Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pozzolanic"" "subject:"pozzolanics""
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Estabilização de misturas de resíduos sólidos de demolição e da indústria cerâmica para uso em camadas de pavimentos viários. / Stabilization of mixtures with solid waste from demolition and ceramic industry for use in pavement layers.Patricia Barboza da Silva 03 December 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata da estabilização de misturas de agregados reciclados por meio da ativação de seus finos, cujas composições possibilitam a ocorrência de reações químicas de cimentação. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa foram utilizados dois tipos de agregados reciclados: um proveniente de resíduo de demolição de natureza cimentícia e outro da indústria de cerâmica vermelha. O uso dos materiais foi feito por meio de dosagens para obtenção de misturas cujas combinações de materiais pudessem, quimicamente, potencializar a ocorrência de hidratação do cimento anidro existente nos finos do agregado reciclado cimentício e de reação pozolânica pela pozolanicidade da cerâmica vermelha. Com isso foram obtidas cinco misturas, compostas pelos agregados reciclados em estudo misturados entre si e com a adição de aglomerantes hidráulicos, sobre as quais foram realizados ensaios em laboratório para verificação da ocorrência das reações químicas esperadas com consequente estabilização das misturas, de modo a influenciar nos respectivos comportamentos mecânicos. Também foi realizada a avaliação de características do empacotamento dos grãos como forma de verificar se o arranjo físico, neste caso, exerce influência significativa na melhora do comportamento mecânico das misturas estudadas. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que, de fato, ocorreram as reações químicas esperadas, comprovadas pelos resultados dos ensaios de termogravimetria e difração de raios x, realizados em três diferentes idades de cura. Verificou-se, também, a melhora no comportamento mecânico das misturas por meio do aumento da resistência à compressão simples e do módulo de resiliência com a evolução da cura, além de baixa deformabilidade aos 91 dias de cura. Com isso foi comprovada a estabilização das misturas em estudo, com a consequente melhora de seus desempenhos, sendo devida, principalmente, à ocorrência das reações químicas de hidratação do cimento anidro e pozolânica. A pesquisa demonstrou a possibilidade de se estabilizar misturas de agregados reciclados cimentícios e de cerâmica vermelha por meio da ocorrência de reações químicas de cimentação promovidas pela combinação destes materiais. / This research deals with the stabilization of mixtures constituted by recycled aggregates through the activation of its fines portions, whose components enable the occurrence of chemical cementation reactions. In order to develop this research, two types of recycled aggregates were used: one from demolition waste with cementitious origin, and the other one from the red ceramic industry. The use of these materials was done through mix designs to obtain mixtures whose combinations of materials could chemically increase the occurrence of hydration of the anhydrous existing in fine portion of the recycled cementitious aggregates, and pozzolanic reactions due to the pozzolanicity of red ceramics. Thus, five mixtures were obtained, and they were composed by the studied recycled aggregates, mixed together and with the addition of hydraulic binders, on which laboratory tests were performed in order to verify the occurrence of the expected chemical reactions with consequent stabilization of the mixtures, in order to influence their mechanical behavior. Furthermore, it was performed the evaluation of packing characteristics of the particles to verify if the physical arrangement, in this case, has any significant influence on improving the mechanical behavior of the mixtures studied. The results obtained indicated that in fact the expected chemical reactions occurred, which was verified by the results from thermogravimetry and X-ray diffraction tests performed at three different times of curing. The improvement of the mixtures mechanical behavior by increasing of their compressive strength and their resilient modulus was also verified as the mixtures were cured, in addition to low deformability at 91 days of curing. Thus, the stabilization of the mixtures studied was confirmed, which was mainly due to the occurrence of chemical hydration reactions of the anhydrous cement and pozzolanic reactions. The study demonstrated the possibility of stabilizing mixtures of recycled aggregates cementitious waste and red ceramic by the occurrence of cementing chemical reactions promoted by combination of these materials.
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Improvement Of Strength Of Soils At High Water Content Using Pozzolanic MaterialsNarendra, B S 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Pozzolanic Additives To Control Dispersivity Of SoilPratibha, R 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of the present investigation is to improve the geotechnical properties of
dispersive soil by reducing their dispersivity after elucidating the important mechanisms controlling the dispersivity of the soils. Dispersive soils have unique properties, which under certain conditions deflocculate and are rapidly eroded and carried away by water flow. These soils are found extensively in the United States, Australia, Greece, India, Latin America, South Africa and Thailand. The mechanism of dispersivity of soils is a subject matter of great interest for geotechnical engineers.
In the earlier days clays were considered to be non erosive and highly resistant to water
erosion. However, recently it was found that highly erosive clay soils do exist in nature.
Apart from clayey soil, dispersivity is also observed in silty soils. The tendency of the
clays to disperse or deflocculate depends upon the mineralogy and soil chemistry and
also on the dissolved salts in the pore water and the eroding water. Such natural
dispersive soils are problematic for geotechnical engineers. They are clayey soils which are highly susceptible to erosion in nature and contain a high percentage of exchangeable sodium ions, (Na+). It is considered that the soil dispersivity is mainly due to the presence
of exchangeable sodium present in the structure. When dispersive clay soil is immersed in water, the clay fraction behaves like single-grained particles; that is, the clay particles have a minimum of electrochemical attraction and fail to closely adhere to, or bond with,
other soil particles. This implies that the attractive forces are less than the repulsive
forces thus leading to deflocculation (in saturated condition).This weakens the aggregates in the soil causing structural collapse. Such erosion may start in a drying crack, settlement crack, hydraulic fracture crack, or other channel of high permeability in a soil mass. Total failure of slopes in natural deposits is initiated by dispersion of clay particles along cracks, fissures and root holes, accelerated by seepage water. For dispersive clay soils to erode, a concentrated leakage channel such as a crack (even a very small crack) must exist through an earth embankment. Erosion of the walls of the channel then occurs along the entire length at the same time. Many slope and earth dam failures have occurred due to the presence of dispersive soils. Unlike erosion in cohesionless soils, erosion in dispersive clay is not a result of seepage through the pores of clay mass. However, the role of type of clay and its Cation exchange capacity in the dispersion of soil is not well understood. Data on the presence, properties, and tests for identification of dispersive clays is scarce. Hence, an attempt is made, in this thesis, to develop reliable methods to identify these soils and understand the extent of their dispersivity as well as to develop methods to control their dispersivity.
The present study deals with the characterization of a local dispersive soil collected from southern part of Karnataka State. This study has focused on comprehensive tests to assess the dispersivity of the soils by different methods and to methods to improve geotechnical properties by reducing the dispersivity of the soil.
An attempt is made to reduce the dispersivity of soil by using calcium based stabilizers such as lime, cement and fly ash. The mechanism of improvement in reducing the dispersivity of the soil with calcium based stabilizers has been studied. One of the important mechanism by which the dispersivity of the soil is reduced is by inducing cementation of soil particles. The differences in effectiveness of different additives are due to their differences in abilities to produce cementitious compounds. Although all the additives increased the strength of the soil and reduced the dispersivity of the soil, cement
was found to significantly reduce the dispersivity of the soil, compared to the other two additives lime and fly ash. Cement is more effective as sufficient cementitious compounds are produced on hydration without depending on their formation.
A detailed review of literature on all aspects connected with the present study is given in Chapter 2. A comprehensive description of dispersive soils present worldwide has been brought out in this section. Based on this survey, the scope of the present investigation has been elaborated at the end of the chapter.
To understand the reasons for dispersivity of the soil and to estimate its degree of
dispersivity, it is essential to assess standard methods to characterize the soil. Chapter 3 presents a summary of material properties and testing programs.
The results of geotechnical characterization of the soil, the index properties of the soilspecific gravity, sieve analysis, Atterberg’s limits are discussed in Chapter 4. The physico chemical characteristics play an important role in determining the amount of dispersivity of the soil. Dispersive soils have two main characteristics which define its dispersivity chemically. These are Sodium Adsorption Ratio (S.A.R) and Exchangeable Sodium Percentage (E.S.P). The two characteristics are determined from the Cation exchange capacity of the soil. Exchangeable Sodium Percentage is defined as the concentration of sodium ions present in the soil with respect to the Cat ion exchange
capacity of the soil. And Sodium Adsorption Ratio is used to quantify the free salts
present in the pore water. Since Atterberg’s limits and grain size analysis do not help in
identifying dispersive soils or in quantifying its dispersivity, two other tests- Emerson Crumb test and double hydrometer test were carried out on the soil. Emerson crumb test is a simple way for identification of dispersive soils. In this test, a crumb of soil measuring about 1mm diameter is immersed in a beaker containing distilled water and the subsequent reaction is observed for 5 minutes. It is solely based on direct qualitative observations. Depending on the degree of turbidity of the cloud formed in the beaker, the soil is classified in one of the four levels of dispersion in accordance with ASTM-D6572.
Since this test is mainly a qualitative test and does not help in quantifying the
dispersivity, it cannot be depended upon completely in identifying a dispersive soil.
Another test double hydrometer test, which helps in quantifying the dispersivity of the
soil, was also conducted on the soil. This test involves in conducting the particle size
distribution using the standard hydrometer test in which the soil specimen was dispersed
in distilled water with a chemical dispersant. A parallel hydrometer test was conducted on another soil specimen, but without a chemical dispersant. The dispersing agent used for the experiment was sodium hexametaphosphate. The percent dispersion is the ratio of the dry mass of particles smaller than 0.005 mm diameter of the test without dispersing agent to the test with dispersing agent expressed as a percentage. The double hydrometer test
was carried out according to Double Hydrometer Test (ASTM D4221).
Apart from the conventional tests, attempts are made to consider shrinkage limit test and
unconfined compression test to determine the dispersivity of the soil. For this purpose,
the shrinkage limit of the soil was determined with and without dispersing agent. The initial shrinkage limit of the untreated soil reduced on treating it with dispersing agent, thus indicating that the soil had further dispersed on addition of dispersing agent. In order to carry out the unconfined compression strength, the maximum dry density and optimum moisture content was determined through the compaction test. The soil was then treated with dispersing agent and compacted at the optimum moisture content. The soil exhibited high degree of dispersion through the strength test. Hence it is necessary to stabilize the soil with additives.
Detailed experimental program has been drawn to find methods to improve the geotechnical properties and to reduce the dispersivity of the soil.
Chapter 5 presents the investigations carried out on the dispersive soil with lime. The importance of lime stabilization and the mechanism of lime stabilization have been discussed initially. Commercially obtained hydrated lime was used in the present study.
The soil was treated with three different percentages of lime 3, 5 and 8. The curing period was varied from one day to twenty eight days. The effect of addition of lime on various properties of the soil such as pH, Atterberg’s limits, compaction test and unconfined compression test is elaborated in chapter 5. The pH of the soil was maximum on addition of 3% lime. On further addition, the pH decreased and remained constant. The liquid limit of the soil increased on adding 3% lime and decreased with further lime content.
The compaction test conducted on the soil showed an increase in maximum dry density
of the soil and reduction in optimum moisture content with 3% lime content. On further increase in the lime content, the soil showed a decrease in the maximum dry density and increase in optimum moisture content. The unconfined compressive strength of the soil also increased on increasing lime content upto 5%. The variation in strength of the soil with respect to curing period was also compared. Optimum lime content arrived at based on the above conducted tests was 3%. The effect of lime in reducing the dispersivity of the soil through shrinkage limit test and unconfined compression test is also presented in
this chapter.
Details of the efforts made on the soil with fly ash are presented in Chapter 6.The fly ash used for stabilization of Suddha soil was of Class F type. This type of fly ash contains low reactive silica and lime. The effect of varying fly ash content on the properties of Suddha soil by varying the percentage of fly ash from 3 to 10 percentages is discussed in this chapter. The tests conducted on fly ash treated Suddha soil were pH test, compaction
test, Atterberg’s limits and unconfined compression test with varying curing period. The fly ash treated Suddha soil was cured from one day to twenty eight days for the
unconfined compressive strength analysis. The pH of the soil system increased with
increasing percentage of fly ash. The increase in liquid limit was marginal on addition of fly ash. The maximum dry density of fly ash treated Suddha soil decreased continuously and the optimum moisture content of the treated soil increased with increasing fly ash content. The unconfined compressive strength of Suddha soil increased with increase in fly ash content upto 8% and then decreased for fly ash content of 10%. For all the percentages of fly ash added, the strength of the soil increased with increase in the curing
period. The effect of fly ash in reducing the dispersivity of the soil was carried out using shrinkage limit and unconfined compression test. It was seen that on increasing the fly ash content, the soil treated with dispersing agent showed an increase in the shrinkage limit. Also, the same trend was observed for the unconfined compression strength to determine dispersivity. Optimum fly ash was determined as 8% with the help of all the tests conducted on the soil.
Since the improvement in the properties of the soil with lime and fly ash was not very
high, Cement was also considered as another additive used for stabilization of Suddha
soil. It is known that soil with lesser amount of clay content will respond well with cement. The effect of cement addition on various properties of Suddha soil has been
brought out in Chapter 7. It was found that addition of cement had positive effects on all the properties of Suddha soil. The pH of the soil increased for all the percentages of
cement addition. The liquid limit of the soil increased on increasing the cement content.
The shrinkage limit also showed a similar trend. The optimum moisture content of the
soil decreased on increasing the cement content for Suddha soil and the maximum dry
density increased for cement treated Suddha soil. The soil showed the maximum dry density at 8% cement content. The unconfined compression strength conducted on cement treated Suddha soil increased significantly for higher cement contents and also with curing period. Suddha soil when treated with 8% cement content exhibited maximum strength in comparison to other percentages. Also, the effect of cement in reducing the dispersivity of the soil was carried out using shrinkage limit and unconfined
compression test. The shrinkage limit of the soil increased for all percentages of cement
content, even in the presence of dispersing agent. Through the unconfined compression
strength for dispersivity, it could be seen that 8% cement treated Suddha soil had the least dispersion. Optimum cement content was derived as 8% with the help of the tests
conducted on the soil.
A comparison of effect of all the additives on the strength of the soil as well as effect of the additives in reducing the dispersivity of the soil is discussed in Chapter 8. The effect of additives on the shrinkage limit of the soil with and without dispersing agent has been compared. The variation in shrinkage limit of the soil when treated with the additives was due to the different mechanisms involved in reducing the dispersivity by each additive.
The effect on the unconfined compression strength of the soil treated with the additives with and without dispersing agent is also brought out in this chapter. It was noted that the dispersion exhibited through shrinkage limit test was lesser as compared to the percentage dispersivity exhibited through unconfined compression test. Hence it could be said that dispersion of the soil is due to loss of cohesion than volume change behavior. Also, the unconfined compression strength of the soils with respect to curing period is compared. The percentage dispersivity calculated through these tests is summarized and compared. With the help of this it could be said that to control the dispersivity of the soil,
it is necessary to enhance the strength of the soil.
The general summary and major conclusions drawn from the thesis are presented in
Chapter 9.
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Valorisation de résidus agroindustriels comme matériaux pour l'habitat et la construction : utilisation de la bagasse dans les liants composés minéraux et les composites / Valorization agroindustrial wastes as housing and building materials : use of bagasse in composed binders and composite materialsRatiarisoa, Rijaniaina 15 June 2018 (has links)
La présente étude vise à valoriser des résidus agroindustriels comme matériaux pour l’habitat et la construction. Dans ce contexte, les travaux de recherche s’articulent autour de deux axes majeurs : le développement d’un liant alternatif et l’élaboration de matériaux composites à partir de ce liant alternatif et des matériaux végétaux. Deux liants composés utilisant des cendres de bagasse, nommés cendres de bagasse-chaux et ciment-cendres de bagasse ont été étudiés. A partir de ces liants composés, deux types de matériaux composites incluant des matériaux végétaux ont été élaborés : un composite incorporant des granulats de bagasse et de coco et un autre renforcé par des pulpes d’eucalyptus. Les propriétés physiques, chimiques, mécaniques et hydriques de ces matériaux ont été déterminées. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la calcination des cendres de bagasse à 600°C et la sélection des particules de taille inférieure à un diamètre seuil compris entre 45 et 63µm augmentent sa réactivité. Le liant composé cendres de bagasse-chaux est susceptible de développer une résistance à la compression de l’ordre de 39MPa à 28 jours, une valeur supérieure à celle des liants composés matériaux pouzzolaniques-chaux étudiés dans la littérature. Grace à sa faible alcalinité, ce liant composé préserve mieux les matériaux végétaux vis à vis de leur minéralisation et leur fragilisation comparativement au liant à base de ciment. L’incorporation de pulpes cellulosiques dans le liant composé cendres de bagasse-chaux permet d’obtenir des matériaux composites ayant des propriétés à la flexion comparables à celles d’un composite ciment-pulpes cellulosiques. / The present study aims to add value to agroindustrial residues as housing and building materials. In this context, the research works revolve around two main lines: the development of an alternative binder using agroindustrial residues and the production of composite materials from this alternative binder and plant resources. Two composed binder using bagasse ash, named bagasse ash lime and cement-bagasse ash, were optimised and produced. Using these composed binder, two kinds of composite materials including plant resources were produced: one composite developed with vegetable aggregates and another one reinforced with eucalyptus pulps. The physical, chemical, mechanical and hydric properties of these materials were investigated. The results show that the bagasse ash recalcination at 600 °C and the selection of the particles under a diameter limit (between 45 and 63 µm) improve its reactivity. Blended with slaked lime, the composed binder obtained with these parameters is likely to develop a compressive strength higher than 39 MPa at 28 days; this value is higher than the compressive strength of pouzzolanic material and lime based binder studied in the literature. In addition, due to the lower alkalinity of the interstitial solution of this composed binder, related to the lime consumption by the pouzzolanic material, it better protects vegetable materials from mineralization than the binders based on Portland cement. The incorporation of the cellulosic pulps in the composed binder lime-bagasse ash produces composite materials with a similar flexural behaviour as a composite made with cement and cellulosic pulp.
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Propuesta de concretos con cementos adicionados y fibras estructurales para mitigar la fisuración por contracción plástica y por secado en edificios de ductilidad limitada en Lima / Proposal of concrete with additional cements and structural fibers to mitigate cracking by plastic contraction and by drying in buildings of limited ductility in limaBarturén del Villar, Christian Alex, Durand Yucra, David Angel 25 February 2022 (has links)
La presente tesis contempla el diseño de una gama de concretos de baja contracción, empleando cementos con adición de puzolanas, fibras de polipropileno y fibras metálicas para mitigar la fisuración, mejorando la durabilidad de las edificaciones. Para proponer los diseños se investigó cuáles de las contracciones son la que tienen mayor incidencia en la fisuración del concreto, siendo la contracción plástica y la contracción por secado las más importantes. Asimismo, se estudiaron qué variables son las que provocan la contracción y posterior fisuramiento, afirmando que son producidos por factores ambientales, los componentes del concreto y malas prácticas constructivas.
En la primera etapa, se realizó la caracterización de los agregados (fino y grueso), realizándose ensayos como granulometría, absorción, peso específico, contenido de humedad y %pasante de la malla #200. En la segunda etapa se realizaron los ensayos en concreto fresco, siendo el de mayor importancia el ensayo de simulación de contracción plástica, para el cual empleamos la ASTM C1579. Para realizar este ensayo se fabricaron los paneles que simulan restricciones y se construyó una cámara en la que se controla la velocidad del aire, temperatura y humedad relativa. En la tercera etapa se realizaron los ensayos en concreto endurecido, siendo el más importante el ensayo de contracción por secado, para lo cual empleamos la ASTM C490. Para ello, se realizaron probetas rectangulares para la medición de la variación del cambio de longitud durante 31 días. Finalmente, se realizará el análisis costo – beneficio para demostrar la viabilidad de la propuesta. / This thesis contemplates the design of a range of low-shrinkage concretes, using cements with the addition of pozzolans, polypropylene fibers and metallic fibers to mitigate cracking, improving the durability of buildings. In order to propose the designs, it was investigated which of the contractions have the greatest incidence in the cracking of the concrete, being the plastic contraction and the drying contraction the most important. Likewise, the variables that cause contraction and subsequent cracking were studied, stating that they are produced by environmental factors, concrete components and poor construction practices.
In the first stage, the characterization of the aggregates (fine and coarse) was carried out, performing tests such as granulometry, absorption, specific weight, moisture content and% passing through of the # 200 mesh. In the second stage, tests were carried out on fresh concrete, the most important being the plastic shrinkage simulation test, for which we used ASTM C1579. To carry out this test, the panels that simulate restrictions were manufactured and a chamber was built in which the air speed, temperature and relative humidity were controlled. In the third stage, tests were carried out on hardened concrete, the most important being the drying shrinkage test, for which we used ASTM C490. For this, rectangular test tubes were made to measure the variation of the change in length during 31 days. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis will be carried out to demonstrate the viability of the proposal. / Tesis
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The dissolution of limestone, coal fly ash and bottom ash in wet flue gas desulphurizationKoech, Lawrence 03 1900 (has links)
M. Tech. (Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology): Vaal University of Technology / Strict environmental regulation on flue gas emission has led to the implementation of FGD technologies in power stations. Wet FGD technology is commonly used because it has high SO2 removal efficiency, high sorbent utilization and due to availability of the sorbent (limestone) used. SO2 is removed by passing flue gas through the absorber where it reacts with the slurry containing calcium ions which is obtained by dissolution.
This study presents the findings of the dissolution of a calcium-based material (limestone) for wet FGD process. This was done using a pH stat apparatus and adipic acid as acid titrant. Adipic acid was used because of its buffering effect in wet FGD process. The conditions used for this study are similar to what is encountered in a wet FGD process. The extent of dissolution was determined by analyzing the amount of calcium ions in solution at different dissolution periods. The dissolution kinetics were correlated to the shrinking core model and it was found out that chemical reaction at the surface of the particle is the rate controlling step. This study also investigated the dissolution of coal fly ash and bottom ash. Their dissolution kinetics showed that the diffusion through the product layer was the rate controlling step due to an ash layer formed around the particle. The formation of ash layer was attributed to pozzolanic reaction products which is calcium-alumino-silicate (anorthite) compounds were formed after dissolution.
The effect of fly ash on the dissolution of rate of limestone was also studied using response surface methodology. Limestone reactivity was found to increase with increase in the amount of fly ash added and the pH was found to be strong function of the rate constant compared to other dissolution variables. The presence of silica and alumina in fly ash led to a significant increase in the specific surface area due to hydration products formed after dissolution. / Eskom
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Influ?ncia da adi??o de cinza do baga?o de cana calcinada em sistemas de pastas para cimenta??o de po?os petrol?ferosGalv?o, Lornna Lylian de Araujo 31 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014-01-31 / Cementing operation is one of the most important stages in the oil well drilling processes and has main function to form hydraulic seal between the various permeable zones traversed by the well. However, several problems may occur with the cement sheath, either during primary cementing or during the well production period. Cements low resistance can cause fissures in the cement sheath and compromise the mechanical integrity of the annular, resulting in contamination of groundwater and producing zones. Several researches show that biomass ash, in particular, those generated by the sugarcane industry have pozzolanic activity and can be added in the composition of the cementing slurries in diverse applications, providing improvements in mechanical properties, revenue and cement durability. Due to the importance of a low cost additive that increases the mechanical properties in a well cementing operations, this study aimed to potentiate the use of sugarcane bagasse ash as pozzolanic material, evaluate the mechanisms of action of this one on cement pastes properties and apply this material in systems slurries aimed to cementing a well with 800 m depth and geothermal gradient of 1.7 ?F/100 ft, as much primary cementing operations as squeeze. To do this, the ash beneficiation methods were realized through the processes of grinding, sifting and reburning (calcination) and then characterization by X-ray fluorescence, XRD, TG / DTG, specific surface area, particle size distribution by laser diffraction and mass specific. Moreover, the ash pozzolanic activity added to the cement at concentrations of 0%, 20% and 40% BWOC was evaluated by pozzolanic activity index with lime and with Portland cement. The evaluation of the pozzolanic activity by XRD, TG / DTG and compressive strength confirmed the ash reactivity and indicated that the addition of 20% in the composition of cement slurries produces improvement 34% in the mechanical properties of the slurry cured. Cement slurries properties evaluated by rheological measurements, fluid loss, free fluid, slurry sedimentation, thickening time and sonic strength (UCA) were satisfactory and showed the viability of using the sugarcane ash in cement slurries composition for well cementing / A opera??o de cimenta??o ? uma das etapas mais importantes no processo de perfura??o de po?os de petr?leo e tem a fun??o primordial de promover a veda??o hidr?ulica entre as diversas zonas perme?veis atravessadas pelo po?o. No entanto, v?rios problemas podem ocorrer com a bainha de cimento, seja durante a cimenta??o prim?ria ou no decorrer do per?odo produtivo do po?o. Cimentos de baixa resist?ncia podem causar trincas na bainha de cimento e comprometer a integridade mec?nica do anular, resultando em contamina??o de len??is fre?ticos e zonas produtoras. V?rias pesquisas comprovam que cinzas de biomassa, em particular, as geradas pela ind?stria sucroalcooleira apresentam atividade pozol?nica e podem ser adicionadas na composi??o das pastas cimentantes em diversas aplica??es, proporcionando benef?cios nas propriedades mec?nicas, no rendimento e na durabilidade do cimento. Dada a import?ncia de um aditivo de baixo custo e que aumenta as propriedades mec?nicas em uma opera??o de cimenta??o de po?os, este trabalho objetivou potencializar o uso da cinza de biomassa da cana-de-a??car (CBCC) como material pozol?nico, avaliar os mecanismos de atua??o desta nas propriedades de pastas de cimento e aplicar este material em sistemas de pastas destinadas ? cimenta??o de um po?o com 800 m de profundidade e gradiente geot?rmico de 1,7 ?F/100 p?s, tanto para as opera??es de cimenta??o prim?ria quanto corretiva (squeeze). Para isso, foram realizados m?todos de beneficiamento da cinza atrav?s dos processos de moagem, peneiramento e requeima (calcina??o) e, em seguida, a caracteriza??o por fluoresc?ncia de raios-X, DRX, TG/DTG, superf?cie espec?fica, granulometria a laser e massa espec?fica. Al?m disso, a atividade pozol?nica da cinza, adicionada ao cimento nas concentra??es de 0% (pasta padr?o), 20% e 40% BWOC, foi avaliada pelo ?ndice da atividade pozol?nica com a cal e com o cimento Portland. A avalia??o da atividade pozol?nica atrav?s das an?lises de DRX, TG/DTG e resist?ncia ? compress?o
comprovaram a reatividade do material e indicaram que a adi??o de 20% de cinza na composi??o das pastas produz melhorias em at? 34% das propriedades mec?nicas da pasta endurecida. As propriedades das pastas avaliadas atrav?s dos ensaios de propriedades reol?gicas, perda de filtrado, ?gua livre, estabilidade, tempo de espessamento e resist?ncia ? compress?o (UCA) mostraram-se satisfat?rias e indicaram a viabilidade da utiliza??o da cinza na composi??o das pastas de cimento para po?os de petr?leo
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Vliv různé technologie mletí a mechanické aktivace na vlastnosti hydraulických pojiv / Effects of the different grinding technology and of mechanical activation on the properties of hydraulic bindersHladík, Václav January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis mainly tracks the effect of grinding technology on the final properties of portland cement and selected pozzolanic materials. For grinding of portland cement, was also observed the effect of storage time on the final mechanical properties and hydratation process. Pozzolan activity of selected materials was monitored by evaluation of the reaction with CaO by differential thermal analysis.
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Vývoj vysokopevnostních betonů s vysokým obsahem el. popílků / The development of high-strength concrete with a high content of el. fly ashRoubal, David January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the study of high-strength, high-volume fly ash concrete. The theoretical part of this thesis focuses on the detailed characteristic and main principles of high-strength concrete, high-volume fly ash concrete. In addition, according to the findings, the technology of high-strength and high-volume fly ash concrete, including principles of high strength, has been described. On the basis of the findings, high-strength, high-volume fly ash concrete for specific compressive strengths has been designed and created in the experimental section. These concretes were then subjected to a number of tests.
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Vápenné malty modifikované jemně mletým cihelným střepem / Lime Mortars Modified by Fine Ground Brick BodyŠmerdová, Ludmila January 2013 (has links)
Natural pozzolanic materials played an important role in Ancient architecture. In the last decades and nowadays it is artifical pozzolan which especially finds its use as an additive to mortar and concrete to improve some, especially the mechanical properties. This master thesis deals with study of pozzolan type of fine brick powder which is a by-product of the production of calibrated bricks. Along with studying pozzolanic activity of brick powder, lime mortar with different proportions of brick powder as an additive or replacement of lime dust are investigated. What is observed is its impact on the consistency of these mortar, water absorption, strength in time or fracture-mechanical parameters of mortar. The results may indicate the possible potential use of this source of pozzolanic admixture in lime mortar and plaster which are nowadays mainly used for the restoration of facades of historic buildings.
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