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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimentální a teoretické studium využití sondových metod pro diagnostiku plazmatu / Experimental and theoretical study of utilization of probe methods for plasma diagnostics

Peterka, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
The ball-pen probe is a unique probe recently developed at the Institite of Plasma Physics in Prague. It has been designed for direct measurement of plasma potential at the CASTOR tokamak. Nowadays, it is used routinely at several tokamaks in Europe, and the first tests in low-temperature plasma have also already been performed. The aims of the thesis are primarily experimental. A ball-pen probe has been constructed from available materials, which is suitable for systematic measurements of radial profiles in the low-temperature plasma of a cylindrical magnetron. By means of comparison to other diagnostics, it was proved that ball- pen probe is able to directly measure plasma potential in a certain range of plasma parameters even though its current-voltage characteristic is not symmetric, which is in contradiction with the simplified theory for ball-pen probe. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Experimentální studium využití sondových metod pro diagnostiku nízkoteplotního zamagnetovaného plazmatu / Experimental study of the use of probe methods for diagnostic of low-temperature magnetized plasma

Zanáška, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The ball-pen probe is a relatively new diagnostic method, that has been designed for direct measurement of plasma potential in magnetized plasmas. Nowadays, it is routinely used at several high-temperature plasma devices in Europe and it has been tested also in conditions of low-temperature plasma, which are substantially different from that of high-temperature plasma. The measurements performed so far showed, that ball-pen probe could be used also in low-temperature plasma. However, more measurements were needed to prove the applicability of ball-pen probe. Therefore, the main aim of this work is to compare the method of ball-pen probe with simultaneous measurements using Langmuir and emissive probe. Measurements were performed in DC discharge of cylindrical magnetron at various discharge conditions and radial positions of probes. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Plasma Potential Measurements in a Colloid Thruster Plume

Roy, Thomas Robert 27 April 2005 (has links)
Colloid thrusters are under consideration for NASA missions such as the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA), which requires the continuous cancellation of external disturbances (approximately 25 microNewtons over a 3-10 year mission). Emissive probes are one diagnostic for the measurement of plasma potential, which can provide valuable information on the level of space-charge neutralization in a thruster plume. Understanding how to achieve effective space-charge neutralization of the positive-droplet thruster plume is important for efficient operation and to minimize the risk of contamination. In this Thesis we describe a laboratory electrospray (colloid) source and accompanying power processing electronics developed for testing of diagnostics in colloid thruster plumes. We present results of an initial series of emissive probe measurements using floating probe and swept bias probe techniques. These measurements were carried out using a single needle emitter operating on a mixture of EMI-IM (an ionic liquid) and tributyl phosphate. For a spray operating at a discharge voltage and current of 2.0kV and 200nA respectively, a potential of 5.0V was measured using the floating probe technique with the probe located at a distance of 2.7cm from the electrospray source. The interpretation of this floating potential as the plasma potential is discussed. In a separate set of tests, we used the swept bias emissive probe technique at the same distance and measured a plasma potential of 2.0V at a discharge voltage of 2.0kV. The discharge current in this latter test was somewhat unstable and varied from approximately 250 nA to over 1000nA. Numerical integration of the Poisson equation was performed to better understand space charge limitations of a probe emitting into a low density plasma. These results are presented and some implications for the measurements discussed. While the electrospray droplet number density was not measured, calculations to estimate this number density are also presented. Based on these estimates and our numerical calculations, the“knee" in the current voltage characteristic measured using the swept probe technique is estimated to be within 1.3 V of the actual plasma potential.

Ion collimation and in-channel potential shaping using in-channel electrodes for hall effect thrusters

Xu, Kunning Gabriel 26 June 2012 (has links)
This work focuses on improving the thrust-to-power ratio of Hall effect thrusters using in-channel electrodes to reduce ion-wall neutralization and focus the ion beam. A higher thrust-to-power ratio would give Hall thrusters increased thrust with the limited power available on spacecraft. A T-220HT Hall thruster is modified in this work to include a pair of ring electrodes within inside the discharge channel. The electrodes are biased above anode potential to repel ions from the walls and toward the channel centerline. Theoretical analysis of ion loss factors indicate that ion-wall neutralizations remove almost 13% of the total ions produced. Reduced wall losses could significantly improve the thruster performance without increased discharge power or propellant consumption. The thruster performance, plume ion characteristics, and internal plasma contours are experimentally measured. The plume and internal plasma measurements are important to determine the cause of the performance changes. The thruster is tested in three conditions: no electrode bias, low bias (10 V), and high bias (30 V). The performance measurements show the electrodes do indeed improve the thrust and thrust-to-power ratio, the latter only at the low bias level. Adding bias increases the ion density and decreases the plume angle compared to the no bias case. The plume measurements indicate that the performance improvements at low bias are due to increased ion number density as opposed to increased ion energy. The increased ion density is attributed to reduced wall losses, not increased ionization. The in-channel measurements support this due to little change in the acceleration potential or the electron temperature. At the high bias level, a drop in thrust-to-power ratio is seen, even though a larger increase in thrust is observed. This is due to increased power draw by the electrodes. Plume measurements reveal the increased thrust is due to ion acceleration. The internal measurements show increased acceleration potential and electron energy which can lead to increased ionization. At the high bias condition, the electrodes become the dominant positive terminal in the thruster circuit. This causes the increased ion acceleration and the creation of domed potential contours that conform to the near-wall cusp-magnetic fields. The domed contours produce focused electric fields, which cause the decreased wall losses and plume angle.

Plasma out of thermodynamical equilibrium : influence of the plasma environment on atomic structure and collisional cross sections / Plasmas hors équilibre thermodynamique : influence de l’environnement sur la structure atomique et les sections efficaces collisionnelles

Belkhiri, Madeny 03 November 2014 (has links)
Dans les plasmas chauds denses, la distribution spatiale des électrons libres et des ions peut affecter fortement la structure atomique. Pour tenir compte de ces effets, nous avons implémenter un potentiel plasma fond´ sur le modèle d’un gaz d’électron uniforme et sur une approche de type Thomas-Fermi dans le Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). Ce code a été utilisé, pour obtenir les énergies, les fonctions d’onde, et les taux radiative modifiés par l’environnement plasma. Dans des ions hydrogénoides, les résultats numériques ont été comparés avec succès à un calcul analytique basé sur la théorie des perturbations du premier ordre. Dans le cas des ions multi-électronique, on observe un décalage des niveaux, en accord avec d’autre calcul récent. Diverses méthodes pour les calculs de section efficace de collision sont examinées. L’influence de la densité du plasma sur ces sections est analysée en détail. Certaines expressions analytiques sont propos´es pour les ions hydrogénoides comme dans la limite où l’approximation de Born ou Lotz s’applique et sont comparés aux résultats numériques du code de FAC. Enfin, à partir de ce travail, nous étudions l’influence de l’environnement de plasma sur notre modèle collisionel-radiatif nommé -Foch-. En raison de cet environnement, la charge moyenne du plasma augmente, ceci est principalement due a l’abaissement du continuum. Nous observons également, le décalage des raies sur les spectres d’émission lié-lié. Un bon accord est trouvé entre notre travail et les données expérimentales sur un plasma de titane. / In hot dense plasmas, the free-electron and ion spatial distribution may strongly affect the atomic structure. To account for such effects we have implemented a potential correction based on the uniform electron gas model and on a Thomas-Fermi Approach in the Flexible Atomic Code (FAC). This code has been applied to obtain energies, wave-functions and radiative rates modified by the plasma environment. In hydrogen-like ions, these numerical results have been successfully compared to an analytical calculation based on first-order perturbation theory. In the case of multi-electron ions, we observe level crossings in agreement with another recent model calculation. Various methods for the collision cross-section calculations are reviewed. The influence of plasma environment on these cross-sections is analyzed in detail. Some analytical expressions are proposed for hydrogen-like ions in the limit where Born or Lotz approximations apply and are compared to the numerical results from the FAC code. Finally, from this work, we study the influence of the plasma environment on our collisional-radiative model so-called -Foch-. Because of this environment, the mean charge state of the ions increases. The line shift is observed on the bound-bound emission spectra. A good agreement is found between our work and experimental data on a Titanium plasma.

Energieeintrag langsamer hochgeladener Ionen in Festkörperoberflächen

Kost, Daniel 26 April 2007 (has links)
Motiviert durch die in der Literatur bisher unvollständige Beschreibung der Relaxation hochgeladener Ionen vor Festkörperoberflächen, besonders in Bezug auf den Eintrag potenzieller Energie in Oberflächen und der Aufstellung einer vollständigen Energiebilanz, werden in dieser Arbeit komplementäre Studien präsentiert, die sowohl die Ermittlung des Anteils der deponierten potenziellen Energie als auch die Ermittlung der emittierten potenziellen Energie ermöglichen. Zum Einen wird zur Bestimmung des eingetragenen Anteils der potenziellen Energie eine kalorimetrische Messanordnung verwendet, zum Anderen gelingt die Bestimmung der emittierten potenziellen Energie mittels doppeldifferenzieller Elektronenspektroskopie. Für vertiefende Studien werden Materialien unterschiedlicher elektronischer Strukturen (Cu, n-Si, p-Si und SiO2 ) verwendet. Im Falle der Kalorimetrie wird festgestellt, dass die eingetragene potenzielle Energie linear mit der inneren potenziellen Energie der Ionen wächst. Dabei bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen der eingetragenen potenziellen Energie und der inneren potenziellen Energie nahezu konstant bei etwa (80 ± 10) %. Der Vergleich von Cu, n-Si und p-Si zeigt im Rahmen der Messfehler keine signifikanten Unterschiede in diesem Verhältnis. Es liegen jedoch deutlich unter jenem von SiO2. Die Elektronenspektroskopie liefert ein dazu komplementäres Ergebnis. Für Cu und Si konnte ebenfalls eine lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen emittierter Energie und innerer potenzieller Energie festgestellt werden. Das Verhältnis wurde hierfür bis zum Ladungszustand bis Ar7+ zu etwa (10 ± 5) % unabhängig vom Ladungszustand bestimmt. Im Gegensatz dazu liefert SiO2 eine nahezu verschwindende Elektronenausbeute. Für Ar8+ und Ar9+ steigt die Elektronenausbeute wegen der Beiträge der LMM-Augerelektronen für alle untersuchten Materialien leicht an. Der Anteil der emittierten Energie eines Ar9+ -Ions wird für Cu und Si zu etwa 20 % und für SiO2 zu etwa 10 % angegeben. Diese Ergebnisse sind in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Kalorimetrieexperimenten und erfüllen die Energiebilanz. Zusätzlich werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit einer Computersimulation modelliert, welche auf dem erweiterten dynamischen klassischen Barrierenmodell basiert. Aus diesen Rechnungen kann zudem jener Anteil der deponierten potenziellen Energie erhalten werden, welcher durch Bildladungsbeschleunigung vor der Oberfläche in kinetische Energie umgewandelt wurde. / Motivated by the incomplete scientific description of the relaxation of highly charged ions in front of solid surfaces and their energy balance, this thesis describes an advanced complementary study of determining deposited fractions and re-emitted fractions of the potential energy of highly charged ions. On one side, a calorimetric measurement setup is used to determine the retained potential energy and on the other side, energy resolved electron spectroscopy is used for measuring the re-emitted energy due to secondary electron emission. In order to study the mechanism of energy retention in detail, materials with different electronic structures are investigated: Cu, n-Si, p-Si and SiO2 . In the case of calorimetry, a linear relationship between the deposited potential energy and the inner potential energy of the ions was determined. The total potential energy which stays in the solid remains almost constant at about (80 ± 10) %. Comparing the results of the Cu, n-Si and p-Si targets, no significant difference could be shown. Therefore we conclude that the difference in energy deposition between copper, n-doped Si and p-doped Si is below 10 %, which is significantly lower than using SiO2 targets. For this purpose, electron spectroscopy provides a complementary result. For Cu and Si surfaces, an almost linear increase of the re-emitted energy with increasing potential energy of the ion up to Ar7+ was also observed. The ratio of the re-emitted energy is about (10 ± 5) % of the total potential energy of the incoming ion, almost independent of the ion charge state. In contrast, an almost vanishing electron emission was observed for SiO2 and for charge states below q=7. For Ar8+ and Ar9+, the electron emission increased due to the contribution of the projectile LMM Auger electrons and the re-emitted energy amounts up to 20 % for Cu and Si and around 10 % for SiO2 .These results are in good agreement with the calorimetric values. In addition, the experimental results are compared with computer simulations based on the extended dynamical over-the-barrier model. From these calculations, the ratio of deposited potential energy that is transformed into kinetic energy before deposition due to the image charge acceleration can be maintained.

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