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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fluorescent cell tracer dye permits real-time assessment of re-epithelialization in a serum-free ex vivo human skin wound assay

Nasir, N.A.M., Paus, R., Ansell, David 21 April 2020 (has links)
Yes / Ex vivo wounded human skin organ culture is an invaluable tool for translationally relevant preclinical wound healing research. However, studies incorporating this system are still underutilized within the field because of the low throughput of histological analysis required for downstream assessment. In this study, we use intravital fluorescent dye to lineage trace epidermal cells, demonstrating that wound re‐epithelialization of human ex vivo wounds occurs consistent with an extending shield mechanism of collective migration. Moreover, we also report a relatively simple method to investigate global epithelial closure of explants in culture using daily fluorescent dye treatment and en face imaging. This study is the first to quantify healing of ex vivo wounds in a longitudinal manner, providing global assessments for re‐epithelialization and tissue contraction. We show that this approach can identify alterations to healing with a known healing promoter. This methodological study highlights the utility of human ex vivo wounds in enhancing our understanding of mechanisms of human skin repair and in evaluating novel therapies to improve healing outcome. / University of Manchester Strategic Fund; Wellcome Trust; BBSRC; Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia Universiti; Sains Malaysia

Development of in vivo tumour models for non-invasive proof-of-principle investigation of novel therapeutic agents : engineering and characterisation of bioluminescent cell reporter systems for in vivo analysis of anti-cancer therapy pharmacodynamics

O'Farrell, Alice Claire January 2011 (has links)
Despite significant advances in cancer treatment, clinical response remains suboptimal and there is a continued requirement for improved chemotherapeutics. The attrition rate for new therapies is high, due principally to lack of in vivo efficacy and poor pharmacodynamics. Consequently better systems are required to determine in vivo preclinical efficiency and drug-target interactions. Engineering of cancer cells to express fluorescent or bioluminescent proteins, either endogenously or under the control of specific gene promoters, and their detection by noninvasive optical imaging has the potential to improve preclinical drug development. In this study, a panel of colorectal cancer cell lines were engineered to express fluorescent and luminescent proteins either constitutively or under control of gene-promoters for the DNA damage response gene p53 or the cell cycle regulator p21, both important pharmacodynamic sensors. These cell lines were characterised for their potential as in vivo models of primary and metastatic tumour therapy response, several showing significant potential. In addition to the development of these models, this study also addressed the pharmacokinetics of different luciferase substrates and identified optimal temporal and dose characteristics for each. Furthermore, a new application for bioluminescent imaging was developed and validated for use in preclinical evaluation of vascular disrupting agents, a new generation of cancer therapeutic. This study demonstrates that despite the dynamic and variable nature of fluorescent and bioluminescent imaging, reproducible results can be obtained if appropriate precautions are taken. The models developed herein will expedite cancer drug development whilst reducing and refining the use of animals in research.

Nouveaux vecteurs polymères et modèles expérimentaux en vue de la délivrance intrapéritonéale prolongée d’agents anti tumoraux dans le traitement des cancers de l’ovaire / Novel polymers and experimental models suitable for prolonged drug delivery in the treatment of advanced ovarian cancer

Colombo, Pierre-Emmanuel 28 February 2012 (has links)
Le cancer de l'ovaire est la première cause de décès par cancer gynécologique. Cette thèse avait pour objectif la prospection de nouvelles solutions thérapeutiques fondées sur la délivrance prolongée d'agents anti tumoraux à l'aide de systèmes macromoléculaires de synthèse. L'un des obstacles majeurs était la disposition d'un modèle de tumeur pertinent chez l'animal. Après un examen bibliographique des connaissances acquises, le deuxième chapitre examine le potentiel d'un panel de xénogreffes dérivées de tumeurs ovariennes humaines directement greffées chez la souris immunodéprimée. Il est montré que les principales caractéristiques phénotypiques et moléculaires des tumeurs originales sont maintenues au niveau des greffes. Les résultats traduisent la présence d'une hétérogénéité intra-tumorale et d'une oligoclonalité au niveau des tumeurs primaires. L'ensemble confirme l'importance du choix du modèle tumoral pour l'évaluation de nouveaux traitements et l'étude des mécanismes aboutissant aux rechutes de la maladie et au développement d'une chimiorésistance. Un troisième chapitre traite l'exemple d'un système de délivrance prolongée fondé sur le couplage d'un agent antitumoral modèle, la doxorubicine, associé de diverses manières à un vecteur macromoléculaire biorésorbable, le poly(L-lysine citramide). Le premier conjugué obtenu par couplage direct sur le vecteur étant trop stable, divers systèmes ont été conçus pour obtenir la libération souhaitée. L'utilisation d'un bras espaceur clivable de type ester-hydrazone a fourni le meilleur résultat. Pour pallier la complexité de ces conjugués, une stratégie innovante fondée sur le piégeage de la doxorubicine dans une gélatine artificielle à base de poly(N-acryloyl glycinamide) est prospectée qui devrait permettre l'utilisation simultanée de plusieurs principes actifs piégés temporairement par voie physique dans un gel adhésif et fournir des solutions mieux adaptées aux contraintes cliniques des traitements intrapéritonéaux. / Ovarian carcinoma is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy. The aim of this PhD thesis was to develop new therapeutic approaches based on novel synthetic macromolecular drug delivery systems for intraperitoneal chemotherapy. These objectives were limited by the requirement of reliable tumor models for experimental studies. After a concise review of knowledge published in the literature, the potential interest of the establishment of a collection of tumor grafts derived from samples of human tumors is examined in a second chapter. Data show that the major phenotypic and genotypic features of the original tumors are maintained in the xenografts. They also confirm the importance of this tumor model to test new drugs and to analyze intratumoral heterogeneity and oligoclonality in primary ovarian carcinoma. The collection will be also helpful to study the mechanisms leading to disease recurrences and resistance to chemotherapies. An example of drug delivery system based on the different associations of a model chemotherapeutic drug (doxorubicin) with a bioresorbable macromolecular vector, namely poly(L-lysine citramide), is addressed in a third chapter. Direct amid linkage in the first conjugate was too stable with respect to antitumoral cytotoxicity desired after in vivo administration and different systems were generated subsequently to increase drug release in tumor deposits. The best results were obtained with a hydrazone cleavable spacer containing an ester group. To overcome the complexity of these conjugates, a novel strategy based on doxorubicin entrapment in a synthetic gelatin made of (poly(N-acryloyl glycinamide) is developed. This strategy should allow physical temporary entrapment of different drug molecules in a adhesive gel and could provide new solutions to the therapeutic challenges of intraperitoneal administration.

Drugs of the Future - Bispecific Antibodies : An investigaion of future development needs

Svahn, Carl Fabian, Khan, Anisha, Wahlsten, Amanda, Larsson, Terese, Koivula, Therese, Andersson, Thomas January 2019 (has links)
This report reviews the field of bispecific antibodies, artificially engineered antibodies thathave the ability to bind two or more different antigen simultaneously. Historical as well asrecently developed techniques are demonstrated, together with formats in preclinical andclinical development. We studied the field with the future needs of the developers in mind,when it comes to the processes and tools that can be offered by GE Healthcare BiosciencesAB. The development of bispecific antibodies gave rise to new challenges and product-relatedimpurities, which are handled by various methods. We argue for, based on the formats inclinical and preclinical development, that the methods already used to purify monospecificantibodies remain the most successful methods for the purification of bispecific antibodies.This, together with the design strategies that resolve the initial bottle-necks, ensures that theneeds of the developers are met to the same extent as for monoclonal antibodies. The methodsand formats demonstrated here do not represent all that are available or under trial.

Hydrogel de nanocapsules lipidiques chargées en lauroyl-gemcitabine pour le traitement local du glioblastome / Lauroyl-gemcitabine lipid nanocapsule hydrogel for the local treatment of glioblastoma

Bastiancich, Chiara 12 April 2018 (has links)
Le glioblastome (GBM) est une tumeur maligne du cerveau très agressive et actuellement incurable. Après le traitement standard, le GBM récidive toujours à cause de son caractère invasif et de sa résistance aux agents chimiothérapeutiques alkylants. Dans cette thèse, nous avons évalué la faisabilité, l'efficacité et la tolérance de l’hydrogel « nanocapsules lipidiques chargées en Lauroyl-gemcitabine » (GemC12-LNC) pour le traitement local du GBM. GemC12-LNC a été préparé par un procédé d'inversion de phase. Il est injectable, adapté à l'implantation cérébrale et capable de libérer de façon prolongée le médicament in vitro. Chez les souris saines, aucune inflammation, apoptose ou activation de la microglie n’a été observée après exposition à l'hydrogel, ce qui suggère que ce système est bien toléré. L'injection intra-tumorale de GemC12-LNC dans un modèle de GBM U87 sous-cutané et orthotopique a réduit de façon significative la croissance tumorale et a augmenté la survie médiane de l'animal par rapport aux contrôles, respectivement. De plus, en vue d’une meilleure relevance clinique, une technique de résection tumorale reproductible du GBM U87 et du gliosarcome 9L a été mise au point et l'hydrogel GemC12-LNC a réduit les récidives chez les souris et les rats, respectivement. En conclusion, l'efficacité et la tolérance de l’hydrogel GemC12-LNC ont été démontrées in vitro et in vivo. Cette formulation simple peut être injectée directement dans la cavité de résection du GBM, et combine les propriétés avantageuses des nanomédecines et des hydrogels. GemC12-LNC peut donc être considéré comme un système d'administration prometteur et innovant pour le traitement local du GBM. / Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive malignant brain tumor characterized by rapid proliferation and propensity to infiltrate healthy brain tissue. Despite aggressive standard of care therapy GBM always recur, mainly because of its high invasiveness and chemoresistance to alkylating drugs. In this Thesis, we evaluate the feasibility, efficacy and safety of the nanomedicine hydrogel Lauroyl-gemcitabine lipid nanocapsule (GemC12-LNC) for the local treatment of GBM. GemC12-LNC was prepared by a phase-inversion technique process. It is injectable, adapted for brain implantation and able to sustainably release the drug in vitro. In healthy mice brain, no inflammation, apoptosis or microglia activation was observed after exposure to the hydrogel suggesting that this system is well tolerated and suitable for an application in the brain. Intratumoral injection of GemC12-LNC hydrogel in a U87subcutaneous and orthotopic GBM model significantly reduced tumor growth and increased the animal’s median survival compared to the controls, respectively. Moreover, to mimic the clinical setting, a reproducible tumor resection technique of U87 GBM and 9L gliosarcoma was developed and the GemC12-LNC hydrogel slowed down the formation of recurrences in mice and rats brain, respectively. In conclusion, the feasibility efficacy and safety of GemC12-LNC have been shown in vitro and in several preclinical in vivo models showing that this nanomedicine hydrogel is a promising and innovative delivery system for the local treatment of GBM. This gel can be directly injected in the GBM resection cavity, has a very simple formulation and combines the properties of nanomedicines and hydrogels.

Illumination proche infrarouge à visée neuroprotectrice dans la maladie de Parkinson : étude préclinique / Near infra-red stimulation with neuroprotective aim in Parkinson's disease : preclinical study

Reinhart, Florian 22 January 2016 (has links)
La maladie de Parkinson est la seconde pathologie neurodégénérative la plus fréquente après la maladie d’Alzheimer. Elle se manifeste par une mort progressive et continue des neurones dopaminergiques de la voie nigro-striée, accompagnée de troubles moteurs et non moteurs lourdement handicapants. La maladie de Parkinson touche près de 6,3 millions de personnes dans le monde, avec une répartition homogène sur l’ensemble de la planète. Il existe plusieurs thérapeutiques permettant de diminuer les symptômes des malades, dont les plus efficaces sont la dopa-thérapie et la stimulation cérébrale profonde. Toutefois, à ce jour, aucune stratégie visant à protéger les neurones dopaminergiques de la dégénérescence n’a démontré son efficacité chez l’humain. En parallèle, un nombre grandissant d’études montre le potentiel cytoprotecteur d’une illumination proche infrarouge. Récemment, plusieurs études ont démontré le potentiel neuroprotecteur de cette gamme de lumière sur des modèles rongeurs de la maladie de Parkinson. L’objectif du présent travail est de confirmer ce potentiel et d’optimiser son efficacité afin de préfigurer l’essai clinique à venir. Pour ce faire, avec les modèles MPTP souris et 6-OHDA unilatéral rat, nous avons étudié la faisabilité d’une illumination intracérébrale chronique, l’influence de la longueur d’onde, de la fenêtre temporelle de traitement (pré-, post-traitement), de la quantité globale d’énergie optique apportée (continu vs discontinu, nombre de flashs lumineux, énergie d’un seul flash), de la durée d’un flash et de la puissance optique appliquée sur l’efficacité thérapeutique. Nous démontrons ici la faisabilité d’une illumination intracérébrale chronique et son potentiel neuroprotecteur. Nous montrons par ailleurs que les longueurs d’onde 670 et 810 nm protègent toutes deux les neurones dopaminergiques dans nos modèles d’étude. Nous montrons une mise en place rapide des mécanismes de protection (< 20 min), et un maintien dans le temps pendant au moins 48 heures. De plus, nous observons qu’une illumination discontinue est préférable à une illumination continue. La quantité globale d’énergie optique appliquée semble ne pas avoir de rôle significatif sur l’efficacité du traitement. En revanche, il existe un seuil bas pour la puissance optique, qui semble régie par un effet « tout-ou-rien ». L’efficacité thérapeutique est également liée à la durée d’un flash lumineux, par « un effet en cloche », Tous ces résultats sont en adéquation avec la littérature scientifique qu’ils confirment et complètent. Couplés aux travaux sur primates non humains de mon équipe d’accueil, ils serviront de base de travail à la conception du futur essai clinique. / Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease, after Alzheimer disease. It is characterized by a slow, continuous death of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway, followed by severe motor and non-motor symptoms. Parkinson’s disease affects 6.3 million peoples, with a homogeneous distribution worldwide.There are several symptomatic strategies applied in clinic, such as the dopa-therapy (gold standard) and the deep brain stimulation. However, theses therapeutical approaches are not neuroprotective. Indeed, to date, there is no strategy able to effectively slow or rescue the course of the disease. Alternatively, a growing number of studies show the cytoprotective potential of a near infrared illumination. Recently, several studies showed the neuroprotective potential of these wavelengths in rodent models of Parkinson disease.The aim of this work is to confirm and optimize the efficacy of a near infrared treatment in Parkinson’s disease, as the first step for the future clinical trial.We used the MPTP mice and the 6-OHDA unilateral rat models to assess the feasibility and the effectiveness of an intracerebral chronical illumination. We also measured the influence of the wavelength, the time window (pre-, post-treatment), the global optical energy delivered (continuous vs discontinuous, number of flashs, energy of one flash), the duration of one flash and the optical power on the therapeutical efficacy.We demonstrate here the feasibility of an intracerebral chronical illumination and its neuroprotective potential. We show that the 670 and 810 nm wavelengths both protect the dopaminergic cells in the rodent models, and produce a quick activation of the protective mechanisms (< 20 min). The neuroprotective effect stays effective at least 48 hours after the illumination. Moreover, we show that a discontinuous illumination seems better than a continuous one. The global optical energy delivered has no significant influence on the efficacy. In contrast, the optical power has an everything-or-nothing effect. The therapeutic efficacy is also flash duration dependent (bell effect).All these results confirm and complete the scientific literature. Together with the work on non-human primates from my team, these results will be useful to design the future clinical trial.

Développement de nouvelles méthodes d'évaluation de la douleur chez le rat par l'analyse des comportements spontanés et des perturbations émotionnelles et cognitives / Development of new methods in the evaluation of pain in rats by analysing spontaneous behaviours and emotional and cognitive impairments

Grégoire, Stéphanie 25 March 2011 (has links)
La recherche dans le domaine de la prise en charge de la douleur, notamment chronique, a un besoind’innovation car les traitements disponibles à l’heure actuelle sont pour la plupart anciens et souventliés à des effets indésirables. Il est maintenant admis que les études précliniques de la douleur ont denombreuses limites : pertinence des modèles, utilisation d’une stimulation douloureuse surajoutée,détermination d’un simple seuil ou délai, prise en compte de la seule composante sensoridiscriminative…De ce fait, certaines molécules efficaces chez l’animal et donc prometteuses, n’ontpas eu les effets escomptés chez l’homme. La base de notre travail de recherche s’attache donc àproposer de nouvelles méthodes d’appréciation de la douleur chronique chez l’animal en prenant encompte ses aspects multidimensionnels. De nombreuses études ont mis en évidence une altération dela qualité de vie chez des patients atteints de douleur chronique. Cette altération se caractérisenotamment par des perturbations émotionnelles et cognitives. Ces paramètres ne sont pas toujours prisen compte chez l’animal dans l’évaluation de traitements antalgiques mais pourrdouleurnt amener denouvelles possibilités et perspectives précliniques. Notre travail a consisté à étudier l’impact de ladouleur sur les comportements spontanés (automatisation du test au formol), la composanteémotionnelle et les capacités cognitives chez le rongeur. Il a été complété par l’exploration du rôle del’amygdale dans les mécanismes impliqués dans ces modifications comportementales.L’amélioration du test au formol a été réalisée dans le but de visualiser au mieux les comportementsspécifiques observés lors d’une douleur aiguë de type inflammatoire. Notre adaptation a permis, chezles mêmes animaux, de pouvoir dissocier l’effet antalgique et l’effet sédatif d’une molécule à l’aided’une méthode automatisée plus rapide et moins subjective.Parallèlement, nous avons apprécié l’impact de la douleur chronique sur la composante émotionnelleet les performances cognitives dans deux modèles de douleur chronique (inflammatoire etneuropathique). Les animaux souffrant de douleur chronique inflammatoire présentent desperturbations plus importantes que les animaux neuropathiques, perturbations pouvant être amélioréespar un traitement pharmacologique. Des études mécanistiques utilisant des micro-injections demorphine au niveau de l’amygdale ont souligné une implication importante du complexe basolatéraldans ces composantes émotionnelles et cognitives de la douleur.Ces nouvelles approches comportementales pourrdouleurnt permettre de mieux caractériser l’impact globalde la douleur chronique chez l’animal et de compléter la batterie de tests couramment utilisés enpréclinique. Ceci pourrait déboucher sur une transposition plus réaliste des résultats obtenus chezl’animal à l’homme, et donc conduire à une meilleure prédictibilité clinique de l’efficacité destraitements. Enfin, la mise en évidence de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques innovantes implique l’étudedes mécanismes responsables de ces altérations comportementales. / Research in the field of pain management, including chronic pain management, needs innovationbecause available treatments are mostly old and often associated with many side effects. It is now wellrecognized that preclinical studies on pain have many limitations: the relevance of the models, the useof imposed painful stimulations, determination of simple thresholds or delays, taking into account thesensory-discriminative component of pain alone… Indeed, some molecules that are efficient inanimals and that are considered as promising, didn’t have the desired effect in humans. Therefore, thebasis of our research aims to propose new methods to assess chronic pain in animals taking intoaccount its multidimensional aspects. Many studies have shown impaired quality of life in patientssuffering from chronic pain. This alteration is characterized by emotional and cognitive disturbances.These components of pain are not always taken into account in animal when studying analgesictreatments, but could bring new preclinical possibilities and perspectives. Our work consisted instudying the impact of pain on spontaneous behaviours (automated formalin test), emotionalcomponent and cognitive capacities in rodents. This work has been completed by the exploration ofthe role of the amygdala in the mechanisms underlying those behavioural modifications.Improvement of the formalin test was conducted in order to better visualize the specific behaviorsobserved during an acute inflammatory pain. Our adaptation has allowed dissociating the analgesicand sedative effect of a molecule in a same animal, using an automated method which is faster and lesssubjective than the manual method.In the meantime, we assessed the impact of chronic pain on the emotional and cognitive performancesin two models of chronic pain (inflammatory and neuropathic). Animals suffering from chronicinflammatory pain have more important impairments than animal suffering from neuropathic pain,impairments that can be improved with a pharmacological treatment. Mechanistic studies using microinjectionsof morphine in the amygdala have emphasized an important involvement of the basolateralcomplex in these emotional and cognitive components of pain.These new behavioural approaches may help better characterize the overall impact of chronic pain inanimals and complete the battery of tests commonly used in preclinical studies. This could lead to amore realistic transposition of the results obtained from animals to humans, and thus lead to betterpredictability for the clinical efficacy of treatments. Finally, the identification of new targets forinnovative therapies involves the study of mechanisms responsible for these behavioral impairments.

Developments in preclinical arterial spin labeling / Développements en marquage de spins artériels préclinique

Hirschler, Lydiane 31 March 2017 (has links)
Le flux sanguin cérébral (CBF) caractérise la micro-circulation et l'irrigation des tissus. Cette information de perfusion cérébrale est utilisé en clinique pour le diagnostic et le suivi thérapeutique de nombreuses maladies. La technique de mesure de CBF la moins invasive est celle par marquage de spins artériels (ASL) où l'eau du sang fait office de traceur. L'objectif de cette thèse, menée dans le cadre d'une convention CIFRE, consistait à faciliter l'utilisation de séquences ASL continues et pseudo-continues (CASL, pCASL) ainsi qu'à améliorer leur performance en pré-clinique. En effet, la mesure quantitative de CBF par ASL est un protocole complexe qui nécessite plusieurs étapes d'ajustements, d'acquisitions et de traitement de données. Dans le but d'alléger ce protocole, un package CASL a été développé en collaboration avec Bruker. Plusieurs étapes d'ajustements et de post-processing ont été automatisées, rendant la génération de cartes CBF relatives et absolues plus aisée. Le champ magnétique élevé des scanners IRM pré-cliniques présente de nombreux avantages mais est également une source de problèmes en ASL. Nous nous sommes intéressés plus particulièrement à deux d'entre eux : l'instabilité du marquage de spins et l'échauffement induit par les séquences ASL. Pour stabiliser le marquage ASL, une stratégie d'optimisation de la séquence pCASL a été développée et testée chez le rat à 9.4 T. Ceci a permis l'obtention d'un marquage robuste, même en situations de shim dégradé. Le package pCASL a été partagé avec dix autres instituts dans le monde. L'échauffement induit lors de séquences CASL et pCASL par le dépôt d'énergie radiofréquence a été caractérisé globalement et localement, dans le cerveau et au niveau des carotides, pour deux configurations d'antenne d'émission. Pour finir, une séquence pCASL encodée en temps a été développée et appliquée à la souris, dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec des équipes néerlandaises du Leiden University Medical Center. Cet outil permet la mesure simultanée de CBF et du temps de transit artériel, un paramètre pouvant refléter des pathologies vasculaires sous-jacentes. / Cerebral blood flow (CBF) characterizes the blood supply to brain tissue. This perfusion-related parameter contributes in diagnosis and therapeutic follow-up in many diseases. The least invasive technique to measure CBF is arterial spin labeling (ASL), where arterial water is used as tracer. The aim of this PhD project, conducted within a CIFRE agreement (Convention Industrielle de Formation par la REcherche), was to increase the performance and to facilitate the use of continuous and pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL, pCASL) tools in preclinical studies. CBF quantification by means of ASL is one of the most challenging MRI modalities in terms of the workflow, since additional adjustments, acquisitions and post-processing steps are required. First, to render the workflow smoother for the user, a CASL package has been developed in collaboration with Bruker. This workflow allows easier relative and absolute CBF measurements, thanks to the integration of automated adjustments and reconstruction steps. In a second step, problems arising at high magnetic field were addressed. A strategy to optimize the pCASL labeling sequence in order to obtain robust results was developed and its robustness towards suboptimal shim conditions was demonstrated at 9.4 T in rats. The developed pCASL-package, consisting of three sequences, was shared with ten other institutes worldwide. Another issue encountered at high magnetic fields is heating due to RF power deposition, which was assessed locally in the brain and in the carotids, as well as globally, for the CASL and pCASL sequences and for two different transmit coil configurations. In a third step, time-encoded pCASL was developed in mice in collaboration with teams of the Leiden University Medical Center. This tool enables the simultaneous mapping of CBF and arterial transit time, a parameter that can reflect underlying pathologies such as increased vessel tortuosity or occlusion.

Controlled release gel formulations and preclinical screening of drug candidates

Ur-Rehman, Tofeeq January 2011 (has links)
Simple gel formulations may be applied to enhance the systemic and local exposure of potential compounds. The aim of this thesis is the development and characterization of controlled release formulations based on thermo-reversible poloxamer gels, which are suitable for novel drug delivery applications.  In particular co-solvents (DMSO, ethanol), mucoadhesive polymers (chitosan, alginate) and salts (sodium tripolyphosphate, CaCl2) have been used to enhance the applications of poloxamer 407 (P407) formulations in preclinical animal studies. The impact of these additives on the micellization and gelation properties of P407 aqueous solutions was studied by calorimetric methods, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and “tube inversion” experiments. The drug release behavior of hydrophobic and hydrophilic drugs was characterized by using a membrane/membrane-free experimental setup. Finally, preliminary pharmacokinetic studies using a mouse model were conducted for screening of selected inhibitors of bacterial type III secretion and for evaluation of different formulations including P407 gel. All additives, used here, reduced the CMTs (critical micelle temperature) of dilute P407 solutions, with the exception of ethanol. The gelation temperature of concentrated P407 solutions was lowered in the presence of CaCl2, DMSO, TPP and alginate. 1H MAS (Magic Angle Spinning) NMR studies revealed that DMSO influences the hydrophobicity of the PPO segment of P407 polymers. Low concentrations of DMSO did not show any major effect on the drug release from P407 gels and may be used to improve the exposure of lead compounds in poloxamer gels. A newly developed in situ ionotropic gelation of chitosan in combination with TPP in P407 gels showed an enhanced resistance to water and reduced the release rates of model drugs. From preliminary pharmacokinetic studies in mice it was revealed that poloxamer formulations resulted in an increased plasma half-life of the lead compound.

Design and development of detector modules for a highly compact and portable preclinical PET system

ur-Rehman, Fazal January 2012 (has links)
Preclinical PET systems image animal models of chronic human disease that are used to evaluate new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of cancer and other diseases. Once these animals are out of a controlled environment for PET imaging, they typically can not be taken back as they may have been exposed to outside disease. A highly compact PET system is thus required to be developed that can operate within a bio-safety cabinet inside a barrier facility. We investigated using 100-mm-long LYSO scintillator crystals oriented in the axial direction and read out at both ends by position sensitive photomultiplier tubes (PSPMTs) to construct a compact PET. The optimization of light collection for axial encoding of events was carried out using different reflector materials and surface treatments of 3 × 2 × 100 mm3 and 2 × 2 × 100 mm3 polished crystals. The detector response was examined by irradiating the crystals at discrete positions using an electronically collimated 511 keV photon beam. The ratio of two PSPMT signals was used to find the axial-resolution while their sum was used to determine the energy resolution. We then explored the effects of creating systematic band patterns of surface roughing on 1 to 4 long surfaces of the crystals to modulate light-transport with the goal of further improving axial-resolution. These experimental results were used to benchmark DETECT2000 Monte Carlo simulations for our detector geometry. The axial-positioning calibration was carried out by evaluating a uniform flood-irradiation method and comparing with the collimated-irradiation method using 2 × 2 × 100 mm3 crystal detectors. The best axial-positioning resolution of 3.4 mm was achieved in this study for 2 × 2 × 100 mm3 Teflon-wrapped crystals with banding-patterns on only two opposite surfaces, fulfilling the design criteria of our proposed PET. The benchmarked DETECT2000 models can now be used to predict the performance of a complete detector module design. The calibration methods agreed if the trigger threshold energies were adjusted to give similar single event rates in both PSPMTs for uniform flood-irradiation. The implementation of flood-irradiation method in our complete PET scanner will provide a simple axial-positioning calibration.

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