Spelling suggestions: "subject:"posttreatment"" "subject:"postreatment""
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Avaliação de sistemas anaeróbio - aeróbio com biomassa imobilizada para remoção de matéria carbonácea e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário e uso do biogás na desnitrificação / Anaerobic aerobic systems evaluation with immobilized biomass for organic material and nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater using biogas in the denitrificationLuis Hamilton Pospissil Garbossa 01 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho de doutorado apresenta os resultados da avaliação de duas configurações diferentes de reatores com biomassa imobilizada em matrizes cúbicas de poliuretano, denominados reator misto radial de leito fixo (RMRLF), utilizado para o tratamento de esgoto sanitário peneirado e reator aeróbio-anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAAHLF) para o pós-tratamento de efluente de reator de manta de lodo tipo upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) tratando esgoto sanitário. O estudo avalia duas propostas de tratamento para remoção biológica de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio por meio do acompanhamento do desempenho dos reatores sob diferentes condições operacionais, quais sejam: variação na carga orgânica aplicada, diferentes dosagens de solução alcalina e variação na taxa de aplicação de ar comprimido para o fornecimento de oxigênio dissolvido aos reatores na etapa de nitrificação. Foram desenvolvidos ensaios para obtenção de dados sobre o comportamento hidrodinâmico no RMRLF, dados sobre transferência e consumo de oxigênio dissolvido e viabilidade da utilização de biogás como doador de elétrons para a desnitrificação autótrofa. Os principais parâmetros de desempenho foram avaliados através de análises físico-químicas das amostras e a observação dos microrganismos envolvidos no processo. O RMRLF operou durante todo o período dos experimentos com a temperatura do líquido no seu interior variando entre o valor mínimo de 14 'GRAUS' Celsius até máximo de 30 'GRAUS' Celsius. Os valores da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) no efluente do reator mantiveram média inferior a 50 mg/L. A remoção de nitrogênio como nitrato aumentou em 75% após o início do fornecimento do 'H IND.2'S' por meio da injeção de biogás. O RAAHLF operou com a temperatura do líquido no seu interior variando entre mínimo de 14 'GRAUS' Celsius e máximo de 26 'GRAUS' Celsius. Os valores de DQO no efluente, em média, foram inferiores a 66 mg/L e a remoção de nitrato foi incrementada em 87% após o fornecimento do 'H IND.2'S' pela injeção de biogás na câmara anóxica do reator. Os resultados demonstram o potencial destes reatores como alternativa para o tratamento e pós-tratamento de esgoto sanitário com resultados promissores de remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio. / This work presents results of the evaluation of two different immobilized biomass reactor configurations, referred as radial flow anaerobic/aerobic immobilized biomass reactor (RAAIB) utilized for the treatment of the sanitary screened wastewater and horizontal aerobic/anaerobic immobilized biomass reactor (HAAIB) for the post-treatment of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor (UASB) treating sanitary wastewater. This study evaluates the two proposals for the biological organic matter and nitrogen removal by the evaluation of the reactors performance under several operational conditions, such as organic matter load variation, alkalinity solution feeding, variation on the compressed air supply for the nitrification step and biogas supply for the denitrification process. Assays were developed in order to obtain data on the hydrodynamic behavior in the RAAIB reactor, oxygen transfer and consumption and the viability of use biogas as electron donor for the autotrofic denitrification. The main performance parameters were measured thru physical-chemical analysis and microscopic observations. The RAAIB reactor was operated during all the experiment period with its liquid temperature varying from 14 'DEGREES' Celsius to 30 'DEGREES' Celsius. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) values in the effluent presented a mean value below 50 mg/L. The nitrogen as nitrate removal efficiency incresead up to 75% after supplying 'H IND.2'S' thru biogas injection. The HAAIB reactor operated with temperatures varying from 14 'DEGREES' Celsius to 26 'DEGREES' Celsius. The COD values in the effluent presented a concentration value lower than 66 mg/L and the nitrate removal increased 87% after supplying 'H IND.2'S' thru the biogas injection in the anoxic reactor. The collected data proved the viability of the use of these reactors as an alternative for the treatment and post-treatment of sanitary wastewater due to the promising results obtained in the assays performed in the reactors.
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Biofiltro submerso modificado para pós-tratamento do efluente de lagoas de estabilização / Modified submerged biofilter for post treatment of the effluent of stabilization lagoonsGerson Pavanelli 27 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propôs o desenvolvimento de um sistema de biofiltros submersos, modificados com base na configuração de filtros de pedra, visando o pós-tratamento do efluente de lagoas de estabilização, inicialmente para a remoção de algas. A modificação consiste na variação das alturas da camada filtrante e na colocação de tampa na superfície do BS, evitando o acesso da luz. O esgoto tratado captado na lagoa de maturação foi feito em duas profundidades – a 60 cm de profundidade da superfície da lagoa (denominada zona superficial) e a 180 cm de profundidade da superfície da lagoa (denominada zona intermediárias). O experimento foi composto por 8 BS sendo 4 BS alimentados pelo esgoto captado na zona superficial (60 cm) e outros 4 BS alimentados pela esgoto captado na zona intermediária (180 cm). Foi utilizado, como recheio dos biofiltros submersos, pedra brita nº 3, nas seguintes alturas de camada filtrante: 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm e 200 cm, tendo por objetivo avaliar a influência deste fator sobre a eficiência de remoção de algas mediante análise de Clorofila a, e outras 16 variáveis de qualidade associadas neste estudo. Concluiu-se que a extração a partir da zona superficial da lagoa de maturação, e uma profundidade de leito entre 150 cm e 200 cm, foram os parâmetros operacionais que levaram a um melhor desempenho global dos biofiltros submersos modificados, e mais especificamente quanto às seguintes variáveis: Clorofila a, DQO (Demanda Química de Oxigênio), DBO (Demanda Bioquímica de Oxigênio) e sólidos totais. / This research proposed the development of a submerged bio filters system, modified based in rock filters configuration, aiming the post treatment of the effluent of stabilization lagoons, for algae removal first. The modification consists invariance of the heights of the filter layer and the cover placed on the surface of the BS, preventing access of light. The treated sewage captured in the maturation lagoon was made at two depths – at 60cm depth of the lagoon surface (called superficial zone) and at 180cm depth of the lagoon surface (called intermediary zone). The experiment consisted of 8 BS, with 4 BS being fed by sewage captured in the superficial zone (60 cm) and other 4 BS fed by sewage captured in the intermediary zone (180 cm). It was used, as a stuff of submerged biofilters, rock number three, at the following heights of filtering layers: 50 cm, 100 cm, 150 cm e 200 cm, aiming to evaluate the influence of this factor over algae removal efficiency towards chlorophyll a, and other 16 quality variables associated in this study. It was concluded that the collecting from superficial zone of the maturation lagoon, and a layer depth between 150 cm e 200 cm, were the operational parameters that lead to a better overall performance of modified submerged biofilters, and more particularly to the following variables: Chlorophyll a, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand), BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) and total solids.
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Filtro biológico aeróbio-anóxico para remoção de nitrogênio de efluentes de reatores UASB / Aerobic/anoxic biological filter for nitrogen removal of UASB effluentsRodríguez Victoria, Jenny Alexandra 17 November 2006 (has links)
Constata-se, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento, o uso crescente de reatores anaeróbios de manta de lodo (UASB) como primeira unidade de tratamento biológico de esgotos sanitários. Embora eficientes na remoção de fração considerável de matéria orgânica, os reatores anaeróbios produzem efluentes que requerem pós-tratamento, principalmente para a remoção de compostos nitrogenados reduzidos. No presente estudo, foi avaliado o desempenho de uma nova configuração de filtro biológico percolador (FB), constituído por dois compartimentos superpostos, um para a nitrificação e outro para a desnitrificação. Utilizou-se um novo material plástico como leito suporte para crescimento da biomassa e avaliou-se a viabilidade da utilização do biogás produzido no reator UASB como doador de elétrons para desnitrificação. Embora a nova configuração de FB tenha permitido a ocorrência dos processos de nitrificação e desnitrificação, são necessárias mudanças no projeto da interface entre os compartimentos para evitar o acúmulo de biomassa nesse local. O material suporte caracterizou-se pela durabilidade e elevado índice de vazios, além de ter oferecido condições favoráveis para a aderência e colonização de biomassa. A utilização de biogás para a desnitrificação mostrou-se viável e eficiente. Como foi constatada a presença de oxigenio dissolvido no compartimento desnitrificante, o metano foi o principal constituinte do biogás utilizado como doador de elétrons. Para a taxa de carregamento hidráulica média aplicada de 5,6 \'M POT.3\'/\'M POT.2\'.d e taxa de carregamento orgânica média aplicada de 0,26 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.d, a nitrificação ocorreu de forma eficiente, obtendo-se entre 60 e 74% de conversão de N-amon, sendo que o efluente final apresentou, em média, concentração abaixo de 10 mg/L. A desnitrificação ocorreu de forma bastante satisfatória mesmo na presença de OD. Obtiveram-se concentrações de nitrato menores que 10 mg/L. Contudo, acredita-se ser possível a obtenção de maiores eficiencias de remoção desde que as condições anóxicas no compartimento desnitrificante sejas mantidas. / UASB reactors have been increased used as first unit of biological domestic sewage treatment mainly in developing countries. Although efficient in the removal of considerable fraction of organic matter, effluents from anaerobic reactors, however, require being post-treated, especially for the removal of reduced nitrogen compounds. In the present study, the performance of a new configuration of trickling filter (TF) composed of a nitrification compartment at its upper part followed by a denitrification compartment was evaluated. A new plastic material was used as support media for biomass attached-growth and the biogas produced by the UASB reactor was used as electron donor for denitrification. Although the new TF configuration has allowed obtaining the nitrification and denitrification, the design in the interface among the compartments should be changed to avoid biomass accumulation. The support media was characterized by the durability and high percentage of void spaces, resides offering favorable conditions for the biomass attachment and colonization. The use of the biogas for denitrification was found to be viable and efficient. The presence of disolved oxygen (DO) was verified in the denitrification compartment, leading to the hypothesis that methane might have been the main component of the biogas used as electrons donor. Regarding the performance of TF for nitrogen removal, efficient nitrification was achieved for the applied hydraulic load around 5.6 \'M POT.3\'/\'M POT.2\'.d and applied organic load around 0.26 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.d. Under such conditions, about 74% of N-ammonia was removed and the final effluent presented average concentrations of N-ammonia below 10 mg/L. Despite the presence of OD, the denitrification was performed in a satisfactory way. Nitrate concentrations smaller than 10 mg/L were obtained. In addition, it is believed that maintaining anoxic conditions in the lower compartment would make it possible to obtain higher denitrification efficiencies.
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Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to perform a scoping review of the current literature and available clinical practice guidelines to generate an understanding of the primary health care needs of women following treatment for breast cancer.
Methods: Based on an extensive scoping review of the literature, research findings regarding the complications of breast cancer treatments and corresponding primary care interventions were synthesized. Additionally, validation of the findings of the scoping review was performed through semi-structured interviews with two primary care physicians and three post-treatment breast cancer patients.
Results: Eleven broad categories related to the primary health care needs of women after undergoing treatments for breast cancer were identified. These included concerns related to: surgical complications, lymphedema, gynecologic and menopausal symptoms, psychosocial issues, additional primary cancers, cardiovascular implications, osteoporosis, lifestyle changes, fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and pregnancy. Additionally, it was determined that the majority of existing clinical practice guidelines for breast cancer were outdated, and related to cancer detection and treatment as opposed to survivorship care.
Summary: Findings from the scoping review and interviews demonstrate the vast range of primary care needs of women after undergoing treatment for breast cancer. Additionally, these results highlight the critical need for the development of a comprehensive set of current clinical practice guidelines which target primary care physicians and are specifically focused on the survivorship needs of women following breast cancer treatment. / Thesis (Master, Rehabilitation Science) -- Queen's University, 2011-07-22 16:09:35.682
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Post treatment outcomes for adults treated for depressionVolk, Jennifer 21 December 2012 (has links)
Depression has been cited as the most prevalent of the Axis I disorders affecting upward of 16% of American adults in their lifetimes (Kessler et al., 2005). The literature on effective treatments for depression is substantial, however the follow-up literature that speaks to what happens after treatment ends is much smaller. This thesis describes two studies. The first is an overview of reviews of post-treatment outcomes for adults treated for major depressive disorder (MDD). The second is a narrative systematic review of studies of long-term (at least 12 months) post-treatment outcomes after the completion of treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). These studies synthesize the available evidence concerning post-treatment outcomes and discuss the limitations of these data. Relapse is a significant issue for many people who respond to treatment with upwards of 50% of people relapsing within a year of the end of treatment, depending on the type of treatment. Some treatments have significant relapse prevention effects, including continued medication treatment, acute and continuation phase CBT, and variations of CBT designed specifically for addressing residual symptoms after acute treatment or specifically aimed at relapse prevention. Given that the risk of relapse after treatment is significant, it should be discussed during acute treatment, as should approaches to reducing the risk of relapse. Recommendations for future research are discussed. Within the overview of reviews, there was considerable consistency across reviews which aided in the formulation of practical recommendations for clinicians and for patients. Examples include provision of education about the probability of relapse and planning for relapse prevention during acute phase treatment. Engaging in continuation and maintenance treatments that are aimed at reducing relapse, and whenever possible, continuing treatment until patients are considered to be in recovery, and not just for a certain period of time, or until the point of remission of symptoms are also recommended to reduce rates of relapse.
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Post treatment outcomes for adults treated for depressionVolk, Jennifer 21 December 2012 (has links)
Depression has been cited as the most prevalent of the Axis I disorders affecting upward of 16% of American adults in their lifetimes (Kessler et al., 2005). The literature on effective treatments for depression is substantial, however the follow-up literature that speaks to what happens after treatment ends is much smaller. This thesis describes two studies. The first is an overview of reviews of post-treatment outcomes for adults treated for major depressive disorder (MDD). The second is a narrative systematic review of studies of long-term (at least 12 months) post-treatment outcomes after the completion of treatment for major depressive disorder (MDD). These studies synthesize the available evidence concerning post-treatment outcomes and discuss the limitations of these data. Relapse is a significant issue for many people who respond to treatment with upwards of 50% of people relapsing within a year of the end of treatment, depending on the type of treatment. Some treatments have significant relapse prevention effects, including continued medication treatment, acute and continuation phase CBT, and variations of CBT designed specifically for addressing residual symptoms after acute treatment or specifically aimed at relapse prevention. Given that the risk of relapse after treatment is significant, it should be discussed during acute treatment, as should approaches to reducing the risk of relapse. Recommendations for future research are discussed. Within the overview of reviews, there was considerable consistency across reviews which aided in the formulation of practical recommendations for clinicians and for patients. Examples include provision of education about the probability of relapse and planning for relapse prevention during acute phase treatment. Engaging in continuation and maintenance treatments that are aimed at reducing relapse, and whenever possible, continuing treatment until patients are considered to be in recovery, and not just for a certain period of time, or until the point of remission of symptoms are also recommended to reduce rates of relapse.
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Tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura em reatores anaeróbios horizontais seguidos de reator em bateladas sequenciais /Santos, Ariane Chiareli dos. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Roberto Alves de Oliveira / Banca: Marcelo Zaiat / Banca: Luiz Augusto do Amaral / Resumo: Avaliou-se o desempenho de um sistema combinado anaeróbioaeróbio para o tratamento de águas residuárias de suinocultura, com concentrações médias de sólidos suspensos totais (SST) de 18624, 11395, 6690 e 21705 mg L-1. Foram utilizados quatro reatores anaeróbios horizontais com volume total de 49,5 L cada, um com manta de lodo (RAHML) e três de leito fixo (RAHLF), instalados em série e seguidos de um reator aeróbio operado em bateladas alimentadas sequenciais (RBS, com alimentação contínua). Nos RAHLF foram utilizados como meios suporte anéis de bambu, anéis plásticos de eletroduto corrugado e anéis de bucha (Luffa cillyndrica), respectivamente. Os tempos de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e as cargas orgânicas volumétricas (COV) aplicadas no RAHML foram de 12, 10, 8 e 8 h e 52,6; 60,9; 64,8 e 123,2 g DQO (L d)-1, respectivamente. O RBS foi operado com ciclo de 24 h e COV de 0,34; 0,50; 0,32 e 3,88 g DQO (L d)-1. As eficiências médias de remoção de DQOtotal e SST no conjunto de reatores anaeróbios horizontais, em série, diminuíram de 95,5 a 96,7% para 78,8%, e de 95,0 a 98,7% para 85,6% respectivamente, com o aumento da COV para 123,2 g DQO (L d)-1 no RAHML. As maiores produções de metano ocorreram nos RAHLF com valores médios de até 0,925 m3 CH4 (m3 reator d)-1 e 0,31 m3 CH4 (g DQO removida)-1 . A inclusão do RBS permitiu melhorar a qualidade do efluente e a estabilidade do sistema de tratamento, atingindo eficiências de remoção de DQOtotal de 94,2 a 99,0% e de SST de 94,4 a 99,3%. As eficiências médias de remoção de K, Ca, Mg e Na no sistema de tratamento foram de 50 a 81%, de 67 a 89 % de 65 a 79% e de 53 a 68%, respectivamente, e de Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn foram maiores, de 97 a 98%, de 63 a 99%, de 75 a 85% e de 89 a 94%, respectivamente, e podem ser atribuídas à imobilização no lodo. / Abstract: An anaerobic-aerobic combined system performance was evaluated in swine water waste treatment with an average total suspended solids (TSS) concentration from 18624, 11395, 6690 and 21705 mg L-1, constituted by four horizontal anaerobic reactors each one having a total volume of 49.5 L, one of control-sludge (RAHML), and tree of fixed film installed in series (RAHLF), followed by a sequential operated batch reactor (ASBR) with continue feeding with total volume of 339 L. In the RAHLF was used of bamboo were used as support to fix the film, plastic rings, and wad (Luffa cillyndrica) rings. The hydraulic detention timing (HDT) and volumetric organic loads (VOL) applied in RAHML were 12, 10, 8 and 8 h of 52.6, 60.9, 64.8 and 123.2 g COD (Ld)-1 and the RBS operated in a 24-hours operational cycle were 0.34, 0.50, 0.32 and 3.88 g COD (L d)-1, into the assays number 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The total COD and medium SST removed efficiently horizontal reactors set in serie, were from 95.5 to 96.7%, for 78.8 % and from 95 to 98.7% for 85.6% respectively. Increasing (VOL) to 123,2 g COD (L d)-1 in the (RAHLF). The higher methane production happened in RAHLF with medial values up to 0.925 m3 CH4 and 0.31 m3 CH4 (g COD removed). The ASBR inclusion enabled obtain COD removing efficiency in suspended solid from 94.2 a 99% and from 94.4 a 99.3% respectively. The K, Ca, Mg and Na medium removed efficiently in system were from 50 for 81% and 67 for 89%, 65 for 79% and 53 for 68%, for Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn medium removed efficiently in system were high from 97 for 98% and 63 for 99%, and 75 for 85% and 89 for 94%, respectively, and can be attributed to the sludge immobilization. / Mestre
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Avaliação de produtividade agricola e de concentrações de metais nos grãos, de cultura de milho irrigada com efluente anaerobio / Evaluation of agricultural productivity and of metals concentration in grains of corn irrigated with anaerobic effluentReami, Luciano 24 January 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Bruno Coraucci Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T16:28:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Reami_Luciano_M.pdf: 2654692 bytes, checksum: 2bddc2a1092ae4d352f631449aa3172f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: O trabalho teve a finalidade de avaliar o impacto da irrigação com efluente sanitário, oriundo de tratamento em lagoa anaeróbia, na produtividade da cultura do milho, e na concentração de metais nos grãos. Utilizando a técnica de irrigação por sulcos rasos, foram testados 3 tratamentos correspondentes a adubo mineral e água natural disponível (nascente), efluente anaeróbio desinfetado com hipoclorito de cálcio, e efluente anaeróbio não desinfetado. A produtividade foi semelhante ao da adubação nitrogenada convencional para a 2a safra, e para a 1a safra semelhante somente para os tratamentos efluente anaeróbio e efluente anaeróbio desinfetado. Houve diferença significativa entre os resultados em relação aos tratamentos, para a quantidade de espigas por plantas e a altura das plantas. Em relação aos metais acumulados nos grãos, não resultou em concentrações nocivas a saúde humana, e houve apenas diferença significativa para o metal cobre para a 2ª safra / Abstract: This work had the objective to evaluate the impact of wastewater irrigation on the productivity of corn using effluent from an anaerobic pond, and on physico-chemical and microbiological system soil-water-plant. Using the technique of irrigation by shallow furrows, will be tested 3 treatments corresponding to fertilizer and natural water available, effluent anaerobic disinfected with calcium hypochlorite, and anaerobic effluent not disinfected. They are provided two cropland, one of the rainy season and other in dry period. The productivity was similar to the fertilization nitrogen conventional for the second crop, and for the first crop similar only by the anaerobic treatment and anaerobic desinfected treatment. There was significant difference between the results on treatments for a number of ears per plant and the height of plants, And for accumulated metals in the grains, did not result in harmful concentrations to human health, and there was only significant difference for the metal covers for the 2nd harvest / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
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Tratamento AnaerÃbio de Efluentes Contendo Corantes e Estudos de PÃs-Tratamento e Ecotoxicidade / Anaerobic Treatment of dye-containing Effluents and post-tratment and Toxicity Studies.Marcos Erick Rodrigues da Silva 25 March 2011 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / O descarte de efluentes tÃxteis em Ãguas superficiais representa um sÃrio problema ambiental e de saÃde pÃblica devido, principalmente, à presenÃa de corantes na sua composiÃÃo, muitos dos quais sÃo potencialmente tÃxicos e carcinogÃnicos. A remoÃÃo de cor e a mineralizaÃÃo de seus subprodutos à uma das maiores dificuldades enfrentadas pelas estaÃÃes de tratamento de efluentes das indÃstrias desse segmento. Nesta pesquisa, buscou-se avaliar o tratamento de efluentes tÃxteis em sistemas anaerÃbios de um e dois estÃgios, estudar opÃÃes de pÃs-tratamento por processos biolÃgicos aerÃbios e de oxidaÃÃo avanÃada, e utilizar testes de ecotoxicidade no estudo dos diversos efluentes produzidos. Foram realizados experimentos com sistemas anaerÃbios de um (R1) e dois estÃgios (R2) tratando esgotos tÃxteis real e sintÃticos. Nestes experimentos, foram avaliados o efeito da concentraÃÃo do corante, concentraÃÃo do doador de elÃtrons externo, o tempo de detenÃÃo hidrÃulica (TDH) e o efeito do mediador redox antraquinona-2,6-dissulfonato (AQDS) na eficiÃncia de descoloraÃÃo. Outros dois sistemas anaerÃbios de um estÃgio (R3 e R4) foram operados em paralelo, alimentados com esgoto tÃxtil real com TDH de 12h a fim de avaliar o efeito do AQDS na descoloraÃÃo de efluentes reais. Durante o pÃs-tratamento aerÃbio, foi avaliada a aplicaÃÃo de um reator de lodos ativados em batelada seqÃencial com ciclo total de 24h, operando com os efluentes, sintÃtico e real, previamente tratados no reator UASB. Avaliou-se, tambÃm, a aplicaÃÃo do processo de oxidaÃÃo avanÃada (POA) do tipo UV/H2O2 como opÃÃo de pÃs-tratamento dos efluentes tÃxteis tratados no reator UASB, tanto em relaÃÃo à descoloraÃÃo quanto na mineralizaÃÃo dos subprodutos gerados na reduÃÃo dos corantes. A avaliaÃÃo da toxicidade dos efluentes foi realizada pelos ensaios de toxicidade aguda utilizando a Daphnia magna como organismo teste. Os resultados dessa pesquisa revelaram que o sistema anaerÃbio de dois estÃgios mostrou-se mais estÃvel que o sistema de um estÃgio quando operado como o esgoto real e sintÃtico com os corantes Congo Red (CR) e Reactive Black 5 (RB5) e mais eficiente para o corante RR2 na ausÃncia de AQDS. Entretanto, na presenÃa do AQDS a eficiÃncia de descoloraÃÃo do Reactive Red 2 (RR2) foi elevada para os dois sistemas, mascarando o efeito da separaÃÃo de fase. Para o efluente tÃxtil real, nÃo foi verificado efeito algum da aplicaÃÃo do AQDS no R3, mesmo em baixo TDH e limitada concentraÃÃo de doador de elÃtrons. O pÃs-tratamento dos efluentes real e sintÃticos no reator aerÃbio foi capaz de reduzir a DQO abaixo de valor exigido pela portaria 154/02 da SEMACE. O processo de oxidaÃÃo avanÃada com UV/ H2O2 mostrou-se eficaz na remoÃÃo de cor e DQO dos efluentes tÃxtil real e sintÃticos. Os testes de toxicidade aguda ratificaram o potencial tÃxico dos efluentes tÃxteis e os subprodutos de sua degradaÃÃo assim como a capacidade de mineralizaÃÃo das aminas em sistemas seqÃenciais anaerÃbio/aerÃbio. / Disposal of textile effluents in surface waters represents a serious environmental and public health problem mainly due to the presence of dyes in their composition, many of which are potentially toxic and carcinogenic. The color removal and mineralization of byproducts is the major difficulty faced by the wastewater treatment plants of these industries. This thesis studied the treatment of textile effluents in one-stage and two-stage anaerobic systems, post-treatment options by using aerobic biological and advanced oxidation processes, and use the ecotoxicity tests for the various effluents produced. Experiments were performed in one-stage (R1) and two-stage (R2) anaerobic systems treating real and synthetic textile wastewaters. In these experiments, we evaluated the dye concentration effect, as well as external electron donor concentration, hydraulic retention time (HRT) and the redox mediator anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS) effect on color removal efficiency. Two other one-stage anaerobic systems (R3 and R4) were operated in parallel at the HRT of 12 hours and fed with real textile wastewater to assess the AQDS effect on the decolourisation of real textile effluents. During the aerobic post-treatment, we evaluated the application of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with 24 hours total cycle to treat synthetic and real textile wastewaters pre-treated in the UASB reactor. We also evaluated the application of UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process (AOP) to treat real textile wastewaters pre-treated in the UASB reactor, both in terms of color removal and mineralization of byproducts generated upon dye reduction. The evaluation of the effluents toxicity was performed by acute toxicity tests using Daphnia magna as test organism. The results revealed that the two-stage anaerobic system was more stable than the one-stage system for both real and the synthetic dyes Congo Red (CR) and Reactive Black 5 (RB5), and more efficient for the dye RR2 in absence of AQDS. However, in the presence of AQDS, color removal efficiency of RR2 was higher for both systems, masking the effect of phase separation. For real textile wastewater, it was not observed any effect of the AQDS application on R3, even when a short HRT or low electron donor concentration was applied. The aerobic and AOP post-treatments were able to reduce the effluents COD to values lower than the limits defined at the Legislation n 154 of SEMACE. The UV/H2O2 AOP-type was effective in removing color and COD from both real and synthetic textile effluents. The acute toxicity tests revealed the toxic potential of textile effluents and their by-products as well as the aromatic amines mineralization in anaerobic/aerobic systems.
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Nitrificação de efluente de reator anaeróbio compartimentado em filtros percoladores com a utilização da serragem de couro do tipo wet blue como meio suporte / Nitrification of anaerobic baffed reactor effluent into trickling filters using wet blue leather sawing as a filter packingAline Costanzo Franchin 29 September 2006 (has links)
Com a utilização de filtros percoladores aeróbios, procurou-se promover a remoção de nitrogênio amoniacal do esgoto sanitário efluente de reator anaeróbio compartimentado, através do processo de nitrificação. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em duas fases; na primeira foi realizada a preparação da serragem de couro utilizando-se peneiramento e lavagens e a seguir iniciou-se a aplicação do esgoto sanitário em quatro filtros percoladores. Os filtros F1 e F2 foram operados com a mesma taxa de aplicação (1,91 'M POT.3'/'M POT.2'.dia) e diferentes meios suportes, sendo brita e serragem de couro do tipo wet blue respectivamente. Os filtros F3 e F4 foram preenchidos com serragem de couro e operaram com taxa de aplicação hidráulica de 4,00 e 6,00 'M POT.3'/'M POT.2'.dia . O filtro F3 apresentou melhores eficiências de remoção para todos os parâmetros, com eficiência média de remoção de NTK, 'N'-'NH IND.3' e DQO de 71%; sendo que a partir do sexagésimo quarto dia, esse filtro passou a apresentar 100% de remoção de NTK e 'N'-'NH IND.3'. Os filtros F1 e F2 podem ter tido problemas com a aeração, já que foram operados com menores taxas de aplicação hidráulica e deveriam apresentar melhores resultados. O filtro F4 apresentou baixas eficiências de remoção, provavelmente devido a maior taxa de aplicação hidráulica. / The aim of the work is to promote the ammoniacal nitrogen removal from anaerobic baffed reactor effluent using aerobic trickling filters, through the nitrification process. The research was developed in two phases; firstly the leather sawing was prepared through sieving and washing, later the domestic sewage was applied into four tricking filters. The F1 and F2 filters were operated with the same hydraulic loading (1,91 'M POT.3'/'M POT.2'.day) and different filter packing. For the F1 filter was used rock and for the F2 wet blue leather sawing. The F3 and F4 filters were filled with leather sawing and operated in a hydraulic loading of 4,00 and 6,00 'M POT.3'/'M POT.2'.day respectively. The F3 filter presented better removal efficiencies for all the parameters, with 70% of average removal efficiency of KTN (Kjeldahl Total Nitrogen), 'NH IND.3'-'N' (ammoniacal nitrogen) and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). From the 49th day on, this filter presented 100% of removal efficiency of KTN and 'NH IND.3'-'N'. The F1 and F2 filter were supposed to present better results due to the lower hydraulic loading, but it did not happen, probably because the aeration was not enough. The F4 filter presented low removal efficiency, possibly due to the higher hydraulic loading.
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