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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Muddy waters : political tensions and indentity in the writings of Xu Wei (1521-1593)

Luper, Edward Isaac January 2015 (has links)
The late Ming artist and poet Xu Wei (1521-1593) is most well known for his self-representation as a cultured "mountain hermit" and "eccentric", pursuing the literary ideals of originality, simple language and direct emotional expression. His wild ink-brush paintings, mental instability, numerous suicide attempts and the murder of his third wife all helped to consolidate Xu's image as China's Van Gogh. However, later hagiographies of Xu as the "patron saint of eccentrics" have led to a one dimensional view of Xu. This thesis presents Xu as someone who explored and wrestled with different and sometimes contradictory self-representations against a thorny political and social backdrop. It moves away from Xu's "eccentric" persona, instead examining his writings within the political context of the 16th century. Against the backdrop of Mongol and pirate invasions, Xu's close friend Shen Lian was executed by the Chief Grand Secretary Yan Song and his clique. Yet only a month after his friend's execution, Xu switched sides and worked as a ghost-writer for Hu Zongxian, a protégé of Yan Song. Yet with the fall of Yan Song in 1562 and the arrest of Hu Zongxian, this became an embarrassment for Xu. Fearing that he would be implicated with the Yan Song clique, Xu distanced himself from his flattering ghost-written poems. Overwhelmed by feelings of guilt, he explored the complexities of loyalty and identity in his poetry. Xu's career is representative of many Ming scholars who were frustrated by examination failure and the inability to find an official post. His literary ideals contradicted with lived reality. Xu is unique among Ming literati in voicing these contradictions.

清初明文批評研究. / On the criticism of Ming prose in early Qing / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Qing chu Ming wen pi ping yan jiu.

January 2012 (has links)
黎必信. / "2012年3月". / "2012 nian 3 yue". / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 355-368). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Li Bixin.

從宋代詩話看杜甫詩的經典化. / Study of the canonization of Du Fu's poetry from the remarks on poetry in Song dynasty / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Cong Song dai shi hua kan Du Fu shi de jing dian hua.

January 2012 (has links)
杜甫詩是中國古典文學的經典,其經典地位奠定於有宋一代。本文以宋代詩話為考察對象,分析文學批評和杜詩經典化的關係,主要內容如下: / 首先,本文將討論文壇領袖對杜詩的讚賞,如何演化為整個文壇的普遍觀念。文中指出蘇軾和黃庭堅是杜詩的發明者,二人對杜詩的評價,得到宋詩話的熱烈回應,意義不斷得到擴展和深化,由個人詮釋演化為宋人的集體認知,從而確立了杜詩的典範性。蘇軾「一飯未嘗忘君」的評語,經由詩話的討論和闡釋,最終令杜詩得「詩中六經」的評價。黃庭堅「無一字無來處」的評語,也促使詩話研究杜詩出處和用事手法蔚為風氣,不僅確立了杜甫好用事的特徵,也使杜詩成為宋詩風格的模範。 / 其次,本文探討宋代政治和文化背景對宋人接受杜甫的影響。在「李杜優劣」此一議題上,杜詩得到凌駕李白的地位,批評家看重詩歌內容的社會意義多於藝術性,反映唐宋人期待視野的轉移。宋人對杜甫「詩史」的讚譽,也與宋型文化和南宋戰禍連年有密切關係。宋詩話特別重視杜甫和安史之亂有關的詩作,因為安史之亂與宋代歷史背景有不少相似之處,宋人藉著詮釋杜詩的義理,投射了對胡人的痛恨、戰亂中的自傷之情和淑世理想。宋人憑藉認同杜甫,達至自我認同;通過詮釋杜詩,而完成自我呈現。杜甫在安史之亂中的遭遇,使他成了盛唐詩人中最能引發宋人共鳴者,也為宋人的詮釋提供了前提。宋詩話慣以比興和用事手法解釋杜詩,也使杜詩的詮釋空間擴大,更能貼合宋人的情感寄託。 / 此外,本文就宋詩話的本質和批評形式,如何在一定程度上掌握文學經典化的權力進行探討。詩話是新興於宋的詩歌批評形式,「摘句批評」和「論詩辨體」是其慣用的表達方式。在詩話的批評形式下,宋詩話出現了以杜詩為中心的價值取向:評估杜詩的價值,展示杜詩的多元性,樹立杜詩的正統意義,確立杜詩較他人優勝的觀念,凸顯學杜之必要。詩話的批評形式確立了杜詩經典化的重要價值,又憑藉詩話的詩法指導功能,規範了時人的價值判斷和創作。 / 最後,本文考察杜甫在宋代唐宋詩之爭的詩統建構中所處的位置。「宋詩」詩統藉著「一祖三宗」的論述,加強和杜甫的連繫,鞏固自身的正統地位。「唐詩」詩統同樣以杜甫為正統,其論述反而著重否定「宋詩」和杜甫的關係。唐、宋詩同樣以杜甫為正統,使杜詩超然於後世受唐宋詩之爭,對杜詩經典價值的延續有深刻意義。 / Since its inception in the Song Dynasty, Du Fu 杜甫 ’s poetry has been firmly regarded as a canon in the field of classical Chinese Literature. The process of which, however, has not been clearly examined. Based on Song Dynasty’s Remarks on Poetry 詩話, this thesis is devoted to analyzing the relationship between literary criticism and canonization of Du’s poems. / First, this thesis discusses how literary leaders’ commendation on Du’s poetry has become the general view of the Song literati. It particularly highlighted the evaluations of Du’s poems from Su Shi 蘇軾 and Huang Ting-jian 黃庭堅. Their comments were widely quoted and re-interpreted by subsequent authors of Remarks on Poetry, which confirmed and reinforced the importance of Su and Huan’s thoughts. The transition from Su and Huang’s personal interpretation to becoming a widely-held view amongst the literati, affirmed the canonical status of Du’s poetry. Through discussion and interpretation by Remarks on Poetry, Su’s comments on Du Fu as “a ever-loyal official 一飯未嘗忘君 contributed to the commendation on the Du’s poems as “Six works of the Confucian Canon in poetry 詩中六經. Huang commented Du’s poetry as “not a single word [in them] does not have its sources 無一字無來處. This promoted a more in-depth study into the origins of Du’s habitual use of allusions. This not only reaffirmed the intense use of allusions as one of the characteristics of Du’s works but also as the model of Song-styled poetry. / Second, this thesis investigates the impact of Song politics and cultures on the Song people’s reception of Du’s poetry. When comparing Li Bai to Du Fu, Du’s works were have consistently received a higher ranking as commentators often value social meanings more than artistic value. This demonstrates a shift in value system from Tang to that of Song dynasty. The Song people’s acclamation of Du as Shishi 詩史 was related to Song culture and the prolonged war in the Southern Song. Remarks on Poetry paid special attention to Du’s works related to An Lu-shan rebellion as this rebellion shared similarities with Song history. In Remarks on Poetry’s interpretation of Du’s poems, it reflected the Song people’s grievance towards foreign tribes and warfare. By agreeing with Du Fu, the Song people can develop its self-identity; through interpreting Du’s poetry, they can self-actualize. Du Fu’s encounter during the An Lu-shan rebellion made him well-received by the Song literati, and gave them the premise for interpretation of Du’s poems. Remarks on Poetry adopted an analogical way of expression, bixiang 比興, and allusion to study Du’s works and this provided more perspectives for interpretation and space for emotional sustenance. / Third, this thesis investigates the nature and format of Remarks on Poetry, and why it remains authoritative in literary canonization, despite its apparent arbitrary nature. Remarks on Poetry was a new form of poetry criticism in Song Dynasty. “Commentaries on isolated sentences drawn out from poems, zheju piping 摘句批評, and “Discussion on poetic form distinction, lunshi bianti 論詩辨體, are its usual presentation. Under this new style of critique, Remarks on Poetry developed a kind of value judgment with Du’s poetry as its basis: evaluating the value of Du’s poetry, demonstrating the diversity of his works, establishing an orthodox meaning for his poems, reinforcing the concept of higher ranking of his poems, and highlighting the importance of studying Du’s works. Such a style reinforced the canonical value of Du’s poetry. Coupled by the Remarks on Poetry’s nature as an authoritative reference text it defined the value system of those times and dictated the way in which literary works are to be made. / Fourth, this thesis puts Du Fu squarely in the conflict between Tang-styled and Song-styled poetry. Based on the theory “one ancestor and three predecessor, yizu sanzong 一祖三宗 , the Song-styled poetry strengthened its connection with Du Fu and reinforced its orthodoxy. The Tang-styled poetry also set Du Fu as its role-model but its discourse emphasized disconnecting Du’ works with the Song-styled poetry. Despite the conflict between the Tang-styled and Song-styled poetry, Du’s works were still highly recognized as an orthodox example by both groups and this contributed immensely to the continued canonical status of Du’s poetry. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 朱寳盈. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 230-241) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhu Baoying. / Chapter 第一章 --- 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 杜甫詩的經典化 --- p.1 / Chapter 一、 --- 唐或宋?杜詩經典地位的確立 --- p.2 / Chapter 二、 --- 杜詩經典化的幾個思考重點 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二節 --- 前人研究成果與本文討論重點 --- p.8 / Chapter 一、 --- 前人研究成果 --- p.8 / Chapter (一) --- 整理杜詩在宋代流傳概況和資料 --- p.9 / Chapter (二) --- 指出杜甫「儒家思想」很大程度出於宋人建構 --- p.10 / Chapter (三) --- 從唐宋文化的差別辨析唐宋人論杜 --- p.11 / Chapter (四) --- 以接受美學觀念分析宋代杜詩學 --- p.12 / Chapter (五) --- 分析杜甫對宋詩風格的典範作用 --- p.13 / Chapter 二、 --- 本文討論重點 --- p.14 / Chapter (一) --- 以「經典化」為研究視野分析宋代杜詩學 --- p.14 / Chapter (二) --- 重視「眾人」的意見 --- p.15 / Chapter (三) --- 關注「詩話」的作用 --- p.16 / Chapter (四) --- 探析「詩史」與宋型文化關係 --- p.17 / Chapter (五) --- 論析唐宋詩之爭對杜詩地位的影響 --- p.18 / Chapter 第三節 --- 研究目的及方向 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二章 --- 從個人詮釋到集體認知: 宋代詩話對蘇、黃評杜的回應與杜詩經典化 --- p.22 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.22 / Chapter 第二節 --- 宋初詩話「論杜」 --- p.23 / Chapter 一、 --- 北宋初年詩壇非尊杜 --- p.23 / Chapter 二、 --- 對杜詩藝術的評價 --- p.28 / Chapter 三、 --- 小結 --- p.30 / Chapter 第三節 --- 杜詩價值的發明 --- p.30 / Chapter 一、 --- 宋人眼中的杜詩發明者 --- p.30 / Chapter 二、 --- 宋詩話回應蘇、黃評杜的三種模式 --- p.34 / Chapter 第四節 --- 蘇、黃論杜與杜詩的經典化 --- p.42 / Chapter 一、 --- 從「一飯未嘗忘君」到「詩中六經」 --- p.43 / Chapter 二、 --- 從「無一字無來處」到「江西詩派」 --- p.50 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.56 / Chapter 第三章 --- 時代的制約:論宋人的期待視野與歷史感懷 --- p.58 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.58 / Chapter 第二節 --- 雙重標準的李杜優劣論期待視野的轉移 --- p.59 / Chapter 一、 --- 宋人對李杜優劣論的回應與再發展 --- p.60 / Chapter (一) --- 回應元稹、韓愈之論:李杜並尊 --- p.60 / Chapter (二) --- 李杜優劣論的再發展:獨尊老杜 --- p.65 / Chapter 二、 --- 宋人品次李杜的兩個標準 --- p.68 / Chapter 三、 --- 小結:期待視野的轉移 --- p.78 / Chapter 第三節 --- 自我認同與呈現--安史之亂與宋人的「詩史杜甫」 --- p.79 / Chapter 一、 --- 宋詩話與杜甫「安史詩」 --- p.79 / Chapter 二、 --- 安史之亂與宋人的歷史感懷 --- p.90 / Chapter 三、 --- 杜甫「安史詩」詮釋的先決條件與詮釋空間的擴大 --- p.109 / Chapter (一) --- 詮釋的先決條件 --- p.110 / Chapter (二) --- 詮釋空間的擴大 --- p.116 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語:宋人的「詩史」杜甫 --- p.124 / Chapter 第四章 --- 典範意義的產生:詩話的詩法指導作用與杜詩價值的確立 --- p.127 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.127 / Chapter 第二節 --- 綜述:在詩話批評形式下的評杜現象 --- p.128 / Chapter 一、 --- 廣泛的討論和援引為證 --- p.128 / Chapter 二、 --- 同時摘取杜甫與他人詩句 --- p.133 / Chapter (一) --- 說明杜詩的出處 --- p.133 / Chapter (二) --- 強調後世詩人於杜詩的學習 --- p.135 / Chapter (三) --- 同類並舉 --- p.137 / Chapter 三、 --- 論詩辨體與杜詩 --- p.143 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結:宋人開創的評杜現象 --- p.149 / Chapter 第三節 --- 現象背後的意義 --- p.152 / Chapter 一、 --- 以摘句褒貶直接賦予價值 --- p.152 / Chapter 二、 --- 展現杜詩審美價值的多元性 --- p.156 / Chapter 三、 --- 杜詩的正統意義塑造 --- p.161 / Chapter 四、 --- 確立杜詩較他人優勝的觀念 --- p.166 / Chapter 五、 --- 凸顯學杜的必要 --- p.170 / Chapter 六、 --- 小結:以杜詩為中心的價值取向 --- p.177 / Chapter 第四節 --- 詩話的功用與典範意義的確立 --- p.178 / Chapter 第五節 --- 結語 --- p.186 / Chapter 第五章 --- 唐宋詩之爭與杜甫:論詩統建構與杜詩經典價值的延續 --- p.189 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.189 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「唐詩」、「宋詩」的詩統建構與杜甫 --- p.190 / Chapter 一、 --- 「唐詩」與「宋詩」 --- p.190 / Chapter 二、 --- 「宋詩」的詩統建構與杜甫 --- p.194 / Chapter 三、 --- 「唐詩」的詩統建構與杜甫 --- p.203 / Chapter 四、 --- 小結:以杜甫為「正統」的詩統建構 --- p.213 / Chapter 第三節 --- 經典價值的延續:超然於唐宋詩之爭中的正統地位 --- p.215 / Chapter 第四節 --- 結語 --- p.221 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結論 --- p.224 / Chapter 第一節 --- 總結 --- p.224 / Chapter 第二節 --- 餘論 --- p.229 / 主要參考書目 --- p.230

裂變之後的桃源建構: 清初陶學研究. / 清初陶學研究 / Construction of the "Peach-blossom spring": a study of "Tao xue" in the early Qing dynasty / Lie bian zhi hou de tao yuan jian gou: Qing chu Tao xue yan jiu. / Qing chu Tao xue yan jiu

January 2013 (has links)
本文是第一部專以清初陶學為研究對象的論文,擬從文人的情懷、詩學的演變、詩歌的用意、意象的運用、注本的闡釋等多角度概述清初陶學的全貌。在方法上,筆者除分析當時文人對陶淵明的評論外,還選取了清初四十家身份不同的文人,比較他們詩作中運用的陶淵明典故,探討他們對「陶淵明形象」的塑造與取捨,並以歷史背景為線索,梳理陶淵明意象在清初文人心目中地位的差異與其變化。 / 基於上述的研究,筆者認為以往學術界把清初陶學只理解為「忠憤」的表現是不夠全面的,尤其是清初關於陶淵明的討論,除了遺民文人有熱烈的參與外,非遺民文人亦有相當數量的研究,而且他們之間還存在着不少的交流,互相回應。正因如此,清初和陶風氣盛極一時,並且出現了一種嶄新、「反其致」的和陶現象--〈反乞食〉詩。 / 這種借用陶淵明的意象互相交流與回應,更多反映在詩歌方面。清初文人借讀陶、評陶、和陶等方法抒發他們於易代間的鬱悶。這種詩歌世界,重現了陶淵明筆下的桃源,在這裏,他們「不知有漢,無論魏晉」,思想上可以暫時脫離現實的痛苦,悠然人間。這也使得清初《陶集》評注本的編撰,一改南宋以來十卷本的「全集」形式,而偏重於四卷本,只收錄詩作的體制。 / The author intends to discuss the reception of Tao Yuanming in the Early Qing Dynasty from the aspects such as the emotions of poets, the changes of poetics, the intentions of poetries, the poetic imageries and the differences of the editions. And, it is the first work focusing solely on the reception of Tao Yuanming in the Early Qing Dynasty. Regarding the research methods, this dissertation not only studies the critiques through the existed methods, but also analyses the existed materials in a different manner. By comparing the literary allusions of Tao Yuanming’s life of 40 scholars lived in Early Qing who had different social background, the thesis discusses how these people constructed the images of Tao Yuanming and how they selected from Tao’s qualities. The thesis also tries to sort out the different attitudes of Tao among scholars of Early Qing and its changes with regard to the historical context. / Based on the research, the author finds out that the existed understanding of the reception of Tao Yuanming in the Early Qing, which focuses on the leftover citizen’s aspect, and which portrays Tao image as a rebellion was largely incomplete. Apart from the vigorous discussions regarding the images of Tao among the leftover citizen, the non-leftover citizen also discussed Tao with great enthusiasm. Under this circumstance, a new form of He Tao Shi(和陶詩) “poems written to match Tao’s , was found in opposite mode in order to response to those leftover citizen. / By appropriation of Tao’s images in their communication and responding each other especially in poems, scholars lived in Early Qing expressed their uneasiness and pain as in the change of the regime through reading, commentary and writing of Tao’s collections. Thus, this special kind of poem allowed the Early Qing scholars to escape from the distress of the reality to an ideal world, a typical example of which was “Peach-Blossom Spring created by Tao Yuanming. This tendency reflected in the editions of Tao’s works in Early Qing Dynasty that Tao’s poems received much attention while other forms of works were not included in the collections of works. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 梁樹風. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 331-376) / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Liang Shufeng. / 提要 --- p.I / 目錄 --- p.III / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 研究範圍 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 研究旨趣 --- p.7 / Chapter 第三節 --- 相關文獻回顧 --- p.14 / Chapter 第四節 --- 論文架構與研究方法 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二章 --- 清初陶學背景 --- p.24 / Chapter 第一節 --- 明清易代與文人「生死」的抉擇 --- p.24 / Chapter 第二節 --- 陶淵明生存方式對清初文人的啟示 --- p.29 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清初文人寄情陶淵明的表現 --- p.37 / Chapter 第四節 --- 清初遺民的逃禪與蓮社之約 --- p.56 / Chapter 第三章 --- 清初詩學與陶詩評價的關係 --- p.91 / Chapter 第一節 --- 清初詩壇尋「真」對陶詩評價的影響 --- p.91 / Chapter 第二節 --- 清初「詩史」的重視與陶淵明甲子紀年之義 --- p.115 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清初田園詩的復興與陶淵明田園詩內涵的解讀 --- p.130 / Chapter 第四章 --- 清初的擬陶、集陶與和陶 --- p.151 / Chapter 第一節 --- 清初擬陶與集陶的表現與陶文詩意的賞讀 --- p.152 / Chapter 第二節 --- 清初和陶詩的表現與其意義 --- p.162 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清初擬陶、和陶的觴濫--陶淵明〈酒二十首〉 --- p.169 / Chapter 第四節 --- 清初的「反乞食詩」 --- p.184 / Chapter 第五章 --- 清初的陶淵明意象與繪事 --- p.206 / Chapter 第一節 --- 清初陶淵明與菊的意象與繪事 --- p.207 / Chapter 第二節 --- 清初桃源的意象與繪事 --- p.228 / Chapter 第六章 --- 清初《陶集》評注本 --- p.257 / Chapter 第一節 --- 《陶淵明集》版本源流與清初的《陶淵明集》 --- p.257 / Chapter 第二節 --- 清初的《陶淵明集》注釋 --- p.277 / Chapter 第三節 --- 清初《陶集》評注的特色 --- p.319 / Chapter 第七章 --- 結論 --- p.328 / 參考書目 --- p.331 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 清初文人詩作用陶淵明典故語句輯錄 --- p.1 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 清初文人用陶淵明典故的創作時間與數量分佈 --- p.105 / Chapter 附錄三 --- 歷代書目所錄《陶淵明集》 --- p.106 / Chapter 附錄四 --- 宋代《陶集》注本研究 --- p.119 / Chapter 附錄五 --- 清初文人和陶詩附表 --- p.147

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