legislation pertaining to it are key activities for the South African government. Finally, clearing and management programmes need to consider the benefits that local land-users obtain from IAPs when prioritising areas for the management of alien vegetation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitheemse indringerplante (UIPe) is bekend vir die nadelige gevolge wat hulle vir biodiversiteit en ekosisteem goedere en dienste inhou. ʼn Aansienlike liggaam van navorsing het bygedra tot ons begrip van die impak daarvan op ekologie. In teendeel, die sosio-ekonomiese aspekte van UIPe word egter nie goed verstaan nie. Daarbenewens, evalueringspraktyke het gewoonlik die positiewe en nie-monetêre impakte (voordele en gebruike) wat UIPe vir plaaslike lewensbestaan hou, uitgesluit. Holistiese evaluering word as noodsaaklik beskou vir besluitneming en bestuursraamwerke. ʼn Studie was uitgevoer in Elim op die Suid-Kaapse kus van die Agulhas-vlakte, Suid-Afrika. Die doel was om die verskillende aspekte van UIP impakte op die lewensbestaan van landelike grondgebruikers aan te spreek. Individuele kwalitatiewe onderhoude is van aangesig tot aangesig gevoer met grondeienaars (na wie verwys word as boere) (N = 12) en individue van die ekonomies gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap (na wie verwys word as gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap) (N = 12). Die gegronde teorie metode tot data analise was gebruik en die resultate van die kodering metode is vertoon deur middel van boskrifte. Resultate dui daarop dat boere bewus was van ʼn wyer reeks van gebruike van UIPe alhoewel hulle dit nie so ekstensief benut het soos die lede van die gemarginaliseerde gemeenskappe nie. Uitheemse en probleem plante wat waarde gehou het vir beide landgebruikers,was nie soseer beskou as „indringers‟ nie. Daar was geglo dat UIPe nadelige impakte het op biodiversiteit en ekosisteme goedere en dienste wat mense se lewensbestaan ondersteun. Programme soos Werk vir Water (WvW) en LandCare wat fokus op die uitroeiing van UIPe, het baie gedoen om die sosio-ekonomiese laste as ʼn gevolg van werkloosheid in hierdie gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap te verlig. Benewens die sosiale ontwikkelings doelwitte uiteengesit deur WvW (o.a. indiensneming van lae-inkomste gemeenskappe, armoedeverligting en vaardigheidsopleiding), is daar ook domino-voordele (bv. gevoelens van trots, verantwoordelikheid en bewustheid sowel as konflik bestuursvaardighede) aangaande sosiale ontwikkeling ervaar deur individue van die gemarginaliseerde gemeenskap wat voorheen in diens van die program was. Boere beskou die uitroeiing en bestuur van UIPe as ʼn proses wat oormatige tyd, energie en finansiële hulpbronne vereis. Op enkele geleenthede was dit gevind dat boere gebruik maak van metodes anders as die konvensionele skoonmaak-en bestuurs strategieë (bv. vee wat voed op UIPe en biomassa wat na afloop van skoonmaak aan die naburige arm gemeenskappe gegee word). Geen duidelike konsensus is bereik met betrekking tot die uitroeiing en bestuur van UIP nie, maar meer ondersteuning van die regering word verlang. Werk vir Water maak staat op private grondeienaars vir die uitroeiing van UIPe. Hierdie studie beklemtoon dat sterker verhoudings tussen die regering en private grondeienaars sowel as meer aansienlike aansporings om UIPe op private grond skoon te maak ʼn voorvereiste is as verwagte uitkomste bereik wil word. Opvoeding van die breër gemeenskap oor die nadelige impakte van UIPe is fundamenteel. Om grondeienaars in te lig oor effektiewe UIP verwyderingsmetodes asook beleide en wetgewing met betrekking daartoe, is belangrikste aktiwiteite vir die Suid-Afrikaanse regering. Ten slotte, skoonmaak- en bestuursprogramme moet oorweging skenk aan die voordele wat plaaslike landgebruikers put uit UIPe wanneer daar geprioritiseer word vir gebiede vir die bestuur van indringerplante.

Flood Risk Perception in Tanzania : A Case of Flood Affected Arean in Dar es Salaam

Fintling, Carolina January 2006 (has links)
<p>The main objective of this study is to understand and asses flood risk perception among people living in Msimbazi Valley in Das es Salaam, Tanzania. Many of the people I have interviewed are experiencing flooding every year but it is rarely considered disastrous. Looked at individually they may not be disasters but cumulatively they may be. The rapid urbanisation, in this part of the world, forces people to live on hazardous but central land because of the livelihood opportunities available there. The government and the local communities are well aware of the risk of floods in the area and are considered as a serious threat to the families. People are still living in these areas because they find the benefits big enough to make up the risks.</p>

Lesbians and the right to equality: Perceptions of people in a local Western Cape community

Sanger, Nadia January 2001 (has links)
When lesbians, as women divert from social norms and reject the compulsory heterosexual norm, they are either punished through legal systems for transgressing patriarchial structures or not recognised at all. As women, lesbians suffer at the hands of a homophobic society which believs that women have stepped out of line through challenging the hegemonic discourses stipulating that they have specific and distinct roles to play - that of wives, mothers, homemakers and sexual partners to men. Because lesbians do not fit into this construct, their behaviour is socially and legally condemned for diverting from the &quot / natural order&quot / . This study aimed to identify and explore the various ways people construct and perceive lesbians and to reveal how sexuality, as a product of history and culture, determines the ways lesbians are treated in their own communities. This study attempted to explore how, despite the democratic stance of the new constitution, South African lesbians still experience discrimination on the basis of their sexual orientation.

The application of land evaluation techniques in Jeffara Plain in Libya using fuzzy methods

Elaalem, Mukhtar January 2010 (has links)
This research compares three approaches to land suitability evaluation, Boolean, Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point, for barley, wheat and maize crops in the north-western region of Jeffara Plain in Libya. A number of soil and landscape criteria were identified to accommodate the three cash crops under irrigation conditions and their weights specified as a result of discussions with local experts. The findings emphasised that soil factors represented the most sensitive criteria affecting all the crops considered. In contrast, erosion and slope were found to be less important in the study area. Using Boolean logic the results indicated only four suitability classes (highly suitable, moderately suitable, marginally suitable and currently not suitable) for all crops. In contrast, the results obtained by adopting the Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point approaches revealed that the area of study has a greater degree of subdivision in land suitability classes. Overall, the results of the three approaches indicated that the area under consideration has a good potential to produce barley, wheat and maize under irrigation provided that the water and drainage requirements are met. Comparing the three models showed that each suitability class derived from the Boolean approach is associated with low and high values for joint membership functions when derived from Fuzzy AHP and Ideal Point approaches respectively. In other words, the two fuzzy approaches have shown their ability to explore the uncertainties associated with describing the land properties. The richer overall picture provides an alternative type of land suitability evaluation to Boolean approaches and allows subtle variations in land suitability to be explored. The Fuzzy AHP approach was found to be better than the Ideal Point approach; the latter was biased towards positive and negative ideal values. In the future, field trial plots will be needed to evaluate and validate the results further.

Moisture record of the Upper Volga catchment between AD 1430 and 1600 supported by a δ13C tree-ring chronology of archaeological pine timbers

Panyushkina, Irina P., Karpukhin, Alexei A., Engovatova, Asya V. 09 1900 (has links)
Investigations of interactions between climate change and humans suffer from the lack of climate proxies directly linked to historical or archaeological datasets that describe past environmental conditions at a particular location and time. We present a new set of pine tree-ring records (Pinus sylvestris L) developed from burial timbers excavated at the historical center of Yaroslavl city, Russia. A 171 year delta C-13 tree-ring chronology from AD 1430 to AD 1600 evidences mostly wet summers during the 15th century but exceptionally dry conditions of the 16th century at the Upper Volga catchment. According to the tree-ring record there were four major droughts (<-1.5 sigma) lasting from 9 to 26 years: 1501-1517, 1524-1533, 1542-1555 and 1570-1596, and major pluvials (>+1.5 sigma) lasting from 70 to 5 years: 1430-1500, 1518-1523, 1534-1541, and 1556-1564. We discuss a plausible contribution of these droughts to crop failures and city fires documented with historical chronicles for the Upper Volga catchment. The devastating drought regime of the 16th century corresponds to the loss of independence of the Yaroslavl principality to the Grand Duchy of Moscow and the formation of the centralized Russian State during the reign of Ivan the Terrible (1533-1584) underpinning the emergence of the Russian Empire. This study substantiates the value of archaeological timbers from the oldest Russian cities and inclusion of stable carbon isotope analysis for understanding hydroclimatic regimes across the mid latitudes of East European Plain, and their relationship to the history of Russia. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Quantitative damage assessment of concrete structures using Acoustic Emission

Beck, Paul January 2004 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of Acoustic Emission (AE) as a non-destructive testing technique for concrete structures. The work focuses on the development of experimental techniques and data analysis methods for the detection, location and assessment of AE from the failure of plain and reinforced concrete specimens. Four key topics are investigated:

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