Spelling suggestions: "subject:"canprocess mineralogy"" "subject:"3.3vprocess mineralogy""
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A Geometallurgical Approach Towards the Correlation Between Rock Type Mineralogy and Grindability: A case study in Aitik mine, SwedenSchmitt, Raoul January 2021 (has links)
Aitik is a large copper porphyry type deposit located in northern Sweden, currently exploited at an annual rate of approximately 45Mt. The ore's exceptionally low head grade of 0.22 % Cu and varying degrees of hardness across the entire deposit pose challenges to the two fully autogenous grinding lines, each of which comprises a 22.5 MW primary autogenous mill in series with a pebble mill. The variability in ore grindability frequently leads to fluctuations in mill throughput. Within the framework of a geometallurgical approach, the present study investigated the relationships between ore grindability and modal mineralogy. For this purpose, drill core samples from different lithologies were subjected to Boliden AB's in-house grindability tests. This laboratory-scale autogenous grinding test generates a grindability index Ks mainly related to abrasion breakage, which is a significant breakage mechanism within autogenous mills. The test results suggested divergent degrees of grindability within and across the selected rock types. Furthermore, subsequent sieve analyses identified a relationship between the grindability index, PSD, and the proportions of fines generated by abrasive grinding. A combination of scanning electron microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and X-ray fluorescence analyses was performed for the grinding products and bulk mineral samples. The resulting mineralogical and elemental properties were correlated to the parameters from the grindability tests. It was shown that the main mineral phases, such as plagioclase, quartz, and micas, correlate well with the grindability indices. Similar correlations were found regarding the sample's chemical composition, attributable to the main mineral phases. Derived from the previous findings, two exemplary linear empirical models for the calculation of grindability based on either mineral contents or chemical composition were presented. Careful examination of the mineralogical data revealed that the prevalent abrasion breakage mechanism leads to constant and continuous removal of mineral particles from the sample's surface. No indications for a preferential abrasion of any mineral phases were found. A further inverse correlation between the sample's calculated average weighted Mohs hardness based on modal mineralogy and the grindability index Ks was established. Hence, it was proposed that a higher Mohs hardness results in a finer grinding product, oppositional to the Ks-values. Since Ks can be interpreted as a measure of abrasiveness, it can be stated that abrasiveness decreases with an increasing average sample hardness and vice versa. Moreover, mineral liberation information provided by scanning electron microscopy was associated with the parameters mentioned earlier. It was determined that different degrees of mineral liberation were reached within specific particle size classes. The identified relationships between grindability, modal mineralogy, and element grades may help Boliden develop a predictive throughput model for Aitik to be integrated into the mine's block model. Based on this information, a strategy for smart blending could be developed, where run of mine material from ore blocks of varying grindabilities could be blended to attain the target plant throughput.
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Evaluating rougher-scavenger flotation circuits using geometallurgical particle-based approachHuaman Mamani, Luis Enrique January 2020 (has links)
The major challenges currently facing the mining industry are related to the growing trend to deal with deeper ore bodies and consequently increasing complex ores. This has led to the development of new approaches to tackle incoming issues by integrating different parts of the value chain in order to offer appropriate solutions. One of these is the geometallurgical approach, which seeks to integrate geology and mineral processing to optimize ore beneficiation. This assessment can be carried out using a methodology called "Particle Tracking" that basically allows to go a step forward in the study of the phenomena occurring during ore beneficiation from the common assessment by size to the particle level. In other words, this methodology enables to incorporate to the analysis mineral liberation and the different mineral phases in particles. This is essentially what is described in literature as “Particle based approach”. This way, streams are regarded as a set of particles that have different properties and therefore their deportment throughout beneficiation vary accordingly. The purpose of this work was to apply “particle tracking” to samples from Pyhäsalmi beneficiation plant in central Finland. Rougher and scavenger flotation cells of the copper circuit were the main focus of this study. Mineral liberation analysis was used over samples of feed, concentrate and tailings for both rougher and scavenger. Mass balance and reconciliation were performed for bulk streams, streams divided by size and particle classes (classification of particles based on liberation degree) using HSC10 software from Outotec. The main findings show that recovery of chalcopyrite in rougher is above 80% over all size fractions, highest recovery is achieved at 90 µm and most liberated chalcopyrite particles present in the ore were reported to rougher concentrate. In case of scavenger, recovery to concentrate is reduced to a highest value of 66% between 60 µm to 80 µm with pronounced variation over size fractions. Most of chalcopyrite bearing minerals reported to scavenger concentrate are binary (two mineral phases) and complex (more than two mineral phases). Final tailings exhibit minimum amount of chalcopyrite, which is a good indicator of the efficiency of the copper circuit. In terms of recovery of chalcopyrite bearing particles, rougher reported to the first concentrate mainly liberated, binary and complex particles. An interesting finding was that complex particles to the first concentrate showed a particular high recovery. The second rougher concentrate mostly reported liberated and binary particles. As for scavenger, the first concentrate mostly reported liberated and complex particles while the second concentrate mainly reported complex particles. Final tailings exhibit essentially complex particles linked to coarse size fraction and the bulk grade of chalcopyrite for that stream was found to be noticeably low. / <p>The presentation was made through the zoom platform</p>
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Classificação de domínios mineralógicos e caracterização de minérios de níquel da mina de Santa Rita - BA, em apoio à geometalurgia. / Classification of mineralogical domais and characterization of nickel ore from Santa Rita mine - BA, in support of geometallurgy.Contessotto, Renato 16 March 2017 (has links)
A Mina de Santa Rita, situada no complexo máfico-ultramáfico Fazenda Mirabela, é uma intrusão máfica-ultramáfica, mineralizada a sulfetos de níquel e cobre, situada no sudeste do Estado da Bahia, município de Itagibá. Esse depósito é composto por rochas de idade Paleoproterozóica, metamorfizadas em fácies granulito. Os sulfetos de níquel e cobre ocorrem disseminados e, preferencialmente, associados a harzburgitos, olivina ortopiroxenitos e ortopiroxenitos. O minério é composto por uma grande variedade de Mg-silicatos, sendo que o níquel ocorre essencialmente como pentlandita nos peridotitos, além de se apresentar como elemento menor em silicatos e espinélios em rochas mais máficas. Informações de processo demonstram a impossibilidade de se estabelecer uma correlação robusta entre a composição química do minério e seu comportamento na etapa de beneficiamento mineral. Desta forma, o conhecimento da variabilidade mineralógica no depósito é de fundamental importância para o planejamento de lavra e processamento mineral. Mais de 300 amostras do plano de mineração de curto prazo (2013-2017) relativas a intervalos de furos de sondagem considerados no estudo de viabilidade econômica (período de 1985-2004) foram agrupadas em domínios mineralógicos, utilizando a análise estatística multivariada de dados de difração de raios X (DRX-AEM). Dezessete domínios mineralógicos inicialmente definidos são essencialmente diferenciados com base na presença e conteúdos relativos dos principais minerais de ganga: serpentina, olivina e piroxênio. Amostras representativas dos principais domínios mineralógicos, pré-definidos por DRX-AEM, foram submetidas a estudos de caracterização mineralógica de detalhe por análise de imagens (MEV-MLA). Os resultados indicam que os grupos com composições mais peridotíticas e/ou carbonáticas, com maiores conteúdos de serpentina, apresentam menor tempo de moagem para atingir P95 igual a 0,15 mm; maior alteração dos grãos de pentlandita; maior parcela de total de níquel associado a silicatos; menor grau de liberação dos sulfetos; e maior quantidade de sulfetos abaixo de 10 ?m, em relação aos grupos de composição mais piroxenítica. / The Santa Rita mine, located in the mafic-ultramafic complex Fazenda Mirabela, is a mafic-ultramafic intrusion mineralized to nickel and copper sulphides located in the southeast of Bahia state, Itagibá municipality. The nickel sulphide deposit comprises a portion of a mafic-ultramafic layered complex under granulite metamorphism facies. Disseminated Ni and Cu sulphides form a stratiform body parallel to the lithostratigraphic contacts extending upwards essentially from the harzburgite unit and through the olivine orthopyroxenite unit. The nickel content is mainly associated to pentlandite in peridotitic rocks but also enriched in silicates and spinels in mafic rocks (dunites). Industrial plant benchmark data have shown the unfeasibility of establishing a strong relation between the ore chemical composition and its behavior in the mineral beneficiation process. Therefore, the knowledge of the mineralogical variability in the deposit is crucial for mine planning and mineral/metallurgical processing. More than 300 samples from drill core samples from the feasibility studies (period of 1985-2004) included in the short-term mining plan (2013-2017) were clustered into geological domains applying multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) of X-ray diffraction data (XRD). Results discriminated seventeen initial mineralogical domains considering the content of major gangue minerals: serpentine, olivine and pyroxene. Representative samples of the main mineralogical domains pre-defined by XRD-MSA ore-types were later subject to sieve size analysis followed by detailed mineralogical studies by automated SEM image analysis (MLA). The results indicate that groups with more peridotite and / or carbonatic compositions, with higher content of serpentine, have less time of grinding to reach P95 equal to 0,15 mm; high level of pentlandite alteration; greater portion of nickel associated into silicates; lower sulphides liberation degree; and a higher amount of sulphides below 10 ?m; in relation to the most pyroxenic composition groups.
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Caracterização tecnológica de minérios auríferos por análise automatizada de imagens obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Gold ore characterization by automated image analysis acquired by scanning electron microscope.Nery, Guilherme Pinho 11 December 2015 (has links)
O ouro, assim como outros bens minerais, é uma commodity, ou seja, um produto não diferenciado, com preço determinado pelo mercado internacional, sem a interferência de seus produtores. Diante desse cenário, associado à exaustão dos depósitos minerais de maiores teores, as mineradoras vêm buscando melhores formas de aproveitamento de matérias-primas minerais mais complexas quanto à extração e ao beneficiamento. Os retornos financeiros são obtidos no estrito controle da produção com redução de custos e mitigação de perdas nas operações unitárias. A caracterização tecnológica está inserida como uma abordagem multidisciplinar e fundamental para o melhor aproveitamento dos bens minerais. Possibilita um maior conhecimento do minério e das associações minerais presentes, que auxiliará no desenvolvimento das alternativas de explotação e na otimização do processo em funcionamento. Dentre os procedimentos de caracterização das associações minerais mais acurados citam-se os sistemas automatizados de análise de imagens adquiridas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Permitem a avaliação qualitativa ou quantitativa de grande número de partículas quanto à composição química e mineral, partição de elementos nos minerais presentes, formas de associações e liberação entre os minerais. Este estudo se concentra na caracterização de quatro amostras mineralizadas a ouro, de diferentes regiões do Brasil, pela análise automatizada de imagens e por métodos laboratoriais de separações minerais e extração hidrometalúrgica do ouro. A combinação de procedimentos laboratoriais com a análise de imagens permitiu confrontar os resultados das recuperações potenciais, fornecendo subsídios para abordagens de processo, para obtenção da máxima recuperação do ouro e para diagnosticar as características interferentes nesses processos. / Gold and other mineral goods are considered commodities, i.e., a non-differentiated product, at a price determined by the international market, without control of its producers. Given this, coupled with the exhaustion of mineral deposits of higher content, mining companies have been trying to find best procedure alternatives of more complex raw mineral matter. The financial returns are achieved by means of strict production controls, cost reduction and mitigation of losses in unit operations. In this context, process mineralogy is a multidisciplinary and fundamental approach to the better use of mineral goods. Enables a greater knowledge of the ore and its associations, to assist in the development of process alternatives to optimize mineral beneficiation plants. SEM-based automated images analysis is one of the most precise procedures to characterize mineral associations. These systems allow the qualitative or quantitative evaluation of a large number of particles, both as to its chemical and mineralogical content, partition of elements of interest among different minerals, phase\'s associations and liberation. This study focus on the characterization of four gold-mineralized samples from different regions of Brazil, through SEM-based automated image analysis and mineral separations at laboratory scale. The combination of experimental procedures with images analysis allowed the comparison of the results of possible recoveries, providing subsidies for process approaches, to obtain the maximum recovery of gold, and to diagnose the interfering features in these processes.
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Caracterização tecnológica de minérios auríferos por análise automatizada de imagens obtidas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. / Gold ore characterization by automated image analysis acquired by scanning electron microscope.Guilherme Pinho Nery 11 December 2015 (has links)
O ouro, assim como outros bens minerais, é uma commodity, ou seja, um produto não diferenciado, com preço determinado pelo mercado internacional, sem a interferência de seus produtores. Diante desse cenário, associado à exaustão dos depósitos minerais de maiores teores, as mineradoras vêm buscando melhores formas de aproveitamento de matérias-primas minerais mais complexas quanto à extração e ao beneficiamento. Os retornos financeiros são obtidos no estrito controle da produção com redução de custos e mitigação de perdas nas operações unitárias. A caracterização tecnológica está inserida como uma abordagem multidisciplinar e fundamental para o melhor aproveitamento dos bens minerais. Possibilita um maior conhecimento do minério e das associações minerais presentes, que auxiliará no desenvolvimento das alternativas de explotação e na otimização do processo em funcionamento. Dentre os procedimentos de caracterização das associações minerais mais acurados citam-se os sistemas automatizados de análise de imagens adquiridas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Permitem a avaliação qualitativa ou quantitativa de grande número de partículas quanto à composição química e mineral, partição de elementos nos minerais presentes, formas de associações e liberação entre os minerais. Este estudo se concentra na caracterização de quatro amostras mineralizadas a ouro, de diferentes regiões do Brasil, pela análise automatizada de imagens e por métodos laboratoriais de separações minerais e extração hidrometalúrgica do ouro. A combinação de procedimentos laboratoriais com a análise de imagens permitiu confrontar os resultados das recuperações potenciais, fornecendo subsídios para abordagens de processo, para obtenção da máxima recuperação do ouro e para diagnosticar as características interferentes nesses processos. / Gold and other mineral goods are considered commodities, i.e., a non-differentiated product, at a price determined by the international market, without control of its producers. Given this, coupled with the exhaustion of mineral deposits of higher content, mining companies have been trying to find best procedure alternatives of more complex raw mineral matter. The financial returns are achieved by means of strict production controls, cost reduction and mitigation of losses in unit operations. In this context, process mineralogy is a multidisciplinary and fundamental approach to the better use of mineral goods. Enables a greater knowledge of the ore and its associations, to assist in the development of process alternatives to optimize mineral beneficiation plants. SEM-based automated images analysis is one of the most precise procedures to characterize mineral associations. These systems allow the qualitative or quantitative evaluation of a large number of particles, both as to its chemical and mineralogical content, partition of elements of interest among different minerals, phase\'s associations and liberation. This study focus on the characterization of four gold-mineralized samples from different regions of Brazil, through SEM-based automated image analysis and mineral separations at laboratory scale. The combination of experimental procedures with images analysis allowed the comparison of the results of possible recoveries, providing subsidies for process approaches, to obtain the maximum recovery of gold, and to diagnose the interfering features in these processes.
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Classificação de domínios mineralógicos e caracterização de minérios de níquel da mina de Santa Rita - BA, em apoio à geometalurgia. / Classification of mineralogical domais and characterization of nickel ore from Santa Rita mine - BA, in support of geometallurgy.Renato Contessotto 16 March 2017 (has links)
A Mina de Santa Rita, situada no complexo máfico-ultramáfico Fazenda Mirabela, é uma intrusão máfica-ultramáfica, mineralizada a sulfetos de níquel e cobre, situada no sudeste do Estado da Bahia, município de Itagibá. Esse depósito é composto por rochas de idade Paleoproterozóica, metamorfizadas em fácies granulito. Os sulfetos de níquel e cobre ocorrem disseminados e, preferencialmente, associados a harzburgitos, olivina ortopiroxenitos e ortopiroxenitos. O minério é composto por uma grande variedade de Mg-silicatos, sendo que o níquel ocorre essencialmente como pentlandita nos peridotitos, além de se apresentar como elemento menor em silicatos e espinélios em rochas mais máficas. Informações de processo demonstram a impossibilidade de se estabelecer uma correlação robusta entre a composição química do minério e seu comportamento na etapa de beneficiamento mineral. Desta forma, o conhecimento da variabilidade mineralógica no depósito é de fundamental importância para o planejamento de lavra e processamento mineral. Mais de 300 amostras do plano de mineração de curto prazo (2013-2017) relativas a intervalos de furos de sondagem considerados no estudo de viabilidade econômica (período de 1985-2004) foram agrupadas em domínios mineralógicos, utilizando a análise estatística multivariada de dados de difração de raios X (DRX-AEM). Dezessete domínios mineralógicos inicialmente definidos são essencialmente diferenciados com base na presença e conteúdos relativos dos principais minerais de ganga: serpentina, olivina e piroxênio. Amostras representativas dos principais domínios mineralógicos, pré-definidos por DRX-AEM, foram submetidas a estudos de caracterização mineralógica de detalhe por análise de imagens (MEV-MLA). Os resultados indicam que os grupos com composições mais peridotíticas e/ou carbonáticas, com maiores conteúdos de serpentina, apresentam menor tempo de moagem para atingir P95 igual a 0,15 mm; maior alteração dos grãos de pentlandita; maior parcela de total de níquel associado a silicatos; menor grau de liberação dos sulfetos; e maior quantidade de sulfetos abaixo de 10 ?m, em relação aos grupos de composição mais piroxenítica. / The Santa Rita mine, located in the mafic-ultramafic complex Fazenda Mirabela, is a mafic-ultramafic intrusion mineralized to nickel and copper sulphides located in the southeast of Bahia state, Itagibá municipality. The nickel sulphide deposit comprises a portion of a mafic-ultramafic layered complex under granulite metamorphism facies. Disseminated Ni and Cu sulphides form a stratiform body parallel to the lithostratigraphic contacts extending upwards essentially from the harzburgite unit and through the olivine orthopyroxenite unit. The nickel content is mainly associated to pentlandite in peridotitic rocks but also enriched in silicates and spinels in mafic rocks (dunites). Industrial plant benchmark data have shown the unfeasibility of establishing a strong relation between the ore chemical composition and its behavior in the mineral beneficiation process. Therefore, the knowledge of the mineralogical variability in the deposit is crucial for mine planning and mineral/metallurgical processing. More than 300 samples from drill core samples from the feasibility studies (period of 1985-2004) included in the short-term mining plan (2013-2017) were clustered into geological domains applying multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) of X-ray diffraction data (XRD). Results discriminated seventeen initial mineralogical domains considering the content of major gangue minerals: serpentine, olivine and pyroxene. Representative samples of the main mineralogical domains pre-defined by XRD-MSA ore-types were later subject to sieve size analysis followed by detailed mineralogical studies by automated SEM image analysis (MLA). The results indicate that groups with more peridotite and / or carbonatic compositions, with higher content of serpentine, have less time of grinding to reach P95 equal to 0,15 mm; high level of pentlandite alteration; greater portion of nickel associated into silicates; lower sulphides liberation degree; and a higher amount of sulphides below 10 ?m; in relation to the most pyroxenic composition groups.
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Particle tracking in geometallurgical testing for Leveäniemi Iron ore, SwedenCárdenas, Efraín January 2017 (has links)
In a particle based geometallurgical model, the behavior of the particles can be used for forecast the products and quantify the performance of the different ore types within a deposit. The particle tracking is an algorithm developed by Lamberg and Vianna 2007 whose aim is to balance the liberation data in a mineral processing circuit composed by several processing units. Currently, this tool is being developed for the HSC Chemistry software by Outotec.The objective of this study is to understand and evaluate the particle tracking algorithm in a geometallurgical test for iron ore. To achieve this objective, the liberation data is balanced in a Davis tube test circuit. A total of 13 samples from Leveäniemi iron ore were process in a Davis tube circuit.The magnetite is the main mineral in the Leveäniemi iron ore samples. Its high recovery in the Davis tube circuit along with the V, Ti and Mn suggest that these elements are present in the magnetite lattice. These penalty elements in the iron concentrates cannot be avoided at the stage of mineral concentrations.The washing effect of the Davis tubes controlled by the rotational and longitudinal agitation of the tube perturb the particles agglomeration between the pole tips of the electromagnet. A higher agitation frequency and amplitude will wash away most of the gangue minerals and also fine grained magnetite.In this work, the particle tracking is depicted and implemented in a magnetic separation circuit for high liberated material. The liberation data was balanced in a way that the particle classes can be followed through circuit and their recoveries can be calculated. Nevertheless, the algorithm requires further validation and analysis of its limitations in terms of resolution and reproducibility.
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A process mineralogy study of grinding characteristics for the polymetallic orebody, Lappberget GarpenbergLood Stark, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
Most of the high-grade ores have been depleted globally, thus the effective processing of the low-grade and complex ores require a comprehensive mineral characterization through the process mineralogy/ geometallurgical approaches. 30-70 % of the total energy consumption in mining comes from the comminution step in mineral processing. This study, is aimed to investigate how different mineral domains in Lappberget, Garpenberg affect the grinding energy and throughput of an autogenous grinding mill (AG) and how blending different mineralogical domains will have an effect on throughput. The results were obtained through automated mineralogy using a Zeiss Sigma 300 VP at the QANTMIN scanning electron microscope (SEM) laboratory (Luleå University of Technology) and an in-house grindability test developed by Boliden Mineral AB. There is approximately a multiple of three times differences in the amount of energy consumption and throughput between the hardest and softest mineralogical domains. This difference is attributed to mineral composition of the individual domains and mineral characteristics. Blending different samples indicate that a higher throughput can be achieved and one possible hypothesis is that the harder minerals act as grinding media.
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Characteristics and mineralisation of platinum-group elements (PGE) in the upper group 2 chromitite (UG2) and merensky reefs at the Buffelshoek farm , Two rivers platinum mine: implications for platinum-group elements recoveryPheeha, Lesetja Charles. January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Geology)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / The Two Rivers Platinum Mine (TRP) located in the Eastern Bushveld Igneous
Complex is currently exploiting platinum-group elements (PGE) in the Upper Group
2 chromitite (UG2) Reef at the Dwarsrivier Farm. TRP has acquired a new prospect
(at the Buffelshoek Farm) and is currently planning to mine the UG2 Reef and
potentially also the Merensky Reef (MR). Three drill-cores which intersected the UG2
Reef and MR at the Buffelshoek Farm made available by TRP were sampled for
mineralogical studies using complementary techniques including reflected light
microscopy, mineral liberation analyser and electron microprobe. The platinum
group minerals (PGM) which host the PGE exhibit variability in their flotation rates
and consequently variable PGE recoveries that is mostly attributed to the not so well
understood PGM distributions and characteristics.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the PGE process mineralogical
characteristics such as the PGM phases, their modal abundances and mineral
associations, as well as the grain size distributions within the UG2 Reef and MR at
the Buffelshoek Farm. The observed PGM phases are broadly grouped into PGE
sulphides, PGE arsenides, PGE bismuth-tellurides, PGE antimonides and PGE
alloys. The PGM phases are largely dominated by PGE-sulphides (average of 80%)
in the UG2 Reef and PGE-arsenides (average of 39%) in the MR. Although the UG2
Reef and MR are mineralogically different, the PGM observed are similar in
composition, but vary in their proportions. The PGM are mostly associated with base
metal sulphides typically, pentlandite in the UG2 Reef and silicates, which are
dominated by amphiboles in the MR. The PGM grain sizes generally range between
2 and 22 microns in the UG2 Reef and range between 2 and 32 microns in the MR.
The concentrations of platinum are the highest in both the UG2 Reef and MR, and
with the platinum largely deported in PGE-sulphides (about 69 - 84.9%) in the UG2
Reef and PGE-arsenides in the MR. Palladium is mostly deported in the PGE sulphides (about 52.3 - 69.2%) in the UG2 Reef and mostly deported in PGE
antimonides (about 43%) and PGE bismuth-tellurides (about 37%) in the MR.
Rhodium (Rh) is entirely deported in the PGE sulphides in the UG2 Reef and
deported in PGE sulphides (about 86.5%) and PGE bismuth-tellurides (about 13.5%)
in the MR. Expected recoveries of PGM ranges from 76 to 89% for PGE sulphides
and arsenides in the UG2 Reef and 61.3% in the MR, which is considered good.
PGE bismuth-tellurides, PGE antimonides and PGE alloys are expected to be
variably to poorly recovered, requiring suitable reagents to be well recovered both in
the UG2 Reef and MR. / Faculty of Science and Agriculture Research Division
Geological Society of South Africa
North West University's School of Geo- and Spatial Science
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Mineração oceânica: uma alternativa sustentável para o aproveitamento de areias quartzosas. / Ocean mining: a sustainable alternative to the use of quartz sands.Rocha, Luciano 06 November 2015 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta ao Departamento de Engenharia de Minas e Petróleo (PMI) da Escola Politécnica da USP, e também a toda a sociedade, a importância que os oceanos têm com relação às suas riquezas minerais. Pretende ainda mostrar a grande responsabilidade que um empreendimento mineiro no fundo do mar precisa ter, com relação aos impactos ambientais, sendo possível minerar em regiões profundas no oceano promovendo a sustentabilidade. A ideia da mineração oceânica/submarina está ainda sendo amadurecida, este é o momento adequado para se propor metodologias de trabalho submarino sustentáveis; mitigar seus impactos. Este trabalho abrange o tema de maneira ampla, abordando o aspecto histórico, legal, ambiental, bem como questões técnicas de engenharia de minas, como sondagem submarina, caracterização tecnológica, lavra submarina, beneficiamento de minério oceânico e descarte de rejeitos. O trabalho apresenta os passos e resultados de um caso real de exploração oceânica. Trata-se de um estudo para viabilizar economicamente a extração e o beneficiamento de areia marinha, para fins industriais, proveniente da Baía de Guanabara (RJ). O trabalho apresenta desde o planejamento da amostragem no fundo do mar, execução destes trabalhos, caracterização tecnológica, simulação de processo e estudos específicos do uso industrial da areia após beneficiamento. Apresenta ainda uma proposta de rota de processo para a areia marinha e questões ligadas à lavra e ao descarte de rejeitos. / This study aims to show the importance of the oceans and its mineral wealth. It intends also to show the big responsibility that an undersea enterprise must bear concerning the environmental impact. It shows the availability to minein a sustainable way in the bottom of the sea. The undersea mining is still raising, now is the auspicious time to suggest sustainably submarine work methodologies; to mitigate its impact. This study covers the historic, legal and environmental aspects, as well as technical issues of mining engineering such as undersea survey, process mineralogy, undersea mining, mineral beneficiation for marine ores and tailings disposal. This study presents the steps and results of a real subsea exploration case. The studied ore is a marine sand from Baía de Guanabara (Rio de Janeiro), aiming to supply industrial market. This is a feasibility and technical study to show how to exploit and process this kind of ore. The study shows the undersea survey planning and its execution, the process mineralogy planning and its results, process simulation and some specific studies to industrial uses for this sand, after its beneficiation. Besides these subjects, the study proposes an industrial process route for process and tailings disposal.
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