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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mode of action studies of defensin peptides from native South African Brassicaceae species

Barkhuizen, Helmien 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plant defensin peptides have become promising and attractive candidates to be used as antifungal agents in agricultural biotechnology. These peptides have a broad spectrum antifungal activity and play a vital role in the innate immune system of plants. Plant diseases caused by fungi are a major contributor to the decrease in the quality and safety of agricultural products. Due to the dangerous effects and negative environmental impact of pesticides, an effective, safe, natural and durable method to control crop pathogens has therefore become one of the major concerns in modern agriculture. Although these peptides are promising and attractive candidates, their precise mechanism of action is to date still unknown. Several common observations have been made. These include the antagonistic effect of cations on the activity of plant defensins. It is of vital importance to understand the underlying mechanism of the cation-antagonistic effect on the antifungal potency of defensin peptides in order to evaluate the possible contribution to defence reactions against microorganisms in planta. To this end we set out to characterize the effect of cations in the form of biological salts, NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 and CaCl2 on the structural stability and activity in terms of growth inhibition, morphological effects and permeabilization. In order to perform these characterization experiments, a production method resulting in a greater yield and involving simple and rapid purification methods was required. Heliophila coronopifolia peptides have previously been produced in a bacterial system, however the purification methods were tedious resulting in poor yields. Pichia pastoris was selected as production system as several other plant defensins have been successfully produced in this eukaryotic system. Hc-AFP1 and Hc-AFP3 was successfully produced using the Pichia production system and rendered active peptides. Hc-AFP2 and Hc- AFP4 was, however, not produced correctly, due to a post-translational modification event leading to the cyclization of the N-terminal glutamine to generate pyroglutamic acid. This modification negatively influenced the activity of these peptides. An active Hc-AFP2 could be produced by replacing the production buffer with a reduced ionic buffer. The effect of divalent and monovalent cations on the secondary structure of Hc-AFP1 was evaluated by circular dichroism spectroscopy. These cations induced a conformational change in the secondary structure of Hc-AFP1, with NaCl and MgCl2 inducing a more defined secondary structure and KCl and CaCl2 inducing a less defined secondary structure. Monovalent cations caused a slight reduction in the growth inhibition activity of Hc-AFP1 on Botrytis cinerea, however, characteristic hyperbranching and other morphogentic effects were still visible. Divalent cations had a greater antagonistic effect on the activity of Hc-AFP1, completely abolishing the growth inhibitory activity of the peptide, but the induced morphological effects on hyphae remained present. The activity of Hc-AFP1 to permeabilize B. cinerea hyphae was not influenced by the addition of cations, however it was in fact increased to up to 10-fold. However, since the growth inhibition activity of Hc-AFP1 was reduced in the presence of the biological salts indicates that permeabilization is not the sole activity responsible for growth inhibition caused by Hc-AFP1. This peptide probably has an alternative/primary target and more complex MOA. This is the first known report of the investigation of the influence of cations on the structure of plant defensin peptides. It is clear that cations induce a secondary structural conformational change in Hc-AFP1. This may be linked to the antagonism on the activity of this peptide. This study provides significant progress towards the structure-function analysis of plant defensins. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Plantdefensinpeptiede word beskou as belowende en aantreklike kandidate vir gebruik as swammiddles in agribiotegnologie. Hierdie peptiede beskik oor breë spektrum antifungiese aktiwiteit en speel ‘n essensiële rol in die ingebore immuunsisteem van plante. Plant siektes wat deur swamme veroorsaak word dra betekenisvol by tot die afname in die kwaliteit en veiligheid van landbouprodukte. As gevolg van die skadelike effekte en negatiewe omgewingsimpak van plaagdoders, het effektiewe, veilige, natuurlike en duursame metodes om gewaspatogene te beheer, van die belangrikste vraagstukke van moderne landbou geword. Alhoewel hierdie peptiede belowende en aantreklike kandidate is vir die toepassing, is hulle presiese meganisme van aksie tot vandag toe steeds onbekend. Verskeie algemene waarnemings is egter al gemaak. Dit sluit die antagonistiese effek van katione op die aktiwiteit van plantdefensinpeptiede in. Dit is kernbelangrik om die onderliggende meganisme van die katioon-antagonistiese effek op die antifungiese effektiwiteit te verstaan om die moontlike bydrae van die peptiede tot die verdedigingsreaksies teen mikro-organismes in planta te evalueer. Met die doel voor oë het ons gemik om die effek van katione, spesifiek in die vorm van die biologiese soute NaCl, KCl, MgCl2 en CaCl2, op die strukturele stabiliteit en aktiwiteit in terme van groei inhibisie, morfologiese effekte en permeabilisasie te karakteriseer. Om uiteindelik hierdie karakterisasie eksperimente uit te voer was dit nodig om ‘n metode met ‘n groter opbrengs en wat vinnige suiwering van die peptied ondersteun, te optimiseer. Heliophila coronopifolia peptiede was voorheen in ‘n bakteriese sisteem geproduseer, maar die suiweringsmetodes was tydsaam en het gelei tot ‘n swak opbrengs. Pichia pastoris is dus geselekteer as die produksie sisteem aangesien verskeie ander plantdefensinpeptiede al suksesvol geproduseer is in hierdie eukariotiese sisteem. Hc-AFP1 and Hc-AFP3 is suksesvol vervaardig in die Pichia sisteem en het aktiewiteit getoon. Hc-AFP2 and Hc-AFP4 kon egter nie korrek vervaardig word nie as gevolg van ‘n na-vertalingsverandering wat gelei het tot die siklisering van die N-terminale glutamien, om piroglutamiensuur te lewer. Hierdie verandering het die aktiwiteit van die peptied negatief beinvloed. ‘n Aktiewe Hc-AFP2 kon wel vervaardig word deur die produksiebuffer te vervang met ‘n lae-ionise buffer. Die effek van divalente en monovalente katione op die sekondêre struktuur van Hc-AFP1 is ge-evalueer deur van sirkulêre dikroisme spektroskopie gebruik te maak. Hierdie katione het ‘n vouingsverandering in die sekondêre struktuur van Hc-AFP1 geïnduseer, NaCl and MgCl2 het ‘n meer gedefinieërde sekondêre struktuur induseer, terwyl KCl and CaCl2 ‘n minder gedefinieërde sekondêre struktuur geinduseer het. Monovalente katione het ‘n effense vermindering in die groei-inhibisie aktiwiteit van Hc-AFP1 op Botrytis cinerea veroorsaak, alhoewel kenmerkende hife-oorvertakking en ander morfologiese effekte nogsteeds sigbaar was. Divalente katione het ‘n sterker antagonistiese effek gehad op die aktiwiteit van Hc-AFP1, waar dit totaal en al die groei-inhibisie aktiwiteit van die peptied vernietig het, alhoewel die geïnduseerde morfologiese effekte op die hiffes steeds sigbaar was . Die aktiwiteit van Hc-AFP1 om B. cinerea hyphae te permeabiliseer is nie negatief beinvloed deur die byvoeging van katione nie, tewens dit het die aktiwiteit tot 10-voudig verhoog. Aangesien die groei-inhibisie aktiwiteit van Hc-AFP1 nie verminder is in die teenwoordigheid van die biologiese soute nie, dui dit aan dat permeabilisasie nie die enigste aktiwiteit is wat die groei inhibisie veroorsaak het nie. Die peptied het dus moontlik ‘n alternatiewe of primêre teiken en ‘n meer komplekse meganisme van aksie. Dit is die eerste verslag wat die invloed van katione op die struktuur van plantdefensinpeptiede ondersoek het. Dit is duidelik dat katione ‘n sekondêre strukturele vouingsverandering in Hc-AFP1 induseer. Hierdie verandering mag dalk bydra tot die antagonistiese uitwerking op die aktiwiteit van hierdie peptied. Hierdie studie het betekensisvolle vordering gemaak met die analise van die struktuur-funksie interaksie van plantdefensinpeptiede. / The National Research Foundation (NRF), Institute of Wine Biotechnology (IWBT), THRIP and Winetech for financial assistance.


DENISE DA SILVEIRA LOBO 08 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Defensinas de planta, componentes inatos do sistema imune das plantas, são peptídeos antifúngicos, catiônicos, com estrutura primária rica em cisteína. Evidência dada pela literatura demonstrou que trechos de esfingolipídios complexos na membrana dos fungos, contendo manosildiinositolfosforilceramida e glicosilceramida, são sítios de ligação seletivos para as defensinas de planta isoladas de Dahlia merckii e Raphanus sativus, respectivamente. Entretanto, desconhece-se se as defensinas de planta interagem direta ou indiretamente com alvos intracelulares dos fungos. A fim de identificar interações físicas e diretas do tipo proteína- proteína, um sistema de duplo-híbrido, em levedura, baseado no fator de transcrição GAL4, foi construído utilizando-se como isca, a defensina da planta Pisum sativum, Psd1 (Pisum sativum defensin 1). Proteínas alvos, capazes de interagirem com o peptídeo Psd1, foram detectadas através do rastreamento de uma biblioteca de cDNA do fungo Neurospora crassa. Do resultado deste rastreamento, nove dentre quinze candidatos, selecionados pelo método do duplo-híbrido, foram identificados como proteínas nucleares da N. crassa. Um clone, detectado com alta freqüência neste rastreamento, apresentou homologia de seqüência com a proteína ciclina F, relacionada com o controle do ciclo celular. O ensaio de co-purificação utilizando a proteína conjugada a glutationa S-transferase (GST) validou in vitro o resultado obtido pelo sistema duplohíbrido. Análise por microscopia de fluorescência da Psd1, conjugada a FITC, e, dos núcleos do fungo Fusarium solani, marcados com DAPI, demonstrou in vivo a co-localização da defensina de planta Psd1 com os núcleos do fungo. Para pesquisar o modo de ação da Psd1 ao nível do ciclo celular, utilizou-se o modelo multicelular da retina de ratos neonatais, em desenvolvimento. Neste modelo, a migração nuclear intercinética, correlacionada com as transições de fase de S para M do ciclo celular, foi observada na presença da Psd1. Verificouse que Psd1 impediu a migração nuclear em neuroblastos, parando o ciclo celular na transição de S para G2. Estes resultados revelaram modos de ação da defensina de planta Psd1 sobre a fisiologia nuclear. / [en] Plant defensins, innate components of the plant immune system, are cationic, antifungal peptides, with a cysteine- rich primary structure. Evidence from the literature demonstrated that fungus membrane patches containing complex sphingolipids, mannosyldiinositolphosphorylceramide and glucosylceramides, are selective binding sites for the plant defensins isolated from Dahlia merckii and Raphanus sativus, respectively. However, whether the plant defensins interact directly or indirectly with fungus intracellular targets is unknown. To identify direct physical protein-protein interactions, a GAL4-based yeast two-hybrid system was constructed, using the plant peptide, Pisum sativum defensin 1 (Psd1), as the bait protein. Target proteins, capable of interacting with the bait Psd1, were detected by screening a Neurospora crassa cDNA library. In this screening, nine out of fifteen two-hybrid candidates were identified as N. crassa nuclear proteins. One clone, detected with high frequency in the screening, presented sequence similarity to a N. crassa cyclin F, related to the cell cycle control. The GST pull- down co purification assay corroborated this two-hybrid result in vitro. Fluorescence microscopy analysis of FITC- conjugated Psd1 and DAPI-stained Fusarium solani nuclei demonstrated in vivo the co-localization of the plant peptide Psd1 and the fungus nuclei. We used the developing retina of neonatal rats as a multicellular model to study Psd1 mode of action at the cell cycle level. In this model, we observed in vivo the interkinetic nuclear migration, correlated to the transitions from S to M-phase of the cell cycle, in the presence of the Psd1 peptide. It was shown that Psd1 impaired nuclear migration of neuroblasts by arresting the cell cycle at the S to G2- phase transition. These results revealed modes of action of the plant defensin Psd1 upon the nuclear physiology.

Isolation and characterization of antifungal peptides from plants

De Beer, Abre 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Viticulture and Oenlogy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Includes bibliography and list of tables and figures. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the last decade research has shown the importance of small antimicrobial peptides in the innate immunity of plants. These peptides do not only play a critical role in the multilayered defense systems of plants, but have proven valuable in the engineering of disease resistant food crops towards the ultimate aim of reducing the dependency on chemical fungicides. As the lists of isolated and characterized peptides grew, it became clear that other biological activities, in addition to the antimicrobial capacity, could be linked to some of these peptides; these alternative activities could have important applications in the field of medicine. This has made the defensin encoding genes prime targets for the agricultural and medical biotechnology sectors. To this end we set out to evaluate South African flora for the presence of plant defensin sequences and to isolate plant defensin genes that might be useful in biotechnology applications. Moreover, by isolating and characterizing these novel peptides, also in an in planta environment and in interaction with fungal pathogens, important knowledge will be gained of the biological role and importance of the peptides in the plant body. The plant host targets were South Africa Brassicaceae species including indigenous species, as well as Vitis vinifera, as the most important fruit crop in the world and since no defensins have been isolated from this economically important crop plant. The Brassicaceae family has been shown to be abundant in defensin peptides and several of the best characterized peptides with potent activity have been isolated from this family. Based on initial activity screens conducted on selected South African Brassicaceae spp. we concluded that these spp. contain promising antifungal peptide activities, warranting further efforts to isolate the genes and encoding peptides and to characterize them further. The preliminary activity screens used a peptide-enrichment isolation strategy that favored the isolation of basic, heat-stable peptides; these properties are characteristic features of plant antimicrobial peptides. These peptide fractions showed strong antifungal activities against the test organisms. A PCR-amplification strategy was subsequently designed and implemented, leading to the isolation of 14 novel defensin peptide encoding genes from four South African Brassicaceae spp., including the indigenous South African species Heliophila coronopifolia. Amino acid sequence analysis of these peptides revealed that they are diverse in amino acid composition and share only 42% homology at amino acid level. This divergence in amino acid composition is important for the identification of new biological activities within closely related plant defensins. Single amino acid changes have been contributed with the divergent biological activities observed in closely related plant defensin peptides. Phylogenetic analysis conducted on the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that all the new defensins share a close relationship to other Brassicaceae members of the plant defensin superfamily and was furthest removed from the defensins isolated from the families Solanaceae and Poaceae. Classification analysis of these peptides showed that they belong to subgroup A3 of the defensin superfamily. A putative defensin sequence was also isolated from V. vinifera cultivar, Pinotage, and termed Vv-AMP1. Genetic characterization showed that only a single gene copy of this peptide is present within the V. vinifera genome, situated on chromosome 1. Genetic characterization of this peptide encoding gene within the Vitis genus showed that this gene has stayed conserved throughout the divergent evolution of the Vitis genus. Expression studies of Vv-AMP1 revealed that this gene is expressed in a tissue specific and developmentally regulated manner, being only expressed in grape berries and only at the onset of vèraison. Induction of Vv-AMP1 in grapevine leaf material could never be achieved through the external application of hormones, osmotic stress, wounding, or pathogen infection by Botrytis cinerea. Deduced amino acid analysis showed that Vv-AMP1 encoded for a 77 amino acid peptide consisting of a 30 amino acid signal peptide and a 47 amino acid mature peptide, with putative antifungal activity. The Vv-AMP1 peptide grouped with the subclass B type defensins, which have been documented to have both antifungal and antibacterial activities. The Vv-AMP1 signal peptide directed the green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene to the apoplastic regions in cells with high levels of accumulation in the vascular tissue and the guard cells of the stomata. Recombinant Vv-AMP1 peptide was successfully purified from a bacterial host and shown to have a size of 5.495 kDa. Recombinant Vv-AMP1 showed strong antifungal activity at low concentrations against a broad spectrum of fungal pathogens, which included Verticillium dahliae (IC50 of 1.8 μg mL-1) and the necrotrophic pathogen Botrytis cinerea (IC50 of 12-13 μg mL-1). Antifungal activity of Vv-AMP1 did not induce morphological changes in fungal hyphae, but its activity was associated with induced membrane permeabilization in treated hyphae. Vv-AMP1 was successfully introduced into Nicotiana tabacum as confirmed by Southern blot analysis and 20 individual lines were generated. Genetic characterization confirmed the integration and expression of the gene in the heterologous tobacco environment. The peptide was under control of its native signal sequence which has been shown to direct its product to the apoplastic regions of cells. The transgenic lines were analyzed to determine the presence and activity of the grapevine defensin peptide. Western blot analyses of partially purified plant extracts detected a signal of the expected size in both the untransformed control and the transgenic lines. Comprehensive analysis of EST databases identified three highly homologous sequences from tobacco that probably caused the background signal in the control. These crude protein extracts were able to inhibit the growth of V. dahliae in vitro when tested in a microtiter plate assay, but the inhibition could not be conclusively linked to the presence of the transgenic peptide, since non-expressing transgenic lines, included as controls, also showed inhibition. Similar results were obtained with infection studies, clearly showing that despite successful integration and expression of the transgene, the peptides was either not functional in the heterologous environment, or perhaps unstable under the particular regulatory conditions. This peptide belongs to a subclass of peptides known for associated activities that might activate tight control by plant hosts if threshold levels are reached. These aspects need further investigation, specifically since it is in stark contrast to previous results obtained with defensins from a different subclass. This study has also yielded significant other related resources that would be instrumental for further possible biotechnology exploitation of some of the novel peptides, but also to provide genetic constructs and plant material that would be invaluable to address fundamentally important questions such as the regulation and mode of action of defensin peptides, specifically in interaction with pathogen hosts. The novel peptides have been transformed to various hosts, including grapevine and these transgenic populations are available to facilitate the next rounds of research into this extremely promising group of antifungal peptides. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die laaste dekade het navorsing die belangrike rol van klein antimikrobiese peptiede in plantweerstandsmeganismes beklemtoon. Hierdie peptiede speel nie alleenlik 'n belangrike rol in die komplekse lae van plantweerstandstelsels nie, maar het ook hulle ekonomiese potensiaal getoon in die manipulering van siekteweerstandbiedendheid in voedselgewasse met die oorkoepelende doel om landbougewasse minder afhanklik van chemiese spuitstowwe te maak. Soos wat die hoeveelheid geïsoleerde en gekarakteriseerde peptiede toeneem, het dit duidelik geword dat ander biologiese aktiwiteite, bykomend tot die antimikrobiese kapasiteit, met sommige van dié peptiede verbind kan word; hierdie alternatiewe aktiwiteite het belangrike toepassing in veral die mediese veld. Dit het die defensin-koderende gene kernteikens vir die landbou- en mediese biotegnologiesektore gemaak. In die studie is daar begin om die Suid-Afrikaanse blommeryk te evalueer vir die teenwoordigheid van plantdefensingene en om dié gene te isoleer wat van ekonomiese belang vir die biotegnologiebedryf kan wees. Deur die in vitro- én in planta karakterisering van die unieke plantdefensinpeptiede word daar gemik daarna om belangrike inligting in te win oor die biologiese rol van die peptiede binne die plantligggaam. Die plantgashere wat geteiken is sluit in die Suid-Afrikaanse Brassicaceae-spesies, insluitende inheemse spesies, asook Vitis vinifera, wat as die belangrikste vrugtegewas ter wêreld beskou word. Die Brassicaceae-familie is welbekend daarvoor dat dit 'n ryk bron van plantdefensinpeptiede is en verskeie van die bes gekarakteriseerde antifungiese defensinpeptiede is van dié familie afkomstig. Aanvanklike aktiwiteitstoetse het getoon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Brassicaceae-spesies belowende antifungiese aktiwiteit toon, wat die verdere isolering en karakterisering van dié gene en hul peptiedprodukte regverdig. Die aanvanklike aktiwiteitstoetse het 'n selektiewe peptiedverrykingstrategie gevolg wat die isolering van basiese, hittestabiele peptiede bevoordeel het; hierdie eienskappe is baie kenmerkend van plant-antimikrobiese peptiede. Die peptiedfraksies wat met hierdie metode geïsoleer is, het sterk antifungiese aktiwiteit teen die toetsorganismes getoon. Die resultate het gelei tot die ontwikkeling en toepassing van 'n polimerasekettingreaksie-strategie, wat daartoe gelei het dat 14 nuwe defensingene van vier Suid-Afrikaanse Brassicaceae-genera, insluitend die inheemse spesie Heliophila coronopifolia, geïsoleer kon word. Afgeleide aminosuurvolgorde-analises van die nuwe defensinpeptiede het gewys dat hulle slegs 42% homologie het. Hierdie diversiteit in aminosuurvolgorde is belangrik vir die identifisering van nuwe biologiese aktiwitiete binne die groep van verwante peptiede. Navorsing het verder getoon dat enkel-aminosuurverskille bydra tot die diverse spektrum van biologiese aktiwiteite binne 'n groep van verwante defensinpeptiede. Filogenetiese analise van die aminosuurvolgordes het getoon dat al die nuwe defensinpeptiede 'n sterk verwantskap met plantdefensinpeptiede, wat van ander Brassicaceae-spesies geïsoleer is, toon. Daarteenoor het dit die kleinste verwantskap getoon met plantdefensinpeptiede wat van die Solanaceae- en Poaceae-families geïsoleer is. Klassifikasiestudies het bewys dat die nuwe peptiede saam met subgroep A3 van die plantdefensin-superfamilie groepeer. 'n Moontlike plantdefensingeen, genaamd Vv-AMP1, is ook van die V vinifera-kultivar, Pinotage, geïsoleer. Genetiese karakterisering het aangedui dat slegs 'n enkele kopie van die geen in die V. vinifera-genoom teenwoordig en op chromosoom 1 geleë is. Genetiese karakterisering van Vv-AMP1 binne die Vitus-genus het gewys dat die geen binne die genus evolusionêr gekonserveerd is. Uitdrukkingstudies van Vv-AMP1 het verder bewys dat die geen uitgedruk word op 'n weefselspesifieke, ontwikkelingsgekoppelde wyse, naamlik slegs in druiwekorrels en slegs tydens rypwording. Vv-AMP1-uitdrukking kon nooit geïnduseer word in wingerdblare deur die uitwendige toediening van hormone, osmotiese stres, wonding of patogeeninfeksie deur Botrtys cinerea nie. Ontleding van die afgeleide aminosuurvolgorde het gewys dat Vv-AMP1 kodeer vir 'n 77-aminosuurpeptied, wat uit 'n 30-aminosuurseinpeptied en 'n 47-aminosuur-aktiewe peptied met voorspelde antifungiese aktiwiteit bestaan. Die Vv-AMP1-peptied is gegroepeer met subgroep B van die plantdefensin-superfamilie, 'n subgroep wat vir beide antifungiese en antibakteriese aktiwiteit gedokumenteer is. Die Vv-AMP1-seinpeptied het die groen fluoressensie-indikatorproteïen (GFP) na die apoplastiese areas van die plantselle gelei, met hoë vlakke van lokalisering in die vaatbundelweefsel en sluitselle van die huidmondjies. Die rekombinante Vv-AMP1-peptied is suksesvol geproduseer en uit 'n bakteriese produksieras gesuiwer, en het 'n molekulêre massa van 5.495 kDa gehad. Die gesuiwerde peptide het by lae konsentrasies 'n sterk aktiwiteit getoon teen 'n breë spektrum van fungiese patogene, wat Verticllium dahliae (IC50 van 1.8 μg mL-1) en die nekrotrofiese patogeen, B. cinerea (IC50 van 12-13 μg mL-1), ingesluit het. Vv-AMP1-aktiwiteit het geen ooglopende morfologiese veranderinge in die fungi-hifes veroorsaak nie, maar hulle aktiwiteit is verbind met 'n verhoogde membraandeurdringbaarheid in behandelde fungi-hifes. Suksesvolle intergrasie van Vv-AMP1 in die Nicotiana tabacum-genoom is deur Southern-kladontledings bevestig en 20 individuele transgeniese lyne is ontwikkel. Genetiese karakterisering van die transgeniese lyne het gewys dat Vv-AMP1 suksesvol geïntegreer is en ook in die transgeniese tabakomgewing uitgedruk word. Die peptied is uitgedruk onder beheer van sy eie seinpeptied, wat die aktiewe produk na die apoplastiese areas van die plantselle teiken. Die transgeniese tabaklyne is ook ontleed om te bepaal of die wingerdpeptied suksesvol geproduseer word en sy aktiwiteit in die transgeniese omgewing behou. Western-kladanalise van semi-gesuiwerde plantproteïenekstrakte het 'n positiewe sein gelewer in beide die kontroleplante en die transgeniese plantlyne. Bestudering van tabakgeenuitdrukkings-databasisse het drie nukleotiedvolgordes opgelewer wat homologie met Vv-AMP1 toon en moontlik verantwoordelik kan wees vir die positiewe sein in die ongetransformeerde kontroleplante. Kru proteïenekstrakte van die transgeniese tabaklyne het in vitro-aktiwiteit teen V. dahliae getoon. Geen oortuigende ooreenkoms kon egter gevind word tussen V. dahliae-inhibisie en die teenwoordigheid van die transgeniese Vv-AMP1-peptied nie, aangesien kontroleplante wat Southern-klad-positief is, maar nie geenuitdrukking toon nie, ook inhibisie van V. dahliae veroorsaak het. Soortgelyke resultate is met infeksiestudies verkry. Alle resultate dui daarop dat, al is daar suksesvolle integrasie en uitdrukking van die geen in tabak verkry, dat die Vv-AMP1 peptied óf onaktief óf onstabiel in die transgeniese tabakomgewing is. Die peptied behoort aan 'n subgroep peptiede met aktiwiteite wat, sodra sekere vlakke van peptied oorskry word, die moontlik streng kontrole op proteïenvlak in die gasheerplant kan uitlok. Sekere aspekte van die studie sal verder bestudeer moet word, aangesien die data teenstrydig is met data wat verkry is met soortgelyke plantdefensinpeptiede wat aan 'n ander subgroep behoort. Die studie het baie hulpbronne gegenereer wat vir die biotegnologiesektor belangrik kan wees, veral op ekonomiese gebied. Verder is die geenkonstrukte en plantlyne wat ontwikkel is waardevol om fundamentele vrae rondom die regulering en meganisme van aksie van defensinpeptiede, spesifiek plantpatogeeninteraksie, te beantwoord. Die nuwe plantdefensingene is na verskeie gasheerplante, insluitende wingerd, getransformeer waar die transgeniese lyne die volgende rondte van navorsing oor die bestudering oor die belangrike groep van antifungiese peptiede, sal aanvul.

Etudes structurales de la défensine AhPDF1 de la plante Arabidopsis halleri impliquée dans la tolérance au zinc / Structural studies of the plant defensin AhPDF1 from Arabidopsis halleri involved in zinc tolerance

Meindre, Fanny 17 December 2013 (has links)
Mon travail de thèse porte sur la protéine AhPDF1 de la plante Arabidopsis halleri. AhPDF1 est une défensine de 51 résidus, riche en cystéines qui participe à la défense de la plante en jouant un rôle antifongique. La défensine AhPDF1 possède 8 cystéines impliquées dans ses 4 ponts disulfure, elle présente un repliement en CSαβ. Des travaux récents sur AhPDF1 ont permis d’identifier une nouvelle fonction : la tolérance aux métaux lourds, en particulier la tolérance au zinc. L’objectif général du projet dans lequel s’intègre ma thèse est donc de comprendre, au niveau atomique et en lien avec l’état d’oxydation des cystéines, le mécanisme par lequel les défensines de plantes confèrent la tolérance au zinc. Dans une majeure partie de ma thèse j’ai travaillé à la production de la défensine AhPDF1 d’abord dans Escherichia coli puis dans Pichia pastoris. J’ai ensuite mis au point la synthèse chimique de la protéine AhPDF1 et optimisé l’étape la plus délicate, celle du repliement oxydatif. Après avoir produit la défensine AhPDF1 en quantité et qualité suffisante, j’ai réalisé son étude structurale par RMN. De plus cette structure m’a servi de base pour modéliser, par homologie, toutes les autres défensines actuellement identifiées d’Arabidopsis halleri et Arabidopsis thaliana. Enfin, j’ai appris à maîtriser les conditions qui permettent de conserver la protéine dans un état partiellement réduit et j’ai réalisé les premiers essais de chélation de la défensine avec le zinc. / My thesis focuses on the AhPDF1 plant defensin from Arabidopsis halleri. AhPDF1 is a 51-residue, cysteine-rich protein involved in the plant defense, and playing an antifungal role. AhPDF1 defensin has eight cysteins involved in its four disulfide bridges, and presents a folding in CSαβ. Recent work on AhPDF1 allowed to identify a new function : the tolerance to heavy metals, especially zinc tolerance. The overall objective of the project that fits my thesis is to understand, at the atomic level and in relation to the oxidation state of cysteins, the mechanism by which the plant defensins confer zinc tolerance. In a major part of my thesis I worked on the production of AhPDF1 defensin first in Escherichia coli and in Pichia pastoris. Then, I developed the chemical synthesis of AhPDF1 and optimized the most delicate step of the oxidative folding. After producing AhPDF1 defensin in sufficient quantity and quality, I realized its structural study by NMR. Furthermore, this structure was used as starting structure, for modeling by homology all other defensins currently identified from Arabidopsis halleri and Arabidopsis thaliana. Finally, I learnt how to master the conditions that maintain the protein in a partially reduced state in order to achieve the first assay of zinc chelation with defensin.

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