Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aprocessing methods"" "subject:"eprocessing methods""
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Parallel processing and VLSI design: Solving large-scale linear systemsSchwarz, Eric M. January 1984 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude de l’impact des procédés de transformation sur la diffusion des caroténoïdes : cas du lycopène de la tomate / Study of the effect of processing methods on the diffusion of carotenoids : lycopene case of tomatoDegrou, Antoine Edouard 20 December 2013 (has links)
Les caroténoïdes sont une famille de molécules lipidiques que l’on trouve en particulier dans les végétaux, et qui ont pour caractéristique visuelle d’être colorés, du jaune au rouge. Ils ont été identifiés comme nutritionnellement actifs par des études épidémiologiques. Afin de pouvoir jouer un rôle dans l’organisme les caroténoïdes doivent être absorbés. Pour ce faire ils doivent être libérés de la matrice alimentaire afin de passer après plusieurs étapes dans la circulation sanguine. Or les caroténoïdes des végétaux sont connus pour être peu biodisponible. Cette biodisponibilité augmente après transformation. L’objectif de ce travail est donc de comprendre l’effet des procédés de fabrication sur la bioaccessibilité, en développant un outil simple permettant aux industriels de l’évaluer facilement. Le lycopène de la tomate a été choisi comme molécule d’intérêt. Dans un premier temps, une méthode d’étude de la diffusion du lycopène entre la matrice végétale et la phase lipidique du bolus alimentaire est mise en place. En utilisant cette méthode avec un large extrait d’huile, seulement 31%±1% du lycopène à put être extrait du jus de tomate vers la phase huile. Avec des ratio faible (entre 0.11 et 1) huile/tomate, l’extraction du lycopène est limitée par la saturation de l’huile. La diffusion du lycopène ne varie pas significativement avec le pH mais va augmenter lorsque la température varie de 10 °C à 37 °C. A partir de ces résultats sont calculés les facteurs de partition du lycopène dans l’huile ainsi que sa diffusivité.Dans un deuxième temps, des échantillons contrastés à base de tomates sont réalisés par l’utilisation des procédés Hot Break (HB) et Cold Break (CB) afin de vérifier l’impact des procédés de transformation sur les propriétés de diffusion du lycopène. Enfin, le test de diffusion a été appliqué à différentes matrices, produits commerciaux, ou frais transformés en laboratoire afin de vérifier son aptitude à les classifier. Ce travail à permis de construire les bases d’un modèle de diffusion du lycopène prenant en compte la première étape de son ingestion, la diffusion vers la phase lipidique. Les résultats obtenus pourront être confrontés à des résultats sur d’autre matrice et ainsi permettre l’élaboration d’un modèle de digestion tenant compte des différents paramètres mis en avant au cours de cette étude / Carotenoids are natural fat-soluble pigments synthesized by plants, and especially found in relatively high amounts in numerous fruits and vegetables and which have the visual characteristic of being colored from yellow to red.These compounds were identified as being beneficial to health by epidemiological studies.In order to play a role in body carotenoids have to be absorbed. They must be released from the matrix to pass in the lipid phase of the bolus. Or plant carotenoids are known to have a low bioavailability. The bioavailability increases after transformation. The objective of this work is to understand the effect of manufacturing processes on the bioavailability, developing a simple tool allowing manufacturers to easily evaluate Lycopene tomato was selected as molecule of interest. Therefore we designed a model to evaluate these parameters which can modify carotenoids diffusion. Using this model, even with a large excess of oil, only 31%±1% of lycopene could be extracted from tomato juice to the oil phase. At low (between 0,11 and 1) oil/tomato ratio, extraction of lycopene was limited by saturation of the oil phase. The lycopene diffusion did not vary significantly with pH but it doubled when temperature rose from 10 °C to 37 °C. From these results are calculated factors partition of lycopene in oil and its diffusivity. Secondly, contrasting tomato samples were carried out by using the two industrials methods Hot Break (HB) and Cold Break (CB) in order to verify the effect of processing methods on the diffusion properties of lycopene. Finally, the diffusion test was applied to different matrix, commercial products, or fresh products processed in the laboratory to verify its ability to classifier them. This work gave stable and repeatable results and may be used for a reliable and quick evaluation of the impact of process on food matrix, which could enhance the carotenoid bioavailability. It is also a powerful tool to study the physico-chemical parameters that may affect this bioaccessibility. Results obtained may be used to develop a new model of digestion witch used various parameters highlighted during this study
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Αποδόμηση αζωχρωμάτων από καθαρές και καθορισμένες μικτές καλλιέργειες μικροοργανισμώνΖήση, Ουρανία 09 December 2009 (has links)
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Jämförelse av korta temperaturprognoser från SMHI och Meteorologisk institutt med fokus på post-processingmetodikens betydelse för prognoskvaliteten / Comparison of Short-Range Temperature Forecasts from SMHI and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute - Focus on the Importance of Post-Processing Methods for the Quality of the ForecastsPetersson, Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Temperaturprognoser är av stor betydelse för många i dagens samhälle, både privatpersoner och diverse olika sektorer. Förväntan på att prognoserna håller hög träffsäkerhet är stor och god kvalitet på dessa är viktigt av många olika aspekter. De numeriska vädermodellerna, som används för att göra väderprognoser, har brister som i stort sätt alltid leder till systematiska fel i prognoserna. Bristerna beror exempelvis på dålig representation av atmosfärens fysikaliska processer och för att korrigera och reducera dessa fel efterbehandlas prognoserna med olika metoder, så kallad post-processing. För att minimera de systematiska felen och öka träffsäkerheten för prognoserna pågår ständigt en utveckling och förbättring av både modellerna och post-processingmetodiken. Uppföljning och utvärdering av prognoser är av stor nytta för denna utveckling som ska leda till minimering av prognosfel och optimering av modell och metodik. I denna studie har temperaturprognosdata, med prognoslängd 0-12 timmar, från Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut (SMHI) och norska Meteorologisk institutt (met.no) jämförts med uppmätta värden för 2 m-temperatur. Observerad temperaturdata från 22 olika synoptiska väderstationer på platser utspridda över hela Sverige har använts i studien och perioden som studien är baserad på är 20 februari till 31 maj 2018. Statistiska mått, med mest fokus på korrelationskoefficient och bias, har analyserats och jämförts för att undersöka likheter och skillnader i temperaturprognoserna från de två olika väderinstituten. Resultaten av studien visar att temperaturprognoserna från met.no generellt sett har något högre träffsäkerhet än SMHI:s för de allra flesta av de 22 geografiska platserna. Båda institutens prognoser har för flertalet av stationerna i fjällen samt norra Sverige generellt sett lägre träffsäkerhet för februari än för mars, april och maj. / Temperature forecasts are of great importance for many different reasons in today's society, both for private individuals and various sectors. The expectations that the forecasts maintain high accuracy and good quality is important in many different aspects. The weather models, which are used to make the forecasts, have deficiencies which in large part always lead to systematic errors in the forecasts. The deficiencies are for example, due to poor representation of the physical processes of the atmosphere and to correct and reduce these errors, the forecasts are post-processed by various methods. To minimize the systematic errors and increase the accuracy of the forecasts, there is an ongoing development and improvement of both the models and the post-processing methods. Evaluation of forecasts is of great benefit to this development, which will lead to minimization of forecast errors and optimization of the model and methodology. In this study, temperature forecast data, with a forecast length of 0-12 hours, from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (met.no) were compared with measured 2 m-temperature values. Observed temperature data from 22 different weather stations in locations scattered all over Sweden have been used in the study and the period on which the study is based is from the 20th of February to 31st of May, 2018. Different statistical measures have been analyzed and compared to examine similarities and differences in temperature forecasts from the two different weather institutes. The results of the study show that met.no's temperature forecasts generally have slightly higher accuracy than SMHI's for most of the 22 locations. For any of the stations in the mountains and northern Sweden forecasts from both institutes generally have lower accuracy for February than March, April and May.
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"O texto de crianças e adolescentes com depressão maior unipolar" / The text of children and adolescents with unipolar major depressionPantano, Telma 11 March 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a elaboração e a recontagem de histórias de crianças com o diagnóstico de depressão maior unipolar (DSM-IV, 1997), bem como a influência da terapia medicamentosa com fluoxetina em um estudo duplo-cego longitudinal controlado com placebo. Fizeram parte do estudo trinta sujeitos com idades entre 10 e 14 anos e diagnosticados com depressão, randomizados para o uso de fluoxetina ou placebo. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados quanto à elaboração livre de textos orais e escritos e à recontagem de textos (fábulas de Êsopo ou La Fontaine) na etapa 0 (sem o uso de medicação) e na etapa 3 (três meses após a introdução de medicação ou placebo). Os textos foram analisados de acordo com o modelo de Kintsch e Van Dijk (1978), baseado no número de macro e microestruturas produzidas e/ou recordadas e nos componentes relativos à superestrutura textual. A este modelo foi acrescida a análise do conteúdo proposicional (positivo, negativo ou neutro), com o intuito de observar o fenômeno da memória condizente com o humor". Não foram observadas diferenças significativas com relação a esses critérios entre os grupos ou períodos analisados, nem quanto à produção e/ou recontagem de textos orais ou escritos, mesmo com a melhora da sintomatologia clínica observada por meio da escala CDRS (Poznanski & Mokros, 1996). / The aim of this study was to evaluate the textual production and recontagem of children with unipolar major depression (DSM-IV, 1997), and the influence of drug therapy with fluoxetine in a longitudinal, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Thirty subjects with depression, aged between 10 and 14 years, were selected and randomized for the use of fluoxetine or placebo. Both groups were analyzed regarding to spontaneous oral and written production and to the recontagem of the texts (Esopos or La Fontaines fables) in the period zero (without medication) and period 3 (three months after starting placebo or fluoxetine). The texts were analyzed according to Kintsch and Van Dijks model (1978), taking in account the number of macro and microstructures elaborated and/or recalled and the textual superstructure. We added to this model the proposition-content analysis (positive, negative or neutral), in order to observe the mood-congruent memory" phenomenon. Regarding these criteria, no differences were found amongst the groups or periods analyzed, neither amongst the oral and written elaborated or recontados texts, even after the improvement of clinical symptoms evaluated by CDRS scale (Poznanski and Mokros, 1996).
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Kostnadseffektivisering och kvalitetsförbättring gällande hantering av skärvätskaBrosgård, Philip, Fahlman, Anna January 2015 (has links)
Projektet bestod i att ge underlag för lämpliga och användbara lösningar för effektivisering av Kockums Maskins skärvätskehantering och kostnadsrelaterade faktorer gällande företagets skärvätska. En grundlig undersökning av lämpligt material inom projektets huvudsakliga område gjordes till en början för att därefter resultera i en vidare analys av företagets nuvarande system och hantering av skärvätskor. Utifrån denna analys påbörjades en vidare undersökning om möjliga förslag om förbättring gällande de berörda problemen. Genom direktkontakt med flertalet företag och personer inom hantering/inköp samt befintlig dokumentation gällande skärvätska, erhölls ett flertal lösningar och förbättringsförslag som senare utvärderades och användes vid framtagning av det sökta projektresultatet. Problematiken gällande valet av lösningar har att göra med det faktum att det krävs omfattande kompetens inom varje typ av lösningsgrupp för att uppfylla de krav och förhållanden som finns hos Kockums Maskin. Därmed har avgränsningar gjorts gällande direkta val av lösningar för att istället ge förslag på lämpliga lösningar gällande förbättring av kvalitet, som indirekt bör sänka den årliga kostnaden av skärvätska, utifrån Kockums Maskins egentliga behov. / The project was to provide the basis for appropriate and useful solutions for any eventually streamlining of Kockums Maskin's cutting fluid management. Cost-related factors regarding the company's cutting fluid are also included in this part. A detailed examination of suitable material within the project's main area were initially and subsequently result in a further analysis of the company's existing systems and management, regarding cutting fluids. Based on this analysis a further investigation on possible proposals was started for improvement regarding the issues involved with the solutions and the cutting fluids. Through direct contact with many companies and individuals in management/purchasing and existing documentation regarding cutting fluid, obtained a several solutions and suggestions for improvement regarding the searched area. This result was then later evaluated and used in the development of the project results. The problem regarding the choice of solutions has to do with the fact that it requires extensive expertise in every type of area to meet the requirements and conditions that Kockums Maskin demands. Thus, the boundaries claimed the election of solutions to instead provide suggestions for suitable solutions regarding the improvement of quality, which indirectly should lower the annual cost of cutting fluid, based on Kockums Maskin's actual needs.
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"O texto de crianças e adolescentes com depressão maior unipolar" / The text of children and adolescents with unipolar major depressionTelma Pantano 11 March 2005 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a elaboração e a recontagem de histórias de crianças com o diagnóstico de depressão maior unipolar (DSM-IV, 1997), bem como a influência da terapia medicamentosa com fluoxetina em um estudo duplo-cego longitudinal controlado com placebo. Fizeram parte do estudo trinta sujeitos com idades entre 10 e 14 anos e diagnosticados com depressão, randomizados para o uso de fluoxetina ou placebo. Ambos os grupos foram avaliados quanto à elaboração livre de textos orais e escritos e à recontagem de textos (fábulas de Êsopo ou La Fontaine) na etapa 0 (sem o uso de medicação) e na etapa 3 (três meses após a introdução de medicação ou placebo). Os textos foram analisados de acordo com o modelo de Kintsch e Van Dijk (1978), baseado no número de macro e microestruturas produzidas e/ou recordadas e nos componentes relativos à superestrutura textual. A este modelo foi acrescida a análise do conteúdo proposicional (positivo, negativo ou neutro), com o intuito de observar o fenômeno da memória condizente com o humor. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas com relação a esses critérios entre os grupos ou períodos analisados, nem quanto à produção e/ou recontagem de textos orais ou escritos, mesmo com a melhora da sintomatologia clínica observada por meio da escala CDRS (Poznanski & Mokros, 1996). / The aim of this study was to evaluate the textual production and recontagem of children with unipolar major depression (DSM-IV, 1997), and the influence of drug therapy with fluoxetine in a longitudinal, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study. Thirty subjects with depression, aged between 10 and 14 years, were selected and randomized for the use of fluoxetine or placebo. Both groups were analyzed regarding to spontaneous oral and written production and to the recontagem of the texts (Esopos or La Fontaines fables) in the period zero (without medication) and period 3 (three months after starting placebo or fluoxetine). The texts were analyzed according to Kintsch and Van Dijks model (1978), taking in account the number of macro and microstructures elaborated and/or recalled and the textual superstructure. We added to this model the proposition-content analysis (positive, negative or neutral), in order to observe the mood-congruent memory phenomenon. Regarding these criteria, no differences were found amongst the groups or periods analyzed, neither amongst the oral and written elaborated or recontados texts, even after the improvement of clinical symptoms evaluated by CDRS scale (Poznanski and Mokros, 1996).
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A Java image editor and enhancerDarbhamulla, Lalitha 01 January 2004 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to develop a Java Applet that provides all the tools needed for creating image fantasies. It lets the user pick a template and an image, and combine them together. The user can then apply image processing techniques such as rotation, zooming, blurring etc according to his/her requirements.
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Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks in digital radiographyDavidson, Robert Andrew January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Radiographic film/screen (F/S) images have a narrow latitude or dynamic range. The film’s ability to record and view all the anatomy within the x-ray field is limited by this narrow dynamic range. The advent of digital radiographic means of storing and displaying radiographic images has improved the ability to record and visualise all of the anatomy. The problem still exists in digital radiography (DR) when radiographic examinations of certain anatomical regions are undertaken. In this work, the value of anatomically shaped radiographic contrast-enhancement masks (RCMs) in improving image contrast and reducing the dynamic range of images in DR was examined. Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks are digital masks that alter the radiographic contrast in DR images. The shape of these masks can be altered by the user. Anatomically shaped RCMs have been modelled on tissue compensation filters (TCFs) commonly used in F/S radiographic examinations. The prime purpose of a TCF is to reduce the dynamic range of photons reaching the image receptor and hence improve radiographic contrast in the resultant image. RCMs affect the dynamic range of the image rather than the energy source of the image, that of the x-ray photons. The research consisted of three distinct phases. The first phase was to examine physical TCFs and their effects on F/S radiographic images. Physical TCFs are used in radiographic F/S examinations to attenuate the x-ray beam to compensate for varying patient tissue thicknesses and/or densities. The effect of the TCF is to reduce resultant radiographic optical density variations in the image, allowing the viewer to observe a range of densities within the image which would otherwise not be visualised. Physical TCFs are commonly aluminium- or lead-based materials that attenuate the x-ray beam. A TCF has varying physical thickness to differentially attenuate the iii beam and is shaped for specific anatomical situations. During this project, various commonly used physical TCFs were examined. Measurements of size and thickness were made. Characteristics of linear attenuation coefficients and half-value thicknesses were delineated for various TCF materials and at various energies. The second phase of the research was to model the physical TCFs in a digital environment and apply the RCMs to DR images. The digital RCMs were created with similar characteristics to mimic the shapes to the physical TCFs. The RCM characteristics can be adjusted by the viewer of the image to suit the anatomy being imaged. Anatomically shaped RCMs were designed to assist in overcoming a limitation when viewing digital radiographic images, that of the dynamic range of the image. Anatomically shaped RCMs differ from other means of controlling the dynamic range of a digital radiographic image. It has been shown that RCMs can reduce the range of optical densities within images with a large dynamic range, to facilitate visualisation of all anatomy within the image. Physical TCFs are used within a specific range of radiographic F/S examinations. Digital radiographic images from this range of examinations were collected from various clinical radiological centres. Anatomically shaped RCMs were applied to the images to improve radiographic contrast of the images. The third phase of the research was to ascertain the benefits of the use of RCMs. Various other methods are currently in use to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It is generally accepted that these methods also introduce noise into the image and hence reduce image quality. Quantitative comparisons of noise within the image were undertaken. The anatomically shaped RCMs introduced less noise than current methods designed to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It was shown that RCM methods do not affect image quality. Radiographers make subjective assessment of digital radiographic image quality as part of their professional practice. To assess the subjective quality of images enhanced with anatomically shaped RCMs, a survey of radiographers and other iv qualified people was undertaken to ascertain any improvement in RCM-modified images compared to the original images. Participants were provided with eight pairs of image to compare. Questions were asked in the survey as to which image had the better range of optical densities; in which image the anatomy was easiest to visualise; which image had the simplest contrast and density manipulation for optimal visualisation; and which image had the overall highest image quality. Responses from 123 participants were received and analysed. The statistical analysis showed a higher preference by radiographers for the digital radiographic images in which the RCMs had been applied. Comparisons were made between anatomical regions and between patient-related factors of size, age and whether pathology was present in the image or not. The conclusion was drawn that digital RCMs correctly applied to digital radiographic images decrease the dynamic range of the image, allowing the entire anatomy to be visualised in one image. Radiographic contrast in the image can be maximised whilst maintaining image quality. Using RCMs in some digital radiographic examinations, radiographers will be able to present optimised images to referring clinicians. It is envisaged that correctly applied RCMs in certain radiographic examinations will enhance radiographic image quality and possibly lead to improved diagnosis from these images.
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Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks in digital radiographyDavidson, Robert Andrew January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Radiographic film/screen (F/S) images have a narrow latitude or dynamic range. The film’s ability to record and view all the anatomy within the x-ray field is limited by this narrow dynamic range. The advent of digital radiographic means of storing and displaying radiographic images has improved the ability to record and visualise all of the anatomy. The problem still exists in digital radiography (DR) when radiographic examinations of certain anatomical regions are undertaken. In this work, the value of anatomically shaped radiographic contrast-enhancement masks (RCMs) in improving image contrast and reducing the dynamic range of images in DR was examined. Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks are digital masks that alter the radiographic contrast in DR images. The shape of these masks can be altered by the user. Anatomically shaped RCMs have been modelled on tissue compensation filters (TCFs) commonly used in F/S radiographic examinations. The prime purpose of a TCF is to reduce the dynamic range of photons reaching the image receptor and hence improve radiographic contrast in the resultant image. RCMs affect the dynamic range of the image rather than the energy source of the image, that of the x-ray photons. The research consisted of three distinct phases. The first phase was to examine physical TCFs and their effects on F/S radiographic images. Physical TCFs are used in radiographic F/S examinations to attenuate the x-ray beam to compensate for varying patient tissue thicknesses and/or densities. The effect of the TCF is to reduce resultant radiographic optical density variations in the image, allowing the viewer to observe a range of densities within the image which would otherwise not be visualised. Physical TCFs are commonly aluminium- or lead-based materials that attenuate the x-ray beam. A TCF has varying physical thickness to differentially attenuate the iii beam and is shaped for specific anatomical situations. During this project, various commonly used physical TCFs were examined. Measurements of size and thickness were made. Characteristics of linear attenuation coefficients and half-value thicknesses were delineated for various TCF materials and at various energies. The second phase of the research was to model the physical TCFs in a digital environment and apply the RCMs to DR images. The digital RCMs were created with similar characteristics to mimic the shapes to the physical TCFs. The RCM characteristics can be adjusted by the viewer of the image to suit the anatomy being imaged. Anatomically shaped RCMs were designed to assist in overcoming a limitation when viewing digital radiographic images, that of the dynamic range of the image. Anatomically shaped RCMs differ from other means of controlling the dynamic range of a digital radiographic image. It has been shown that RCMs can reduce the range of optical densities within images with a large dynamic range, to facilitate visualisation of all anatomy within the image. Physical TCFs are used within a specific range of radiographic F/S examinations. Digital radiographic images from this range of examinations were collected from various clinical radiological centres. Anatomically shaped RCMs were applied to the images to improve radiographic contrast of the images. The third phase of the research was to ascertain the benefits of the use of RCMs. Various other methods are currently in use to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It is generally accepted that these methods also introduce noise into the image and hence reduce image quality. Quantitative comparisons of noise within the image were undertaken. The anatomically shaped RCMs introduced less noise than current methods designed to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It was shown that RCM methods do not affect image quality. Radiographers make subjective assessment of digital radiographic image quality as part of their professional practice. To assess the subjective quality of images enhanced with anatomically shaped RCMs, a survey of radiographers and other iv qualified people was undertaken to ascertain any improvement in RCM-modified images compared to the original images. Participants were provided with eight pairs of image to compare. Questions were asked in the survey as to which image had the better range of optical densities; in which image the anatomy was easiest to visualise; which image had the simplest contrast and density manipulation for optimal visualisation; and which image had the overall highest image quality. Responses from 123 participants were received and analysed. The statistical analysis showed a higher preference by radiographers for the digital radiographic images in which the RCMs had been applied. Comparisons were made between anatomical regions and between patient-related factors of size, age and whether pathology was present in the image or not. The conclusion was drawn that digital RCMs correctly applied to digital radiographic images decrease the dynamic range of the image, allowing the entire anatomy to be visualised in one image. Radiographic contrast in the image can be maximised whilst maintaining image quality. Using RCMs in some digital radiographic examinations, radiographers will be able to present optimised images to referring clinicians. It is envisaged that correctly applied RCMs in certain radiographic examinations will enhance radiographic image quality and possibly lead to improved diagnosis from these images.
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