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Tvorba profesiogramu u vybrané vojenské odbornosti. / The creation of the job analysis by the picked military specialisation.Kučerová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Objektive of the thesis: The objective of this study is to get an overview of soldiers activities of the reconnaissance platoon of HQ company of 41st mechanized battalion, located in Ţatec. To try to confirm or refute the results of my bachelor thesis, in which I found out, that soldier in reconnaissance position needs mainly endurance for his work. Methods: Main used method is the analysis time frame and creation of characteristics of the given possition in the AČR. I will conduct by standardized tests for testing of motor skills. Results: Think out tests, that best reflect the activities of soldiers of reconnaissance platoon and to determine their level of motor skills. Setting the limits of tests of physical training for selection of candidates for the reconnaissance platoon. Key words: Description of occupational activities, professiography, motor skills, motor tests.
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Postavení žáka s poruchou autistického spektra ve třídě ZŠ / Position of pupils with autistic spectrum disorder in mainstream basic schoolKunce, Eva January 2012 (has links)
Annotation: This diploma thesis analyzes the factors affecting the position of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders in the class of basic school. Theoretical study is confronted with a specific case study of individual integration of pupil with highfunctioning autism during nine years of school attendance. Analysis of documents, interwievs and the questionnaire survey deals with the socializaton of that student in the class.
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Doktrína essential facilities v českém a evropském právu / Doctrine of essential facilities under Czech and European LawTomis, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Doctrine of essential facilities under Czech and European law "Essential facilities doctrine" is a term used to describe a set of rules concerned with a dominant undertaking refusing to supply a crucial resource, over which it holds an exclusive control, to its competitors who need the resource to remain in business. This thesis focuses on the doctrine's applications in the context of an abuse of a dominant position, but the role the doctrine plays in regulation of network industries is mentioned as well. The main goal of the thesis is to define conditions under which the owner of the crucial resource - described as "an essential facility" in the thesis - abuses his dominant position by refusing to supply a competitor who is willing to pay a reasonable price for such access. The method primarily used to achieve the goal is a careful analysis of primary legal sources accompanied by studies of the relevant literature. The opinions and conclusions expressed in the afore-mentioned sources are critically evaluated by the thesis's author who presents his own opinions and tries to justify them by legal arguments. Chapter One explains some specific terms used in the text. Chapter Two describes a conflict between two core principles that have to be evaluated when the rules of mandatory access are defined or...
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Ochrana hospodářské soutěže se zaměřením na cenové praktiky / The Protection of Economic Competition with Special Regard to PricingCejpek, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Legal rules protecting the economic competition against abusive pricing practices are traditionally part of the public branch of competition law. Sensitive drafting of the law by legislator or the prudence of law interpretation by the competition authority or the court in the specific case predetermines the companies` willingness to develop dynamically on the relevant market. Legislation of the poor quality prospectively misleading decisional practice can lead in two extreme situations; on one side unlimited freedom for the dominant company, on the other side unfounded and excessive sanctions, which distract the companies` ambitions to achieve excellence. The topic - The Protection of Economic Competition with Special Regard to Pricing - is dealt in five chapters of the thesis. The aim of the paper is to analyze substantial components in each price form of abuse, solve the relevant questions of law with regard to case study concerning both the European and the Czech context and consider where the development of this law field currently results in. The methodology is mainly based on the comparative and critical research of the decisional practice. Chapter One surveys predatory pricing. It contains passage on the price-costs test, which is the major issue also for the following chapters of the study....
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Souběh funkce statutárního orgánu a zákonného zmocnění v kapitálových obchodních společnostech a družstvu v komparativním kontextu / Concurrence of the Position of a Governing Body and Statutory Authorization in Limited Companies and Cooperative in a Comparative ContextFröhlich, Lukáš January 2012 (has links)
1 Concurrence of the Position of a Governing Body and Statutory Authorization in Limited Companies and Cooperative in a Comparative Context Abstract The thesis provides an analysis of function concurrence between board members and employees to the extent of board members in companies limited by shares and in a society. The aim of this thesis is to describe the relative issues, problematic and controversial aspects of current doctrine and propose possible solutions, which could be acceptable for legal theory as well as for legal practice. The work is divided into three main parts. The first part deals with the validity of employment contract in case of concurrence of functions. The second part then describes the issue of company representation in case of concurrence of functions. The last part describes the relative issues, which are common to both previous sections. The first part deals mainly with the current legal regulation of the employment contract in case of concurrence of functions. Not long ago, the employment contract was held as invalid by case law; however a recent legislation has brought some reasonable changes and has explicitly declared the validity of the employment contract. Nevertheless, this has produced also some new issues, especially in the case of conflicts between the employment...
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Konvexně nezávislé podmnožiny konečných množin bodů / Konvexně nezávislé podmnožiny konečných množin bodůZajíc, Vítězslav January 2011 (has links)
Let fd(n), n > d ≥ 2, be the smallest positive integer such that any set of fd(n) points, in general position in Rd , contains n points in convex position. Let hd(n, k), n > d ≥ 2 and k ≥ 0, denote the smallest number with the property that in any set of hd(n, k) points, in general position in Rd , there are n points in convex position whose convex hull contains at most k other points. Previous result of Valtr states that h4(n, 0) does not exist for all n ≥ 249. We show that h4(n, 0) does not exist for all n ≥ 137. We show that h3(8, k) ≤ f3(8) for all k ≥ 26, h4(10, k) ≤ f4(10) for all k ≥ 147 and h5(12, k) ≤ f5(12) for all k ≥ 999. Next, let fd(k, n) be the smallest number such that in every set of fd(k, n) points, in general position in Rd , there are n points whose convex hull has at least k vertices. We show that, for arbitrary integers n ≥ k ≥ d + 1, d ≥ 2, fd(k, n) ≥ (n − 1) (k − 1)/(cd logd−2 (n − 1)) , where cd > 0 is a constant dependent only on the dimension d. 1
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Zneužití dominantního postavení - jednotlivé formy zneužívajících praktik v komunitárním a českém právu / Abuse of dominant position - individual forms of abusing practices under Community and Czech lawNováková, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Abuse of Dominant Position - Individual Forms of Abusing Practices under Community and Czech law Abstract Competition is a basic mechanism of the market economy. It encourages companies to provide consumers products they want, encourages innovation, and pushes the prices down. In order to be effective, competition needs independent undertakings which are subject to the competitive pressure. That was the reason why Competition law has developed. It should pre- eminently ensure to preserve the competition on the market. Competition law comprising three pillars, namely cartel agreements prohibition, merger control and the law against abuse of dominant position. This thesis focuses on the last mentioned branch of the competition law. Attention is aimed to the individual possible forms of abusive conduct of dominant undertakings. The text explicates this problem from the Czech and European law perspective and attempts to explain individual forms of abusing practices in the light of case law. It only contains substantial law, procedural law is not covered. The main aim of the thesis is to bring out the comparison between the legislation relating to the individual forms of abusing practices in the European law and Czech law and to find out if the approach of the competition authorities on the European and Czech...
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Srovnání lokalizačních technik / Comparison of Localization TechniquesSkalka, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This work compares localization techniques used in mobile robotics. Localization - how to determine one's own position within a space - is one of the fundamental challenges of robotics. The introduction is devoted to a detailed description of localization and to the categorization of localization techniques. In subsequent chapters, category by category, various localization techniques and their variants are described and their strengths and weaknesses are compared. The work successively addresses: probabilistic localization techniques used for inaccurate sensor measurements processing and for providing reliable position estimate; relative localization techniques used for evaluation of relative changes in the robot position; and absolute localization techniques for finding and estimating the absolute position of the robot in the environment.
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Mateřská investice a reprodukční strategie u domácích koní / Maternal investment and reproductive strategy in domestic horsesKomárková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my doctoral thesis is the detailed study of the behavioural and sociobiological principles associated with the period of lactation. Suckling data covering almost 80 foals of domestic horse (Equus caballus) was obtained within four years of observation in the National Stud in Kladruby nad Labem, Czech Republic. The data were evaluated together with the reproductive history of the mothers, their agonistic interactions and following analysis of the dominance position of subadult foals. The first study describes longer suckling (greater maternal care) in dominant mares compared to submissive ones. Dominant mares are also less disturbed during nursing, whereas they terminated the nursing of submissive mares more often. A possible competitive advantage for the offspring of dominant mares may arise from such behaviour. The second paper enlightens the reproductive strategy of mares facing double maternal investment; suckling of the foal and pregnancy at the same time. I found out, contrary to the expectations, that the pregnant mares neither suckled their foals less nor terminated more suckling compared to non-pregnant herdmates. They may try to compensate their suckling foal with the perspective of its early weaning due to ongoing pregnancy. In the third and fourth manuscript I studied, how...
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L'utilisation et l'acquisition des verbes de position en suédois L1 et L2 / Swedish posture and placement verbs in first and second language acquisitionHellerstedt, Maria 29 November 2013 (has links)
Les verbes de position suédois encodent la localisation statique (stå « être debout », ligga « être couché », sitta « être assis ») et dynamique (ställa « mettre debout », lägga « coucher », sätta « asseoir ») d'un objet concret ou d'une personne. Selon nos données, élicitées à partir de stimuli présentés à 98 participants, la fréquence élevée de l'emploi de ces verbes en assure une acquisition précoce par les enfants apprenant le suédois en tant que langue maternelle et par les francophones adultes apprenant le suédois en tant que langue étrangère. Or, leur complexité sémantique rend difficile leur utilisation dans la mesure où les choix d'un verbe ne correspondent pas toujours à ceux de la langue cible. En effet, les difficultés perdurent même à un haut niveau de compétence (enfants de 10 ans, apprenants L2 avancé). Un ordre d'acquisition se discerne d'une part selon le type de verbe (les verbes statiques sont appris avant les dynamiques), d'autre part selon les paramètres sémantiques (l'HORIZONTALITÉ et la VERTICALITÉ sont appris avant la BASE et le CONTACT/INCLUSION), et enfin selon le sens prototypique (acquis avant les sens élargis). Plusieurs stratégies sont utilisées par les apprenants pour résoudre ces problèmes : l'usage d'un verbe statique pour encoder une situation dynamique ; l'usage généralisé de l'un des verbes (généralement celui encodant l'HORIZONTALITÉ) ; l'usage collocationnel d'un verbe avec une Figure ; l'usage d'une ellipse verbale ou d'un verbe positionnellement neutre (ex. la copule). L'acquisition par les apprenants L2 de l'organisation discursive de la langue cible semble se faire en dernier lieu, due à la différence typologique des deux langues. / The Swedish posture verbs encode static (stå « stand », ligga « lie », sitta « sit ») and dynamic (ställa « stand », lägga « lay », sätta « set ») location of a person or a concrete object. The elaborated stimuli elicited data from 98 participants. Our data shows that the usage frequency of these verbs guarantees an early acquisition by children learning Swedish as their first language and by adult French-speaking learners of Swedish as a second language. However, their semantic complexity constitutes an obstacle for arriving at idiomatic language use with regard to choosing the correct verb. These difficulties exist even at high levels of competence (children of 10 years and advanced L2 learners respectively). An acquisition order can be distinguished regarding the verb type (static verbs are acquired before the dynamic ones), the semantic parameters (HORIZONTALITY and VERTICALITY are acquired before BASE and CONTACT/CONTAINMENT) and the prototypical meaning (acquired before the extended meanings). Several strategies are used by the learners to solve these problems: the use of a static verb to encode a dynamic situation; the generalized use of one of the verbs (generally the one encoding HORIZONTALITY); a collocational use of a verb and a Figure; the use of a verbal ellipsis or a positionally neutral verb, like the copula. The Swedish discourse organization seems to be acquired late by the L2 learners, due to the typological differences between the two languages.
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