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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reidratação de cimento de alto forno: análise e otimização por técnicas combinadas de caracterização. / Rehydration of blast furnace slag cement: analysis and optimization by combined characterization techniques.

Raphael Baldusco da Silva 08 June 2018 (has links)
Os finos de resíduos cimentícios (previamente hidratados) podem ser reciclados através de tratamento térmico, tornando-se um ligante alternativo. Quando tratados termicamente em temperaturas inferiores a 550ºC, o processo não gera emissões de CO2 relativas à descarbonatação do calcário. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo reativar o cimento Portland de alto forno (CP III) previamente hidratado, desidratando-o em temperatura de 500°C com patamar de 2h e reidratando-o com teores de água e de dispersante variados. Inicialmente foram realizadas caracterizações a fim de comparar as características físico-químicas do cimento desidratado com o cimento anidro. Posteriormente, foram analisadas as transformações de fases observadas com a hidratação, desidratação e reidratação do cimento. A segunda parte do estudo foi de otimização das pastas reidratadas e hidratadas, onde foram definidas condições ideais de dispersão, com a saturação ideal de dispersantes e teores mínimos de água resultado em pastas com volume de poros menores e consequentemente resistências mais elevadas. Os resultados obtidos comprovaram que o cimento desidratado se reidrata e forma fases similares às fases formadas na hidratação, como C-S-H, portlandita, hidrotalcita, etc. O cimento de alto forno carbonata mais do que o cimento Portland (CP V). Devido à área superficial elevada (14 vezes superior ao do cimento anidro), o cimento desidratado libera calor de molhagem elevado, consequencia da recombinação da água com as fases desidratadas. Observou-se ainda que, é possível controlar a resistência à compressão da pasta reidratada, otimizando o volume de poros presentes nas pastas. As resistências das pastas reidratadas com dispersante aos 28 dias foram 2,37 vezes maiores quando comparados com sistemas aglomerados. Com relação a porosidade, há indícios que é possível obter níveis de porosidade para as pastas reidratadas semelhantes com a pasta hidratada. / The fines of cementitious wastes (previously hydrated) can be recycled through heat treatment, becoming an alternative binder. When heat treated at temperatures below 550°C, the process does not generate CO2 emissions relative to limestone decarbonation. The objective of this research was to reactivate the previously hydrated Portland cement (CP III), dehydrating it at a temperature of 500°C with a 2-hours plateau and rehydrating it with varying water and dispersant contents. Characterization was initially performed to compare the physicochemical characteristics of dehydrated cement (DC) with anhydrous cement (AC). Subsequently, the AC-HP phase transformations for DC-RP were analyzed. The second part of the study was the optimization of rehydrated (RP) and hydrated (HP) pastes, where ideal dispersion conditions were defined, with optimum dispersant and water minimum contents, resulting in pastes with smaller pore volumes and consequently more compressive strength high. The results confirm that the DC rehydrates and forms phases similar to the phases formed in the hydration, such as C-S-H, portlandite, hydrotalcite, etc. The blast furnace cement carbonate more than Portland cement (no additions). Due to the high surface area (14 times higher than that of the AC), the DC releases high wetting heat, due to the recombination of the water with the dehydrated phases. It was also observed that it is possible to control the compressive strength of the rehydrated paste by optimizing the pore volume present in the pastes. The strengths of dispersed pastes with additives at 28 days were 2.37 times higher when compared to agglomerated systems. With respect to porosity, there are indications that it is possible to obtain porosity levels for the similar rehydrated pastes with the hydrated paste.

Estudo do comportamento de argamassas colantes com aditivação de látex acrílico. / Study of behavior of dry set mortar modified with acrylic latex.

Matsusato, Marcelo 24 July 2007 (has links)
Os revestimentos cerâmicos aderidos têm grandes vantagens estéticas e funcionais e seu emprego no mercado nacional vem sendo crescente, sobretudo com o uso de placas de porcelanato. Essas vantagens somente se concretizam com uma adequada durabilidade e vida útil, o que não vem ocorrendo com esses revestimentos aplicados em bases sujeitas a deformações e ou movimentações, como o caso de fachadas. Como camada de ligação entre o substrato e a placa cerâmica, as argamassas colantes apresentam papel fundamental para o revestimento cerâmico, tais como: suportar deformações e ou movimentações diferenciais, apresentar resistência mecânica duradoura e ter capacidade de aderir com segurança em qualquer substrato e placa cerâmica. O objetivo desse trabalho foi de estudar o comportamento de argamassas colantes com a aditivação de látex acrílico. Foi realizado um estudo experimental comparativo entre argamassas colantes monocomponentes e argamassas colantes aditivadas com látex acrílico. Para verificar o comportamento que essa aditivação proporciona, foram realizados ensaios de resistência de aderência, flexibilidade, resistência à compressão, resistência à tração na flexão com determinação de módulo de deformação e tempo em aberto com placas de porcelanato. Os resultados mostraram de uma forma geral que a aditivação de argamassas colantes proporcionam aumento significativo na flexibilidade. Ocorre melhora na resistência de aderência, resistência à compressão e resistência à tração na flexão e também na capacidade de absorver deformações com o aumento do teor de polímero/argamassa. A aderência em placas de baixa porosidade como o porcelanato é melhorada e o tempo em aberto de laboratório também é estendido para as argamassas modificadas com látex. / The directed adhere ceramic tiles has aesthetic and functional advantages, and its use in the national market is increasing specially with the use along with porcelain tile. These advantages can only be seen though, if the system has adequate durability and service live, which doesn\'t happen once it is applied on irreversible or cyclic movement basis as building façades. As the clingy layer between the ceramic tile and the substrate, the tile adhesives have fundamental importance for the directed adhered ceramic tile, working on deformation and movements support capability, long-term durability mechanic resistance and safety and reliability to adhere on all type of substrates and ceramic tile. The purpose of this work was to study the behavior of dry set mortar modified with acrylic latex. An experimental study has been done, comparing dry set mortar to acrylic latex Portland cement mortar. To verify the behavior that the latex provides, the following tests were realized: tensile bond adhesion, deformability, compressive strength and tensile strength with deformation modulus and open time with porcelain tile. The results showed in general, that the latex improved the flexibility of dry set mortar and the improvement of the tensile adhesion, compressive and tensile strength and deformability capacity by increasing the polymer/mortar content. The adhesion and open time in porcelain tile has been improved with latex Portland cement mortar.

Painéis de partículas homogêneas cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada / Particle-panels homogeneous cement bonded-bagasse cured by accelerated carbonation.

Cabral, Matheus Roberto 08 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo produzir e avaliar o desempenho de painéis de partículas homogêneas de cimento-bagaço de cana-de-açúcar curados por carbonatação acelerada. Para atingir os resultados foram realizados ensaios de caracterizações morfológica e físico-química das partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar, bem como ensaio de termometria para identificar a compatibilidade da matéria prima (bagaço) com o cimento. Os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço produzidos foram submetidos a dois processos de cura distintos: 1- cura por 48 h em câmara climática, seguida por 24 h em ambiente com concentração de 15% ±0.6 de CO2, seguida por 24 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar; 2- cura em câmara climática por 48 h, seguida por 25 dias em ambiente saturado ao ar. Ao final dos 28 dias de cura e após ensaio de envelhecimento acelerado de imersão e secagem foram realizadas as caracterizações físico-mecânicas seguindo as recomendações das normativas DIN: 310; 322 e 323, bem como caracterização microestrutural e de condutividade térmica do painel de partículas cimento-bagaço. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que os painéis de partículas cimento-bagaço curados por carbonatação acelerada apresentaram melhor desempenho físico-mecânico quando comparados aos painéis não carbonatados, pois a carbonatação melhorou a interface entre as partículas e a matriz cimentícia, proporcionando maior adesividade entre as fases. E, além disso, reduziu o pH do meio alcalino em que as partículas de bagaço de cana-de-açúcar estão inseridas, minimizando o processo de degradação da lignina, celulose e hemicelulose. / The present study aimed to produce and evaluate the performance of homogeneous particles of cement panels-bagasse-sugar cured by accelerated carbonation. To achieve the results tests were carried out morphological and physical-chemical characterization of particles of bagasse of sugar cane, as well as Thermal-test to identify the compatibility of the raw material (bagasse) with cement. The particle cement-bagasse produced were subjected to two different curing processes: 1-cure for 48 h in climate Chamber, followed by 24 h in environment with concentration of 15% ± 0.6, followed by 24 days in saturated air environment; 2-cure in climate Chamber for 48 h, followed by 25 days in saturated air environment. At the end of the 28 days of curing and after accelerated aging test of soaking and drying were realized the physical-mechanical characterizations according the recommendations of the DIN standards: 310; 322 and 323, as well as micro-structural characterization and thermal conductivity of Particleboard bagasse-cement. The results obtained indicated that the particle bagasse-cement cured by accelerated carbonation presented physical-mechanical performance better than compared with non-carbonated panels because the carbonation has improved the interface between the particles and the cementitious matrix, providing greater adhesion between phases. In addition, reduced the pH of the alkaline medium in which the particles of bagasse of sugar cane are inserted, minimizing the process of degradation of lignin, cellulose and hemicellulose.

Avaliação macroscópica e microscópica do cimento Portland comum - CP I e do cimento Portland branco não estrutural - CPB incluídos na calvária de ratos / Macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of Portland Cement Joint - CP I and the Portland Cement White not structural - CPB included in the skull of rats

Simões, Fabiano Geronasso 21 January 2009 (has links)
Os biomateriais podem ser definidos como substâncias de origem natural ou sintética que são tolerados de forma transitória ou permanente pelos diversos tecidos que constituem os órgãos dos seres vivos. Dentre esses biomateriais podemos citar o Agregado de Trióxido Mineral (ATM), que foi desenvolvido na Universidade de Loma Linda na década de 90. Desde então, não cessaram trabalhos de pesquisa envolvendo esse material e o Cimento Portland (CP); que embora não seja um material de uso odontológico direto, pode-se afirmar que possui basicamente os mesmos componentes químicos do ATM. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a biocompatibilidade do cimento Portland comum (CP-I) e do cimento Portland branco (CPB) não estrutural, incluídos na calvária de ratos. Foram selecionados vinte ratos, dois foram previamente utilizados como grupo piloto; os dezoito restantes foram distribuídos em três grupos de seis ratos que avaliados nos tempos experimentais de 30, 60, 90 dias foram mortos para análise histopatológica. Cada animal recebeu um implante, sendo três de Cimento Portland Comum (CP-I) e três de Cimento Portland Branco (CPB). Os resultados mostraram que não houve conseqüências de uma proliferação microbiológica em nenhum dos cimentos e tempos pesquisados. Observou-se tecido conjuntivo denso, celular e ricamente vascularizado. Também foi visualizado uma matriz óssea recém formada, adjacente aos osteoblastos ativos e que não estava ainda calcificada; apresentava-se menos mineralizada e com ausência de lamelas. Durantes os tempos histológicos de 30, 60 e 90 dias, o infiltrado inflamatório disperso no tecido apresentou-se: intenso, moderado e discreto. Sugerindo a mudança do processo inflamatório de agudo a crônico respectivamente / The biomaterials can be defined as substances of natural or synthetic origin that are tolerated on a temporary or permanent by the various tissues that make up the organs of living beings. Among these biomaterials can quote the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), which was developed at the University of Loma Linda, in the 90s. Since then, it stopped work on research involving this material and Portland cement (PC), which although not a dental material to use direct, one can say that basically has the same chemical components of the ATM. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of common Portland cement (PC-I) and the white Portland cement (CPB) no structural, included in the skull of rats. Twenty rats were selected, two were previously used as a pilot group and the eighteen others were divided into three groups of six rats that were killed and evaluated in experimental stroke, 30, 60, and 90 days. Each animal received an implant, three of Common Portland Cement (PC-I) and three of White Portland Cement (CPB). The results show that there were no consequences of a microbial proliferation in any of cement and times searched. There was also the formation of bone tissue with characteristics of immaturity, showing gaps in some areas without osteocytes; presence of moderate and cell tissue, richly vascularized, showing characteristics of biocompatibility, and the potential for bone and cell differentiation.

The properties of geopolymer concrete incorporating red sand as fine aggregate

Soltaninaveh, Kaveh January 2008 (has links)
Concrete is the most common building material in the world and its use has been increasing during the last century as the need for construction projects has escalated. Traditionally, concrete uses Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as binder, water as the activator of cement and aggregate. Finding an appropriate replacement for traditional concrete is a desirable solution to obviate the environmental problems caused by cement production. The use of fly ash as a partial replacement for Portland cement is a method to maintain the properties of concrete and reduce the need for cement. Fly ash is a by-product from coal-fired power plants and is abundantly available. The percentage of cement replacement can be varied according to application and mix design. One of the potential materials to substitute for conventional concrete is geopolymer concrete (introduced by Davidovits in 1979). Geopolymer concrete is an inorganic alumino-silicate polymer synthesized from predominantly silicon, aluminum and byproduct materials such as fly ash. Geopolymer properties have been investigated for several years and it is still a major area of interest among researchers and industry partners as it does not contain cement and uses fly ash and alkali liquids as binders to produce a paste to consolidate aggregates. Furthermore, the aggregate comprises a substantial portion of concrete. Including coarse and fine aggregates it is normally obtained from natural sources. Fine aggregate in Australia is usually mined from sand quarries. As the demand for concrete production increases, more natural sand is needed. The need for fine aggregate should be addressed in an environmentally friendly manner, considering the diminishing sources of natural sand. Red sand is a by-product generated from the manufacture of alumina from bauxite by the Bayer process. / Previous studies on properties of red sand have shown that it has the potential to be used in concrete as a fine aggregate. While the use of red sand in traditional concrete has been investigated by some researchers, no research has been reported regarding the use of this by-product in manufacturing geopolymer concrete. This research looks into the replacement of natural sand fine aggregates with red sand in geopolymer concrete. Initially, an extensive series of mixtures was prepared and tested. The objective of the research was to identify the salient parameters affecting the properties of geopolymer concrete when natural sand is replaced by red sand. At the next stage, attempts were made to enhance the mechanical and durability features of red sand geopolymer concrete. The final stage consisted of testing red sand geopolymer concrete to find out the various properties of this novel construction material.

Studies of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete

Hardjito, Djwantoro January 2005 (has links)
The use of Portland cement in concrete construction is under critical review due to high amount of carbon dioxide gas released to the atmosphere during the production of cement. In recent years, attempts to increase the utilization of fly ash to partially replace the use of Portland cement in concrete are gathering momentum. Most of this by-product material is currently dumped in landfills, creating a threat to the environment. Geopolymer concrete is a ‘new’ material that does not need the presence of Portland cement as a binder. Instead, the source of materials such as fly ash, that are rich in Silicon (Si) and Aluminium (Al), are activated by alkaline liquids to produce the binder. Hence concrete with no Portland cement. This thesis reports the details of development of the process of making fly ash-based geopolymer concrete. Due to the lack of knowledge and know-how of making of fly ashbased geopolymer concrete in the published literature, this study adopted a rigorous trial and error process to develop the technology of making, and to identify the salient parameters affecting the properties of fresh and hardened concrete. As far as possible, the technology that is currently in use to manufacture and testing of ordinary Portland cement concrete were used. Fly ash was chosen as the basic material to be activated by the geopolimerization process to be the concrete binder, to totally replace the use of Portland cement. The binder is the only difference to the ordinary Portland cement concrete. To activate the Silicon and Aluminium content in fly ash, a combination of sodium hydroxide solution and sodium silicate solution was used. Manufacturing process comprising material preparation, mixing, placing, compaction and curing is reported in the thesis. / Napthalene-based superplasticiser was found to be ii useful to improve the workability of fresh fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, as well as the addition of extra water. The main parameters affecting the compressive strength of hardened fly ash-based geopolymer concrete are the curing temperature and curing time, the molar H2O-to-Na2O ratio, and mixing time. Fresh fly ash-based geopolymer concrete has been able to remain workable up to at least 120 minutes without any sign of setting and without any degradation in the compressive strength. Providing a rest period for fresh concrete after casting before the start of curing up to five days increased the compressive strength of hardened concrete. The elastic properties of hardened fly ash-based geopolymer concrete, i,e. the modulus of elasticity, the Poisson’s ratio, and the indirect tensile strength, are similar to those of ordinary Portland cement concrete. The stress-strain relations of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete fit well with the expression developed for ordinary Portland cement concrete.

Development of Approach to Estimate Volume Fraction of Multiphase Material Using Dielectrics

Lee, Sang Ick 2010 May 1900 (has links)
Most engineering as well as pavement materials are composites composed of two or more components to obtain a variety of solid properties to support internal and external loading. The composite materials rely on physical or chemical properties and volume fraction of each component. While the properties can be identified easily, the volume fraction is hard to be estimated due to the volumetric variation during the performance in the field. Various test procedures have been developed to measure the volume fractions; however, they depend on subjective determination and judgment. As an alternative, electromagnetic technique using dielectric constant was developed to estimate the volume fraction. Empirical and mechanistic approaches were used to relate the dielectric constant and volume fraction. While the empirical models are not very accurate in all cases, the mechanistic models require assumptions of constituent dielectric constants. For those reasons, the existing approaches might produce less accurate estimate of volume fraction. In this study, a mechanistic-based approach using the self consistent scheme was developed to be applied to multiphase materials. The new approach was based on calibrated dielectric constant of components to improve results without any assumptions. Also, the system identification was used iteratively to solve for dielectric parameters and volume fraction at each step. As the validation performed to verify the viability of the new approach using soil mixture and portland cement concrete, it was found that the approach has produced a significant improvement in the accuracy of the estimated volume fraction.

Air void characterization in fresh cement paste through ultrasonic attenuation using an immersion procedure

Darraugh, Natalie Ainsworth 24 August 2009 (has links)
The most prevalent method for the prevention of freeze-thaw and salt scaling damage in cement based materials is through the entrainment of air voids using air entraining chemical admixtures (AEA's). However, the common field methods for measuring air content in fresh concrete cannot distinguish between entrained and entrapped air voids, and the actual air content in the hardened concrete can vary from that determined by these tests due to a variety of factors such as workability, placing operations, consolidation efforts, and environmental conditions. Previous research has shown the ability of ultrasonic attenuation to distinguish between entrained and entrapped air voids in hardened cement paste, providing a foundation for an inversion procedure to calculate the size and volume content of the two scatterer sizes. While additional challenges are present with measurements in fresh paste, the use of an immersion setup can overcome the limitations of cement paste containment vessels and provide a means to measure air content from batching to placement. An immersion apparatus to monitor ultrasonic wave attributes including attenuation in fresh cement paste is designed and built. Results comparing air entrained and non-air entrained cement pastes are presented. Ultrasonic wave attributes are studied as a function of time and level of chemical air entrainer. Finally, recommendations are made to improve the accuracy of the immersion apparatus in order to develop an in situ, quality control procedure to quantify the air content of fresh cement paste from batching to placement.

Evaluation of leaching mechanisms and long-term leachability of metallic contaminants solidified/stabilized by cement matrices

Hung, Chien-ho 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo da substitui??o de agregados mi?dos naturais por p? de pedra em concreto de cimento portland

Duarte, Jo?o Batista 29 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoaoBD_DISSERT.pdf: 1988359 bytes, checksum: 0207f1a988edf03be9aba6cc36f1919a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-29 / The sharp consumption of natural resources by the construction industry has motivated numerous studies concerning the application of waste to replace partially or fully, some materials, such as aggregates, thereby reducing the environmental impact caused by the extraction of sand and crushing process. The application of stone dust from crushing process arising as an aggregate for the production of Portland cement concrete is a viable alternative in view of the high cost of natural sands, in addition to the environmental damage which causes its operation to the environment. The stone dust has reduced cost compared to natural sand because it is produced in the beds of their own quarries, which are usually located close to major urban centers. This study examined the feasibility of using stone dust from the crushing of rock gneisses in the state of Bahia, replacing natural quartz sand. In the development of scientific study was conducted to characterize physical and chemical raw materials applied and molded cylindrical specimens , using as reference values Fck 20, Fck 25 and Fck 30 MPa ( resistance characteristic of the concrete after 28 days) in following compositions stone powder: 10%, 30%, 50 %, 100% and 100% with additive. The specimens were cured and subjected to the tests of compressive strength and water absorption, then the samples were subjected to the tests of X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results obtained showed that the composition with 10% stone powder showed the best results regarding the physical and mechanical tests performed, confirming the reduction in compressive strength and increased water uptake increased as the content of the powder stone in the concrete composition / O acentuado consumo de recursos naturais pela ind?stria da constru??o civil tem motivado in?meros estudos referentes ? aplica??o de res?duos que substituam parcialmente ou totalmente alguns materiais, como os agregados, reduzindo assim o impacto ambiental causado pela extra??o da areia e pelo processo de britagem. A aplica??o do p? de pedra oriundo do processo de britagem como agregado para a produ??o de concretos de cimento Portland, ? uma alternativa vi?vel, tendo em vista o alto custo das areias naturais, al?m dos danos ambientais que sua explora??o ocasiona ao meio ambiente. O p? de pedra possui custo reduzido comparado ao da areia natural pelo fato de ser produzido nos canteiros das pr?prias pedreiras, que geralmente ficam localizadas pr?ximas aos grandes centros urbanos. A presente pesquisa analisou a viabilidade da utiliza??o do p? de pedra proveniente da britagem de rochas gnaisses no estado da Bahia, em substitui??o ? areia natural quartzosa. No desenvolvimento deste estudo cient?fico foi realizada a caracteriza??o f?sica e qu?mica das mat?rias-primas aplicadas e moldados corpos de prova cil?ndricos, utilizando-se como refer?ncia os valores de Fck 20, Fck 25 e Fck 30 MPa (Resist?ncia caracter?stica do concreto aos 28 dias) nas seguintes composi??es de p? de pedra:10%, 30%, 50%, 100% e 100% com aditivo. Os corpos de prova foram curados e submetidos aos ensaios de resist?ncia ? compress?o e absor??o de ?gua, em seguida as amostras foram submetidas ? ensaios de difra??o de raios X e microscopia eletr?nica de varredura. A an?lise dos resultados obtidos constatou que a composi??o com 10% de p? de pedra apresentou os melhores resultados referentes aos ensaios f?sicos e mec?nicos realizados, confirmando a redu??o da resist?ncia ? compress?o e o aumento da absor??o de ?gua ? medida que se aumentou o teor do p? de pedra na composi??o do concreto

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