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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementeringen av IFRS och dess påverkan på gränsöverskridande kapitalflöden : En kvantitativ undersökning av sambanden mellan redovisningsstandarder och nivåer av utländska investeringar, utländska lån, samt utländska portföljinvesteringar

Blomqvist, Dag, Theodoridis, Shlemoun January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates how the mandatory adoption of the international reporting standards IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) for publicly listed companies affect countries’ levels of in- and outflow of cross-border capital. The continued harmonization of financial reporting standards on an international level is bringing up questions regarding supposed benefits of their implementation. These benefits cover areas such as increased accessibility of external financing, lower costs of capital, greater opportunities to receive a loan with longer terms, and the perceived improvements to the quality and transparency of annual reports. These factors, along with others, are driving forces as to why countries should experience changes in cross-border flows of capital when they officially adopt IFRS. It is this study’s goal to establish differences and relationships between different components of the international flow of capital and the aforementioned adoption. In this study the components are represented by the dependent variables; foreign direct investment inflow, foreign direct investment outflow, foreign portfolio investment, foreign loans as well as loans that are given to other countries. To analyse differences caused in these values by the adoption, paired t-tests are performed on data consisting of 2 360 observations from 59 countries during the period of 2001-2019. In addition, 42 countries from the continent of Asia are investigated during the period of 2013-2019 with several multiple regression analyses to determine relationships, in this case the data consisted of 4 410 observations. The paired t-tests exhibited statistically significant increases in all variables as of the adoption while the multiple regressions analyses resulted in only one out of five variables having a significant relationship with the event, that variable being foreign direct investment outflow. The results put to question previous studies successful attempts to show significant positive relationships between adoption and countries’ levels of foreign direct investment inflow, foreign portfolio investment, foreign loans and loans given to other countries. The result also has implications for further research in regard to choice of controlling variables as well as method of data collection. / Denna studie undersöker hur den obligatoriska implementeringen av de internationella redovisningsstandarderna IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) för börsnoterade företag påverkar länders in- och utgående flöden av gränsöverskridande kapital. Den fortsatta harmoniseringen av redovisningsstandarder på internationell nivå tar upp frågor gällande implementeringens påstådda fördelar. Fördelar som implementering av IFRS leder till täcker områden såsom ökad tillgänglighet av extern finansiering, lägre kapitalkostnader, större möjligheter att ta ut lån med längre löptider, och att årsredovisningar upplevs få bättre kvalitet och bli mer transparenta. Ovanstående faktorer m.fl. utgör grunden till varför länder borde uppleva förändringar i gränsöverskridande kapitalflöden i och med implementering av redovisningsstandarderna. Det är denna studies mål att etablera skillnader och samband mellan olika beståndsdelar av det internationella kapitalflödet och denna implementering. De beståndsdelarna representeras i denna studie av de fem olika beroende variablerna; ingående utländsk investering, utgående utländsk investering, utländsk portföljinvestering, utländska lån samt lån som delas ut till andra länder. För att undersöka ifall skillnader uppstår i dessa värden i och med implementering utförs parade t-test på ett dataunderlag av 2 360 antal observationer tagna från 59 länder under perioden 2001–2019. Dessutom undersöks 42 länder i kontinenten Asien under perioden 2013–2019 med multipla regressionsanalyser för att påvisa samband, datan i detta fall uppgick till 4 410 stycken observationer. T-testen visade på statistiskt signifikanta ökningar i alla variabler i och med implementeringen av IFRS medan de multipla regressionsanalyserna resulterade i att endast en av de fem olika variablerna, nämligen utgående utländsk investering, hade ett signifikant positivt samband med händelsen. Resultaten problematiserar tidigare studier som föreslår att det existerar signifikanta positiva samband mellan implementering och länders nivåer av ingående utländsk investering, utländsk portföljinvestering, utländska lån och lån som delas ut till andra länder. Undersökningen har även implikationer för framtida undersökningars val av kontrollvariabler och datainsamlingsmetod.

International capital inflows in emerging markets: the role of institutions

Nxumalo, Immaculate Simiso 08 1900 (has links)
The primary objective of this study was to examine the broader impact of institutional quality on enhancing foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign portfolio investment (FPI) inflows in a sample of twelve emerging market economies for the period 2007 to 2017. We specifically sought to answer questions related to the key drivers of FDI and FPI inflows into emerging markets, with a particular emphasis on the role played by institutional quality factors. We further sought to interrogate the long-run and causal relationships between the key variables of FDI, FPI and institutional quality, in respect of the sample of emerging markets. The study employed the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) to construct a composite index for institutional quality composed of the six Worldwide Governance Indicators. Various other econometric models were applied, including the dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) model, the panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model for dynamic heterogeneous panels, and the panel vector error correction model (VECM). The results revealed that FDI in the selected emerging markets was, in the main, attracted by economic growth and institutional quality. Institutional quality, economic rowth and capital account openness were positive determinants of FPI inflows; however, stock market development stood out as the foremost determinant factor. In addition to finding long-run, cointegrating relationships between the key variables, it emerged that there was bi-directional causality between FDI and FPI, as well as between FDI and institutional quality in the long run. Despite the latter findings, the results further suggested that the long-run relationship between the two foreign capital inflows, i.e. FDI and FPI, was more of a substitutability or trade-off nature in our sample of emerging markets. In light of these findings, we recommended that it would be in the best interests of these emerging markets if the responsible policymakers continued to liberalise these economies. Further, it was shown that in order to attract inward international capital flows, financial liberalisation should be coupled with the strengthening of the domestic institutional environment.Strengthening institutions could curtail the persistence of institutional weaknesses and insulate emerging market economies from the adverse effects of volatile capital flows, and in the long-run enhance international capital inflows. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwaye kuwukuhlola umthelela obanzi kwizinga leziko ekuqiniseni uhlelo lokutshalwa ngqo kwezimali ezweni langaphandle (foreign direct investment; FDI) kanye nemali engena mayelana nokuthengwa kwamagugu (shares, stocks and bonds) angenisa imali ezweni elingaphandle (foreign portfolio investment; FPI) kwizimakethe zamazwe eziyishumi nambili esikhathini esiphakathi kuka 2007 ukufika ku 2017. Empeleni besifuna ukuphendula imibuzo emayelana nezikhwezeleli ezisemqoka eziheha uhlelo lwe-FDI kanye ne-FPI ezimakethe ezifufusayo, ikakhulu kugxilwe kwindima edlalwa yizinto ezihlobene nezinga leziko. Siqhubekela phambili nokuphenya izinhlobo zobudlelwano besikhathi esinde kanye nobudlelwano obuyimbangela phakathi kwamavarebuli asemqoka e-FDI, i-FPI kanye nezinga leziko, mayelana nesampuli yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Ucwaningo lusebenzise uhlelo lwe-Principal Components Analysis (PCA) ukwakha imvange yezinkomba ukwenzela izinga leziko eliqukethe izinkomba eziyisithupha ezibizwa phecelezi nge-Worldwide Governance Indicators. Amanye amamodeli alinganisa ezomnotho asetshenzisiwe, kuxutshwa phakathi idatha yamaphaneli eguquguqukayo ebizwa nge-dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) model, uhlelo lwe-panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model ukwenzela amaphaneli ahlukahlukene futhi aguquguqukayo, kanye nohlelo lwe-panel vector error correction model (VECM). Imiphumela iveze ukuthi i-FDI ezimakethe ezikhethiwe ezisafufusa, esikhathini esiningi, iye yahehwa ukuhluma komnotho kanye nezinga leziko. Izinga leziko, ukuhluma komnotho kanye nokuvuleka kwe-akhawunti yemali bekuyizinto eziyizinkomba ezinhle zokungena kwe-FPI; yize-kunjalo, ukuthuthukiswa kwemakethe yesitoko kuvele kwagqama ngaphezulu njengenkomba ekhombisayo. Ukwengeza phezu kolwazi olutholakele esikhathini esinde, ukuhlangana kobudlelwano obuphakathi kwamavarebuli asemqoka, kuye kwavela ukuthi kwakunezimbangela ezikhomba izindlela ezimbili zokungena kwezimali ezitshalwa ngaphandle, zona yilezi i-FDI kanye nezinga leziko esikhathini esinde. Naphezu kolwazi olutholakele kamuva, imiphumela iqhubeka nokuphakamisa ukuthi ubudlelwano besikhathi eside obuphakathi kwezinhlelo zokutshalwa kwezimali ezivela emazweni angaphandle, lezo zinhlelo yilezi, i-FDI kanye ne-FPI, bezingendlela ikakhulukazi yokushintshana/yokumisela noma yokushintshelana ngokuhweba kwisampuli yethu 5 yezimakethe ezisafufusayo. Mayelana nalolu lwazi olutholakele, sincome ukuthi kuzohambisana nokuthandwa yilezi zimakethe ezisafufusa uma ngabe abenzi bemigomo ababandakanyekayo baqhubeke nokususa izihibe zomnotho kula mazwe asafufusa. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kuye kwavezwa ukuthi ukuze kuhehwe izimali zamazwe angaphandle, uhlelo lokususwa kwezihibe zomnotho lufanele luhambisane nokuqiniswa kwesizinda esiyiziko lasekhaya. Ukuqiniswa kwamaziko kungaqeda isimo esintengayo seziko futhi kungasusa izimakethe zamazwe asafufusayo kwisimo esingagculisi sezimali ezingenayo, kanti esikhathini eside lokhu kungaqinisa ukutshalwa ukungena kwezimali ezivela emzaweni angaphandle / Maikemisetso magolo a thutopatlisiso eno e ne e le go tlhatlhoba ditlamorago ka bophara tsa boleng jwa ditheo mo go tokafatseng keleloteng ya dipeeletso tsa tlhamalalo tsa kwa dinageng tse dingwe (FDI) le dipeeletso tsa dipotefolio tsa kwa dinageng tse dingwe (FPI) mo sampoleng ya diikonomi tse somepedi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo pakeng ya 2007 go fitlha 2017. Re ne re totile go araba dipotso tse di malebana le ditsamaisi tsa botlhokwa tsa keleloteng ya FDI le FPI mo mebarakeng e e tlhagelelang, go lebeletswe thata seabe sa dintlha tsa boleng jwa ditheo. Gape re ne re lebeletse go tlhotlhomisa go nna sebaka se se telele le sebako sa dikamano magareng ga dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa tsa FDI, FPI le boleng jwa ditheo, malebana le sampole ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse Tokololo ya Dintlha tsa Botlhokwa (PCA) go aga tshupane ya dikarolo ya boleng jwa ditheo e e nang le Disupi di le thataro tsa Lefatshe lotlhe tsa Bolaodi. Go dirisitswe gape dikao tse dingwe tse di farologaneng tsa ikonometiriki, go akarediwa sekao sa dynamic panel data generalised method of moments (GMM) sa data ya phanele e e farologaneng, sekao sa panel autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) sa diphanele tse di farologaneng le sekao sa panel vector error correction (VECM). Dipholo di senotse gore FDI mo mebarakeng e e tlhophilweng e e tlhagelelang e ne tota e ngokiwa ke kgolo ya ikonomi le boleng jwa ditheo. Boleng jwa ditheo, kgolo ya ikonomi le go bulega ga akhaonto ya kapitale e nnile diswetsi tse di siameng tsa keleloteng ya FPI; fela tlhabololo ya mebaraka ya setoko e tlhageletse jaaka ntlha e e kwa pele e e swetsang. Go tlaleletsa mo go fitlheleleng botsalano jwa pakatelele le jo bo kopanang jwa dipharologantsho tsa botlhokwa, go tlhageletse gore go na le go sebako sa dintlhapedi magareng ga FDI le FPI gammogo le magareng ga FDI le boleng jwa ditheo mo pakeng e e telele. Le fa go ntse go na le diphitlhelelo tse di kailweng la bofelo, dipholo gape di tshitshinya gore botsalano jwa paka e e telele magareng ga keleloteng ya kapitale ya kwa ntle k.g.r. FDI le FPI ke jwa mofuta wa go emisetsa se sengwe ka se sengwe mo sampoleng ya rona ya mebaraka e e tlhagelelang. Ka ntlha ya diphitlhelelo tseno, re atlenegisa gore go tlaa bo go le mo dikgatlhegelong tsa mebaraka eno e e tlhagelelang gore ba ba rweleng maikarabelo a go dira dipholisi ba ka tswelela go repisa diikonomi tseno. Mo godimo ga moo, go bonagetse gore go ngokela kelelo e e tsenang ya kapitale ya boditšhabatšhaba, go repisiwa ga merero ya ditšhelete go tshwanetse ga tsamaisiwa le maatlafatso ya tikologo ya ditheo tsa 7 selegae. Go maatlafatsa ditheo go ka fedisa go tswelela pele ga makoa a ditheo le go sireletsa diikonomi tsa mebaraka e e tlhagelelang mo ditlamoragong tse di maswe tsa dikelelo tse di maswe tsa kapitale, mme kwa bokhutlong, go tokafadiwe kelelo ya kapitale ya boditšhabatšhaba / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Financial Management)

Mezinárodní dohody o ochraně investic a právo Evropské unie / International Investment Agreements and European Union Law

Fecák, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
The relationship between international investment agreements and EU law has attracted increased attention in past few years. The aim of this thesis is to bring a detailed analysis of various aspects of this complicated relationship. In attainment of this aim it proceeds in the following steps. After a short introduction (Chapter I.), Chapter II. briefly overviews typical content of bilateral investment treaties, following with a more detailed analysis of relevant EU law rules concerning foreign investment and subsequent comparison of both sets of rules. Chapter III. deals with investment agreements to be concluded by the EU, in particular with questions of external competence for foreign investment, responsibility for breaches of investment agreements concluded by the EU and the future shape of EU investment policy. The status of existing bilateral investment treaties concluded between EU member states and third countries is analyzed in Chapter IV. Chapter V. tackles various issues related to investment treaties concluded between member states (so called intra-EU BITs).

Investiční politika Evropské unie - ochrana přímých zahraničních investic / Investment Policy of the European Union - protection of foreign direct investment

Štamberk, David January 2017 (has links)
Investment Policy of the European Union - protection of foreign direct investment Abstract One of the changes brought about by the Lisbon Treaty is the explicit inclusion of foreign direct investment and its protection in the common commercial policy of the European Union. This is one of the areas of exclusive competence of the EU. The European Union has subsequently stated negotiating bilateral agreements governing, inter alia, investment issues. However, it has not been spared from controversy and negative publicity that has been accompanying especially the TTIP and the CETA. This work aims to analyse the investment policy of the EU and mutual interaction of its institutions with the Member States and third parties. After general introduction to the topic of international investment law and EU law (chapters II. and III.), it is devoted to the issue of protection of foreign investment in the internal market. Its regime is then compared with the BIT regime (chapter IV.). Attention is then focussed towards the EU's external relations in the field of investment protection. Its competence is subjected to further analysis (chapter V.) and current results of efforts of the Commission and the EU as such are also discussed (chapter VI.). It is so in the light of possible impacts of foreign investment in terms of...

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