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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Proyecto de negocio “homespa” servicio de spa a domicilio

Bonett Suarez, Jean Pierre, Lamas Zea, Diana Elizabeth, Mera Quispe, Yandery del Rosario, Picón Pérez, María Cristina 07 December 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo muestra un análisis integral de la propuesta de Negocio llamado Home Spa, la cual surge a raíz de las necesidades de un grupo de mujeres por verse y sentirse bien con ellas mismas estando dentro de casa sin tener que salir y exponerse a contagiarse del COVID -19. En base a esa necesidad hemos comenzado a desarrollar los aspectos generales de Negocio como es llegar a definir el servicio, desarrollar el plan estratégico, hacer el análisis interno y externo y las estrategias a desarrollar para lograr nuestros objetivos. Se ha realizado una investigación y validación del mercado objetivo, desarrollo del Plan de Marketing, operaciones, estructura organizacional y recursos humanos y finalmente el Plan económico-financiero. Es así como HOMESPA no solo se presenta como una propuesta innovadora, segura, rentable y sostenible en el tiempo sino también colabora con el bienestar de las mujeres en esta coyuntura que vive actualmente el país. / This work shows a complete analysis of the Business proposal called Home Spa, which arises from the needs of a group of women to look and feel good about themselves while being in their homes without having to go out and expose themselves to getting the COVID -19. Based on this need, we have begun to develop the general aspects of the Business, such as defining the service, developing the strategic plan, making the internal and external analysis and the strategies to develop to achieve our objectives. An investigation and validation of the target market, development of the Marketing Plan, operations, organizational structure, and human resources and finally the economic-financial Plan has been carried out. Thus, Home Spa is not only presented as an innovative, safe, profitable, and sustainable proposal, but also contributes to the well-being of women in this situation that the country is currently experiencing. / Trabajo de investigación

Buy Sell Sec

Valqui Garrido, Elias Felipe 02 August 2017 (has links)
BUY SELL SEC es un modelo de negocio no tradicional, el cual se implementará a través de un MARKETPLACE (página web) y un aplicativo celular que brindarán ayuda al desarrollo de relaciones comerciales entre vendedores de diversos productos y compradores al menudeo (pero con el ahorro de las compras al por mayor), potenciando compras Online basadas en la seguridad, además del ahorro de tiempo y dinero. El portal permitirá que los vendedores puedan dar a conocer sus productos (los cuales serán organizados por categorías) a precios competitivos, fomentado el consumo colaborativo por parte de los clientes que se suscriban al portal. Los productos ofertados a precios competitivos se encontrarán a disposición de compra durante un periodo de tiempo y mientras mayores compras se tengan sobre un determinado producto, este tendrá una reducción de precio, que generará ahorro en el cliente. Al visualizar el número de artículos vendidos y que este trae un ahorro, los mismos clientes se encargarán de persuadir a familiares, amigos, colegas de trabajo o estudio a consumir. Cabe resaltar que el ahorro no será representado por una devolución en dinero en efectivo, sino como garante (inicial) para la compra de otro artículo. La plataforma estará diseñada de modo que el usuario tenga una experiencia amigable y pueda desenvolverse ampliamente al momento de realizar sus compras. Asimismo, el servicio de atención al cliente siempre estará dispuesto a satisfacer cualquier duda relacionada con la seguridad de las compras, además de poner a disposición un buzón de quejas y sugerencias. La cobertura del servicio durante el primer año abastecería las siguientes zonas de Lima Metropolitana1: Zonas 2, 4, 6, y 8. / BUY SELL SEC is a non-traditional business model, which will be implemented through a MARKETPLACE (website) and a cellular application that will help develop business relationships between sellers of various products and retail buyers (but with savings of wholesale purchases), promoting online purchases based on security, in addition to saving time and money. The portal will allow sellers to present their products (which will be organized by category) at competitive prices, promoting collaborative consumption by customers who subscribe to the portal. The products offered at competitive prices will be available for purchase for a period of time and the greater the purchases made on a certain product, it will have a price reduction, which will generate savings for the customer. By visualizing the number of items sold and that this brings savings, the same customers will be in charge of persuading family, friends, work or study colleagues to consume. It should be noted that the savings will not be represented by a return in cash, but as a guarantor (initial) for the purchase of another item. The platform will be designed so that the user has a friendly experience and can function widely when making purchases. Likewise, the customer service will always be ready to answer any questions related to the security of purchases, in addition to making a complaints and suggestions box available. The service coverage during the first year would supply the following areas of Metropolitan Lima: Zones 2, 4, 6, and 8. / Trabajo de investigación

Plan de negocio para la importación y distribución mayorista de productos tecnológicos a través de un portal web / Business plan for the import and wholesale distribution of technological products through a web portal

Barriga Advincula, Luis Eusebio, Verástegui Peláez, Rafael Alberto, Zegarra Murgado, Jorge Alejandro 02 August 2021 (has links)
El presente modelo de negocio consiste en la importación de artículos o aparatos electrónicos y tecnológicos producidos en China para ser comercializados al por mayor a comerciantes minoristas en el mercado peruano, a través de un portal web, teniendo en cuenta los requerimientos y características que se necesitan, según la percepción de calidad que tiene el cliente. Para esto se elaboró un sondeo a distribuidores minoristas ubicados en centros comerciales en Lima Metropolitana, sobre calidad, variedad y distribución de productos tecnológicos entre otros; en la que podemos observar resultados importantes a tomar en cuenta: un 66% de encuestados, considera que la calidad de productos podría mejorar; un 64%, considera que no les ofrecen los productos necesarios para su negocio y un 47%, considera mala la distribución de productos. Para el abastecimiento, se ha previsto la selección de proveedores de China, mediante un plan de importación semestral. El plan de marketing se sintetiza en la diferenciación de nuestros productos, distribución y su servicio post venta, para ello se tiene previsto gastos de publicidad en marketing digital, contando con un portal web especializado para las ventas online. La inversión del proyecto totaliza casi S/ 300,000. La estructura financiera estaría conformada por el aporte de capital de 3 socios en partes iguales. Las proyecciones financieras efectuadas a valores constantes se contemplan con un horizonte de evaluación de 5 años. Los indicadores de rentabilidad revelan índices favorables para el proyecto con una TIR del 95.20%, un VAN de S/ S/ 2,091,072. / This business model consists of the importation of electronic and technological articles or devices produced in China to be sold wholesale in the Peruvian market, through a web portal, taking into account the requirements and characteristics that are needed, according to the perception of quality that the client has. For this, a survey of retail distributors located in shopping centers in Metropolitan Lima was carried out on quality, variety and distribution of technological products, among others; in which we can observe important results to take into account: 66% of respondents consider that the quality of products could improve; 64% consider that they are not offered the products necessary for their business and 47% consider the product distribution bad. For the supply, the selection of suppliers from China has been foreseen, with a biannual import plan. The Marketing Plan is synthesized in the differentiation of our products, distribution and their after-sales service, for this, advertising expenses in digital marketing are planned, with a specialized web portal for online sales. The project investment totals almost S / 300,000. The financial structure would be made up of the capital contribution of 3 partners in equal parts. Financial projections made at constant values ​​are contemplated with an evaluation horizon of 5 years. The profitability indicators reveal favorable indices for the project with an IRR of 44.52%, a NPV of S / 842,640. / Trabajo de investigación

La importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico en Perú

Alvites Castro, Nandy Danitza January 2023 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación trata sobre el marketing de servicios aplicado al sector turístico y como se utiliza en los diferentes tipos de turismo en el Perú, acompañado de los elementos necesarios para su aplicación mediante un plan de marketing turístico. Por ende, se plantea la interrogante ¿Cuál es la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú? Así, se tiene como objetivo principal describir la importancia del marketing de servicios en el sector turístico del Perú y como objetivos específicos, definir el turismo y sus tipos en el sector turístico peruano, definir el marketing de servicios aplicado al turismo y su repercusión en el Perú y explicar los componentes de un plan de marketing turístico. De igual manera, este estudio será relevante a las empresas de sectores hoteleros, de transporte, restaurantes y otros organismos públicos vinculados con los servicios turísticos que necesiten saber la importancia y aplicación del marketing para impulsar o incrementar el consumo de sus servicios. / This research work deals with the marketing of services applied to the tourism sector and how it is used in the different types of tourism in Peru, accompanied by the necessary elements for its application through a tourism marketing plan. Therefore, the question arises: What is the importance of marketing services in the tourism sector of Peru? Thus, the main objective is to describe the importance of service marketing in the tourism sector of Peru and as specific objectives, define tourism and its types in the Peruvian tourism sector, define the marketing of services applied to tourism and its impact on Peru and explain the components of a tourism marketing plan. Similarly, this study will be relevant to companies in the hotel, transport, restaurant and other public organizations linked to tourism services that need to know the importance and application of marketing to promote or increase the consumption of their services.

Podnikatelský plán na eSports bar / Business plan for an eSports bar

Frajt, Matěj January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this masters thesis is to demonstrate a business plan tailored for an eSports bar located in Prague, which consists of three sections. Theoretical part introduces the reader basic terminology of entrepreneurship, environment of small and medium enterprises and the structure of a business plan, realization of which is the subject of practical part. Methodical part deals with a primary marketing research. The main purpose of the thesis is to evaluate the feasibility and the viability of the project.

Marketingový plán vybrané společnosti / Marketing Plan of a selected Company

Malík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this diploma work is an elaboration of a marketing plan of TEDOM Company. Then the analysis of marketing tools and creation of a new marketing communication and setting the budget for its implementation. The theoretical part of the work is focused on the characteristics of marketing plan and marketing communication. The practical part describes the company itself. Furthermore the marketing plan and marketing communications are developed.

Podnikatelský záměr / Business Plan

Dupal, Ivo January 2012 (has links)
In my master’s thesis I deal with a business plan which concentrates on creating a hay-making company. In the thesis are determined production plan and the mission of the company. The work also contents company’s goals in different areas and calculation of break-even point, as well as estimated financial performance of the company.

Marketingový plán vybraných gastronomických zájezdů / Marketing plan for selected gastronomic tours

Mokrišová, Kristýna January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is marketing of gastronomic travel agency. Gastronomic tourism is currently among the tourism trends. Based on the growing potential, in this paper will be presented fictitious gastronomic travel agency selling gastronomic tours. The main objective is to propose a marketing campaign of specific gastronomic tours. The marketing campaign will be set up to address, engage and make customers to purchase offered services. The campaign is therefore able to offer to potential customers exactly what they desire. The marketing approach is not the same to everyone, it reflects the consumer and media behavior of different target groups. Thanks to the proposed campaign the competitiveness of the company will be increased, profit will be gained, it means voluminous sales of offered tours and strong position in the market will be obtained.

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