Spelling suggestions: "subject:"primitive"" "subject:"primitiven""
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L'hallucinatoire et la clinique de l'irreprésentable / The hallucinatory and the clinic of the unrepresentableQuagelli, Luca 13 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis les origines de la psychanalyse, le problème de l’hallucinatoire est étroitement lié au problème du fonctionnement de l’inconscient. Dans la métapsychologie « première topique », le modèle de la réalisation hallucinatoire de désir explique autant le fonctionnement du nourrisson (hallucination primitive), que celui du rêve et de la névrose de transfert. Dans Construction dans l’analyse, Freud propose toutefois une hypothèse alternative : l’hallucinatoire peut véhiculer la re- présentation, dans la cure, de noyaux irreprésentables de vérité historique. En s’appuyant sur les réflexions de plusieurs auteurs post-freudiens (Winnicott, Green, Roussillon...), l’auteur développe l’héritage freudien en essayant de l’inscrire dans un modèle capable d’intégrer l’intrapsychique et l’intersubjectif. Il avance et discute l’hypothèse de l’existence d’un fond hallucinatoire du psychisme, régi par la compulsion de répétition, qui re-active les toutes premières expériences relationnelles du sujet. Lorsque la rencontre originaire avec l’objet échoue, les traces de ces situations traumatiques s’enkystent dans le psychisme et font retour, de manière hallucinatoire, dans le transfert, à la recherche d’un autre-semblable capable de leur donner une première forme affective. C’est uniquement grâce à un dur travail d’élaboration contre- transférentielle – illustré ici à travers plusieurs cas d’enfants et d’adolescents psychotiques – que l’analyste arrive parfois à accueillir et à transformer ce transfert du négatif, en accompagnant ainsi ses patients sur le chemin ardu qui mène à la symbolisation (primaire) et à la constitution d’une aire transitionnelle où le je(u) peut enfin advenir. / From the birth of psychoanalysis the conceptualization of the hallucinatory is intimately intertwined with that of the unconscious functioning. In the first topic, the model of the hallucinatory realization of desire explains the baby’s mental functioning, i.e., primal hallucination, the functioning of dreams and neurotic patients in the transference. However, Freud suggests an alternative conceptualization in Constructions in Analysis. Through the hallucinatory, unsymbolized nuclei of historical truth may be re-presented in the treatment. Drawing on Winnicott’s, Green's and Roussillon’s contributions, the Author develops the Freudian heritage and suggests a model in which the intrapsychic and intersubjective dimensions are integrated. The Author puts forward and discusses the existence of a hallucinatory background of the psychism, ruled by the repetition compulsion, that re-activates the psychic inscriptions of early relational experiences. When the primal encounter with the object has failed, traces of these traumatic experiences remain inscribed in the psychism and can be hallucinatory re- activated in the transference in the desperate attempt to find a first representation. Drawing on the case material of psychotic children and adolescents, the Author analyses the complex working through of the countertransference in order to contain this transference of the negative to accompany patients in their arduous way towards (primary) symbolization and the construction of a transitional space of playing.
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Testing Primitive Polynomials for Generalized Feedback Shift Register Random Number GeneratorsLian, Guinan 30 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
The class of generalized feedback shift register (GFSR) random number generators was a promising method for random number generation in the 1980's, but was abandoned because of some flaws such as poor performance on certain tests for randomness. The poor performance may be due to the choice of primitive polynomials used in the generators, rather than inherent flaws in the method. The original GFSR generators were all based on primitive trinomials. This project examines several alternative choices of primitive polynomials with more than one "interior" term to address this problem and hopefully provide access to good random number generators.
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Improvements and generalisations of signcryption schemesZhang, Wei January 2014 (has links)
In this work, we study the cryptographic primitive: signcryption, which combines the functionalities of digital signatures and public-key encryption. We first propose two generic transforms from meta-ElGamal signature schemes to signcryption schemes. These constructions can be thought of as generalisations of the signcryption schemes by Zheng and Gamage et al. Our results show that a large class of signcryption schemes are outsider IND-CCA2 secure and insider UF-CMA secure. As a by-product, we also show that the meta-ElGamal signature schemes, for which no previous formal security proofs have been shown, are UF-CMA secure. We then propose a modification of one of the transforms in order to achieve insider IND-CCA2 security in addition to insider UF-CMA security. This modification costs just one extra exponential operation. In particular, we can apply this modification to the Zheng signcryption scheme to make it fully insider secure. Finally, we propose a generic transform from a two-key signcryption scheme to a one-key signcryption scheme while preserving both confidentiality and unforgeability. Our result shows that if we have an insider IND-CCA2 and UFCMA secure two-key signcryption scheme, then it can be turned into an insider IND-CCA2 and UF-CMA secure one-key signcryption scheme. We also show that an insider IND-CCA2 and UF-CMA secure one-key signcryption scheme induces a secure combined public-key scheme; that is, a combination of a signature scheme and a public-key encryption scheme that can securely share the same key pair. Combining previous results suggests that we can obtain a large class of insider secure one-key signcryption schemes from meta-ElGamal signature schemes, and that each of them can induce a secure combined public-key scheme.
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Étude de l'influence du facteur de transcription EKLF sur la régulation épigénétique du locus de la [Bêta]-globine humaine lors de l'hématopoïèseAumont, Angélique January 2004 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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A mente primitiva: um estudo conceitual a partir da produção psicanalítica escrita / The primitive mind: a conceptual study based on written psychoanalysis outputCosta, Paulo José da 03 May 2010 (has links)
A expressão mente primitiva é frequentemente encontrada no âmbito da psicanálise, porém não é um conceito sem problemas no vocabulário psicanalítico, por não haver consenso quanto ao seu uso, ou ser utilizado de forma ampla e genérica, sem apresentar uma definição mais precisa que indique com maior exatidão a que se refere. Muitos autores têm usado esse termo ou um equivalente, com diferentes posicionamentos. Tem como principal objetivo clarificar o processo de construção do conceito de mente primitiva e seus desdobramentos por meio da análise da produção psicanalítica escrita. Trata-se de uma investigação conceitual segundo os pressupostos de natureza qualitativa, caracterizando-se como descritivo-exploratória do ponto de vista de suas finalidades. Procura tornar possível o estabelecimento de meios de refinamento ao examinar minuciosamente os elementos, os contextos em que se insere esse conceito em seu processo de construção, suas transformações e tentativas de consolidação, tanto no seio de determinada corrente teórica psicanalítica quanto na interface das múltiplas perspectivas. O material selecionado é composto por produções publicadas na Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise (FEBRAPSI) e no International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (IPA), no período de 1990 a 2005. Não se trata apenas de propor uma revisão sobre o tema, mas de uma tentativa de ir além, buscando o que pode ser apreendido e os sentidos que puderam emergir do contato com o material, identificado mediante levantamento em bases de dados on line, tanto nos periódicos selecionados quanto em outras fontes, que contribuíram para a fundamentação e aprofundamentos. Localizado e recuperado o material, iniciou-se o processo de imersão por meio da leitura. Na Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise foram lidas 1.069 produções e destas foram selecionadas as 109 em que aparece a expressão mente primitiva ou termos congêneres, tendo aquela sido encontrada 29 vezes em 14 artigos e 01 (uma) resenha, e estes últimos, por vezes inúmeras em todas as produções selecionadas. No International Journal of Psycho-Analysis foram encontradas 318 referências de artigos no mesmo período, sendo selecionadas 50 delas. A partir do percurso da literatura psicanalítica em geral e do material selecionado, foi elaborada uma síntese geral que contribui para a clarificação do conceito em pauta, pois apresenta um conjunto de caracteres que permitem a detecção das condições necessárias para descrever, classificar e identificar o que pode ser circunscrito pela expressão mente primitiva. De modo geral, é possível compreender esse termo como: 1) referente ao funcionamento mental peculiar dos primeiros meses de vida do bebê, desde sua centralização nos processos corporais a partir dos quais se originam os desenvolvimentos progressivos do psiquismo e a constituição do sujeito; 2) parte constituinte do psiquismo, oriunda dos estados iniciais do funcionamento mental tanto da espécie (filogênese) quanto do indivíduo (ontogênese), que permanece dinamicamente atuante por toda a vida junto com os desenvolvimentos posteriores, sendo imperecível / The expression primitive mind is frequently found in the realm of psychoanalysis. However, it is not a concept devoid of problems in the vocabulary of psychoanalysis, as there is no consensus regarding its use or it is used is a broad and generic sense, without a more precise definition that can indicate with more precision its true meaning. Several authors have used this term or an equivalent to it, with different standings. Starting from the plurality of approaches on this topic, the present investigation contributes, not because it intends to unify propositions or establish standards, but by pointing out its specificities and discussing it in order to broaden its understanding. The main objective is to clarify the process of constructing the concept of primitive mind and its developments, through the analysis of written psychoanalysis output. It is a conceptual investigation according to the qualitative assumptions, and can be characterized as descriptive-exploratory in its purposes. It aims to make it possible to establish means of refinement when examining in detail the elements, the contexts in which this concept is inserted in its construction process, its transformations and attempts at consolidation, both in the heart of a given psychoanalytical current and in the interface of multiple perspectives. The selected material consists of scientific output published in the Brazilian Journal of Psychoanalysis (FEBRAPSI) and in the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis (IPA), in the period between 1990 and 2005. This is not a mere revision on the theme, but an attempt to go beyond, seeking what can be absorbed and the meanings that emerged from contact with the material, which was identified from an assessment in online databases, both in the selected periodicals and in other sources that contributed to the formulation and expansion. After the material was located and retrieved, the process of immersion began through reading. From the Brazilian Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1,069 productions were read, of which 109 were selected, where the expression primitive mind was found 29 times in 14 articles and one review, in addition to other similar terms. In the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 318 references were found of articles for the same period, of which 50 were selected. From the exploration through general psychoanalysis literature and the selected material, a general synthesis was devised that contributes to the clarification of the concept at hand, as it presents a set of characters that allow the detection of the necessary conditions to describe, classify and identify what can be circumscribed by the use of the expression primitive mind. In a general sense, it can be understood as: 1) referring to the peculiar mental functioning during the babys first months, from its centralization in body processes from which develop the progressive developments of the psyche and the establishment of the subject; 2) as the constituent part of the psyche, resulting from the initial stages of mental functioning, both of the species (phylogenesis) and the individual (ontogenesis), which remains dynamically active throughout the life along with the later developments, imperishable
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La modernité esthétique chez André Malraux : La quête du “primitif”Kovatcheva, Yulia Draganova 01 August 2011 (has links)
André Malraux is a prolific French writer, adventurer, art historian, statesman, and Minister of Cultural Affairs for 11 years (1958-1969). Malraux was a man of action in the service of noble causes. In 1933, one of Malraux's most famous novels, La Condition humaine (Man's Fate), was published. It won the Goncourt Prize and established his international reputation. Born on November 3, 1901 in Paris, he was a son of the 20th century. A witness to the history of his century, he left to the future generations a literary heritage of great importance. His main preoccupation was the “mystery of man” and art.
The notion of man and his destiny is at the core of Malraux’s prolific work. The original and essential part of his literary work is the reflection on art. In my dissertation: La modernité esthétique chez André Malraux: La quête du “primitif,” I explore the enigmatic nature of the concept of the “primitive” in art history context and according to Malraux’s writing. My approach is to examine and analyze the multiple facets of the metamorphosis in time and space of the “primitive,” according to Malraux’s writing, and to find how his “essential man” fits with the idea of “primitive” art.
Through later research, I hope to deepen the theme of the “primitive” in Malraux’s writing and end up with a comprehensive study of Malraux and modern artists like Braque, Chagall, and Picasso, among other artists, examining their relation with Malraux and his relation to modern art, always analyzing his thoughts regarding the “primitive”.
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Artin's Primitive Root Conjecture and its Extension to Compositie ModuliCamire, Patrice January 2008 (has links)
If we fix an integer a not equal to -1 and which is not a perfect square, we are interested in estimating the quantity N_{a}(x) representing the number of prime integers p up to x such that a is a generator of the cyclic group (Z/pZ)*. We will first show how to obtain an aymptotic formula for N_{a}(x) under the assumption of the generalized Riemann hypothesis. We then investigate the average behaviour of N_{a}(x) and we provide an unconditional result. Finally, we discuss how to generalize the problem over (Z/mZ)*, where m > 0 is not necessarily a prime integer. We present an average result in this setting and prove the existence of oscillation.
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The O'Nan-Scott Theorem for Finite Primitive Permutation Groups, and Finite RepresentabilityFawcett, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
The O'Nan-Scott Theorem classifies finite primitive permutation groups into one of five isomorphism classes. This theorem is very useful for answering questions about finite permutation groups since four out of the five isomorphism classes are well understood. The proof of this theorem currently relies upon the classification of the finite simple groups, as it requires a consequence of this classification, the Schreier Conjecture.
After reviewing some needed group theoretic concepts, I give a detailed proof of the O'Nan-Scott Theorem. I then examine how the techniques of this proof have been applied to an open problem which asks whether every finite lattice can be embedded as an interval into the subgroup lattice of a finite group.
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Artin's Primitive Root Conjecture and its Extension to Compositie ModuliCamire, Patrice January 2008 (has links)
If we fix an integer a not equal to -1 and which is not a perfect square, we are interested in estimating the quantity N_{a}(x) representing the number of prime integers p up to x such that a is a generator of the cyclic group (Z/pZ)*. We will first show how to obtain an aymptotic formula for N_{a}(x) under the assumption of the generalized Riemann hypothesis. We then investigate the average behaviour of N_{a}(x) and we provide an unconditional result. Finally, we discuss how to generalize the problem over (Z/mZ)*, where m > 0 is not necessarily a prime integer. We present an average result in this setting and prove the existence of oscillation.
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The O'Nan-Scott Theorem for Finite Primitive Permutation Groups, and Finite RepresentabilityFawcett, Joanna January 2009 (has links)
The O'Nan-Scott Theorem classifies finite primitive permutation groups into one of five isomorphism classes. This theorem is very useful for answering questions about finite permutation groups since four out of the five isomorphism classes are well understood. The proof of this theorem currently relies upon the classification of the finite simple groups, as it requires a consequence of this classification, the Schreier Conjecture.
After reviewing some needed group theoretic concepts, I give a detailed proof of the O'Nan-Scott Theorem. I then examine how the techniques of this proof have been applied to an open problem which asks whether every finite lattice can be embedded as an interval into the subgroup lattice of a finite group.
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