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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ethos et représentation de l'Autre dans le discours de controverse religieuse de Philippe Duplessis-Mornay : Étude de l'emploi des pronoms dans la préface de deux éditions du Traité de l'eucharistie (1598/1604)

Yvert-Hamon, Sophie January 2013 (has links)
With the discourse analysis as framework, this study focuses on the ethos, the representation of the Other and the argumentation in the discourse of religious controversy of the protestant Philippe Duplessis-Mornay. The corpus, which consists of the prefaces of two editions of the Traité de l’eucharistie (1598 and 1604), was subject to a systematic survey of the personal pronouns je, nous, vous as well as references to Duplessis-Mornay’s direct opponents, in a diachronic perspective (the two editions have been compared). The analysis has shown the discursive strategies of Duplessis-Mornay, including a subtle management of the ethos and the relationship with the Other in order to convince the reader. The build-up of an ethos by an interposed author (frequent use of quotations), observed in the edition of 1598, has increased in that of 1604. This edition is also characterized by an ethos of justification which intends to invalidate an unfavourable prediscursive ethos resulting from adverse reactions to the first edition. The ethos of caritas and the authorial ethos are also very present in the discourse of the author in both editions. In his relation to the Other, Duplessis-Mornay uses a strategic approach, alternating nous inclusif and nous exclusif, and referring most often the notion of vous dans l’erreur to authors recognized by Catholics themselves, through quotations. Only direct opponents of the author are stigmatized by their representation in the third person. Duplessis-Mornay’s discourse, in both prefaces, is characterized by a diplomatic and persuasive attitude.

Discurso propedêutico de Kant diante da recepção da Crítica da Razão Pura / Kants propaedeutic discourse in face of the reception of Critique of Pure Reason

Ferreira, André Luís Doneux 08 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central proposto nesta dissertação é investigar como a recepção da primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura ressoa no corpus dos textos dedicados à preparar o leitor para a compreensão da obra, ou seja, como Kant reconstitui seu discurso propedêutico em relação à Crítica da razão pura a partir dos referenciais oferecidos pelos juízos do público sobre a obra publicada em 1781. O corpus, portanto, está delimitado aos três textos cuja tarefa propedêutica ou seja, a referida preparação prévia do leitor é claramente influenciada pela recepção da Crítica da razão pura. São eles: Prolegômenos a toda metafísica futura que queira apresentar-se como ciência; a Introdução à Crítica da razão pura em sua segunda edição; o Prefácio à segunda edição desta mesma obra. Esta problemática aparentemente técnica é tomada como mote para a realização de uma leitura da posição de Kant frente a acontecimentos marcantes no contexto filosófico e político dos anos seguintes à publicação da primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura marcadamente, a Pantheismusstreit e a mudança no trono prussiano em 1786, a qual, frequentemente, é tomada como causa da suposta recaída no dogmatismo, que seria observada na segunda edição da Crítica da razão pura. Não obstante, a interpretação de algumas das questões centrais para a fortuna crítica da filosofia kantiana, em particular, o estatuto do idealismo transcendental, a autonomia que deve caracterizar o uso público da razão e a elucidação do projeto de uma Crítica da razão pura também fazem parte do escopo da problemática proposta nesta dissertação. Sobretudo, importa valorizar o discurso propedêutico de Kant e as mudanças nele introduzidas, sem as quais as tentativas de compreensão de sua obra seriam inócuas, senão impossíveis de realizar-se objetivamente. / The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate how the reception of the first edition of the Critique of pure reason echoes in the text corpus devoted to prepare the reader to understand this book. In other words, how does Kant reconstitute his introductory speech in relation to the references and judgments given by the readers of the first edition, which was published in 1781? Thus, the text corpus comprises three texts where the propaedeutic task - the prior preparation of the reader - is clearly influenced by the reception of the Critique of Pure Reason. These texts are: the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, which presents itself as science, the second edition of the Introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason and the Preface of the latter. Moreover, these changes could be analyzed in Kant\'s position about remarkable events in the philosophical and political context of the years following the publication of the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. They were mainly the Pantheismusstreit and the change in the Prussian throne in 1786, which is often taken as the cause of the alleged \"return into dogmatism\" that was noticed in the second edition of the Critique of pure reason. On the same note, the interpretation of some of the nodal questions in the critical fortune of the Kantian philosophy, especially the status of transcendental idealism, the autonomy that must characterize the public use of reason and the elucidation of the project of a Critique of Pure Reason also compose important points for this dissertations investigation. All in all, it is crucial to valorize the introductory speech of Kant and the changes made by the author as an overall attempt to understand his work. Without it, our comprehension of such important texts would be innocuous or even impossible to occur objectively.

Entre as coisas do mundo e o mundo dos livros: prefácios cívicos e impressos escolares no Brasil republicano. / Among things in the world and the world of books: civic prefaces and school prints in the Republican Brazil.

Vieira, Cleber Santos 28 February 2008 (has links)
Denominam-se prefácios todos os discursos liminares produzidos a propósito de determinado texto. Os vínculos sistemáticos, históricos e contextuais com o impresso converteram os prefácios em preciosas fontes de pesquisa da história do livro nos mais variados gêneros da cultura escrita. Neste trabalho, analisamos a história dos prefácios nos impressos escolares produzidos em três momentos da história brasileira: República Velha, Era Vargas e Ditadura Militar. Neste caminho, prefácios, prólogos, apresentações, introduções e posfácios, além de outros suportes do impresso, revelaram-se como objetos imprescindíveis na tarefa de entender as diversas formas de conceber o civismo e escrever sobre a formação dos cidadãos. Pelos prefácios, foi possível identificar e analisar representações de ideais e valores de democracia, sonhos e desilusões republicanas, bem como, projetos e programas políticos. Como discurso que prepara a leitura, os prefácios analisados possibilitaram percorrer, por um lado, os elementos históricos externos ao livro e que recobriram objetivos sociais e políticos mais amplos da ação autoral. Por outro, permitiu entender que as opções do autor projetavam-se no tipo de linguagem e estratégia discursiva configuradas na estrutura interna do livro. Permitiram entender também a plasticidade do princípio que enuncia a formação do cidadão. Pelos prefácios fluíram ideais republicanos, disputas regionais, elementos da democracia autoritária, positivismo, cristianismo, marxismos e várias outras formas de representar a prática política. Tais representações reivindicaram para si a primazia na escolarização de temas como pátria, nação e cidadania tornando-os pré-requisitos da ação política. Enfim, Analisando traduções de manuais estrangeiros, livros didáticos, cartilhas, enciclopédias e demais gêneros de impressos escolares foi possível concluir que os prefácios cívicos significaram pontos de ligação entre as coisas do mundo e o mundo dos livros. Palavras- / Prefaces are nominated as all the introductory discourses produced for a determinate text. The historical, contextual and systematic links with the printed matter converted the prefaces in precious research sources to the history of books in all kinds of written culture. In this work, we analyze the history of the prefaces in scholastic publications in three moments of the Brazilian history: The Old Republic, The Age of Vargas and the Military Dictatorship. In this way prefaces, prologues, presentations, introductions and post-scripts, as well as other printed supports, became essential objects in understanding different forms of conceiving civism and to write about formation of citizens. By the prefaces it was possible to identify and analyze representations of idealisms and merits of democracy, republicans dreams and disappointments, as well as political projects and programs. As a preparation speech for reading, the analyzed prefaces made possible to run, from one side, the historical elements out side the book that overlated the more extensive social and political objectives of the auctorial action. On the other side made possible the understanding that the authors options were projected in the kind of language and discursive strategies found in the structure inside the book. They also allowed the comprehension of the plasticity in the origin which announces the citizen formation. With in prefaces, republican ideals, regional controversies, elements of the despotic democracy, positivism, Christianity, Marxism and many other forms of representing political practice have flowed. Such representations demanded for its self the primacy in schooling of themes as homeland, nation and citizenship making them prerequisites of the political action. Finally, analyzing the traditions of foreign manuals, didactic books, spelling books, encyclopedias and other kinds of scholar publications it was possible to conclude that the civic prefaces meant linking points between things of our world and the world of books.

The entrepreneurial playwright : a relational approach to marketing plays in the regions

Ainsworth, Rodney Phillip January 2008 (has links)
This exegesis examines the proposition that playwriting is an entrepreneurial activity when combined with the role of producer. The thesis demonstrates that, when a playwright combines the two roles and considers the development of a network of relationships in the process, positive steps can be made towards the marketing of a work and the career progression of the playwright. The issues of marketing and career progression are considered in a regional context. The thesis comprises the creation of a full-length theatrical work through the MA (Research) Program at Queensland University of Technology and an analysis of that journey in the context of regional theatre practice in Queensland. Nicolas Bourriaud’s theory of the Relational Aesthetic is used as a way of charting my practice and of examining how this approach might be appropriate to theatre-making in regional Australia. The paper establishes strategies by which the playwright, when also undertaking the role of producer, might manage the complex set of circumstances and interactions between the work, the community and the industry. Using practice-led research methodologies, the exegesis examines the process of the creation of a new play, Sinking, and explores, through the use of an autobiographical case study, what the process has meant to the author’s development as a playwright over a fifteen month period. The paper uses a network map to explore the interactions created through a rehearsed reading of the first draft of the play in October 2006 and, in doing so, demonstrates how a close engagement with the community formed the basis of the entrepreneurial strategy. The exegesis demonstrates that Bourriaud’s work connects very closely with the author’s practice and examines how the approach might be useful for other regional arts practitioners, particularly those in the early stages of their careers. The research aims to identify how the creation of the play, and the subsequent interactions generated within a regional community, can lead to opportunities to create connections both within the author’s place of residence and in broader theatre industry contexts, nationally and internationally, in order to provide commercial and professional outcomes.

Entre as coisas do mundo e o mundo dos livros: prefácios cívicos e impressos escolares no Brasil republicano. / Among things in the world and the world of books: civic prefaces and school prints in the Republican Brazil.

Cleber Santos Vieira 28 February 2008 (has links)
Denominam-se prefácios todos os discursos liminares produzidos a propósito de determinado texto. Os vínculos sistemáticos, históricos e contextuais com o impresso converteram os prefácios em preciosas fontes de pesquisa da história do livro nos mais variados gêneros da cultura escrita. Neste trabalho, analisamos a história dos prefácios nos impressos escolares produzidos em três momentos da história brasileira: República Velha, Era Vargas e Ditadura Militar. Neste caminho, prefácios, prólogos, apresentações, introduções e posfácios, além de outros suportes do impresso, revelaram-se como objetos imprescindíveis na tarefa de entender as diversas formas de conceber o civismo e escrever sobre a formação dos cidadãos. Pelos prefácios, foi possível identificar e analisar representações de ideais e valores de democracia, sonhos e desilusões republicanas, bem como, projetos e programas políticos. Como discurso que prepara a leitura, os prefácios analisados possibilitaram percorrer, por um lado, os elementos históricos externos ao livro e que recobriram objetivos sociais e políticos mais amplos da ação autoral. Por outro, permitiu entender que as opções do autor projetavam-se no tipo de linguagem e estratégia discursiva configuradas na estrutura interna do livro. Permitiram entender também a plasticidade do princípio que enuncia a formação do cidadão. Pelos prefácios fluíram ideais republicanos, disputas regionais, elementos da democracia autoritária, positivismo, cristianismo, marxismos e várias outras formas de representar a prática política. Tais representações reivindicaram para si a primazia na escolarização de temas como pátria, nação e cidadania tornando-os pré-requisitos da ação política. Enfim, Analisando traduções de manuais estrangeiros, livros didáticos, cartilhas, enciclopédias e demais gêneros de impressos escolares foi possível concluir que os prefácios cívicos significaram pontos de ligação entre as coisas do mundo e o mundo dos livros. Palavras- / Prefaces are nominated as all the introductory discourses produced for a determinate text. The historical, contextual and systematic links with the printed matter converted the prefaces in precious research sources to the history of books in all kinds of written culture. In this work, we analyze the history of the prefaces in scholastic publications in three moments of the Brazilian history: The Old Republic, The Age of Vargas and the Military Dictatorship. In this way prefaces, prologues, presentations, introductions and post-scripts, as well as other printed supports, became essential objects in understanding different forms of conceiving civism and to write about formation of citizens. By the prefaces it was possible to identify and analyze representations of idealisms and merits of democracy, republicans dreams and disappointments, as well as political projects and programs. As a preparation speech for reading, the analyzed prefaces made possible to run, from one side, the historical elements out side the book that overlated the more extensive social and political objectives of the auctorial action. On the other side made possible the understanding that the authors options were projected in the kind of language and discursive strategies found in the structure inside the book. They also allowed the comprehension of the plasticity in the origin which announces the citizen formation. With in prefaces, republican ideals, regional controversies, elements of the despotic democracy, positivism, Christianity, Marxism and many other forms of representing political practice have flowed. Such representations demanded for its self the primacy in schooling of themes as homeland, nation and citizenship making them prerequisites of the political action. Finally, analyzing the traditions of foreign manuals, didactic books, spelling books, encyclopedias and other kinds of scholar publications it was possible to conclude that the civic prefaces meant linking points between things of our world and the world of books.

Discurso propedêutico de Kant diante da recepção da Crítica da Razão Pura / Kants propaedeutic discourse in face of the reception of Critique of Pure Reason

André Luís Doneux Ferreira 08 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central proposto nesta dissertação é investigar como a recepção da primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura ressoa no corpus dos textos dedicados à preparar o leitor para a compreensão da obra, ou seja, como Kant reconstitui seu discurso propedêutico em relação à Crítica da razão pura a partir dos referenciais oferecidos pelos juízos do público sobre a obra publicada em 1781. O corpus, portanto, está delimitado aos três textos cuja tarefa propedêutica ou seja, a referida preparação prévia do leitor é claramente influenciada pela recepção da Crítica da razão pura. São eles: Prolegômenos a toda metafísica futura que queira apresentar-se como ciência; a Introdução à Crítica da razão pura em sua segunda edição; o Prefácio à segunda edição desta mesma obra. Esta problemática aparentemente técnica é tomada como mote para a realização de uma leitura da posição de Kant frente a acontecimentos marcantes no contexto filosófico e político dos anos seguintes à publicação da primeira edição da Crítica da razão pura marcadamente, a Pantheismusstreit e a mudança no trono prussiano em 1786, a qual, frequentemente, é tomada como causa da suposta recaída no dogmatismo, que seria observada na segunda edição da Crítica da razão pura. Não obstante, a interpretação de algumas das questões centrais para a fortuna crítica da filosofia kantiana, em particular, o estatuto do idealismo transcendental, a autonomia que deve caracterizar o uso público da razão e a elucidação do projeto de uma Crítica da razão pura também fazem parte do escopo da problemática proposta nesta dissertação. Sobretudo, importa valorizar o discurso propedêutico de Kant e as mudanças nele introduzidas, sem as quais as tentativas de compreensão de sua obra seriam inócuas, senão impossíveis de realizar-se objetivamente. / The main objective of this dissertation is to investigate how the reception of the first edition of the Critique of pure reason echoes in the text corpus devoted to prepare the reader to understand this book. In other words, how does Kant reconstitute his introductory speech in relation to the references and judgments given by the readers of the first edition, which was published in 1781? Thus, the text corpus comprises three texts where the propaedeutic task - the prior preparation of the reader - is clearly influenced by the reception of the Critique of Pure Reason. These texts are: the Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics, which presents itself as science, the second edition of the Introduction to the Critique of Pure Reason and the Preface of the latter. Moreover, these changes could be analyzed in Kant\'s position about remarkable events in the philosophical and political context of the years following the publication of the first edition of the Critique of Pure Reason. They were mainly the Pantheismusstreit and the change in the Prussian throne in 1786, which is often taken as the cause of the alleged \"return into dogmatism\" that was noticed in the second edition of the Critique of pure reason. On the same note, the interpretation of some of the nodal questions in the critical fortune of the Kantian philosophy, especially the status of transcendental idealism, the autonomy that must characterize the public use of reason and the elucidation of the project of a Critique of Pure Reason also compose important points for this dissertations investigation. All in all, it is crucial to valorize the introductory speech of Kant and the changes made by the author as an overall attempt to understand his work. Without it, our comprehension of such important texts would be innocuous or even impossible to occur objectively.

Christoph Demantius - Tympanum militare 1600 a 1615. Edice a analýza sbírky / Christoph Demantius - Tympanum militare 1600 a 1615. Edition and analysis

Dobošová, Michaela January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses its attention on life and work composer, poet, music theorist Christoper Demantius and his two collections compositions Tympanum militare (1600, 1615). First part of diploma thesis brings on updated composers biography, evaluation his creation and detection of all contexts with bohemian music culture in age before the Battle of White mountain. In the second part author makes thorough text and music analysis of both collections Tympanum militare. The obtained results includes into wider music-historical context. The part of this thesis is edition of collection from 1600.

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