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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização das populações de cães e gatos domiciliadas no município de São Paulo / Study of supervised dog and cat populations in São Paulo

Canatto, Bianca Davico 29 September 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as populações canina e felina domiciliadas nos distritos administrativos do município de São Paulo, caracterizando-as demograficamente, bem como o oferecimento de cuidados veterinários e a forma de manutenção dos animais em domicílio. Para tal, utilizou-se amostragem complexa com seleção aleatória em dois estágios: setores censitários e domicílios. Em cada distrito administrativo, foram visitados seis setores censitários e 20 domicílios em cada setor sorteado. De setembro de 2006 a setembro de 2009, um total de 11.272 entrevistas foram feitas. A média de cão/domicílio com cão foi estimada em 1,60 e a média de gato/domicílio com gato, 1,69. A razão homem:cão foi estimada em 4,34 e a razão homem:gato, 19,33. A partir da população humana de 10.882.121 habitantes, no ano de 2007, estimou-se a população animal em 2.507.401 cães e 562.965 gatos. A população canina é composta de 52,7% de machos, enquanto a felina, de 45,1%. A proporção de felinos castrados (39,0%) foi superior a dos caninos (17,1%), considerando ambos os gêneros. As proporções de fêmeas esterilizadas (23,4% dentre os cães e 46,1% dentre os gatos) são superiores às de machos (11,4% dentre os cães e 31,5% dentre os gatos), em ambas as espécies. A idade média de cães foi estimada em 4,99 anos e a de gatos, 3,53 anos. A proporção de gatos não vacinados contra a raiva nos últimos 12 meses (6,8%) foi superior à proporção de cães (1,6%). A proporção de cães com restrição de acesso à rua (64,4%) foi superior à dos gatos (42,5%). A restrição e a esterilização dos animais são reflexos da posse responsável que deve ser incessantemente discutida e divulgada a fim de promover conscientização dos proprietários quanto aos modos de manutenção e oferecimento de cuidados veterinários. A caracterização das populações animais é a base da estruturação de progamas de controle populacional e de zoonoses. Estudos populacionais que respeitam a heterogeinedade dos aspectos administrativos e geográficos de um município, permitem medidas de ações em saúde mais direcionadas. / The present work aimed at estimate the owned dog and cat populations at the administrative districts of São Paulo city, in terms of its demography, but also the veterinary care and maintenance of animals. To achieve this goal, a complex sample with random selection in two stages (censitary sectors and households) was used. Six censitary sectors in each administrative district and 20 households in each sampled sector were visited. From September 2006 to September 2009, 11.272 interviews were made. The dog per household with dogs average was 1.60 and the cat per household with cats average was 1.69. The human:dog ratio was 4.34 and the human:cat ratio was 19.33. Since the human population was 10,882,121, in 2007, the dog population was estimated in 2,507,401 and the cat population in 562,965. The dog population was composted of 52.7% males, while among the cat population was 45.1%. The proportion of both male and female sterilized cats (39,0%) was higher than dogs (17.1%). The proportion of sterilized females (23.4% among dogs and 46.1% among cats) was higher than males (11.4% among dogs and 31.5% among cats) in both species. The mean age of dogs was 4.99 years as for cats, 3.53 years. The proportion of cats non-vaccinated against rabies (6.8%) was higher than dogs (1.6%) in the last 12 months. The proportion of restricted (access to the street) dogs (64.4%) was higher than restricted cats (42.5%). The animal restriction and sterilization are effects of responsible ownership and must be constantly discussed and disseminated to improve owners awareness about the way of maintaining and providing veterinary care to dogs and cats. The characterization of canine and feline populations is essential to structure an animal population management programme and zoonosis control. Population studies must respect the heterogeneity of administrative and geographical aspects of a municipality in order to provide more focused measures of public health.

Dinâmica populacional canina no Município de Ibiúna-SP: estudo retrospectivo de 1998 a 2002 referente a animais recolhidos, eutanasiados e adotados / Canine population dynamic in Ibiúna- SP: retrospective study from 1998 to 2002 about sheltered euthanazied and adopted animals

Soto, Francisco Rafael Martins 10 November 2003 (has links)
O trabalho foi um estudo retrospectivo da dinâmica populacional canina no Município de Ibiúna no período de 1998 a 2002, onde se objetivou avaliar esta dinâmica populacional em termos de animais recolhidos, eutanasiados e adotados, e sua influência nesta população. Utilizaram-se na análise de dados, informações do Departamento de Zoonoses da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município de Ibiúna -SP. Para informações dos animais adotados foi elaborado um questionário onde foram entrevistados cento e oitenta e seis proprietários de outubro de 2002 a abril de 2003, que adotaram cães no período estudado. Os resultados mostraram que o número de cães recolhidos foi progressivo a cada ano estudado, bem como os animais eliminados. A eutanásia e o recolhimento de cães não foram mecanismos eficientes de controle populacional canino. A razão cão/habitante foi crescente, e esta relação média nos últimos cinco anos foi de 1:3,77. A adoção de cães não resolveu o problema do abandono desses animais. Há necessidade de implantação de medidas de controle populacional mais abrangentes. / This work was a retrospective study of populational canine dynamic in the city of Ibiúna from 1998 to 2002. The objective was to assess this populational dynamic in terms of sheltered, euthanazied and adopted animals as well as the influence of these actions in this population. Some information from the Zoonosis Department of Secretaria Municipal of Health in the City of Ibiuna (SP) was used in the analysis of data. A questionnaire was prepared to obtain information about animals and 186 owners were surveyed from October 2002 to April 2003. The results showed that the number of sheltered animals increased progressively during each year of study as well as the number of eliminated animals. The euthanasia and the action of sheltering dogs in the city of Ibiuna were not efficient in the canine population control. The dog per inhabitant ratio was increased in the last five years with a mean ration given by 1:3,77. The adoption of dogs did not solve the problem of abandoned dogs. It is necessary to implement a broader criteria of population control.

A communication analysis of China's family planning campaigns

Luo, Jianguo, n/a January 1989 (has links)
In China, April 13, 1989 was marked as the "1.1 Billion Population Day." Though it has become the first "demographic billionaire" in the world, China has obtained remarkable results in population control. According to the statement issued by China's National Bureau of Statistics in 1987, the natural population growth rate dropped from 25.83 per thousand in 1970 to 11.28 per thousand in 1985. This has been viewed as an achievement not previously seen in any other population. In the past four decades, the Chinese government has adopted a population policy to organize the fertility transition in a planned way through education, motivation and persuasion. Five communication campaigns have been instituted to implement the policy. The successive family planning campaigns have played a vital role in educating and persuading individuals to accept the new fertility norms advocated by the government. In the communication processes of these campaigns, the strategies used have changed from the media-oriented strategy of the first campaign, to the introduction of an interpersonal approach in the second followed by an integration of media, interpersonal and organisational communication in the three latest campaigns. The integration of the media and interpersonal communication approaches was achieved through group discussion sessions and home visits, in which media messages were mediated and interpreted as a reinforcement to media impact. The group dynamics in the interpersonal communication has played an important role in changing individuals' attitudes towards and behaviour of family planning. As a campaign is an organized activity which requires organizational channels to ensure the conduct of the activity and the flow of information, a well-established organization hierarchy for family planning work has facilitated the management of family planning campaigns and also been regarded as a fundemental element to the success of the later campaigns.

Epidemiological Study of Coccidioidomycosis in Greater Tucson, Arizona

Tabor, Joseph Anthony January 2009 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to characterize the distribution and determinants of coccidioidomycosis in greater Tucson, Arizona, using landscape ecology and complex survey methods to control for environmental factors that affect <italic>Coccidioides</italic> exposure. Notifiable coccidioidomycosis cases reported to the health department in Arizona have dramatically increased since 1997 and indicate a potential epidemic of unknown causes. Epidemic determination is confounded by concurrent changes in notifiable disease reporting-compliance, misdiagnosis, and changing demographics of susceptible populations. A stratified, two-stage, address-based telephone survey of greater Tucson, Arizona, was conducted in 2002 and 2003. Subjects were recruited from direct marketing data by census block groups and landscape strata as determined using a geographic information system (GIS). Subjects were interviewed about potential risk factors. Address-level state health department notifiable-disease surveillance data were compared with self-reported survey data to estimate the true disease frequency.Comparing state surveillance data with the survey data, no coccidioidomycosis epidemic was detectable from 1992 to 2006 after adjusting surveillance data for reporting compliance. State health department surveillance reported only 20% of the probable reportable cases in 2001.Utilizing survey data and geographic coding, it was observed that spatial and temporal disease frequency was highly variable at the census block-group scale and indicates that localized soil disturbance events are a major group-level risk factor. Poststratification by 2000 census demographic data adjusted for selection bias into the survey and response rate. Being Hispanic showed similar odds ratio of self-reporting coccidioidomycosis diagnosis as of being non-Hispanic White race-ethnicity when controlled by other risk factors. Cigarette smoking in the home and having a home located in the low Hispanic foothills and low Hispanic riparian strata were associated with elevated risk of odds ratios for coccidioidomycosis. Sample stratification by landscape and demographics controlled for differential classification of susceptibility and exposures between strata.Clustered, address-based telephone surveys provide a feasible and valid method to recruit populations from address-based lists by using a GIS to design a survey and population survey statistical methods for the analysis. Notifiable coccidioidomycosis case surveillance can be improved by including reporting compliance in the analysis. Pathogen exposures and host susceptibility are important predictable group-level determinants of coccidioidomycosis that were controlled by stratified sampling using a landscape ecology approach.

Técnicas de ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) em cadelas : revisão de literatura /

Barros, Patrícia Monteiro de. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Wilter Ricardo Russiano Vicente / Banca: Márcia Rita Fernandes Machado / Banca: Marion Burkhardt de Koivisto / Resumo: A superpopulação de cães é uma luta constante para a saúde pública e o bem-estar animal. A ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) em cadelas é a cirurgia mais freqüentemente realizada na prática clínica veterinária, especialmente com o intuito de se evitar a reprodução. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo colaborar identificando em cima da literatura estudada, as vantagens e desvantagens de quatro técnicas de esterilização para o controle populacional de cães, que são: OSH pela linha mediana ventral, OSH pelo flanco, OSH pela videolaparoscopia e OSH por Natural Orifices Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). O estudo baseou-se numa revista de literatura e divide-se em três partes: apresentação; revista de literatura sobre bem-estar animal, controle populacional de cães, técnicas de esterilização; conclusão, apresentando-se esquematicamente as vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica revista. A revisão permitiu uma avaliação do controle populacional de cães, tecendo um panorama sobre a grande variedade de literatura existente em alguns métodos e escassas em outros, reforçando a necessidade de mais pesquisas associando bemestar animal e estratégias de controle populacional de cães / Abstract: The overpopulation of dogs is a constant issue for public health and animal welfare. The ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH) in dogs is the surgery most frequently performed in clinical veterinary, especially in order to avoid reproduction. This study has aims to contribute according to literature studied, the advanteges and disadvantages of four methods of sterilization for population control of dogs that are submitted to OSH by the ventral midline, flank, videolaparoscopies and Natural Orifices Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). The study was based on a review of the literature and is divided into three parts: presentation; review of the literature about animal welfare, population control of dogs, methods of sterilization; overview, presenting systematically the advantages and disadvantages of each method reviewed. The review has allowed an assessment of population control of dogs, showing the wide variety of existing literature on some methods and scarce in others, reinforcing the need for more research involving animal welfare and strategies for population control of dogs / Mestre

Técnicas de ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) em cadelas: revisão de literatura

Barros, Patrícia Monteiro de [UNESP] 25 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:23:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2010-10-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:30:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 barros_pm_me_jabo.pdf: 567169 bytes, checksum: ec09038f7455d299c250bbd2f039b380 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A superpopulação de cães é uma luta constante para a saúde pública e o bem-estar animal. A ovariosalpingohisterectomia (OSH) em cadelas é a cirurgia mais freqüentemente realizada na prática clínica veterinária, especialmente com o intuito de se evitar a reprodução. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo colaborar identificando em cima da literatura estudada, as vantagens e desvantagens de quatro técnicas de esterilização para o controle populacional de cães, que são: OSH pela linha mediana ventral, OSH pelo flanco, OSH pela videolaparoscopia e OSH por Natural Orifices Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). O estudo baseou-se numa revista de literatura e divide-se em três partes: apresentação; revista de literatura sobre bem-estar animal, controle populacional de cães, técnicas de esterilização; conclusão, apresentando-se esquematicamente as vantagens e desvantagens de cada técnica revista. A revisão permitiu uma avaliação do controle populacional de cães, tecendo um panorama sobre a grande variedade de literatura existente em alguns métodos e escassas em outros, reforçando a necessidade de mais pesquisas associando bemestar animal e estratégias de controle populacional de cães / The overpopulation of dogs is a constant issue for public health and animal welfare. The ovariosalpingohisterectomy (OSH) in dogs is the surgery most frequently performed in clinical veterinary, especially in order to avoid reproduction. This study has aims to contribute according to literature studied, the advanteges and disadvantages of four methods of sterilization for population control of dogs that are submitted to OSH by the ventral midline, flank, videolaparoscopies and Natural Orifices Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES). The study was based on a review of the literature and is divided into three parts: presentation; review of the literature about animal welfare, population control of dogs, methods of sterilization; overview, presenting systematically the advantages and disadvantages of each method reviewed. The review has allowed an assessment of population control of dogs, showing the wide variety of existing literature on some methods and scarce in others, reinforcing the need for more research involving animal welfare and strategies for population control of dogs

Caracterização das populações de cães e gatos domiciliadas no município de São Paulo / Study of supervised dog and cat populations in São Paulo

Bianca Davico Canatto 29 September 2010 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo estimar as populações canina e felina domiciliadas nos distritos administrativos do município de São Paulo, caracterizando-as demograficamente, bem como o oferecimento de cuidados veterinários e a forma de manutenção dos animais em domicílio. Para tal, utilizou-se amostragem complexa com seleção aleatória em dois estágios: setores censitários e domicílios. Em cada distrito administrativo, foram visitados seis setores censitários e 20 domicílios em cada setor sorteado. De setembro de 2006 a setembro de 2009, um total de 11.272 entrevistas foram feitas. A média de cão/domicílio com cão foi estimada em 1,60 e a média de gato/domicílio com gato, 1,69. A razão homem:cão foi estimada em 4,34 e a razão homem:gato, 19,33. A partir da população humana de 10.882.121 habitantes, no ano de 2007, estimou-se a população animal em 2.507.401 cães e 562.965 gatos. A população canina é composta de 52,7% de machos, enquanto a felina, de 45,1%. A proporção de felinos castrados (39,0%) foi superior a dos caninos (17,1%), considerando ambos os gêneros. As proporções de fêmeas esterilizadas (23,4% dentre os cães e 46,1% dentre os gatos) são superiores às de machos (11,4% dentre os cães e 31,5% dentre os gatos), em ambas as espécies. A idade média de cães foi estimada em 4,99 anos e a de gatos, 3,53 anos. A proporção de gatos não vacinados contra a raiva nos últimos 12 meses (6,8%) foi superior à proporção de cães (1,6%). A proporção de cães com restrição de acesso à rua (64,4%) foi superior à dos gatos (42,5%). A restrição e a esterilização dos animais são reflexos da posse responsável que deve ser incessantemente discutida e divulgada a fim de promover conscientização dos proprietários quanto aos modos de manutenção e oferecimento de cuidados veterinários. A caracterização das populações animais é a base da estruturação de progamas de controle populacional e de zoonoses. Estudos populacionais que respeitam a heterogeinedade dos aspectos administrativos e geográficos de um município, permitem medidas de ações em saúde mais direcionadas. / The present work aimed at estimate the owned dog and cat populations at the administrative districts of São Paulo city, in terms of its demography, but also the veterinary care and maintenance of animals. To achieve this goal, a complex sample with random selection in two stages (censitary sectors and households) was used. Six censitary sectors in each administrative district and 20 households in each sampled sector were visited. From September 2006 to September 2009, 11.272 interviews were made. The dog per household with dogs average was 1.60 and the cat per household with cats average was 1.69. The human:dog ratio was 4.34 and the human:cat ratio was 19.33. Since the human population was 10,882,121, in 2007, the dog population was estimated in 2,507,401 and the cat population in 562,965. The dog population was composted of 52.7% males, while among the cat population was 45.1%. The proportion of both male and female sterilized cats (39,0%) was higher than dogs (17.1%). The proportion of sterilized females (23.4% among dogs and 46.1% among cats) was higher than males (11.4% among dogs and 31.5% among cats) in both species. The mean age of dogs was 4.99 years as for cats, 3.53 years. The proportion of cats non-vaccinated against rabies (6.8%) was higher than dogs (1.6%) in the last 12 months. The proportion of restricted (access to the street) dogs (64.4%) was higher than restricted cats (42.5%). The animal restriction and sterilization are effects of responsible ownership and must be constantly discussed and disseminated to improve owners awareness about the way of maintaining and providing veterinary care to dogs and cats. The characterization of canine and feline populations is essential to structure an animal population management programme and zoonosis control. Population studies must respect the heterogeneity of administrative and geographical aspects of a municipality in order to provide more focused measures of public health.

Dinâmica populacional canina no Município de Ibiúna-SP: estudo retrospectivo de 1998 a 2002 referente a animais recolhidos, eutanasiados e adotados / Canine population dynamic in Ibiúna- SP: retrospective study from 1998 to 2002 about sheltered euthanazied and adopted animals

Francisco Rafael Martins Soto 10 November 2003 (has links)
O trabalho foi um estudo retrospectivo da dinâmica populacional canina no Município de Ibiúna no período de 1998 a 2002, onde se objetivou avaliar esta dinâmica populacional em termos de animais recolhidos, eutanasiados e adotados, e sua influência nesta população. Utilizaram-se na análise de dados, informações do Departamento de Zoonoses da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde do Município de Ibiúna -SP. Para informações dos animais adotados foi elaborado um questionário onde foram entrevistados cento e oitenta e seis proprietários de outubro de 2002 a abril de 2003, que adotaram cães no período estudado. Os resultados mostraram que o número de cães recolhidos foi progressivo a cada ano estudado, bem como os animais eliminados. A eutanásia e o recolhimento de cães não foram mecanismos eficientes de controle populacional canino. A razão cão/habitante foi crescente, e esta relação média nos últimos cinco anos foi de 1:3,77. A adoção de cães não resolveu o problema do abandono desses animais. Há necessidade de implantação de medidas de controle populacional mais abrangentes. / This work was a retrospective study of populational canine dynamic in the city of Ibiúna from 1998 to 2002. The objective was to assess this populational dynamic in terms of sheltered, euthanazied and adopted animals as well as the influence of these actions in this population. Some information from the Zoonosis Department of Secretaria Municipal of Health in the City of Ibiuna (SP) was used in the analysis of data. A questionnaire was prepared to obtain information about animals and 186 owners were surveyed from October 2002 to April 2003. The results showed that the number of sheltered animals increased progressively during each year of study as well as the number of eliminated animals. The euthanasia and the action of sheltering dogs in the city of Ibiuna were not efficient in the canine population control. The dog per inhabitant ratio was increased in the last five years with a mean ration given by 1:3,77. The adoption of dogs did not solve the problem of abandoned dogs. It is necessary to implement a broader criteria of population control.

Controle de Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) em criação de Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) / Bracon control hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in creating Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) / Controle de Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) em criação de Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

COSTA JUNIOR, Domicio D. P. 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by biblioteca unifenas (biblioteca@unifenas.br) on 2016-07-06T20:33:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Domicio Pereira da Costa JuniorDissertacao.pdf: 1369630 bytes, checksum: 4e4dd1f99195d8559cc26002937d5d72 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-06T20:34:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Domicio Pereira da Costa JuniorDissertacao.pdf: 1369630 bytes, checksum: 4e4dd1f99195d8559cc26002937d5d72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / One of the main causes of loss in production Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in biofactories is the attack of a ectoparasitoid of larvae, the Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The production of Anagasta kuehniella eggs in a biofactory can be reduced by 69% due to the attack of this ectoparasitoid. What can totally destroy an creation of these insects. The aim of this study was to evaluate a new method of creating the moth-the-flour (Anagasta kuehniella), aimed at isolating the parasitoid Bracon hebetor and compare the production of the creation method, already used (conventional), with the production of proposed method (experimental). To this end, it used sulfite role in trying to isolate the parasitoid Bracon hebetor, of creating Anagasta kuehniella, which it obtained 100% efficiency, while all plots of conventional treatment were attacked. With regard to production, there was no significant difference in the production of adult and eggs of Anagasta kuehniella in both the treatments. Both methods were efficient in the production and productivity. The proposed method was considered the most efficient in this work by effectively isolating the said parasitoid attacks da mass rearing of insect host. / Uma das principais causas de perda na produção de Anagasta kuehniella (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), Traça-da-farinha, em biofábricas é o ataque de um ectoparasitoide de larvas, o Bracon hebetor (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). A produção de ovos de Anagasta kuehniella em uma biofábrica pode ser reduzida em 69% devido ao ataque deste ectoparasitoide, podendo chegar à destruição total da criação desse inseto. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar uma nova metodologia de criação da Traça-da-farinha (Anagasta Kuehniella) visando o isolamento do parasitoide Bracon hebetor e a comparação da produção entre o método de criação já utilizado (convencional) e o método proposto (experimental). Para tanto, foi utilizado papel Sulfite na tentativa de isolar o parasitoide Bracon hebetor frente à criação de Anagasta kuehniella, do qual se obteve 100% de eficiência, enquanto que todas as parcelas do tratamento convencional foram atacadas. Em relação à produção, não houve diferença significativa na produção de adultos e de ovos de Anagasta Kuehniella em ambos os tratamentos avaliados. Ambos os métodos foram considerados eficientes, quanto à produção e produtividade. O método proposto foi o mais eficiente neste trabalho por isolar com eficiência os ataques do referido parasitoide, da criação massal do hospedeiro.

Rough leucine auxotrophic strains of <i>Brucella</i> expressing <i>Salmonella</i> flagellin C conjugated gonadotropins, an immunocontraceptive brucellosis vaccine for feral swine population control

Waldrop, S. Grant January 2020 (has links)
Brucellosis, caused by Gram-negative bacteria of the genus <i>Brucella</i>, is a zoonotic disease with global impacts on human, livestock, and wildlife health. Around 500,000 cases of human brucellosis are reported by the World Health Organization annually. Even though brucellosis has been eradicated from domestic livestock in the United States of America, the causative bacterial pathogen is still present in elk, bison, and feral swine. With the growth of free-range farming, domestic livestock and wildlife populations come into close contact, spreading the disease. Feral swine interactions are of particular concern. They carry a number of zoonotic diseases including brucellosis. As there is no commercial vaccination protocol to prevent brucellosis in wildlife and swine, interactions with these populations are especially dangerous for public health. Feral swine population is increasing nationwide even with the current population control practices. There is an urgent need for efficient control of feral swine and preventing the spread of brucellosis. To aid in the prevention of the spread of feral swine across the USA, immunocontraceptives have been employed. Over the years several candidates have been tested, but the search for the perfect vaccine is still ongoing. The monumental task includes reversibly preventing one of life’s most basic necessities, reproduction, through an oral route with no effect on non-target species. One way that science is tackling both of these threats at once is through dual-purpose vaccines. Dual-purpose vaccines produce an immune response that targets two different pathogens, or in this case a pathogen and reproductive hormones. In the effort to produce this vaccine, more knowledge was needed in regards to <i>B. neotomae</i>. This dissertation showed that it has the ability to survive in a variety of cells from different species, in a similar manner to known virulent <i>Brucella</i> species. This is of concern when using <i>B. neotomae</i> as a vaccine, but it has also been shown that attenuated <i>B. neotomae</i> can provide protection against virulent <i>B. suis, B. abortus</i>, and <i>B. melitensis</i> challenge. This is a major finding in the effort towards a universal brucellosis vaccine. After genetic manipulation, cell culture assays, and mouse trials, several leucine auxotrophic <i>B. neotomae</i> and <i>B. abortus</i> strains show promise in the effort towards a dual-purpose vaccine. Strains of <i>B. neotomae</i> <i>ΔwboA ΔleuB</i> pNS4-trcD-fliC-Gonadotropins were discontinued in this effort towards a brucellosis immunocontraceptive dual-purpose vaccine due to lethality issues in mice. These stability and lethality issues are still under investigation. Instead, a proven stable strain of <i>B. abortus</i> RB51 (a USDA approved cattle vaccine) was used to investigate its effects on fertility in mice when expressing fliC-Gonadotropins. Strains <i>B. abortus</i> RB51 ΔleuB pNS4-trcD-fliC-porcineFSHβ (RB51LFSHβ) and <i>B. abortus</i> RB51 ΔleuB pNS4-trcD-fliC-GnRH (RB51LGnRH) confer reduced fertility characteristics in both male and female purpose bred mice. Strain RB51 ΔleuB has also been shown to protect against virulent <i>B. abortus</i> challenge in the literature. These findings warrant further investigation to determine the efficacy of these vaccine strains in swine as an oral vaccine. Ultimately, their ability to prevent brucellosis, while causing immunocontraception needs to be determined in feral swine. / Ph.D. / While brucellosis has been eradicated from domestic livestock in the United States, the causative agent is still present in wildlife like elk, bison, and feral swine. The interactions between these infected wildlife populations with domestic livestock and human populations pose a great health risk. Many tools are employed to mitigate these interactions including vaccination programs and population management. In particular, the feral swine population has proven difficult to control. It has quadrupled in the past ten years and continues to expand nationwide, making their population control an important national objective. Furthermore, feral swine are known carriers of zoonotic diseases, including hemorraghic colitis, leptospirosis, trichinosis, swine influenza, and brucellosis. Many cases of these diseases in humans have been traced back to interactions with feral swine. The current population control practices have failed to minimize the $1.5 billion of damage they cause to the agricultural industry per year. Thus, there is a need to effectively control the feral swine population and prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases like brucellosis. Rough leucine auxotrophic strains of <i>Brucella</i> expressing gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) or porcine follicle stimulating hormone beta subunit (FSH) conjugated to <i>Salmonella</i> fliC show promise. They have been shown to provide protection from virulent Brucella strain challenge and reduce fertility characteristics in mice. Their effectiveness as an immunocontraceptive for feral swine management, while reducing the spread of brucellosis needs to be tested in swine. These vaccine strains [<i>B. abortus</i> RB51 ΔleuB pNS4-trcD-fliC-porcineFSHβ (RB51LFSHβ), <i>B. abortus</i> RB51 ΔleuB pNS4-trcD-fliC-GnRH (RB51LGnRH) and <i>B. neotomae ΔwboA ΔleuB</i> pNS4-trcD-fliC-GnRH (BNWLGnRH)] could pave the way for effective novel immunocontraceptive tools to be used in wildlife management.

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