Spelling suggestions: "subject:"diorites"" "subject:"amorites""
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Porites astreoides Larval Response to Acute Salinity StressGonzalez Angel, Ana Maria 01 July 2013 (has links)
Coral reef biodiversity is threatened by rapidly changing anthropogenic activities and natural perturbations, leading to massive ecological and economic consequences ranging from the loss of fisheries to coastal erosion. It is necessary to understand corals responses to environmental changes in order to determine management programs on appropriate spatial and temporal scales to address these issues. Coral larvae are the product of sexual reproduction, have the potential to recruit to new areas, and are fundamental in maintaining genetic diversity. These larvae are subjected to variations in local environmental conditions until they settle, inducing specific larval molecular response patterns. One factor that influences coral health is salinity. Low salinities can alter cell homeostasis creating stress in cells. In the natural environment larvae may be exposed to low salinities due to heavy rainfall or run-off. This study investigated larvae responses to low salinity and characterized gene expression in the reef-building coral Porites astreoides using a coral stress-focused microarray. Nine batches of 250+ larvae from three different colonies were collected and immediately exposed in an acute hyposalinity experiment. Samples from two treatments of 25 and 30 ppt, and a control at 35 ppt were used in this study. After experimental exposure these samples were stored in RNAlater® and molecular analysis was performed. The RNA from the samples was extracted, purified and hybridized to a coral stress-focused microarray. Statistical analysis indicates 72 genes were differentially expressed across treatments (p<0.003, analysis of variance). The hierarchical cluster analysis groups together the larvae exposed to salinities of 30 and 35 ppt indicating both treatments induced similar patterns of gene expression. Larvae responses to 30 ppt are minimal, suggesting larvae can tolerate acute exposures to 30 ppt salinity levels. In contrast, the lower salinity (25 ppt) induced a strong response in both the coral and zooxanthellae. The coral larvae up-regulated stress response genes and down-regulated genes associated with normal cell functioning. Additionally, the zooxanthellae down-regulated genes associated with photosynthesis. These results suggest larvae may be vulnerable to bleaching, which may affect the ability of larvae to successfully undergo metamorphosis and survive at low salinities. However, this has yet to be confirmed with complementary techniques. Long-term studies are recommended to examine the effects of hyposalinity on larvae at different time scales and life history stages.
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Characterizations of the Major Coral Diseases of the Philippines: Ulcerative White Spot Disease and Novel Growth Anomalies of PoritesKaczmarsky, Longin T 09 November 2009 (has links)
Coral reefs are in decline worldwide and coral disease is a significant contributing factor. However, etiologies of coral diseases are still not well understood. In contrast with the Caribbean, extremely little is known about coral diseases in the Philippines. In 2005, off Southeast Negros Island, Philippines, I investigated relationships between environmental parameters and prevalence of the two most common coral diseases, ulcerative white spot (UWS) and massive Porites growth anomalies (MPGAs). Samples were collected along a disease prevalence gradient 40.5 km long. Principal component analyses showed prevalence of MPGAs was positively correlated with water column nitrogen, organic carbon of surface sediments, and colony density. UWS was positively correlated with water column phosphorus. This is the first quantitative evidence linking anthropogenically-impacted water and sediment to a higher prevalence of these diseases. Histological and cytological alterations were investigated by comparing tissues from two distinct types of MPGA lesions (types 1 and 2) and healthy coral using light and electron microscopy. Skeletal abnormalities and sloughing, swelling, thinning, and loss of tissues in MPGAs resembled tissues exposed to bacterial or fungal toxins. Both lesion types had decreases in symbiotic zooxanthellae, which supply nutrients to corals. Notable alterations included migrations of chromophore cells (amoebocytes) (1) nocturnally to outer epithelia to perform wound-healing, including plugging gaps and secreting melanin in degraded tissues, and (2) diurnally to the interior of the tissue possibly to prevent shading zooxanthellae in order to maximize photosynthate production. Depletion of melanin (active in wound healing) in type 2 lesions suggested type 2 tissues were overtaxed and less stable. MPGAs contained an abundance of endolithic fungi and virus-like particles, which may result from higher nutrient levels and play roles in disease development. Swollen cells and mucus frequently blocked gastrovascular canals (GVCs) in MPGAs. Type 1 lesions appeared to compensate for impeded flow of wastes and nutrients through these canals with proliferation of new GVCs, which were responsible for the observed thickened tissues. In contrast, type 2 tissues were thin and more degraded. Dysplasia and putative neoplasia were also observed in MPGAs which may result from the tissue regeneration capacity being overwhelmed.
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Metabolite Profiling of Red Sea CoralsOrtega, Alejandra 12 1900 (has links)
Looking at the metabolite profile of an organism provides insights into the metabolomic state of a cell and hence also into pathways employed. Little is known about the metabolites produced by corals and their algal symbionts. In particular, corals from the central Red Sea are understudied, but interesting study objects, as they live in one of the warmest and most saline environments and can provide clues as to the adjustment of corals to environmental change. In this study, we applied gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC–MS) metabolite profiling to analyze the metabolic profile of four coral species and their associated symbionts: Fungia granulosa, Acropora hemprichii, Porites lutea, and Pocillopora verrucosa. We identified and quantified 102 compounds among primary and secondary metabolites across all samples. F. granulosa and its symbiont showed a total of 59 metabolites which were similar to the 51 displayed by P. verrucosa. P. lutea and A. hemprichii both harbored 40 compounds in conjunction with their respective isolated algae. Comparing across species, 28 metabolites were exclusively present in algae, while 38 were exclusive to corals. A principal component and cluster analyses revealed that metabolite profiles clustered between corals and algae, but each species harbored a distinct catalog of metabolites. The major classes of compounds were carbohydrates and amino acids. Taken together, this study provides a first description of metabolites of Red Sea corals and their associated symbionts. As expected, the metabolites of coral hosts differ from their algal symbionts, but each host and algal species harbor a unique set of metabolites. This corroborates that host-symbiont species
pairs display a fine-tuned complementary metabolism that provide insights into the specific nature of the symbiosis. Our analysis also revealed aquatic pollutants, which suggests that metabolite profiling might be used for monitoring pollution levels and assessing environmental impact.
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Thresholds of Hypoxia for Red Sea CoralsAlva Garcia, Jacqueline Victoria 11 1900 (has links)
Over the last four decades, coral reefs have suffered a ~50% decline of across the tropics. Consequently, most research efforts have focused on the impacts of anthropogenic pressures on corals, including ocean warming, ocean acidification, and overfishing. However, recent discoveries indicate that coral reefs are becoming increasingly vulnerable to acute deoxygenation events, which can drive severe and widespread coral bleaching, and in some cases, mortality of corals and other reef organisms.
On unimpacted coral reefs, dissolved oxygen (DO) availability can vary between 50% and 200% air saturation, depending on the location, proximity to the open-ocean, and time of the day. During the daytime, Symbiodiniaceae spp. produce more O$_2$ than the coral host can consume, releasing excess O$_2$ to the surrounding tissues. However, at nighttime Symbiodiniaceae spp. cease O$_2$ production. Hence, corals may suffer to O$_2$ deprivation at nighttime when the photosynthesis ceases, and holobiont respiration consumes oxygen. To assess the O$_2$ thresholds and aftereffects of two Red Sea coral species: ${{P. lobata}}$ and ${{G. fascicularis}}$ corals were exposed to reduced DO concentrations. Coral fragments from both species were exposed to one control treatment (6.8 mg O$_2$ l$^{−1}$) and three reduced DO concentrations treatments (5.25 mg O$_2$ l$^{−1}$, 3.5 mg O$_2$ l$^{−1}$, and 1.25 mg O$_2$ l$^{−1}$). Experiments were held at a stable temperature (32°C ± 0.25) and stable pH levels (pH 8.2 ± 0.08).
Corals in these experiments displayed different thresholds to low O$_2$ concentrations. ${{P. lobata}}$ coral fragments didn’t exhibit any bleaching symptoms throughout complete experiment. However, ${{G. fascicularis}}$ fragments showed signs of bleaching after the third night of exposure to the low O$_2$ treatment (1.25 mg O$_2$ l$^{−1}$). Physiological variables such as maximum and effective photochemical efficiency, Chl ${{a}}$, cell density, and dark respiration experienced the lowest values under the low O$_2$ treatment for both species.
These results highlight the need for further experimental assessments of deoxygenation thresholds for corals across the globe. These assessments are of great importance to create better conservation strategies for the preservation of coral reefs.
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Rare Parthenogenic Reproduction in a Common Reef Coral, Porites astreoidesVollmer, Alicia A 26 January 2018 (has links)
Multiple stressors have caused a decline in coral populations. Broadcast spawning corals once dominated the Florida Reef Tract (FRT), but since their decline, smaller brooding corals, soft corals, and macroalgae are replacing them. Brooding corals are more resilient to current threats in part because they are reproductive throughout much of the year and their larvae are competent to settle after release. Despite the ubiquity of brooders on Florida reefs, much of their reproductive strategy remains unknown. This study aimed to examine paternity as a function of colony size and density in Porites astreoides, a common brooding coral in the FRT. Porites astreoides colonies were configured in arrays at three densities that were replicated three times. A focal colony was surrounded by six other colonies, separated from the focal colony at different distances (1m, 7m, and 15m) representing high, moderate, and low population densities, respectively. All arrays were placed in the field but were separated from the reef and naturally occurring P. astreoides colonies by at least 50 m. Four days before the new moon, colonies were transported to the laboratory for larval collection. Over a four day period, a total of 3,184 larvae were collected from 24 colonies, 13 of which released larvae over consecutive days. The resulting larvae were genotyped using seven microsatellite markers. All larvae had the exact genotypes of the colony from which the larvae were collected, i.e. maternal- egg donor. This suggested the larvae were parthenogenically produced and no sperm was used to fertilize the eggs. This is the first study to suggest that parthenogenesis is occurring in P. astreoides. In today's oceans that have been depleted of corals, parthenogenesis may be an advantageous reproductive strategy used to boost populations. However, parthenogenesis reduces the genetic diversity which could hinder successful sexual reproduction in the future causing fragmented populations.
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Gametogenesis and Spawning of Solenastrea bournoni and Stephanocoenia intersepta and the Fecundity of Four Common Transplanted Coral Species Offshore, Southeast Florida.Lueg, Jenna R. 01 August 2011 (has links)
Restoration efforts are being implemented in many of the world’s coral reefs due to damages from anthropogenic sources such as ship groundings and anchor damage. One restoration technique involves attempts to save dislodged and fragmented coral colonies by transplanting them back to damage sites. Research has shown that survivorship and growth of transplanted colonies is comparable to that of natural, control colonies. What remains unknown is to what extent transplantation affects the ecological success and reproduction of dislodged and fragmented coral colonies. The purpose of this study was twofold. Reproduction and spawning information is sparse for S. intersepta and Solenastrea bournoni, so the first purpose was to describe gamete development of these two species and assess correlations between environmental dynamics and spawning of each species. Tissue samples were collected throughout Broward County, Florida and processed for histological examination. Gametes were counted, and development was assessed. For S. intersepta and S. bournoni, late stage oocyte abundance was compared with environmental factors of mean daily water temperatures at depth, lunar phase, semidiurnal tides and solar insolation for correlative evidence to predict future spawning events. Findings indicated that both S. bournoni and S. intersepta are gonochoric broadcast spawners. Solenastrea bournoni spawns annually after the full moon in September when sea temperatures are at a maximum. Stephanocoenia intersepta spawns annually after the full moon of August or September, depending on the timing of the full moon. The second purpose was to determine if previously transplanted Porites astreoides, Montastraea cavernosa, Siderastrea siderea and Stephanocoenia intersepta corals produce gametes and spawn similarly to naturally occurring colonies and to address the issue of transplantation as a suitable resource management tool to aid in reef recovery for future coral generations. Results indicated no significant difference in fecundity between transplants and controls of M. cavernosa, S. siderea or S. intersepta. A significant difference was found in fecundity between P. astreoides transplants and controls, but it is thought that it is due to a difference in depth of collected samples. Overall, this study shows that transplantation of coral colonies after damage and fragmentation events does not have adverse effects on the long-term fecundity of coral colonies.
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Histology and Ultrastructure of Montastraea cavernosa and Porites astreiodes During Regeneration and Recruitment: Anthropogenic Stressors and Transplant SuccessRenegar, Dorothy-Ellen A. 01 April 2015 (has links)
Corals combine photosynthesis and calcification in an intricate and delicately balanced relationship to form large biomineralized structures that are dominant features of tropical coastlines worldwide. Coral reefs have great scientific and economic importance but have recently experienced widespread decline attributed to increasing anthropogenic pressure on reef systems. Physical damage events, such as ship groundings, when coupled with existing nutrient stress and changing global climate present a poor outlook for successful natural recovery of reef communities. The main goal of the proposed research is to better understand how environmental factors, both local and global, affect the coral holobiont and influence overall coral fitness.
The target species of this research, Montastraea cavernosa and Porites astreoides, are important and widespread Caribbean reef-builders. While it has been shown that nutrient and pCO2 stress affect coral growth and calcification, study of specific effects on coral tissue and reproductive success has not received significant attention in the literature despite considerable current interest. This study addresses this data gap in quantitatively examining the effect of elevated nutrients and pCO2 on 1) P. astreoides recruit survivorship, development, early calcification, and symbiotic zooxanthellae morphology; 2) M. cavernosa and P. astreoides wound regeneration, tissue characteristics over time at the histological and ultrastructural level, and trends in symbiotic zooxanthellae morphology; and 3) survival, growth and histological/ultrastructural characteristics of M. cavernosa and P. astreoides fragments transplanted to the field and in the laboratory. Histological and ultrastructural observations from corals transplanted to the field are then compared to ex-situ laboratory experimental corals.
In the fleshy and large-polyped faviid M. cavernosa, healing of a linear wound was characterized by granulation of new tissue across the wound site, facilitated by coalescent granular amoebocytes. The wound healing strategy of this species appears to progress with wound closure and re-epithelialization before calcification resumes, as actively calcifying calicodermis was generally not observed at the healing front. Tissue regeneration in the small-polyped P. astreoides was characterized by formation of multiple islands of eosinophilic healing fronts along the depth of the wound track, and an accumulation of granular amoebocyte cells in regenerating tissue. The wound healing strategy of this species appeared to result in re-epithelialization of exposed body wall without necessarily closing the wound.
Elevated pCO2 significantly reduced survivorship in P. astreoides recruits, and both nutrient enrichment and elevated pCO2 significantly reduced wound regeneration rate in M. cavernosa and P. astreoides. In both species, phosphate enrichment had the greatest deleterious effect on wound repair. A significant application of this study is the identification of possible zooxanthellar morphological indices of elevated nutrients and ocean acidification. The similarity in starch, lipid and uric acid accumulation patterns in Symbiodinium sp. from P. astreoides recruits and coral fragments of both species indicate a correlation between these anthropogenic stressors and the intracellular accumulation of excess carbon and nitrogen by the symbiont. Zooxanthellar carbon accumulation, in the form of starch and/or lipid, was the greatest under elevated nitrate. Zooxanthellar nitrogen accumulation, in the form of uric acid, was the greatest under elevated CO2.
Comparison of zooxanthellar metrics between the field corals (P. astreoides, and M. cavernosa) and ex-situ corals and recruits indicated that carbon accumulation in Symbiodinium from field corals was consistently significantly less than in the ex-situ experimental P. astreoides recruits and M. cavernosa fragments exposed to elevated nitrate. This indicates that the field corals were likely not exposed to elevated nitrate at the time of collection. Both M. cavernosa and P. astreoides adults in the field accumulated significantly less uric acid than their counterparts in the tissue repair experiment, indicating that the field corals were exposed to higher pH and lower CO2 than the ex-situ corals. These results suggest that the field corals were not exposed to nutrient concentration profiles similar to the experimental treatments, particularly elevated nitrate. However, histological metrics indicated that the transplanted corals were subjected to increasing sedimentation stress over time. Overall, nitrate was found to affect recruits and adults on a similar scale, while phosphate and pCO2 affected carbon and nitrogen storage more in recruits compared to adults. While nutrients and pCO2 had no mechanistic effect on regeneration at histological level, ultrastructural metrics indicate an impact on the mutualistic energy exchange between the symbiotic partners, partially decoupling symbiosis. Effects were generally found to be greater in P. astreoides compared to M. cavernosa, and the unique life history strategy of the subject species and differences in their endosymbiont physiology reveal distinct responses to elevated nutrients and pCO2. Although the laboratory findings were not necessarily applicable to field observations, they provide insight into factors that may influence fragment success in the field. Quantitative assessment of the effect of elevated nutrients and pCO2 is thus useful in management decisions involving water quality standards, and is essential in the prediction of future coral condition and resilience.
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Effects of 17 β-estradiol and Progesterone on Acropora cervicornis and Porites astreoides Growth and ReproductionStocker, Joshua L. 06 December 2016 (has links)
Reef-building coral populations throughout the world are being threatened by numerous stressors and continue to decline. As potent endocrine-disrupting compounds, exogenous sex steroid contamination has been a largely overlooked stressor to corals. Previous research indicates these compounds are prevalent in marine environments, fluctuate annually along with reproductive cycles, can bioaccumulate, and have had variable effects on growth and reproduction in several cnidarian species. This project had three primary objectives: (1) establish environmental estradiol and progesterone concentrations in Broward County and lower Florida Keys reef environments, (2) conduct 17 β-estradiol and progesterone larval assays on P. astreoides larvae to determine the effects of these compounds on settlement and viability, and (3) conduct 17 β-estradiol and progesterone dosing experiments on adult Acropora cervicornis and Porites astreoides fragments to determine the effects on growth, zooxanthellae, reproduction, and overall tissue health. Estradiol was detected in surface and at-depth water samples from Broward County and lower Keys reef sites at effect level concentrations for marine organisms. Broward County larvae treated with low progesterone (5 ng/L) had decreased survival, while lower Keys larvae in low estradiol treatments (1 ng/L) had increased on-disc settlement. No other treatment effects were observed, however, lower Keys larvae had greater overall survival in comparison to Broward County larvae. There were no significant differences between estradiol and progesterone treatments in the adult-dosing experiment for growth, zooxanthellae density, reproduction, and overall tissue health. This is the first study to detect estradiol at Broward County reefs sites and our results, while inconclusive, indicate these compounds may have the potential to affect coral reef ecosystems.
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Physiological Adaptations in Hawaiian Corals to Global Climate ChangeMcLachlan, Rowan H. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Variable Recovery of the Massive Coral, Porites Lobata, in Response to El Nino-Southern Oscillation Events at Devil's Crown, Galapagos, EcuadorPaul, Nicole Christine 21 December 2012 (has links)
Porites lobata is an important reef building coral in the tropical eastern Pacific and the dominant Porites species in the Galápagos archipelago. Following the 1982-83 El Niño-Southern Oscillation the Galápagos Islands experienced 97-99% coral mortality, leaving many areas throughout the archipelago denuded of corals. Because very few long term assessments have been conducted on the growth and resilience of P. lobata to natural disturbances in the Galápagos Islands (Glynn et al., 2001; Glynn et al., 2009), benthic surveys were performed on a uniquely dense aggregation of P. lobata colonies at Devil’s Crown, Floreana Island between 1993 and 2011. Annual changes in live tissue area were calculated for the majority of the population (n=17) using Coral Point Count with Excel extensions (CPCe 3.6) software to determine growth and recovery trends for this aggregation. Total live tissue area (n=10) increased from 1993 to 2011, however due to high interannual variability this increase was not significant. Within this overall pattern, a general trend of decline was observed in live tissue cover from 1993 to 2000, with increases in tissue area observed from 2000 to 2011. Severe bleaching (85-100%) was observed during the 1998 survey, followed by 42% tissue loss (n=10), coinciding with sea water warming associated with the very strong 1997-1998 El Niño-Southern Oscillation event. Subsequent regrowth of coral tissue was observed during the 2001 survey with continued recovery through 2009. Multiple comparison testing revealed a significant difference between the impacted state (1999) and the recovered state (2009), (p = 0.002, Dunn’s method, n=17), suggesting this aggregation required a period of ten years to recover from this disturbance. During this recovery period the moderately strong 2007-2008 La Niña, with accompanying stressful low temperatures, occurred but did not interrupt tissue regrowth. Warmer than average sea surface temperatures occurred during the warm months from 2008 to 2011, during which time a cool period occurred from 2010 to 2011. While the magnitude and duration of temperature anomalies during warming were not as great as those observed during the 1997-98 ENSO, low temperatures observed during the cool period were similar to those experienced throughout the 2007-08 La Niña. During this time total live tissue cover was reduced by 19% (n=10); however it is unknown whether this was due to warming or the following cool period. Based on results from the 1997-98 El Niño and 2007-08 La Niña, this reduction in live tissue was most likely caused by elevated sea surface temperatures. Data on the growth and resilience of P. lobata populations at Devil’s Crown will be used for conservation and management of this important resource.
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